Human Bio 1st Semester Final

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resolving power is determined by:

the wavelength of the particles of the illumination source

a(n)___ is a scientific principle that is accepted as valid by an overwhelming number of scientists.


according to our textbook, human beings may think that they are separate from nature because:

they have a cultural heritage

The purpose of a control group in an experiment is

to increase the validity of the experimental results

which organ system removes metabolic wastes from the body?


factors that can cause an observable change during the progress of an experiment are called:


in an experiment, the factor being tested is called the:


as cell size increase, which of the following increases at a greater rate: -volume -length -surface area


the tentative explanation to be tested is called:

the hypothesis

in the experiment in which artificial sweetener is tested as a cause of bladder cancer, which of the following is true? -results showed that no mice developed bladder cancer -the hypothesis proposes that sweetener S is safe at 50% dietary intake levels -the experimental group ate a diet that contains no sweetener S -the control group ate a diet that contains sweetener S

the hypothesis proposes hat sweetener S is safe at 50% dietary intake levels

homeostasis refers to:

the maintenance of an internal environment of a cell that varies only within certain limits

choose the most accurate statement concerning selectively permeable membranes: -the membrane is permeable only part of the time -only large ionic particles may pass -only half of the membrane is permeable -the membranes selects or regulates influx of molecule

the membrane selects or regulates influx of molecules

hydrophilic means___

water loving

what is the correct order (1-5) of increasing complexity/origin?

(1)cells, (2) tissues, (3) organs, (4) organ systems, (5) organism

the electron microscope has a resolving power of:

0.00001 mm

the light microscope has a resolving power of:

0.2 mm

if a solution containing 0.9% NaCl were isotonic to a cell, then:

1.0% solution would be hypertonic

an "if...then" statement is an example of:

deductive reasoning

in the above experiment, the variable is:

the artificial sweetener

the actual infective agent that causes Lyme disease is:

the bacterium Borrelia

which of the following serves as a packaging center for secretory products? -ribosome -Golgi apparatus -centriole -nucleolus

Golgi apparatus

the information collected during the experiment or observation is called:

the data

all members of the same species that populate a certain area are called:

a population

A concept based on conclusions of observations and experimentation that joins together well-supported and related hypotheses is called:

a scientific theory

the assisted transport of a molecule across the cell membrane AGAINST the concentration gradient requiring the use of energy is:

active transport

choose the statement(s) that describe the cell theory: -cells come only from pre-existing cells -cells must be aggregated -all living things are made of cells and cells come only from pre-existing cells -all living things are made of cells -all of the choices are correct

all living things are made of cells and cells come only from pre-existing cells

biodiversity is described as: -different ecosystems -total number of species -genetic variability -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose one of Allen Steere's observations that would most likely be considered a clinical observation (one that could be made at the doctor's office): -symptoms first appeared in the summer -most victims lived in heavily wooded areas -several victims had a bulls-eye rash -the disease was not contagious-groups of people did not come down with Lyme disease -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the CORRECT statement concerning the cell membrane: -gases can diffuse through the membrane -energy is not expended during diffusion -lipid molecules can diffuse through the membrane -lysis refers to disrupted cell membranes -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the CORRECT statement concerning the plasma membrane: -proteins are embedded into the plasma membrane -the phospholipid bilayer is a liquid at body temperature -hydrophobic ends inwards, toward themselves -hydrophilic ends face outwards toward water -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the CORRECT statement(s) concerning cell surface/volume ratios: -volume reflects metabolic needs -as the volume increases/relative surface area decreases -surface area reflects ability to exchange materials -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the CORRECT statement: -human beings are part of the biosphere -humans are included in the five kingdom classification scheme -human beings are classified as animals and vertebrates -of any living animal, human beings are most closely related to chimpanzees -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the statement that most accurately depicts the role of science in discovery and implementation of new technologies: -science has improved our lives -scientists should provide the public with information for debating issues -science sometimes fosters ecologically disastrous technologies -making value judgements is not part of science -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

the function of the plasma membrane is: -determines which substances enter and leave the cell -serves as a boundary between the cell and its environment -contains receptor sites which determine how the cell interacts with its environment -all of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

choose the following statement that demonstrates the principle that humans tend to modify existing ecosystems for their own purposes: -humans build houses -humans plant crops -humans clear forests and grasslands -humans convert small towns into cities -all of the choices demonstrate that humans modify ecosystems

all of the choices demonstrate that humans modify ecosystems

choose the most accurate of the following reasons that experimental findings are published in a scientific journal: -the results/conclusions of the experiment may be scrutinized -reports may clarify or broaden the understanding -the experimental method must be elucidated for others to repeat and confirm -other people reading the report may think of other experiments to do -all of the statements are accurate

all of the statements are accurate

the region in which populations interact with each other and with the physical environment is called:

an ecosystem

the scientific study of life is called:


The network or sphere of life on the planet is called the:


the fundamental units that make up all living things are called:


The reason that cells stay small is most accurately stated as:

cells' surface areas must heed exchange requirements

you are looking at an electron micrograph of a cross section of tubular organelles in a cell. you note the structural arrangement of the microtubules is 9+0. these tubules are likely to be part of a:


the fact that lipids move easily through plasma membranes is due to:

chemical composition of lipids

which of the following has the structural formula of 9+2 microtubules? -cytoskeleton -cilia and flagella -centriole -plasma membrane

cilia and flagella

a group that goes through all of the steps of an experiment but does not contain the variable being tested is called:

control group

the semi-fluid internal medium of a cell that dissolves molecules between the nucleus and cell membrane is called:


the internal structures of a cell that maintain its shape and allow it to move are called:


the network of interconnected filaments and microtubules within a cells is collectively called the:


the process whereby small molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is:


when equilibrium is reached, which of the following statements is true? -ATP must be used for molecular transport -molecular movement stops -diffusion stops -kinetic energy is depleted

diffusion stops

which human organ system takes in nutrition and breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules for absorption by the body?


Choose the following interest group that should be held most responsible for the future roles of new scientific technologies: -politicians -professional citizens -scientists -clergy -everyone


the process of change that produces the diversity of life on Earth is called:


tests designed by scientists in order to study a particular phenomenon are called:


The assisted transport of a molecule across the cell membrane WITHOUT expenditure of energy is:

facilitated transport

the creative and imaginative skills of a scientist would most likely be employed:

formulating the hypothesis and during the design of the experiment

the Domain Eukarya contains ____ Kingdoms


a cell in an isotonic solution:

gains and loses the same amount of water

a cell in a hypotonic solution:

gains water

which of the following can cross the plasma membrane because of its selective permeability? -small, non polar molecules -small, polar molecules -gases -gases and small, polar molecules -gases and non polar molecules

gases and non polar molecules

a hypertonic solution contains:

greater concentration of solute than the cytoplasm

select the INCORRECT statement: -a cell is the basic unit of life -organ systems are composed of organs -homeostasis refers to the external environment of the cell -organs are composed of tissues -tissues are composed of cells

homeostasis refers to the external environment of the cell

human biology emphasizes:

human anatomy, physiology, and human environmental interactions/evolution

which of the following factors is seen as posing the greatest threat to the world's ecosystems? -human inclination to pollute -human disregard for other species -human population increase -human drive for technological advances -human logging and farming

human population increase

which of the following statements is INACCURATE? -humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor -humans evolved from apes -humans are vertebrates -humans belong to the animal kingdom

humans evolved from apes

choose the following statement that is NOT directly in agreement with out readings: -all living things, including humans, reproduce and grow -DNA is the genetic material/ATP is the energy source of living things -human beings are related to all living things -humans, unlike all other organisms, are not made of cells -life has a history of about 3.5 billion years

humans, unlike all other organisms, are not made of cells

a red blood cell will shrink when placed in which of the following: -isotonic solution -hypotonic solution -hypertonic solution

hypertonic solution

choose the CORRECT statement concerning the scientific method: -new conclusions are never reached with old data -all scientists use scientific method in the same order and in the same way -hypotheses are never completely proven, but may be falsified -new data are collected after the conclusion has been reached -a hypothesis will follow the design of the experiment

hypotheses are never completely proven, but may be falsified

choose the CORRECT statement about solute concentrations or particles inside and outside the cell: -in a hypertonic solution, there are more particles inside the cell -in an isotonic solution the number of particles is equal -lysis usually occurs when a cell is exposed to hypertonic solutions -in a hypnotic solution, there are more particles outside the cell

in an isotonic solution the number of particles is equal

a population:

includes the members of the same species in a particular area

a species:

is a group of organisms that are anatomically similar and can interbreed

choose the following molecules that may NOT easily pass through the cell membrane: -small lipid molecules -large, charged, foreign molecules -proteins with associated cell carriers -water molecules

large, charged, foreign molecules

a cell in a hypertonic solution:

loses water

which organelle contains digestive enzymes for intracellular digestion? -lysosome -vacuole -mitochondrion -centriole


a photograph taken from a microscope is usually referred to as a:


which of the following is the primary source of ATP production? -lysosome -vacuole -mitochondrion -Golgi bodies


which of the following functions to produce ribosomes? -nucleus -endoplasmic reticulum -Golgi apparatus -nucleolus


which structure contains the majority of genetic material within the cell?


choose the most accurate statement concerning ecosystems: - energy cycles and nutrients cycle - nutrients cycle and energy flows -energy cycles and nutrients flow -energy flows and nutrients flow

nutrients cycle and energy flows

choose the following statement that lends itself to positive human practical applications of maintaining the ecology of tropical rain forests: -tropical rain forests soak up rainfall in the rainy season/release it during the dry season -the tropics are home to 66% of the plants, 40% of the birds, 90% of the insects -one fourth of the medicines we use currently come from tropical rain forests -every year humans destroy an area of forest the size of Oklahoma -small scale farming accounts for 60% of tropical deforestation

one fourth of the medicines we use currently come from tropical rain forests

choose the highest level of organization: -tissues -cells -organs -organ systems

organ systems

small membranous structures that occur within the cell and have various functions are referred to as:


diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane is known as:


the diffusion of water across a permeable membrane is called:


in vitro fertilization occurs:

outside an individual, for example in a laboratory test tube

the fluid mosaic model refers to:

phospholipid bilayer or the plasma membrane

the plasma membrane is composed of:

phospholipids and proteins

inductive reasoning is similar to:

piecing together a puzzle

the phospholipid bilayer that surrounds/maintains the integrity of a cell is called a:

plasma membrane or cell membrane

examples of members of the Kingdom Protista include:

protozoans, algae, and slime molds

the ability of a microscope to make out detail in enlarged images is called:

resolving power

The endeavor that, by using observable and objective means, strives to help human beings understand the natural world is referred to as:


choose the statement that best summarizes the realm of science: -science strives to be subjective -science seeks a natural cause for the origin and history of life -natural causes involve faith, rather than data -doctrines of creation are subject to observation and objective testing

science seeks a natural cause for the origin and history of life

the ability of the plasma membrane to select which molecules will enter or exit the cell is referred to as:

selective permeability

particles, which dissolve within a solution, are called:


the liquid which particles are dissolved in is called the:


tonicity is the:

strength of a solution

a glycoprotein is a combination of:

sugar and protein

distilled water is 100% water with no solutes. a cell placed in distilled water will:

swell and burst

choose the following long-term benefit from studying biology. after studying biology it is hoped that you: -will be better able to make wise decisions regarding your own well being and the Earth's -will get a high paying job as a biologist -will become an animal rights activist -will understand all there is to know about humans and biology

will be better able to make wise decisions regarding your own well being and the Earth's

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