Introduction to psychology chapter 1

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Wundt established the first research laboratory in Psychology at the University of Leipzig what year


When did James publish his classic text principles of psychology


Clinical Psychology was used

1940's world war 2 aftermath create a massive need for clinical services stimulating rapid growth in clinical psychology the branch of psychology concerned with the diagnosis treatment of psychological disorder

Chomsky, Miller, and Simon reported three advances in study of competition at the Watershed conference thus launching the cognitive revolution in Psychology what year was that


Increased global interdependence and diversity in Western societies led to an interest in how cultures factors mold behavior in which decade


Positive psychology

1990's a positive psychology movement is launch by Martin Seligman Advocates of positive psychology argue for increased research on resilience well being human strength and positive emotions as opposed to the fields previous emphasis on pathology and suffering

Psychology is Theoretically Diverse Theme2

A theory is a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations

the first successful intelligence test or developed in 1905

Alfred Binet

BF Skinner the school of thought or theoretical orientation associated with this famous psychologist


Who invented the first successful intelligence test


Biological (James Olds) (Roger Sperry) (David Hubel) (Torsten Wiesel)

Brain Physiological, genetic, and neural bases of behavior in humans and animals An organism's functioning can be explained in terms of the brain structures and biochemical processes that underlie behavior.

In 1956 the __________Revolution was launched with reports of advancing studies of language memory and problem-solving


BF Skinner

Dateline 1953 BF Skinner publishes science and human behavior describing his work on operant conditioning which demonstrates that behavior is governed by its consequences behaviorism flourishes Skinner advocated strict focuses on observable Behavior

Cognitive psychology

Dateline 1956 the cognitive revolution in Psychology is lunch and a watershed conference in just one day Noam Chomsky George Miller & Herbert Simon report on major advances in the study of language memory and problem-solving respectively

Stanley Milgram

Dateline 1963 Stanley Milgram Outlet is Landmark work on obedience to Authority it becomes one of psychology is most famous and controversial studies and Social Psychology emerges as a major area of research

BF Skinner

Dateline 1971 BF Skinner creates a few are over radical behaviorism with his controversial book beyond freedom and dignity argues that behavior is determined by the principles making Free Will and illusion

Cognitive and psychological perspective in psychology

Dateline 1978 to 1981 the cognitive and physiological perspectives in Psychology gained prominence in 1978 Herbert Simon wins the Nobel Prize for his work on cognition in 1981 Roger Sperry David hubel and Torsten Wiesel share a Nobel Prize for their work neuroscience

Call Rogers and Abraham Maslow

Dateline early nineteen-fifties fueled by the theories of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow humanism emerges as an alternative to behaviorism and psychoanalytic and humanistic school of thought and for size of the unique qualities of humans and their potential for personal growth


Dateline the 1980 increased Global interdependence and cultural diversity in Western societies spark a surge of interest and help cultural factors mole behavior

Evolutionary psychology

Dateline the late 1980s and early 1990s evolutionary psychology emergence as an influential New theoretical perspective led by Dave and Busters and John to be evolutionary psychologists assert that the patterns of behavior in a species are products of natural selection in the same way that anatomical characteristics are

Behavioral (Watson ) (Pavlov) (Skinner)

Effects of environment other behavior of human & animals reinforcements are encouraged eg: study hard get good grades/wants Only observable events (stimulus-response-relations) can be studied scientifically.

Experimental Psychology

Encompasses the traditional core fo topics that psychology focused on heavily in its first half century as a science: sensation Perception learning Conditioning motivation emotion The name experimental psychology is somewhat misleading as this is not the only area in which experiments are done psychologists working in all the areas listed here conduct experiments

Evolutionary (David Buss) (Martin Daly) (Margo Wilson) (Leda Cosmides) John Tooby

Evolutionary bases of behavior in humans and animals Behavior patterns have evolovedot solve adaptive problems; natural selection favors behaviors that enhance reproductive success eg: is there some advantages to be able to reproduce adaptive to nature.

Physiological Psychology

Examines the influence of genetic factors on behavior and the role of the brain nervous system endocrine system and bodily chemicals in the regulation of behavior

Cognitive Psychology

Focuses on higher mental processed such as memory reasoning information processing language problem solving decision makin g and creativity

Health Psychology

Focuses on how psychological factors relate to the promotion and maintenance of physical health and the causation, prevention and treatment of illness

Alfred Binet (1905)

French psychologist develops the first successful intelligence test. Binet's work demonstrates the practical potential of mental testing and helps foster the eventual emergence of APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY.

The school of thought or the radical orientation associated with this famous psychologist psychologist marks Wertheimer

Gestalt psychology

Max Wertheimer

Gestalt psychology, founded by German psychologist Max Wertheimer, emerges as an influential school of thought in America.

Who founded the American Psychological Association


Carl Rogers the school of thought with the radical orientation associated with this famous psychologist


Development Psychology

Looks at human development across the life span. Developmental psychology once focused primarily on child development, but today devotes a great deal of research to adolescence, adulthood and old age Before birth-during birth- Death-tomb

Who conducted a famous and highly controversial study of obedience


Who pioneered the study of classical conditioning and pave the way for behaviorism


School of thought or theory in Psychology states that personality is largely shaped by unconscious thoughts and desires


Sigmund Freud the reticle orientation associated with this famous psychology the school of thought is


Industrial and Organizational psychology

Psychologists in this area perform a wide variety of tasks in the world of business and industry. These tasks include running human resources departments working to improve staff morale and attitudes striving to increase job satisfaction ad productivity examining organizational structures and procedures and making recommendations for improvements. eg Productivity job satisfaction

Social psychology game prominence as an area of research in 1963 with the publication of - - - - controversial studies on obedience

Stanley Milgram

The school of thought or the radical orientation associated with this famous psychologist Wilhelm wundt


Educational Psychology

Studies how people learn and the best ways to teach them. Examines curriculum design, teacher training, student motivation, classroom diversity, and other aspects of the educational process. eg: how people of all ages learn

Cognitive (Jean Piaget) (Noam Chomsky) (Herbert Simon)

Thought, mental processes Info processing style eg: what if problems Human behavior cannot be fully understood without examining how people acquire store, and process information.

__________ believed that psychology should be the science of behavior and that mental process cannot be studied scientifically since they cannot be observed

William James

The person who founded the first psychological Laboratory


Ivan Pavlov (1904)

a Russian physiologist, shows that dogs can be trained to salivate in response to the stimulus of a tone. the simple demonstration shows how stimulus-response bonds can be formed and launches the study of classical conditioning.

Clinical Psychology

clinical psychologists are concerned with the evaluation diagnosis and treatment of individuals with psychological disorder as well as treatment of less severe behavioral and emotional problems Principal activities include interviewing clients psychological testing eg: diagnosis and treatment to make you feel beter

Psychology is Empirical Theme1

empiricism is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation

Wundt's students

fan out across Germany and America, establishing the research laboratories that form the basis for the new science of psychology.

Social Psychology

focuses on interpersonal behavior and the role of social forces in governing behavior. Typical topics include attitude formation, attitude change, prejudice, conformity, attraction, aggression, and behavior in groups. eg: how groups effects an individual - mob action

Gestalt psychology

focusing mainly on the study fo perception, Gestalt psychology is based on the premise that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Sigmund Freud's

increasing influence receives formal recognition when G. Stanley invites the Austrian Psychoanalyst to America to give a series of lectures.


influence continues to build as he publishes New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis in 1933. The growing popular acceptance of psychoanalytic theory pushes mainstream psychology to explpre new topics such as personality and abnormal behavior.


is concerned with the measurement of behavior and capacities, usually through the development of psychological tests. Psychometrics is involved with the design o tests to assess personality intelligence and a wide range of abilities It is also concerned with the development of new techniques for statistical analysis.


is interested in describing and understanding individuals consistency in behavior, which represents their personality. This area of interest is also concerned with the factors that shape personality and with personality assessment eg: Individual Characteristics

Freud's thesis

is that personality is largely shaped by unconscious thoughts and desires and by how people cope with their sexual urges. His PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY is highly controversial.

G. Stanley Hall

is the driving force behind the establishment of the American Psychological Association and is elected its first president.

Pavlov's discover

paves the way for stimulus=response psychology & behaviorism.

William James (1890)

publishes principles of Psychology. James argues that consciousness consists of a continuous flow of thoughts, or what he calls " stream of consciousness. His views spawn a school of thought called FUNCTIONISM, which is based on the belief that psychology should investigate the functions of consciousness rather than it's structure.

School psychology

school psychologists strive to promote the cognitive, emotional and social development of children in schools. they usually work in elementary of secondary schools where they test and counsel children having difficulties in school and aid parents nd teachers in solving school related problem

Wundt defines psychology

scientific study of conscious experience. his views spawn psychology's first major school of thought, called structuralism, which asserts that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements

Wilhelm Wundt 1879

set up the first formal lab for research in psychology at the university of Leipzig in Germany & campaigns to establish psychology as an independent discipline.

Counseling Psychology

sounseling psychology overlaps with clinical psychology in that specialist in both areas engage in similar activities interviewing testing and providing therapy. However counseling psychologists usually work with a somewhat different clientele, providing assistance to people struggling with everyday problems of moderate severity. thus, they often specialize in family marital or career counseling eg: school counselors for daily living

Margaret Floy Washburn (1908)

the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology publishes The Animal Mind, which serves as an impetus to the subsequent emergence of Behaviorism and the rise of animal research in psychology.

Psychoanalytic (Sigmund Freud) (Carl Jung) (Alfred Adler)

unconscious determinants of behavior relationships mom/dad Unconscious motives and experiences in early childhood govern personality and mental disorders.

Humanistic (Carl Rogers) (Abraham Maslow)

unique aspects of human experience Humans are free, rational beings with the potential for personal growth, and they are fundamentally different from animals. All you can be & and where you are lacking eg: albert Enstiene lacking is social life.

Lewis Terman

world war1 creates a huge demand of mental testing of military recruits. the war and the 1916 publication of Lewis Terman's Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale combine to make psychological testing a routine activity for psychologist.

John B. Watson

writes, mental processed are not a suitable subject for scientific study because they cannot b observed. He argues ta psychology should redefine itself as the science of behavior. His work launches behaviorism and contributes to the growth of animal research

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