History Chapter 11 Quiz

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Civilian conservation corps

-Army style camps for $2 million 18-25 year old men -Men would send money home -Built national parks, roads, telephone poles, etc

How did FDR try to address the bank crisis?

-Bank Holiday- closed the banks and only reopened the stable ones

How did the radio and phonograph break barriers?

-Became more powerful instruments of mass culture millions of radios and phonographs were marketed helped produce a standardized culture

How did the new deal create a new political coalition?

-Before new deal coalition, African American voted republican,, became democratic after new deal due to FDR. -Democrats controlled majority of seats -unified the nation-social and ethnic divisions diminished significantly

What were the results of black tuesday and how were people affected?

-Billions of dollars were lost in just one day -People lost their savings -People were forced to pay the banks back with their valuables

How did Hoover try to handle the Depression and how did his policies evolve?

-Decided not to interfere at first, thought it would blow over -asked businesses and industrial leaders to keep employment, wages, and prices at current level -reduced taxes, lowered interest rates, created public work programs -requested that the wealthy give to charity -Policies relied to much on volunteerism which failed -asked state and local governments to provide new jobs -provided emergency credit to businesses and banks

How did sports wins fans?

-Due to increased newspaper readership and the rise of radio coverage -Journalists captured the excitement of sports events in their colorful prose- made athletes seem like immortal gods

How did a new downturn spur conservative gains?

-Economy was improving so FDR reduced federal spending, but federal reserve board raised interest rates -Economy got bad again

Why did people and business leaders criticize the New Deal?

-Felt like it was a form of socialism and discouraging enterprise -some felt it wasn't enough

Social Security Act

-Gave old people a monthly check for retirement

Who was president when the market crashed and what was his reaction?

-Herbert Hoover-republican -DIdn't want a system of independence- wanted capitalism (hands off)

In what ways did women make strides?

-NAWSA called on women to work in reform movements, run for office, or fight for laws to protect women -Nellie Tayloross and Miriam Ferguson became the first women state governers -NWP demanded complete economic, Social, and political equality with men

What happened to the banking industry as a result of the stock market crash?

-People werent paying loans back -Banks had invested themselves and lost money -Banks closed

What was the issue with FDR and the supreme court?

-Supreme court was declaring some new deal legislation was unconstitutional -FDR had court packing plan-wanted to add 6 justices to the supreme court --Response: congress refused on the basis of separation of powers`]

How did workers gain rights and how did they use those new rights?

-Wagner Act-abolished unfair labor practices, allowed labor unions, gave workers right to collective bargaining, -Fair labor practices act-established minimum wage, outlawed child labor -Workers used the acts to stage a sit down strike.

How did family life change?

-Women tended to live longer, marry later, and have fewer children -Electric vacuum cleaners and irons took some labor out of the household chores -Women intellectual increased through things like book clubs

How did FDRs new deal go over with the far left and populists

-accused FDR of supporting socialism, didnt do enough to end depression -Thought it was only benefiting big banks to ensure profits for big businesses. -thought it wasnt enough

How did the depression go global?

-america created tarrifs -America stopped loaning to European nations-caused them to have business failures and bank collapses

How did FDR try to restore the nations confidence?

-convinced congress to pass laws to help the nations banking system -Bank Holiday -Fireside chats-informal radio speeches.

Works Progress Administration

-employed teachers, writers, actors, factory workers -employed women and minorities

How did the New Deal create a welfare state?

-enacted many programs -government assumed responsibility for providing for the welfare of children, poor, elderly, sick, disabled, and unemployed

How did FDR try to provide more aid to farmers?

-established rural electricity administration (REA) to loan money to electric utilities to bring electricity to farmers.

How did the desperation cause migration?

-families had to move due to dustbowl -farmers lost farms to banks -wanted jobs, shelter and relief

How did poverty devastate rural America?

-farmers suffered prior to great depression-failing commodity and accumulating debt -farmers lost farms

How did the conservatives react to FDRs new deal

-felt it was destroying free enterprise and underestimating individualism

Why did suburbs grow?

-improved mass transportation and the widespread use of automobiles caused cities to expand outward -More urban workers moved to suburbs

How did minorities suffer hardships?

-last to be hired, first to be fired -mexican americans lost farming jobs to white men-discrimination -Americans pushed the mexican immigrants back to Mexico

How did the Depression attack family life?

-men lost jobs, couldnt provide for family -family had reduced status -birth rates plummeted due to distress -Mothers worked constantly sewing clothes, looking for jobs and trying to meet family needs -Due to lack of parent involvement, discipline declined, children dropped out of school, and some ran away -Broke families apart

How did the new deal change the nature of the presidency?

-new federal agencies gave executive branch more power -affected how presidents communicate through media -set standards high for future presidents

How did the New deal affect the environment?

-restored forests, preserved environment-CCC -Soil conservation efforts -National parks -dams controlled floods, generated electricity, and provided irrigation, but it upset natural habitats

How did FDR try to put together a winning team?

-sought advice of a diverse group of men and women-RFC -Nominated two new republicans to help -Eleanor helped out

How did depression affect the farmers?

-they struggled before the great depression -Farmers were making too many crops-deflation -The dusty bowl- a series of dust storms caused by drought

Why did people flock to cities in the 1920s and how did it effect cities?

-urban ares were more prosperous, more and more immigrants were settling -Cities grew and changed shape, adoption of skyscraper, technology caused cities to stretch skyward

How did the New deal lead to the government playing a larger role in the economy?

-withdrew taxes from paychecks -Broke away from Laissez fare -accepted responsibility for economic growth -Restored Americans trust in banks and stock market -Created new deal laws -rural areas-reduced flooding, and provided water for irrigation

How did flappers challenge older limits?

-wore dresses with shorter hemlines, put on more makeup, danced to the latest crazes, and generally assumed that they had the same political and social rights as men

What was the highest unemployment rate during the Great Depression?


Ernest Hemingway

A novelist who explored similar themes as Fitzgerald but in a new idiom-he felt betrayed, not only by the American dream itself, but also by literary language itself


A recession that is severe or lasts for a long period of time

Charles Coughlin

A roman catholic priest who accused FDR of not doing enough to fight the depression

What three voting blocks helped FDR win in 1936?

African americans, farmers and labor unions (new deal coalition)

Why did Americans flock to the movies?

Americans had more free time and disposable income

Charles Lindbergh

An aviator who flew from new york to Paris

Scientific Management

Approach to improving efficiency in which experts looked at every step of a manufacturing process, trying to find ways to reduce time, effort and expense

Assembly lines

Arrangement of equipment and workers in which work passes from operation to operation in a direct line until the product is assembled

Sigmund Frued

Austrian psychologist who argued that much of human behavior is driven not by rational thought, but by unconscious desires.

What is buying on margin?

Borrowing money and buying stock with it

John Maynard Keynes

British economist who argued that deficit spending was needed to end the depression

Tennessee valley Authority

Built dams for hydroelectricity

Henry Ford

Carmaker who introduced a series of methods and ideas that revolutionized production, wages, working conditions, and daily life

What new celebrities emerged in the 1920s

Charlie Chaplin, Charles Lindbergh, Jim Thorpe, Babe Ruth

What were some of the first big movies and actors?

Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino, the little tramp, William S. Hart, The Jazz Singer

Charlie Chaplin

Comedian and silent film star

What new innovations changed the way people spent their free time?

Crossword puzzles, minigolf, fads radios and movies

How did businesses react to the economic crisis and how did it affect workers?

Cut production/lay off workers---no jobs----- cant pay bank back

What problems plagued the agricultural sector?

Debt due to new machines, farmer populaaaaaaaatiiiiionnnnnnnnnns, surplus of crops-deflation


Decrease in economic ouput

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Democrat who won the presidential election in 1932

Trickle down economics

Economic theory that money lent to banks and businesses will trickle down to consumers

Court packing

FDRs plan to add up to 6 new justices to the supreme court after the supreme court had ruled that some new deal legislation was unconstitutional

Eleanor roosevelt

FDRs wife-first lady (also fdrs cousin) deeply involved in public affairs


Federal deposit insurance corporation- deposits are insured by federal government

Public works administration

Federal money was put to the construction of roads, schools, and federal buildings

Consumer revolution

Flood of new, affordable goods in the decades after WWI

How did buying on margin lead to trouble?

Good investment strategy-still have to pay banks back even if no money was made

Agriculture adjustment act

Government paid farmers to not grow certain crops

Black cabinet

Group of african american leaders who served as unofficial advisers to FDR

How did Ford pioneer mass production?

He brought mass production to new heights by hiring scientific management to improve mass production techniques, and he put cars on assembly lines

What effect Lindbergh have on the American public?

He made everyone think of him as a hero

21st amendment

Legalized the sale and distribution of alcohol

Installment buying

Method of purchase in which buyer makes a small down payment and then pays off the rest of the debt in regular monthly payments

How did Americans enjoy more leisure time?

Movies, radio

How did the automobile drive prosperity?

Much of the explosive growth in the economy was sparked by the automobile industry

Scott Fitzgerald

Novelist who explored the reality of the American dream of wealth, success and emotional fulfillment

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929-when stock prices fell in the great crash

What was happening to people's income in the 1920s?

Overall rise of income for the upper income population few people getting rich buying on credit

Bull market

Period of rising stock prices

Business Cycle

Periodic growth and contraction of economy

new deal coalition

Political force formed by diverse groups who united to support FDR and his new deal


Process by which Mexican Americans were encouraged or forced by local state and federal officials to return to mexico during the 1930s

Mass production

Production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines

Huey Long

Senator of louisiana who ran against FDR that proposed high taxes on wealthy corporations and redistribution of their income to poor americans

New deal

Series of government programs intended to get the government out of the great depression (federal funding)

What were hoovervilles?

Shack towns in parks where the newly homeless lived

How was the stock market doing prior to october 1929

Slow rise, average price on 30 stocks in the market

How did the big bull market make fortunes?

Stock prices raised, more and more americans put their money into stocks in one effort to get rich quick As stock prices rose, the buyers made big profits

Buying on margin

System of buying stocks in which a buyer pays a small percentage of the purchase price while the broker advances the rest

Lost Generation

Term for american writers of the 1920s marked by disillusion with world war I and a search for a new sense of meaning

How did the automobile change America?

The boom in the automotive industry stimulated growth in other industries related to cars The millions of cars led to road construction, thousands of service stations, diners, and motor hotels (motels) growth in industries created new and better paying jobs

What is black Tuesday?

The day the stock market crashed

The Jazz Singer

The first movie with sound synchronized to the action

Babe Ruth

The leading sports hero-baseball player

How did advertising and credit build a consumer culture?

Using new scientific techniques and psychological research, advertisers were able to sell more products to more americans. Magazines and newspapers focused on the desires and fears of americans more than on what people really needed. People who didnt have enough money to buy what they want, used credit

Bonus Army

WWI vets who went to Washington to demand their bonus early

What was the biggest thing that got the US out of the great depression?


Huey Long

Wanted federal government to limit personal fortunes, so everyone could get $2,500 a year


Young woman from the 1920s who defied traditional rules of conduct and dress

Model T

automobile manufactured by Henry Ford to be affordable on the mass market

Dust bowl

central and southern great plains during the 1930s when the region suffered from drought and dust storms


dust bowl refugees

pump priming

economic theory that favored public works projects because they put money into the hands of the consumers who would buy more goods, stimulating the economy

tenant farmers

farmers who worked for bigger landowners rather than for themselves

Welfare state

government that assumes responsibility for providing for the welfare of the poor, elderly, sick and unemployed

Fireside chats

informal radio broadcast in which FDR explained isues and new deal programs to average americans

Indian new deal

legislation that gave indians greater control over their affairs and provided funding for schools and hospitals

Second new deal

legislative activity begun by FDR in 1935 that solved problems created by Great depression

Bread line

line of people waiting for food handouts from charities or public agencies

What were the problems with easy credit?

lots of debt

Mary McLeod Bethune

member of black cabinet and founder of Bethuane Cookman College, powerful champion of race equality (pro new deal)

How Great Depression affect minorities and women?

minorities- First to be laid off Women-Found it easier to find a job then men


policy relied on by president hoover in the early years of the great depression where local and state governments act as primary agents of economic relief


practice of making high risk investments in hopes of making large profits

Hawlet smoot tariff

protective import tax authorized by congress in 1930

what happened on october 1929?

stocks started selling fast

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