Interpersonal Communication Final

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Which of the following occurs when an individual evaluates another's behavior using their internal tendencies rather than external factors? 1. Attribution error 2. Ambiguous error 3. Accenting error 4. Repeating error

Attribution error Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.1

Which type of conflict management strategy describes individuals who tend to be very personalistic in their goals and are often highly antagonistic towards those they are in conflict with? 1. Battlers 2. Procrastinators 3. Collaborators 4. Avoiders

Battlers Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.4

What is the study of communication pertaining to physical space called? 1. Proxemics 2. Chronemics 3. Artifacts 4. Ocluesics

Proxemics Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

Which of the following is not an outcome associated with strong people skills? 1. Difficulty empathizing with others 2. Healthy interactions with others 3. Knowledge of how to interact with others in group situations 4. The ability to understand people

Difficulty empathizing with others Feedback: Strong people skills help individuals build and maintain healthy interpersonal interactions with others, including the ability to show empathy. (Textbook reference: Section 2.5)

What is it called when people inflate their expertise on a subject, when in reality, they have nothing to support that perception? 1. Dunning-Kruger effect 2. STLC power model 3. Imposter syndrome 4. Walton-McKersie effect

Dunning-Kruger effect Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.3

True/False The highest level of influence, internalization, occurs when an individual accepts influence because they want to have a satisfying relationship with the influencer or influencing group.

False Feedback: Identification occurs when an individual accepts influence because they want to have a satisfying relationship with the influencer or influencing group. (Textbook reference: Section 9.3)

True/False Relationships begin with verbal communication exchanges.

False Feedback: Relationships are initiated through nonverbal communication changes. (Textbook 165 reference: Section 5.1)

When Farnosh gets together with friends, she can chat endlessly about almost any topic. Which of the following is being demonstrated? 1. Interaction variability 2. Empathy 3. Mindful conversation 4. Expectation variability

Interaction variability Feedback: The ability to talk about various topics is called interaction variability. (Textbook reference: Section 8.1)

True/False Introversion and extraversion exist on a continuum.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

True/False The overall goal of mindful intercultural interactions is to be present in the moment in a nonjudgmental way.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.4

True/False The art of conversation is a skill that must be learned within a mediated society.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.1

True/False An individual considers the nature of the relationship when determining when to overlook another individual's violation of the norms within an interpersonal interaction.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.2

True/False The more frequently two people communicate with another, the closer their bond becomes.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.1

True/False Differentiating is the stage where both people are trying to figure out their identities.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.3

True/False Relationship changes are usually dependent upon communication.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.4

True/False Love styles are not mutually independent.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.5

At lunch, Patrick's girlfriend was busy telling him all about her new job. From time to time, he replied, "uh-huh," as she continued to talk about her morning. What kind of feedback did Patrick provide? 1. Ambiguous feedback 2. Negative feedback 3. Positive feedback 4. Appreciative feedback

Ambiguous feedback Feedback: Neutral or ambiguous feedback leaves the sender uncertain if the receiver received or understood the communicative message sent. (Textbook reference: Section 2.2)

Which gender role represents an individual who exhibits both feminine and masculine characteristics? 1. Androgynous 2. Undifferentiated 3. Feminine 4. Masculine

Androgynous Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.6

True/False Humans are hardwired to learn culture.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.1

What role does touch play in interpersonal relationships? 1. All of the above 2. Regulating 3. Maintaining 4. Initiating

All of the above Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

True/False Nonverbal communication plays a secondary role in creating meaning.

False Feedback: Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in creating meaning. (Textbook reference: Section 5.3)

Joel was cleaning the kitchen when he noticed a small, black, oval in the corner a few feet away. Which type of schema did he use to define the incoming stimuli? 1. Physical construct 2. Role construct 3. Psychological construct 4. Social construct

Physical construct Feedback: Physical construct. (Textbook reference: Section 2.3)

Senses, age, health, hunger, and biological cycles are examples of what kind of perceptual influence? 1. Physiological 2. Social 3. Psychological 4. Cultural

Physiological Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.4

Which rules govern how individuals use language to interact with other people? 1. Pragmatic rules 2. Semantic rules 3. Syntactic rules 4. Spelling rules

Pragmatic rules Feedback: Pragmatic rules govern how individuals use language to interact with other people, interpreting the messages that are sent during the interaction. (Textbook reference: Section 4.1)

True/False Individuals highly sensitive to rejection are less adept at noting when they are being rejected.

False Feedback: Individuals highly sensitive to rejection are more adept at noting when they are being rejected. (Textbook reference: Section 3.3)

Michael feels conspicuous or socially exposed when dealing with others in face-to-face interactions. He says that the root of these feelings stems from a prior experience in which his privacy was breached due in part to his foolish actions. What type of shyness does Michael experience? 1. Short-term self-conscious shyness 2. Short-term anxious shyness 3. Long-term anxious shyness 4. Long-term self-conscious shyness

Short-term self-conscious shyness Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

Characteristics of a culture that values being self-reliant and self-motivated, believes in personal freedom and privacy, and celebrates personal achievement are characteristic of which of the following? 1. Individualism 2. Collectivism 3. Long-term orientation 4. Low uncertainty avoidance

Individualism Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.3

True/False Prior research has established a connection between an individual's mental health and their physical health.

True Feedback: (Textbook reference: Section 1.1)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of symbolic communication? 1. It is an innate skill that humans are born with. 2. Its meaning is arbitrarily assigned 3. Symbolic communication conveys meaning. 4. It is comprised of words, pictures, or objects that represent something else.

It is an innate skill that humans are born with. Feedback: Symbolic communication is comprised of arbitrary symbols who's meaning is learned. (Textbook reference: Section 1.2)

True/False Vulnerability is a byproduct of individuals opening themselves up to other people, expressing deeper parts of themselves.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

True/False One's perceptions influence how one decides to listen.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.4

True/False The greater one is involved in the situation, the more an individual attempts to make sense of what is happening.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.4

True/False Romantic relationships involve emotional dependency on both the relationship and the relationship partner.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.5

True/False Emotions can be objectively measured by blood flow, brain activity, and nonverbal reactions.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

True/False There is no universal definition of mindfulness.

True Feedback: There is no consensus on the definition of mindfulness. (Textbook reference: Section 1.5)

During interpersonal interactions, which type of face occurs when one is concerned for both interactants and the relationship? 1. Mutual-face 2. Self-face 3. Other-face 4. All of the above

Mutual-face Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.3

To be a more mindful listener, Zaira provided an example of what she thought her friend was talking about. What type of listening response did Zaira use? 1. Paraphrasing 2. Analyzing 3. Empathizing 4. Supporting

Paraphrasing Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.4

True/False Self-compassion involves mindfulness, common humanity, and empathy.

False Feedback: The three components of self-compassion are self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. (Textbook reference: Section 3.1)

True/False The use of racist language is limited to the intentional use of words that express an attitude that is not objective or balance, prejudiced, or demeans someone based on the person's race or ethnicity.

False Feedback: The use of racist language can be intentional or unintentional. (Textbook reference: Section 4.3)

Which of the following is created when behavioral patterns are influenced by the beliefs, values, norms, and rules based on a specific locality or geographical region? 1. Microculture 2. Dominate culture 3. Co-culture 4. Heritage culture

Microculture Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.1

True/False An interpersonal conflict can occur between two strangers.

False Feedback: A hallmark of interpersonal conflict is that those involved are interdependent. (Textbook reference: Section 9.1)

Janice and Andrew, who both grew up in large families and attended the same college, have been happily dating for the past three years. Their story illustrates what hypothesis? 1. Matching hypothesis 2. Maternal deprivation hypothesis 3. Rejection sensitivity hypothesis 4. Muted group hypothesis

Matching hypothesis Feedback: People are more likely to find themselves in romantic relationships with people who are perceived to be similar. (Textbook reference: Section 5.2)

True/False The most common place individuals exhibit social competencies is within friendships

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.1

Which of the following characterizes the extent to which a culture, as a whole, is fearful of ambiguous and unknown situations? 1. Uncertainty avoidance 2. Collectivism 3. Power distance 4. Cultural orientation

Uncertainty avoidance Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.3

Sheldon theorized that people who tend to be average (e.g., fairly active, eat a normal amount, look like other people at the gym, etc.) also demonstrate personality traits in which others describe them as being kind, happy, brave, helping others, extraverted, and energetic. Which somatotype does this represent? 1. Mesomorphy 2. Ectomorphy 3. Actinomorphic

Mesomorphy Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

Which of the following helps individuals build and maintain relationships? 1. All of the above. 2. Individuals initiate relationships with those who have similar self-concepts 3. Communication is the vehicle through which relationships develop 4. Social comparison helps identify others who might be compatible friends

All of the above. Feedback: All of the above. (Textbook reference: Section 2.1)

Barnlund's Transactional Model recognizes the importance of what kind of cues during the process of interpersonal communication? 1. Ambiguous cues 2. Public cues 3. Private cues 4. Behavioral cues

Ambiguous cues Feedback: Barnlund's model recognizes the role public, private, and behavioral (i.e., nonverbal and verbal) cues play during interpersonal communication. (Textbook reference: Section 2.4)

True/False Intrapersonal communication exists within an individual's self or mind and is an entirely internal phenomenon.

False Feedback: Barker and Wiseman posited that intrapersonal communication exists on a communication continuum with thinking and reflecting (more internal) on one end and talking and writing (more external) on the other end. (Textbook reference: Section 3.1)

True/False One of the easiest aspects of mindfulness is to be consciously aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and attitudes without judging them.

False Feedback: Being consciously aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and attitudes without judging them is one of the hardest aspects of practicing mindfulness. (Textbook reference: Section 1.5)

True/False Integrating occurs when the couple makes a public announcement that the relationship exists.

False Feedback: Bonding occurs when one makes a public announcement that the relationship exists. (Textbook reference: Section 8.3)

True/False Collaborators utilize a conflict management style in which they attempt to either prevent conflict from occurring or leave a conflict when it arises.

False Feedback: Collaborators use pro-social communicative behaviors to engage in integrative conflict management strategies. (Textbook reference: Section 9.4)

True/False Colloquial language is comprised of formal language, advanced vocabulary words, and specialized language, all of which suggest that the speaker is a college graduate.

False Feedback: Colloquial language utilizes an informal and casual conversational style. (Textbook reference: Section 4.4)

True/False An individual's use of language is completely independent of one's culture.

False Feedback: Culture is communication, and communication is culture. (Textbook reference: Section 6.3)

Which relationship maintenance behavior occurs when partners focus on their communication about the relationship? 1. Openness 2. Sharing tasks 3. Assurances 4. Positivity

Openness Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.3

During a recent job interview, the interviewer asked Rebecca if she was planning on becoming pregnant in the next few years while working for the company. Which type of language did the interviewer utilize? 1. Sexist 2. Affiliation 3. Racist 4. Ageist

Sexist Feedback: Sexist language communicates bias against an individual based on their biological sex. (Textbook reference: Section 4.3)

Jeff is the site manager for a local construction company. His job requires him to coordinate the various tradesmen accessing the worksite to keep the project moving forward - framers, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, masons, etc. Each Monday, about eight people from various trades meet with him. Together they compare schedules to guarantee that each crew has the time and space needed to work at the site that week. What type of communication is Jeff and his coworkers using? 1. Small-group communication 2. Interpersonal communication 3. Intrapersonal communication 4. Public communication

Small-group communication Feedback: Small-group communication. Small-group communication consists of three of more people engaged in interpersonal interactions necessary to achieve a common goal. (Textbook reference: Section 1.4)

Which personality trait is characterized by the use of cunningness and deceit to maintain the power necessary to accomplish specific, self-centered goals? 1. Machiavellianism 2. Depression 3. Narcissism 4. Loneliness

Machiavellianism Feedback: Richard Christie identified a personality trait where cunningness and deceit are exalted as a means of attaining and maintaining power to accomplish specific, self-centered goals. (Textbook reference: Section 3.2)

True/False Nonverbal communication is a skill that requires practice.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.3

True/False Being mindful and present helps ensure that one is not reacting to the conflict in a way that amplifies or diminishes the conflict.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.4

Which need on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs occurs when the three selves work together to create an individual's self-concept? 1. Self-actualization 2. Physiological 3. Love/belonging 4. Esteem

Self-actualization Feedback: According to Carl Rogers' theory of self-concept, self-actualization could not occur when an individual's self-image, self-worth, and ideal-self do not overlap. (Textbook reference: Section 3.1)

When Corrin gives careful and thoughtful attention to her friend as she talks about a problem she is having with her roommate, which interpersonal communication skill is Corrin practicing? 1. Mindful listening 2. Emotional intelligence 3. Message formulation 4. None of the above

Mindful listening Feedback: When an individual is giving careful and thoughtful attention to the message being received, it is called mindful listening.(Textbook reference: Section 2.5)

Individuals excessively preoccupied with one's self suffer from what psychological condition? 1. Narcissism 2. Loneliness 3. Machiavellianism 4. Depression

Narcissism Feedback: Narcissistic people tend to ignore the communication needs and emotions of others. (Textbook reference: Section 3.2)

Which friendship stage is characterized by the development of relationship norms beyond those original roles and stereotypes? 1. Nascent friendship 2. Stabilized friendship 3. Post friendship 4. Independent friendship

Nascent friendship Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

Understanding the role nonverbal communication plays in interpersonal relationships helps individuals develop which of the following skills? 1. Nonverbal mindset 2. Nonverbal immediacy 3. Nonverbal vocalization 4. Nonverbal ambiguity

Nonverbal mindset Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.3

Which of the following occurs when a congruent self-concept is present? 1. Self-image, self-worth, and the ideal-self overlap reflecting compatibility 2. Self-image, self-worth, and the ideal-self are independent and incompatible 3. The individual is out of balance with how they interact with others 4. The individual is more likely to exhibit other psychological difficulties

Self-image, self-worth, and the ideal-self overlap reflecting compatibility Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.1

What is the degree to which an individual views themselves as a good person, who deserves to be valued and respected called? 1. Self-worth 2. Ideal-self 3. Self-image 4. Self-concept

Self-worth Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.1

What personality model features the following personalities: Surgency, agreeableness, dependability, emotional stability, and culture 1. The Big Five 2. OCEAN Model of Personality 3. The Freudian Five 4. Machiavellianism

The Big Five Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.2

True/False Many stereotypes are based on ignorance about another's culture.

True Feedback: (Textbook reference: Section 6.2)

True/False Using exchange theory, unhealthy relationships have more costs and fewer rewards compared to healthyrelationships.

True Feedback: (Textbook reference: Section 8.2)

True/False An individual's concept of self is influenced by their communicative interactions with others.

True Feedback: How one communicates and interacts with others influences an individual's concept of self, particularly when such communication includes messages of acceptance and challenge. (Textbook reference: Section 2.1)

True/False The study of intrapersonal communication involves the biological and neurological underpinnings of effective communication.

True Feedback: Intrapersonal communication is defined as a communication phenomenon existing within or occurring because of an individual's self of mind, which originates through underlying biological and neurological processes. (Textbook reference: Section 1.4)

True/False While shopping at the mall, a woman approached Christina asking her if she knew where the closest restroom was. As Christina replied that the restrooms were located back in the other direction by the food court, she pointed to the walkway behind the woman. Christina's gestured served a repeating function.

True Feedback: Nonverbal communication that repeats verbal communication, but could stand alone is called repeating. (Textbook reference: Section 5.1)

True/False Individuals are constantly communicating with others in their environment through verbal and nonverbal means, whether they intend to or not.

True Feedback: Not communicating is communicating. (Textbook reference: Section 1.2)

True/False All friendships will encompass affective components; however, not all friendships will exhibit or express those affective components in the same way.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.1

True/False Most interpersonal relationships outside of the family stem from role delimited interactions.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

True/False Although they look more distant, male-male friendships are as intimate as female-female relationships.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.3

True/False A sender's thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and past experiences all influence how they construct an encoded message.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 2.2

True/False The process of perception involves all five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 2.3

True/False According to the transaction model of interpersonal communication, communicative exchanges occur simultaneously between communication partners through a multi-layered feedback system involving both verbal and nonverbal cues.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 2.4

True/False Listening is the most important component of interpersonal communication.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 2.5

True/False A reciprocal relationship exists between self-esteem and communication, each influencing the other.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.1

True/False An individual's self-concept consists of self-image, self-worth, and the ideal-self.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.1

True/False Dogmatism is the inclination to believe one's point-of-view as undeniably true based on faulty premises and without consideration of evidence and the opinions of others.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.2

True/False Communication apprehension is the fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication exchanges with another person or persons.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

True/False Language exists on a continuum ranging from concrete representations of a tangible object to abstract representations of ideas or concepts existing only in an individual's mind.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.1

True/False Nonverbal communication is the primary way people communicate with each other.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.1

What is it called when an individual adapts their communication style to be more like the speaker? 1. Converge affiliation 2. Linguistic relativity 3. Diverge affiliation 4. All of the above

Converge affiliation Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.3

True/False A compatible goal occurs when two people want different things.

False Feedback: False. An incompatible goal is one where two people want different things. (Textbook reference: Section 9.1)

True/False People with lower levels of communication apprehension experience difficulty establishing and maintaining friendships and are less satisfied with their communicative interactions with friends.

False Feedback: People with higher levels of communication apprehension experience difficulty establishing and maintaining friendships and are less satisfied with their communicative interactions with friends. Textbook reference: Section 10.1

True/False Temperament is a product of the social environment, while personality is biologically determined.

False Feedback: Temperament is biologically determined, and personality is a product of the social environment. (Textbook reference: Section 3.2)

True/False Listeners who choose to remain neutral remain silent, sending no message to the speaker.

False Feedback: When the listener says nothing, it sends a powerful positive or negative message to the speaker, depending on the situation. (Textbook reference: Section 7.4)

Amy's 14-month old daughter Robin is learning to talk. She recently learned to say the word "cookie." Yesterday at lunch, Robin looked at Amy, smiled, and said, "cookie." What communication need was Robin expressing when she requested a cookie? 1. Practical 2. Physical 3. Indentity 4. Social

Practical Feedback: Robin was using communicaton to express her wants and preferences to her mother. (Textbook reference: Section 1.1)

When it comes to eating and exercise, learning to mindfully listen and trust one's body to assess the body's needs involves which competency of the Be Body Positivity Model? 1. Practice intuitive self-care 2. Cultivate self-love 3. Reclaim health 4. Declare one's authentic beauty

Practice intuitive self-care Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

Jay decided to join an online dating site to find companionship and increased stability in his life. What kind of love style describes Jay's situation? 1. Pragma 2. Agape 3. Mania 4. Ludic

Pragma Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.5

True/False Effective personal communication is concerned with an individual's attainment of a desired personal outcome.

True Feedback: (Textbook reference: Section 1.3)

True/False Martha started a new medication and was not feeling quite right. So she called the pharmacist to express her concerns and ask a few questions about the medication's side effects. This is an example of instrumental functions of language.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.2

True/False Popular names tend to originate with high socioeconomic families before becoming popular among lower socioeconomic families.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.3

True/False Spin is the manipulation of language to achieve the most positive interpretation of words, gain political advantage, or deceive others.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.4

True/False For an individual to be an effective communicator, they must be able to make linguistic choices specific to the needs of different people.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.5

True/False Eric kept telling the cashier "um...." while he thought about what he wanted to order next. This is an example of a dysfluency.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

True/False Eye contact is generally the first form of communication between two individuals.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

True/False The same scent can affect different people in different ways.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.2

True/False Patriotism is a mild form of enthnocentrism.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.2

True/False Masculine cultures focus on items like earnings, recognition, advancement, and challenge, tendencies that are more assertive.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.3

True/False Consequences of self-disclosure can strengthen how you feel or create distance between you and someone else.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.2

True/False Many people do not use just one listening style, rather, they use a combination of different listening styles.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.3

True/False In making moralistic judgments about others, individuals deny responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and behavior

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

True/False No one has the power to "make" someone feel a certain way because individuals do not inhabit the feelings that others project on them.

True Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

What is it called when a word's definition is subjective, incorporating a word's emotional impact? 1. Connotative meaning 2. Empathetic meaning 3. Denotative meaning 4. Metameaning

Connotative meaning Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.1

Which attachment style do individuals exhibit when they view themselves as worthy of love, but generally believe that others will be deceptive and reject them in interpersonal relationships? 1. Dismissing attachment 2. Secure attachment 3. Preoccupied attachment 4. Fearful attachment

Dismissing attachment Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

An established language, religion, behavior, values, rituals, and social customs within a society reflect what type of culture? 1. Dominate culture 2. Co-culture 3. Microculture 4. All of the above

Dominate culture Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.1

What is the ability to identify one's emotions and the emotions of others to guide one's behavior called? 1. Emotional intelligence 2. Mindful listening 3. Emotional regulation 4. Self-concept

Emotional intelligence Feedback: Emotional intelligence. (Textbook reference: Section 2.5)

An individual's appraisal and expression of their emotions and the emotions of others in a manner that enhances thought, living, and communicative interactions is called what? 1. Emotional intelligence 2. Mindfulness 3. Cycle of defensiveness 4. Emotional awareness

Emotional intelligence Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

What is an individual's ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions called? 1. Emotional intelligence 2. Cognitive complexity 3. Empathy 4. Mindfulness

Emotional intelligence Feedback: The four basic processes of emotional intelligence include perceiving emotions, understanding emotions, managing emotions, using emotions. (Textbook reference: Section 3.2)

The mayor held a press conference at a local library designed to highlight the city's improved literacy program. Local educators and the public praised the changes to the program, changes that the mayor took responsibility for despite little interest or involvement in the program. Which impression management technique did the mayor utilize? 1. Entitlements 2. Enhancements 3. Accounts 4. Entitlements

Entitlements Feedback: This impression management technique is designed to maximize an individual's apparent responsibility for an event. (Textbook reference: Section 7.2)

Louise and Ellanor have been friends for more than a decade. Despite living on opposite sides of the country, they both make an effort to maintain their relationship. They talk a few times a month in which each asks about what is going on in each other's life - their needs, their goals, and what can be done to ease their burdens. By doing so, what aspect of the friendship is being addressed? 1. Equitability 2. Friendly relations 3. Role delimited interaction 4. Inequitability

Equitability Feedback: One characteristic of friendship is a spirit of equality. (Textbook reference: Section 10.1)

The degree to which an individual views the world from their culture's perspective while evaluating different cultures according to their culture's preconceptions resulting in feelings of dislike, mistrust, or hate for cultures deemed inferior is called what? 1. Ethnocentrism 2. Membership collective esteem 3. Personal stereotype 4. Ostracism

Ethnocentrism Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.2

Historically, which type of power was a strong form of power, but has diminished in recent years? 1. Expert power 2. Cultural legitimate power 3. Informational power 4. Structural legitimate power

Expert power Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.3

Which societal viewpoint advocates that females should be relationship-oriented, focusing on helping and nurturing others? 1. Expressive 2. Receptive 3. Pragmatic 4. Instrumental

Expressive Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.6

True/False After a friendship ends, no part of the friendship remains.

False Feedback: After the friendship is over, remnants of the friendship remain impacting how one interacts with friends and perceives friendships forever. (Textbook reference: Section 10.2)

True/False External locus of control is a type of social-personal disposition in which an individual believes that forces influence one's behavior and circumstances outside of one's control.

False Feedback: Although external locus of control is the belief that one's behavior and circumstances exist because of forces outside of one's control, it is a cognitive disposition. (Textbook reference: Section 3.2)

True/False Metamessages are verbal conversations people have with others to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication style being used within the interpersonal relationship.

False Feedback: Although metacommunication involves communicating about communication, metamessages are verbal, nonverbal, direct or indirect messages used to convey meaning beyond the words themselves. (Textbook reference: Section 4.1)

True/False Values are the assumptions and convictions held by an individual, group, or culture about the truth or existence of something.

False Feedback: Beliefs are the assumptions and convictions held by an individual, group, or culture about the truth or existence of something. (Textbook reference: Section 6.1)

True/False When an individual accepts an influencer's influence and complies by altering their thoughts, feelings, and/ or behaviors, the usefulness of the changes in one's life is irrelevant.

False Feedback: Changes due to compliance are transitory, lasting only as long as compliance is viewed as beneficial. (Textbook reference: Section 9.3)

True/False The circumstance, environment, and/or situation in which communication occurs has no bearing on a person's interpretation of the communicative message.

False Feedback: Communication occurs in a context that influences how individuals interpret messages. (Textbook reference: Section 1.2)

True/False Comparison level involves the evaluation of what is happening in the relationship and what could be gained in another relationship.

False Feedback: Comparison level is the minimal standard of what is acceptable in a relationship. (Textbook reference: Section 8.2)

True/False Within a relationship, conversation is one of the least common forms of interpersonal communication.

False Feedback: Conversation is one of the most common forms of interpersonal communication. (Textbook reference: Section 7.1)

True/False Cultural orientation is the degree to which an individual is capable of communicating competently in varying cultural situations.

False Feedback: Cultural intelligence is the degree to which an individual is capable of communicating competently in varying cultural situations. (Textbook reference: Section 6.4)

True/False Dating scripts are the patterns of dating responses and behaviors individuals use in different social interactions to take control of the situation.

False Feedback: Dating scripts are the patterns of dating behavior from cultural models. (Textbook 269 reference: Section 8.5)

True/False Because the same environmental information is available to everyone present, the process of perception is universal, meaning that every individual experiences the same situation in the same way.

False Feedback: Different people view and understand the same situation in different ways. (Textbook reference: Section 2.3)

True/False Communication occurred even when the receiver did not fully comprehend the message sent by the source.

False Feedback: If the receiver fails to understand the message, then communication did not occur. (Textbook reference: Section 2.2)

True/False Vocabulary is not a reliable predictor of one's social status, education, and profession.

False Feedback: Vocabulary is a predictor of one's social status, education, and profession. (Textbook reference: Section 4.5)

Actively attending to one's surroundings - physically, cognitively, and emotionally - is known as which of the following? 1. Mindful awareness 2. Mindful practice 3. Mindful listening 4. Mindful attitude

Mindful awareness Feedback: Mindful awareness. The goal of mindful awareness is to be consciously aware of the activity that you are engaged in and your surroundings at a deeper level. (Textbook reference: Section 1.5)

What kind of statements communicate moralistic judgment, implying that the other person behaved in an unacceptable way? 1. "You" statements 2. "Me" statements 3. "We" statements 4. "They" statements

"You" statements Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

Which of the following do mindful intercultural interactions require? 1. <p>All of the above</p> 2. Attention 3. Intention 4. Attitude

<p>All of the above</p> Feedback: (Textbook reference: Section 6.4)

Which type of interpersonal communication model views communication as a one-directional transmission of information from a source or sender to some destination or receiver? 1. Action model 2. Interaction model 3. Transaction model 4. All of the above

Action model Feedback: Both the Interaction model and transaction models recognize the role of both the sender and receiver. (Textbook reference: Section 2.4)

Despite being friends for several years, Natallie was tired of always being the one to initiate contact and plan activities. She decided that since Aiko wasn't making their friendship a priority, then neither would Natallie. Which of the following best represents Natalli's attitude? 1. Reciprocation 2. Avoidance 3. Disclosure 4. Initiation void

Reciprocation Feedback: Females tend to view friendships as a mutual exchange. If one person is viewed as not devoting time to the relationship, the other is less likely to do so as well. (Textbook reference: Section 10.3)

Jayce is an amazing architect. Her designs are innovative, drawing the attention and praise of many well-known professionals in the field. Claudia accepted an internship with Jayce. She hopes that working with Jayce will open many doors for her as she begins her career, especially when Jayce helps her network at next spring's conference. What kind of power does Jayce hold? 1. Referent power 2. Coercive power 3. Informational power 4. Reward power

Referent power Feedback: This type of power involves the social agent's ability to influence another person because the person wants to be associated with the social agent. Often the social agent has no idea of the influence they are having over the other person. (Textbook reference: Section 9.3)

Which of the following types of culture bring a unique sense of history and purpose, exerting influence in society? 1. Co-culture 2. Dominate culture 3. Microculture 4. Macroculture

Co-culture Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.1

Which friendship pattern is characterized by a negotiated sense of mutual accessibility and availability for both parties in the friendship? 1. Active friendships 2. Waning friendships 3. Dormant friendships 4. Commemorative friendships

Active friendships Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

Which interactional dialectic involves the means by which an individual accomplishes their goals orobjectives? 1. Affection/instrumentality 2. Independence/dependent 3. Judgment/acceptance 4. Expressiveness/protectiveness

Affection/instrumentality Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.1

Which of the following is not a type of communication disposition? 1. Affective/appetitive orientation 2. Argumentative/verbal aggressiveness 3. Approach and avoidance traits 4. Introversion/extraversion

Affective/appetitive orientation Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

Which of the following is not a strategy couples use to managed dialectical tensions? 1. Affirmation 2. Alternation 3. Recalibration 4. Integration

Affirmation Feedback: A similar strategy is reaffirmation in which individuals have the knowledge and accept their differences. (Textbook reference: Section 8.4)

Which type of friendships is activity-centered? 1. Agentic friendships 2. Communal friendships 3. Opposite-sex friendships 4. Male-male friendships

Agentic friendships Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.3

Morgan is aware of his emotions, but has difficulty communicating about his emotional state. He often has trouble finding the right words to express how he is feeling. What condition might explain Morgan's difficulty? 1. Alexithymia 2. Arrhythmia 3. Defensiveness 4. All of the above

Alexithymia Feedback: Individuals with this personality trait have difficulty identifying emotional feelings, differentiate emotional states from physical sensations, communicate feelings to others, and process emotion in a meaningful way. (Textbook reference: Section 9.2)

Jessica found out that her friend Kate had violated her trust by sharing information that Jessica wanted to be kept confidential. The news left Jessica feeling sick to her stomach. She decided to talk to Kate to share how she felt and find out what happened before deciding her next move. Which communication need was Jessica satisfying? 1. All of the above 2. Social needs 3. Physical needs 4. Practical needs

All of the above Feedback: Jessica's conversation with Kate was used to maintain and/or terminate the relationship (i.e., social needs), give her the information needed to improve mental and physical health (i.e., physical needs), and exchange information or solve problems (i.e., practical needs). (Textbook reference: Section 7.1)

Nina struggles with emotional and social loneliness. What outcomes is she more likely to report as a result? 1. All of the above 2. Greater social passivity 3. Lower self-esteem 4. Greater sensitivity to social rejection

All of the above Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.2

In which of the following do words help humans create reality? 1. All of the above 2. Individuals use words to label their experiences 3. Words have the power to impact what an individual believes and feels 4. Specific words impact how an individual receives the message communicated

All of the above Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.1

What type of communication is used to exert influence over another person? 1. All of the above 2. Accidental communication 3. Emotionally-based communication 4. Rhetorical communication

All of the above Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.3

Gary loves watching late-night comedy as a way to relax, unwind, and have a good laugh. What aspect of listening is Gary demonstrating? 1. Appreciative listening 2. Therapeutic listening 3. Comprehensive listening 4. Discriminative listening

Appreciative listening Feedback: This type of listening is the act of listening for pleasure or enjoyment. (Textbook reference: Section 7.3)

What is a verbal exchange between two or more people who have different opinions on a given subject called? 1. Argument 2. Conflict 3. Disagreement 4. Interpersonal conflict

Argument Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.1

Last summer Erin got a small tattoo of a butterfly on her forearm. When she is at work at the local hospital, she doesn't want to give patients the wrong idea. So she makes sure her coat sleeve covers up the tattoo. What kind of nonverbal communication is Erin concerned about? 1. Artifacts 2. Proxemics 3. Olfactics 4. Chronemics

Artifacts Feedback: Artifacts are items adorned on one's body or carried with them that communicate meaning. (Textbook reference: Section 5.2)

What is the first stage of perception? 1. Attending 2. Interpreting 3. Organizing 4. Experiencing

Attending Feedback: Attending. The first stage of perception requires that an individual focuses on a specific object or stimuli within their environment. (Textbook reference: Section 2.3)

When Doug met Carrie, he was instantly interested in her and want to get to know her better. What did Doug experience? 1. Attraction 2. Self-disclosure 3. Validation 4. Affiliation

Attraction Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.2

The volunteer coordinator met with her staff, stating that they had a lot of work to do to "determine the most effective way to distribute their resources and manpower." What kind of language did the volunteer coordinator use? 1. Biased language 2. Idiom 3. Ambiguous language 4. Vulgarity

Biased language Feedback: Language showing preference in favor of or against a certain point of view, showing prejudice, or is demeaning to others is called biased language. (Textbook reference: Section 4.4)

What is the pathway or medium in which communication messages are sent? 1. Channel 2. Noise 3. Message 4. Feedback

Channel Feedback: Channel. The pathway or medium in which communication messages are sent and received is called the channel. (Textbook reference: Section 2.2)

Aaron can't believe how many things he needs to get done at work before the end of the day. When possible, he works on multiple tasks at the same time. What type of nonverbal communication is he displaying? 1. Chronemics 2. Haptics 3. Kinesics 4. Vocalics

Chronemics Feedback: Chronemics is the use of time to communicate. Individuals use polychronic time when they engage in multiple tasks at the same time. (Textbook reference: Section 5.2)

In college, Mica always took advantage of opportunities to travel. As a result, she is a wealth of information when it comes to cultural knowledge. What type of cultural intelligence does she exhibit? 1. Cognitive CQ 2. Behavioral CQ 3. Motivational CQ 4. Metacognitive CQ

Cognitive CQ Feedback: The degree to which an individual has cultural knowledge is called Cognitive CQ. (Textbook reference: Section 6.4)

When experiencing conflict, which of the following is the hardest aspect to effectively implement? 1. Communicating 2. Thinking evaluatively 3. Listening critically 4. Being present

Communicating Feedback: None

Which of the following is not a primary reason to study communication? 1. Communication is an innate skill, we are born with it and it is just something that we do. 2. Improve our own effectiveness as a communicator 3. Communication is a primary means of human interaction, comprising a significant amount of our time each day 4. Learn how to take the perspective of our communication partners

Communication is an innate skill, we are born with it and it is just something that we do. Feedback: Communication is an innate skill. (Textbook reference: Section 1.1)

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes communication competence? 1. Competence balances social appropriateness and personal effectiveness 2. Competence requires individuals to use communication tactics that are more concerned with communication effectiveness over the social appropriateness 3. Competence is not concerned with the degree to which one is an effective communicator 4. Competence is an inherent communication skill that cannot be taught to an individual

Competence balances social appropriateness and personal effectiveness Feedback: Communication competence is defined as communication that balances both social appropriateness and personal effectiveness. (Textbook reference: Section 1.3)

As Roger listened to the waiter repeat his order, he nodded his head in agreement. Which function of nonverbal communication did Roger demonstrate? 1. Complementing 2. Contradicting 3. Accenting 4. Repeating

Complementing Feedback: This form of nonverbal communication reinforces verbal communication. (Textbook reference: Section 5.1)

Which of the following is not associated with Cahn and Abigail's perspective of conflict in which conflict is viewed as a normal part of human communication? 1. Conflicts are only manageable and disagreements can be solved 2. Managing and overcoming conflict is a foundational building block of relationships 3. Conflict management or resolution helps relationships become stronger and healthier 4. Conflict can be constructive or destructive to a relationship.

Conflicts are only manageable and disagreements can be solved Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.1

Which of the following is a characteristic of friendly relations? 1. Consists of generally positive interactions existing within a common role (e.g., both individuals are students in the same class) 2. The development of relationship norms occurs, beyond those original roles and stereotypes 3. Through refinement, the friendship gradually stabilizes 4. A voluntary decision is made to interact with another individual outside of the roles they originally embodied when the two individuals first met

Consists of generally positive interactions existing within a common role (e.g., both individuals are students in the same class) Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

What kind of conversation is characterized when conversational partners are mutually interested in the contributions of all conversational participants? 1. Cooperative conversations 2. One-way conversations 3. Two-way conversations 4. Competitive conversations

Cooperative conversations Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.1

Which type of friendships take longer to develop as individuals navigate cultural differences and build the friendship itself. 1. Cross-group friendships 2. Mediated friendships 3. Opposite-sex friendships 4. Post-modern friendships

Cross-group friendships Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.3

The shared, universal meaning of a word that is understood broadly within society is governed by which of the following? 1. Denotative definitions 2. Connotative definitions 3. Relational dimension 4. Content dimension

Denotative definitions Feedback: Denotative definitions are dictionary-based definitions outlining what specific words or symbols mean. (Textbook reference: Section 1.2)

Monica sets aside a few minutes every day to write in her journal. She finds a quiet place to write with minimal distractions so that she can stay in the moment. Monica writes about the things that are occurring in her life, articulating what she is experiencing and how she is feeling. At first, Monica found this activity to be hard, but she has gotten better at it over time, the more she writes, finding new words to label her feelings. Which facet of mindfulness best describes Monica's actions? 1. Describing 2. Nonjudging of inner experience 3. Observing 4. Nonreactivity to inner experience

Describing Feedback: Describing. Monica is focusing on what is occurring in her daily life, in a manner that is both staying in the moment and detail-focused. She is using language to describe what is happening. (Textbook reference: Section 1.5)

Which of the following is not a component of the mindful practice model? 1. Description 2. Attention 3. Intention 4. Attitude

Description Feedback: Description. The three-component model of mindful practice includes attention, intention, and attitude. (Textbook reference: Section 1.5)

What are the every day pushes and pulls found in all relationships called? 1. Dialectics 2. Differentiating 3. Disorientation 4. Denial

Dialectics Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.4

Mo'Nique was having a horrible day in which everything that could go wrong, went wrong. That night she called her best friend who did what all good best friends do - she let her friend tell her about everything that went wrong, even if it took awhile. Mo'Nique had the opportunity to express her emotions concerning everything that went wrong. What type of conversation did the two friends utilize? 1. Diatribe 2. Dialogue 3. Discourse 4. Debate

Diatribe Feedback: Diatribes are one-way, competitive conversations used for the purpose of expressing emotions, browbeating those that disagree, and/or inspiring others with the same perspective. Competitive conversations are those in which partners are more concerned with their points of view than others. (Textbook reference: Section 7.1)

Which friendship style is based on a deep connection, regardless of changing life circumstances? 1. Discerning friendships 2. Independent friendships 3. Acquisitive friendships 4. Ideal friendships

Discerning friendships Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.2

What type of conversation is characterized as a one-way, cooperative conversation used to transmit information from the sender to the receiver? 1. Discourse 2. Debate 3. Diatribe 4. Dialogue

Discourse Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.1

True/False Rachel is a preschool teacher. In the corner of her classroom is a playhouse filled with all sorts of fun toys, props, and creative outfits. Rachel regularly overhears children saying things like, "I'm putting frogs and purple bubbles in my potion," "we don't need a car, we can fly," and "don't touch that, it will turn you into a crocodile." This is an example of the interactional functions of language.

False Feedback: Imaginative functions use language to help create imaginary constructs that don't exist in the real world. (Textbook reference: Section 4.2)

True/False Interpersonal communication skills are innate, meaning that one cannot improve upon them. You either have them or you don't.

False Feedback: Individuals can learn how to develop and improve their interpersonal communication skills with practice. (Textbook reference: Section 2.5)

True/False Individuals with low collective self-esteem report less intimate social interactions with individuals from differing cultures.

False Feedback: Individuals with high collective self-esteem report more favorable interactions with individuals from differing cultures. (Textbook reference: Section 6.2)

True/False Integrative conflict involves a win-lose approach where conflicting parties see their job as to win and make sure that the other person or group loses.

False Feedback: Integrative conflict is a win-win approach to conflict; whereby, both parties attempt to come to a settled agreement that is mutually beneficial. (Textbook reference: Section 9.4)

True/False Friendships existing between two individuals who belong to two or more different cultural groups require a higher number of deeper, more meaningful disclosures to be successful.

False Feedback: Internet-independent friendships exhibit greater friendship closeness. (Textbook reference: Section 10.3)

True/False Internet-dependent friendships exhibit greater friendship closeness than internet-independent friendships.

False Feedback: Internet-independent friendships exhibit greater friendship closeness. (Textbook reference: Section 10.3)

True/False Simply belonging to a cultural group means all individuals within that culture are identical.

False Feedback: It is imperative to avoid overgeneralizations. (Textbook reference: Section 6.1)

True/False Unlike verbal communication, nonverbal communication is free from ambiguity

False Feedback: It is impossible to know what one is thinking, feeling, or what their intentions are without verbally conversing with them. (Textbook reference: Section 5.1)

True/False Responding is one of the most difficult steps in the process of mindful listening and communication.

False Feedback: Judging a message is one of the most difficult steps in the process of mindful listening and communication. Mindful communication requires that one listens in a way that is non-judgmental. (Textbook 232 reference: Section 7.3)

True/False Dating couples are more likely to engage in supportive communication behaviors with partners compared to married couples.

False Feedback: Married couples are more likely to engage in supportive communication behaviors with partners compared to dating couples. (Textbook reference: Section 8.1)

True/False For mediated communication to transpire, the communication partners must use a form of technology or medium that runs electronically, requiring a power outlet or batteries.

False Feedback: Mediated communication utilizes some form of technology or medium to facilitate the sharing of information between two or more people. Technology also includes older, print-based forms such as newspapers and magazines. (Textbook reference: Section 1.4)

True/False Mood is defined as any experience of feeling or emotion across a diverse continuum ranging from positive to negative.

False Feedback: Mood and emotion are affective states. Affect is any experience of feeling or emotion across a diverse continuum ranging from positive to negative. (Textbook reference: Section 10.1)

True/False Individuals raised in high communication-oriented families are more likely to have worse relationships than individuals raised in low communication-oriented families.

False Feedback: People from more communication-oriented families are more likely to have better relationships than those from less communication-oriented families. (Textbook reference: Section 1.1)

True/False The Osgood and Schramm Model of interpersonal communication recognizes the importance that nonverbal communication, and the lack thereof, plays in interpersonal communication.

False Feedback: The Watzlawick, Beavin, and Jackson Model states that the act of not communicating communicates a message. (Textbook reference: Section 2.4)

True/False According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, safety is the most fundamental human need.

False Feedback: The most fundamental human need, according to Maslow, is physiological. (Textbook reference: Section 2.1)

True/False Society has developed a universal standard for communicative competence that all speakers of a language must follow.

False Feedback: There is no universal standard for communication competence. (Textbook reference: Section 1.3)

True/False Tempo is the primary vocal quality making an individual's voice sound either pleasant or disturbing to listen to.

False Feedback: Timbre is responsible for creating a pleasant vocal quality. (Textbook reference: Section 5.2)

True/False Feminine individuals are more emotionally aware, topically involved, and invested in their interactions.

False Feedback: Using psychological gender, androgynous individuals are more emotionally aware, topically involved, and invested in their interactions. (Textbook reference: Section 7.2)

The city of Smithsville sent information to residents about their new recycling program. The message included the following information: "To avoid the contamination of other materials, residents must ensure that all cans and bottles are empty before placing them in the recycling receptacle. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans should be crushed and boxes should be cut down to maximize space in your cart. Ensure that you flatten and cut cardboard to no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet." What kind of language did the city use? 1. Formal language 2. Colloquialisms 3. Informal language 4. Jargon

Formal language Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.4

What type of love style characterizes opposite-sex friendships in which a deeper sense of intimacy and emotional commitment (without sexual activity) are present? 1. Friendship 2. Platonic love 3. Friendship love 4. Romantic love

Friendship Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.3

Which of the following does not accurately reflect how an individual's name influences other people's perceptions? 1. Gender-neutral names (e.g., Sam, Alex, Corey) are free of cultural or ethnic associations 2. All names have the potential to elicit different emotions among different people 3. Unusual names or unique spellings of names are typically associated with negative perceptions 4. All names encompass some cultural or ethnic associations

Gender-neutral names (e.g., Sam, Alex, Corey) are free of cultural or ethnic associations Feedback: All types of names can impact other people's perceptions. (Textbook reference: Section 4.3)

Which term accurately defines the passive and physiological process in which an individual continuously perceives sound by detecting vibrations through the ear? 1. Hearing 2. Listening 3. Critical listening 4. All of the above

Hearing Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.3

Which function of language is used to explore and investigate the world, solve problems, and learn from your discoveries and experiences? 1. Heuristic functions 2. Interactional functions 3. Ritual functions 4. Representational functions

Heuristic functions Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.2

Leticia hated public speaking. She often became nervous and had butterflies in her stomach. However, when it was her turn, she projected confidence, and no one would have guessed how anxious she was beforehand. What type of self is this an example of? 1. Hidden self 2. Open self 3. Unknown self 4. Blind self

Hidden self Feedback: The hidden self is when information about oneself is known by the individual but unknown to others. (Textbook reference: Section 7.2)

Juan loves to engage in lively discussions with his friends where they debate politics and current events. Rarely does he feel personally attacked or confronted by the opinions of others. Which of the following traits describes Juan? 1. High tolerance for disagreement 2. Low tolerance for conflict 3. High tolerance for conflict 4. Low tolerance for disagreement

High tolerance for disagreement Feedback: These people feel personally attacked anytime someone is perceived as devaluing their opinion. (Textbook reference: Section 9.1)

Which of the following outcomes is not associated with the use of nonverbal immediacy behaviors in health care settings? 1. Hospital performance reviews 2. Patient perceptions of provider credibility 3. Patient understanding of medical information 4. Patient satisfaction

Hospital performance reviews Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.3

Which of the following provides sources of different information used to shape an individual's perception of what friendship should entail? 1. Ideal/Real contextual dialectics 2. Interactional dialectics 3. Public contextual dialectics 4. Private contextual dialectics

Ideal/Real contextual dialectics Feedback: Ideal/real contextual dialectics are those originating from the media, school, family, peers, etc. (Textbook reference: Section 10.1)

Darolyn works at a local coffee shop two days per week. She is in charge of taking people's orders and writing their names on the paper cups. This may not seem like a very demanding or important job, but it is one that Darolyn takes very seriously. It is important to her that she not only matches the customer's name with the right drink, but that she spells their name accurately verifying each spelling with the customer before checking them out. Last week, Darolyn took Ursula's order, replying "that's such a cool name." Darolyn's attention to detail and positive comment left Ursula smiling as so many people misspell her unusual name. What communication need was Darolyn primarily addressing when she commented about Ursula's unusual name? 1. Identity 2. Physical 3. Social 4. Practical

Identity Feedback: Identity. One's name is an essential aspect of our own identity, shaping how we are from a young age. Darolyn's comment about Ursula's unusual name impacted how Ursula felt about the experience and herself. (Textbook reference: Section 1.1)

Allison has wanted to be a pediatrician since she was a little girl. She has worked tirelessly over the years volunteering and taking advanced coursework. Allison doesn't know who she would be if she can't become a pediatrician. What aspect of collective self-esteem is Allison experiencing? 1. Importance to identity 2. Membership esteem 3. Ethnocentrism 4. Cultural stereotype

Importance to identity Feedback: The degree to which group membership is important to an individual is called importance to identity. (Textbook reference: Section 6.2)

Which of the following is the least likely reason friendships fail? 1. Increased disclosure 2. Overall decrease in emotional attachment 3. Either one or both parties become dissatisfied with the relationship 4. A relationship destroying event occurs

Increased disclosure Feedback: Rawlins outlines three primary reasons. Increased disclosure was not one of them. (Textbook reference: Section 10.2)

Lucy and Manuel were having lunch together. Instead of thinking about what she was going to do this weekend, Lucy asked Manuel, "what should we do this weekend?" What stage of the relationship are Lucy and Manuel experiencing? 1. Intensifying 2. Stagnating 3. Integrating 4. Circumscribing

Intensifying Feedback: This is the stage in the relationship when pronouns transfer from "I" to "we." (Textbook reference: Section 8.3)

Nonverbal messages in which two communication partners share information through facial expressions, eye gaze, body language, etc. are characteristic of which type of communication? 1. Interpersonal communication 2. Public communication 3. Intrapersonal communication 4. Small-group communication

Interpersonal communication Feedback: Interpersonal communication is the exchange of messages between any two people and includes both verbal and nonverbal communication modalities. (Textbook reference: Section 1.4)

In an attempt to understand the situation unfolding around her, Julia considered past personal experiences, her involvement with others present, and any assumptions she might have. In doing so, what stage of the perception process was she engaged in? 1. Interpreting 2. Attending 3. Organizing 4. Communicating

Interpreting Feedback: Interpreting. The last stage of the perception process, interpreting, is the act of assigning meaning to a stimulus to evaluate and understand its worth. (Textbook reference: Section 2.3)

While listening to his friend Fred, Nick noticed the way Fred emphasized certain words and the body language he used. In doing so, what step of the HERIER Model of Listening was Nick practicing? 1. Interpreting 2. Remembering 3. Evaluating 4. Hearing

Interpreting Feedback: This type of listening involves awareness of individual and contextual factors influencing a message's meaning. (Textbook reference: Section 7.3)

Liz's doctor called to share the results of her blood work. Her doctor informed her that her hemoglobin and hematocrit counts were low, perhaps the result of a vitamin B12 deficiency, thalassemia, or a number of neoplasms of the bone marrow. However, they would need to run another test because the hematocrit count is concentration-dependent and, as a result, isn't completely accurate. What kind of language was her doctor using? 1. Jargon 2. Euphemisms 3. Cliches 4. Static evaluations

Jargon Feedback: Jargon is specialized or technical language associated with a specific group or professional context that may not be understood by outsiders. (Textbook reference: Section 4.4)

An individual's ability to be mindful and sensitive to all functions and forms of language is called what? 1. Language awareness 2. Linguistic empathy 3. Language adaptation 4. Relative language

Language awareness Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.5

Mark wants to exert long-term change in his employees. Which of the following kinds of power should he avoid? 1. Legitimate power 2. Informational power 3. Expert power 4. Referent power

Legitimate power Feedback: This kind of power only influences people at the compliance level resulting in short-term change. (Textbook reference: Section 9.3)

Which of the following is a required behavior when checking for understanding? 1. Listening 2. Looking 3. Leaning 4. All of the above

Listening Feedback: Using the TAP method, individuals should be prepared to listen to what the other person says to check for understanding. (Textbook reference: Section 4.5)

Lena loves to travel. She recently visited a country whose culture emphasizes daily interactions with others resulting in deepened familial bonds and friendships. Which cultural characteristic describes the culture Lena visited? 1. Long-term orientation 2. Short-term orientation 3. Low uncertainty avoidance 4. High uncertainty avoidance

Long-term orientation Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.3

The degree to which an individual is consciously aware of your intercultural interactions in a manner that helps them have more effective interpersonal experiences with people from differing cultures is called which of the following? 1. Metacognitive CQ 2. Behavioral CQ 3. Motivational CQ 4. Cognitive CQ

Metacognitive CQ Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.4

Which of the following defines the use of behaviors that increase sensory stimulation between individuals, creating both physical and psychological closeness? 1. Nonverbal immediacy 2. Nonverbal cultivation 3. Nonverbal mindfulness 4. Nonverbal mindset

Nonverbal immediacy Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 5.3

What term refers to the informal guidelines outlining the types of social behavior that are acceptable or proper within a specific culture? 1. Norms 2. Rules 3. Values 4. Beliefs

Norms Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.1

Ron had a horrible day at work after learning that his sales figures were the lowest of everyone in the office. Ron's self-esteem was influenced by which kind of evaluation? 1. Objective evaluation 2. Emotional evaluation 3. Subjective evaluation 4. Summative evaluation

Objective evaluation Feedback: Objective evaluation in which evaluates their abilities and limitations based on measurable and observable facts. (Textbook reference: Section 3.1)

Which of the following is not a type of action model? 1. Osgood and Schramm Model 2. Early Schramm Model 3. Shannon-Weaver Model 4. Berlo's SMCR Model (Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver)

Osgood and Schramm Model Feedback: The Osgood and Schramm Model is an interaction model. (Textbook reference: Section 2.4)

Which of the following is a characteristic of high self-esteem? 1. Other's comments are viewed as constructive and helpful 2. Focused attention on one's failures 3. The use of indirect communicative styles 4. Other's comments are viewed as criticism or hostile

Other's comments are viewed as constructive and helpful Feedback: Individuals with high self-esteem view other's comments as constructive and helpful. (Textbook reference: Section 2.1)

What kind of relationship is close but free of sensual desire? 1. Platonic 2. Intimate 3. Interdependent 4. Empathic

Platonic Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.1

What type of friendship requires friends to co-construct the individual and dyadic realities? 1. Postmodern friendships 2. Public friendships 3. Cross-sex friendships 4. Same-sex friendships

Postmodern friendships Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.3

Catherine was trying her best to focus on reading her new book. But she found that she was reading the same paragraph over and over again because she couldn't stop thinking about her roommate's exciting news. Which of the following type of noise was interfering with Catherine's ability to comprehend the paragraph's meaning? 1. Psychological noise 2. Physical noise 3. Semantic noise 4. Physiological noise

Psychological noise Feedback: Psychological noise. This type of noise occurs when the receiver's internal thoughts and/ or emotions influences their ability to receive and undestand the communication message being sent. (Textbook reference: Section 2.2)

John and his friends spent the summer working for a local landscaper. They regularly ran into friends who were seen swimming, relaxing, and having fun together. John often wanted to quit his job and just enjoy the summer with this friends. What aspect of collective self-esteem is John experiencing? 1. Public collective esteem 2. Private collective esteem 3. Importance to identity 4. Membership esteem

Public collective esteem Feedback: The degree to which nonmembers of a group evaluate a group and its members either positively or negatively is known as public collective esteem. (Textbook reference: Section 6.2)

Recently, a politician held a town hall meeting to hear the community's view on a variety of public issues. Citizens wishing to address the politician and the audience were asked to sign-up in advance for a three-minute time slot at one of the three microphones set up around the large auditorium. What type of communication is this an example of? 1. Public communication 2. Interpersonal communication 3. Intrapersonal communication 4. Small-group communication

Public communication Feedback: Public communication. Public communication is defined as a form of communication where an individual or group of individuals sends a specific message to a large audience. (Textbook reference: Section 1.4)

Juli's company held a small cocktail hour for new employees. As Juli mingled about, visiting with her coworkers, she found herself nodding her head while listening to different conversations. While she didn't have much to say, she felt that by nodding her head, it showed others that she was interested in hearing what they had to say. Which function of nonverbal communication did Juli demonstrate? 1. Regulating 2. Accenting 3. Contradicting 4. Repeating

Regulating Feedback: This form of nonverbal communication is primarily used to regulate and control the flow of conversation. (Textbook reference: Section 5.1)

Brian is concerned about his brother's abuse of controlled substances. He and his family organize an intervention to help his brother understand the dangers associated with this behavior, telling him how much they love and support them, and persuade him to enroll in a treatment program. Which function of language did Brian and his family use? 1. Regulatory functions 2. Imaginative functions 3. Ritual functions 4. Instrumental functions

Regulatory functions Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.2

The following examples represent what kind of basic human need: autonomy, celebration, physical nurturance, integrity, and spiritual communion? 1. Relational needs 2. Perceptive needs 3. Compliance needs 4. Reward needs

Relational needs Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 9.2

Which of the following is a step in the cycle of rejection sensitivity? 1. Repressed hostility for fear of losing affection 2. Decreased fear of rejection 3. Providing others affection 4. Expressing rage

Repressed hostility for fear of losing affection Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

What is the last stage of the HERIER Model of Listening? 1. Responding 2. Evaluating 3. Interpreting 4. Remembering

Responding Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.3

Which theory suggests that language impacts perceptions by showing a culture's worldview? 1. Sapir-Worf hypothesis 2. Uncertainty reduction theory 3. Theory of rejection sensitivity 4. Osgood and Schramm Model

Sapir-Worf hypothesis Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 4.2

When two people with similar cultural, ethnic, or religious backgrounds are drawn to each other, what explains their attraction? 1. Similarity thesis 2. Task attraction 3. Physical proximity 4. Similarity thesis

Similarity thesis Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.2

Dannie needed to find out when the next class assignment was due. Despite her attempts, the only classmate she was able to reach was Jennifer. Even though Dannie and Jennifer recently got into a disagreement, Dannie kept the interaction positive and was able to obtain the needed information. What ability did Dannie demonstrate? 1. Social communication competence 2. Communication apprehension 3. Contextual dialectics 4. Role delimited interaction

Social communication competence Feedback: Social communication competence is an individual's ability to achieve their personal goals within a social interaction while maintaining a positive relationship. (Textbook reference: Section 10.1)

According to Hall's Four Spaces, which of the following is used by acquaintances during interpersonal interactions? 1. Social distance 2. Personal space 3. Intimate space 4. Public distance

Social distance Feedback: Acquaintances typically practice social distance remaining 4 to 12 feet from each other. (Textbook reference: Section 5.2)

Nathan and Steve started hanging out after class, grabbing lunch at a nearby eatery. At first, they chatted about different things each likes to do, finding some common interests that they both enjoy. As they have gotten to know each other better, they discuss other topics in which they share their opinions and beliefs more freely. As a result, what started out as grabbing lunch has become a friendship. 1. Social integration 2. Collectivism 3. Impression management 4. Discourse management

Social integration Feedback: During the process of social integration, people share personal information to develop relationships with those with similar interests, beliefs, values, attitudes, etc. (Textbook reference: Section 7.2)

Which of the following motivates self-disclosure? 1. Social integration and impression management 2. Impression management and emotional blackmail 3. Social integration and status differential 4. Status differential and emotional blackmail

Social integration and impression management Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 7.2

Which theory explains how friends express themselves, navigate decisions about how much information to disclose within the friendship? 1. Social penetration theory 2. Social communication theory 3. Mutual engagement hypotheses 4. Affective affirmation theory

Social penetration theory Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 10.1

What is the degree to which an individual communicates using responsive or assertive communication techniques called? 1. Sociocommunicative orientation 2. Communication apprehension 3. Relational disposition 4. Self-conscious orientation

Sociocommunicative orientation Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 3.3

Ross and Ginger had a big argument, again. They live together, but emotionally, their enthusiasm for the relationship is gone. What stage of the relationship are Ross and Ginger experiencing? 1. Stagnating 2. Intensifying 3. Integrating 4. Circumscribing

Stagnating Feedback: This is the stage in the relationship where the partners live together, but not emotionally. They avoid communication, and when it does occur, it is restrained and often awkward. (Textbook reference: Section 8.3)

What kind of love style develops slowly out of friendship, where stability and psychological closeness are valued along with commitment? 1. Storge 2. Eros 3. Agape 4. Pragma

Storge Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 8.5

Jeanette and Dan were driving to a friend's house for a party. Along the way, they got lost, getting into a disagreement about which way to go to reach their destination. What kind of disagreement did Jeanette and Dan have? 1. Substantive disagreement 2. Decisive disagreement 3. Procedural disagreement 4. Imperative disagreement

Substantive disagreement Feedback: This kind of argument is about a specific topic or issue. (Textbook reference: Section 9.1)

Just as Mark took a bite of his sandwich, his wife asked him what time they had to leave for the airport. Mark held up all five fingers on his hand, and his wife replied, "great, that gives me time to run back to that bookstore we saw on the corner." Which function of nonverbal communication did Mark demonstrate? 1. Substituting 2. Regulating 3. Repeating 4. Complementing

Substituting Feedback: This form of nonverbal communication has a direct verbal translation. (Textbook reference: Section 5.1)

Which listening response enhances psychological, physical, and relational health? 1. Supporting 2. Silent listening 3. Paraphrasing 4. Advising

Supporting Feedback: This type of listening shows the speaker that they endorse or support them. (Textbook reference: Section 7.4)

James met Pam when they both volunteered to organize the community's upcoming food drive. What kind of relationship do James and Pam have? 1. Task-related 2. Work-related 3. Social reasons 4. All of the above.

Task-related Feedback: These kinds of relationships exist only to accomplish a specific task or project. (Textbook reference: Section 8.1)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of communicative competence? 1. The ability to evaluate how much information the audience already understands about the topic being discussed 2. The ability to recognize situational cues exhibited by the communication audience 3. The ability to self-monitor one's verbal and nonverbal communication 4. The ability to persuade audiences to become involved and take action

The ability to evaluate how much information the audience already understands about the topic being discussed Feedback: The ability to evaluate what the audience knows and doesn't know about a topic of conversation. Communication competence is characterized as skillful, adaptable, involved, understanding, cognitive complexity, and self-monitoring (Textbook reference: Section 1.3)

A third-grader was playing with his action figures when he stopped and asked his dad what plastic is made of. His dad, a chemist, turned off the television and explained to his son that the process of producing plastic involves converting the molecules of raw materials into monomers (specifically ethylene C2H4, propylene C3H6, and butene C4H8), which containing double bonds between the carbon atoms so that they can chemically react to form polymers. When answering his son's question, the father failed to take which of the following into account? 1. The cognitive complexity of his answer. 2. His son's ability to hear his answer. 3. His child's interest in understanding how his toys were made. 4. How his relationship with his son may impact his son's understanding of the answer.

The cognitive complexity of his answer. Feedback: None

Which of the following is not true about the ideal-self? 1. The ideal-self is the same thing as the real-self 2. The ideal-self is perfect, flawless, unrealistic, and evolving 3. The ideal-self is the version of yourself that you would like to be 4. The ideal-self is created through one's life experiences, cultural demands, and other's expectations

The ideal-self is the same thing as the real-self Feedback: The ideal-self is not the same as the real-self or the person that one is. (Textbook reference: Section 3.1)

If one determines that their cultural group is judged negatively by society, which of the following is likely to happen? 1. The individual is likely to have more negative emotions and lower self-evaluations 2. The individual is likely to have more positive emotions and lower self-evaluations 3. The individual is likely to have more negative emotions and higher self-evaluations 4. The individual is likely to have more positive emotions and better self-evaluations

The individual is likely to have more negative emotions and lower self-evaluations Feedback: Textbook reference: Section 6.2

The word communication comes from the Latin root communico, which means what? 1. To share 2. To build community 3. To communicate 4. To organize

To share Feedback: To share. (Textbook reference: Section 1.2)

Sam and Peter sit next to each other in class. They had never seen each other before the first day of class and had no idea what to expect sitting next to each other. Over the course of the semester, they talked more and more, learning about each other - their attitudes about class, how they behaved, and their likes and dislikes. By the end of the semester, they were not only comfortable sitting next to each other but had become friends. Which of the following theories best describes what occurred between Sam and Peter? 1. Uncertainty reduction theory 2. Self-conceptualization 3. Social turbulance 4. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Uncertainty reduction theory Feedback: Uncertainity reduction theory posits that when humans first interact with each other, they work to eliminate unknown elements about the other individual, thereby reducing uncertainity about each other and associated increased anxiety. (Textbook reference: Section 2.1)

Phoebe was concerned about how the play was coming together. One of the actors was not pulling his weight and properly learning his lines. After she talked to him a few days ago, he appeared to take his role more seriously and showed some improvement. But she wasn't sure if it was enough. When she consulted her stage director, she agreed with Phoebe's assessment. Which of the following occurred? 1. Validation 2. Attraction 3. Comparison level 4. Predicability

Validation Feedback: Validation confirms and endorses what one believes. (Textbook reference: Section 8.2)

Which of the following skills diminishes in middle adulthood? 1. Vocabulary development 2. Listening 3. Reading 4. Speaking

Vocabulary development Feedback: New language acquisition drops as people enter into middle age. (Textbook reference: Section 4.5)

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