SQ 4 (Biblical Literature)

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What is the mission of Jesus' ministry?

To proclaim justice to the nations and to gather lost sheep

What is the significance of Jesus choosing 12 disciples? What does this communicate symbolically?

(pg 151)The number 12 has symbolic meaning, like the 12 tribes of Israel ( as in the end time gathering of the nations) 1. that they might be with him 2. that he might send them out to preach and to authority to drive out demons

Why does Jesus face opposition to his kingdom message?

Because he is seen as a political threat to the Pharisees and the and Roman king

According to DS, what meaning does the Passover bring to Jesus' actions?

Bible page 1456

In Mark 5:1-20, where does Jesus go to heal a demon-possessed man? What does this reveal about the kingdom of God and Jesus' mission?

Capernaum this shows Jesus's power to expel demons without any trouble

What do Jesus' mighty works reveal about the kingdom of God?

It reveals that the kingdom of God has the power to heal all creation

According to Drama of Scripture (p.167), what three events in the last week of Jesus' life portray symbolically the nature of the coming kingdom?

Jeremiah smashes a pot symbolizing the smashing of Israel by God. Isaiah wanders through Jerusalem named to symbolize the Humiliation of Egypt and Cush by Assyria. Jesus enters Jerusalem on a Donkey, to symbolize how he is a humble creature of burden.

According to DS, What does Jesus do in the temple? Why does he do it? Why has this story of Jesus' actions in the temple been bracketed by the story of the fig tree?

Jesus curses an unfruitful fig tree,drives out those selling animals for sacrifice, overturns tables of the money changers, and shuts down all operation of the temple. He says it is because the temple should be for all nations to come to worship god, but Israel is separatist about it. The tree symbolizes an unfruitful Israel, promising to do good and be fruitful but when inspected is empty.

What is the significance of Jesus being sent to the lost sheep of Israel? How does this relate to the message of the Old Testament prophets?

Jesus is gathering the lost sheep of Israel to fulfill God's promise to bring them back together as a nation of God ( gathering the nation is a sign of the end times)

Does everyone acknowledge the true source of Jesus' ministry? What is the source of Jesus' ministry, according to the Pharisees

No, they said he was Satan (or got his power from Satan)

Who is standing with Jesus at the transfiguration?

Peter, James, and John ( or Elijah and Moses like talking with him)

What does the voice say about Jesus?

That he is the son of God and that God loves him so they should listen to him ( bible page1477)

What is the source of Jesus' ministry, according to Matthew 12:18?

The Holy Spirit of God

Read Matthew 21:1-11. How is Jesus' entry into Jerusalem interpreted? What does this reveal about the identity of Jesus?

The arrival of Jesus on the Donkey with its colt symbolizes Jesus and his purpose. Jesus is originally pictured as a warrior by the Israelites but this Donkey really shows who he is, a creature meant to take the load of men who cannot carry it. ( demonstrating humility, gentleness, and leadership)

What do Jesus' baptism and temptation reveal about the kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God does not conform to what Satan or the people of earth expect of it, it is powerful and rightious in its own way that we need to conform to.

What is the point of this episode? What does it tell us about Jesus and why include Moses and Elijah?

The transfiguration was for the benifit of the tw disciples who witnessed it, kinda like to prove jesus was the messiah, son of God ( bible page 1477)

What does Jesus' sojourn into gentile territory reveal about the kingdom of God?

This is has two purposes, 1. to escape the crowds that pose a threat to Jesus's mission and 2. to prove that he is the embodiment of God on earth and the passphrases cant tell him what is clean or unclean about people different than them

What is blasphemy against the Spirit, in the context of this passage?

This is what the Pharisees committed by saying that Jesus worked as Satan, it is the only unforgivable sin. (bible page 1468)

Read Matthew 26:17-30. What is the setting for this meal (i.e. what time of year is it?) and why is this significant? How does Jesus use the meal to teach about the meaning of his death?

This was during the festival of the Unleavened Bread (Passover) because Jesus wanted to show them that like in the original Passover where a lamb was sacrificed and its blood used to mark the doors of the Jews, He is the lamb of Israel where his body is the sacrifice for their sins and his blood would mark them and save them from their sins

How is Zechariah 9:1-13 being used in describing Jesus' entry into Jerusalem? What meaning does Zechariah 9 bring to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem? (See, DS, 167-168)

Zachariah sees Jesus returning in the form of a military victory but Zachariah 9:9 says the Jesus will be gentle and humble riding on a Donkey.

According to DS, what does the phrase 'blood of my covenant' (Matt 26:18) allude to and how does it relate to Jesus' kingdom message and mission?

alludes to Moses sprinkling blood on the early people of Israel at mount Siani in the original covenant of Moses and God, relates to the message by showing that Jesus will bring a new covenant that will truly free and redeem God's people.

Where does the term 'messiah' come from? What was expected of the coming messiah?

he was expected to be a warhorse that would wipe out those who were wicked and lead immoral lives and forcibly take control of God's nation. Messiah means anointed one ( chosen specifically by God to do a task)

Why was it significant that Jesus welcomed sinners and outcasts? What did it reveal about the kingdom of God?

like a doctor helps the sick and lame Jesus helps the sinners, he has come to seek out and save the lost sheep

What does 'Son of God' mean and where does it come from in the Old Testament?

pg 163

What do we learn about the kingdom of God through Jesus' parables?

teaching in parables helped us to understand the secret of the kingdom, kind of like dumbing don things for children so that they understand. 1. the kingdom does not come all at once (the idea of sowing seeds now and reaping them later) 2.in the present, the kingdom does not come with irresistible power (The messiah comes not as a military conquer but as a humble farmer sowing seeds of the gospel) 3. The final judgment of the kingdom is reserved for the future (good fish will be sorted from bad and grain will be separated from weeds but that will come in time) 4. The full revelation of the kingdom is postponed, to allow many to enter it during the present age (to give those lost time to join in on the "banquet")

What is Jesus' response to Peter after he confesses that He is the Christ? Why?

tells him not to tell anyone, because they need to change their expectations from a general to a lamb who will be sacrificed

What does 'Son of Man' mean and where does it come from in the Old Testament?

to exemplify his role as a sacrificial lamb and to hide his identity to those who opposed him. bible page 1466

According to DS, what is the central theme of Jesus' mission?

to recover what is lost and to spread the news that God's kingdom has arrived ( "repent and believe" "follow me") to become the channel of God's salvation

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