History 3

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War of 1812 / "Second War for Independence"

were a series of economic sanctions taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American outrage at the British practice of impressment, especially after the Chesapeake incident of 1807 Great Britain had violated American sovereignty by refusing to surrender western forts as promised in the Treaty of Paris after the Revolutionary War ***Great Britain began stopping American sea vessels and forcing subjects on the vessels into the British military. This practice was called "policy of impressment" (violation of rights) Considered second war for independence because first revolution fought for our freedom and independence while this fought for our rights and status (policy of impressment) Fighting British! Fighting for independence of trading US get caught in between President at time: James Madison New Englanders call the war: "Mr. Madison's War" hes from VA, he doesn't care about the New Englanders War 1812-1815 War 1812: USS Constitution- "old ironsides"... British fire cannons made of George Oak and they bounce off because of the iron, Fights on high seas in the atlantic Washington DC vs. York US tried to take over Canada and burned down York ^^ In retaliation : British burn down Washington DC In return Dolly Madison takes art and pictures and preserves them before the British destroyed them Baltimore British try to take over Baltimore but Ft. McHenry protects Baltimore National Anthem: song about Ft. Mc Henry not falling, still there

Pet Banks

A term used by Jackson's opponents to describe the state banks that the federal government used for new revenue deposits in an attempt to destroy the Second Bank of the United States; the practice continued after the charter for the Second Bank expired in 1836.


British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states. - Compromise- balance conflict *** another example of political compromise in american history ex: ⅗ compromise... all these compromises deal with the issue of slavery, puts off disagreement until Civil War, puts off Civil War Was an effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri late in 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted. At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between slave and free- voting 2 more senators more representatives Encouraged westward expansion of slavery, many move to missouri ... region of missouri applied for statehood... would it be free or slave? 12 vs. 11... state or federal issue? Temporarily settled the question of the expansion of slavery by dividing the Louisiana Purchase into free and slave areas. In result: Henry Clay becomes know as Great Compromiser- missouri becomes a Slave State and Maine becomes a Free State to keep it even Anything south of 36*30* will be slave states anything above will be free - Missouri in Louisiana Purchase wanted to become a state - nation debate

Embargo Act

1807 act which ended all of America's importation and exportation. Jefferson hoped the act would pressure the French and British to recognize U.S. neutrality rights in exchange for U.S. goods. Really, however, just hurt Americans and our economy and got repealed in 1809. New England opposed to Embargo Act... 1807, Jefferson oversaw a wholesale restriction of American overseas trade, the Embargo Acts, His Economic Policies Nearly Triggered A Famine NE relays on shipping goods now they cannot Jefferson does not care as much about New England because they do not farm and likes the south because of the self sufficient nation

Tariff of 1832 and the Order of Nullification

1832 *The tariff favored Northern interests at the expense of Southern ones *Calhoun led a state convention calling for the Order of Nullification, which declared that the tariff laws were void and that South Carolina would resist by force any attempt to collect the tariffs *Jackson, though a supporter of states' rights, defended the Union above all, and asked Congress to issue a new bill to give him authority to collect tariffs by force *Jackson encouraged his allies to prepare a compromise bill so that the federal government would not lose its image of control and so that South Carolina could come back down from nullification *Henry Clay presented his Compromise Tariff of 1833 and South Carolina withdrew the Order, but tensions between the federal government and state governments grew -

Thomas Jefferson

Achievements Founded University of Virginia (1st public university) First Secretary of State for Washington's Cabinet Wrote Declaration of Independence Champion of the common man (average farmer liked jefferson because he promoted antifederalist ideas) Man of the Millennium French Ambassador 3rd president Founding father- member of house of burgesses, house of congress, Second Vice President of the United States, serving under John Adams Co-founder of Democratic Republican Party Helped in founding the Library of Congress Advocated for free and public education Launched Lewis and Clark expedition (after purchase of Louisiana sends lewis and clark to explore new land, natives out there) Revolutionized agriculture Wrote Virginia resolves Monticello - architecture Francophile - loves france Wrote Virginia statute for religious freedom, turned into the first amendment Wealthy and well educated Promoted agriculture and self sufficiency Detriments/flaws Lifetime slave owner Sarah "Sally" Hemings was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson of the United States (had kid with Thomas Jefferson) slave: has no rights cannot give consent Happened in france: france out of country no slaves... Sally= half sister of Thomas Jefferson's wife 1807, Jefferson oversaw a wholesale restriction of American overseas trade, the Embargo Acts, His Economic Policies Nearly Triggered A Famine, embargo act destroys new england economy Bad businessman Antifederalists - federalists didn't like him French wine puts him in debt Renovates monticello (mortgages slaves to get money, makes profit off slaves), gets in debt

Why did Burr kill Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr met on the dueling grounds at Weehawken, New Jersey, to fight the final skirmish of a long-lived political and personal battle. When the duel was over, Hamilton would be mortally wounded, and Burr would be wanted for murder Had political rivalry began in election of 1800. Hamilton tells his followers to vote for Jefferson not Burr. Burr finds out and gets mad. Later Burr runs for governor Hamilton writes stories about Burr, and he loses the election. Burr gets mad and challenges him to a duel. Usually say sorry and leave with honor Burr shot him Hamilton and his son both died in duels

Trail of Tears (1838)

Andrew Jackson favored pushing all Natives/Indians west of the MS River. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 provided for federal enforcement of this policy, Jackson defied the Supreme Court in the case of Worcester v. Georgia in 1832, which would allow Indians to stay - Removal route "the trail which we cried" - At least 1/4 died

US Bank/President Jackson

Andrew Jackson also took on the national bank. He believed the bank helped businesses while hurting the common man. President Andrew Jackson announces that the government will no longer use the Second Bank of the United States, the country's national bank. He then used his executive power to remove all federal funds from the bank, in the final salvo of what is referred to as the "Bank War." Because it doesn't benefit but hurts the common man Alexander Hamilton's bank plan (DEBT) only people who can get loans- wealthy, every 20 year the bank needs to be renewed, this happened during Jackson's time of presidency, Jackson vetoed the Bank- because Clay promoted the Bank Bank = "corrupt"- doesn't help the common man The Second Bank of the United States is removed; goes into Bank War Nicolas Bill- eastern educated elite, wants the bank, uses all of political power to keep the bank ****Takes money from the US bank and redistributed it to the state banks become known as his "pet" banks... states and common men like it; becomes a financial disaster, creates a panic (people take out too much money for loans, many become bankrupt) ^^^ mini depression

"Common Man"? Jackson has been called a champion of the Common Man

Andrew Jackson considered himself a spokesperson for the common man Andrew Jackson also took on the national bank. He believed the bank helped businesses while hurting the common man. Andrew Jackson also developed the concept of the spoils system. In this system, the winning candidate would choose the people who would fill the government jobs. These jobs usually go to the candidate's political supporters. Andrew Jackson gave many of these government jobs to the common man, instead of giving them to the wealthy. Andrew Jackson- self made man, can relate to the average person, helps common man NickName: Old Hickory

Bank War (1832)

Battle between President Andrew Jackson and Congressional supporters of the Bank of the United States over the bank's renewal in 1832. Jackson vetoed the Bank Bill, arguing that the bank favored moneyed interests at the expense of western farmers.

Peggy Eaton Affair

Calhoun's wife slandered Peggy Eaton, causing a heated debate between Jackson and Calhoun - Petticoat affair. The Petticoat affair (also known as the Eaton affair) was an 1829-1831 U.S. scandal involving members of President Andrew Jackson's Cabinet and their wives. Led by Floride Calhoun, wife of Vice President John C. Calhoun, these women (the "petticoats") socially rejected John Eaton, the Secretary of War, and his wife Peggy over disapproval of the circumstances surrounding their marriage and what they considered her failure to meet the moral standards of a cabinet wife. - The affair shook up the Jackson administration and led to the resignation of all but one cabinet member. It facilitated Martin Van Buren's rise to the presidency and was, in part, responsible for Calhoun's transformation from a national political figure with presidential aspirations into a sectional leader of the Southern states. Peggy has an affair while the naval officer (husband) is off at sea, he later dies at sea, and she remarries Members of cabinet isolate Peggy and do not talk to her and ignores her at public events Jackson sides with Peggy because Jackson sympathies with Peggy- he marries his wife rachel who is an adulture (rachel wasn't divorced yet)

Shores of Tripoli

During the turn of the century, pirates along this area in the Mediterranean demanded tribute from Americans Signifies the first Barbary War, and specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805 After Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon and his Marines victory they hoisted the American flag over the Old World for the first time, the phrase was added to the flag of the United States Marine Corps Barbary wars where the nations first encounterments with the islamic world Hymn of the Marine Corps which talked about fighting on the shores of tripoli Barbary Coast, north africa America (no navy) wants to trade with north africa (america- neutral country, should be allowed to trade) Africa steals goods and takes men on ships as ransom In result, Jefferson creates a navy and sends marines 1st time US captured a city in another country As a gift, gives O'Bannon a sword

Battle of New Orleans

Great Britain and the United States signed a treaty in Ghent, Belgium that effectively marked the end of the War of 1812 The Battle of New Orleans was fought on Sunday, January 8, 1815 between the British Army under Major General Sir Edward Pakenham, and the United States Army under Brevet Major General Andrew Jackson. News was slow to cross the pond, however, and on January 8, 1815, the two sides met in what is remembered as one of the conflict's biggest and most decisive engagements. In the bloody Battle of New Orleans, future President Andrew Jackson and a motley assortment of militia fighters, frontiersmen, slaves, Indians and even pirates weathered a frontal assault by a superior British force, inflicting devastating casualties along the way. The victory vaulted Jackson to national stardom, and helped foil plans for a British invasion of the American frontier. WAS avoidable since the war was over Ends War in December 24, 1814 by treaty of Ghent, Belgium The news of the treaty did not reach the Americas... British wanted New Orleans because of the major port city Andrew Jackson- war hawk, name becomes known during New Orleans War, hates the British and dislikes Native tribes... led the poorly aquipt forces and was a war hero... he recruits pirates, slaves, citizens vs. 8000 british... Andrew Jackson whips out the british forces. Americans inflict heavy casualties on the British, major victory... Jacksonville FL- fought seminal tribes there, named after Andrew Jackson and Jackson Square- New Orleans Andrew Jackson runs for president after

Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations)

In 1828, during President John Quincy Adams' term, Congress created a new tariff law which pleased northern manufacturers, but alienated southern planters - By demanding that goods could only be shipped on American ships By boycotting goods from England By imposing tariffs Favor: North (ports, boosts economy) Not Favor: South (scared could get tariffs on their cotton) Protective tariff

Clay's American System

In President James Madison's "State of the Union Address" to congress in December 1815 he put forth a blueprint for government-promoted economic development that came to be known as the American System, a labeled coined by Henry Clay. ***Extension of Hamilton's plan (DEBT) 1. Tariff on foreign goods helps american economy (so americans would buy american goods) Southerners against it, do not want their cotton to be tariffed 2. Reupping the bank of the united states 3. Subsidies (subsidy- when the government gives certain people money to help or limit, government gets money from taxes) on roads and canals MADE the National Road... building infrastructure... help trade and commerce (connects midwest to northeast) southerners opposed because the roads do not reach the south - wanted/needed unity "let us bind together the nation, with a perfect system of canals and roads"

Why was Andrew Jackson called King Andrew

Jackson was called King Andrew because he used his veto powers to cancel the Bank Bill. His opponents accused President Jackson of crushing the constitution by using his veto powers on many occasions. The image of President Andrew Jackson posing as a king first appeared as a cartoon in 1832. Some believe he over steps the presidential boundaries like a "king" 1. Uses more vetoes than any man used after him 2. After he wins the presidency he fires everyone in the government that supports John Quincy Adams

How did Jackson handle the Indian situation

President Andrew Jackson fought bravely against the Indians in numerous wars before becoming president in 1828. On May 28, 1830, President Jackson signed into law the Indian Removal Act. Congress passed this treaty in order to relocate the Indian tribes (living east of the Mississippi River to lands in the west) Natives- prevent westward expansion, more available land/gold/cotton can be grown... Natives also sided with the British during the war, revolution Andrew Jackson wants to remove native tribes, he has the southerners and westerners Some tribes ex: Cherokees are considered "american" they 2 court cases: Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester vs. Georgia The Supreme Court says the Cherokees can stay... Jackson says okay enforce it... at gunpoint the Cherokees are forcefully marched across the country- oklahoma ^^^ adds to King Andrew!! - tribes: Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole

Corrupt Bargain

Refers to the presidential election of 1824 in which Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House, convinced the House of Representatives to elect Adams rather than Jackson. - To the surprise of many, the House elected John Quincy Adams over rival Andrew Jackson. It was widely believed that Clay, the Speaker of the House at the time, convinced Congress to elect Adams, who then made Clay his Secretary of State. Jackson's supporters denounced this as a "corrupt bargain." Andrew Jackson won a plurality of electoral votes in the election of 1824, but still lost to John Quincy Adams when the election was deferred to the House of Representatives (by the terms of the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution) 1824 Andrew Jackson runs for president Andrew Jackson- 99 John Quincy Adams- 84 Crawford- 41 Clay - 37 Theoretically speaking A. Jackson should have won however because of the 12th amendment the election goes to the House of Representatives and Clay convinces his followers to vote for John Quincy Adams in return Clay becomes the secretary of state for Adams He then runs and wins in 1828

War Hawks

Southerners and Westerners who were eager for war with Britain. They had a strong sense of nationalism, and they wanted to takeover British land in North America and expand. War hawks likes war vs doves like peace Western War Hawks, most notably the new Speaker of the House, Henry Clay of Kentucky, called for war against England and eyed Canada as a possible target of expansion. The Southern War Hawks, led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, cast longing glances at Texas and Florida. War Hawks: Henry Clay - Kentucky John Calhoun- South Carolina Andrew Jackson- TN A war hawk, or simply hawk, is a term used in politics for someone favouring war in a debate over whether to go to war, or whether to continue or escalate an existing war. War hawks are the opposite of doves War Hawks are southerners and westerners they want to go to war with the British North East Coast- go against the war because they will be the ones fighting against the British navy, they discuss succession because their economics (good and selling, ports, would not be able to get goods out)

Worcester v. Georgia

Supreme Court Decision - Cherokee Indians were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty - Jackson ignored it

Era of Good Feelings

The Era of Good Feelings marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and unity among Americans in the aftermath of the War of 1812. 1815 - 1825 After war of 1812 the federalists are out of office Democratic Republicans in office Monroe's two terms in office were years of one-party government (democratic republican), called the era of good feelings (country getting along, government running smoothly, one party gov everyone agreed, NOT politically divided) Nationalism- pride in one's country

Should Jackson be impeached

The Republican-dominated Congress greatly opposed Johnson's Reconstruction program and in March 1867 passed the Tenure of Office Act over the president's veto. The bill prohibited the president from removing officials confirmed by the Senate without senatorial approval and was designed to shield members of Johnson's Cabinet like Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton On February 21, 1868, Johnson decided to rid himself of Stanton once and for all and appointed General Lorenzo Thomas, an individual far less favorable to the Congress than Grant, as secretary of war The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was the result of political conflict and the rupture of ideologies in the aftermath of the American Civil War Abe Lincoln- he had formulated a plan of reconstruction that would be lenient toward the defeated South as it rejoined the Union. He planned to grant a general amnesty to those who pledged an oath of loyalty to the United States and agreed to obey all federal laws pertaining to slavery Andrew Johnson was intent on carrying out this plan when he assumed the presidency. This policy, however, did not sit well with the so-called Radical Republicans in Congress, who wanted to set up military governments and implement more stringent terms for readmission for the seceded states. As neither side was willing to compromise, a clash of wills ensued. Tenure of Office Act by removing Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, from the cabinet The Tenure of Office Act was a United States federal law (in force from 1867 to 1887) that was intended to restrict the power of the President of the United States to remove certain office-holders without the approval of the Senate. The law was enacted on March 2, 1867, over the veto of President Andrew Johnson.

Andrew Jackson

The seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), who as a general in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers. First self made man- not born into a wealthy family (poor), made a name for himself ^^ Andrew Jackson born into poverty achieved the American Dream Father died before he was born, born in S/N Carolina Revolution begins while he was a kid- his mom works on a prisoner ship and his brother fought and died in the war... lives in a time when the Carolinas are taken over my the British War Hawk (liked/wants to fight war with British) (hates british- mom died on prisoner ship and brother dies at war, blames british) Andrew Jackson then joins the army and fights in FL the seminoles, also dislikes the natives because they aligned themselves with the British during the revolution Battle of New Orleans- becomes household name / famous Owns Slaves

"to the victor belong the spoils." What does this phrase have to do with Jackson's election to the presidency?

The term was derived from the phrase "to the victor belongs the spoils" by New York Senator William L. Marcy, referring to the victory of Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828, with the term spoils meaning goods or benefits taken from the loser in a competition, election or military victory. he spoils system opened government positions to many of Jackson's supporters (common man) Andrew Jackson also developed the concept of the spoils system. In this system, the winning candidate would choose the people who would fill the government jobs. These jobs usually go to the candidate's political supporters. Andrew Jackson gave many of these government jobs to the common man, instead of giving them to the wealthy. When someone wins (victor) they get the spoils (goods, jobs) ***Gives jobs to people who support him (people from KY/TN come to help him in office and expect jobs -however he can't give everyone jobs)

Election of 1800, tie, Jefferson and Burr

The two Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr defeated Federalist John Adams, but tied with each other. The final decision went the House of Representatives, where there was another tie. After a long series of ties in the House, Jefferson was finally chosen as president. Burr became vice-president. This led to the 12th Amendment, which requires the president and vice-president of the same party to run on the same ticket.

Embargo Act of 1807

This act issued by Jefferson forbade American trading ships from leaving the U.S. It was meant to force Britain and France to change their policies towards neutral vessels by depriving them of American trade. It was difficult to enforce because it was opposed by merchants and everyone else whose livelihood depended upon international trade. It also hurt the national economy, so it was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act. ---New England opposed to Embargo Act... 1807, Jefferson oversaw a wholesale restriction of American overseas trade, the Embargo Acts, His Economic Policies Nearly Triggered A Famine NE relays on shipping goods now they cannot Jefferson does not care as much about New England because they do not farm and likes the south because of the self sufficient nation

Election of 1800 (Revolution of 1800)

This was called by Thomas Jefferson the revolutionary election because it was the first time power was passed from one party to another. Jefferson won the election of 1800 as an antifederalist. The power then changed from a federalist in the office to an antifederalists. These people had different beliefs about the government and prioritized different things. His ideas were based on decentralizing the government and trusting the people to make the right decisions for themselves. Election: Tie! (glitch in the system) Thomas Jefferson 73 (democratic republican) A.Burr 73 (anti federalist/democratic republican) Tie, vote is given to the house of representatives, Thomas Jefferson is chosen... Alexander Hamilton says they should vote for Jefferson because he will keep some of the federalists belief. As a result they become enemies. And later they duel. Jefferson wins as a result of the ⅗ compromise 12th amendment made: Electoral College must vote on different ballets for the president and vice president. And only one can be from your state Federalists: John Adams (1st term, second term got 65 votes, lost) Pickney 64 John Jay 1 The federalists will diminish as a result of this election... mad about alien and sedition act and Shift in power Federalist government to Antifederalist

Luisiana Purchase

U.S purchased Louisiana territory for $15,000, which doubled the size of our country. Through a treaty and senate approval Jefferson purchased Louisiana, got money from the national bank to pay for it (ironic because anti federalist)

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention. - Virginia wins elections because of ⅗ slaves The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823. 1823: Bolivia, Revolutionary in South America kick out the Spanish... new independent countries, Adams scared of spain regaining america. John Quincy Adams feared that spain would regain its latin american colonies. He then drafted a section of the president's annual message to congress that became known as the Monroe Doctrine ***Extension of Washington's Farewell address The US would oppose any further efforts at colonization by European powers in the Americas. The US would abstain from involvement in the wars of Europe. Monroe warned European powers not to interfere with the newly independent states of Latin America Do not get involved in european affairs Breaks Monroe Doctrine- World War 1


Which state believed in nullification? Over what issue? How did Jackson handle this issue? Did nullification lay the groundwork for secession in 1861? Nullification, in United States constitutional history, is a legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution (as opposed to the state's own constitution) The Nullification Crisis came about in 1832 after South Carolina declared that the Federal Tariffs signed into law by President Andrew Jackson were unconstitutional Did nullification lay the groundwork for secession in 1861? Yes, because it gave states the idea that they can differ from the federal government as a whole President Andrew Jackson issued a proclamation to the people of South Carolina that disputed a states' right to nullify a federal law. States can nullify any federal laws that are unconstitutional (10th amendment) Virginia and Kentucky Resolves are an example of nullification Force Act- made by Andrew Jackson, threatened with troops and military... federal government vs. state rights (civil war/secession) - sectional issue - south carolina stood alone - jackson nullification= "disunion"

Over what issues did sections of the country disagree?

Why? Explain. Was Jackson correct when he claimed that slavery would be the next issue to divide the country? Yes, slavery later divided the country, slave states vs. free states, while some abolished slavery other disagreed because their economy relied on slaves Takes away states power, angers the state Idea of succession is given by 10th amendment; Declaration of Independence 1830-1860 political debates of slavery (moral? Helps economy? Slave vs. free states? Issues emerge) States disagreed about: Missouri Compromise (free vs. slave) Trading/Manufacturing (north) vs. Agriculture (south)

Lewis and Clark Expedition

an expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore Difficulty going along missouri river Met sacagawea and her baby, helped revive their health, worked on making transporting vehicles, periodically checked and tracked sacagawea's health in the entries this is one of the grandest views in nature and by far exceed anything I ever saw, the Missouri falling over a Shelveing rock for 47 feet 8 inches with a Cascade of 14 feet 7 inches above the shoot for a 1/4 mile discussed/recorded views Says they saw the largest fountain or Spring (Giant Springs, Montana) I ever saw Traveled around the great falls of the Missouri Sacagawea - marries french fur trapper he had two wives Lewis and Clark deliver baby Mission take samples, send back information to Jefferson See million BISON, deer Later many try to kill bison to try and extinct the natives (natives source of food) ONLY TRIBE THEY GET IN TROUBLE WITH IS THE SOU Lewis and Clark: (only 1 person dies on exposition-from disease- only gets in one conflict with natives) Lewis+Clark- core of discovery Lewis and Clark brings: militia, educated people-drawing, writing-, natigating, translators, hunters, guns, cannons, long lasting food, dry goods, layering clothes, whiskey, candles, medicine, items to trade with the native tribes- natives wants steel... Travels against current takes many months to go up missouri river Keeps records of travels and encounterments Comes across many different types of tribes: Meets Sacagawea while traveling, she is married and pregnant and L+C takes her husband to translate... A lot of scouts= mixed races First americans to see and go over, Rocky Mountains, which prevent expansion First of nation to reach pacific ocean by land

Madison vs. Marbury 1803

established the principle of judicial review First US Supreme Court decision to declare a federal law- the Judiciary Act of 1801- Unconstitutional Madison : Jefferson's secretary of state refused to issue commissions, the official documents entitling them to assume their posts, Marbury sued for their offices Election of 1800 thomas jefferson wins, Dem. Rep. vs. J. Adams Fed. Adams, while leaving office, appointed "midnight judges" (people who agreed with him, did this to keep federalist influences) Marbury- midnight judge Madison supposed to give Marbury commission, Madison refuses, Marbury angry and sues Supreme Court: says it was not right for Madison to keep Marbury's job from him however ^ however the Judiciary Act: "unconstitutional" Ex: Brown vs. Board of Education, segregation= unconstitutional Established the power of judicial review Gives power to judicial branch (covered by article 3 of constitution) *** Marshall Establishes/Creates "Judicial Review" Judicial Review- gives supreme court the right to look at a law, passed by government, and can dismiss laws that are unconstitutional Supreme Court has the right of judicial review

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