History of Modern Art

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(German for "total art work") an art form that involves music, poetry, drama, and scenic design; often used in reference to Richard Wagner's music dramas


* originated Paris 1912, using pure color, often from opposite ends of the spectrum, to define shapes largely cubist in inspiration

Pavilion of Realism

1855: Courbet set up his own realism exhibition against authorities--decided realism includes only real things--not intangible things like angels.

Symbolism and Art Nouveau

1880 -1910 new artists from a gallery the house of new art, mostly to decoration or decorative architecture, new modern forms, plant based, curvy lines and natural feel to them, modern building materials, example Scream Symbolism focused on the abstract use of symbols to express the spiritual reality behind the physical world. Art Nouveau sought to bring modernity and elegance to composition and design. Symbolists wanted to form images from dreams and it Art Nouveau's swirling lines and often ethereal nature often provided a perfect backdrop.


1905- refers to art that is a result of the artist's inner or personal vision and flows from feeling.Art that communicates emotionally preoccupations or concerns, distinct groups Berlin, Austria, Vienna , wide range of portraiture, landscapes, animals, continued interest in primitivism,German expressionists has a high interest in primitive art, the way it could undermine contemporary, life styles and as a tool to question modern society, pure abstraction,

Cubist beginnings

1907 Rejected western traditions and over turned them, came close to abstraction but never completely abstract, geometric shapes, Picasso and Braque worked with eachother

John Sloan, Hairdresser's Window, oil on canvas, 1907. The Ashcan School

1907. The Ashcan School- became a teacher at the art students league liberal voice there, humanity's conchance, saw art as a means for communication, was a member of the socialist party, focus immediately at the hairdresser, women getting her hair done, doing hair in a window is somewhat of a advertisement, signs advertising, bottom wig collection

Gino Severini, Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin, oil on canvas with sequins, 1912,Futurism

1912 - on top of the new trends, influence from cubism, man in a top hat his face is clearly cubism, sequins unconventional use of material pasted on decorative forms he painted, dance hall, words poca and waltz , dances done in the hall, women with brown curls taking over the canvas, elements of the work the point to current events, man in white riding a camel, refers to Italian war of 1911, flags in painting nationalism pride. Has a delightful feel to it not serious.

George Bellows, Cliff Dwellers, oil on canvas, 1913. The Ashcan School

1913. The Ashcan School- image of new York in the summer, feeling is of activity and crowd, life that is happening up above your eye is drawn too, title of the painting came from a title of the book, people are called cliff dwellers they lived up high in tight quarters,

Marsden Hartley, Portrait of a German Officer, oil on canvas, 1914. Stieglitz Circle

1914, Stieglitz Circle- cubism, strong primary colors, black and white, began this new piece as the war developed, this was done for a friend he was mourning, the most important medal is the iron cross for bravery in war, Kv f for his friend and age of friend when he died, mourning his lost love, millitary pageantry,

Carlo Carrà, Patriotic Celebration (Free-Word Painting), pasted paper and newspaper on cloth, mounted on wood, 1914. Futurism

1914. Futurism- creates a few day after the assignation of arch duke ferdanne, a general sense of conflict, leaflets being dropped from airplanes of propaganda, active support against Austria in the Great War, suggested by the nationalism of the Italian flag and words that refer to Italy, free word painting, like free word writing, liberating them from usual way of painting and writing, ties to cubism with use of words.

Gino Severini, Armored Trainin Action, oil on canvas, 1915. Futurism

1915, Futurism - unusual Ariel perspective, was able to see the tops of the train and movement, looking down at the train, Metalic of the train, landscape of trees and smoke and speed and energy, diagonal show speed , clashing of sound as the train speeds along, soldiers agressing against an unseen attacker, blank faces dehumanized,

John Singer Sargent, Gassed, oil on canvas, 1919

1919- choking and coughing of gased men, soldiers blinded by gas attack, hands on eachother because they can't see, highlights the vulnerability of these men, dead or waiting for help on the ground, a way of showing the effects of a gas attack


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be,Began in France in 1850s following the 1848 revolution- 1880 It included subject matter and audience activists and unworthy of representation in high art, Style changed in this time period less polished less crisp and clear not the case with realist art Pigment changed, palette knife used and pallet knife application, slowly depart from a stablished traditions Back ground space was not as convincing

German Expressionism

A film style that emerged in the 1910s in Germany. It was heavily indebted to the Expressionist art movement of the time and influenced subsequent horror films and film noir. Art that communicates emotionally preoccupations or concerns, distinct groups Berlin, Austria, Vienna , wide range of portraiture, landscapes, animals, continued interest in primitivism,German expressionists has a high interest in primitive art, the way it could undermine contemporary, life styles and as a tool to question modern society, pure abstraction,


A late-19th century movement growing out of Impressionism. Though interested in capturing the effects of light and atmosphere, these artists also introduced the ideas of color theory and optics into their works. Pointillism was a common technique.

Synthetic Cubism

A later phase of Cubism, in which paintings and drawings were constructed from objects and shapes cut from paper or other materials to represent parts of a subject, in order to engage the viewer with pictorial issues, such as figuration, realism, and abstraction. construction or build up of signs, shapes, collage a build up of materials


A painting style developed by Henri Matisse in 1905 that formally lasted until 1908. The means "fierce animal." The style rejects Neo-Impressionism and expresses flat, bold, un-naturalistic color with impulsive brushwork; sometimes the blank canvas shows between brushstrokes.


A school of painters who used a technique of painting with tiny dots of pure colors that would blend in the viewer's eye


An artistic movement that expressed world that could not normally be seen, like dreams and fantasy.means the after Impressionism, wide range of artistic styles, responding to Impressionism, 1886, felt the impressionists were too dependenton what they saw and deterred artistic freedom, rejected Impressionist concern for light and color, exact image of the world around them, post Impressionists were concerned with harmony 2d form and space, large blocks of color, line and color, lots of structure and order to the paintings, growing interest in abstraction, interested in commonality between western and non western art, less concerned with everyday life, often looked to memories and emotions, connect with the viewer with a deeper and more emotional


An artistic movement that sought to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of the piece they were drawing, 1870-1880, began in 1874 when a group of artists decided to exhibit outside the official salon they became known as the impressionists, radical art movement, one of the most popular movements, subject matter was a maine focus, the artist focused on leisure indoor and out scenes, landscape, family life, active happy side of life in France, impression style momentary effects of light and atmosphere and movement, technical means out to express sensation, moving away from academic painting, often small in scale, moving away of conventional prospective, impressionists lead by monet, Edgar Degas, Pierre- August's Renoir , Berthe Morisot, hold there own exhibition 200 works thirty art


An early 20th century artistic movement which was attracted to the directness, instinctivness and exoticism nonurban cultures, tendency to understand non western more pure and authentic than the west, primary people of color


An early-20th-century Italian art movement that championed war as a cleansing agent and that celebrated the speed and dynamism of modern technology.

Louis Vauxelles

An influential Art critic creditied with coining the terms Fauvism and Cubism

Salon of Independents = Salon des Indépendents

Annual exhibition held in paris since 1884, been founded to hold unjuried exhibitions

Gustav Klimt, Dining-room and detail of dining room mural, mosaic and enamel on marble, c. 1905-08, Palais Stoclet, Brussels. Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau- two figures embracing, bent over women who head is resting in his arms, face are realistic while rest of image is abstract and decorative, curvilinear lines, tree branches as natural form, decorative pattern comes from interest in gold from primitive art


Art model in france known for her work with artist Manet, in painting Olympia 1863

Egon Schiele, The Family, oil on canvas, 1918. Austrian Expressionism

Austrian expressionism - unfinished at his death, modern translation of the holy family, make figure represents schiele crutched around the baby, seemed to be threatened or in stress, parents are nude baby clothed, clearly a family unit, related yet separate not touching not looking at eachother, Klimt and Schiele they both died of the Spanish flu

Austrian Expressionism

Began in Austria, major influence sigma Froid, the expressionists were really reflective in personality and personal character, personal emotion, not interested in primitivism

Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, oil on canvas, 1849. Realism

Challenged the status quo Challenged academic styles of art challenging the acedemy, poor French men crushing stone into gravel, back breaking work makes it look like that, presenting awkward hard labor, older man with awkward pose, most artist of a time would make the labors look heroic but he makes them look old and young, those who are poor will remain poor, nothing will change, working classes aren't content, style is rough, used brush and palette knife roughness of brush stroke in the ground, not polished define of classical, large painting 5 feet high 8 feet long, poor people of monumental figures weren't done in the time

Georges Braque,Houses at L'Estaque, oil on canvas, 1908. Early Cubism

Early Cubism, reducing color palette, reduction of shapes, very simple cubes and trees lacking indication, extreme perspective of lack of background space, forcing us that it's merely a canvas,

Victorine Meurent

French Painter and model now famous for being in Manet's paintings.

Franz Marc, The Large Blue Horses, oil on canvas, 1911. German Expressionism/ Der Blaue Reiter(The Blue Rider)

German expressionism / Der Blaue Rieter- less corrupt by culture than man, animals were an Ideal representation of humanity, he had system for the use of color, red was representing material earth, mixing primary colors were mixing characteristics, use of primary colors, green and orange in the back round, three blue horses All standing together, herd is very close in harmony, can see horses, forms echo eachother and landscape, feel as if they are standing on green grass, foreground compressed into there bodies, animals are one with the land

Wassily Kandinsky, Sketch for Composition II, oil on canvas, 1909-1910. German Expressionism/ Der Blaue Reiter(The Blue Rider)

German expressionism/ Der Blaue, Reiter (The Blue Rider) a moment of brilliance when he didn't recognize a painting in his studio because it was laying on its side in that moment he realized a painting completely abstract may not have subject matter but still stirs your emotions on that way, standing figures, continuing to the center of the painting, leaping over the river or fallen tree, in the back looks like building a and more people, elements that aren't immediately recognized, frantic busy scheme, claimed to have no theme, two sections, two sides, chaotraphy leads to rebirth, pure abstraction, chaos, excitement

Ashcan School (New York Realists)

Group of artists who painted realistic scenes Focused on subjects of everyday life; titles such as The Wrestlers and Sixth Avenue Members included George Luke, George Bellows, John Sloan, Robert Henri, Everett Shinn, and Arthur B. Davie should


Hebrew, "prophet." A group of Symbolist painters influenced by Paul Gauguin. Nouveau , Nabis some sets of post Impressionism and symbolism, separate group sub set of post Impressionism, nouveau means profit, were a collective group in traditional painting involved with the decorative arts, 1890s, most innovative of post Impressionist color design and pattern, unusual with involvement with the decorative arts,


Iberian Peninsula, or Iberia, is located in the extreme southwest of Europe and includes modern-day Spain,Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar and a very small area of France

Edgar Degas, The Tub, 1886, pastel on cardboard. Impressionism

Impressionism, a series of 7, women washing, nudes must show people in a more natural fashion, critics attack painting because they felt it was extremely ungamely, it's ugly, not attractive or graceful nude, degas was influenced by Japanese prints, really focused on the movement of the bather, looking straight down in the bather, brush looks like it will fall off the table, cropping is unusual and asymmetric,

Claude Monet, Impression: Sunrise, oil on canvas, 1872. Impressionism

Impressionism, visible brush stroke, see the hand of the artist, moving polish of academic painting, pure, bright, new paints that allow vibrant pure color, not clear, no horizon line , no indication of scale, shown first impressionist exhibitions 1874, painted outdoors, noticed by criti Louie and coined the term impressionist, sensation produced by landscape


Informal social gatherings at which writers, artists, philosophes, and others exchanged ideas


Japanese woodblock printing; translation: "pictures of the floating world"


Many groups including the socialists and Marxists of the 19th century often opposed the idea of a state. They believed society would function better without a government and that governments do nothing but promote exploitation. What is this belief system called?

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (Young Ladies of Avignon), oil on canvas, 1907

Might be beginning of cubism, expressionistic and personal, cubist beginnings, angler fashion, triangle grouping, poses similar to Braque painting, both have naked women, looking at these Iberian features, primitivism.

Fauves, or "Wild beasts"

Modernist artists who used arbitrary color extensively

Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, oil on canvas, 1912

Nude descending a staircase n.2 oil on canvas, 1912 - figure is going from left to right, cubist he was looking at, limited color palette, taking apart this figure, looking at it from different view points

Sonia Delaunay, Le Bal Bullier, oil on canvas, 1913. Orphism

Orphism - a Persian dance hall, dancers and dancing couples under the dome light alg the dance hall have domes off to the right, contrast of these colors that give painting a lot of energy, very much in contrast, background is larger parts colors, sense of moving couples,

Robert Delaunay, Eiffel Tower with Trees, oil on canvas, 1910. Orphism

Orphism- Sonia and Robert were a married couple, orphism from orphiois, metaphor for the power of art, abstraction was connected to music, symbol of Paris, of new materials , celebrating technology and modern life, very distinct structure of the Eiffel Tower, disappears into the clouds, on the bottom you see other structures, rather solid to comparison then the dissolving into the surroundings, nature and foliage on the bottom, shifting viewpoints, movement as if viewer is circling around tower and feeling of vibration

Gallery Cubists

Pablo Picasso and Braque cubists that had small intimate work, with greys and browns, who built cubism through experiments

en plein air painting

Painted out of doors. A practice used by the Impressionists.

en plain aire

Painting out doors, Impressionism

History Painting

Paintings based on mythological or biblical narratives. Once considered the noblest form of art. They generally convey a high moral or intellectual idea and are often painted in a grand pictorial style.

Paul Cezanne, Still Life with Basket of Apples, oil on canvas, c. 1893. Post-Impressionism

Post Impressionism, wonderful still lives, worked on this painting for four years, a number of errors in terms of traditional still life perspective and naturalism, the table is tipped at the left towards us so the fruit is in danger of rolling, line of the table disappears, the bottle is not symmetrical, cookies look views on the side, two on top pop outward, the apples don't of sense of volume, napkin looks hard and angular quality, he does these things because he was indicating many viewpoints, that we are not static we move and when we look at something we see many viewpoints of something it's how we experience the objects around us in life in movement, different visual sensations and perspectives

Georgia O'Keeffe, Music—Pink and Blue, II, oil on canvas, 1919. Stieglitz Circle

Stieglitz Circle - moves to New York to study at the art students league, commitment to abstraction to her work, related to the interest that abstract artist had in music and art can convey emotions like music but like music don't not have to be representational, feeling organic, feeling of nature

Arthur Dove, Goin' Fishin', bamboo, denim shirt sleeves, buttons, wood and oil on wood, 1925. Stieglitz Circle

Stieglitz circle - inventive work, lives in a house boat, glued bamboo onto this painting, arc formed, semi circle, casting your line, the dock the fisherman standing on, narrative story, abstract one, using collage

Pablo Picasso, Maquette for Guitar, cardboard, string, andwire, 1912. Synthetic Cubism

Synthetic Cubism, playing with form in both his sculptures and with his form, overlapping of form, minimal needs, hole of the guitar and body of the guitar, gets his ideas from African masks, earliest surviving sculpture of Picasso's

Juan Gris, The Table, pasted and printed papers and charcoal on paper, mounted on canvas, 1914. Synthetic Cubism

Synthetic Cubism- uses paper, in a literal way to represent what it is printed as, represents the table, the true and the false, what is real what is not, page of a book that stands for a actual book, use of collage,


Term coined by Guillaume Apollinaire c. 1912 to refer to the work of several painters in Paris. Orphism could signify a direct sensuous address by means of colour and light, as well as an innovative creative process.

Georges Braque, The Portuguese (The Emigrant), oil on canvas, 1911. Analytic Cubism

The Portuguese (The Emigrant), oil on canvas, 1911. Analytic Cubism- similar to Pablo Picasso a accordionist, so similar to Pablo in this moment experts can't tell them apart, done in 3 weeks that Picasso and Brock were working together, typical elements letters and numbers toward the top, isolated little details, loop curtain rope, sense of dissection of the object, letters and numbers anchor is to the real world

Analytic Cubism

The first phase of Cubism, developed jointly by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, in which the artists analyzed form from every possible vantage point to combine the various views into one pictorial whole.taming things apart piece by piece view point by view point, dissecting them onto the canvas, neutral colors

Flu Epidemic of 1918-1929

The n1 virus 59 to 100 million deaths cause by this flu epidemic, your own immune system would attack you,Spanish flu because Spain was neutral

The Salon des Refusés, Paris Salon of 1863:

The salon of the refused, why is 1863 in the course title? This is the year the salon of the refused took place, rejected pieces of art, refused pieces almost half of pieces of art to the official salon were refused, were t getting major source of exposure for the year, many artist protested, nepleon the 3rd had an idea for a alternative salon, the salon took on the statue of the counter establishment, go there see conterveral art, new art,

Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider)

Vassily Kandinsky's (along with Franz Mark's) artistic movement which aimed to emphasize expression and spirituality through nonrepresentational art. They believed in the promotion of modernity, the connection between visual art and music, the spiritual and symbolic associations of color, and a spontaneous, intuitive approach to painting.

Stieglitz Circle

a constellation of artists grouped around the photographer-gallerist Alfred Stieglitz and his 291 Gallery— exemplified here by Georgia O'Keeffe—that formed an early, semi-abstract avant-garde in close dialog with European artistic developments in the early twentieth-century United States

Salon Cubists

a group of avant-garde French artists, who built upon the early cubists experiments of Picasso and Braque. They established cubism as an identifiable movement and introduced it to the general public through their exhibit in Paris Salons, large scale and colorful paintings.


a relief-printing technique in which the printing surface is raised above other portions of the block, which are cut away so that they remain blank. The lines can neverbe too thin, so that the technique is not as precise as other printing methods.


a techniquewhereby the edges of color plane slip away and merge with adjacent areas; mitigates distinction between objects; the use of parallel short, hatched strokes of paint, often arranged in diamond or lozenged-shaped patches, to ease of disguise the transition from shallow to deep space in a picture, or to soften the contour boundary between solid and space, figure and ground.

femme fatale

an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her


an exaggerated portrayal of one's features

The spread of Cubism

became a movement, cubists the salon cubists, they worked outside of the small circle, Picasso, barq, Bran, drawn together at the autumn salon, secured there in room at a salon, became a visible force on the art scene, wide spread view of cubism was very much encouraged by the earliest available writing, people driving the promotion of cubism were artists outside of the circle, about cubism, are they derivative of Picasso and Braque, definitely influential, understanding what they were doing and being there own concerns and understanding to the work, large scale modern life subject, big ideas and big themes

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, The Street, 1913,oil on canvas.German Expressionism/ Die Brücke(The Bridge)

busy view of modern life, color is the same from his 1910 painting, more angler much sharper, lots of curves, not as frantic, sharper more anxious feel, experience of living Berlin, prostitutes, rest of people in the image are men, representing modern life, disorienting affect of the busy city, showing the comody culture of modern life

Auguste Rodin, Monument to Balzac, bronze, 1898

commissioned to honor Balzac, ment to communicate a idea and spirit, energy of the man, clothes the figure in a robe he wore when he was riding,lifting his chin-up , proud, aware of his own abilities, something growing upward energy

Emil Nolde, The Last Supper, oil on canvas, 1909. German Expressionism/ Die Brücke(The Bridge)

diebrucke - it is a very old topic depicted in a fascinating way, very complete space, gathered close together, chin on shoulder of Jesus, compressed space, use of imposto makes sense very cakey, and intense, around edges is dark and light falls on Jesus in the center,

Autumn Salon (begun 1903) Salon d'Automne

exhibition of the works of young artists held every fall in Paris

Henri Matisse, The Joy of Life, oil on canvas, 1905-06. Fauvism

fauvism - large painting, returned to the use of drawing and line, use of line in the trees different from earlier work, unifie the people with the line he used for the landscape, scale is squed, the perspective is off, two large reclining women in the middle and one side are a lot smaller, group dancing in the back in celebrating of life, dancing people are tiny, he did this because we are constantly moving and view things from different views or to make people look closer and to think it's as a painting, gives a sense of decorative and happiness

Henri Matisse, Blue Nude, oil on canvas, 1907. Fauvism

fauvism produced after a trip to vawassa, Africa, depicting her body from different directions, face quite mask life, geometric quality, from interests in these masks, use of color is blue, flowers and foliage , melts into this background similar use of color and brush stroke, blocks of color, it's a picture not a objective representation of the women, it's the feeling of being there not representation

Der Blaue Rieter (The Blue Rider)

formed in 1911, unic based group, Kandinsky, mac and Macao, worked more independent, name means blue is the most spiritual color and nature represents purity, Carry a message of healing to the world , encounter or transformation the rider and the horse charging into the future, more interested in western and European past, landscape, animals and abstraction, and spiritualism and cult. nude and sexuality and general are not a big theme.

Auguste Renoir, Moulin de la Galette, oil on canvas, 1876. Impressionism

impression is a well known painting, a lively happy scene a wonderful Sunday afternoon, painted outdoors, larger canvas, complicated canvas and not spontaneous, did studies and used models, terms of style fleeting light affects of the scene, dappled sunlight coming through trees, scene of leisure, fashionably dressed, adults, children, feel of fun, lots of interactions between people, all different sides of figures shown, no single vocal point,

Paul Signac, In the Time of Harmony, oil on canvas, 1896. Post-Impressionism/ Pointillism

in the time of Harmony, oil on canvas, 1896- postimpressionism and pointillism- this relates to anarchy, workers movement the haves and have nots, blamed injustice and equality on the concept of government, absolute freedom of the individual, originally titled to in the time of anarchy, forced to change title, to Signac the artist anarchy meant Harmony, people are enjoying life, people pursuing their happiness. Landscape is gentle, mediterranean south, pointillism, created pointillism, used the techinque to use work forward.

Armory Show in New York (1913)

major event that brought modernism to the attention of a broader American public. first large scale of modern art in the United States, triggered interest in new art, and not confined to artist a lite but to general public, created a respective atmosphere to buy and sell art , exposing people to European modern art, made revolutionary modern artists look old fashioned, ashcan school artists look old fashioned, 1911, show went to Chicago and Boston,


mix of remembered and seen elements OR the juxtaposition or combination, in a single painting, of radically different and discontinuous perspective schemas or viewpoints

avant-garde= advance guard

new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.


painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible

Papier scollés

pasted papers

Vincent Van Gogh, The Night Café, oil on canvas, 1888. Post-Impressionism

post Impressionism, brighten palette loosened brush stroke, see the heavy build up of paint imposto, all night bar that is populated by the lower people of society, a low public house, colors are not realistic they are harsh, gives painting this harshness, tilted down perspective/ view point, one figure staring at us, few stragglers at the bar, no interaction between people in the painting Potatoe eaters 1885, one of his first paintings Van Gogh wanted to depict peasants as they were, extremely dark, that's what's unusual for Van Gogh, peasants close to the earth dark earthly colors, real everyday normal conversations, where started.

Paul Gauguin, Vision after the Sermon, oil on canvas, 1888. Post-Impressionism

post Impressionism, scene of women that just came from a sermon, eyes are closed and they are having a religious experience, vision of Jacob wrestling with the angel, wrestling with god, separates the spiritual world from the religious experience, north west of France, lived closer to nature not modern, 19 century they wouldn't of dress like this, nostalgia for a simpler time, use of red that are expressive, powerful color and power of this religious experience, no shadows, flattening of space odd perspective, tree trunk makes it very asymmetrical

Édouard Manet, Luncheon on the Grass, oil on canvas, 1863. Realism

shown at the salon de refused, most famous work shown at the salon of refused, critics were appalled and fascinated, what was controversial was the style and bright tones, the prospective upset people nude women in background is bending down looking out at the ground prospective of body was not academically accurate, no consistent light source, the model was a women that was not idealized, a real women, posed casually, confronting the viewer she's not embarrassed, modern clothes off, men in modern day clothes, not a goddess a real women having much nude in a forest with contemporary men was much too scandalous for people in that time. Similarities of toshon renaissance painting that's well known. Both Two unclothed women and two clothed women more mythological gloss of two women.

Constantin Brancusi, Bird in Space, marble, stone, and wood, 1923

spirit of flight, doesn't represent birds, it's a vision of flight, depicting what fascinates us most about a bird, expanding upwards this feeling of moving forward, free, gives sense of hope and optimism

Ferdinand Hodler, Night, oil on canvas, 1889-90. Symbolism

symbolism, people sleeping, death represented as a intense seat, death perched on top of the man, startled out of his sleep, trying to get away, hodler had a true fear of death, image represents his position the artist in society as misunderstood, women on the left is the mother of his son and one on the right was his first wife, very long painting but not high, reminds you of a coffin, band at geniva because of the nudes and controversy, so he charged people to go see it, going outside of official exhibition menu,

Pierre Bonnard, Promenade of the Nursemaids, Frieze of Fiacres, 1899, Color lithograph on four panels. Symbolism/ Nabis

symbolism/ Nabis - ramen from Japanese art, large print on four panels, decorative object, screen, fiacrese are carriages, figure towards right is a nurse maid attending to two children, small dog, flat forms, nurse maids in the back,

Edvard Munch, The Scream, oil on canvas, 1893. Symbolism

symbolism: was created as a much larger cycle called the freeze of life, the theme addressed love, sex and death. Bridge at a steep angle, landscape of a lake , hills and shoreline, red sky, landscape is swirling together, swirling energy, human figure stands out, two humans walking away and figure in the front is a curving figure mouth is simply a round orb, curves with the landscape, figure is yelling and screaming, fight between civilizations and nature, munch wrote about the scene his diary, dream, his friends continuing on and his overwhelming anxiety that appears in the natural world , vast scream tear through nature, visualization of emotion with nature itself and visual depiction on sound.


the bridge 1905 by 4 architecture students in Dresden, all four founding members were self taught, drawing lessons , learned by looking at other artist, bridge in German linking art of past with of the present, stylistic influences fascinated in fauvism, flatting of perspective and the energetic breast stroke, German medieval woodcuts jagged form and simplicity of the images, were interested in non western cultures


the characteristic style in Neo-Impressionist painting defined by the separation of colors into individual dots or patches which interacted optically

cultural appropriation

the process by which cultures adopt customs and knowledge from other cultures and use them for their own benefit

Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Gertrude Stein, oil on canvas, 1906

the steins were important American collectors, very well known writer, began painting in 1905-1906, stately feel to it, sat 90 times for this painting and at the end he said I can't see you any longer when I look, very skimatic, oval eyes, symmetrical face, stately feel to it, for shortening of face, exaggerated features, sculptural feel


this artist used early degario type (daguerreotype) tooken in artist studio 1837 and invented by Louis Jacques-Mande degurre discovered technique in 1834, allowed you to draw with art, ended ideas with light and optics revolutionized art, right theres a portrait from 1864 deddare, 99 out 100 were portraits for photography, really important in the time, render reality

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