HBS unit3 Test

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"renaissance man"

process of lungs

1. air enters through nose and mouth and travel down trachea. Bronchial tubes branch from the tranchea and carry air through smaller passageways deep into lungs 2. Alveoli inflates- air reaches the end of the bronchial tubes and inflats, clusters of microscopic air sacs called alveoli 3. inside alveoli oxygen passes through extremly thin alveli walls and into tiny blood vesselsthat surround them. then its carried by the blood to all partsof body to be used as fuel 4. Waiting to exhlae- lungs can expel carbon dioxide now and prepare to draw fresh air in 5. diaphragm relaxes pushing upward against the lungs and the carbon dioxide rich air is forced out of the body

categories of bmi underweight


when and by who was BMI formulated

1840 by adolphe quetelet

how many spinchers stomach has

2 lower esophageal.. keeps stomach acid in stomach and pyloric spincher that regulates flow of food in stomach





into how many parts is the stomach divided into

4 cardia fundus corpus pylorus

morbidly obese


Lock and key model

Basic mechanism by which enzymes, catalyzes chemical reactions begins w/ the binding of the substrate to the active site on the enzyme.. the active site is the specific region of the enzyme,,, which convinces with the substrate.

Peristaltic movement

Constriction and relaxation of muscles in the esopagus Happneswhen food is consumed

who proposed the induced fit theory

Daniel koshland in 1958...theory asserts that when the active siste of the enzyme makes contact with the proper substrate the enzyme molds itself to the shape of teh molecule.

Who was first to suggest the lock and key analogy

Emil Fischer in 1894

. Lipase: They are found in most living organisms and perform essential roles in the digestion, transport, and processing of dietary lipids, fats, oils, etc. Some may also be found in viruses.


In addition to removing wastes, your kidneys release three important hormones:

Erythropoietin (eh-RITH-ro-POYeh-tin), or EPO, which stimulates the bones to make red blood cells. Renin (REE-nin), which regulates blood pressure. The active form of vitamin D, which helps maintain calcium for bones and for normal chemical balance in the body.

Where are enzymes made

From amino acids It is made by stringing together b/w 100 and 1,000 amino acids in an specific and unique way

lung capacity

Lung capacities are two or more lung volumes. For example, the total volume of a maximum inhale is the sum of tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume.

lung volume

Lung volumes are a series of measurements that are a part of pulmonary functions test. It measures the volumes of air that move in and out of the normal breathing cycle, as well as with additional effort.

how to use a peak flow meter

Move the marker to the bottom of the numbered scale. Stand up straight. Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs all the way. Hold your breath while you place the mouthpiece in your mouth, between your teeth. Close your lips around it. DO NOT put your tongue against or inside the hole. Blow out as hard and fast as you can in a single blow. Your first burst of air is the most important. So blowing for a longer time will not affect your result. Write down the number you get. But, if you coughed or did not do the steps right, do not write down the number. Instead, do the steps over again. Move the marker back to the bottom and repeat all these steps 2 more times. The highest of the 3 numbers is your peak flow number. Write it down in your log chart.

What does the induced fit theory assume

Substrate plays a role in determining the final shape of the enzyme and that enzyme is partially flexible ....This explains why certain compounds can bind to the enzyme but dont react bc the enzyme has been disorted too much.

how does oxygen we inhale get to all of our cells

The alveoli (air sacs) are surrounded by capillaries. The air goes through the walls of the alveoli and go onto the hemoglobin of the blood cells. The blood travels through the body.


The body mass index or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height,

Classification of enzyme lYASES

Type of reaction of catalyzed aDDITION TO DOUBLE BONDS OR ITS REVERSE

Classification of enzyme ligases or synthetases

Type of reaction of catalyzed formation of bonds w ATP clearage

Classification of enzyme Isomerases

Type of reaction of catalyzed isomerzation reactions

whats reffered to as the gastic juices

acids and enzymes

Where are coenzymes usually released from

active site of the enzyme following reaction

energy can be released by converting atp into

adp which is the 'uncahrged' form

the toungue is a connectin of muscles that

basiclaly chew and swallo

Co enzyme

bind to the enzyme and assit in enzyme activiy they can bind and react w many different enzymes so they're not specific to a particular. *Considered to be a 'secondary substrate'

chemical digestion occurs when the acids are excreted from the lining of the stomach to

break down proteins


breakdown and digest food in order to extract necessary nutrients from what you've eaten Stomach also releases food into small ntestine in a controlled and regulated manner

what happens during asthma flare up

breathing might be mysterious

inhale oxygen that our bodies need as fuel and exhale

carbon dioxide that our cells release into blood

renal sinus

cavity within the kidney which is occupied by the renal pelvis, renal calyces, blood vessels, nerves and fat.

carbon dioxide is waste created when

cells use oxygen


chewed food

by binding a third phophate group adp can be

chnaged to atp 'the charged form'

what type of muscle are spinchers

circumperential... can relax or constrict to regulate passage of material

How enzymes are named

commonly by adding suffix "-ase" to the root name of the substrate molecule Ex: lipASE: catalyzes the hydrolosis of lipi tryglicerides


connected to the duodenum or the beggining of the small intestine

Adenosine Triphosphate.

considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need to do just about everything we do.

3 different coenzymes

electron transfer coenzymes vitamin B12 derived coenzyme Coenzyme from vitamin B5 (B12B5E)

food that are sources of coenzymes

electron transfer coenzymes- oranges bc they contain vitamin C or arscobc acid that act as an electron donor changing in the process of dehydro as corbic acid Vitamin B12 derived coenzyme- Animal producs such as milk, fish, eggs, poltry Coenzyme from vitamind B5 - Chicken liver, sunflower seed, salmon, avocados, corn, brocoli, corn, mushroom

Amylase: They are enzymes that helps change starches into sugars. It is present in human saliva and in some other mammals. They help with digestion of foods that contain large amounts of starch, like potatoes and rice. The enzyme turns some of the starch into sugar, which is why when a person eats potatoes a sweet taste may be experienced.


Maltase: Also present in saliva, as well as the pancreas, breaks down sugars to form glucose.


Lock is the ....... while the key is the....


spinchers prevents acidic contents of the stomach from moving upward into



first portion of stomach and where food content passes form the esophagus into the stomach- acids and enzymes are reffered to as the 'gastric juices'

oral cavity, phalynx

first section of mouth is known as the oral cavit...contains cheek, teeth its borders in the from and to the sides


hypersensitive airways, lungs react to things other people might not be affected with can cause significant changes in airway which narrow the 'opening' making it hard to breath

changes in airway

inflamation bronchoconstriction- tightning of muscles that surround airway increase in mucus- can block airway

digestive enzymes breakdown large molecules

into smaller


is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.

Blood flows through renal artery to kidneys. 2. Waste is filtered out of the blood by nephrons. 3. Water is mixed with the waste collected. 4. The result is urine that is drained through the ureter into the bladder. 5. When your bladder is half full your body thinks "pee!" 6. When you pee it exits out your body through the urethra

kidney process

energy pathway

large food molecules such as fats carb and protein are pulled apart to releae the enrgy in their chemical bond this energy is then used in manyways including build up or snthesis of other large molecules

aids digestion

large intestine

bacteria fermentation of indigestible material

large intestine

categories of bmi staarvation

less than 14.9

atp stores energy

living things store energy mainly in form of chemical bonds w/in cells energy is constantly moved around frm one larger molecule to anotehr

is mucus affected by the acid or enzyme



normal category of BMI

active site

part of an enzyme to which substrates bind and where a reaction id catalyzed ....Binds to the substrate Enviroment conditions can affect an enzymes active site and the rate at which a chemical raction can proceed

What are enzymes

proteins that act as a catalyst w/in living cells...proteins that speed up the role of a chemical reaction in an organism. ..these proteins control the speed of chemical reactions in body ..without these reacions would take place way to slow to keep us alive. ** Enzymes also help cells communica w/ each other keeping cell growwth life and death under control.

At the junction of the seophagus and the stomach there is a

ring like valve closing the passage bw the 2 organs ... When the food approaches the closed ring the surroundings muscle relaxes and allows food to pass

cells in the stomach function to form enzymes and acidssuch as

simple columnor, epithelial cell, which makes up mucuso

allows food to pass thorugh

small intestine

Mechanical digestion occurs in the

stomach when the muscles in the stomach act as a mixer and grinder of the food


stores undigested food and also the gasesreleased from the chemical digestion of food

total daily energy expenditure, is the amount of energy in calories you burn per day. TDEE is best calculated by factoring in your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, and your activity level. BMR is the amount of calories you would burn per day at rest


corpus remember cuerpo

the body of the stomach or the corpus is the largest of the 4 parts that makeup the stomach this is where the bulk of the partial digestion occurs


the pulpy acidic fluid that passes from the stomach to the small intestine, consisting of gastric juices and partly digested food.

whats connected to the esophagus

throat above and stomach below

Main function of esophagus

to move food.. no digestion happens here

At first, the tubules receive a combination of waste materials and chemicals that your body can still use. Your kidneys measure out chemicals like sodium, phosphorus, and potassium and release them back to the blood to return to the body


Coenzymes transport groups bw enzymes


Filtration occurs in the glomerulus, while the majority of reabsorption occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron. The kidneys filter approximately 200 quarts of blood per day


The process of tubular secretion occurs in the epithelial cells in both of the renal tubules and the collecting ducts of the kidneys. The process helps the kidneys clean and filter the blood while producing urine.


atp works like a recharable battery


enzymes in stoamch breakdown food as well as kill bacteria


esophagus is the organ in which swallowed food is pushed


small intestine finishes the process of the digestion part and abscirbs all nutrients


soften hard palletes are located in the roof of the mouth and they are used for articulation and speech, mechanican digestion


the contents of the stomach move into the small intestine via the pyloric canal


the stomach produces a .... which coats its inner surface


e wastes in your blood come from the normal breakdown of active muscle and from the food you eat. Your body uses the food for energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste is sent to the blood. If your kidneys did not remove these wastes, the wastes would build up in the blood and damage your body.


Classification of enzyme Group name: oxidases or dehydrogenases

tyPe of reaction of catalyzed OXIDATION - REDUCTIONSREACTION

Classification of enzyme tRANSFERASES

tyPe of reaction of catalyzed Transfer of functional groups

Classification of enzyme Hydrolase

tyPe of reaction of catalyzed hydrolosis reaction

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