Intro to Ethics - Final
Cultural relativist claims
- there is no universal truth in ethics - we should adopt an attitude of tolerance toward other cultures - different societies have different moral codes except Western values are generally superior to non-western values
James Rachels' view
-In order to make moral progress, we have to make judgments about better or worse practices. -Some actions that conforms to the code of one's culture may still be wrong
According to Kant, morality requires us to
Act only on maxims that we can also will to become universal laws.
Which of the following best represents Dan W. Brock's argument?
Allowing active euthanasia will increase a patient self-determination and well being
Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by one's own will. This ideas allows us to see ourselves as
Autonomous beings and free beings
Why does disagreement among the gods for Euthyphro claim that piety is loved by the gods?
Because it entails that some things are both pious and impious at the same time
Plato's dialogues, besides corrupting the youth, what else is Socrates charged with?
Being in impious
Polemarchus' respective account of justice
Benefiting friends and harming enemies
Is a fetus a person? What answer does Judith Jarvis Thomson give to this question through the violinist analogy?
Even if a fetus is a person, abortion is permissable
According to Benedict, morality depends on an objective and absolute moral truth
According to Glaucon in Book 2 of the Republic, most people think justice is desirable for its own sake
According to Rachels, the idea that humanity has achieved moral progress in some areas is a myth
In Euthyphro, Euthuphro was at the court to prosecute someone who harmed his father
In his Utilitarianism, Mill claims there is something more important than the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain
In simple Utilitarian ethics, there is no significant moral difference between actively killing someone and passively allowing someone to die.
Mill agrees with Bentham that natural rights all kinds of pleasure of equally valuable
Mill agrees with Bentham that natural rights are "nonsense on stilts."
The case in which the Supreme court ruled the executions could resume in United States is
Gregg vs. Georgia
Jonathan Bennet examines the relationship between sympathy and morality in different moral agents. Match each character with Bennet's evaluation of their moral situation
Heinrich Himmler- He chose to act on the basis of his morality rather than his sympathy
What is Polemarchus' account of justice, based on Book 1 of Republic?
Help your friends and harm your enemies
What is the magical power the ring of Gyges confers on its wearer?
It makes them invisible
Which of the following is true about the greatest principle?
It promotes the maximization of net sum of happiness of all
What is the overarching theme of Plato's Republic?
In Book 1 of the Republic, Socrates refutes the definition of justice offered by Thrasymachus. What was Thrasymachus' definition of justice?
Justice is whatever is best for the stronger
In Book 2 of Republic, what does Socrates argue about justice?
Justice is worthwhile to pursue for its own sake
Cultural relativists would accept
Morality is determined by the culture of a society There are some universal standards of what is morally right
According to the argument Glaucon presents in Book 2 of the Republic, which of the following statement is true?
Most people would act justly only unwillingly
Which is the claim that Glaucon makes by telling the story known as "the Ring of Gyges" in Book 2 of Republic?
Most people would act justly only unwillingly
Kant believes that an act possesses "genuine moral worth" when it involves doing the right thing for the right reasons. What can be an example of such an action?
Nick always keeps his words because it is morally required action
Thrasymachus respective account of justice
Nothing other than advantage of the stronger
According to Ruth Benedict, a normal action is:
One that falls well within the limits of expected behavior in a particular society
The Kwakiutl
Potlatch: aboriginal culture in North America - gift-giving or destroying in order to glorify oneself or one's family -fighting with property -death was an affront to be wiped out by the death of another person
The socratic method generally refuted his interlocuter (The one who is questioned) Until Socrates leads him to
Puzzlement, perplexity, a definite answer. Except for aporia
Consider a trolley case where a runaway trolley is heading to five people. Be a reason you would switch tracks are the bystander standing next to a lever?
Saving lives here is the better choice, even at the cost of one person's death
Which of the following statement correctly represents Rachels' view?
Some actions that conform to the code of one's culture may still be wrong
Which of the following best describes Thrasymachus?
Cephalus' respective account of justice
Speaking the truth
In the case of George who is considering a job offer at a lab that develops chemical and biological warfare, what would be a simple utilitarian answer?
Take the job
Which of the primitive tribes is used as an example to show those general characteristics that make an individual a good person in our society would make the person abnormal another society?
The Dobu, "the paranoid tribe.", obsessed with black magic, 'unusual' attitude to cooperation or sharing Reo Fortune's case studies in the Sorcerers of Dobu(1932)
Thomson provides analogies in her article. Which one of the following is intended to establish that pregnancy through consensual sex does not obligate the mother to carry to them?
The People seed analogy
Socrates' respective account of justice
The advantage of all, especially for the weaker
In Book 1 of Republic to which craft does Thrasymachus compare the art of ruling?
The art of shepherding
If I say, "abortion is immoral," what does this mean according to cultural relativists?
The dominant ideals of my society disapproves of abortion
According to Immanuel Kant, the moral worth of an action depends on:
The motive behind the action
Which of the following statement fails to correctly describe the ending of Euthyphro?
The speakers of the dialogue find a definite answer as to what piety means
The Eskimos
They believe in Inuit marriage which is a belief that once a couple has their first baby, they're automatically considered married
In Bernard Williams' case of Jim, Jim is torn between his desire to save as many lives as possible and his opposition to killing someone.
In the Republic, Socrates claims that even among a group of bad people, they have to be just to each other to succeed at what they commonly try to achieve.
In the Republic, Socrates states that the art of ruling can be compared to the art of medicine
In Aristotle's view, how do we become morally virtuous?
We acquire virtues through habituation
Which of the following is correct description of Aristotelian ethics?
We are morally responsible for whether we are virtuous or vicious
Which of the following statements is true according to James Rachels?
What appears to be fundamental disagreements about moral principles is, in fact mere disagreements about facts
Marquis claims that his account of the wrongness of killing establishes that:
abortion is mostly impermissable
According to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, happiness is:
activity of the soul in according with virtue
According to James Rachels, the cultural differences argument:
draws a conclusion that does not follow from the argument's premise
In Plato's Euthyphro, Socrates rejects Euthyphro's first account of piety that it is punishing the wrongdoer because
it is merely an example of pious acts
Some people argue that deliberately intending a patient's death may be permissable because life
may be a burden
Aristotle says that there are two kinds of human virtues. He divides the virtues into
moral virtues and intellectual virtues
In Book 1 of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle says that if we ask what the highest good (summer bonus) of human action is:
nearly everyone agree that it is happiness
Allowing someone to die by withholding something that would prolong life is called
passive euthanasia
John Stuart Mill defines "happiness" as
pleasure and absence of pain
The doctrine that people should be punished simply because they deserve it and that the punishment should be proportional to the crime is known as
According to Bernard Williams, the utilitarian must regard Jim's feelings of moral uncertainty as
selfish emotional discomforts
When faced with the criticism that ultilitarianism is doctrine worthy of swine, Mill responds that:
some pleasures of "higher" quality than others and thus more valuable
Hugo Adam Bedau believes that
the death penalty is a good deterrent
"If I say "stealing is bad," what does this mean to cultural relativists?
the dominant ideal of my culture disapproves of stealing
Socrates rejects Euthyphro's account of piety as things that are loved by the gods for the reason that
the gods quarrel
In Karen Ann Quilan's case, the New Jersey Supreme Court recognized:
the right to refuse life-sustaining treatments
When faced with objection that utilitarianism is a doctrine worthy of swine, Mill responds that:
we are capable of pursuing an activity that gives us pleasure of higher quality
John Stuart Mill claims that in deciding how to act
we should always calculate the expected consequences of our action we should promote the overall wellbeing of our society
Even if we reject cultural relativism, Rachels argues we may still learn from it that:
we should keep an open mind
In Book 1 of Republic, what does Cephalus say about the true benefit of being wealthy
you don't have to be indebted to cheat others