IB Film Vocabulary

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"artist novel" - a subtype of bildungsroman about the formation of an artist's personality and talents


(film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next

Niche Audience

...the targeting of a small but significant group of consumers with a media product that is directly targeted at their specific interests.

Round Character

A character who is well developed by the author and who many characteristics

Person vs Person

A conflict between two people

Person vs Machine

A conflict for a character as a result of a machine malfunction.

Person vs Self

A conflict within a person

Cheat (Noun)

A dishonest character who cheats out others of beneficial things


A division with no change of locale or abrupt shift of time

Oneric Theory

A dream-like state in a film

Feminist Theory

A sociological theory that focuses on the domination of women by men.

Person vs Nature

A struggle between a character, and a force of nature

Person vs Society

A struggle between a person and society

Continuity Editing **Invisible Editing

A system of cutting to maintain continuous and clear narrative action. **A style of editing that creates a continuity of space and time out of the fragments of scenes contained in individual shots

Auteur theory

A theory in film-making, in which the Director is viewed as the major creative person.


A type, class, or category, especially of fine art or literature


An activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent


An expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances


Any activity on a program that occurs prior to the time that the cameras begin rolling.


Any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie

Diegetic Sound

Any voice, musical passage, or sound effect presented as originating from a source within the film's world.


Artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy

Ambient Sound

Background Noise

Flat Character

Character who exihibits a single dominant quality

Transition Editing

Cut (invisible-does not occupy screen time), Dissolve (gradual transition-clearly visible transition-indicates a passage of time), Fade (fadeout fade-in-signals beginning or end of a scene), Wipe (classified as a special effect-pushy), Animated (use only in the right context)

Rising Action

Events leading up to the climax


Honor or respect shown publicly

Primary Research

Original research gathered specifically for the project at hand

Quantitative Research

Research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form

Qualitative Research

Research that relies on what is seen in field or naturalistic settings more than on statistical data

On Location

Shooting in an actual interior or exterior location away from the studio.

Psychoanalytic Theory

Sigmund Freud's approach to understanding human behavior that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behaviors

Asynchronous Sound

Sound that is not matched temporally with the movements occurring in the image, as when dialogue is out of synchronization with lip movements.

Camera Angle *High *Low *Worms Eye *Aerial

The Camera Angle is the specific location of the camera. These locations include: *High: Camera is above eye level *Low: Camera is below eye level *Worms Eye: Camera is on the ground *Aerial: Camera has a view from the sky


The camera is zoomed in to focus on one person, thing, or action.

High Angle Shot

The camera looks down at the subject from a high angle.


The environment around the actor

Ambient Light

The natural light in a scene.


The person telling the story

Dramatic Climax

The point of greatest interest or intensity in the story. This type of climax is not related to plot structure. This climax is viewer-centered.


The process by which the editor combines and coordinates individual shots into a cinematic whole; the basic creative force of cinema.


The process of deleting scenes from a film


The unedited takes, scenes, and shots of a production

Target Audience

Those who the film is aimed towards


Trouble encountered while filming

Location Shot

When the film is actually being shot at the location


a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations

Mass Audience

a diverse group of people who are spectating or listening to some from of communication


a dominant or recurring theme


a double or counterpart of a living person


a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity


a film that intention is to teach


a flashback; to restore or do over


a new soundtrack that is added to a film


a photographer who operates a movie camera


a protagonist who lacks the characteristics that would make him a hero (or her a heroine)


a recurring theme, subject or idea


a section of a literary work that interrupts the sequence of events to relate an event from an earlier time

Low-Angle Shot

a shot created by placing the camera anywhere from slightly to greatly below the eye level of the talent and pointing it upward

Night for Night

a technique of shooting outdoor night scenes at night while using units to selectively illuminte and highlight

Femme Fatale

a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive


a written form of a musical composition

French New Wave

academic movement of the 1930's-1940's; many young French men watched and analyzed American films; film became academic


arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted


assumption; postulate; proposition upon which an argument is based

Day for Night

cinematic techniques used to simulate a night scene. AKA: nuit américaine


coming of age novel


consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story


conveyance consisting of a wheeled support on which a camera can be mounted

Low Humor

crude jokes relating to basic, physical elements of life

Period Drama

drama set in a particular historical period


establish or impress firmly in the mind

Falling Action

events after the climax, leading to the resolution

Costume Drama

film which takes place in a historical period, requiring elaborate costumes and sets


humorous or satirical mimicry


introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation

Dramatic Irony

irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the film

Film Noir

meaning black cinema, emphasizes a fatalistic, despairing universe where there is no escape from mean city streets, loneliness, and death.


moving only the camera to scan the set horizontally, while the dolly and tripod remain stationary


one of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies

Dynamic Character

one whose character changes in the course of the play or story


presents life not as it appears on the surface, but as it is passionately felt to be by an author or character.


someone or something that is unwanted and unneeded


someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show


something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred

Non-Digetic Sound

sound that can be heard by the audience only, not the characters.

Person vs Fate

struggle that is pre-determined from which the character cannot escape


the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features


the character who works against the protagonist in the story


the contrasting of light and darkness


the editing that is done after the movie, film, or video has been taped


the principal character in a work of fiction


the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate an association of ideas Includes: *Soviet Montage, Metric Montage, Soviet Montage, Rhythmic Montage, and Tonal Montage.


the reasons for a character's behavior


the resolution of the conflict in a story's plot; a final outcome


the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play


the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)


those who view the film

Mainstream Audience

typical people who watch most movies


using or characterized by computer technology

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