history 1101 final

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Chavín de Huantar is where Peru first saw __________________________.

A mix of Andean, coastal, and Amazon cultures.

Which of the following statements was NOT true about the Swahili city-states?

A single sultan ruled over all of the Swahili city-states.

This phrase refers to the dispersal of African peoples and their descendants all over the world:

African diaspora

All of the following are methodological challenges of studying Ancient and Medieval African History EXCEPT:

African societies did not value history so they made no attempt to remember their pasts.

The current consensus amongst credible scholars is that ________ built Great Zimbabwe.


Which of the following was not a reason for the decline of the power of the 'Abbasid Caliphate?

An earthquake that caused half of Baghdad to slide into the Tigris River led to political chaos.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Norte Chico civilization?

Aspero was its capital city.

The first foods domesticated during the Archaic period in Mesoamerica (8000 to 2000 BCE) included:

Beans, squash, and maize

Timbuktu was best known in the Medieval Muslim world for:

Being a center of Islamic learning as it had mosques, schools, and libraries.

How did the rulers of Great Zimbabwe generate wealth?

By collecting tribute from settlements stretched across the Zimbabwe plateau

What archeological evidence attests to King Ezana's conversion to Christianity in the 4th century CE?

Coins. Coins from the first half of Ezana's rule have the disc and crescent symbol, while coins from the later years of rule have a Christian cross.

Historians have relied on this type of source to describe the rise of Sundiata Keita.

Epics, recounted orally by griots.

All of the following occurred during the Formative Period in Chiapas EXCEPT:

Farmers began to use bronze tools.

All of the following characteristics were shared by the Western Sudanic empires EXCEPT:

From the 8th century onward, the leaders of the Western Sudanic states were Christian.

Which empire was the first of the Western Sudanic empires?


In the prologue to the Justinian Code, what does the emperor regard as the source of his authority?

God and his help

Which of the following is not true of the Frankish Major Domo Charles Martel (r. 715-741)?

He deposed the last Merovingian king and made himself king.

Which of the following was NOT associated with Hopewell culture?

Hunting Bison.

How were kivas used at the larger Chaco Canyon sites?

Individual kin groups used them as gathering places.

What caused Teotihuacán's decline in the seventh century (600s CE)?

Internal uprisings coupled with external rebellions likely contributed to the city's decline.

Which of the following did not raid Western Europe in the tenth century?

Inuit from Greenland

The Western Sudan:

Is a region, named by Arabic-speaking travelers who called it the "Land of Blacks."

The Norte Chico civilization was different from other early civilizations in ALL of the following ways EXCEPT which one?

It built large ceremonial centers.

What was an advantage that the Frankish kingdom had compared to other kingdoms of Western Europe?

It had fewer civil wars than the Visigothic kingdom did.

What has been the main effect of trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness) in Africa?

It has limited the practicality of keeping certain types of livestock in Africa.

The region known as the Sahel was referred to as "the shore" because:

It is a transition zone between the Sahara Desert (to its north) and more forested regions (to its south).

Describe the environment of the "Great Bison Belt."

It was arid grassland.

All of the following statements were true about Aksum during the 6th century CE EXCEPT:

It was situated on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

Umayyad Spain was significant in relation to Western Europe because

It would be through Umayyad Spain that the learning of the ancient world eventually moved to Western Europe.

How did the "Chavin cult" move the Andes into the state phase?

Its universalist message united people from the coast and the highlands.

Who commissioned the Catalan Atlas, demonstrating the fame of Mansa Musa outside of Africa?

King Charles V of France

Stelae in Aksum demonstrate all of the following things EXCEPT:

King Ezana's conversion to Christianity.

Hernán Cortez's description of Tenochtitlán emphasizes the significance of which of the following foods?


All of the following were true of the Mali Empire EXCEPT:

Mali built a Trading Post Empire along the East African coast.

The Catalan Atlas emphasized the preeminence of which Western Sudanic king?

Mansa Musa

Describe the situation of the Maya in the 9th century CE (800s CE).

Many Maya sites collapsed in the 9th century CE. There were famines and many Mayan settlements were largely abandoned.

Describe the transition to settled agriculture in Mesoamerica.

Mesoamericans domesticated crops before becoming sedentary. They cultivated crops in mobile agricultural bands, while continuing to hunt. As they began to plant more and hunt less over a period of about 2,000 years, they transitioned to living in sedentary villages.

Why was the conversion of Britain to Christianity significant for Western Europe in the early Middle Ages?

Monasteries established in Britain became centers of intellectual activity and monks from Britain founded new monasteries elsewhere in Western Europe.

Arab scholars chronicling the history of Ghana were most impressed with the state's

Monopoly over the gold trade

Examining Cahokia demonstrates the prevalence of which practice in the Eastern Woodlands of North America?

Mound Building.

How did Olmec shamans view the role of their nagual?

Olmec shamans relied on their nagual, or "animal spirit companions," to assist them in their interactions with the supernatural world and protect them from harm.

How did the status of women among the Arabs change after Muhammad?

Prior to Islam, a woman had no choice in whom she married, but under Islam, a woman had a choice in whom she married.

The Kebra Nagast includes all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

Queen Mekeda was the daughter of King Solomon.

In 25 December 800, Pope Leo III declared Charlemagne to be

Roman Emperor.

Which of the following best describes gender relations in early medieval Europe?

Society was patriarchal, but women had some rights (such as to keep property brought into a marriage) and often took part in economic life.

All of the following were true about the Songhai Empire EXCEPT:

Songhai's strongest kings (kings of the late 15th and early 16th centuries) rejected Islam in favor of converting to Christianity.

All of the following were features of Teotihuacán EXCEPT:

Teotihuacán was an isolated city and a site of religious pilgrimage for the Maya.

Historians use Aksum's stelae to suggest:

That Aksumite leaders sought to maintain their links to previous rulers.

What was St. Augustine's view of human sexuality?

That sexuality could be good in the context of a Christian marriage, but even then, it had to be focused on having children and was still tainted by human greed and lust.

By referring to Bantu expansions instead of the Bantu Migration, current scholars emphasize all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

The Bantu expansions were a conquest wherein Bantu speakers militarily conquered hunter-gathering communities.

How did the organization of the Carolingian state compare with that of the Tang state?

The Carolingian government was much less sophisticated than that of Tang China.

Which of the following civilizations had its capital city in the Andes Mountains?

The Inca

The ayllu kinship system offered the Inca all of the following advantages EXCEPT:

The Inca used the ayllus to rejected outsiders. The Inca used all outsiders as human sacrifices to protect themselves from famine and death.

What was the Kingdom of Da'amat's relationship to the Aksum trading empire?

The Kingdom of Da'amat was a precursor to the Aksum trading empire.

Which of the following is true of the Byzantine Empire's Macedonian Dynasty (867-1056 CE)?

The Macedonian Emperors enjoyed a series of military and political successes so that by the death of Basil II in 1025, the Empire was the strongest it had been since the seventh century (i.e., the 600s).

All of the following were early civilizations in Mesoamerica EXCEPT which one?

The Moche

Which culture formed the first state in Mesoamerica?

The Olmecs

How would you characterize the Pact of Umar?

The Pact allows Christians to maintain their own worship, but it also subjects them to several restrictions placed on them by their Muslim conquerors.

The Inca were associated with all of the following things EXCEPT which one?

The Tello Obelisk

All of the following were true of the Mali Empire EXCEPT:

The Temple at Yeha was located in Mali.

Which of the following was a reason that some Muslims resented Umayyad rule over the caliphate?

The Umayyads had fought against Muhammad early in his career and had only converted to Islam after they had been militarily defeated by the forces of Medina.

Timbuktu is associated with which state/region?

The Western Sudanic empires

The most dramatic evidence of Great Zimbabwe's social hierarchies was:

The elevated position of its Hill Complex

Upon the death of Charlemagne's son, Louis the Pious,

The empire was divided between Louis's three sons, Charles the Bald, Louis the German, and Lothar.

Which of the following best describes jihad in Islam?

The greater jihad refers to the struggle to live a moral life, while the lesser jihad refers to warfare in defense of Islam.

In the Americas, shamanism was an important religious tradition defined by:

The important societal role of religious specialists, who claimed to control the forces of the natural world.

The Olmecs are best known for their monumental stone sculptures. Which of the following statements is true regarding these monumental sculptures?

The labor required to transport stones and carve sculptures demonstrates the power of the Olmec elite.

reached the height of its power, with Basil conquering the Bulgars and subordinating the peoples of Armenia to imperial rule. By his death, the Empire was the most extensive that it had been since the days of Justinian.

The name Charlemagne

All of the following were true about Great Zimbabwe EXCEPT:

The rulers of Great Zimbabwe converted to Islam in the 14th century CE.

Archeologists use all of the following differences as evidence of early social differentiation in Chiapas EXCEPT:

The widespread use of military titles that were passed on to the eldest sons within the elite classes.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Christians and Muslims in Medieval Ethiopia?

Their relationship was complex. There were periods of competition and periods of cooperation. Overall, there was increasing conflict between Muslims and Christians after the unification of the Adal Sultanate in the fourteenth century.

How did the leaders of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai become wealthy and maintain control over the Western Sudan?

They controlled access to West African gold during a period when gold was in very high demand.

Around 10,000 years ago, Mesoamericans began to cultivate squash as both a food source and ___________________.

To use as storage containers.

Stories about Sundiata demonstrate syncretism as they:

Trace his background to the early followers of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and also to the powerful pre-Islamic, local clans of the lion and the buffalo.

Great Zimbabwe was NOT associated with which of the following?

Trans-Saharan trade

African historian Christopher Ehret wants us to recognize potential issues with using this word. He finds this term problematic because it can carry the underlying judgment that Africans are exotic, wild, backwards, and potentially dangerous.


The Kingdom of Da'amat:

Was linked through trade to southern Arabia and interior regions of Africa.

What was one of the primary causes of the dispute that would eventually lead to the split between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims?

Whether 'Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, should have succeeded to the rule of the Muslim faithful, or whether a new caliph should be chosen by consensus.

What was the great controversy that divided the Byzantine Empire in the eighth and ninth centuries?

Whether or not Christians could use images in worship.

In the Battle of Yarmouk,

an Arab Muslim army defeated a Roman army. This Muslim victory would allow the Muslims to go on to conquer Roman territories in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine.

"He has sent down upon thee the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel aforetime,

as guidance to the people, and He sent down the Salvation."

The Christian missionary Boniface sought to prove that the God of the Christian religion was stronger than the gods worshiped by the Germanic peoples of Central Europe. He did so by

chopping down a tree that was sacred to the Germanic god Thor.

During the seventh through ninth centuries CE, Muslim thinkers

engaged in disputes over the juristic traditions, and by the ninth century, a consensus emerged that the Hadith (i.e., the sayings of Muhammad) were a major source for the application of divine law to everyday life.

During the Classical Period of Islam, the punishment for adultery in sharia (i.e., divine law) was

for the person who committed adultery to be stoned to death if the adultery could be established by four witnesses. Death by stoning was exceedingly rare.

The chronicle sources of the ninth century CE (i.e., the 800s CE) say that Norsemen attacked the rest of Europe

from ships.

When Al-Mu'izz seized control of Egypt in 969,

he instituted a Shi'ite government, although most of Egypt's Muslim population remained Sunni.

After the death of Muhammad,

his successors, the first caliphs, led the Arab peoples in a series of conquests, building an empire that covered most of North Africa and the Middle East.

Christianity was introduced into Aksum:

in the 4th century (300s) CE.

These were the seasonal winds that facilitated trade between the Swahili coast and southern Arabia, the Persian Gulf, and southeast Asia.

monsoon winds

In addition to having defeated the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem in battle, Salah al-Din's other major accomplishment was to have

overthrown the Shi'ite Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt.

Charlemagne had

several sons and daughters, but two of his sons and one of his daughters died before him.

Over the course of the fifth century (i.e., the 400s), the Germanic peoples who had taken over the territories that had once been the Western Roman Empire

sought to preserve Roman culture and live as elites in their newly conquered territories.

In the field of learning, the Macedonian emperors of the Byzantine Empire

sought to promote the copying of books and the foundation of schools throughout the empire in order to increase Greek literacy.

In the field of learning, Charlemagne and his successors

sought to promote the copying of books and the foundation of schools throughout the empire in order to increase Latin literacy as part of a program of moral reform.

In the years before the Prophet Muhammad preached Islam,

the Arabs lived in tribes, usually a group of relatives who claimed decent from a common ancestor.

The Kebra Nagast relates the story of Queen Mekeda, who is known in other traditions as:

the Queen of Sheba

When the Roman Empire in the west fell,

the Roman state disintegrated, cities shrank drastically, and literacy went into decline.

Under the Roman Law of Justinian, Jews

were subject to several civil disabilities.

Scholars have relied on all of the following types of sources EXCEPT which type to show that Great Zimbabwe was an African civilization?

written records

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