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employee relations

- - the specialty covers a wide array of items associated with management and employee relations. Involve such things as coaching, conflict resolution, counseling, and disciplining the workforce as needed. It also involves leadership and team-building efforts within the organization. We also measure and evaluate job satisfaction and employee engagement as a part of employee relations. HR managers in this function have to keep up with the many and varied laws relating to employee relations. Involves the management of employee communication.

training and development

- - this is where the education and training function occurs in organizations. Research supports the idea that employees who participate in more training and development are less likely to leave the company. They are also less likely to engage in neglectful behavior. We train people for a variety of reasons, from teaching them their basic job to teaching them the things that they will need to move up in the organization as people above them resign or retire. Many HR managers stay in training and development in their entire career.

the legal environment

- : EEO and diversity management- can you call employment opportunity and diversity management specialists are involved with the management of the organizations employee related actions to ensure compliance with equal opportunity laws and regulations as well as organizational affirmative action plans. Such specialists also have responsibilities related to the management of diverse employee groups within the company. There are many management-level issues in the diversity effort, including Intergroup conflict management, creating cohesiveness, combating prejudice, and others. Every court case that deals with equal opportunity, compensation and benefits, harassment, or discrimination in any form has a potential to change the way in which every company does business, so this area is of critical importance.

Affirmative Action

- A series of policies, programs, and initiatives that have been instituted by various entities within both government in the private sector that are designed to prefer hiring of individuals from protective groups in certain circumstances, in an attempt to mitigate past discrimination. However, affirmative action policies and programs do not generally have the same effect as EEO laws. There are actually only two specific cases in which affirmative action can be mandated or required within an organization. o Executive order 11246 o Federal Court orders for AA programs

How Culture Controls Employee Behavior in Organization

- Because the organizational culture is based at least partly on assumptions, values, and beliefs, it is a very powerful force in controlling how people act within its boundaries. Since these are so strong, striking individuals will most likely change their actions to conform to those that the culture values. We all act to conform, for the most part, to the culture that we happen to be in at that point in time, because the cultures values push us to act that way.

C: Consistent in Effect

- Consistent in effect ensures that the result is not significantly different for different groups. There are many protected groups in United States law and we have to try and make sure that we don't affect one of these protected groups disproportionately with an employment action

Identify areas of HRM where data analytics and other HR technologies can have an effect on organizational success.

- Data analytics is the process of accessing large amounts of data in order to analyze those data and gain insight into significant trends or patterns within organizations or industries. Big data involves the collection of extremely large data sets. Analysis of big data is providing information that companies can immediately act on. Because of big data, we cannot analyze thousands or even millions of instances of interaction between people and in between organizations and look for patterns to those interactions. We can measure and therefore manage more precisely than ever. The convergence of HRM and big data is sometimes called work for science. It has begun using other technologies to reach and inform workers to a much greater extent than in the past. A part of the shift is because of the comfort level of most employees with using technology. Virtually all human resources recordkeeping and business today is done through databases where information has to be entered only one time. Just about every aspect of employment, from selection and on boarding to training, compensation and benefits, performance reviews and mobile workforce management is being managed through a variety of computers and personal technology devices like smart phones and tablets. Companies experience up to 3.5 times the revenue growth and as much as 2.1 times the profit margin of less capable companies. HR managers who can you search metrics can gain their seat at the table when strategy is being discussed and their firms. Data driven decisions tend to be better decisions and technology allows us. Data analytics is becoming a critical area of expert tease for HR managers, especially at higher management levels.


- Discrimination is the act of making distinctions or choosing one thing over another. In HR, it is making distinctions among people - Illegal discrimination is making distinctions that harm people that are based on those people's membership in a protected class. - Disparate Treatment: employee is intentionally treated differently based on their membership in a protected class. This is on purpose - Disparate Impact: when an officially neutral employment practices disproportionally and unintentionally excludes members of a protected group. This is an accident. - Pattern or Practice: when an employer engages in actions overtime intentionally to know the rates provided by title VII to a member of a protected class.

Discuss the employer accommodations that are required to avoid unnecessary religious discrimination

- Employers need to make reasonable accommodation of employees' religion-based request that are not keeping up with a normal workday practice of the organization, unless the requests prevent the employee from carrying out the essential functions of his or her job to create an undue hardship - Religion based discrimination in the ability of employers to create work rules that may affect religious freedom continue to be an issue in the workplace. If the job description and specifications require employees to work specific days and hours of the day or complete certain tasks that might violate some personal religious beliefs and an applicant except the job, then the employer does not need to accommodate any request not to work during those hours or days.

Discuss how organizational culture affects the members of the organization.

- Every organization has a culture, and success depends on the health and strength of its culture. Therefore, leader should spend a lot of time building the organizations culture. Organizational culture is primarily learned through observing people and events in the organization.

Describe human resource management systems (HRMS) and identify how they can help HR make decisions.

- HRMS are interacting database systems that aim at generating and developing HR information and allow us to automate some human resource management functions. These systems are user-friendly. We can use the same database as when considering promotions, transfers, and many other daily activities that are required inside the organization. You can use them also to make daily decisions.

Per your textbook what are the 2024 workforce predictions

- Hispanic workers, of all nationalities, alone are predicted to be approximately 20% of the workforce in 2024 (16.3% today). Asian workers are expected to move up from about 5.6% now to about 6.6% of the workforce in 2024. The gender mix will stay fairly close to what it is today. The percentage of women in the workforce has stabilized at about 47 to 48%.

5 parts of the practitioners model for HRM and how it applies to the book

- I. strategy, the legal environment, and diversity management are critical to the organization sustainability and success (Section 1 (ch 1-3) of the book) - II. Employees with fitting jobs to allow the organization to achieve success over longer periods of time (Section 2 (ch 4-6)) - III. Maintain employee satisfaction and productivity through training, evaluation, development, counseling, and employee labor relations (section 3 (ch 7-10)) - IV. Reward employees through compensation and benefits packages (section 4 (ch 11-13)) - V. Protect and expand the reach of the organization (section 5 (ch 14-16)) - It provides us with knowledge of which organization of functions are critical to ensure that the organization can be Bible over the long term, so they will operate legally and work towards the goal that it has identified as critical to gaining success. The model will help you learn what the organization needs to do in order to sustain itself and human resources over the long term. The model discusses critical issues in managing those human resources successfully. The model discusses how to maintain your workforce through managing compensation. And finally, the model looks at some special issues that would become far more important to the organization's success such as safety, health, ethics, social responsibility, global issues.

safety and security

- In this discipline, a manager might work in the area of occupational safety and/or health to make sure we don't injure our people or caused them to become sick because of exposure to some substance they work with. This discipline also includes field such as stress management and employee assistance programs, which helped employees cope with the demands of their jobs. Dysfunction works to ensure that people are secure from physical harm inflicted by other workers, outsiders, or even acts of nature. These managers work to secure that the work environment is safe for all workers so that on-the-job injuries, illnesses, and other negative events are minimized to the greatest extent possible. You also have responsibility for managing the organizations plans for securing the workforce, both from being harmed by other people as well as from natural disasters such as earthquakes or tornadoes. You also need to maintain the privacy of employees confidential HR files.

ROI: Return on Investment

- It is a measure of the financial return we receive because of something that we do to invest in our organization or its people. It is most commonly used in financial analysis, but many areas of HR lend themselves to return on investment calculations. These are areas including training, outsourcing, benefits, diversity, and many others. And each of these areas, we can calculate the cost of the process and compare that to the returns we get from the process. - ROI= (gain from investment-cost of investment)/ (cost of investment)

O: Objective

- Objective means that it is fact based and quantitative. Something that is objective is based on fact, cognitive knowledge, or quantifiable evidence, not on personal feelings or prejudices. You should make your employment as objective as possible in all cases rather than subjective.

Identify and briefly describe the four critical dependent variables that managers must control in order to compete in a 21st century organization

- Productivity- the amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input, with human input usually expressed in terms of units of time - Employee engagement- a function of how many organizational resources we used in getting the job done. - Turnover- the permanent loss of workers from the organization. When people quit, it is considered voluntary turnover. When people are fired it is considered involuntary turnover. - Absenteeism- the failure of an employee to report to the workplace as scheduled. Temporary absence of employees from the workplace.

Four-Fifths Rule

- The 4/5 rule is a test used by various federal courts, the department of labor, and the EEOC to determine whether disparate impact exists in an employment test. If the selection rate for any group is less than 4/5 of the selection rate for the majority group in an employment action, then it constitutes evidence of potential disparate impact.

labor and industrial relations

- The labor and industrial relations specialist work with the law and regulations that control the organizations labor related relationships with their workforce. This is also the area that manages any relationship the organization has with unions. HR manager to work in this area might be involved in union votes, negotiations for union agreements, contract collective-bargaining, handling grievances, and other items that affect the union and management relationship with the organization. And includes all labor relations activities, even in non-union businesses. These managers have to maintain a working knowledge of all of the federal labor laws such as the national labor relations act.

What is Onboarding

- The process in which new hires are integrated into the organization. -includes activities that allow new employees to complete an initial new hire orientation process, as well as learn about the organization and its structure, culture, vision, mission and values. - Social media can be used to assist in many steps needed to get the person up to speed in capable of contributing to the company once they are selected to join the organization. - We can use social media to teach organizational culture, create a frequently asked questions area to support common questions from new employees, provide mentors or work buddies to support the new employee, and provide commonly required payroll, equal opportunity, safety and other information that can be reviewed at any time. We can create communities on the company intranet that can provide the new person with interaction with other employees all over the company. Do use of social media to inform and enculturate new members of the organization is really unlimited

U: Uniform in Application

- Uniform and application means to apply the same tests in the same way. When you ask someone to perform a test, whether written or verbal or physical, you need to create the exact same testing circumstances, as much as you can control them.

Labor Demographics

- We face significant demographic changes in the labor force that will be available to our companies over the next 20 years. Aging of the workforce, scale shortages, and many other factors affect the ability of HR to provide the organization with the right numbers and right types of employees - Companies in developed countries are seeing a reduction in the number and quality of potential skilled employees, as well as greater gender, ethnic, and age diversity than at any time in the past. The lack of skilled workers for increasingly complex job is considered to be a major ongoing problem. Partly as a result of the shortage of skilled labor, we are seeing more older employees with high-level skill sets remain in the workforce. The workforce will look much older than it has historically today. Your organization will soon look more culturally diverse even compared to today. The growth an immigrant workers will be substantial.


- a function of getting the job done whenever and however it must be done.


- a function of how many organizational resources we used in getting the job done.

Design Skills

- a skill set that allows us to figure out novel or innovative solutions to problems that we have identified the use of our conceptual skills. One part of the skill set is identification of any problem that exists, and the second part is the decision making to solve problems and carrying out the solution.

labor cost controls

- all managers need to know how they can manage labor costs, both from an efficiency standpoint and from the standpoint of understanding the state and federal laws that limit our options for managing our labor resources

compensation and benefits

- compensation and benefits specialist might find jobs in compensation planning, salary surveys, benefits management, incentive programs, and more. This area deals with how we reward the people who work for us. Rewards come in many styles and types. A specialist helps decide the total compensation package that the organization we used to attract and retain the best mix of people with skills that are specifically suited to the organization. They need to understand the federal and state laws that deals with compensation management within businesses, including the fair labor standards act plus EEO and discrimination laws. Compensation management also includes issues such as pay secrecy, comparable worth, and wage compression.

How is Technology used in HR

- improve efficiency of workers through the use of technology. -Using technology allows us to gather, analyze and manage large amounts of data much more quickly than have ever -This allows managers to find commonalities in the day to day that can help them create new and more efficient processes.

conceptual and design skills

- includes the ability to evaluate the situation, identify alternatives, select a reasonable alternative, and make a decision to implement a solution to a problem.

safety and security of employees

- line management has primary responsibility for maintaining the safety and security of the organization's workforce. They must know the federal and state laws concerning occupational safety and health as well as procedures for securing the organizations work space and people from both outsiders and other employees would want to harm them. They need to monitor the areas under their physical control to minimize the hazards that can occur inside our companies.

training and development

- line managers are generally the first to see a problem within the organizational process. This is frequently an indication that some type of training is needed. Five managers are also the individuals who are debrief most employees on their annual performance appraisals. This is another situation in which a manager might recognize the need for further training of their workforce. Line managers are people responsible for making changes to organizational processes and as a result of these changes, we frequently need to train our people on new methods of doing our work they are also the people responsible for identifying the talented workers in the organization whom we need to develop so that they can move into higher level positions when they are needed. Need these people to take the positions of others who leave the company due to potentially retiring

Legal Considerations

- line managers can accidentally violate the law if they don't know the berries employment laws and what actions are prohibited or required and dealing with employees. Laws that line managers need to understand include employment laws, workplace safety and health laws, labor laws, and laws dealing with compensation and benefits

Appraisal and promotion

- my manager should almost always be responsible for the appraisal or evaluation of the people who work for them as well as for the process of debriefing those individuals on their annual or more frequent work evaluation. They should have a strong voice and who should be eligible for promotions and the organization because the line managers job it's another people and their capabilities and limitations

leadership and motivation

- one of the major reasons to have managers is to provide motivation and leadership to employees and our organizations. Managers are worth less than nothing if they don't improve their workers performance and productivity through the use of motivation and leadership

ethics and sustainability

- responsibility for seeing to it that the organization ask in an ethical and socially responsible manner. He would work on codes of ethics and also make sure employees live by those codes, such as by maintaining ways in which employees can report violations of ethics, also known as whistle blowing. Environmental issues are a major concern today and sustainable development has become one of the foremost issues facing the world. Sustainability is meeting the needs of today without sacrificing future generations' ability to meet their needs.


- staffing includes all of the things that we need to do to get people interested in working for a company. This includes going through the recruiting process, selecting the best candidate to apply, and getting them settled into their new jobs. This is the first line of defense for the company. This area can literally make or break the organization and its ability to be productive.

Conceptual skills

- the ability to understand what is going on in our business process and the ability to see the bigger picture concerning how our department or division and the overall organization operates. It also includes the ability to see if we are getting outside expected process parameters

interpersonal skills

- the ability to understand, communicate, and work well with individuals and groups through developing effective relationships o The resources you need to get the job done or made available through relationships with people both inside the organization and outside. HR managers must have strong people skills. They need to be empathetic, which is simply being able to put yourself in another person's place and I understand not only what he or she is saying but why he or she is communicating that information to you.

technical skills

- the ability to use methods and techniques to perform a task o Being successful as an HR manager requires many skills, including comprehensive knowledge of laws, rules, and regulations relating to HR, computer skills, interviewing skills, training and knowledge skills, understanding of performance appraisal processes, cultural knowledge, and many others.

business skills

- the analytical and quantitative skills, including end up knowledge of how the business works and it's budgeting and strategic planning processes, that are necessary for a manager to understand and contribute the profitability of the organization

Disparate Impact

- when an officially neutral employment practices disproportionally and unintentionally excludes members of a protected group. This is an accident

Employee Engagement - What is it and how is it used

-Employee engagement is a combination of job satisfaction, ability, and willingness to perform for the organization at a high level and over an extended period of time. Those who understand what they need to do to add value to the organization and are satisfied enough within the organization and their rules within it to be willing to do whatever is necessary to see to it that the organization succeeds. - A study showed that companies with high levels of satisfaction and engagement outperformed those with the less engaged employees in return on investment, operating income, growth rate, and long-term company valuation. It improves productivity to have engaged employees.

Past View of HRM

-HRM is an easy management job. -paper pushers who could keep all of the personnel file street. They maintained organizational records, but they had very little to do with the management of the organizations business process. -provided limited services to the organization, such as keeping track of applicants, maintaining employee paperwork, and filing annual performance evaluations. --HRM was considered to be a cost center, a division or department within the organization that brings and no revenue or profit for the organization. -It only cost money for the organization to run this function. Cost centers eat up available funds.

conceptual design skills

-includes the ability to evaluate a situation, identify alternatives, select a reasonable alternative, and make a decision to implement a solution to a problem. This skill set is a crucial part of creating and maintaining the ability to lead in an organization.

Present View of HRM

-revenue centers. -Modern organizations expect significantly greater productivity than occurred in their historical counterparts. A productivity center is a revenue center that enhances profitability of an organization through enhancing the productivity of people within the organization. -Their function is to improve organizational revenues and profits. They do this by enhancing the productivity of the people within the organization. -Productivity is the amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input, with human and put usually expressed in terms of units of time. Productivity is the end result of two components that managers work to create and improve within the organization. Human resources managers improve organizational revenues and profits by creating the right working environment.

Business Skills

-the analytical and quantitative skills, including end up the knowledge of how the business works and it's budgeting and strategic planning processes, that are necessary for a manager to understand and contribute to the profitability of the organization.


-the permanent loss of workers from the organization. When people quit, it is considered voluntary turnover, but when people are fired, it is involuntary turnover.


-the temporary absence of employees from the workplace. It is the failure of an employee to report to work as scheduled.

values and beliefs

1. : values represent the way people believe they ought to behave. Beliefs represent if, then statements. Values and beliefs provide the operating principle that guides decision making in shape the behaviors that result from level one culture. Values and beliefs cannot be observed directly, we can only in for from people's behavior with a value and believe. Slogans are critical to this level of culture. It's logan expresses key values. Slogans are part of an organizational mission statements, while I philosophy is a formal statement of values and beliefs.


1. assumptions are values and beliefs that are so deeply ingrained that they are considered unquestionably true. Because assumptions are shared, they are barely discussed. They serve as an automatic pilot to guide behavior. In fact, people often feel threatened when assumptions are challenged. If you question employees about why they do something or suggest a change, they often respond with statements like that's the way it's always been done. Assumptions are the often most stable and enduring part of culture and are difficult to change.


1. behavior includes all of the observable things that people do and say what are the actions employees take. Artifacts result from the behavior and include written and spoken language, dress, material objects, and the organizations physical layout. Heroes, stories, slogans, symbols, and ceremonies are all part of behavior level culture. The behavior levels also called a visible level. Values, beliefs, and assumptions are considered on the invisible level because you cannot actually observe them.

Cost Center

A division or department that brings in no revenue or profit for the organization, running this function only costs the organization money (Old HRM)

What is Strategy

A plan of action designed to achieve a particular set of objectives

Productivity Center

A revenue center that enhances the profitability of the organization through enhancing the productivity of the people within the organization (New HRM)

reverse discrimination

Discrimination against the majority group

Revenue Center

Divisions or departments that generate monetary returns for the organization (New HRM)

Two Components of productivity that managers have control of

Effectiveness and Efficiency

H: Has Job Relatedness

Has job relatedness means that the action must relate to the essential job functions. It is useful in an organizational fairness and equity whenever contemplating any employment action. It helps to avoid discrimination and illegal discrimination. For example, it is to be used when hiring new people, promoting employees, deciding whether or not to give someone a raise, analyzing potential disciplinary actions against an employee, or in any other job-related action. You use it to maintain equity for all of your employees or applicants.

Line managers 6 HRM Responsibilities

Legal considerations labor cost controls leadership and motivation training and development appraisal and promotion safety and security of employees


Objective Uniform in application Consistent in effect Has job relatedness

8 major HRM Discipline Areas

The legal environment staffing training and development employee relations labor and industrial relations compensation and benefits safety and security ethics and sustainability

vertical differentiation

This identifies how we break the organization of horizontally. We usually do this by breaking the organization up into departments. There are other ways in which we can segment the organization horizontally, including by customer type, product or process type, geographic divisions, and so on

Three levels of organizational culture

behavior, values and beliefs, and assumptions


o : customers have more power today than ever before and without them there is no need for an organization. Therefore, companies must continually improve products and services to create value for their customers. This process of improvement requires skills employees who are willing to use their creativity to add to the organizations knowledge and thereby help manage products and services for customers

· Bona fide occupational qualification

o A qualification that is absolutely required in order for an individual to be successful in doing a particular job. The qualification cannot be just a desirable quality with an applicant, it must be mandatory. A BFOQ would be a legitimate defense against a charge of disparate treatment


o A situation where the organization takes an adverse employment action against an employee because the employee brought discrimination charges against the organization or supported someone who brought discrimination charges against the company. o An adverse employment action is any action such as firings, D motions, schedule reductions, or changes that would harm the individual employee o Retaliation is a form of harassment based on an individual filing a discrimination claim. Each of the EEO laws identifies retaliation as a legal harassment based on the protected class identified within that law. The EEOC is responsible for enforcing compliance with all EEO laws and has been cracking down on retaliation.

Immigration and Nationality Act

o Allows employment of immigrant workers in certain specialty occupations, such as engineers, teachers, computer programmers, medical doctors, and physical therapists o Specifies requirements to apply for such employment and annual limits to the number of employees who can apply for work visas in the specialty occupations

Reasonable Accommodation

o An accommodation made by an employer to allow someone who is disabled otherwise qualified to do the essential functions of a job to be able to perform that job. Reasonable accommodations are usually inexpensive and easy to implement. o In defining reasonable accommodations, and it's also necessary to distinguish between essential and marginal job functions. Although essential functions are noted in the ADA, they are not defined there. Our understanding of essential functions comes mainly from the court decisions concerning ADA cases. Based on these court cases, essential functions are the fundamental duties of a position.

cost leadership

o Boss leaders do everything that they can to lower the organizational costs required to produce their products or services. However, cost leaders do not necessarily provide their products or services to the consumer for a lower price. They can choose to keep their prices down and maintain the same margin as their higher cost competitors, or they can choose to charge the same price as their competitors and does increase their profit margin above that of their competitors on each of the goods or services they sell

- The HR competencies that will be the most critical

o Business Acumen- ability to understand and apply information to contribute to the organization's strategic plan § We are not doing well in this in most organizations. This is especially in quantitative areas dealing with metrics and data analysis. The ability to analyze large data sets allows human resource managers to work towards overcoming another of their challenges, creating strategic agility. o Organizational leadership and navigation- ability to direct and contribute to initiatives and processes within the organization o Critical evaluation- ability to interpret information and make business decisions and recommendations o HR expertise- ability to apply the principles and practices of HRM to contribute to the success of the business

business necessity

o Business necessity is when a particular practice is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the business and when there is a specific business purpose for applying a particular standard that may, in fact, be discriminatory o A business necessity defense is applied by an employer in order to show the particular practice was necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the business and that there is a specific business purpose for applying a particular standard that may be discriminatory. o Business necessity defense is must be combined with a test for job-relatedness. If an organization can show a legitimate business necessity for the test they apply and an employment action, then they have a legitimate defense against the charges of disparate impact. However, business is Cecily is specifically prohibited as a defense against disparate treatment.

Types of damages

o Compensatory Damages: monetary damages awarded by the court to compensate the injured person for losses o Punitive Damages: monetary damages awarded by the court that are designed to punish and injuring party that is intentionally inflict harm on others


o Complexity is the degree to which three types of differentiation exist within the organization. These three types of differentiation are vertical, horizontal, and spatial. Each of these sub components demonstrates a way in which we break the organization into smaller and more differentiated groups.

- The biggest challenges according to non-HR executives

o Developing next generation organizational leaders o Managing the loss of key workers and their skill sets o Maintaining competitive compensation and benefits offerings

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

o Ensure civilian reemployment rights of military members who are called away from their non-military jobs by US government orders

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

o Extended period of time in which an employee is allowed to file a compensation discrimination lawsuit within 180 days after any application of a discriminatory compensation decision o This includes every time an individual is paid as long as the discrimination is continuing

External environment

o External environment consists of a series of influences that originate outside the organization and that the company cannot control. Each of these forces ask on the farm and requires it to change and adapt, usually in the form of strategic responses to these environmental changes. (Competition, customers, suppliers, labor force, shareholders, society, technology, the economy, government)


o Formalization is the degree to which jobs are standardized within an organization, meaning the degree to which we have created policies, procedures, and rules the program the jobs of the employees. If we make things routine by creating standard operating procedures and other standard processes, we can usually increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the people within the organization. Intern, this makes the entire organization more productive on a per unit basis. The more we can formalize the jobs within the organization, the easier it is to manage the people in those jobs. We also tend to see lower costs in organizations that are highly formalized. As a result, we generally want to formalize all of the processes we can within the organization.

hostile work environment

o Hostile work environment is a very specific legal term in human resource management meaning harassment that occurs when someone's behavior at work creates an environment that is sexual in nature and that makes it difficult for someone of a particular sex to work in that environment. Hostile work environment sexual harassment happens when a "reasonable person" determines that the behavior in question goes beyond normal human interaction and the jokes and kidding that accompany such interaction, instead rising to a level that is a reasonable person would consider the act or acts to be both harassing and sexual in nature. For the purposes of the law, a reasonable person is the average person who would look at the situation and its intensity to determine whether the accused person was wrong in their actions.

· Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

o Illegal for an employer to fail or refuse to hire, discharge, or otherwise discriminate against any individuals with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, due to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was revised in June 2021 to include the LGBTQ plus community. o Also, illegal to limit, segregate, or classified employees or applicants in any way that deprive them of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affects their employment status due to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or LGBTQ status o Applies to organizations involved in interstate commerce with 15 or more employees who work 20 or more weeks a year. o Introduced Important Concepts: § Disparate treatment § Disparate impact § Pattern or practice § Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) · Can PROVE something is a requirement of a job § Business Necessity · When a particular practice is necessary for the sole and efficient operation of a business and when there is a specific business purpose for applying a particular standard that may be discrimination § Job Relatedness · Test for an employee is a legitimate measure of an individual's ability to do the essential functions of a job

how to reduce company risk from harassment lawsuits

o In general, if the employer knew or should've known about the harassment and did nothing to stop behavior, then the employer can be held liable. In general, management and the organization should probably institute and communicate is zero tolerance policy for sexual-harassment. It should be a one strike and you're out offense, and major disciplinary infraction for which a person should be terminated

job relatedness

o Job-related this is when I test for employment is a legitimate measure of an individual's ability to do the essential functions of a job. o For job-related is to act as a defense against the charge of discrimination, the organizations action first has to be a business necessity, and then the employer must be able to show the test for the employment action was a legitimate measure of an individual's ability to do the job. The federal government defines a test for employment action as the full range of assessment techniques, including written exams, performance test, training programs, probationary period's, interviews, reviews of experience or education, work samples, and physical requirements.

- Three biggest challenges according to HR executives

o Maintaining high levels of employee engagement o Developing next generation organization leaders o Maintaining competitive compensation and benefits offerings

mission vs vision

o Mission: More specific. What everyone will do and what they hope to accomplish. Narrower. Mission statement. o Vision: Vaguer. What we expect to become.

Age Discrimination

o Prohibits discrimination against employees age 40 or older in organizations that have 20 or more workers o Age discrimination complaints make up 1/5 to ¼ of all actions filed within the EEOC

Americans with Disabilities Act

o Prohibits discrimination based on disability. Requires employers to make reasonable accommodation to individuals with disability, if they are otherwise qualified to perform essential job functions of the job unless it imposes an undue hardship on the organization

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

o Prohibits the use of genetic information in employment and intentional acquisition of genetic information about applicants and employees and imposing strict confidentiality requirements o Enacted to prevent employees from using results of genetic tests to discriminate against applicants and employees when their test results indicate that they may contract a certain disease or disorder in the future

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

o Quid pro quo means "this for that". Quid pro quo harassment is harassment that occurs when some type of benefit or punishment is made contingent upon the employee submitting to sexual advances. It is a direct form of harassment aimed at an individual and is most commonly seen in supervisors-subordinate relationships, although this is not always the case. It is based on the power of one individual over another. If the harasser has no power to reward or punish the individual who is the object of the harassment, then it is difficult for quid pro quo harassment to exist. In the case of coworkers where one is pressuring the other concerning a relationship, the situation would more likely be considered to be a hostile work environment.

Immigration reform and control act

o Requires that employers only hire individuals who are authorized to work legally in the United States o Prohibits employers from undocumented workers and requires employers to verify each employees eligibility for employment

Equal Pay Act

o Requires women who do the same job as men in the same organization to receive the same pay. § Equal skill, effort, and responsibility and performed under similar working conditions o Just between men and women, in the private sector is more flexible Pay differences that result from differences in seniority, merit, quantity or quality of production, or any factor other than sex are legally allowable.

five force analysis

o Rivalry among competitors o Threat of substitute products and services o Potential new entrants o Power of suppliers o Power of buyers

Strategy and strategic planning

o Strategic planning is about planning for the long-term future. To be successful, you need to plan using goals and measurable standards. The project of strategic analysis and building a coherent strategy is more critical than it has ever been before because in most worldwide industries today, we have far more competition in capacity than ever before. It is more difficult to create a sustainable competitive advantage that we need in order to survive in the long term. Are internal and external environment is largely determine how we as managers must act to provide the organization with the right combination of people to help us reach our strategic goals. We need the right people with the right types of education, skills, and mindset.

SWOT analysis

o Strengths o Weaknesses o Opportunities o Threats o It is a tool to analyze the organizations internal environment, meaning in specific capabilities and limitations. The organization creates a list of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Once this list is created, the organization evaluate each of the sections of the list in order to decide what it can do and where can use his resources most effectively

setting objectives

o Successful strategic management requires a commitment on the part of managers to a defined side of objectives. Successful managers have a goal orientation, which means they set and achieve objectives. After developing our vision and mission in completing situation analysis, the next step is to set objectives of flow from the mission to address strategic issues and problems. objectives state what is to be accomplished and singular, specific, in measurable terms, with a target date. The organization has to write at least one objective for every major goal that is set forth in strategy. You must begin with the end in mind. Objectives do not state how they will be accomplished, just the end result you want to accomplish.

Executive order 11246

o The Executive Order prohibits federal contractors and federally‐assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. The Executive Order also requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that equal opportunity is provided in all aspects of their employment. Additionally, Executive Order 11246 prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from, under certain circumstances, taking adverse employment actions against applicants and employees for asking about, discussing, or sharing information about their pay or the pay of their co‐workers.

Challenges of Diversity

o The first issue is conflict. Conflict is simply the act of being opposed to another. This occurs in all interactions between individuals. There are many reasons for it, however conflict is typically greater when people are significantly different from each other, which means that if we create a more diverse workforce there is a greater likelihood for a significant conflict. Conflict is not always bad o Functional conflict is our organizations going through the process of creating new things, the opposition itself drives the organization to change. If we don't have conflicts, the organization never changes. o Dysfunctional conflict occurs when complicates the point where creativity is stifled and, in fact, almost all work becomes a difficult or impossible because of the conflict intensity. Dysfunctional conflict breaks down the organization, while functional conflict allows it to grow o Cohesiveness is an intent and desire for group members to stick together in their actions. The members have to learn to want to be part of the group and want to interact with other members of the group in order to perform at a high-level. We need high cohesiveness in order to get good performance out of a group. However, the more diversity there is within the group, the more difficult it is to grab the cohesiveness necessary for high-performance. So, more diverse groups tend to be less cohesive. o A third significant issue and diversity is resistance to change. And organizations are used to being less diverse, then the diversity is something that will be scary to the people in the organization. If they are uncomfortable with the change, they will resist. This resistance can be taken care of in several ways including creation of more participated decision-making environments, creative cognitive dissonance, coercion, and a number of other methods

putting the vision and mission together

o The mission is where we start to become specific. The mission statement lays out our expectations of what we are going to do in order to become the organization that we have envision. It is a statement that says what the various organizational units will do and what they hope to accomplish in alignment with the organizational vision. It is generally narrower and more specific than the vision, which means that it is generally a bit longer winded. It takes into account things such as who we serve, and how we serve them. Focus on an on an end result gives us a clear picture of what is expected of every person individually. Mission + vision=focus

Advantages to diversity

o The primary advantages of a diverse workforce come from the ability to stimulate and provide more creative and innovative solution to organizational problems. o Creativity is a basic ability to think and unique and different ways and apply those thought processes to existing problems. Innovation is the act of creating useful processes or products based on creative thought processes. o If we look at a problem from different perspectives, we find out that there are more facets to the problem than we originally realized. I diversified group looking at a problem will look at the problem from different directions in different ways. Therefore, it will discover more of the aspects of the problem and what a single person or more homogenous work group. o Organizations today and fast-moving industries have to be able to innovate and change to adapt to their external environment. If an organization is unable to rapidly innovate, it will almost certainly die in today's business world. o Creativity is a rare commodity and organizations. Most of us have not learned to be creative. We have not been trying to be innovative. Overtime, this has the effect of causing most of us to give up on being very creative and just go along with the way the majority of people do something and we Lucy ability to think differently. This ability is called divergent thinking and it is necessary in order to come up with creative solutions to a problem. Divergent thinking is the ability to find many possible solutions to a particular problem, including unique, untested solutions. o By introducing diversity in our workforce, we assist in the process of divergent thinking. Different people think differently because they have different backgrounds and have solved problems differently in the past. We all bring this unique set of problem-solving skills into our work.


o The selection of a proper organizational structure is critical to successfully implement strategy and therefore to do business. Organizational structure refers to the way in which an organization groups its resources to accomplish its mission. Managers need to have an understanding of organizational structure to do their jobs correctly. An organization is a system that typically structured into departments. Organization structures the resources to transform inputs into outputs. All of an organization's resources must be structured effectively if it is to achieve its mission.

· Differentiation, what does it mean and how is it used?

o The strategy attempts to create an impression of difference for the company's product or service in the mind of consumers. The differentiator company stresses advantage over its competitors.

· The vision of an organization its focus point

o The vision of an organization is what we expect to become as an organization at a particular point in time in the future. It is not specific.

how strategy effects HRM

o There are several areas where the genetic corporate strategy affects how we do our jobs within HR. These include HRM and cost leadership and HRM and differentiation. Please see above. o If our organization is following a generic cost leadership strategy, we are going to be most interested in minimizing all internal costs, including employee costs. So we are concerned with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Because we are concerned with maximum efficiency, we will probably create highly specialized jobs within the organization so that we have people doing the same thing repeatedly. This will generally cause employees to get much better and faster at their jobs. We will also have a specific job descriptions for each position and job specific training with very little, if any, cross training. We will hire new workers based on technical skills and abilities, and we will most likely emphasize performance pay by which the employees get paid more if they perform the job faster and better. We may also provide incentives that emphasize cost controls and efficiency. It is likely that managers will use narrowly focused performance appraisals as a control mechanism to allow them to weed out less efficient and less effective employees.

organizational culture

o This consists of the values, beliefs, and assumptions about appropriate behavior of the members of an organization share.

horizontal differentiation

o This deals with how we break the organization of vertically, meaning how many layers there are in the organization from the top to the bottom.

Constructive Discharge

o This exists when an employee is put under such extreme pressure by management that continued employment becomes intolerable and, as a result, the employee quits, or resigns from the organization. o The Supreme Court has identified constructive discharge is as he or she suffered harassment or discrimination so intolerable that a reasonable person in the same position would've felt compelled to resign and the employees' reaction to the workplace situation was reasonable given the totality of the circumstances. o Individual can show that constructive discharge caused them to resign from the organization, then the individual would be eligible for all company rights associated with being involuntarily terminated from the company. If the individual suffered sexual harassment or discrimination that resulted in their constructive discharge, the organization would also suffer liability for those employment actions.


o This is the degree to which decision making is concentrated within the organization. The degree of centralization in an organization has to do with the dispersion of authority for decision making and delegation of authority. If we can concentrate in authority and decision making with one or a few individuals, and we we can concentrate on hiring people who are very good help making business decisions in those few positions and not worry about the decision-making skills of the rest of the employees. Centralization of decision making and tends to create greater control within the organization because the organization's your decision makers will soon find that they make similar decisions over and over. They then become very good at determining the best course of action in a particular situation. One trade-off is that as the organization gets larger, we may have to go through many layers of the organization in order to get a decision made. This can slow down the process. Lowers costs generally.

Pattern or Practice Discrimination

o This occurs when a person or group in cages in a sequence of actions over significant period of time that is intended to deny the rides provided by title seven of the 1964 CRA to a member of a protected class. o If there is a reasonable cause to believe that any organization is engaging in pattern a practice that denies the rights provided by title seven, the US Attorney General may bring a federal lawsuit against it. In general, no individual can directly bring a pattern or practice lawsuit against an organization. As with the disparate treatment concept, it must be proven that the employer intended to discriminate against a particular class of individuals and did so over a protracted period of time

focus vs niche

o Within this strategy, the company focuses on a specific portion of a larger market. Within a particular target segment or market niche, the firm may use differentiation or cost leadership strategies. Businesses can win big by thinking small.


o businesses must compete for customers and their performance is not simply a function of their own actions. Each firms' performance will be understood relative to the actions of its competitors. Organizations also frequently compete for the same employees and sometimes for suppliers and almost every organization has heard of one organization stealing employees from another similar organization especially in high technology field. Changes in competitor strategies are often affect the performance of the organization


o changing technologies required technologically savvy employees who have the ability to adapt to new processes. Without employees who are comfortable with changing technologies, organizations today will soon find themselves unable to compete


o national, state, and local governments all set laws and regulations that businesses must obey. As a result, to a large extent, businesses may not do whatever it wants to do. The government tells business what it can and cannot do. It affects how our business is conducted.

the economy

o no corporation has control over economic growth, inflation, interest rates, foreign exchange rate, and so on. In general, as measured by gross domestic product, businesses to better during times of economic growth in during recessions. During periods of inflation, businesses experience increased costs. When interest rates are high, it cost more for companies to borrow money. Foreign exchange rates also affect businesses both at home and abroad. The economy has a direct impact on the firm's performance and profits. We always take the economy into account when performing strategic planning activities


o organizations buy resources from suppliers and therefore partnerships with suppliers also affect firm performance. It is important to develop close working relationships with your suppliers and building close relationships requires employees who have the ability to communicate, empathize, negotiate, and come to mutually advantageous agreements


o our society determines what acceptable business practices are. Individuals and groups of stakeholders work in various ways to pressure businesses to make changes.

Rehabilitation Act

o prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, in programs receiving federal financial assistance, in federal employment and in the employment practices of federal contractors.

labor force

o the employees and the labor force available to an organization have a direct effect on the organizations' performance. Management recruits human resources from the available labor force outside the companies boundaries, so slow population growth will limit the available talent pool. Unions can sometimes provide employees for the organizations, but they are considered an additional external factor because they collectively bargain for these employees.


o the owners of a corporation, shareholders, influence management. Most shareholders of large corporations are generally not involved in the day-to-day operation of the firm, but they do vote for the directors of the corporation. The Board of Directors is also not generally involved in the day-to-day operation of the firm, but it may hire or fire top management. The top manager reports to the board of directors and if the organization does not perform well, then the board can fire that manager and others

Disparate Treatment

results when employees from protected groups are intentionally treated differently

Four major HRM skill sets

technical, interpersonal, conceptual and design, business skils

unavoidable turnover

turnover an employer could not have prevented

avoidable turnover

turnover that the employer could have prevented


· a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business.

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