History Semester #1

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The great Migration refers to the movement of which group of Americans?

African Americans

What did WEB Du Bois believe about African Americans and racial relations in the US?

African Americans should immediately demand equal treatment under the law

What was one advantage of urbanization for poor workers who migrated to cities in the late nineteenth century?

They were better able to provide their children with educational opportunities

At which stage of the fighting did the US enter WWI?

Three years into the war

What was the goal of the war industries board during WWI?

To regulate industries related to the war effort

What was the reason for the passage of the American Indian Citizenship act of 1924?

To reward Native Americans for military service

As a whole, the presidents of the Gilded Age could best be described as...


Which of the following can best be inferred by the fact that one in five children worked in a factory in the late 1800s?

Children who worked often received little education due to long working hours

Most immigrants who entered the US through Angel Island were from...


How was the economic struggle during the Great Depression different for rural Americans than for those who lived in cities?

Environmental disasters worsened the struggles for rural Americans

The general attitude of the public leading up to the Black Tuesday was that

No one believed that the warning signs would result in a crash in the stock market

John Wanamaker changed consumer culture by

Offering free delivery to rural areas

The Works Progress Administration encouraged the arts by hiring artists to

Paint murals on public buildings

Which problem was the muckraker Upton Sinclair most concerned to expose?

Poor working conditions in American factories

The auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at General Motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to

Recognize their union; allow collective bargaining

One of the most important pieces of New Deal labor legislation, the Wagner Act

Recognized the right for employees to join labor unions and bargain collectively

What is the name of the political reform that allows voters to reject laws even if they already had been passed by the legislature?


Marcus Garvey advocated the idea that African Americans

Should form separate communities from whites

Frances Perkins the first woman to be appointed to a presidential Cabinet position, played a large role in establishing

Social Security

The increase in leisure pursuits in the 1920s was a sign of

Technological innovations

Why were President Wilson's fourteen points disregarded at the Paris Peace Conference?

The Allies considered the American proposals not idealistic enough

Which New deal program was founded with the primary goal of creating jobs for young men?

The Civilian Conservation Corps

What basic conflict was the Sand Creek Massacre a part of?

US settlers and soldiers against Native Americans

Which document reflects US attempts after WWI to be less involved in world affairs?

Kellogg-Braind Pact

According to John Maynard Keynes what was the main cause of the Great Depression?

Lack of government influence in the economy

What did the gridlock between parties in Congress and the White House in the late 1800s lead to?

Little meaningful legislation was passed

How did the Haymarket Riot hurt the labor movement?

Many Americans came to believe that union members were violent anarchists

Many in congress opposed the League of Nations because they

supported the isolationist view that the organization would entangle the US in foreign conflicts

Why were there fewer women in the American workforce in 1920 than there were ten years earlier?

A recession that followed the war resulted in fewer job openings

What idea did Warren G Harding campaign successfully on in the presidential election of 1920?

A return to "normalcy"

The Indian Reorganization act..

Allowed Native Americans more control over their own affairs

President Grant is remembered as a corrupt president because he...

Allowed members of his administration to engage in corruption

What was the long-term effect of the 1920s bull market?

Although it was risky investors paid high prices for stocks and the resold; the market plunged

Which of the following was a great American war hero during WWI?

Alvin York

What approach did Hoover initially take to end the Great Depression?

Appealing to the wealthy to volunteer time and money

The Knights of Labor was formed with the goal of

Broad social reform for laborers

How did the US government encourage American industry in the late nineteenth century?

By enacting protective tariffs

What happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico after the Spanish American war?

Cuba became independent but the Platt Amendment tied it to the US; Puerto RIco became a Territory

The earliest factor to contribute to the Great Depression was

Economic challenges in the farming industry

Which author wrote novels focusing on moral issues in high society during the Gilded Age?

Edith Wharton

In which country did American forces do most of their fighting in WWI?


The themes of artists and writers of the Harlem Renaissance revealed that African-Americans were

Gaining confidence and pride in their cultural achievements

What conflict arose between farmers and ranchers settling western lands?

Grazing cattle damaged growing crops of nearby farms

What step did the Populist Party support to reduce the cost of railroad shipping?

Having the national government control the railroads

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era?

He toured the nation, doing his own campaigning

What did Alexander Graham Bell's most famous invention contribute to life in the late 1800s?

His invention helped make communication between households and businesses more efficient

What was one strategy used by the national Women's party to secure passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

Hunger strikes and picketing

In the US the Red Scare was prompted in part by

Increased labor union activity

What was the outcome of the Foraker Act passed by Congress in 1900?

It allowed for the appointment of a governor for Puerto Rico

In what way did the year 1898 represent a turning point for the US?

It became an imperial power with colonies

What effect did the phrase "Remember the Maine!" have on public opinion in the US during the period just before the Spanish-American war

It encouraged anger toward Spain and helped lead to war

What was the primary effect of the Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

It legalized segregation in many parts of the country

How did Social Security differ in its goals from the public Works Administration?

It provided a long term safety net for the elderly rather than temporary job relief

How did the federal government affect the practice of mining in the West?

It provided land and patents for new inventions for large mining companies

Why was sod a common building material for homesteaders in the Great Plains?

It was readily available in the Great Plains

What is Warren G Harding's presidential administration mainly remembered for?

Its internal corruption

Although he was previously a member of the Republican Party what other party did Theodore Roosevelt represent in his 1912 run for President?

The Progressive Party

How did the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act affect Chinese immigrants?

The act banned any new Chinese laborers from entering the US

Which event marked the beginning of WWI in Europe?

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Which of the following did the national reclamation act of 1902 lead to?

The construction of the Hoover Dam

Why did immigration to the US decrease after WWI?

The fear of the Red Scare and the after-effect of WWI resulted in immigration quotas

What is a positive outcome of the Dust Bowl?

The federal government funded improvements in infrastructure

What were the effects of New Deal legislation on the role of the federal government

The government gained more power and a greater role in the lives of individuals

According to the economist John Maynard Keynes the Great Depression could have been avoided if

The government had taken a larger role in reducing unemployment

Much of the literature during the Great Depression--

described the challenges that many Americans faced because of the prolonged economic downturn

The Bessemer process was crucial in the development of ...


Why did industrialists support American expansion overseas?

to find markets to consume American surplus crops and commodities

One major reason for the growth in urbanization between 1860 and 1900 was that...

Many factory jobs were located in cities near transportation routes

How did many large cities in the late 1800s deal with the growing problem of crime?

Many professional uniformed police officers were put on patrol in neighborhoods

Which immigrant to the US played an influential role in labor issues in the nineteenth century?

Mary Harris Jones

What was the main reason for the drop in cotton prices between 1865 and 1890?

Mills in Europe found cheaper sources for cotton

Which type of people were most likely to support the Populist Party in the 1890s?

Small Farmers

What event led to the over throw of Queen Liluokalank in Hawaii?

The queen abolished the constitution that had supported the political power of the white minority in Hawaii

The decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference were shaped by

The territorial interests of the Allies and a desire to punish Germany

Admittance into the US through Ellis Island was largely dependent on..

The validity of the immigrant's stateside sponsor

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations?

Their nomadic way of life was increasingly restricted

How did the American Expeditionary Force give the Allies an advantage over Germany?

They help raise Allied morale and strengthened Allied resistance to German attacks

How did business leaders in the late nineteenth century utilize vertical integration?

They maintained control of production and distribution of their products

How did the policies of Presidents Harding and Coolidge reflect a change of direction in US politics?

They rejected social reform in favor of laissez-faire economics and support for big business

What is Alfred T Mahan best known for today?

Transforming the US into a naval power

In Europe WWI was a defensive rather than offensive war mainly due to the use of


Due to the success of his mass production methods Henry Ford was able to give his workers

Two days off from work each week

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