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Helicobacter pylori is a causative bacteria linked to duodenal ulcers, MALT lymphomas, and stomach cancers. A. True B. False

A. True

Muller-Mowry Colloidal Iron stain procedure is a classic example of a Prussian Blue reaction. A. True B. False

A. True

One advantage of using alcohol-based eosins over aqueous eosins is that they will stain slower and produce a wider range of shades of reddish-orange. A. True B. False

A. True

Since argentaffin and argyrophil granules are found in similar tissues, two stains (ie. Fontana Masson and Grimelius) must be done on same tissue to differentiate between carcinoid tumors. A. True B. False

A. True

The cutting angle is between the block face and the upper facet of the knife. A. True B. False

A. True

Fixation for prion diseases should use: A. formalin followed by formic acid B. glutaraldehyde followed by osmic acid C. paraformaldehyde combined with hydrochloric acid D. zinc formalin with acetic acid added

A. formalin followed by formic acid

The most likely cause of inadequate staining using the wrights preparation is: A. improper pH of the solution B. that smears or sections are too thin C. that the staining solution is not ripened D. that staining was done at room temperature

A. improper pH of the solution

A mark has been made on the front of the hood, off to one side. This mark indicates: A. level at which to place the sash B. limit to height for storing chemicals inside the hood C. location where it is safe to stick your head inside the hood D. place to test the airflow velocity of the hood

A. level at which to place the sash

Because of the selectivity of collagen fibers for a specific hydrogen ion concentration with acid aniline dye-picric acid mixtures, demonstrating them necessitates: A. low pH staining solution B. high pH staining solution C. ethanol as the dye solvent D. oxalic acid in the dye solution

A. low pH staining solution

Dyes that stain acid mucosubstances a different color from that of the dye solution are called: A. metachromatic B. orthochromatic C. amphoteric D. empirical

A. metachromatic

The process by which mineral content of tissues can be studied following removal of organic tissue components is called: A. microincineration B. enzyme histochemistry C. in-situ hybridization D. autoradiography

A. microincineration

Marchi's method uses this substance to demonstrate degenerating myelin: A. osmium tetroxide B. oil red O C. silver nitrate D. crystal violet

A. osmium tetroxide

A phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin solution will ripen naturally over several weeks, but can be ripened for immediate use by adding: A. potassium permanganate B. aluminum sulfate C. acetic acid D. alcohol

A. potassium permanganate

Which dye groupe would normally be chosen to stain Nissl bodies: A. quinoneimine B. Azo C. Xanthene D. anthraquinone

A. quinoneimine Nissl bodies are sharply stained with basic aniline dyes such as thionin, azure A and cresyl violet, that are in the quinoneimine group.

The formaldehyde in Helly fluid: A. reduces the chromate salt present in the solution B. coagulates and denatures the tissue proteins C. prevents turbidity and precipitate formation D. decreases the rate of penetration and fixation

A. reduces the chromate salt present in the solution

Although Gomori's ammoniacal silver method is used to demonstrate reticulum, it will also demonstrate: A. small brain capillaries B. astrocytes C> nerve fibers D. myelin

A. small brain capillaries

Polymeric immunohistochemical (IHC) detection systems are based on avidin/biotin technology? A. True B. False Feedback Polymer and polymeric detection systems do NOT contain biotin.

B. False

Eosin Azure, one of the PAP stain solutions, contains one dye that stains cellular elements three different colors. A. True B. False

B. False Feedback Eosin Azure originally was formulated to contain three dyes: Eosin Y, Light Green SF, and Bismarck Brown.

Parvovirus monoclonal antibody clone R62F16 is a mouse IgM, specific for viral antigens VP1 (84 kD) and VP2 (58 kD). A. True

B. False Feedback The correct clone referenced is R92F6 and is a mouse IgG isotype.

Formalin penetrates tissue slowly, but fixes tissues rapidly. A. True B. False

B. False Formalin penetrates and adds very quickly to tissue, but fixes very slowly, as it takes a long time to cross-link tissue proteins. Tissue that is poorly fixed in formaldehyde can be denatured by alcohol and heat and lead to artifact formation.

When fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue, it is considered metaphase FISH. A. True B. False

B. False Interphase. In traditional cytogenetics laboratories, cultured cells from blood and amniotic fluids are harvested so that many of the cells will be in "metaphase."

Low profile blades (or feathers) require more frequent sharpening, unlike the high profile blades. A. True B. False

B. False Low profile and high profile "blades" are disposable and do not require sharpening.

White matter contains mainly neuron cells, while gray matter contains myelinated nerve fibers. A. True B. False

B. False The opposite

Mohs skin techniques rely solely on properly prepared paraffin-embedded tissue for diagnosis. A. True B. False

B. False Mohs skin techniques rely on frozen sectioning for rapid diagnosis and rarely submit tissue for paraffin processing.

A control tissue is not necessary when performing this stain as all nuclei will produce a positive reaction. A. Methyl Green-Pyronin Y B. Feulgen Reaction

B. Feulgen Reaction

Which of the following affects penetration rates of fixatives? A. Concentration of the fixative B. Heat/temperature C. pH of the fixative D> All of the above

B. Heat/temperature

Which of the following hematoxylin stains would be impractical for a high-volume clinical histology laboratory where fast turnaround times are essential? A. Gill's B. Heidenhain's C. Mayer's D. Harris's

B. Heidenhain's

Perl's stain is used for the detection of: A. Argentaffin B. Hemosiderin C. Hemoglobulin D. Ferrous iron

B. Hemosiderin

Which stain(s) utilize cerebral cortex for control tissue? A. Weil and Luxol fast blue B. Holmes C. Luxol fast blue and Cresyl echt violet D. All of the above

B. Holmes

How might the fixative action of zinc tris be classified? A. Dehydrant B. Preservative C. Chelator D. Solvent

B. Preservative

Granuloma inguinale, a venereal disease, can generally be diagnosed by using this special procedure: A. Ziehl-Neelsen B. Steiner C. GMS D. Gridley

B. Steiner

Select the procedure suitable for demonstrating secretory granules in a carcinoid tumor: A. Wilder reticulum B. PAS-aniline blue C. Snook D. Sevier-Munger

D. Sevier-Munger The Sevier-Munger technique is an excellent argyrophil procedure for demonstrating carcinoid tumors. It is similar to, but shorter than, the Grimelius.

What hazardous preservation substance is commonly found in antibodies? A. Tris HCl B. Detergents/soaps C. Serum D. Sodium azide

D. Sodium azide

The carminic acid that gives mucicarmine its rose red color is extracted from ___________? A. Roses B. A fungus known as Cryptococcus C. Red leaves D. The dried bodies of female cochineal beetles

D. The dried bodies of female cochineal beetles

Tissue fixed in Hollande solution: A. can be stored in this solution indefinitely B. must be washed and stored in a buffer solution C. must be transferred to 10% formalin for storage D. must be stored in 70% alcohol

D. must be stored in 70% alcohol

Hard or bony tissue should be embedded: A. in cross-section B. on edge C. on end D. on an angle

D. on an angle

In the Verhoeff-Van Gieson technique for elastic fibers, ferric chloride and iodine in the Verhoeff solution function initially as mordants, and then as: A. neutralizers B. differentiators C. sensitizers D. oxidizers

D. oxidizers

In the Jones and Gomori methenamine silver techniques for basement membranes, sections are oxidized with: A. potassium permanganate B. chromic acid C. lithium carbonate D. periodic acid

D. periodic acid

Insoluble compounds that resist decolorization with ether-acetone are noted on microscopic evaluation of a control section stained with Brown-Hopps Gram stain. The presence of these compounds is probably due to: A. inadequate fixation B. inadequate dehydration C. omission of mordant during staining D. sections being allowed to dry before mounting

D. sections being allowed to dry before mounting

When using the cresyl echt violet method, Nissl substance and nuceli can be preferentially stained by varying the degree of differentiation and the: A. alcohol concentration B. dye concentration C. staining time D. solution pH

D. solution pH

A CSF specimen arrives into the processing area. Its gross color is tinged red. This would indicate: A. contamination of specimen after collection B. incorrect fixative was placed in sample vial C. specimen is not suitable for processing D. spinal tap was incorrectly performed

D. spinal tap was incorrectly performed

During frozen sectioning, the sections slide above the anti-roll plate. This is probably due to the antiroll plate being: A. colder than the knife edge B. defective on the edge C. not parallel to the knife edge D. too far below the edge of knife

D. too far below the edge of knife

After cutting tissue suspected of being infected with CJD, the hard surfaces of the tables should be decontaminated with: A. 1% potassium permanganate B. 10% formalin C. 5% sodium hydroxide D. undiluted bleach

D. undiluted bleach

reservCyt®, a methanol-based buffered preservative solution for the ThinPrep® is: A. an alternative for CytoLyt® B. processing of non-GYN specimens only C. storing specimens 8 days or less D. used for all specimens before processing

D. used for all specimens before processing

The proper speed of frozen sectioning: A. is fast and even B. is similar to the speed for paraffin sectioning C. is slow and even D. varies with the tissue and tempature

D. varies with the tissue and tempature

An employee was monitored for formaldehyde exposure, and had a 0.6 ppm TWA. The one major difference between being over the 0.75 ppm TWA versus being between the 0.75 TWA and the 0.5 ppm Action Level, is that this employee does NOT need to: A. be evaluated by a medical surveillance program B. have a medical questionnaire completed C. reduce the amount of exposure D. wear a respirator

D. wear a respirator

Frozen sections of fixed tissue can be placed on poly-L-lysine treated slides. A. True B. False

A. True

Excessive amounts of ferric iron present in spleen and bone marrow is indicative of hemochromatosis. A. True B. False

A. True

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can be used to qualify patients for chemotherapy. A. True B. False

A. True

For electron microscopy (EM), tissue sections that are cut on the ultramicrotome are picked up on mesh copper grids for metal staining. A. True B. False

A. True

Which of the following may be responsible for the lack of argentaffin staining? A. Too much ammonium hydroxide in working solution B. Too much time in impregnation solution C. Incubation solution temperature too high D. Not enough time in toner

A. Too much ammonium hydroxide in working solution

What are the ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the neurons called? A) Nissl B) Astrocytes C) Parikaryon D) Ganglion

A) Nissl

Potassium dichromate at a pH above 3.75 is considered to be what category of fixative agent? A) Non-coagulating B) Aqueous C) Coagulating D) Dehydrating

A) Non-coagulating Potassium dichromate is considered a non-coagulant fixative when used at a pH above 3.75. Below a pH of 3.75, it is considered coagulating.

Application of these nonenzymatic (classic) staining procedures can be used in the diagnosis of muscle disease. Select ALL that apply. A) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) B) Modified Gomori Trichrome C) Masson's Trichrome D) Oil Red O

A) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) B) Modified Gomori Trichrome D) Oil Red O

Adenovirus (ADV) "smudge cells" can be seen in histologic and cytologic preparations. A) True B) False

A) True

Aminoalkylsilane is a slide adhesive preferred for in situ hybridization (ISH) studies. A) True B) False

A) True

Which aqueous infiltrating medium can be used to hold exudate or friable tissue in place? A) agar embedding B) Celloidin C) Paraffin D) Resin

A) agar embedding

The formaldehyde in Helly fluid: A) reduces the chromate salt present in the solution B) coagulates and denatures the tissue proteins C) prevents turbidity and precipitate formation D) decreases the rate of penetration and fixation

A) reduces the chromate salt present in the solution Feedback Formaldehyde is a reducing agent and reduces the chromate salt present in the solution, causing the solution to darken and become turbid. For this reason the formaldehyde must be added to the stock solution immediately before use. Formaldehyde is a non-coagulant.

When Zamboni solution is used for fixing specimens for electron microscopy, it: A) should have a final pH of 7.3 B) should have an osmolarity of 350 mOsm C) must be prepared fresh weekly D) cannot remain on the tissue for more than a few hours

A) should have a final pH of 7.3

For appropriate quality control, when reviewing a Hematoxlyling and Eosin (H&E) stained slide, these three tissue elements should be demonstrated by differing intensities of eosin staining. The correct answers are highlighted below A) Red Blood Cells B) Connective Tissue C) Skin D) Muscle Fibers

A, B, D

At which of the following TWA could an employer DISCONTINUE formaldehyde mointoring of employees? A. 0.4 ppm B. 0.7 ppm C. 1.1 ppm D. 1.9 ppm

A. 0.4 ppm

For good fixation of specimens for electron microscopy, it is recommended that the tissue be no larger than a: A. 1 mm cube B. 2mm cube C. 1 cm cube D. 2 cm cube

A. 1 mm cube

To prevent moth-holes in tissue, coarse-facing (or trimming) paraffin blocks is best done at what thickness? A. 20-30 microns (µ) B. 40-50 µ C. 50-60 µ D. Never above 10 µ

A. 20-30 microns (µ)

The fixative agent chromium trioxide is categorized as what type of fixative? A. Additive B. Non-coagulating C. Alcoholic D. Aqueous

A. Additive

Which of the following is the preferred method for removing formalin pigment in tissue? A. Alcohol with ammonium hydroxide B. Iodine followed by sodium thiosulfate C. 95% alcohol D. Acetic acid alcohol

A. Alcohol with ammonium hydroxide

There are oligosaccharide markers on the surface of cells that identify the cell as self or non-self. They are capable of producing an immune response in animals or cell cultures for the production of antibodies. What are these markers called? A. Antigens B. Epitopes C. Antibodies D. Serum blockers

A. Antigens

Lipofuchsin is commonly mistaken for which of the following pigments: A. Bile B. Hemozoin C. Melanin D. Calcium

A. Bile

What color do axons and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) stain with Bielschowsky's silver staining procedure? A. Black B. Brown C. Yellowish brown D. Red

A. Black

All of the following fixatives are preferred for electron microscopy EXCEPT: A. Bouins solution B. Osmium tetroxide C. Glutaraldehyde D. Millonig formalin

A. Bouins solution

A procedure for demonstrating cytoplasmic secretory granules of the juxtaglomerular complex is: A. Bowie's B. Von Kossa C. Mayer's mucicarmine D. Verhoeff-Van Gieson

A. Bowie's

Adenovirus (ADV) "smudge cells" can be seen in histologic and cytologic preparations. A. True B. False

A. True

Aminoalkylsilane is a slide adhesive preferred for in situ hybridization (ISH) studies. A. True B. False

A. True

Which hematoxylin uses an aluminum mordant? A. Ehrlich B. Weigert C. Mallory D. Janssen

A. Ehrlich

Prior to staining bone marrow smears with the Giemsa stain, what is used to fix cells on the glass slide? A. Fixation in methanol for 1-10 minutes B. Fixation in Carnoy's for 1-10 minutes C. Fixation in Orth's solution for 1-10 minutes D. Fixation in glutaraldehyde for 1-10 minutes

A. Fixation in methanol for 1-10 minutes

Which of the following special stains would diagnose liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and necrosis? More than one is correct. A. Gordon and Sweets Silver Stain for Reticular Fibers B. Perl's Iron Stain C. Masson Trichrome Stain D. Periodic Acid Methenamine Silver (PAMS)

A. Gordon and Sweets Silver Stain for Reticular Fibers C. Masson Trichrome Stain

Which of the following specimens are commonly stained with the PAP stain? More than one is correct. A. Gynecological smears B. Paraffin processed bone marrow C. Sputum and urine D. Brushings and washings E. Fine needle aspirations

A. Gynecological smears C. Sputum and urine D. Brushings and washings E. Fine needle aspirations

The stain shown in this image is most likely the: A. Jones methenamine silver B. Steiner and Steiner C. Bielschowsky D. von Kossa

A. Jones methenamine silver

Hematoxylin used as a counterstain in the rhodanine copper procedure is: A. Mayer or Lillie-Mayer B. Harris C. Weigert D. Delafield

A. Mayer or Lillie-Mayer

Monoclonal antibodies are usually produced in which animal? A. Mouse B. Goat C. Dog D. Horse

A. Mouse

Potassium dichromate at a pH above 3.75 is considered to be what category of fixative agent? A. Non-coagulating B. Aqueous C. Coagulating D. Dehydrating

A. Non-coagulating Potassium dichromate is considered a non-coagulant fixative when used at a pH above 3.75. Below a pH of 3.75, it is considered coagulating.

The method of choice for demonstrating calcium oxalate is the: A. Pizzolato B. von Kossa C. Schmorl D. Rubeanic acid

A. Pizzolato

Which statement best describes the function of chief cells located in the stomach? A. Secrete digestive enzymes B. Secrete alkaline mucous to protect the stomach from acid C. Secrete lubricating mucous D. Secrete replenishing cells as they are sloughed off the mucosal surface

A. Secrete digestive enzymes

Commercial probes may be provided in a buffer that contains formamide which will cause the probe to remain single stranded. For these probes, you do NOT have to denature (heat) the probe before applying it to the target area on the tissue. A. True B. False

A. True Other probes may be provided as a double stranded probe and you will need to denature the probe before applying it to the tissue to ensure that a single strand is available to anneal to the DNA in the tissue.

A regressive staining method for demonstrating connective tissue is: A. Verhoeff Van-Gieson B. Mallory aniline blue C. Masson trichrome D. Wilder reticulum

A. Verhoeff Van-Gieson

When is a high concentration of blocking serum needed? A. When the primary antibody has a high protein concentration B. When the secondary antibody has a weak protein concentration C. When using a goat serum D. When using polyclonal antibodies

A. When the primary antibody has a high protein concentration

A muscle biopsy for histochemical analysis might be received on any of the following except the: A. adductor hallucis B. gastrocnemius C. quadriceps D. vastus lateralis

A. adductor hallucis

In order for the Gram stain to work properly, it is important to apply the mordant: A. after the primary dye B. before the primary dye C. in the same solution as the primary dye D. after counterstaining

A. after the primary dye Feedback Gram staining involves the application of crystal violet solution followed by an iodine mordant. Accurate decolorization renders gram-negative bacteria colorless. The secondary dye stains gram-negative bacteria red. If the mordant is applied prior to the primary dye solution, gram negative and gram positive organisms will not be differentially decolorized.

Which of the following anhydrous chemicals might react violently on a humid day? A. aluminum chloride B. caldium acetate C. ferric sulfate D. lithium carbonate

A. aluminum chloride

On what type of specimen can the "lines of Zahn" be seen grossly? A. aortic aneurysm B. long bones C. peripheral nerve D. skeletal muscle

A. aortic aneurysm The lines of Zahn are created by alternating deposits of platelets, fibrin and red cells giving the cut surface a laminated appearance. These thrombi are formed in the heart of the aorta. When found, a laminated cut surface should be described because this implies thrombosis at a site of blood flow.

Which of the following is MOST responsible for the pattern of airflow in a chemical hood, and the elimination of dead zones within the working area of a hood? A. baffles B. filters C. foils D. sash

A. baffles

A calcium salt that can be polarized because of its birefringence is: A. calcium oxalate B. calcium carbonate C. calcium phosphate D. calcium sulfate

A. calcium oxalate

When examining products of conception (POC), the most important tissue to submit is: A. chorionic villi B. decidual cast C. endometrial tissue D. hemorrhagic material

A. chorionic villi

Cryostat sections of FIXED tissue tend to float off the slides during staining. This problem can be prevented best by: A. coating the slide with a protein mixture B. heating the slide over a Bunsen burner C. picking the sections up with a room temperature slide D. sectioning at a warmer cryostat temperature

A. coating the slide with a protein mixture

In Bodian's method for nerve fibers and neurofibrils, Protargol impregnates both neurofribrils and connective tissue. Subsequently, connective tissue is rendered colorless by replacement of silver with this metal: A. copper B. gold C. lead D. tin

A. copper In Bodian's method, sections are incubated in a solution of Protargol containing metallic copper. The copper replaces silver that has been deposited in connective tissue, resulting in silver impregnation of only nerve fibers and neurofibrils.

The primary dye used in rapid, non-silver staining procedure to demonstrate cysts of Pneumocystis carinii is: A. cresyl echt violet B. basic fuchsin C. Schiff reagent D. carbol-fuchsin

A. cresyl echt violet Feedback Cresyl echt violett is the primary dye used in a rapid staining procedure to demonstrate the cysts of Pneumocystis carinii.

The descriptive term "demarcated used in a gross description means: A. defined edges or boundaries B. amorphous C. villous D. serpentine

A. defined edges or boundaries

A medical surveillance program for formaldehyde MUST monitor any employee who: A. develops signs or symptoms of overexposure B. is exposed to formaldehyde below the action level C. was exposed to a 0.05% formaldehyde solution D. works with any amount of formaldehyde

A. develops signs or symptoms of overexposure

The most critical step in the Giemsa method for demonstrating rickettsia is: A. differentiation in rosin alcohol B. the amount of time in fixative C. the amount of time in 70% ethanol D. the thickness of paraffin sections

A. differentiation in rosin alcohol

Which of the following is capable of forming an organic peroxide upon extended storage? A. ethyl ether B. isopropyl alcohol C. sulfuric acid D. xylene mixtures

A. ethyl ether

Increased background staining is seen on the slide. This is most likely caused by: A. excess section adhesive on slide B. floaters having picked up C. oil from finger prints on slide D. sections taken immediately following rough trimming of blocks

A. excess section adhesive on slide

The cytotechnologist informs you that there is no staining color present in the slides for the Papanicolaou run. The most likely cause is: A. exhausted stains B. insufficient staining time C. prolonged time in clearing reagent D. incomplete removal of fixative prior to staining

A. exhausted stains If color is absent in a run, the stains are exhaused and need changing.

When alcohol is substituted as the diluent of formaldehyde solutions, the result is: A. faster fixation B. less hardening of the tissue C. a greater loss of glycogen D. better preservation of fats and lipids

A. faster fixation

The finger-like projections that fringe the end of the fallopian tube are called: A. fimbriae B. ampulla C. isthmus D. oviduct

A. fimbriae

ONLY monoclonal antibodies can be used for immunohistochemical (IHC) techniques for the demonstration of infectious diseases. A. True B. False

B. False

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is an IgG1, kappa monoclonal antibody consisting of commercially individual clones CS1, CS2, CS3, and CS4 that the end user must cocktail together. A. True B. False

B. False

In Epon, which component is the accelerator? A. DDSA B. DMP-30 C. Epon 812 D. MNA

B. DMP-30

For cryostats that are used daily, it is recommended that decontamination occurs at this interval. A. Daily B. Weekly C. Bi-weekly D. Monthly

B. Daily

Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) is demonstrated in the cytoplasm of infected hepatocytes. A. True B. False

B. False

Select the enzyme that is frequently used as a marker for mitochondria. A. Phosphorylases B. Diaphorases C. Oxidoreductases D. Esterases

B. Diaphorases

A method that will stain hemoglobin emeral green is the: A. Gomori B. Dunn-Thompson C. Okajima D. Fontana-Masson

B. Dunn-Thompson

For electron microscopy (EM) sectioning, the tissue is embedded in which of the following? A. Paraffin/wax B. Epoxy resin C. Freezing compound D. None of the above

B. Epoxy resin

10% neutral buffered formalin is prepared with which of the following constituents? The correct answer is highlighted below A) sodium phosphate monobasic, dibasic, and trihydrate B) 37-40% formaldehyde, sodium phosphate monobasic and dibasic C) 37-40% formaldehyde, sodium phosphate monobasic D) 10% formaldehyde, sodium phosphate monobasic and dibasic

B) 37-40% formaldehyde, sodium phosphate monobasic and dibasic

The nuclei of a PAP stained sample will result in what color(s)? A) Red B) Blue/ black C)Brown D) Green

B) Blue/ black

Of the following, the most informative special stain for demonstrating bacteria into tissue sections is the: A) Giemsa B) Brown-Hopps C) Ziehl-Neelsen D) GMS

B) Brown-Hopps

Brain and central nervous system (CNS) tissue should be sectioned at 3-4 µ to vividly show the neurons. A) True B) False

B) False Feedback Brain and CNS tissue should be sectioned at 8-10 µ to vividly show the neurons.

A virus is the ONLY infectious entity that can be detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) technique. A) True B) False

B) False Viruses, bacteria, and protozoans can all be detected by utilizing IHC techniques.

A virus is the ONLY infectious entity that can be detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) technique. A. True B. False

B. False

Denaturation of the probe is required for the probe to bind to the DNA in the tissue, but you do NOT have to denature the DNA in the tissue. A. True B. False

B. False

Which of the following hematoxylin stains would be impractical for a high-volume clinical histology laboratory where fast turnaround times are essential? A) Gill's B) Heidenhain's C) Mayer's D) Harris's

B) Heidenhain's A hematoxylin that requires a staining time of an hour or more, as is the case with Heidenhain's hematoxylin, would probably not be used in a clinical histology lab when turn-around time is of great importance. Especially when there are faster alternatives available. Gill's hematoxylin requires 5-15 minutes, Mayer's requires 5-20 minutes, and Harris's requires 5-15 minutes.

Pigment that is formed following a reaction of ferrous ions with potassium ferricyanide is known as: A) Prussian blue B) Turnbull blue C) Argyrophil D) Anthracotic

B) Turnbull blue

For cryostats that are used daily, it is recommended that decontamination occurs at this interval. A) Daily B) Weekly C) Bi-weekly D) Monthly

B) Weekly

A fresher, unfixed liver biopsy can be held safely for a short time by placing it: A) in a freezer B) in saline-moistened gauze and then in a refrigerator C) in physiological saline and keeping at room temperature D) on dry filter paper in a covered Petri dish

B) in saline-moistened gauze and then in a refrigerator

What is the thick, smooth muscle wall in a uterus called? A) endometrium B) myometrium C) uterine isthmus D) corpus

B) myometrium

An infrequently used histopathologic stain for demonstrating lipids is: A) Bauer-Feulgen B) osmium tetroxide C) Alzarin red S D) Lillie's safranin O

B) osmium tetroxide

In a - 15°C cryostat, 30mm sections of fixed brain are fragmenting at the knife edge. This problem can be prevented by: The correct answer is highlighted below A) lowering the temperature of the cryostat to -30°C B) raising the temperature of the cryostat to -5°C C) soaking the brain in a sucrose solution before freezing D) using the anti-roll plate

B) raising the temperature of the cryostat to -5°C

Nissl substance can be demonstrated by staining parallel sections before and after extraction using: A) diastase B) ribonuclease C) hyaluronidase D) deoxyribonuclease

B) ribonuclease

What is the thickness of most standard glass slides? A. 0.5 mm B. 1.5 mm C. 3.0 mm D. None of the above

B. 1.5 mm

On the Minot rotary microtome used occasionally in cryostats, each division of the thickness scale is equal to: A. 1 mm B. 2 mm C. 3 mm D. 4 mm

B. 2 mm

The histology section of the laboratory had 12,652 labor hours for the year. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) were used by this section? A. 4.4000000000000004 B. 5.70 C. 6.10 D. 9.1999999999999993

B. 5.70 To calculate FTEs, or full-time equivalents, divide the total number of hours of all the employees (total paid hours, productive or worked hours, and nonproductive or benefit hours) by 2080, the number of hours a full-time person works in one (1) year. This is calculated by multiplying 40 hrs/week X 52 weeks/yr. = 2080 15. [12,652 total hrs. / 2,080 hr/person = 6.1 FTEs]

Other than peroxidase, what is the MOST frequently used enzyme for labeling antibodies? A. Acid phosphatase B. Alkaline phosphatase C. Glucose oxidase D. Trypsin

B. Alkaline phosphatase

According to CLIA, tissue grossing is defined as high complexity testing. What is the minimum degree that CLIA requires for an individual to perform tissue grossing in the anatomic pathology laboratory? A. Bachelor's degree B. Associate's degree C. Master's degree D. High school diploma

B. Associate's degree

The elastic stain, Aldehyde Fuchsin, will stain these other tissue elements. Select all that apply. A. Acidic mucosubstances B. Beta cell granules C. Collagen D. Sulfated mucosubstances

B. Beta cell granules D. Sulfated mucosubstances Feedback The elastic stain, Aldehyde Fuchsin, will also stain for sulfated mucosubstances and beta cell granules of the pancreas.

Which of the following probe types are used to detect a translocation? A. Centromere probes B. Break-apart probes C. Locus-specific probes

B. Break-apart probes Break-apart probes target two areas of a specific gene sequence in order to detect a translocation. When a break in the gene sequence occurs, the green and red signal will NOT be close together anymore and will thus appear as separate green and red signals A centromere probe targets the centromeric region of the particular chromosome. These probes allow us to enumerate the number of centromeres and thus chromosomes of a particular kind. A locus-specific probe targets a specific gene sequence of interest. These probes can be used to determine whether a gene is amplified, deleted, or present in a normal copy number.

When orienting shave skin biopsy specimens, how should the epithelial (skin) edges be arranged in relation to the cutting surface of the block? A. The pieces should be placed so that the epithelium (skin edge) faces in different or any random direction. B. The skin pieces should be arranged so that the epithelium (skin edges) of each piece faces in the same direction. C. Sectioning will be assisted and microtomy defects reduced if shave biopsy pieces are placed so that all skin edges face in one direction, at a slight angle and so that the microtome blade meets the denser epithelium last. D. The pieces are arranged so that the skin edges(epithelium) meets the knife edge first.

B. The skin pieces should be arranged so that the epithelium (skin edges) of each piece faces in the same direction.

Several H&E slides were viewed under the microscope. The tissue was markedly dark blue/ purple, including some of the connective tissue. Consider the scenario and the probable cause(s) for the results. Pick more than one: A. Tissue was over-exposed to Bouin or Zenker fixative B. Tissue was stained in hematoxylin for too long C. Tissue was not differentiated properly in acid alcohol solution D. Tissue was not placed in bluing solution

B. Tissue was stained in hematoxylin for too long C. Tissue was not differentiated properly in acid alcohol solution

Tumors derived from argentaffin cells are called: A. adenomas B. apudomas C. carcinomas D. sarcomas

B. apudomas

The dye used in the preparation of Schiff reagent is: A. carmine B. basic fuchsin C. alcian blue D. crystal violet

B. basic fuchsin

A common cause of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in the lungs of elderly patients is: A. emphysema B. cardiac failure C. atelectasis D. smoking

B. cardiac failure

The numerical aperture of the objective lens: A. is unaffected by immersion media B. defines the expected resolving power of the microscope C. increases as the resolving power of the microscope decreases D. is greater with a high dry objective that with an oil immersion objective

B. defines the expected resolving power of the microscope

Selection of a suitable clearing agent must be based on the: A. color index of the reagent B. ease of removal by the impregnating medium C. type of fixative used D. amount of vacuum used on the processor

B. ease of removal by the impregnating medium

Sections stained for amyloid with crystal violet are showing stain bleeding into the surrounding mounting medium. This could most likely be corrected by: A. dehydrating the sections and mounting with xylene B. ensuring a high content of sugar in the mounting medium C. washing the sections well before mounting with glycerin jelly D. sealing the edges of the coverglass with finger nail polish

B. ensuring a high content of sugar in the mounting medium

A Whipple procedure usually includes all of the following attached organs except the: A. duodenum B. gallbladder C. pancreas D. stomach

B. gallbladder

Transferring the resin embedded tissue sections from a glass or diamond knife should be performed using any of the following except: A. forceps B. glass slide C. paint brush D. wire loop

B. glass slide

During frozen sectioning, the sections are splitting, always in the same spot. The tear begins at the edge of the OCT and continues through the tissue. This most likely is caused by the anti-roll plate: A. being too warm for the type of tissue B. having ice build-up on the edge C. not being parallel to the knife edge D. positioned too low on the knife edge

B. having ice build-up on the edge

The acid used in the Prussian blue reaction is: A. acetic acid B. hydrochloric acid C. nitric acid D. sulfuric acid

B. hydrochloric acid

Tissue sections were placed in a container of saline, and fixed in the microwave oven. After routine processing, the H&E stained sections reveal small, dense blue nuclei. This probably could be corrected in the future by: A. diluting the hematoxylin for any microwaved tissue B. monitoring the temperature of the saline more closely C. allowing the tissue to remain in the saline for 5 minutes after microwaving D. placing the tissue in 10% neutral buffered formalin for microwaving

B. monitoring the temperature of the saline more closely When using the microwave oven for fixation, the temperature must be carefully controlled or irreversible morphologic damage will result. Overheating causes tissue antigenicity and enzymatic activity to be lost. Allowing tissue to remain in the overheated saline longer would only make the problem worse.

The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is based on the presence of neuorofibrillary tangle and neuritic plaques in the: A. spinal cord B. neocortex C. medulla oblongata D. cerebellum

B. neocortex

When performing the Bodian method for neurofibrils, prolonged treatment in this solution may interfere with primary staining: A. sodium thiosulfate B. oxalic acid C. gold chlroide D. alcohol

B. oxalic acid The Bodian method involves impregnation of tissues with silver proteinate compound which is then reduced to visible metallic silver by hydroquinone. Following toning in gold chloride, staining intensity can be further increased by treatment with oxalic acid. Treatment in oxalic acid, however, should not be prolonged or it will interfere with the silver proteinate reaction.

Orth solution is prepared with which of the following constituents? A. mercuric chloride, potassium dichromate, and sodium sulfate B. potassium dichromate, sodium sulfate, and 37-40% formaldehyde C. potassium dichromate, sodium sulfate, and absolute alcohol D.mercuric chloride, sodium sulfate, and 37-40% formaldehyde

B. potassium dichromate, sodium sulfate, and 37-40% formaldehyde

In a - 15°C cryostat, 30mm sections of fixed brain are fragmenting at the knife edge. This problem can be prevented by: A. lowering the temperature of the cryostat to -30°C B. raising the temperature of the cryostat to -5°C C. soaking the brain in a sucrose solution before freezing D. using the anti-roll plate

B. raising the temperature of the cryostat to -5°C If tissue is fragmenting, a colder temp, would only further fracture the tissue

Nissl substance can be demonstrated by staining parallel sections before and after extraction using: A. diastase B. ribonuclease C. hyaluronidase D. deoxyribonuclease

B. ribonuclease

The substance stained red in this image is found in which of the following layers? A. mucosa B. submucosa C. muscularis externa D. serosa

B. submucosa

A major disadvantage in the use of osmium tetroxide as a fixative is its: A. destruction of tissue lipids B. tendency to interfere with staining C. hardening effect on tissue D. coagulation of both nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins.

B. tendency to interfere with staining

A leiomyoma is a benign tumor commonly found in the: A. bone B. uterus C. liver D. spleen

B. uterus

Tissue fixed in picric acid fixatives should be rinsed in which of the following (in order to remove picric acid)? A. Acetic acid / alcohol solution B. Iodine solution C. 50% alcohol D. Lithium carbonate

C. 50% alcohol

When staining for calcium with alizarin red S, tissue sections are deparaffinized and taken to: A. distilled water B. 25% alcohol C. 95% alcohol D. 1% acetic acid

C. 95% alcohol

A colonic specimen is received that includes ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon. The proximal margin will be from which segment? A. transverse colon B. cecum C. ileum D. ascending colon

C. ileum

The face velocity of the air current through the front of a chemical fume hood should be approximately how many linear feet per minute? A) 50 B) 75 C) 100 D) 125

C) 100

When staining for calcium with alizarin red S, tissue sections are deparaffinized and taken to: A) distilled water B) 25% alcohol C) 95% alcohol D) 1% acetic acid

C) 95% alcohol

Which decalcification method may cause burning of the specimen? A) Acid B) Chelating C) Electrolysis D) Ion-exchange

C) Electrolysis

In the Brown-Hopps stain for bacteria, one of the differentiators is: A) acid alcohol B) 95% ethanol C) Gallego solution D) 70% ethanol

C) Gallego solution

Which of the following are common insoluble substrates used with an immunohistochemical (IHC) alkaline phosphatase staining method? (Choose all that apply.) A) Fast blue BB B) Fast red TR C) New fuchsin (red) D) Naphthol-AS-phosphate and fast red

C) New fuchsin (red) D) Naphthol-AS-phosphate and fast red

All of the following are characteristics of glutaraldehyde EXCEPT: A) Hardens tissue B) Penetrates slowly but fixes tissue rapidly C) Penetrates rapidly but fixes tissue slowly D) False positive Schiff's reaction

C) Penetrates rapidly but fixes tissue slowly

Melanosis coli is a condition characterized by abnormal deposits of pigment in the: A) larynx B) esophagus C) colon D) pancreas

C) colon

A laboratory worker complains of symptoms of edema, and has been found to have proteinuria. This might be caused by a chemical that was a/an: A) blood system toxin B) cutaneous hazard C) nephrotoxin D) reproductive toxin

C) nephrotoxin

When writing a procedure in the NCCLS format, which of the following DOES NOT need to be included? A) author or procedure B) specimen handling precautions C) quality assurance monitors D) specimen storage requirements

C) quality assurance monitors

B-5 fixative is prepared by combining mercuric chloride with which of the following constituents? A) potassium dichromate and glacial acetic acid B)sodium acetate and glacial acetic acid C) sodium acetate and 37-40% formaldehyde D) sodium acetate and absolute alcohol

C) sodium acetate and 37-40% formaldehyde

The auditory ossicles include all of the following except the: A) incus B) malleus C) stapes D) pinna

C) stapes

The face velocity of the air current through the front of a chemical fume hood should be approximately how many linear feet per minute? A. 50 B. 75 C. 100 D. 125

C. 100

What kind of objective lens is adjusted for two colors of light? A. Parfocal B. Bifocal C. Achromatic D. Apochromatic

C. Achromatic An achromatic objective lens is adjusted for two colors of light. A parfocal lens is a lens that stays in focus when magnification/focal length is changed. A bifocal lens is a lens which has two parts with different focal lengths. An apochromatic lens corrects for spherical aberration at two wavelengths or colors and for chromatic aberration at three wavelength.

What is the preferred temperature to dry paraffin sections on slides? A. 10° C above the melting point B. 10° C below the melting point C. At the melting point D. There is no preferred temperature

C. At the melting point

Acceptable fixatives for Papanicolaou stained cytology specimens do NOT include: A. 95% alcohol B. 100% methanol C. Bouin's fixative D. CytoLyt®

C. Bouin's fixative

Phenol liquid has a flash point of 174o F (79o C.). This places it in which of the following combustible liquid classifications: A. Class I B. Class II C. Class IIIA D. Class IIIB

C. Class IIIA Combustible liquids have a closed cup flash point at or above 100o F. (38o C.). Combustible liquids are further subdivided into: Class II: Flash point at or above 100o F (38oC.) and below 140o F. (60o C.). Examples include: acetic acid, N,N-dimethyl formamide, 40% formaldehyde, formic acid. Class IIIA: Flash point at or above 140o F. (60o C.) and below 200o F. (93o C.). Examples include: liquid phenol. Class IIIB: Flash point at or above 200o F (93o C.). Examples include: ethylene glycol. Class I combustible does not exist. Class I is used to designate flammable liquids.

Which of the following microscopically visible artifacts can result because of incomplete or insufficient fixation prior to being exposed to dehydration during tissue processing? A. Parched earth B. Lack of nuclear staining C. Distortion of the nuclear chromatin D. Venetian blind artifact E. The nuclear chromatin pattern is distinct

C. Distortion of the nuclear chromatin

What is the preferred embedding media for block preparation of un-decalcified bone? A. Paraffin wax B. 30% sucrose C. Glycol methacrylate (GMA) D. Epoxy resins

C. Glycol methacrylate (GMA)

The most consistently reliable technique for demonstrating fungi in tissues is the: A. PAS B. Gridley method for fungi C. Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) D. Ziehl-Neelsen

C. Gomori methenamine silver (GMS)

All of the following are REQUIRED in order to perform a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay EXCEPT: A. Fluorescent microscope B. Appropriate filters for the fluorescent probes selected C. Imaging system to enumerate the signals D. Photographing system to document the images of the slides

C. Imaging system to enumerate the signals

A laboratory employee culturing M. tuberculosis needs to be working at which Biosafety Level? A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 4

C. Level 3

Select the method for distinguishing muscle, collagen, reticular fibers and basement membranes: A. Movat Pentachrome B. Masson Trichrome C. Lille Allochrome D. Verhoeff van Gieson

C. Lille Allochrome

Which of the following are common insoluble substrates used with an immunohistochemical (IHC) alkaline phosphatase staining method? (Choose all that apply.) A. Fast blue BB B. Fast red TR C. New fuchsin (red) D. Naphthol-AS-phosphate and fast red

C. New fuchsin (red) D. Naphthol-AS-phosphate and fast red

All of the following are characteristics of glutaraldehyde EXCEPT: A. Hardens tissue B. Penetrates slowly but fixes tissue rapidly C. Penetrates rapidly but fixes tissue slowly D. False positive Schiff's reaction

C. Penetrates rapidly but fixes tissue slowly

A combined staining method that will result in differential staining of hemoglobin and hemosiderin is the: A. Lillie B. Gomori C. Puchtler D. Schmorl

C. Puchtler Feedback Putchtler's combined method will stain hemoglobin red and hemosiderin dark blue to dark green.

A type of microbiological stain that can also be used to differentiate types of granulocytes is the: A. Gram B. acid-fast C. Romanowsky D. silver impregnation

C. Romanowsky

What is the result of leaving tissue in the cryostat unprotected for too long? A. This does not produce an issue B. The tissue will have varied thickness of sections C. Severe dehydration D. The tissue will produce compressed, wrinkled, or jammed sections

C. Severe dehydration

This staining mechanism is known to be dependent upon the presence of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that form salt-type unions. A. Staining with acidic dyes B. Staining with metal mordants C. Staining with basic dyes

C. Staining with basic dyes

The descriptive term "pus" means: A. necrosis B. atrophy C. inflammation D. fibrin

C. inflammation

Methenamine silver is often used in the demonstration of: A. Copper B. Bile C. Urates D. Chromaffin

C. Urates

All of the following are drawbacks of the microwave procedure for PAS (periodic acid Schiff) EXCEPT for: A. Non-specific staining of tissue B. Schiff solution should not be re-used after microwaving C. Very slow color development D. Toxic vapors released when Schiff solution is heated

C. Very slow color development

Failure to perform post-fixation procedures following the use of mercury based fixatives can result in which artifact? A. Insoluble, green-brown precipitate B. Salt deposits that interfere with tissue sectioning C. Weakly soluble, black precipitate D. Red-brown precipitate

C. Weakly soluble, black precipitate

A staining method used to demonstrate microglia is: A. Bielschowsky B. Luxol fast blue-oil red O C. Weil-Davenport D. Cajal

C. Weil-Davenport

Select the fixative that is suitable for either the Heidenhain aniline blue (azan) or Mallory aniline blue stains: A. Orth B. 10% NBF C. Zenker D. absolute ethanol

C. Zenker

In order to achieve more consistent staining results, Southgate modified the Mayer mucicarmine solution by adding which of the following components: A. ammonium sulfate B. lithium hydroxide C. aluminum hydroxide D. lithium carbonate.

C. aluminum hydroxide

The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires all tissue removed during surgery to be submitted to pathology unless the tissue is: A. infectious B. considered non-diagnostic C. approved for non-submission by the institution's Tissue Review Committee D. removed from research

C. approved for non-submission by the institution's Tissue Review Committee

Radiographs would be helpful for a prosector dissecting all the following specimens except a/an: A. lumpectomy B. bone containing hardware C. artificial heart valve D. organ with implanted radioactive seeds

C. artificial heart valve

The primary aim of policy and procedure manuals is to ensure A. regulatory requirements B. information C. effective communication D. accreditation requirements

C. effective communication

A tissue sample is delivered to the surgical pathology laboratory with orders "to forward for further testing". The histotech examines the accompanying paperwork and learns that the tissue is a heart biopsy that has been fixed in glutaraldehyde. It is intended for mitochondrial studies. The tissue should be routed to which of the following areas? A. immunofluorescence B. enzyme histochemistry C. electron microscopy D. medical imaging

C. electron microscopy

Amyloid can be chacterized as a/an: A. adipose tissue deposit B. endogenous pigment C. extracellular protein complex D. polysaccharide

C. extracellular protein complex

A liquid has a closed cup flash point below 100o F (38o C.). This makes the liquid: A. combustible B. explosive C. flammable D. corrosive

C. flammable Combustible liquids have a flash point at or above 100o F. An explosive chemical is one that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure or high temperature.

The Helly solution to be used for fixation is dark brown and cloudy when removed from the shelf. This indicates that: A. the solution pH has changed B. too much mercuric chloride was added to the solution C. formaldehyde was added too early D. acetic acid must be added to clarify the solution

C. formaldehyde was added too early

Of the following, which is LEAST likely to cause a reproductive hazard in humans? A. alcohol B. chemicals C. fungus D. radiation

C. fungus

The most commonly used phenolic compound for reducing absorbed silver to a visible metallic state in argyrophil procedures, such as the Warthin-Starry is: A. sodium thiosulfate B. uranyl nitrate C. hydroquinone D. sodium bisulfate

C. hydroquinone

A gram stain has been done on a reactive, inflammatory lymph node, and the background structures are staining intense red, making identification of gram-negative organisms very difficult. The most likely cause of this problem is: A. overstaining with basic fuchsin B. overstaining with crystal violet C. insufficient differentiation with picric acid-acetone D. insufficient differentiation with acetone and alcohol

C. insufficient differentiation with picric acid-acetone

When monitoring the air flow of a chemical hood, it is found that it is below recommended levels. The hood appears to be working correctly, as is the exterior ventilation duct. Moving the hood to which of the following locations might improve the direction of the air flow? A. by the door to the hall B. close to the laboratory's ventilation wall duct C. into a corner D. near a window that opens

C. into a corner

When liver was cut in the cryostat, the sections obtained are alternately thick and thin, with distinct "Venetian blind" effect. The most probable cause is that the: A. anti-roll plate is adjusted wrong B. block is too cold C. knife is dull D. liver is fatty

C. knife is dull

Thionin stain for Nissl substance is based on the theory that Nissl substance is: A. composed of DNA B. acidophilic with thionin C. metachromatic with thionin D. confied to nerve cells

C. metachromatic with thionin

Improper fixation will likely produce: A. intact and unaltered mitochondrial cristae B. nuclei containing nuclear pores C. mobilization of cytoplasmic proteins D. glass, evenly dispersed ground substance

C. mobilization of cytoplasmic proteins

One of the most meaningful, yet simple, techniques for identifying cell types in the pituitary glad is the: A. H&E B. Giemsa C. periodic acid-Schiff D. oil red O

C. periodic acid-Schiff

The Ralph and Lepehne methods for demonstrating hemoglobin are based on the presence of this substance in red cells: A. phospholipid B. iron C. peroxidase D. porphyrins

C. peroxidase

Several of the frozen sections of muscle tissue have been inadvertently fixed in acetone. Which of the following techniques would possibly show positive results with these slides? A. ATPase B. NADH C. phosphorylase D. a-naphthyl acetate esterase

C. phosphorylase Feedback A 5 minute fixation in cold acetone is recommended for the phosphorylase technique. All of the other procedures require unfixed frozen sections.

A section of muscle has been stained with Verhoeff iron hematoxylin and Van Gieson solution. Microscopic examination shows blue-black nuclei, pale pink collagen and unstained muscle fibers. The significance of these results is that the: A. stain results are as expected B. ratio of picric acid-basic fuchsin was incorrect C. picric acid was too dilute D. section was overstained in iron hematoxylin

C. picric acid was too dilute

All of the following are characteristics of using zinc salts in fixatives EXCEPT: A. improves antigenicity and nuclear detail B. good replacement for mercury in fixatives C. preserves enzyme activity D. Good for long-term storage of wet tissue

C. preserves enzyme activity

B-5 fixative is prepared by combining mercuric chloride with which of the following constituents? A. potassium dichromate and glacial acetic acid B. sodium acetate and glacial acetic acid C. sodium acetate and 37-40% formaldehyde D. sodium acetate and absolute alcohol

C. sodium acetate and 37-40% formaldehyde

For light microscopic evaluation, it is generally necessary to perform special stains to demonstrate fungi in tissue sections because: A. fungi can only be seen using silver impregnation B. fungi are removed in the routine staining process C. some fungi do not stain with H&E D. no fungi stain with H&E

C. some fungi do not stain with H&E

When sucrose is used to treat tissue for enzyme histochemical studies: A. tissue cannot remain in the sucrose solution for long periods of time B. tissue should be treated with sucrose first and then fixed C. the solution should contain 30% sucrose and 1% gum acacia D. it makes frozen sectioning impossible

C. the solution should contain 30% sucrose and 1% gum acacia

The solution in the trough when sectioning epoxy resins is usually: A. dioxane B. EDTA C. water D. xylene

C. water

Plates used to support abrasive powders and lubricants for the sharpening of knives may be composed of all of the following except: A. aluminum B. copper C. glass D. iron

D. iron

Sections of which of the following resins will expand greatly when exposed to chloroform? A. araldite B. celloidin C. epon D. methacrylate

D. methacrylate

In addition to a wide variety of neurons, nervous tissue is closely associated with a class of non-neuronal cells including these two: A. keratinocytes and melanocytes B. Langerhans and Merkel C. histiocytes and mesangial D. Schwann and glial

D. Schwann and glial

The inclusion of subordinates in managerial decision-making processes tend to: A) widen the range of alternatives considered B) reduce the time required to reach a decision C) improve the overall quality of managerial decisions D) increase the commitment of subordinates to managerial decisions

D) increase the commitment of subordinates to managerial decisions

Use of heat and prolonged staining with Ziehl-Neelsen carbol fuchsin may be used to demonstrate the acid-fast characteristics of certain: A) proteins B) mucins C) spermatozoa D) lipofuscins

D) lipofuscins

In which of the following may celloidin blocks be stored? A. cardboard box B. chloroform C. ether D. mineral oil

D. mineral oil

What condition is necessary for the secondary antibody in an indirect method? A. It must have trypsin in the diluent B. It must have hydrogen peroxide in the diluent C. It must be raised against the IgG of a different species in which the primary antibody has been raised D. It must be raised against the IgG of the same species the primary antibody has been raised

D. It must be raised against the IgG of the same species the primary antibody has been raised

Argentaffin cells are also known as: AKupffer cells B. Grimelius cells C. Paneth cells D. Kulchitsky cells

D. Kulchitsky cells

A positive control tissue for fungi was stained with Grocott's methenamine silver method and the results showed non-fungal tissue elements stained deep black as well as the fungi. What caused the non-specific staining in tissue? A) Too much time in silver solution B) Temperature of silver solution too high C) Chromic acid too weak or old D) All of the above

D) All of the above

A positive spirochete control showed pale gray organisms after staining. Which of the following may be the cause of these problematic results? The correct answer is highlighted below A) Silver solution was not adequately heated B) Tissue did not spend enough time in impregnation solution C) Tissue did not spend enough time in developer/reducer D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Of the following fixatives, which contains alcohol, formaldehyde, picric acid, and acetic acid? A) Zamboni B) Orth C) Bouin D) Gendre

D) Gendre

Wright Giemsa would be the best choice for demonstrating which of the following? A) Hemosiderin B) Chromaffin C) Hematoidin D) Hemozoin

D) Hemozoin

What two major factors require stringent control when performing enzyme-induced epitope retrieval (EIER) antigen unmasking? A) Fixation and processing B) Staining and coverslipping C) Rinsing and clearing D) Temperature and time

D) Temperature and time

A black pigment, often found in the lungs and hilar lymph nodes, that is insoluble, cannot be bleached and cannot be identified by typical chemical reactions for pigments, is most likely: A) hemosiderin B) melanin C) lipofuchsin D) anthracotic

D) anthracotic

Acidic mucosubstances can be demonstrated by the Prussian blue reaction following treatment of the sections with: A) diastase B) hyaluronidase C) dimedone D) colloidal iron

D) colloidal iron

Morphologic features of a neoplasm suggest a diagnosis of malignant melanoma, however, the tumor cells lack visible melanin pigment. The method of choice for demonstrating melanin-producing potential is: A) Schmorl's reduction test B) Fontana-Masson C) ferrous-ion uptake D) dopa oxidase

D) dopa oxidase

This specific esterase enzyme staining method is unique in that it can be performed on paraffin embedded tissue. A. NADH Diaphorase Stain B. Succinic Dehydrogenase Stain C. Phosphorylase Stain D. Napthol AS-D Chloroacetate Esterase Stain

D. Napthol AS-D Chloroacetate Esterase Stain

The final intensity of the color produced in the PAS reaction is dependent on the concentration of: A. lipoproteins B. acid mucosubstances C. proteoglycans D. 1,2 glycol groups

D. 1,2 glycol groups

What percentage of the lymph nodes found on a colon cancer dissection should be submitted for histology? A. 50% B. 75% C. 90% D. 100%

D. 100%

A positive control tissue for fungi was stained with Grocott's methenamine silver method and the results showed non-fungal tissue elements stained deep black as well as the fungi. What caused the non-specific staining in tissue? A. Too much time in silver solution B. Temperature of silver solution too high C. Chromic acid too weak or old D. All of the above

D. All of the above

A positive spirochete control showed pale gray organisms after staining. Which of the following may be the cause of these problematic results? A. Silver solution was not adequately heated B. Tissue did not spend enough time in impregnation solution C. Tissue did not spend enough time in developer/reducer D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Loss of tissue basophilia may result from over-exposure to which of the solutions below? Select the single best choice. A. Bouin B. Zenker C. Acid decalcifier D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is the preferred fixative solution for use in the preservation of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues? A. Osmium tetroxide B. Methyl alcohol C. Potassium dichromate D. B-5

D. B-5 Of the fixatives listed, only B-5 has found wide acceptance for preservation of hematopoietic and lympho-reticular tissue, due to its ability to demonstrate beautiful nuclear detail.

Bloody tissues are most prone to the following microtomy artifacts EXCEPT for which one? A. Parched earth B. Chatter C. Moth-eaten holes D. Bubbles

D. Bubbles

Select the type of cell that is located in the adrenal gland. A. Kupffer Cell B. Paneth Cell C. Kulchitsky Cell D. Chromaffin Cell

D. Chromaffin Cell Feedback Chromaffin cells are located in the adrenal gland. Kupffer cells are located in the liver. Paneth cells are located in the intestinal epithelium. Kulchitsky cells are located in the lung.

A staining method for demonstrating argyrophil cells that uses a pH 4.2 buffer is the: A. Grimelius B. Sevier-Munger C. Pascual D. Churukian-Schenk

D. Churukian-Schenk The Churukian-Schenk method for argyrophil cells requires a buffer with a pH of 4.2. The Grimelius method uses a buffer with a pH of 5.6. The other methods do not require a buffer.

The nerve process carrying the nerve impulses toward the neuron (information input) is called the: A. Axon B. Neuroglia C. Synapse D. Dendrite

D. Dendrite

How often should the acid solution in an ion-exchange resin decalcifying system be changed? A. Twice a day B. Daily C. Once or twice a week D. Does not need to be changed

D. Does not need to be changed

A stain mixture of basic thiazin dyes and eosin, sometimes used for staining gram-negative organisms, is: A. sirus supra blue B. chromatrope 2R C. nuclear fast red D. Giemsa

D. Giemsa

During ultramicrotome sectioning, tissue thickness can be determined by the color of the sections floating on water. Which of the following colors are approximately 90 nm thick? A. Purple B. Silver C. Gray D. Gold

D. Gold gray 260 to 290 Å, silver 580 to 640 Å, gold 960 to 1, 020 Å, reddish-gold 1,300 to 1, 530 Å, purple 1, 700 to 1, 830 Å, and blue 1, 930 to 2, 050 Å.

Listeria monocytogenes, the cause of a rare form of meningitis, can best be demonstrated in a paraffin tissue section with this histopathologic stain procedure: A. hematoxylin and eosin B. Ziehl-Neelsen C. Gomori methenamine silver D. Gram or Steiner

D. Gram or Steiner

To prevent formation of a pigment during processing, fixatives containing which of the following must be thoroughly removed from the specimen before dehydrating? A. Alcohol B. Mercuric chloride C. Picric acid D. Potassium dichromate

D. Potassium dichromate

A protozoan that causes neurologic disease in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is: A. Cryptosporidium muris B. Leishmania donovani C. Giardia lamblia D. Toxoplasma gondii

D. Toxoplasma gondii

Which of the following fixatives requires washing with water before processing? A. Carnoy fluid B. Bouin solution C. 10% neutral buffered formalin D. Zenker solution

D. Zenker solution Tissue must be washed in running water after fixation in Zenker solution to remove the excess fixative. If Zenker-fixed tissue is immediately transferred to the alcoholic dehydrating solutions, a residual chrome pigment may be formed. If formed, this pigment is very difficult to remove from the microscopic sections. Tissues fixed in Bouin solution are washed with 50% alcohol.

Lipofuchsin, a fine yellow-brown granular pigment, is commonly seen in liver, heart muscle, ganglion cells and: A. spleen B. lungs C. stomach D. adrenals

D. adrenals

Okajima's stain is based on the affinity of hemoglobin for: A. Sudan black B B. silver nitrate C. potassium ferrocyanide D. alizarin red S

D. alizarin red S

A trichrome stain using Weigert's iron hematoxylin, Ponceau-azophloxine and phosphotungstic acid-orange G can be used to demonstrate: A. Schwann cells and Nissl substance B. myelin sheath and oligodendrocytes C. nodes of Ranvier and synapses D. astrocytes and neurons

D. astrocytes and neurons

An anisotrophic crystalline contaminant is seen in a section of human lung. The artifact is most likely to have resulted from a salt of: A. lead B. calcium C. iron D. barium

D. barium

This dye will stain hemoglobin casts dark blue to blue-black in Putchtler's method for hemoglobin: A. Sudan black B B. Victoria blue B C. nigrosin D. buffalo black NBR

D. buffalo black NBR

Very weak PAS staining is noted on a section of kidney. One problem-solving action that could be tried is to: A. shorten the time in periodic acid B. decrease the water wash after the Schiff reagent C. verify that the Schiff reagent is stored at room temperature D. check the Schiff reagent with formaldehyde

D. check the Schiff reagent with formaldehyde

Which of the following is an action of acetic acid? A. shrinks tissue B. renders nuclei acidophilic C. forms salt linkages between protein chains D. coagulates nucleoproteins

D. coagulates nucleoproteins

Acidic mucosubstances can be demonstrated by the Prussian blue reaction following treatment of the sections with: A. diastase B. hyaluronidase C. dimedone D. colloidal iron

D. colloidal iron

The function of potassium permanganate in the phospotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH) method is thought to be that of a: A. sensitizer B. mordant C. differentiator D. dye-trapping agent

D. dye-trapping agent

Lymph node is stained with a silver method for reticulin and counterstained in nuclear fast red. After dehydration, there is a film over the entire slide that remains through clearing and coverslipping. The most likely cause is: A. silver was contaminated by metal forceps B. nuclear fast red was too concentrated C. unreacted silver remained on the slide D. failure to rinse with water after counterstaining

D. failure to rinse with water after counterstaining

Köhler illumination: A. is critical illumination B. is the resolving power of the microscope C. focuses the light source in the same plane as the object D. focuses the light source in the same plane as the diaphragm of the condenser

D. focuses the light source in the same plane as the diaphragm of the condenser

The sequence of steps in the Papanicolaou stain procedure are: A. clearing, nuclear staining, dehydration and cytoplasmic staining B. fixation, dehydration, nuclear staining, hydration, cytoplasmic staining and clearing C. fixation, hydration, nuclear staining, cytoplasmic staining and clearing D. hydration, nuclear staining, dehydration, cytoplasmic staining and clearing

D. hydration, nuclear staining, dehydration, cytoplasmic staining and clearing

The irregular, electron dense structures seen in the capillary loop of this renal biopsy are: A. lysosomes B. basement membranes C. mitochondria D. immune complexes

D. immune complexes The electron micrograph shows electron-dense subepithelial immune complex deposits, they appear within and on the outer aspect of the glomerular basement membrane. Lysosomes and mitochondria do not accumulate within the basement membrane.

One characteristic of Bouin solution is that: A. it causes considerable shrinkage in tissue B. it does not preserve tissues form the endocrine system C. subsequent special stains show marked preservation of iron D. improperly washed tissue blocks undergo undesirable changes

D. improperly washed tissue blocks undergo undesirable changes

The term hapato refers to the liver. What is the suffix that when added to "hepato" creates the medical term for the rupture of the liver? A) -ectasis B) -trophy C) -sclerosis D) -ptosis E) -rrhexis

E) -rrhexis The correct suffix to use is -rrhexis, which translates as rupture. Therefore, hepatorrhexis indicates a rupture of the liver. Below are the correct meanings for the remaining suffixes: -ectasis means dilation or expansion -trophy means nutrition, growth, or development -sclerosis means hardening -ptosis means downward displacement, or prolapse

Which of the following are characteristics of a "good" fixative? A) Fixative makes cell elements insoluble B) Fixative makes tissue more permeable to subsequent reagents C) Fixative stabilizes tissue elements so that subsequent procedures have minimal effect on morphology D) Fixative inactivates enzyme attack E) All of the Above

E) All of the Above

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