GRE Issue Essay

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Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

(1) Formal education can restrain minds if the focus is on test taking and good grades -grad schools -sats -focus is on memorize facts (2) Quality education can ask students to evaluate a historical event and use their own words to express their opinions different from textbooks' -use example of philosphy class to free thinking

Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes

(1) Imagination is more important than experience -Writers, writers block (2) Fields require substantial knowledge and experience -War generals -Politician (3) Therapist 1000 hours, -Dentist -Surgeon

If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.

(1) Means cannot be justified if it is too great of a cost -example of movie of saving private ryan (2) Means of aittain goal have to be just -scientific research

Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species

(1) Primary goal of government is to ensure well-being of its members. So people would argue we dont need to make any particular efforts to save animals or plants. However, maintaining biodiversity and raising the standard of living are not mutually exclusive goals. -drugs derived from plants (2) Things caused by humans that do not require as much money -

Students should always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively

(CP)some may say the claim is too absolute, some subject, like math, only have one answer, However, -sometime there is better way to solve the problem (in 2 steps or 10 steps) -better teaching method, easier to understand -Should have the habit to ask "is this the best solution?" 2. Authority could be wrong: -Galileo Galilei (earth central vs. sun central) -earth is flat -China today, under qualified teacher 3. Critical thinking is an important skill to learn and practice -history: winner write it -be prepare for today's world, require a lot of one's own judgement, different information from different parties, advertisement, internet information 4. Good for learn--active learning -ask question -see pro and cons

In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field

- learn from previous conclusion and mistakes - can be a driving force for people - research papers used to write research papers( starting point) - Kobe bryant learned from MJ

The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.*

1. (CP) Undeniably, the trends of youth is an indispensable component of the contemporary culture. - youth are the future - music - culture - attitude -political views 2. However, some culture among the youth are just temporary. - young adult are still in the stage of explore their self and identity - attitude and worldviews can change from time to time - eg. many young people are addicted to the video game or have strange hair style, but that is just a stage of growing up, it won't be the same 5 years later 3. However, only study youth is not enough to get the complete picture of the contemporary culture. - middle age group, the biggest impact to the society, most politically active - influential author or speaker are likely to be middle age rather than the yough 4. studying contemporary culture cannot ignore traditional culture - deeply rooted in culture - sometime young adult may don't put much attention on them but start to go back to the tradition when they grow up - Chinese American, spring festival, fish dish

Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed.

1. Facing disaster, avoid panic and riot - uncertain situation, unnecessary panic Ex: Asteroid 2. Technology -how to make a bomb Reasons where government should be more open: -taxpayers have right to monitor how government officials do their job -how tax money is spent

Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.

1. First question, what is the reliable method to detect talent -some talent does not reveal at early age -some seemly talent is just early development (girl vs boy, develop faster, better grade in early age) -How much weight should put on the special training and how much weight placed on develop other skills -if not answered thoughtfully, not only damage the child but also is a lose of the society to what degree: what if a child with great talent of math actually want to be a artist 2. Unfair to the children -their path is decided before they even aware or understand -no chance to explore other options and interest -if extra time on training the talent, no time to play and be a kid 3. Negative influence on child's development -always seen as special: complacent, lack of respect to other -outsider: not fit in with others, lack of social skill, no sense of belonging -lose interest about other thing: become ignorant about the subjects outside one's talent.

The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones

1. Parents: need to teach young children right and wrong in the young age -Children are like sponge, absorb everything (pick up cruising, stealing) -easier to point out the wrongdoing before it become a habit 2. Teacher/School: how to be a moral person - A bully who get straight As - smart student who is complacent 3. Workplace: constructive criticism--allow growing -mistake need to be point out in order for correct -employer have more experience about how to do the job best, safe the employee time to figure out by them own

Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals

1. Wartime/crisis 2. Different groups have different ideals, pursuing exclusive ideals hinder progress 3. Idealism can lead to extremism -WWII japan -terrorism

Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.

Agree 1. (CP) Positive influence of competition for high grade - reflect one's academic performance, encourage working hard, give motivation; However, focus too much on the grade may lead to overlook of comprehension -cramming: learning a lot in short time then forget all -key points: memorized name and year without comprehension -get easy A then no longer study 2. In the real world, work place, score does not mean ability -skilled at test-taking but no communication, people skill -don't know how to be a responsible worker -memorize text-book, not critical thinking skills, can't make independent decision -only interesting about book learning, not interested about outside world, nerd 3. Too much competition is not good for the students -high pressure--mental disorder: suicide, depression (suicide in China among college students) -no friendly learning environment, fear to express one's own feeling

True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one sets for oneself

Agree 1. Different definition/view of success 2. DIfferent aspiration/goal in life 3. Different opportunity/ background

People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences

Agree 1. Yes, people should not make impulsive decision, if time allow, should always consider the consequence - quit job because a argument with co-worker - suicide because a breakup 2. Circumstance does not alway allow - time sensitive: wartime - emergence 3. Not sufficient information - disease with no available treatment, go on trial - constant change situation/market today 4. some occupation requires immediate decision - firefighter - emergence doctor - policeman/soilder/spy

Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.

Agree (1) Public opinion is not united, and changes fast. -ex of building projects and how people might change their mind (2) Public opinion is not often the right opinion -personal interest over good of society (3) Takes persistence to make progress -healthcare, civil rights

The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things

Agree 1. The early development of humans derived from basic needs -clothing -weapons for protection -tools for farming 2. Along the way of development, many great inventions were inspired by everyday things -industrial revoluton: James Watt, steam engine, pot, boiled up water push up the lid -Newton: gravity apple -Archimedies: Water displacement in shower 3. Nature inspires great ideas -wright brothers 4. Areas where it's not involved in interest of common ideas, science, math -Furthering the field -

In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.

Agree College education is not just about developing professional skills; its about becoming well-rounded, which involves a genuine understanding of human nature and world around this. Only through course requirement can these students be given the incentive to read imaginative works systematically. 1. Reading imaginative literature provides opportunities for students to learn about the world and themselves that are not available in other disciplines (CP-Students can read literature works on their own) But, there are many distractions to students that could prevent them from doing such a thing. Course work provides the incentive for students to do well. Importance of professors guiding the students to understand the imaginative works.

The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition

Agree Cooperation is essential for organizations. Competition is important for young individuals. (1) Future leaders need to understand the importance of cooperation with an organization . Different people with experience need to work together practically -government, work projects, research (2) Young people learn how to compete through formal schooling.

It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves

Agree Identity is a complex and perplexing issue. Can develop over the life-span. Many ways in which we can identify ourselves. Identity through social groups, and identity through who we believe we are. (1) Identity through social groups. I am a baseball player (2) Identity through self. -Personality traits -Uniqueness

Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.

Agree Intro: Countries nearing economic turmoil have an important decision to make. These nations must tightly budget their money. As a result, the leaders of that country must successfully determine the priorities of the nation and its people. For any great nation to prosper, it must first meet basic survival needs. (1) Art not considered one of basic elements of survival -Maslows heirachy -can't enjoy art unless needs are met -does not help the economy (2) Failure to meet people's needs can lead to devastating consequences EX: American revolution (3) Government spending for the arts does not create jobs

No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field

Agree Intro: In modern society, academic scholars constantly learn from researchers outside their fields to make new progress in their own field. Discuss in terms of tools, theories, and new practices of research. (1) Reliance on fundamental fields for methodological tools. -Development of pure mathematics aided by the field of computer science (2) Scholars in applied social sciences also need theoretical insights and inspiration from more basic social sciences. -Take for instance Psychology drawing from theories of physics. Every reaction has an opposite reaction -Biology drawing from (3) Borrowing research practice ideas. -Idea of crowdsourcing by Oxford Dictionary -Polymath follows that idea

Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image.

Agree Popular culture today, people pay attention to gossipy and pretty faces - singers do not necessary to have good voice, just need pretty face and fit body - Chinese singer, lip synch - celebrity gain popularity by plastic surgery and expensive outfit 2. Appealing image is not only important among celebrities, but also affect people's attitude towards goods. - today many product in the market have very similar function and quality - creating an appealing image become an essential part of competition - sell the product by celerity - middle age lady on chicken soup package and claim it as homemade - bigger cookie size on ice ream and say extra cookies 3. The trends of only care about appearance is dangerous, because it also affect people's preference in politic - taller, fit, white mate candidate seems more reliable - vote by looking among Chinese American who do not follow politics - psychology experiment of two man (tall vs. short) on the street, ask people to guess their income

Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation must be the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. Reason: Great achievements by a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of that nation's people

Agree Intro: Adress what it means to be a great nation. In order to be a great nation, the needs of the majority of the nation's people have to be met. (1) If the basic needs are met (education, food, etc) These individuals have the chance to become scholarly learners and among the elite. Maslow's heirachy makes these individuals have to meet basic needs first. (2) Disagree Intro: Define nation's greatness as the ability to make a stamp on history and scientific field. (1) Research in science is done by the elites -benefits people all over the world Ex: Einstein (2) Historical terms, nations with great leaders often had a lot of poor. But they contributed greatly to the advancement of civilization

It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere to them

Agree.. Introduction: Wikipedia defines a belief as a state of mind in which a person thinks something be the case with or without empirical evidence. Once presented with factual information, people in different circumstances have a choice: to comprise their beliefs or to blindly adhere to them. Which path is more harmful is dependent on the situation in which individuals find themselves. (1) Religious people and their entire belief system being rooted in faith -they grew up in this faith -they made friends through this system -benefited psychologiclly and socially -to suddenly leave would mean to hurt themselves in those areas (2) Scientific researchers Ex: Exercise Science Specialist as an example -machines

To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.

Agree... Introduction: The prerequisites to becoming an effective leader is quite vague. Some argue that to be an effective leader. Effective leaders (1) After defining standard of morality, the needs of society come first. (2) Failing in this regard will garner a lot of hatred from public support.

Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development

Agreed. Scientific research and development does not usually threaten the social order and national security. Principle of academic freedom says that government should allow maximum freedom for the scientists and researchers to purse any projects they are interested in (1) These projects have to go through lengthy IRB processes anyway (2) Funding would not be given to projects

The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

Computer don't have imagination - the different between human and animal is imagination - computer can editing, however can't create - advanced technology may be came mimic a great author or artist work, but it can never create an original one 2. Computer don't have the flexibility - however, when face novel situation, it need to update by human - new needs in the market, need human engineer to update it - account program, computer can do math, however, when the tax law changes, need human account to adjust it 3. Computer doesn't have emotion and sympathy - computer interpret cannot interpret the subtlety and emotion in one's voice - computer can't be therapist because it don't have emotion, only have robotic response - computer cannot nurture children like human mother

Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them

Demands provide opportunity for leaders to step up -revolutionary leader -ghandi Sometimes generated by system -china -election Need more than demands to create a leader -persistence -clear goal -influence to people Leaders have to receive relevant training to acquire the professional qualifications and expertise that are necessary for the leadership positions. -ex phd Agree People can become a leader when demands are there. -ex 9/11 attacks

Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.

Depends on field 1. In sports seeking immediate recognition and fame through hard work will allow for better resources to support career development -athletes retire early 2. Long term goals should be pursued in academic fields -undergraduate then PhD under supervision of more senior researchers -undergrad level: goal is to get to know the field 3. Politics -need to gain experience example of president obama as president...

The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries

Depends on field we are talking about (1) In politics, people are often biased towards a party and can't adequately assess those in office. We have to wait decades to see how these results played out. (2) Today, with internet and media, nameless people's greatness can be seen as well. - firefighter who safe live - speakers on TED - learn hero is not perfect - although need to be critical about the massive amount of information from internet

Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field

Depends on the field, (1) In fields where it's hard to understand the materials, this statement holds true -science -medical -people need to have enough knowledge to understand the study in order to give opinion EX: Articles online (2) In some fields, the non-expert gives the best opinion. -education system: students -movie/book: audience -new product/dish: customer's feedback

Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people

Disagree 1. No one can predict the result of a research with confidence - computer science: no one knew that it was going to change the world - many products are both beneficial and harmful: eg. ipad - (+): benefit so many people, eg, my grandparents can communicate with family all over the world - (-): everyone is on ipad on family gather 2. Scientists should conduct their research base on their interest and passion, rather than outside factors, such as fame and money - many great discovery were the result of scientists' curious minds and love of knowledge, then later lead to applications - intrinsic motivation: love of knowledge vs extrinsic motivation: fame and money - success is the byproduct when one is doing the thing one loves 3. Today, benefit human is no longer the only focus, researchers also need to prioritize on protecting environment - some project may be not directly benefit human, but it's good for the environment - eg. protect endangered animal and keep ecosystem in balance - some project may be benefit a great number of people, however, put environment at stake - eg. factory that would contaminate water

To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.

Disagree 1. What is the definition of big city? -size -population -historical significance -economy factors 2. (CP) Major cities are windows through which people can have a peek of the society, however, to understand the characteristics only study major cities are is not enough -not representative, each city has one's own culture -Salt Lake City vs. SF : conservative vs. liberal -Beijing vs. Hong Kong: different language, different history 3. Today all big cities are alike, study small can have a better taste of the true characteristic - modernized, globalized: Beijing, Tokyo & New York share similarities -diverse population, big shopping mall, fast food, fast pace, international hoilday, high building, freeway -small town, better reserved tradition and values

Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country

Disagree It's well-intended, in the globalize world, learning new language and culture is beneficial for students, however, not practice 1. Financially: for some students, the cost of attending university is already a burden. -income: part-time students, study abroad will likely to lose the income a. international students are not allowed to work b. don't have enough language skills to find works - cost: live-home students, study abroad will have to pay for extra rent 2. Other responsibility: -single parents -housewife -have elderly parent -new immigrants who still struggle with English -the requirement will discourage these population to gain higher level education 3. Not all majors will be benefited to study abroad -law: different law between country -psychology: different requirement for certificate -medical field: specialized terms 4. time-consuming -need to start from high school -several years to be able to read and write at college level -certain field require even higher skills: medical field, law

Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students. Reason: College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions.

Disagree 1. Goal of college is not to teach student how to follow direction -different from high school, maybe is beneficial to have a clear guideline -college's goal is to teach students how to think independently and make decision for one's own -decision making skill is important in life and workplace 2. College is a time to be introduced to variety of subject and be a well-rounded person -math -humanity -history -culture/language -critical thinking 3. By introducing student variety of subjects and provide student different courses in each categories, students can explore their interest -future career: eg. my example, Asian American study combine with my major, want to work for Chinese American community -lifelong learning habit: inspired interest in history -learning skill: learn how to learn

Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition

Disagree 1. Not all professions require college level education -not enough people to fill up the position that requires skills rather than college education -college education does not train people into dependent workers 2. Heavy burden on government financially -sacrifice other areas such as health care, retirement, technology -little money to go around 3. Good to provide education to the people who are interested to pursue, provide a portion of tuition, give part time job to student who has financial need to pay off the rest 4. Everyone would want to take advantage of it -lose momentum to work hard

In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

Disagree Intro: Can't be understood by mahority of people due to inertexuality, generation gap, and cultural barriers (1) Must have knowledge of works Example: Delaware's crossing of george washing (2) Cultural barrier (3) Generation gap -novels about puppy love not appreciated by older people -mid life crisis difficult for teenagers

Claim: The best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint. Reason: Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea.

Disagree Intro: Which aspects are the argument challenging? (premise, evidence, and reasoning process of an argument) If people do not agree with the basic premise of an argument, it would be fruitless to try and convince them. Example argument:

In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions

Disagree Introduction: Experts have better developed skills and technique, have more thorough knowledge of the field and have access to different resources necessary for making contribution. (1) Experts are well-trained with skills and techniques that are necessary for making contributions to the field. (ex: computer science, physical therapists, (2) Thorough knowledge of the field is advantageous to experts in academia -they must review the literature before starting one's own research projects (3) Experts usually have more resources at their disposal -they usually get more funding. -more likely to accept grant application from an expert

In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge

Disagree Introduction: Knowledge is fundamental to imagination. Imagination is often touted as the distinctive capability that engenders virtually every success. Innovative professionals, and erudite scholars who made grandiose achievements in their fields are presented to have had one "uracha moment" which led to an important discovery. However, a detailed look at their lives, often reveals a strong predilection for knowing more. While a thought spark may have been responsible for putting it all together, it is the fact that the brain had sufficient building blocks of knownledge that those moments become realised. Thus, knowledge is fundamental to imagination, and somewhat more important to virtually all professions. (1) Albert einstein needed basic knowledge to create theory of relativity -research (2) Need knowledge to progress Without studying the past, we would reinvent the wheel and recreate past mistakes (3) Entry level jobs provide knowledge to get experience into the field.

Educators should teach facts only after their students have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts.

Disagree Introduction: Teaching involves presenting facts and discussing the ideas, trends and concepts that may help students better understand the facts. Whether teachers should teach facts after discussing the explanations depends on the reasons why the facts have to be taught in the particular educational contexts as well as the learning abilities of the students. I'll explain my position with some specific examples (1) Purpose of fact just being used to solve problems. Such as prime numbers example (2) Don't talk about ideas behind facts that students aren't ready to understand (3) Sometimes student needs to learn ideas and ideologies behind facts understand why things are done -political science

Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

Disagree Laws are the rules which are formulated to bring peace and order in the society. In the absence of laws and legal system, the society must be chaoitc and orderless. Laws could influence the people's immoral behavior if implemented in an appropriate manner. While people may have underlying will to kill someone in a tussel. Laws would prevent the person of doing so Laws broken are few and far in between compared to the many laws that are followed.

We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own. Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

Disagree.. 1. View the situation from different standpoint -different background -best way to see it in overall picture -wide application of brain storming 2. Opportunity to reexam the plan and find flaw 3. While some argue that disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. They ignore the fact that discussion does not have to be stressful, it can be friendly -keep disagreement on issue rather than the person who holds different view point -learning can not occur during sensitive topics such as religion EX: Atheist vs Religious person

Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.

Due to the development of modern technology, many people are concerned about how to preserve their nations' cultural traditions and promote their national identities for the new generations who have been exposed to globalised culture with little local flavour. Since government resources are limited, it is argued that major cities should be the top priority for financial support because the cultural traditions are generated and preserved here. While I agree that major cities are important for preserving and generating cultural tradition, other areas are equally important in many countries. Since cultural programs in major cities can receive support from different financial sources such as advertising, donation of city residents and big corporations, Explore alternative scenarios or possibilities government money should be invested to programs in small towns and rural regions where resources from private sectors are not available. (1) Major cities are important sites for preserving, generating, and celebrating cultural traditions. -ex: statue of liberty (2) Other funding sources available for cities. -ex: national park service receives ticket from thousands of tourists who visit all over the world. -they receive volunteers (3) Small towns should get the taxpayers money

The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.

Examples of cars fast-tracking life but causing road rage, sedentary lifestyles (2) Fast food (3) Email an extra stress of burden

Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero. Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.

False Tiger Woods as counter point

The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority

Focus on education For groups of people such as secondary school students and employees in factories and companies, challenging the school teachers and the supervisors will disrupt the normal operations of schools and firms that would harm the well-beings of the society. Ex: Adolescents (2) Employees in manufacturing and service sectors need to follow a set of rules if the society is to prosper economically (3) In science, questions are good -research

Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain

Human activites since Industrial Revolution has brought enormous impact to the natural environmentof the earth. The size of wilderness areas worldwide has declined dramatically over the last few centuries. It is understandable that many environmentalists call for legislation to preserve the remaining wilderness areas. I believe that such policies are not suitable for nations where people are still fighting against poverty or struggle to meet the basic demands of their citizens such as housing. On the other hand for more developed nations, a policy focusing on conservation and sustainable development is more desirable than the proposed preservation legislation. On the agreeing side Agree 1. Benefit for climate change - global warming - desertification 2. Important for biodiversity - endangered species - coexist species: predators keep other animals' population from grown exponentially, lose the balance the prey population grow too fast will wipe out plants and cause the extinction of the prey and other species - chain reaction 3. preserve wilderness areas can promote economic gain bt provide tourism revenue - Thailand - countryside vacation place

Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application. Reason: It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.

I agree 1. No one can predict the result of a research with confidence - computer science: no one knew that it was going to change the world - many products are both beneficial and harmful: eg. ipad - (+): benefit so many people, eg, my grandparents can communicate with family all over the world - (-): everyone is on ipad on family gather 2. Today,s world changes rapidly, people can not foresee the future - 30 years ago, nobody know computer and internet will change how people live life entirely - 50 years ago, global warming is not yet a problem, people did not need to consider environmental sustainability 3. Lastly, who has the authority to decide which research's consequence is clear and what is the criterion - who: senior scientist ( can't think outside the box); CEO of the companies ( personal interest); politician (not expert in the field) - criterion: benefit the greatest number of people? sustainable to environment? produce economic gain?

Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone

In a competitive society, students are often competing and undergoing many stresses. These stresses can often wear students out. As a result, many people wonder what motivates these individuals to keep going. (1) Personal discipline is important (2) Kids can also be motivated by schools with good teachers, motivation to get into college with SAT -interest is best teacher

The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals

Intro: Depends on the attitudes we hold towards them. (1) Automobiles help extend the physical space we can reach in a small amount of time -empowering economically and socially (2) Adopting sedentary lifestyles -become lazy (3) Upper class rely on luxures to tell others they are rich, they may fail to pursue things in life that matter.

Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear

Intro: Government funding is a major source of financial support that researchers rely on. For those projects that may lead to commercial applications or ethical crisis, the government should not spend taxpayers' money on them. But for those theoretical research projects with no clear practical value, government support is essential. (1) Gov should refrain from suppporting projects that may lead to commercially valuable technologies or findings. -corporations can fund these projects on their own EX: Automobiles down by automobile industry (2) Another reason government should not be spent on research project that are dealing with ethically controversial issues. (Ex: human cloning ) (3) Theoretically oriented research projects won't get government spending as a result should get it from the government.

Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

Intro: High-stakes of job demand is causing students to think about the availability of jobs in the market. Availability of jobs can't be predicted. (1) Can't predict the availability of jobs ex: computer science (2) Jobs in field X do not always require degrees from field Y. -many employers do not care about major (3) Students won't perform as well if they are not interested

When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings

Intro: Historical buildings allow for education about the history of mankind. Give insight into living conditions of past. Eye-openers to past architecture. Instead of demolishing these builds, a balance must be struck between preservation of the old architecture and the construction of buildings designed to serve modern needs. Body: (1) Give light to how past civilizations lived. -information about construction techniques of past -understand past better, and past can be used to better future decision making EX: Pyramids in giza, (2) Erase history Instead, update these places. (3) Put historical buildings into use

As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious

Intro: Ignorance is bliss. As we acquire more knowledge we know less. (1) History of universe and acquiring knowledge. Only want to know more (2) Great individual in the history also point out that the greater the knowledge they gain, the more mysterious they see the world - Newton: establish the theory of gravitation, 3 laws of motion; yet when he gain more understand of the world, he realized that stars and planets are move perfectly in some ways, and start to puzzle about the origin of the universe - Aristotle: the more you know the more you don't know (3) With modern knowledge and technology, the world is more complex with more issues - great power that can destroy the earth - modern technology and the loss of privacy: customize the shopping list, GPS tracking

In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero

Intro: Intensive media coverage ensures that celebrities are constantly being scrutinized. Argued that people can longer regard living celebrities as heroes given so much information about their not so honorable private lives. Social media interested in celebrities in their prime time, the older celebrities would only receive much attention when they pass away. Body: (1) In fields of entertainment and sports, can no longer describe celebrities as heroes. -They face temptations in their private lives, from being young and rich. ex: Tiger woods (2) In politics, it's hard to consider heroes as well. Ex: Clinton (3) Older celebrities may be considered heroes regarding their lifelong achievements. Can't do this however because people are given biased attention once in their prime time. Need to see how these accomplishments pan out.

Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.

Intro: While it is true that some important discoveries or creation were not anticipated by the explorers or researchers in advance, in most cases, knowledge and new products are constructed in a systematic way through which accidents are anomalous (1) Some dramatic events in the history mankind created an illusion that many discovers were accidental -discovery of new world by columbus (2) Many discoveries require sponsorship from some government organizations -make sure their money is spent well, these organizations have to write proposals -they review literature -set out clear methodology -little room for accidental discoveries

Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve

Introduction: In democratic society, government officials are often held responsible for their decisions related to their office duty. If they failed to perform their duties and satisfy their constituencies, they may lose the next election. Therefore, some people believe that government officials should make their decisions according to the will of the people instead of making their own judgements over different issues. In my opinion, government officials should always consult the public opinions when formulating important policies. Nevertheless, it is not reasonable to carry people's will unquestioningly because over important issues people are often divided and poorly informed. Therefore, government officials should do their jobs by taking into account various factors and let the people decide if they did a satisfactory job overall in the next election. (1) Take into account public opinion when it affects the individuals directly (2) Can't follow public opinion that is divided and uninformed -genetically modified food (3) When there is little time -use military examples

Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.

Introduction: Despite the industrialization of modern society, the arts and related activities are vital part of our daily life which provide important opportunities for entertainment, education, and reflection. Government funding is necessary for arts to flourish, however, the concern that government funding may compromise the integrity of the arts is a valid one. Sponsors arts indirectly through an independent committe as an antidote to potential threat of government funding to the integrity of the arts. Body: (1) Government funding is essential -hollywood movies get funding from big corporations -Public would not have opportunity to enjoy this work -support art schools and art museums (2) Can threaten integrity of the arts -Artworks can carry political meanings and messages; these messages can be corrupted by the donors -Example of Russian propaganda (3) Create an independent commission that distribute government funding

Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.

Introduction: Given complexity of modern society, scholars and researches are always looking for some shortcut to better understanding the character of a society. However, the best approach to analyzing society is too look at both the heroes and general public. This is because heroes can only sometimes represent society's highest ideals. (1) Sometimes the hereos and role models are chosen by powerful elite and corporations. -heoroes may be chosen with a purpose but not reflect the true value of society (2) Big corporations sponsoring celebrities are more likely to represent the values promoted by big corporations rather than the genuine preferences of the ordinary people. (3) Data collection can be just as easy

Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.

Introduction: In an ever-demanding capitalist society, the job market is becoming increasingly stiff and competitive. In most fields, there are few positions in contrast to the many workers that might be available. If one were to assume that the greatest importance of society is a well-nourished and flourishing economy, then it is of utmost importance to educational institutions to produce workers that benefit that aspect of society. Educational institutions have the responsibility to guide students toward a career path that they may excel in, while benefiting society as a whole in the process. Body (1) Money makes the world go round -maslow's hierarchy of needs (2) Educational instituions have best knowledge of real world of job prospects and cases of sucessful students (3) Cost of college is increasing every year

Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objective

Introduction: Leaders at all levels are confronted with the question that when should they hold on to a particular issue and when should they let it go and yield to public opinion? Great artists and thinkers may have decided to stick to their principles as they could have easily afforded to do so. The decisions taken by political leaders affect the entire nation and hence they have to think a lot before choosing between compromises and sticking to their principles. There are many times in the life of a leader when he has to decide between going in for a compromise and standing firm on principles. Successful leaders are those who make more number of correct decisions than the wrong ones, irrespective of whether these decisions were an outcome of a compromise or persuasion of their principles. Therefore, the decision making strategy for political leaders is a blend of yielding to public opinion and sticking to their principles in varying proportions. Public opinion are not always right - short-sighted - group interest/personal interest rather than well-being of the society - change quick and easy influenced 2. It take persistence to make progress - civil right - healthcare 3. Leader are selected because of their point of view - It's the leader's responsibility to lead the country and make it better - wartime, crisis, leader need to be clear 4. (CP) Of course, leader could make mistake as well, so need to be able to listen to public

Claim: In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.

Introduction: Leadership is vital for the success of any enterprises, whether it is in the field of business, education or public administration. It is argued that, in order to prevent power abuse and revitalize the organizations, those in the leadership positions should quit their jobs after a certain number of years. Government officials should only serve for a number of years. (1) In business it is important for stockholders to trust the managers of the businesses. (2) Education -example of university president building up experience Not all fields will benefit (3) Politics they should step down because there are evils from holding power too long.

Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them.

Introduction: Most schools offer a fixed curriculum to their students. It is only when they enroll into university that they will have some say in the things that they study, through applications for electives and ancillary courses. However, it will be immensely beneficial to extend this system to all educational levels, as giving students the choice to choose their curriculum allows them to be more involved in the course, caters to the different needs of students, and contrary to popular belief, does not lower the quality of education. Body (1) We are more motivated when given the choice to do what we want. (2) Tailor curriculum unique to student to fulfill they're needs (3) Does not involve a drop in educational standards. Important qualities of any job is critical thinking, writing, and communication. These courses that they hand-picked can be tailored to do it.

In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view

Introduction: Progress calls for a universal approach of problem solving, delving into matters which impeded a certain situation, and finding out ways to present an effective solution. We call it progress when ambiguities are resolved, obstructions eliminated and clear-cut comprehension of situations, facilitated. While aiming for progress in a particular realm, it becomes necessary to undertake a holistic approach for the better understanding of the situation; both the pros and cons thus be evaluated with equal respect. (1) Need to take in opinions of other people Ex: of changing policy of face to face interactions -to encompass needs of everybody, it becomes equally important to respect the contrasting opinions as those in favor (2) It is wise to view situations from different viewpoints. -contrasting views will provide insight into difficulties in carrying out a particular deed, or the shortocmings which remained buried under the veil of progress.

Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.

Introduction: The rule of law is an important pillar of modern society. It is argued that while people should always obey just laws, laws that are perceived as unjust should be disobeyed and resisted. As to the concern over the harm of unjust laws, people should try to reform them within the legal framework (1) Traffic light (2) Gay marriage. Take it about legally, conflict between government will not help solve the problem (3) How to challenge laws CP: Rosa parks. Sometimes it has to be resisted illegally.

Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.

Introduction: The society and corporation link is a long discussed sociological issue. Some argue that corporations must operate in a way that benefits society at large, while others contend that the only responsibility of corporations is to accumulate revenue (as long as they do so legally). However, the issue must be discussed in terms of the economic system these corporations are present in. In capitalist societies, the only goal these corporations should be worried about is indeed making money. On the flip side of the coin, however, corporations in social societies are more attuned to how they affect society. In the following essay, I will provide examples and further discuss the discrepancy. (1) Capitalist Societies -economic system thrives off of revenue -competition fuels efficiency EX: Doctors and apple competing for products (2) Socialist societies -deals directly with needs of the society at whole -motivating factor is human needs (3) Discuss how capitalism may ignore needs of the society

People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making

Introduction: To what extent people could control their own behaviors is an interesting question that concerns many psychologists, economists, philosophers. The question is important because we all desire freedom but at the same time are subject to different constraints. Due to industrialization of modern society, our behavior is largely determined by different social institutions such as corporations and marketing. (1) Assembly lines require all workers to perform the tasks. Society decides actions of individual (2) Consumerism decides choices through evasive marketing. (3) Can fight system. -Seen with criminals -enviornmentalists

Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could

It takes away from real issues at hand PR teams will quickly divert the attention and take away from real issues at hand, even more. To fix the numerous problems, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are

Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places

Laws should be flexible to a degree but maintain the stability for lawyers -example of killing in self defense 2. When law is too flexible it could lose the sense of authority -reliable laws has to have gravity and stability -rather than make laws flexible, new to focus on making specific laws to cover different situations 3. Unrealistic to have law that suits all place -different culture, customs -some culture is okay to have multiple wives -different problems -

Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach

Many faculty members may not find suitable jobs outside the universities, Policies may increase the attrition rates of faculty members in certain fields. Policy is not necessary for certain fields where close contact with the professional world is essential (1) Not easy to find jobs (2) Might lose professors (3) Might already have professors that seek other job opportunities.

Nations should require that all students study under the same national cirriculum

No Would assume that all children learn the same and that all teachers are capable of teaching the same material in the same way. It would stifle creativity and create a generation of drones. The uniformity would lend itself to governmental meddling in curriculum that could result in the destruction of democracy. If every teacher is forced to teach a certain text, the government need only change that text to misinform an entire generation. Lastly, a standardized curriciulum could also adversely affect students who come from lower income families or families who have little education as they might not have as many resources for learning outside of school. (1) Curriciulum if standardized leaves little room for exploratory learning. -one child may learn how to spell from reading (2) Different teaching methods (3) Learning should be enjoyable and children and adolescents should be taught not only the curriculum in school, but that the body of knowledge that exists in the world today is enormous and that you can learn your whole life. (4) Education system is designed to put all students on a level playing field -If standardized only those with better paying jobs will be able to afford the materials that allow these kids to do better.

Some people claim that the goal of politics should be the pursuit of an ideal. Others argue that the goal should be finding common ground and reaching reasonable consensus

Reach consesus 1. Wartime/with crisis -China -Great depression 2. Different groups have different ideal, pursue exlusive ideal hinder progress -working class vs middle class -different ethnic group 3. Idealism can lead to extremeism -WWII japan -terrorism 4. Solution about the different idealism: election

Some people believe that scientific discoveries have given us a much better understanding of the world around us. Others believe that science has revealed to us that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized

Science offers plausible explanations to many phenomena and events which are used to confuse and intimidate people in the past. -example of germs and how people came up with bizzare theories and treatments Social sciences have helped to explain and predict human behavior. Examples of science making it more complex. Advances in research cause us to ask more questions -theoretical physcists have long struggled to unify the theory of general relativity

Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.

Shouldn't be cut out from one Follow the example of global warming and fueling crisis (1) What has been done? (2)

People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole.*

Society as a whole interacts with a persons immediate situation to create the complex human experience as we know it. Attitudes are fundamentally shaped by society through education, media, and government policies which also, to a large extent, determine the situation and sorroundings in which we find ourselves. (1) example of social ettiquete from priority seating in buses (2) Marketing brainwashes us (3) Government policies -like gay marriage

Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future. Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.

TS: We should not mistrust facts that have been proved logically especially those in mathematics. For facts presented in science, while it is true that they may be proven false later, they can still be trusted in the domain where they are used to solve problems. Nevertheless, facts in politics should be treated with a grain of salt as the information is always colored by the bias of the observers.

The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time

Technology has greatly increased efficiency in the last century, - house chore - transportation - however, the increasing efficiency does not give people more leisure time 2. The reality is that nowadays people generally have less leisure time - technology freed people from simple tasks, however did not free people from pressure - today, seeking efficiency--> high pace, high productivity - less family time, no time for exercise, fast food culture, instant gratification, always run from one responsibility to another 3. Also, increasing efficiency should not be the primary goal of technological advancement, there are more important issues than merely seeking high productivity - environmental sustainability, alternative food for meat, alternative energy - protect ecosystem, endangered species - cure disease, improve medical treatment 4. more leisure time does not make people happier - retire people depress

Technology making us stupid?

Technology short circuits this thinking by making the problems obsolete. technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. -ex: automobiles increasing need for fuel we can even see how technology frees the human imagination. Consider how the digital revolution and the advent of the internet has allowed for an unprecedented exchange of ideas. WebMD, Example of using technology to think about erradicating Technology will always mark the human experience, from the discovery of fire to the implementation of nanotechnology. Given the history of the human race, there will be no limit to the number of problems, both new and old, for us to tackle. There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.

People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it.

True Depends on nature and domains of the ideas and policy. In the field of science and technology, scientists and engineers are often critical of the theories and designs they are committed to in order to make further progress. In the field of religion, the belief in supernatural being is based on faith, as a result, being critical is not part of the equation. (1) Scientists are often critical of their own theories and research ideas in order to continuously improve the ideas -open minded to the possibility that they could be wrong in light of new empirical evidence -willing to accept new paradigms (2) Engineers and video game designers are more critical of their ideas (3) Religious community is based on faith

All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.

better understand the development of their own children -know mo the teachers In the case that parents might not have the time to come to school, online callaboration with teachers and other parents -facebook used -help review proposals and contribute ideas online

Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance

teacher may focus too much on help student get higher grade and overlook the importance of student's comprehension -eg. China, test taking strategy (history, name and years ignore big picture; English, perfect score no communication skills) 2. Encourage unhealthy competition, treat differently -only focus on students who are likely to get better grade, ignore students who need extra help -focus on male on more on math, female less 3. If academic performance is the only factor, teachers may Ignore others aspects of students life. - school is a place only for book learning, but also a place to learn how to be a good person - eg. good grade and bully - smart and complacent - social life and emotional well-being 4. subject that is less important, such as art, might be ignore and don't have enough teacher

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