hist 1112 final

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a rapid growth of population in a society without modern technology and no desire to obtain such

China's 19th century famines were caused mainly by

hiding the truth that people could reason out what they believe for themselves without help from church authorities

Enlightenment reformers believed that the leaders of the most rigidly organized religious groups had as their main purpose

the lack of enthusiasm for the war effort in British Parliament

French assistance to the North American colonies was decisive during the American Revolution but which of the following was another major factor in overall American success


French higher clergy and nobility owned What proportion of the real estate in France

only children

Hitler targeted all of the following during the Holocaust except

the government

Keynesian economics places its emphasis on the role of which of the

foreign policy failures

Napoleon the third begin to liberalize his Imperial regime because of

defeating the ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean

Philip II of Spain had his greatest success with

led to the imprisonment of Millions

Stalin's show trials during the last half of the 1930s

the Iranian National Assembly

The Majilis was which of the following

was elected to Parliament

Winston Churchill first became a public figure when he


a complete rejection of the state and its powers

greater emphasis on literacy and education

a major Legacy of the Reformation was

The League of Nations

a major cause for the US Senate's rejection of the Paris treaties

the middle class

according to the text who were the leaders of the American Revolution

a period of warlordism

after 1916 China's political situation can best be described as

he dismissed corrupt officials and insisted Indian customs and religions were to be respected

after his experiences in the American Revolution Lord Charles Cornwallis was put in charge of Indian possessions in 1786 what characterized his rule in India

religious and social toleration

akbar's most noteworthy accomplishment was

a shortage of risk capital

all of the following contributed to the development of industrialization in the United States except

by the sale of slaves to European noble families

although relatively small by later standards how did the slave trade from Africa first become profitable for the Portuguese

the Suez Canal opened

an important event took place in 1869 when

for the Japanese the Russia Japanese war of 1904 to 1905 was most significant for

announcing to the world that Japan was now a major power

the enthusiastic Lee adopted the new techniques and begin to produce crops for sale in the cities

as agricultural improvements spread from Holland to Britain how did the British landlords react

most European countries were on their way to a full recovery from the war

as the Decades of the 1920s Drew to a close it appeared that


at the beginning of the 20th century in which country did the reformist non Marxist Labour party become an important Force

they needed more knowledge about Western European science and medicine

by the early 1800s some Japanese officials and Scholars had concluded that


by the time the slave trade in Africa died down Outsiders had exported all of the following from the continent except


caused the most deaths to the amerindians

science competing with religion due to the enlightenment

changes in social habits after 1750 were most likely due to

Rudyard Kipling a well-known writer

credited with the phrase White Man's Burden

they never built up strong Colonial markets for their products from home

despite their original intentions what was the result of European countries Colonial Endeavors in Africa

Nicolaus Copernicus

developed the heliocentric theory

the English became the world's leading Naval power for several centuries

during the 1600 the English fought and won two Wars against the Dutch what was one of the major outcomes of those Wars


during the Ming Dynasty which city was once again made the capital of China

acted as the shogun's agent within the Empire but retained full of thority within their own area of control

during the Tokugawa shogunate the daimyo

spend most of their time working and caring for each other

during the early Industrial Age middle-class families

egalite, libetre, and fraternite or equality Liberty and Brotherhood

during the height of the reign of terror in 1793 through 1794 the French Revolution is led by the Jacobins develops 3 notable Concepts what were those Concepts

he had his sons raised in the Harem instead of with the military

following 1603 what turned out to be one of the worst decisions of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Decline and stagnation

for New Spain the last of the 17th century in the first part of the 18th century was a time of

establish allies Kingdom on Earth with enforcers of obedience

fundamentalist Muslims believe the main task of the civil government is to

as a mercenary strike bear in the employee of industrialist and landowners

how did Benito Mussolini make his political debut in Italy

they Blended the various religions to produce a mixture of different belief systems

how did some of the American Indians deal with the coming of Christianity in relation to many of their native practices and beliefs

the mughals settled into a comfortable trade relationship with the Europeans

how did the Mughal leadership respond in the 1600s to the arrival of the first Europeans especially the British

the means of making a living for most people

in 19 century Latin America land was

attempted to become like their new Masters

in French and British colonies conquered African Elites usually

The Invasion across the English English Channel by the British American and Canadian Forces

in June 1944 what began the part of World War II in Europe that was known as the second front

the media

in an effort to maintain the support of their populations governments began to rely on which new element of their societies

the divisions within Muslim belief particularly Shiite and Sunni

in order to best understand much of Islamic Theory a strong comprehension of which of the following is necessary


in terms of his speaking ability Hitler has been described as

they would work for lower wages

in the early 19th century British factories young girls were most often employed as mechanists because


in the liberal perspective the strongest branch of the government should be the

the West as in Western Europe and the United States

in the nineteenth Century which global region was clearly the dominant factor in world political and Military developments

to put people to work

it is most likely that Hitler's Nazi party gain strength fairly rapidly between 1928 and 1932 because he promised

Geographic barriers

mini traditional African boundaries were based on which of the following


one Austin civil reason for the Spanish Civil War was the military sphere of

because the field of science is so Advanced member of Congress who have the oversight of federal tax dollars might fund something dangerous without knowing what they are doing

one of the most disturbing aspects of modern specialized scientific study is that

the British prime minister ended the British East India Company and instituted direct British government

one of the outcomes of the great Mutiny of 1857 in India was a change in how the British ruled their colony what was the government change that occurred

mutually rewarding

one would best describe the European African interaction in the 1400s and 1500s as

Robespierre's execution

the Jacobin Terror ended only with


the Second Industrial Revolution was powered by

gave the English Monarch authority over the church within England

the act of Supremacy in 1534

areas where they would at least break even by implementing cash cropping

the collective hope of the European countries colonizing Africa was that their colonies would be


the constitution of 1791 was modeled closely on the government of

a war guilt clause

the fourteen points did not include

made by a daimyo dependent on the shogun's favor

the government system created by the shogun's in the 1600s

The Counter Reformation

the index the Inquisition and the Jesuits all formed as a part of which of the following

it consisted not of two ethnic groups but of many most of whom did not get along well

the main problem with the dual monarchy in Austria-Hungary was that

republics or monarchies

the most important decision during the early years of Latin American Revolutions was whether after Independence the new countries would be

The Potato

the most significant food crop arriving in Europe as a consequence of the Columbian Exchange was


the most technologically and economically Advanced at the native tribes that inhabited southern Africa appears to have been the


the number one cause of death for Britain in the nineteenth century was one of the following

Marxism has taken hold in several countries and were threatening to take control of the labor unions

the one thing that people seem to fear most about unionization was that

the empirical method

the practice of interpreting the results of experiments based on observation


the role of women in the French Revolution would best be described as


the underlying motives of the majority of the 60 million Europeans who emigrated during the 19th century appear to have been

Japan soundly defeated them in the Sino Japanese war

the year 1895 brought great embarrassment to the Chinese because

comparative Freedom form of government and public opinion

unlike the situation with business and Britain and on the European continent that in America saw

Shintoism is the native Japanese religion

what is the best way to describe the Shinto faith

Stalin promoted the idea of promoting a better world for all the world's downtrodden while Hitler only Champion the Germans

what was the fundamental difference between International communism under Stalin and national socialism under Hitler

the Christian missionaries converted many Japanese daimyo

what was the initial level of success for Christian missionaries in Japan

the reparations

what was the most difficult and painful part of the Versailles treaty for Germany

the Europeans wanted to explore the routes of major rivers

what was the original focus of the European expeditions that helped open the African interior other than trade and nationalism

only the fittest Will Survive as a ruthless natural order dictates

what was the philosophy behind the briefly popular social Darwinism practiced in the late 1800s and early 1900s

to secure a favorable balance of trade

what was the primary aim of mercantilism as practiced by the Europeans

the establishment of a republican form of representative government without a monarch

what was the real American Revolution that manifested itself over time only by degrees after 1783

both France and Britain murmured through diplomatic channels that they heartily approved

when Hitler renounce the provisions of the Versailles treaty and announced that he was in larging his army and creating an Air Force the reaction of Britain and France was

had them tried for treason and executed

when Russia's more prosperous peasant Farmers held back part of their crops in 1928 Stalin did all of the following except

the United States

where did most migrants from Europe go when they immigrated from their homelands

Italy Germany and Austria

which countries formed the triple of lions of 1882

the Turkish based Ottoman Empire

which country was referred to as the sick man of Europe

masses of Indians died or were weakened by Foreign diseases

which of the following factors helped bring about the rapid fall of both the Aztec and Inca Empires

the abolition of the examination system

which of the following was an important step toward a new China and signaled a movement away from Confucianism

the right of working people to determine their own form of government

which of the following was at least considered in the negotiations at Vienna


which of the following was strongly discouraged by Ming Confucianism

an African leader Babur established the Mogul Muslim Indian

which of these took place during the 1500s

Jesuit missionaries were banished from the empire

which of these took place under the bourbon leadership of King Charles the Third in Spain

Tsar Alexander II

which ruler tried to implement a wide range of Social and economic reforms in the 1800's known as Russia's great reforms

is National culture was not truly National since most of the wealth education and power resided in the North

which statement best describes Italy during and shortly after unification

Florence Nightingale

who was the upper class English female Public Health Pioneer who led substantive reform of the health care practices throughout most of the Civilized world

Dutch settlers in southern Africa

who were the boers

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