Illinois Test

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A student scores a 67 on an end of year test the standard error of measurment is 7 and the 95% confidence interval is +-14, what is the maximum potential score?


In which of the following situations would it be most important for a school psychologist to adopt a systems perspective when working with a student

A 3rd grade students younger sibling was recently diagnosed with a serious medical condition

Which of the following descriptions best illustrates how development influences a child's behavior?

A 4 year old who becomes frustrated while trying to complete a complex puzzle throws a puzzle piece on the floor and bursts into tears.

Describe both a legal and ethical requirement related to the comprehensive evaluation of a student to determine eligibility for special education services

A variety of assessment tools and strategies shall be used by qualified specialists who are trained and knowledgeable to determine eligibility

The TEACH programs available in Illinois provide what services?

After school services for high-risk youth to increase academic achievement and develop life skill.

Staff at a high school have identified a school initiative to improve school climate the psych can best support staff with this initiative by helping them do what first?

Assessing the current school climate from multiple perspectives

What is a priority in fostering protective factors for resilience for students who are homeless?

Building a sense of belonging to a caring classroom community

What outcome is the primary focus in the instructional consultation model?

Building capacity in teachers to implement evidence-based practices to improve student learning.

Logical Consequence

Clear rules, expectations. What is taken away is directly related to the misbehavior to help student make the connection.

Behavior analysis software is likely to be useful to the psychologist for which of the following purposes?

Collecting annotated data from video observations

The primary use of data in the comprehensive evaluation of students for possible special education classification is to

Create a profile of students strengths and needs to inform decision about identification, eligibility, services, and instruction

PM data indicates 3 8th grade students are at risk for not meeting the Illinois Learning Standards related to summarizing info texts. What should be used to help them meet there interim goals?

Create an outline of an info text that identifies the main idea for each section or paragraph

To improve the overall school climate and help maximize students academic learning time, a middle school has decided to implement a program of school-wide positive behavior supports the psychologist is leading a group in the development of universal supports by taking which of the following actions first?

Defining expectations for appropriate behavior across grade levels and providing students with explicit instruction on the expectations.

The principal in a middle school with a highly diverse population has asked the school psych to prepare a workshop for staff to help promote a school climate in which all students feel appreciated and individual differences are respected. Which workshop?

Developing an asset-based view of youth and unfamiliar identity groups

Which of the following is a socially accepted behavior that allows many females to avoid a diagnosis of bulimia despite meeting the disorder's criteria?


Who argued that deviance is naturally occurring and a necessary part of society, and that a functional society without deviance would be impossible?


Which of the following characteristics represents a significant strength of performance assessments for measuring student learning?

Evaluating students' ability to transfer learned skills to new situations.

In selecting appropriate assessments to use in the evaluation of a student, the psych has an ethical obligation to take which of the following steps?

Examining the assessment instruments and techniques under consideration for biases related to the student's characteristics (e.g., race, culture)

A team of 7th grade teachers is developing academic goals for the year. The team has gathered relevant student data and has asked the psych to facilitate a discussion of potential academic goals. What should the psych engage the team in first in the process?

Examining the data to prioritize areas of need

Which of the following factors contributes most to the overidentification of students for special education services?

Failure to maximize intervention strategies in general education classrooms prior to referral

According to sociocultural perspective of development proposed by Lev Vygotsky, young children's private speech influences cognitive development in which of the following ways?

Guiding thinking and problem-solving processes

An elementary psychologist is part of the school's data analysis team. The team has recently collected data related to the effectiveness of universal instruction and supports in the area of positive student behavior. Universal strategies have not achieved the desired outcome for some groups of students. According to the principles of data-based problem solving, the team should explore which of the following questions next?

Have the universal instruction and supports being implemented with fidelity across environments?

A new high school teacher is consulting with the school psychologist about ways to help students become self-motivated. A number of the teacher's students struggle with content mastery. The teacher offers students choices in their learning but believes there is room for improvement in motivating them.

Having students write about how they think what they have learned in a lesson will be useful in their lives.

A high school is developing an after school support program for underachieving students to help improve achievement levels. the planned program will focus on teaching students study skills and providing tutoring in targeted areas. Which of the following additions to the program would be most effective in promoting students academic success?

Helping students understand and develop a growth mindset

Which of the following situations best illustrates the concept of predictive validity in assessment?

High test scores tend to be correlated with strong college performance, making students with high scores appealing to admissions departments.

A school psychologist works in a school with significant number of homeless students. Consultation with which of the following resources would best facilitate access to services to help meet basic needs?

Homeless liaison for the local education agency (LEA)

A school psychologist suspects a 5th grade student is being sexually abused by a family member. According to mandated reporting laws the psych has a responsibility to immediately contact the...

Illinois Child Abuse Hotline.

Which of the following situations describes the use of logical consequences as a method of managing student behavior

In art class a students waves a pair of scissors around. The student loses the use of scissors for the remainder of the period.

Research studies suggest that chronic stress associated with living in poverty contributes most significantly to which of the following issues during adolescence?

Increased instance of risky decision making

An elementary school includes a significant number of students who speak a dialect that is substantially different from the standard classroom English dialect. Speaking a dialect that is different from the dialect of instruction is likely to affect the students learning most in which way?

Increasing the complexity of decoding the students need to be effective readers

The psychologist in a large high school has found several research studies describing promising strategies for supporting the needs of secondary English learners. The psych believes the strategies would be beneficial to teaching staff across departments and plans to compile copies of the studies into a reading packet for the department. First...

Investigate relevant copyright guidelines regarding permissions needed to reprint the studies

Prek and K teachers are meeting with the psych to discuss the use of 3 educational software programs for supporting children's learning. The psych suggests that the teachers create a rubric to evaluate the programs and then compare the outcomes to help guide their decision making. What is most important to include in this rubric?

Is the content of the program based on research and/or learning standards?

A school psychologist is meeting with a middle school student that refuses to attempt challenging tasks and rarely completes homework assignments when asked about this she replies "Whats the point?"

Issues related to social/emotional development can have a substantial effect on students' performance in the cognitive domain.

What is a widely recognized precursor for youth gang involvement?

Lack of attachment in home, school, and community environments

one of the foundations of constructivism, asserts that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. The teacher's approach places student interaction at the center of learning by using cooperative learning groups. The more knowledgeable other can be a teacher or peers. The teacher's use of modeling and heterogeneous grouping represents an application of this concept.

Lev Vygotsky social development learning theory

A new teacher is consulting with the school psychologist about student learning. The teacher wants to adopt a behaviorist approach by using feedback to promote students learning. What should be advised to emphasize these practices?

Linking praise for student's performance with evidence of students efforts and strategies.

Students who consistently encounter prejudice and negative stereotypes in the educational environment face a significant risk for which of the following outcomes?

Low academic achievement and expectations for personal success

A psych who wants to use nonverbal communication to enhance the consultation process should incorporate what approach?

Maintaining an open posture and leaning slightly toward the speaker

Within the mental health consultation model, a psychologist in an early childhood education setting is most likely to perform which of the following roles?

Making individual child observations for the purpose of gathering information to promote the child's overall functioning

Within the MTSS implementation of tier II is most appropriate...

Midway through a math unit on fractions, 4 students in a third grade class have yet to master 2 of the foundational skills for the unit.

An elementary school psychologist regularly works with grade-level planning teams. During these planning meetings, the school psych observes that the teachers take care to incorporate into instructional units a variety of activities. They make sure to include activities that engage students in logical and sequential thinking and group learning and creative thinking and fine arts. this approach reflects what theory?

Multiple Intelligneces

At what point in the process of developing and IEP should student placement decisions be made?

Once IEP goals for the student have been written

A student's level of social-emotional development is likely to present the greatest challenge to the students ability to be successful in which situation?

Participating in a cooperative and collaborative activity

During an annual review the IEP team for a 1st grader with ASD shows data that the student had made progress in reducing self-injurious behaviors. His mother works a full time job and he will be attending community day care during the summer. What should his IEP team suggest?

Providing extended school year services

A high school psych is working to plan a transition fair for students who receive special education services. The most important outcome of holding this transition fair is likely to be

Providing families with an opportunity to learn about available resources and interact with those who support the transition of individuals with disabilities.

Which of the following approaches would be most effective in promoting kindergarten students development in the adaptive domain?

Providing opportunities and supports as needed for students to complete tasks independently

Developmentally appropriate curricula for kindergarten students should emphasize which approach?

Providing students with opportunities to explore and discover things about the world and themselves

Teachers in a middle school recently developed supplemental math classes for student with the greatest need of support. What factors is likely to contribute most to the success of this intervention?

Regular opportunities for teachers to review the full scope of student data and determine the relative effectiveness of the intervention for targeted students

The psych is meeting with the parent's of a student who was recently evaluated for a potential ID. The assessment results indicate that the student has a mild intellectual disability. The psych can best help the parent's understand these results by...

Relating the assessment results to aspects of Cheryl's performance that they are likely to have observed directly

According to Maslow's hierearchy of needs, when all of the physiological needs are met, people tend to become concerned with which of the following?

Safety needs

Which of the following practices at the elementary level is likely to be most effective as a prevention and intervention program to reduce a slow but steady increase in disciplinary problems across grade levels?

School wide positive behavioral supports

Federal legislation requires that an individualized family services plan for a child under the age of three include which of the following provisions

Services will be provided in the child's natural environment to the greatest extent possible.

Which of the following perspectives represents an application of systems thinking to school improvement efforts?

Shifting from a view of education as one in which a teacher provides information to students to one in which there are many information sources accessible by one student

A school psychologist who is observing a fifth-grade science lesson notes that the teacher briefly reviews the problem-solving process the students have learned using a think-aloud with a sample problem. The teacher then assigns students to small groups, with each group including students of varying ability levels. Each group uses the process to solve a problem related to the topic the class is studying. The lesson concludes with a class discussion of the groups' work. The teacher's approach in this lesson is best aligned with which of the following learning theories?

Social Development Theory

Which of the following factors contributes most to the resiliency of the family system?

Social connections to friends, relatives, and informal community networks

A psych is presenting to teachers about SWPBS, to help ensure teachers understand these principles what information should be included in the presentation?

Specific examples of what implementation of SWPBS looks like in classrooms and other school settings

The Lau Remedies a direct result of the 1974 Supreme Court case Lau V Nichols had which of the following implications on educational programming for all students?

Specifying proper approaches, methods, and procedures for identifying and evaluating national-origin-minority students english language skills and determining appropriate educational treatments.

Learned helplessness normally occurs when students think of their failures as _____.

Stable and uncontrollable

The parents of a student who is elligible for SPED services disagrees with the school's placement recommendation for their child. 2 meetings have takend place at this point the parents have a right to

Stand-alone mediation by a third party.

A high school psychologist will be leading a professional development workshop for school staff. The goal of the workshop is to help create a school climate that is proactive in supporting students' mental health. With this purpose in mind, which of the following topics would be most important to address in the workshop?

Strategies to Promote Connectedness and Positive Relationships in the School Environment

Dell made a list of the advantages of tracking. Edit his list by indicating which one he wrote in error.

Students of advanced ability are held back from learning

An elementary school has established a schoolwide initiative to improve students' reading scores. The school psychologist, who meets regularly with grade-level teams, is working with third-grade teachers to develop academic goals to support the school's initiative. Which of the following potential goals is most closely aligned with the school's initiative?

Students will read grade-level passages orally at a rate of 110 to 130 words per minute with only minimal errors as measured by running records.

A psych has been consulting with the family of a student who has been struggling with depression. The psych and the family have met several times, established a strong bond, and engaged in productive discussions about their childs and families needs. What communication skills would be most useful to apply?

Summarizing main points of discussions for the family to determine next steps

Which of the following statements provides the best rationale for using authentic assessments when measuring the academic progress of students who are English language learners

The hands-on nature of authentic assessments offers a path for demonstrating learning that relies less heavily on language use

Which of the following statements describes best practice with regard to allowing parents/guardians to review test protocols for their child?

The parents/guardians come to the school to view protocols in the presence of the school psychologist.

A school psych regularly pursues professional continuing education related to issues of diversity in the school setting, whats the rationale?

The school psych will be better able to provide responsive services to a diverse and changing student and family population

An examination of a student's score on a standardized assessment reveals a T-score of 40. Which of the following statements presents an accurate interpretation of the student's score?

The students score is one standard deviation below the mean

A school psychologist regularly uses surveys to gather feedback about schoolwide programs and services. Which of the following statements describes the most important benefit of using surveys for this purpose.

The use of a standard set of questions typical of surveys provides reliable data

The school psychologist in an elementary school is presenting a workshop for teachers on responding to individual differences in approaches to learning. The school psychologist can best support teachers in addressing this issue in their classrooms by including information in the workshop about which of the following approaches?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

A high school psych notes that male students tend to lead the classroom discussions and some teachers unconsciously call on male students more than female. What recommendations should you offer?

Using proactive techniques such as frequency charts to ensure that all students are equitably included in discussion and participation

A 5th grade teacher consults with the psychologist about Jonah a student who has great difficulty following oral directions and processing verbal information. The teacher reports that Jonah has a strong reading comprehension skills and usually performs well on written assignments. What should you suggest for the teacher?

Using visual and written supports to supplement instruction.

Julianna is an 11th grade student with high functioning autism who struggles with interpersonal interactions and understanding facial cues what technology is appropriate?

Virtual reality software

It would be most important for the school psychologist to consider which of the following questions first when evaluating school psych services?

What evidence exists that school psych services are responsive to the needs of the diverse groups within the population

When students have varying levels of English proficiency what question would be most important to consider when using assessment data to make educational decisions for these students?

What is the extent of cultural loading in the assessment instruments used?

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the moral development of students in middle school is most often characterized by

What pleases and is approved by others

A middle school includes a large number of students who are immigrants from different regions and SES circumstances. This diversity is likely to present the most significant challenge for teaching and learning related to variations in the students

background knowledge and experiences

A high school has implemented a comprehensive data-collection system to monitor students academic progress. Teachers and other school staff review the data on a quarterly basis. The psych recommends that the data be disaggregated according to various student characteristics. The most important rationale for this recommendation is that disaggregated data...

can show whether student outcomes vary by subpopulation or if aggregate data are masking discrepancies

Classical conditioning involves _____.

causing a conditioned stimulus to elicit an unconditioned response

A high school psychologist finds a research study on a new approach for creating a learning environment to help reduce student stress and text anxiety. The school psychologist believes that the approach could be beneficial to students in the school. Before bringing this technique to the attention of school leadership, the school psychologist should take which of the following actions?

conducting further review of relevant research to evaluate the success of the new approach where it has been applied at similar schools

Several high school students who are members of the LGBTQL G B T Q community were recently harassed online, and their vehicles were vandalized. The school psychologist immediately intervened to provide students with supports for coping with these events. After several individual and group counseling sessions, two of the students expressed continued feelings of depression and thoughts of self-harm related to the events. The school psychologist can best respond to the needs of these students by:

connecting the students to local support agencies.

Which of the following practices by a school psychologist would be considered ethically questionable as part of the comprehensive evaluation process?

consulting with a colleague about the merits of specific assessment instruments

A developmentally appropriate social science curriculum for middle school students should focus primarily on which of the following goals?

cultivating critical-thinking skills through inquiry into significant and relevant questions about their own lives, their community, and the larger world

Twelfth grade science curricula that is appropriately aligned with the illinois learning standards will incorporate an overarching focus on students

engagement with major global issues at the interface of science, technology, society, and the environment.

In the educational data-based decision making process the primary focus of data analysis should be to

gain insight into areas in need of change to enhance student achievement

In 2014, official guidance provided by the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. U S Department of Education extended Title IXtitle 9 protections to include discrimination or harassment based on:

gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity and femininity.

As part of a larger effort to increase student achievement, a high school implemented a building-wide program to improve student attendance two years ago. The school data team, led by the school psychologist, is examining program data gathered over the past two years. In guiding the team's interpretation of the data, the school psychologist should begin by assisting the team in...

identifying patterns and trends in the raw data

A school psychologist in a high school is facilitating a meeting of an action team that includes teachers, parents/guardians, and community representatives. The team is charged with identifying possible strategies for addressing the issue of increased student involvement in gang-related activities. Early in the meeting, the school psychologist observes that the team is polarized regarding the causes of the issue and discussions begin to focus on assigning blame. According to the principles of conflict resolution, the school psychologist should take which of the following steps at this point?

invoking the team's common goal and helping team members identify aspects of the issue on which they agree

A 4th grade student with ADHD struggles with attention, distractions, and impulsivity. A 504 is being developed and the team decides to provide the student with noise cancelling headphones, this is appropriate because...

it addresses one or more behaviors that are interfering with the student's learning.

What is an example of a mastery-oriented goal?

learning the different diagnostic criteria for disorders in a manual of mental disorders

Ms. Klondike teaches her elementary school children how to use flashcards when learning vocabulary words. The children then use flashcards to learn state capitals, knowing they can easily transfer the skill of using flashcards from one setting to another that is similar. Which type of transfer of information has occurred?

low road

Elementary school teachers in grade-level teams are engaging in a midyear evaluation of students' academic progress in reading. The teachers have gathered all relevant data and information about students' performance and growth in reading. The school psychologist can most appropriately support the teachers in their evaluation task by:

providing assistance to each team in the analysis and interpretation of various types of data

Eating disorders are a result of both _____ and _____ issues.

psychological and behavioral

An elementary psych makes a practice of involving parents in designing and implementing interventions with challenging behaviors. This is important because it will help in...

reducing the number and intensity of the child's challenging behaviors

Acute brain syndrome

reversibility. The impairment is typically caused by head injury, use of drugs, or an infection.

A 6th grade student with mild ID has been performing well. New goals focus on application of learned skills. The psych can best support the student in achieving the goal by initially...

structure Sue's new learning tasks into small components that link to more famailiar tasks

A teacher wants to compare the reading comprehension skills of children with learning disabilities and children without learning disabilities. Which statistical test should she use to make this comparison?


A child who refuses to help a classmate cheat because the rules say cheating is wrong is in _____ of moral development.

the second conventional stage (stage four)

A school psychologist can best facilitate a successful transition from kindergarten to first grade for a student with high-functioning autism by adopting which of the following approaches?

working with the kindergarten and first-grade teachers to replicate the materials, resources, and strategies that are currently in place for the student

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