Histology A&P

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what is the difference between skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle tissue?

*Skeletal - is striated, designed to work at a moments notice, but tires easily *Smooth - works slowly (stomach) so it doesnt tire out *Cardiac - designed to work continuously without tiring

3 subcategories of Loose connective tissue:

- areole tissue - adipose tissue - reticular tissue the Fibers create loose, open framework

name the classification types of connecctive tissue

- connective tissue proper - fluid connective tissue - supporting connective tissue

3 subcategories of Dense connective tissue:

- dense regular - dense irregular - elastic Fibers densely packed

Where would you find a supporting connective tissue?

- hyaline cartilage - elastic cartilage - fibrous cartilage -Bone

4 characteristics of Epithelial tissue

- many cells packed tightly together - for protection - lower surfaces rests on basement membrane. apical is the skin surface - avascular - no blood, not enough room for them - cells divide frequently

Stratified squamous epithelia

- stacked in rows - forms layers - a vascular -apical top is made of squamous cells

Columnar cells

-Are longer than they are wide -the absorptive cells of the small intestines are columnar epithelial cells

How does supporting tissue differ from connective tissue proper?

-Less diverse cell population. -A matrix that is much more densely packed fibers. - protect soft tissues - support the weight of the body

Cuboidal cells

-Same height and width - cuboidal cells line many ducts, and are at the base of stratified epithelial

Squamous cells

-These are FLAT cells (squamous means plate) -squamous cells line anterior body cavities, the air sacs of the lungs, and form the inner lining of all blood vessels

what is the difference between exocrine and endocrine?

-exocrine secrets on to the body surface, or into passage ways that connect to the surface of the body -endocrine secrets hormones into the interstitial fluid

Lack of vitamin C in the diet interferes with the ability of fibroblasts to produce collagen. What effect would this have on connective tissue?

. Weaken connective tissue

Where in the body would you find stratified squamous epithelia?

1. Epidermis 2. Oral cavity 3. Vaginal lining 4. Esophagus


1. Many cells packed closely together 2. Lower surface (basal surface) rests on basement membrane.Top surface (apical surface) is on the surface of body 3. Avascular - not enough room between cells for blood vessels 4. Cells divide frequently

Name three things to describe simple squamous epithelial tissue

1. Thinnest tissue of the body 2. Allows transport across membranes in lungs and capillaries 3. Secretes fluid in serous membranes 4. Lines cardiovascular system 5. Covers organs 6. Forms glomerular capsules in kidney

If you looked under a microscope and saw a layer of simple squamous epithelium, it might have come from

A finger tip

An organ is defined as?

A functional unit with 2 or more tissues working together

How do things get from outside the body to inside the body?

Active Transport Diffusion Osmosis

If you looked under a microscope and saw a layer of simple squamous epithelium, you could assume its function is

Aid in diffusion

What is cancer?

An abnormal growth of cells which tend to multiply in an uncontrolled way, and sometimes metastasize

Why is blood classified as a connective tissue?

Because it originates from the same primitive tissue as the other connective tissues, as do the stems cells that produce all the blood cells.

this type of tissue is the only connective tissue that is fluid:


Name the types of fluid connective tissue

Blood Lymph

What is the matrix of blood?

Blood is made up of a non living fluid, in which living cells are suspended. its a watery matrix

this type of tissue is the principal component of the skeleton:


How are pseudostratified columnar epithelium and simple columnar tissues the same?

Both are simple tissues with column shaped cells

name a few organs that contain nervous tissue

Brain and spinal cord

Nervous tissue

Carries information very quickly through the body

This type of connective tissue is avascular:


Name two kinds of supporting connective tissue

Cartilage Bone

What 3 things make up connective tissue?

Cells,matrix and fibers in varying proportions

Describe the morphology (shape) of columnar


Simple Columnar example location

Columns; lots of organelles and a little more protection than cubes stomach

Connective tissue proper

Connecting; binding; fat tissues Tissue is comprised of a gel-like ground substance, and all three fiber types and is made up from fibroblasts.

Name the types of connective tissue

Connective proper tissue Fluid connective tissue Supporting connective tissue

Transitional epithelium

Contains multiple layers of cube shaped cells, the apical surface having larger cells then the basal surface

2nd Functions of Epithelial Tissue -

Control Permeability List 2 areas with epithelial tissue that would WANT materials to get into or out of body. lungs, exchange of gases Digestive system, nutrients from food

1st Functions of Epithelial Tissue -

Covering Protects underlying tissues against Physical damage Drying out Infection

Epithelial tissues

Covers all of the body that is exposed to the outside -lines digestive tract -lines respiratory tract -lines hollow organs -forms glands

Describe the morphology (shape) of a cuboidal:


Simple Cuboidal example location

Cubes; has more organelles so it can produce secretions lining exocrine gland

Pseudostratified columnar

Distance between the cell nuclei and the exposed surface vary, so it appears layered/stratified, but it isn't because every cell contacts the basil lamina, and typically possess cilia


Ductless (cells secrete into body) hormones


Endocrine Exocrine

If a gland has no ducts, and the secretions of the gland are secreted into the body, it is an ??

Endocrine Gland

What do you think makes skin so susceptible to uncontrolled cellular growth?

Exposure to the external environment and possible carcinogens and, or the rapid rate of mitosis that would allow cancer to spread quickly

True or False Besides the heart, cardiac muscle can also be found in the liver


Connective tissue may contain _____, _____ and/or _____

Fibers, Collagen, and/or Elastin

Describe the morphology (shape) squamous:


Simple Squamous example location

Flat; can easily be diffused across kidney


Flows with in the cardiovascular system


Flows within the lymphatic system

Components of Connective Tissue

Ground substance Fibers Cells


Have ducts to outside of body Sweat Tears Milk

Connective tissues

Hold together tissues, organs and the body.

What differentiates pseudo stratified columnar epithelium from simple columnar?

In pseudostratified columnar, not all the cells appear to reach from top to bottom and nucleus is found at different levels giving it a layered appearance

The epidermis of skin is specialized to produce a strong protein called ______

Keratin, so the tissue is called keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium

Stratified Squamous example location

Lots of layers; helps in case of abrasion skin, mouth lining


Makes tissues stretchy Marfan syndrome

Ground Substance + Fibers = ?


Various types of connective tissue are situated in the body but they are _______exposed to the _______ environment

Never Outside

4 th Functions of Epithelial Tissue

Produce specialized secretions Glands are made of epithelial tissue

What is the purpose of stratified squamous tissue in the vaginal lining

Protect underlying tissues during intercourse and childbirth

Functions of connective tissue

Protects Supports Binds Stores Transports

Which two tissues do not conform to the naming classification rules

Pseudostratified columnar and transitional epitheliums

Blood consists of ?

Red blood cells = Erythrocytes White blood cells = Leukocytes Platelets = Thrombocyctes and other materials like antibodies, hormones ,etc and they are all carried in the plasma

Muscle tissues

Responsible for movement

Exocrine glands

Serous glands Mucous glands Sebaceous glands

What two characteristics do you think are used to classify epithelial tissue?

Shape of cell and layers of cell

Names of Epithelial Tissue

Simple Squamous Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Stratified Squamous

Describe the difference between simple and stratified epithelium tissue

Simple epithelium contains one layer (row) of cells, stratified epithelium contains two or more layers of cells

what are the three types of muscle tissue and where can it be found?

Skeletal - attached to bone Cardiac - in the heart Smooth - arteries, digestive tract, bladder

The majority of dust is composed of human skin cells. What does this indicate about the rate of mitosis for epithelial tissue?

Skin cells have a rapid rate of mitosis

Name the specific type of epithelial described by the following : a tissue that consists of multiple layers of cells, in which the top layer is composed of columnar cells

Stratified columnar epithelial

The type of epithelial tissue that makes up the skin, esophagus and vagina is

Stratified squamous


The study of tissues of the body

What is the purpose of the stratified squamous epithelial cells in the oral cavity and esophagus?

To protect underlying tissues as food slides down to the stomach

The bottom (basal) layer of stratified epithelial tissue may have different cell shapes from the top (apical) layer. Which layer determines the shape classification of the tissue?

Top layer. Both stratified squamous and stratified columnar contain cube shaped cells on the basal surface, but apical shape matches the name of the tissue

What kind of epithelial cells stretch and where can you find them in your body?

Transitional epithelium, in your bladder, ureters, and the urine collecting chambers in the kidneys

True or False Blood is a connective tissue


True or False Epithelial tissue covers surfaces of the body that interface with the outside world.


True or False the lining of the stomach is made of epithelial tissue


True or False Smooth muscle can be found in the walls of hollow organs.


the inside of the heart ( a hollow organ ) is made of epithelial tissue


Connective tissue is _____ and contain ______ ______.

Vascular Sensory recptors

Where in the body would you find simple squamous epithelial tissue ?

Visceral and parietal linings of the anterior body cavities - pleural, pericardial and peritoneal

Fluid connective tissue are cells suspended In a _____ ____ that contains dissolved ______

Watery matrix Proteins

Serous glands

Watery substance

Sebaceous glands

Waxy/oily secretions

all epithelial tissues are attached to ?

a basement membrane

What is a gland?

a gland is a cell that produces exocrine or endorcrine secretions.

define basement membrane

a layer of filaments and fibers that attach an epithelium to the under lying connective tissue - All epithelial tissues are attached to it,

define apical surface

aka free surface, a epithelium surface that faces the exterior of the body or some internal space

what is the location of cartilage?

between bones, on the surface of them, at mobile joints

-blast, Blast/o



cancer of connective tissue


cancer of epithelial cells

Connective tissue has fewer ____ than other tissues


what are fibers made of?

collagen and elastin

Muscle tissue can do two things:

contract relax

what are the 4 basic types of tissue?

epithelial, muscle, nervous, connective

3 kinds of cartilage are:

fibrocartilage hyaline cartilage elastic cartilage

Epithelial tissue is classified according to two different systems. what are they?

first it is the shape of the cell, and second the arrangement of the cells. when you combine the two you get terms line simple squamous stratified.

what is the location of adipose tissue?

flank, buttocks, breasts

tendons have little ____ and lots of _______

ground substance, collagen

where is blood found?

in our bodies, heart, veins, capillairies etc

Caritilage is made up how?

is a avascular tissue, that is slightly pliable/flexible tissue producece by CHONDROBLASTS that then mature into chondrocytes.

what are goblet cells? and where are they found?

is a glandular simple columnar epithelial cell ( which lookes like a wine goblet ) whose function is to secret mucin which dissolves in water to form mucus. It is found in the intestinal and respiratory tract

Bone is produced how?

it is produced when bone-forming cells, called OSTEOBLASTS, release a gelatinous material (osteoid) where caclcium (CA2+) and phosphate accumluate to harden the bone into hydroxyapatite

Transitional Epithelium example location

it is stratified epithelium that tolerates repeated cycles of stretching and recoiling without damage. Called transitional because the appearnace changes as it stretches. lines the urinary bladder, the ureters and the urine collection chambers in the kidneys

what is the function of blood?

it supplies nutrients and hormones, carries waste away from the cells, regulation of PH and body temperature

in connective tissue cells are scattered in a substance called _______, which may be liquid, gel or solid


Mucous glands


What is the difference between a neuron and a neuroglial cell?

neuron - transfers information from place to place neuroglial cell - protect, support and repair neural tissue and maintain the nutrient supply to the neurons

what is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?

neuron- basic cell of the nervous system nerve - bundle of axions


old cell

what is the location of bone?

our skeleton

pseudostratified columnar epithelium example location

pseudostratified means that its made up of several layers of cells. every cell is still attached to the Basale lamina. found lining the nasal cavities, the trachea and larger airwaves of the lungs, also found in portions of the male reproductive tract

3rd Function of Epithelial tissue -

sensation, like? and why? heat, cold, pain, for protection

what is the function of bone?

support, protect soft tissue, mineral storage and blood formation

a ground substance can be

thick or jello like fluid or a solid

what is a tissue?

tissue is a group of cells with similiar structure working together to preform a particular function of the body

in a brief sentence explain how epithelial tissues are named.

tissues are named by looking at the shape of the cells first, and then by the arrangement of them. by combining these two terms you get "simple squamous or stratified squamous epithelium"

what is the function of cartilage?

to act as a cushion between joints, to prevent friction


to break

what is the function of adipose tissue?

to store energy in the form of fat

What causes human skin to sag?

unrepaired skin molecules

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