Health and nutrition D440 OA prep

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Monitor for hydration. Monitor weight daily. Monitor vital signs every 4 hours. Discard any solution after 24 hours. Check the expiration date of the solution before administration.

Which action would the nurse take when a client is receiving TPN?

Adherence to nutritional guidelines after surgery. BMI of at least 40 with severe obesity. Ability to give informed consent to surgery.

Which criteria for bariatric surgery would a nurse explain to an adolescent who expresses a desire to undergo the procedure?

Attempting to establish a trusting relationship with the adolescent.

Which initial approach would the nurse use for an adolescent with anorexia nervosa who has lost 20 lb in 6 weeks and is very thin but is excessively concerned about being overweight?

Inadequate food intake can result in low birth weight infant.

Which advice would the nurse provide to the primigravida wanting to diet during pregnancy because of concerns about regaining her figure after delivery?

Motivation to cooperate with required lifestyle changes.

Which client factor would the nurse consider to have the greatest effect on the effectiveness of bariatric surgery?

Perform a nutrition assessment

Which is the first action of the nurse when a parent expresses concern about a child's diet?


The nurse is teaching a postoperative client about the importance of vitamin C for wound healing. Which food selection demonstrates the client is applying the information correctly?

The client has hypothyroidism.

The primary health care provider instructs the client to increase their intake of seafood and protein in the diet. Which rationale would prompt this instruction?

Chew food thoroughly before swallowing.

A client has had an adjustable gastric banding procedure to reduce weight. At a follow up visit, the client reports episodes of abdominal pain and vomiting after eating. Which recommendation would the nurse make?

I give my child 8 oz of fruit juice daily.

The nurse is teaching health promotion tips to the mother of a 2 year old child. During the follow up visit the nurse observes that the child has diarrhea and dental caries. Which action is responsible for this condition?

Low fat cheese and a piece of fruit.

Which afternoon snack would the nurse recommend to a group of school aged students?

rashes Bleeding gums

Which assessment findings would the nurse recognize as possibly indicating a diet that is deficient in vitamin C in a preschooled aged client?

Changes in taste and food aversions.

Which common response do clients with cancer experience, regardless of the site of cancer, that accounts for their cachexia?

Encourage the intake of preferred foods. Promote the intake of small, frequent meals. Administer prescribed antiemetics before meals.

Which intervention would the nurse take to improve nutrition after identifying that a client receiving chemotherapy has lost weight?

Insulin dosage and dietary needs will be adjusted in accordance with the results of blood glucose monitoring.

Which is an appropriate response to a 24-year-old client with type 1 diabetes who asks how her pregnancy will affect her diet and insulin needs?

Asking the parent to visit at mealtimes.

Which is the best nursing intervention to support a hospitalized child's nutrition who is apathetic toward eating?

Apple sauce

Which is the most therapeutic selection of food the nurse can provide for the child with poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis?

Grilled chicken, steamed spinach, and a side of orange slices.

Which meal is most appropriate for a client with a large pressure injury?

Low sodium High vitamins Moderate protein

The nurse is caring for a client with hepatic encephalopathy and ascites. Which elements are important to include in the client's diet?

I should have a vitamin B 12 injection every month.

Which client statement demonstrates an understanding of cyanocobalamin (B12) prescribed for pernicious anemia?

Diarrhea Muscle wasting Edema Abdominal distention

Which clinical manifestation would the nurse expect in a 6 year old child with celiac disease?

Explaining that fatty foods may not be tolerated for several weeks.

A client who is slightly overweight is preparing for discharge from the hospital after a cholecystectomy. Which is important for the nurse to include in teaching the client about nutrition?

It is a necessary element of rhodopsin which controls responses to light and dark environments.

A client who previously resided in a foreign country has a chronic vitamin A deficiency. Which information about vitamin A would the nurse consider when assessing the client?

A client with severe malabsorption disorder.

After assessing several clients, the nurse would determine which client will require parenteral nutrition?

I should lose at least half a pound to a pound each week. I'll make sure to eat foods meeting my daily nutritional requirement. I should stay away from unhealthy foods between meals and after dinner.

After the nurse teaches a client, who is obese, measure to calculate the BMI which client statement indicates effective learning?

Vitamin B 9 Legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, and citrus fruits.

All women of childbearing age are advised to include at least 400 ug of folic acid in the daily diet to decrease risk of neural tube defects in pregnancy. Which foods or supplements would the nurse recommend to meet the recommendation?

Fatigue Secondary amenorrhea

Which common characteristic would the nurse recognize when obtaining a health history and performing a physical assessment for an underweight adolescent girl with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?

Provide oral supplements

Compromised nutrition during chemotherapy can contribute to an increased risk of infection and other problems. Which actions would the nurse take to offset nutritional deficiencies?

Demonstrating how to test capillary glucose levels.

Which information would the nurse include in the teaching plan for a client who will receive TPN at home?

8 year old children

For which age group would education regarding nutrition, healthy snacks, and food choices be most impactful?

Give one can of diet supplement at 8 am with breakfast and at 4 pm before evening meal.

For which prescription would the nurse seek clarification when reviewing the plan of care for the geriatric client with less than adequate nutritional intake?

Provide iron rich foods to the child. Increase the child's daily protein intake.

Which information would the nurse provide when teaching parents about the nutritional needs of their 15-year-old child?

A nutritional deficency.

The nurse assesses a client with dry and brittle hair, flaky skin, a beefy red tongue, and bleeding gums. The nurse recognizes that these clinical manifestations are a result of which?

Your practioner can prescribe calcium supplements.

The nurse explains to a client that she will need additional calcium during pregnancy and that the ideal source is milk. The client states I never drink milk or eat milk products. They turn my stomach. Which is an appropriate reply?

High protein

The nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from an acute episode of alcoholism. Which component of a therapeutic diet would the nurse encourage the client to consume?

Eat foods rich in calcium. Consume a diet high in protein. Receive cyanocobalamin injections routinely.

To help precent long term complications associated with gastric bypass surgery the nurse needs to educate the client. Which are instructions that would be included in the nurse's teaching plan?


Which nutrient is broken down into glucose, fructose, and galactose?


Which food would the nurse recommend for a child who is at risk for developing rickets?

Skim milk

A client with cholecystitis is placed on a low fat high protein diet. Which nutrient would the nurse teach the client to include in this diet?

Foods high in folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12 to correct anemia.

Which foods and nutrients would the nurse recommend for a malnourished child with newly diagnosed celiac disease?

Voids 4 times before 2 PM.

2 days after being discharged a new mother calls the clinic stating that she is not sure that her baby is receiving enough breast milk. Which information would indicate that the infant is being fed adequately?

Confusion Bone pain Frequent urination Malaise and fatigue

A client with a history of depression present with multiple physical complaints and reports taking very high doses of vitamin D to naturally treat depression. Which symptoms might be explained by this vitamin toxicity?

I should follow a diet that is close to normal as possible.

A client with colon cancer had surgery for resection of the tumor and creation of a colostomy. During the 6-week postoperative checkup, the nurse teaches the client about nutrition. Which response by the client indicates learning has taken place?

Monitor the client for signs of electrolyte imbalance.

A client with hyperemesis gravidarum is receiving rehydration infusion therapy at home. Which is the priority nursing activity for the home health nurse?

The nutritional needs of an older adult are basically unchanged except for a decreased need for calories.

An older adult is hospitalized for weight loss and dehydration due to nutritional deficit. Which factor would the nurse consider when planning care for this client?

Protein and vitamin C.

In addition to iron, which nutrients are necessary for red blood cell synthesis?


In which stage of development are food choices affected by such factors as peer acceptability and sociability, possibly resulting in malnutrition or chronic illness?

Incomplete absorption of iron. Incomplete absorption of folic acid.

Which factor is the most likely cause of anemia in a child with celiac disease?

The client will demonstrate improved nutrition.

The laboratory values of a client with a new esophageal cancer diagnosis include a hemoglobin of 7 g/dL hematocrit of 25% and RBC count of 2.5 million/mm. Which priority goal would the nurse add to the plan of care?


The nurse anticipates that an infant's diet that consists of only mashed potatoes and milk will result in a deficiency of which nutrient?

Retinol (vitamin A)

Which type of toxicity would the nurse suspect in a client who takes daily megadose of vitamins and is hospitalized with joint pain, loss of hair yellow pigmentation of the skin, and an enlarged liver due to vitamin toxicity?

Consuming foods that are nutrient rich, such as fruits.

Which would the school nurse include in a teaching session with elementary school students related to nutritional intake?

Vitamin C and iron.

Whole milk cannot be substituted for formula because it does not meet an infant's requirements for which nutrients?

These children digest little food because pancreatic enzymes are blocked.

Why are children with cystic fibrosis (CF) often small and underdeveloped compared with children without CF?

Nutritional supplements between meals.

A client with stomach cancer expresses a lack of interest in food and consumes only small amounts. Which nursing intervention is best for meeting the dietary needs for this client?

Facilitate nutrient utilization.

A 12 year old child with cystic fibrosis is prescribed 4 pancrelipase capsules 5 times a day. The nurse explains to the child they would take medication with meals and snacks to accomplish which goal?

More protein, more calcium, and fewer carbohydrates.

A client asks about the difference between cow's milk and breast milk. The nurse would respond that cow's milk differs from human milk in that it contains which?

Perform a focused assessment of the child.

Which action would the nurse take when a parent express concern that their preschooler isn't eating enough?

Vitamin K

Which additional supplement will be needed by a client with chronic liver disease who reports my gums have been bleeding spontaneously. and has small hemorrhagic lesions on the face?

68 mg/dL

Which blood glucose levels would the nurse identify as hypoglycemia?

Refraining from consuming fatty foods.

Which dietary modifications help improve the nutritional status of a client with AIDS?

Vitamin A,C,E and selenium.

Which dietary nutrients would the nurse teach a client regarding the support of natural defense mechanisms?

36 oz of apple juice throughout the day.

Which entry in the food journal of a toddler would concern the nurse?

Water miscible forms of vitamins A and E.

Which prescription would the nurse anticipate for the client who takes a medication that interferes with fat absorption?

To prevent reabsorption of water in the distal tubule.

Which reason describes the purpose of restricting sodium for a client with hypertension?


Which reason may explain irregular menses in an adolescent whose mother complains that her child often fears gaining weight, has poor caloric intake, and has a distorted self-image?

Decrease fast food intake.

Which recommendation would the nurse give when teaching a class about nutrition to a group of adolescents, taking into consideration the prevalence of overweight teenagers?

Let's talk about his nutrition.

Which response would the nurse have when the mother of a 10-month-old exclaims, look how much weight he's gained even though he drinks only orange juice?

Digestive enzymes will be given to help your child digest foods.

Which response would the nurse provide the parent of a 2-year-old child with newly diagnosed cystic fibrosis who expresses concern about the child's frailty and low weight?

Vitamin C is required for collagen production by fibroblasts.

Which role does vitamin C have in wound healing?

My diet can be planned around a wide variety of commonly used foods.

Which statement made by a diabetic client shows that dietary teaching by the nurse was effective?

Eating small amounts more frequently.

Which suggestion would the nurse make to help the pregnant client who is experiencing morning sickness?

Variety of foods increasing with age.

Which topics would the nurse include when providing education for the parent of a toddler?

Will meet the client's nutritional needs without causing the discomfort precipitated by eating.

A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. The health care provider's prescriptions include nothing by mouth and total parenteral nutrition (NPN). The nurse explains that the TPN therapy provides which benefit?

Decrease portion size and fat intake.

A client with a BMI of 35 verbalizes the need to lose weight. The nurse encourages the client to lose weight safely by making which dietary change?

Seeds and peanut butter.

A primary healthcare provider tells a client that vitamin E is important for healthier skin. Which foods would the nurse recommend?

Vitamin D

A thin 24 year old woman who runs 10 miles each week asks the nurse for advice about preventing osteoporosis. Which vitamin would the nurse recommend?

If you add 340 calories a day to your regular diet, you wont become overweight.

During a routine second trimester visit to the prenatal clinic a client expresses concern regarding gaining weight and losing her figure. She says to the nurse I'm going on a diet. Which is the nurse's best response?

I need to give more than 24 oz of milk per day. I should provide more calories from fats than proteins.

The nurse is educating a group d mothers about the nutritional needs of toddlers. Which of these statements made by a mother indicate the need for further teaching?

Carrots Leafy greens Cantaloupe

The nurse is providing education about excellent food sources of vitamin A for a client who is deficient in this vitamin. Which foods would the nurse include in the teaching?

Have her help you plan nutritious meals that include her favorite foods.

The school nurse informs the parent of an 11-year-old girl that her daughter has been giving her lunch to friends and buying cookies and cola at lunchtime. The parent asks the nurse how best to solve this problem. How would the nurse respond?

I will not drink fluids when I eat meals. I will avoid artificially sweetened foods. I will eat small frequent meals instead of 3 large meals a day.

When providing anticipatory teaching for a client scheduled for gastric bypass to treat morbid obesity, which statement indicates the client understands how to prevent dumping syndrome?

With meals and snacks.

When would the nurse plan to administer pancrelipase to a child with cystic fibrosis?

Taking supplemental calcium and vitamin D.

Which action by a 70 year old female client would best limit further progression of osteoporosis?

Stay with the client during meals.

Which action for nutritional needs would the nurse take for a depressed client who has been sitting alone in a chair most of the day and displays no interest in eating?

Refer the client to a dietician to help plan her daily menu.

Which action would the nurse plan to ensure optimal nutrition during the pregnancy for the client who maintains a vegetarian diet?

Conduct a complete nutritional assessment of the client.

Which action would the nurse take next when a 78 yo client comes to the health clinic presenting with fatigue, and laboratory results indicate a hematocrit of 32% and hemoglobin of 10.5 g/dL?

Spinach Broccoli

Which food would the nurse teach a client who has a prescription for warfarin to limit?

Spinach and mangoes.

Which foods are excellent sources of vitamin E and beta-carotene?

Cheese and broccoli

Which foods would a postpartum client complaining of leg cramps be encouraged to eat?

Carrots Canteloupes

Which foods would the nurse encourage the client to ingest to meet the increased need of vitamin A during pregnancy?

Blood glucose

Which indicator of client status is important for the nurse to asses in a client receiving TPN?

The most important interventions are good nutrition and portion control.

Which information will the nurse include when providing education to the family of an adolescent who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

The vitamins may turn the urine bright yellow.

Which information will the nurse teach a client prescribed B complex vitamins?

The adolescent has an increased need for calories. The adolescent needs to consume iron in the diet on a daily basis. The adolescent's need for nutrition is better by physiological age than chronological age.

Which information would the nurse include when teaching a group of parents about the developmental needs of adolescents?

Albumin pulls fluid into the circulation.

Which information would the nurse share with the client regarding the purpose of Albumin when administering 2 units of salt poor albumin to a client with portal hypertension and ascites?

Sodium Potassium

Which nutrients would the nurse list as restricted for the child with diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis?

High in protein and vitamin C.

An abscess develops in an obese adult after abdominal surgery. The wound is healing by secondary intention. Which diet would the nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe to meet this client's immediate nutritional needs?

Neuronal activity

Which body function by thiamine (B1) and niacin (B3) will the nurse monitor when prescribed for a client with alcoholism?

Modify the adolescent's diet to incorporate more nutrients.

Which nursing intervention would be taken when an adolescent who works out for 6 hours a day reports not eating well, weight loss, and an absence of meses for the past few months?

Folic acid

Which nutrient would help the client at 6 weeks' gestation reduce the risk for neural tube defects in her baby?

Folic acid

Which nutrient would the nurse instruct the client to increase while on oral contraceptives?

Wheat and oat products.

Which nutrient would the nurse teach the parents of a child with celiac disease to avoid?

Folic acid

Which other nutrient would the nurse include in the teaching while counseling the parents of an adolescent with anemia related to an inadequate diet after explaining that several different nutrients, including protein, iron, and vitamin b 12 are involved?

My child will have a poor appetite, which will lead to poor growth.

Which parental statement indicates the need for further education related to the potential for poor growth in an infant newly diagnosed with cystic fibrosis?

Regular diet with vitamins and minerals.

Which type of diet would the nurse expect the primary health care provider to prescribe for a client diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis?

Foods that meet basic nutrtional needs.

The nurse observes that an older client seldom eats the meat on the meal trays. The nurse discusses this observation with the client and the client states I only eat meat once a week because old people don't need protein every day. Which need would the nurse address in her or his reply?

The nutritional composition of the diet places herself and the fetus at risk.

The nutrition of an adolescent client at 10 weeks' gestation indicates that her dietary intake consists mainly of soft drinks, candy, French fries, and potato chips. Which reason indicates why this diet is inadequate?

Fluid retention

The parent of an infant with heart failure questions the necessity of weighing the baby every morning. Which would the nurse say that this daily information is important in determining?

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