how did the naval and arms race cause the first world war?
When was the dreadnought launched?
What did the French plan to do?
Attack quickly with a large and well equipped army
What was the result of countries increasing it's army and weapons?
Became more confident that they would succeed in war and wanted to test out their strength
Why was their tension between Britain and Germany?
Because Britain felt threatened by Germany
Germany built up their navy so...
Britain did too
What destructive weapons were being developed and improved?
Machine guns and huge field guns
What did Russia hope that their large numbers would do?
Overwhelm Germany and Austria-Hungary
What increased as countries were threatened by each other?
Tension and their navy
Why did countries start making plans?
The strong possibility for war
Why did the naval race pick up?
because of the release of the dreadnought
What weapons were built up?
guns, shells and bullets
The dreadnought was the...
most powerful battleship ever built
What plan did the Germans create?
the Schlieffen plan
What was the idea Britain had?
they would have a navy big enough that no other would attack it