History Exam #2

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2. When did the Revolutionary War start


3. When did the War for Independence end


6. Who fought in the French Indian War

France, GB, native Americans, Spain, but ended up being fought as the first world war

52. What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions argue

It said that the states did not have to follow any federal law that was unconstitutional.

12. What is the significance of Shay's Rebellion

It shows how the only people that benefitted from revolution were the rich and the people suffered. It shows how the people can overthrow their tyrannical government no matter who it is.

18. What kind of governmental structure existed during the Revolutionary War

It was a government that was kind of just thrown together to be fixed later on. they had the articles of confederation~~there is no leader or executive(no president or king), a decentralized type of government~~ power is in the hands of the states . gov is only there for basic framework: print money, decide what to do w new land, pay the bills, ratify treaties

12. How did the Jeffersonian Republicans view the bank of the United States

It was a slap in the face to the Jeffersonian Republicans. They were upset that Hamilton built those banks even though the constitution never mentioned that. Hamilton "read between the lines" and took it upon himself to build it even though it wasn't in constitution.

21. Why was it discussed in class, that the articles were idealist

It was based off principle that people are good and when they are left to govern themselves they will do what is best for the country

14. What was the purpose of the convention that assembled in May 1787

It was to fix the articles of confederation

20. How did colonists respond to the end of the period of salutary neglect

It was very unusual for them when GB started caring about how they were governed bc they hadn't been governed or looked at by GB ever so they saw it as GB trying to take away their "freedom"

10. What was the purpose of moving the capital

It would be in a more neutral zone and it would focus the government on the ideals of the whole country rather than just the people of New York(federalists)

21. How many people died at the Boston Massacre

Only two people actually died

11. What was the result of Shay's Rebellion

State leaders were so concerned about the people joining together that they might one day overthrow the government, so the constitutional convention was held

6. Who were the Loyalists

another way of saying "torie". loyal to the British king

15. What about the Articles of Confederation needed to be changed


14. What problems did the British have going into the war

they are fighting in a foreign land.many people didn't care about the war and so the military forces sent over did not have much support from colonists

22. Who did the taxes actually hurt the most

The taxes hurt the rich ppl the most, 90% of the pop. wasnt rlly affected

17. What were the limits of the Articles of Confederation

They could not tax anyone, didnt have an executive, only had one chamber of congress, couldn't regulate trade, decentralized gov

3. How were western lands handled under the Articles of Confederation

They created a system where the territories in the west could become a state if they made their own constitution and got it approved by the government

16. What problems did the colonists have going into the war

They did not have a disciplined army and were extremely POOR. going up against best military and navy in the world. don't have any government. low morale in the country. the country is not united; majority of americans don't want independence. do not have support of the people or of the rich.

What is Mercantilism

This is the process of the colonies only making the mother country rich, they would supply GB with natural resources and GB would get rich from that and the colonies would only buy goods from the mother country

2. What gave the government under the Articles of Confederation trouble

*congress couldn't address trade *could not tax the people *very limited authority over states *no executive *ammendments required unanimity *currency shortage, inflation *bankrupt government *bitter britain(capture US boats, supply natives w weapons, continue mercantilism, no trade w Carribbean)

14. What were the new ideas or major currents that emerged in the 50 years before the American revolution

1. Religion is being challenged(no longer need church or preachers to get to God) 2. The new idea of government that acts as a contract between ppl and the government 3. did not follow kings orders and don't need him(ex- with the proclamation line with the colonists defying the kings orders)

25. What was the result of the Americans' win at Yorktown

11,000 british soldiers were captured and King George starts trying to come up with treaties

9. What percentage of people in the colonies fought in the American Revolution

25% fought as patriots 25% were tories and 50% were neutral

10. How was Shay's Rebellion stopped

A malitia captured the members and imprisoned them

16. What was the Great Awakening

A religious movement in GB with rockstar preachers proposing the idea that christianity revolves around a relationship with YOU and God, no need for the church or priests

4. Why did the revolutionary war happen

A small group of "elites" convinced the people to fight against Britain for their personal gain.

29. What does the Constitution say about women

Absolutley nothing

21. When did France agree to help the colonists in the revolution

After the battle of Saratoga 1777, US won a big victory

26. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris (1783)

All land previously allotted to native americans w the proclamation line is given to US, US is recognised as the USA, British merchants can still collect their debts from before the war, british troops taken out of US soil, british will pay for slaves and other stolen property, US cannot trade with Carribbean

9. What were the results of the Treaty of Paris (1763)

All of France's territory in the U.S. area was given to GB, natives were not mentioned at all, and Spain was given Florida

20. Why was this their strategy

All wars were fought this way; there was no other way of fighting that was done. It was accepted worldwide to fight this way.

4. What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 call for

Any land north of the ohio river was FREE OF SLAVERY

23. What was the stamp act

First tax on British citizens; taxed citizens on all paper products

22. Why did France agree to help the colonists

GB is their biggest enemy, so taking away their colonies hurts them

19. What was the initial strategy used by the British

Gentleman's warfare

17. Who was leading the country during the Revolutionary War

George Washington

30. Why is democracy considered dangerous

It gives the people power which majority of them are ignorant and do not know how to make the proper decisions that a government needs

45. How are Jefferson and Hamilton involved in the emergence of political parties

Half the country agreed with jefferson's views while the other half agreed with Hamilton's views.

2. What were the central issues that divided these parties before 1800

Hamilton vs Jefferson created problems. Hamilton begins taxing goods that are sold in the country and imported. He aslo asks rich to lend the government money. Assumption of Debt was a big problem for the southern states. The country is being set up to benefit the few(the rich) and doesn't help the many.

6. What kind of trade existed between the US and Great Britain after the Revolutionary War

It remained the same as it had been before the rev.

53. Where in government did President Adams attempt to entrench the Federalist party just before he left office

He created 16 Supreme Courts which all had Federalist judges; he aimed to ensure that the Federalists remain in power in the judicial branch.

6. Why was this his hope for the United States

He did not want it to become like how he had seen in Paris. He believed that money and capitalism corrupts.

44. How did Hamilton defend the constitutionality of the national bank

He references the implied powers doctrine. He says if you "read between the lines" the constitution says a bank can be built.

49. What did Washington say in his farewell address

He said to no longer have political parties and for the country to never sign a permanent treaty again.

40. What was Alexander Hamilton's basic vision for the United States

He wanted a completely capitalist country and industrialized. He wants trade, banking, finance, commercial cities.

5. What was Jefferson's ideal vision of the United States

He wanted every citizen to be self-sufficient in order for them to be "free"

42. Why did Madison and Jefferson decide to support Hamilton's assumption of the debt plan

In return, they made a deal to move the capital to a more neutral piece of territory.

8. Who participated in Shay's Rebellion

Indebted farmers in Massachusetts who were taxed so heavily that sometimes all of their assets would be taken if they didnt have gold, silver, or tobacco to pay it in

5. In what ways was the Northwest Ordinance important for the future of the country

It created division in the country, separated north and south and anti-slavery with those for slavery

9. Why did some Jeffersonian Republicans oppose tariffs

It hurt the consumer. The south could no longer buy the cheaper goods that other countries sold for a lower price.

22. Why was it discussed in class, that the Constitution was cynical

It is based off the idea that men are naturally bad and selfish and only aim for their goals to be met

0. Why is this time period referred to as the Age of Passions

It is called this b/c it is when things get heated w/ POV, ideologies, and philosophies. This describes the different passions that separated the country into two parties.

4. How do tariffs help American businesses

It levels the playing field. The cheaper goods that are being imported from other countries have to pay a fee so that american companies can compete with their cheaper prices so they can stay in business.

11. Who owned the bank of the United States

It was owned by a private owner, not the government

29. How was the United States different before and after the revolution

It was the exact same before and after

43. What was the purpose of the Bank of the United States

It's purpose was to hold all the government's money, print uniform money, regulate the printing of money nationwide, and it was to oversee all the other banks in the US.

28. How might a black slave gain his freedom during the revolution

Join GB

7. What were the economic problems under the Articles of Confederation

Look at question #2

9. Where did Shay's Rebellion happen


10. Who made up the American fighting forces

The continental army was composed of farmers, fishermen, and poor people

15. What did the Continental Army of the colonies have going for it at the onset of the war

Not much. they have home field advantage. are not conquering any place, we just have to "hang on" and outlast them in order to win.

27. What did the revolution actually change for people


28. What does the Constitution say about slavery

Nothing; one black man = 3/ 5 of a white man

1. What does the phase "Critical Period" refer to

Period right after revolution where federal government ran under the articles of confederation and had many problems.

13. What did the founding fathers say about Shay's Rebellion

Some said that they should just kill everyone who was in the rebellion because it goes against everything that democracy stands for, but others said it was good and healthy for a democracy too have rebellions so that the peoples voices arent supressed

18. Where was power vested in the Articles of Confederation

Sort out any new territories in the country, could ask states for money, could declare war and sign treaties

41. How did Hamilton set out to fix the economy

Taxing goods in country and imported, asks for the rich to loan the government money, and has an assumption of debt.

15. What does John Locke's contract theory of government argue

That people trade away some of their liberties and give them to the government in exchange for protection. They would be protected thru "life, liberty, and property" and

46. When Britain and France went to war in 1793, how did the United States respond

The US responded by being neutral.

17. What were the effects of the Great Awakening on the colonists

The colonists were now able to "negotiate" their religion and could make church look however they wanted it to

1. What were the two first political parties

The federalists and the democratic-republicans

3. What kind of relationship did the French have with the natives

The french befriended the natives and worked with them instead of fighting against them

32. According to those that were in favor of the Constitution, why is the idea that a faction will take over government unrealistic

The idea is that everyone is so selfish and bad from birth that they will be so divided with one another that they won't band together to overthrown anyone, they are to busy with tearing eachother apart bc of their diversity

13. What were the results of the rebellion

The king of GB created the royal proclamation line of 1763 granting natives a great amount of land(all land that was won by GB in the war- old French territory- was given to them... everything except 13 colonies) in the U.S.

12. Why did this rebellion happen

The natives werent given anything in treaty ending the french indian war, even though native americans fought on both sides and deserved something in return

19. What was going to be the difference between the old government and the new government

The new government was going to be centralized but the old was decentralized

8. Who were the people that generally started to rally around Hamilton

The northerners who were business owners or worked in factories

31. Why did the framers fear the people

The people have sooooo much history having revolts and rebellions and they feared they would overthrow the government

7. Who were the people that generally started to rally around Jefferson

The southerners who were farmers

7. Where was the French Indian War fought

The war was fought worldwide- it was the first world war

24. Why were the Articles not fixed

There were so many things wrong with them that it was easier to simply start over

3. What are tariffs

These are taxes on imported goods.

11. Why did George Washington detest the American militias

They aren't disciplined; many would run away from a battle when they were getting shot at

19. How heavily were colonists taxed compared to British citizens

They didnt have to pay as much taxes as the british citizens bc they gave GB natural resources

13. What did the British have going for them at the onset of the war

They had a total of 60,000 disciplined men fighting for them. Best forces in the world. Superior man power. Trained army that were professional. They are extremely rich. The most powerful European country. Their naval fleet is best in world. Only 25% of colonies is fighting.

4. How did the French population compare to the British population in the Americas

They had much more land than GB because of their good relationship w/ the natives

30. What was the biggest problem faced by the Articles of Confederation government during the war

They had no power at all. They were broke and could not collect taxes from the people

25. Why wasn't our original government able to solve the problems of the country

They had no power to do anything; all the power was with the people and the states and the states were so divided and only wanted to do what benefited them

24. Why were Americans able to win at Yorktown

They had the help of the french

18. Why did the British raise taxes after the Seven Years' War

They had to pay off their debts from those they borrowed money and other items from to win the war

20. What was the balance that the creators of the new government needed to find

They needed to give the people enough power so they would be satisfies and wouldnt revolt, but not enough power that their stupid reasonings would actually affect government

33. What finally convinced the Anti-Federalists to change their position regarding the Constitution

They realized that the articles of confederation needed to go and that they made the bill of rights to cover their concerns as to what the government couldnt do. they were willing to too with the constitution if there was a compromise AKA the bill of rights

34. Why were the Federalists against the addition of the Bill of Rights

They simply thought "why would it need to be in writing" they were going off the assumption that if it was not listed in the constitution that meant the government cannot control that aspect of life

47. How did Republicans react to Jay's Treaty

They thought it was a slap in the face. The Jeffersonians were losing all the money from the slaves that GB took, bc in the treaty it says it is not paying the US back for the slaves they freed.

23. Why were some opposed to the adoption of the Constitution

They thought that having a government that powerful would end up resulting in tyranny all over again, also origniallly there was no way to overthrow the government and the people werent represented. Democracy runs on the people, and the people dont make good decisions.

12. What did the British want in the war

They wanted to return peace to the colonies and take down the leaders/ instigators(sons of liberty). They only want mercantilism system to continue

16. Why were the Articles of Confederation crafted they way they were

They were created hastily and with the idea that after the war they would revisit it and "edit" the government

2. Why did Spanish Colonies in what is now the United States fail

They were in places like new Mexico with harsh conditions and very little life in their areas

8. What was the period of salutary neglect

This time was before the french Indian war when GB did not care what went on in the colonies bc they were too busy w -- a civil war in Britain, king changing the religion, paying bills from war, the constant fight against FR-- to care about the colonies governing themselves.

51. Who was the Sedition Act aimed at

This was aimed at the Republican Jeffersonians, so they couldn't voice their opinions opposing the government. The goal was to stop them from winning the next election by silencing their voices.

50. What was the Quasi-War

This was an unofficial war between US and FR where the French stopped US ships from trading with GB because they were mad about Jay's treaty b/c US was supposed to be France's ally. 300 American ships were plundered.

11. What was Pontiac's Rebellion

This was the natives gathering together after not being given anything in the treaty of Paris. They continue fighting and burn down Fort Detroit.

8. Who were the Patriots

Those who fought for independence

26. Who were the Federalists

Those who supported the constitution

27. Who were the Anti-Federalists

Those who were against the constitution bc they didnt want to create a government that powerful

23. In return for their help, what did we promise the French

To automatically be involved in any war that they would be in in the future

7. From what classes of society did Tories come from

Tories were mainly in middle to upper class who had good business relations with GB

5. Who were the Tories

Tories were those who supported the British

48. What did the US gain from Pinckney's Treaty

We gained land extending the border of Florida.

5. What caused the French Indian War

conflicting claims to a piece of land fought between natives, spain, france, GB. George Washington led a group of British troops to open fire on French troops near the Ohio river valley and the french troops found where the British troops retreated(fort necessity) to and killed them

24. What was the result of the Stamp Act

the sons of liberty (those who were affected by the tax) rilled up the community and got them to protest and had marches on government buildings

25. At what point did war between the colonists and the mother country become inevitable?

there was no defining factor that made war inevitable. there was fighting before the declaration of ind. was even signed, so there was no definite point that made the war inevitable

10. How did the British colonists react to the outcome of the French Indian War

they were HAPPY and were CELEBRATING that GB won the war. this shows that the people loved the mother country( in 1763) and did not want freedom from Britain.

1. How was the Revolutionary War financed

they would confiscate colonists' belongings and in return give them "i owe yous"

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