History Final

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An estimated _________ Palestinians were driven out of their villages and homes after the first Arab-Israeli War ended in 1949


Mao's land reforms between 1950 and 1955 took as many as 2,000,000 lived and resulted in

A rise in agricultural productivity

Taking his cue from Mussolini's policies, Germany's Fuhrer Adolf Hitler _____ of the Weimar Republic, purged the civil service of Jews, closed down all political parties except for the NSDAP, enacted censorship laws, and sent Communists to concentration camps.

Abolished the federalist structure

A war of independence was declared by the _______ Front of National Liberation in 1954-- and independence was finally achieved in 1962


The Eisenhower administration in the US ended the Korean War in 1953 with:

An armistice only, and no official peace treaty

The Congolese army chief Mobutu Sese Seko seized power from Patrice Lumumba, even though it was general knowledge that he was in the pay of the Belgians and the ______


In 1900, Austrailia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after _____


The world's first female prime minister took power in ________ in 1960.


Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness was inspired by the colonial efforts in this African Country.


The international political system that dominated Europe from 1815 to 1914 and which advocated a balance of power among states is referred to as the _______, and it was aimed at preventing any renewed European imperialist goals of the kind Napoleon had pursued

Convert of Europe

in botswana, the british opted to allow a family conglomerate to control the mine. This family would artifically control what resource's price well into our current time period?

DeBeer; diamonds

The principle spokesman for _______ nationalists in the second half of the nineteenth century was Josel Rizal, whose novels responded to the Spanish justification of colonialism


Hitler implemented his planned Endisung or ____________ of European Jews began in January 1942 and entailed the relocation of Jews to mass extermination camps

Final Solution

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are China, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, and ________


On June 28, 1914, members of Bosnian Serb nationalist group assassinated the Austrian heir to the throne, _______, and his wife while they toured the Bosnian city of Sarajevo, the unleashing the chain of events that would ultimately lead to World War I.

Franz Ferdinand

By 1750, the chief of European rival competing against British commercial monopoly in India were the _______, who were aggressively building up both trade and political power in the southern part of peninsular India


"Lawrence of Arabia" helped the members of prominent family, the ______ from Mecca, to assume leadership of the Arabs for a promised national kingdom in Syria and Palestine


Khruschev alarmed Western leaders by announcing that

He would support anticolonial nationalist independence movements around the globe, even if they were not communists

In its indictment of traditional societal and cultural norms, Allen Ginsberg's _______ and Other Poems (1956) represents the earliest expression of the "beat" ethic.


Outside the Southern United States, _____ was the state that experience the surge in racial tension after World War I, with about 30% of the state's population including the governor members of the Klu Klux Klan in 1925


The league of Nations rebuked _____ for its horrifically violent attack, aided by chemical weapons, on Ethiopia in 1935-1936


The league of nations rebuked ______ for its horrifically violent attack, aided by chemical weapons, on Ethiopia in 1935-1936


In Russia, Lenin's successor, ______ built the Communist Party into an all-powerful apparatus that brutally shifted resources from agriculture into industry and lifted the Soviet Union into the ranks of the industrial powers.

Joseph Stalin

By the end of 1980's, 80% of Poland's workers had joined a labor union called "Solidarity", founded by the electrician _______

Lech Walesa

French imperial and colonial involvement in Indochina became entrenched in 1858 under_______.


The German torpedoing and sinking of the British liner _________ in 1917 cost the lives of more than 100 Americans and brought the United states to the bring of joining the war in Europe.


The Mukden Incident of 1931 was engineered by the Japanese military to provide a pretext for the annexation of


The Spanish built their first trade fort in the Philippines at ______, as a place from which trade with China after conquering Mexico from the Aztecs


Ending in February 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad:

Marked the turning point in the European war, with Soviet victory

One showpiece of President Franklin Roosevelt's anti-depression legislation was the _______

NOT--- the war on poverty

Some british agents of the East India Company took Indian .......


French imperial and colonial involvement in Indochina became entrenched in 1858 under _______.

Napoleon III

In 1757, the battle of _______ effectively eliminated the French threat in the subcontinent and consolidated Great Britain's supremacy in India following the treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in 1763


Which of the following is NOT true with respect to periodization as a learner progresses?

Plessy v. Ferguson ruling from 1896

As a result of a secret deal between British prime minister Churchill and Soviet leader Stalin in May 1944, Greece became part of the British sphere, in return for

Romania and Bulgaria being apportioned to the Soviet sphere at war's end

The opening gambit of Great Britain's "Great Game" against _________ was the first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838


The _______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885


In general, ________ focused on sexuality, family and the workplace, and other de facto and de jure inequalities between genders.

Second Wave Feminism

The "Stinger" was a(n) _______, which the United States was clandestinely supplying to Afghan fighters in the attempt to expel Soviet occupying forces.

Shoulder-fired missile

The Soviet Politburo reacted to the uprising in East Germany in 1953 by:

Suppressing the revolt quickly and comprehensively

By 1949, Chiang K'ai-shek and most of his forces had fled to ______, and Mao's forces took Beijing


The massive ______ by Vietcong forces in February 1968 may have contributed to President Johnson's decision not to seek another term.

Tet Offensive

After World War I, the most strategically important focus of British and French colonialism was _________.

The Middle East

In 1964, Yasir Arafat and other Palestinian nationalists founded ______, whose militant wing, Fatah, began a guerilla war against Israel and its backers.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

"Free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," is a quote that describes which of the following?

The Truman Doctrine

As a result of the launch of Sputnik in 1957

The United States accelerated its own missile and space program

The catalyst for the implementation of Gorbachev's policy of "glasnot" was the frank coverage of:

The nuclear accident in Chernobyl

Kemal "Ataturk" introduced all of the following measures to Turkey except

The removal of Anatolian farmers into urban factories and schools

Early pioneers of Zionism, like ______, advocated the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine

Theodor Herzl

To overcome its humiliation in East Africa, Italy tried its hand at imperialism again in 1911 against


The ________ aimed at outlawing the poll taxes, literacy tests, and other means by which states attempted to limit their citizens' ability to vote.

Voting Rights act

In the early years of the Cold War, countries could basically be placed into which of the following categories

Western camp, Eastern bloc, and the Non-Aligned Movement

The original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885 was to"

Win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire

All of the following were characteristic of the Soviet economy in the Stalinist and post-Stalinist periods EXCEPT:

Women entered the workplace in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades"

Mussolini's Fascists claimed that they were inaugurating a "________ state", which theoretically saw all sectors of society contributing in a systematic, orderly, and hierarchal fashion to the health of the whole.


Imperialism is the process of extending one state's control over another. There are different types of imperialism, however, and one method is that the colonizing nation annexes territories and subjugates people there, such as the Belgians in the Congo. This is known as _________ imperialism.


The kidnapped victims of the Argentine Gurre Sucia came to be collectively known as the "_______".


The Communist Part of China turned to its most colossal mass mobilization project yet the _______, in 1958

great leap forward

The Great Mutiny was touched off by the rumor that the british intended to

introduce a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with cow and pig fat

Because he __________ in June 1989, major General Xu Qinxian was court-martialed and imprisoned for four years

refused to follow orders to shoot civilians in Tiananmen Square

The Belgian Congo under King Leopold II employed mass forced labor of the indigenous population to extract _____ from the jungle


In 1919, the Indian National Congress called for ______, or self-rule from Britain, and advocated nonviolent noncooperation


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