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I wait/he,she waits


Il mio/la mia— singular object is mine. Also depends on masc/fem I miei/le mie— multiple objects are mine Sono/È mio/mia/miei— are/is mine masc/fem Finché— mine È mia— is mine Non è mio— isn't mine I cani sono i miei— the dogs are mine I miei— my (words that end in I as in guanti)


It is


Lascia— she Lasciamo— we



Piacere di conoscerla (formal) conoscerti (informal)

Nice to meet you

Chi non risica, non rosica

No risk, no reward

Find (Trov—)

Trovo— I find Troviamo— we find Trovate— you find Trovi— Trovano—

Come (vien—)

Tu vieni— you come


~La ragazza/le ragazzi ~Il ragazzo/i ragazzi ~Il giornale/i giornali ~L'elefante/gli elefanti ~Animale/animali ~Feminine singular ends in a, plural changes to e; masculine changes from o to i. Some nouns end in e and change to i. ~Quanti siete— How many of you are there? ~La bambina/Il bambino/I bambini


~Loro leggono— they read ~Voi leggete il libro— you (all) read the 📖 book ~Leggiamo il libro— we read the 📖 book ~Leggi— you read (singular) ~Lei legge— she reads ~Lui legge— he reads ~Chi legge— who reads ~Noi leggiamo— we read ~Loro leggono— they read ~(Io) Leggo— I read ~Libro— 📖 book ~Giornale— 📰 newspaper ~(Tu) Leggi— you read ~Loro leggono i nostri libro— they read our 📚 books ~Lèggevo— I was reading ~Leggevano— they were reading ~Leggendo— (was) reading, past tense ~Libro— book 📖 ~Giornale— newspaper 📰

Food/Beverage, CONTINUED

~Panini— sandwiches ~Anatra— duck ~Ricetta— recipe ~Burro— butter ~(La) bevanda— (the) beverage ~La piata— (the) plate ~(Il) pollo— the chicken 🐓 ~Cipolla— onion ~Tacchino— turkey ~Cibo— food ~(Un) fagiola— a bean ~Arancia— orange🍊 ~La cuoca/cuoco—the cook ~Crema al cioccolato— chocolate custard ~Cucino as "I cook the —" (verb) ~Cuoco as "I am the cook" (subject) ~Pasto— meal ~Insalata— salad ~Funghi— mushrooms 🍄 ~taglia— cuts (present tense) ~Acido (pr ah-chee-doe)— sour ~Verdura (pr vair-doo-ruh)— vegetables ~Sono nel piatto— are on the plate ~Verdura— vegetables 🌽 ~Pasta— pasta 🍝 ~Salsiccia— sausage ~Maiale— pork


~Una tazza (cup) ~Una bottiglia (bottle) ~una bambina 👶 ~un bambino 👶 ~una forchetta 🍴 ~una ciotolla (bowl)


—iate you, present tense (eating) —osco/io I —ia he/she —iamo we —iano/ono they, present tense —i you — who —a —


(I libri) sono nostri— (the books) are ours (Le gatte) sono le nostre— (The cats) are ours Il nostro gatto non mangia zucchero— our cat does not eat sugar Io ho la nostra (mucca)— I have our cow È nostro— it's ours


(La) famiglia— family (I) Genitori— (the)parents Sorella— sister (La) Madre— (the)mother (Il)Padre— father Fratelli/fratello— brother(s) Figlio— son (La) moglie/mogli— the wife/wives (Il) marito— the husband (I) nonni— the grandparents Cugini— /cousins Nipote— nephew Zia— aunt Nome— name Cognome— surname

You all

(Voi) bevete— you all drink Aspettate— wait Volete— (Voi) siette— (you all) are (plural)


1) Voi siete— y'all are 2) Noi siamo— we are 3) Tu sei— you are 4) Loro sono— they are 5) Io sono— I am 6) Lui/lei è— he/she is 7) Io cucino— I cook 8) Tu cucini— you cook 9) Lui/lea cucina— he/she cooks 10) Noi cuciniamo— we cook 11) Voi cucinale— y'all cook 12) Loro cucinano— they cook 13) Non ho— I do not have 14) La sua— her 15) Mio— my/mine 16) La nostra— ours 17) Il suo/I suoi— his 19) Il Loro— their 20) I tuoi— yours 21) Voi— you all 22) Ragno sullo stivale— (spider on the boot) sullo (on the) follows the o in ragno, not the e in stivale 23) E— it/he/she is (pronoun optional) 24) Tardi vs Ritardo— tardi is used according to the time being late. Ritardo is used as a person or an item (train/plane) is late. 25) A/Al/etc— these will go in front of mio, etc, as in the Italian sentence structure: 'to him the elephants are pleasing' as opposed to the English 'he likes the elephants'. Therefore, the word 'to' must be used at the beginning. 26) Spiacente/mi dispiace/scusa— spiacente is formal, mi dispiace, informal, scusa to get attention or, for example, if you step on their foot. 27)

We —amo— ending for "let's" or "we"

Abbiamo— we have Andiamo— let's/we go/we are going Apriamo— we open Arriviamo— we come from Aspettiamo— wait for Abitiamo (or viviamo)— we live Chiamiamo— we call Chiediamo— we ask Compriamo— buy Conosciamo— we know (re: person) Crediamo— we believe Decidiamo— decide Diamo— we give Facciamo— we make Finiamo— we finish Guardiamo— we look Lasciamo— we leave Mettiamo— we put Moriamo— we die Parliamo— we speak Passiamo— we pass/spend (Noi non) Possiamo— we can(not) Prendiamo— we get Proviamo— we try Sappiamo— we know (re: knowledge) Seguiamo— we follow Senteamo— we hear Sentiamo— we feel (Noi) siamo— (we) are Troviamo— we find Usiamo— we use Vediamo— we see Viviamo (or abitiamo)— we live Vogliamo— we want Siamo a cena— we are at 🍲

Italian to English

Abbiamo— we have Abitiamo in— we live in Abito a— I live in Accanto— next Adesso— now Ai— to the Aiuto— help Al— of (gelato al cioccolato) Alcuni— some All'improvviso— suddenly Altri— other Allontana—walks away (Qualcos') altro— (something) else Amica/o— friend Anche a me— i also Anch'io— me too Ancora— still Andando— going Andartene/andare— leave/to go Andate— go Apassionata— passionate Appure— or not Appuntamento— appointment/date Aprite— open Arrivate— you arrive Arrivederci— goodbye (formal) Ascolto— keeps listening Avete— Do you have Avermi— inviting me Avrai— you'll have Avvicina— approaches her Bene— (I'm doing) well Bensì— rather/but Bevanda— beverage (Ho) Bisogno— (I) need Buonanotte— good night 😴 Buonasera— good evening 🌇 Buongiorno—good morning Calmati— calm down Cammina— is walking Capaci— capaci Capo— boss Certo— sure, of course Che— while/and Che ćè— what's up (kay cheh—like chair) Che schifo— yuck Chi— who (Sì)chiama— her name is Chiama— calls (she) Chiamo— name Chiede/chiedo/chiede— ask Chitarrista— guitarist Ciao- hello/goodbye (informal) Coltello— knife 🔪 Come dice— excuse me Come sta/stai— how are you Comprarla— to buy Con— with Conosco— know Contadino— farmer Contento— happy Conto— check or bill Corre— runs Cosa— what/thing??? Costoso— expensive Dà— gives Da— since D'accordo— alright Da grande— when I grow up (Va) Dai/dalle— from the Dall'— from Danza— dancing Dei— of Dimenticare— to forget Deprimente— depressing Devi/o— you/I must Di— okay Dicono— they say Di dovè sie (pr sigh)— where are you from Difficile— difficult Dimmi— tell me Dispiace— sorry Diventa/o— becomes Divertente— fun Dobbiamo essere— we have to be Doppio— double Dopo— after Dov'— where Dovevi— you had to Dovrei andare— I'd have to go Durante— during E- is (lui [he]/lea [she]) Ecco— well Ecco qua— here you go Ed— and È di— is from È in panne— broke down Emergente— new Entrare— È un/una— It is a Essendo— being Fa/fai— makes Facile— easy Fame— hunger/hungry Finestra— window Fare— (I want) to be a Favore— favor Felice— happy Figlia/figlio/figli — daughter/son/children Finché— until Fine settimana— weekend Formaggio— cheese Fra— in a Fuori— outside Genitore/i— parent(s) Ghiaccio— ice Giardino— your garden Giornata— (perfect) day Gli— the (plural) Gratis— free Grazie mille— thanks so much Hai— (do) you have Hai ragione— you're right Ho— have I— the (masculine; plural) Il— the singular (masculine) Il proprio— his/her own Il tuo— your Impariamo— (we) will learn Impegnato— busy Iniziata— start Indossi— wear Interessante— interesting Interessantissima— very interesting Invece— lives in 🏠 La gente— people Largo— big Lasciamo/lascia/lasio— departs/leaves Lei e— she's from Lenta— slow Letto— bed Limpido— clear (day, water, not understanding) Loro (sono) —they (are) Lui/lei ha un— does he/she have a Lungo— long Ma— but Macchina— car 🚙🚗 (Mi) Manca— (I'm) missing Malata— (his/her) sick (grandma) Mangiare— to eat Mentra— while Meravigliosa/o— marvelous Metto— put Mi manca— I'm missing Mie— my/me Mentre— lose Molto— very Negozio— store Nei— on the Niente— nothing/not have anything (E) nel— (it is) in the No— no Non— not Non e— it is not Non proprio— not exactly Non sembra— he/she does seem Noi siamo— we're from Non sono— they are not Nostri— our Nostra— ours Nuotata— swimming O/oppure— or Ora— hour/now Ospedale— hospital Pagare— to pay Parla— talks Passiamo— we spend (time) (Ho) Paura— (I'm)scared Per favore— please Pericolosa— dangerous Pensa/pensano— think Perché— both because AND why Perdi— lose Perdo— that Per fare— to make Piacerè— pleased to meet you Piace— like Po— some/a little Pochi— few Pochino— (a) bit Portano— take Potete— we can't Prendere— to take Prendiamo— we take/get Prime— first Programma— planned Propria/propri/proprio— (personal pronoun) own Proprio— really Prossimo/a— next week Può— can Qualcos'/a— something Quanta/Quanto— how much Quando— when Quante— how many Queste— these Qui— here Quindi— so Rende— she makes Rimango— remain Rivolge— talks Rumore— noise Sa/Sai— know Salato— salty Sale— salt Sarà— it'll be Sbaglio— mistake Scienza— science Se— if Sei— you are Secondo— according to Segue— follows Sei- are (tu [you]) Sente— hears Sento— hear singular Serve/servano— need Si— yes Sia— both/is Sie (pr say) di— are you from Siamo— are plural (noi [we]) Silenziosa— silent Sola— only one Soldi— money Sono - am Sono— they are (plural) are they Sopra— over Sotto— under, before Spaventare— scare Specialita— speciality Spiacente- sorry Spiaggia— beach Sta— is/stays Stamattina— this morning Stanco/a— tired Stanno— are (how are you) Stanza— room Stavolta— this time Sta parlando— he's talking Stillando— it's ringing Sto bene— I'm well Sto venendo— I'm coming Subito— go back Sul serio— seriously Sulla/sul— on (the) Sveglia— stay awake Taglio/a— cut Tantissimo/a— I'm/he's-she's so sorry Tanto— a lot Tavolo— table Te— you Tè— tea Tenda— tent Tenermi— to stay Tengono/tengo/tenete— keep Tesoro— sweetheart Ti presento mia— this is my Tieni— here you go Ti prego— I beg you Ti va— do you feel like having Torno/a— returns, go back Totale— total Tra— between Tranne— except Trent'anni— 30 yrs old Triste— sad Troppo— too much Tu (singular) sei— you from Le tue (pr lay too ee)— your (belonging to you) Tuoi— yours Tutto bene— very well (everything good) Ufficio— office Un- a Una- an Un'altra— another Un'idea— an idea Vacanze/vacanza— vacation Vado— go Vanno— they go from Vede/Vedo— see(s) Vedere— to watch Velocemente— quickly Venire— to come Venite/viene/vengo/veniamo— come Veramente— really Vero— true Verso— to Viaggio di nozze— honeymoon trip Viene— coming Viene (dagli/dalla)— comes from Voglio— I want Voi (informal)— you Voi (plural) siete— (you all) Volete— want Vorrei— I'd like Vuole/vogliono (they)— wants/want Vuoi— you want Zuccherata— with sugar Zucchero— sugar

Italian to English

Abbiamo— we have Abitiamo in— we live in Abito a— I live in Ai— to the Al— of (gelato al cioccolato) Alcuni— some Amica— friend Amore— sweetheart Anche a me— i also Anch'io— me too Ancora— still Andando— going Andate— go Apassionata— passionate Appure— or not Appuntamento— appointment/date Aprite— open Arrivederci— goodbye (formal) Aspetto— I wait Avete— Do you have Bene— (I'm doing) well Bensì— rather/but Bevanda— beverage Bisogno— need Buonanotte— good night 😴 Buonasera— good evening 🌇 Buongiorno—good morning Caspita— wow Certo— sure, of course Che— while/and Che c'è— what's up Che schifo— yuck Chi— who (Sì)chiama— her name is Chiama— calls (she) Chiamo— name Chiede/chiedo/chiede— ask Ciao- hello/goodbye (informal) Coltello— knife 🔪 Come sta/stai— how are you Con— with Conosco/conosciamo/etc— know Contentissima/o/i— very happy Corre— runs Dà— gives (Va) Dai/dalle— from the Dall'— from Davvero— for real Dei— of Devo— I must Di— okay Di dovè sie (pr sigh)— where are you from Difficile— difficult Dimmi— tell me Dispiace— sorry Diventa/o— becomes Dopo— after Dov'— where Durante— during E- is (lui [he]/lea [she]) Ecco— well Ecco qua— here you go Ed— and È di— is from È un/una— It is a Fa/fai— makes Fame— hunger/hungry Favore— favor Felice— happy Figlia/figlio/figli — daughter/son/children Finché— until Formaggio— cheese Fra— in a Ghiaccio— ice Guisto— right Gli— the (plural) Ho— have I— the (masculine; plural) Il— the singular (masculine) Il proprio— his/her own Il tuo— your Insieme— together Interessante— interesting Interessantissima— very interesting Invece— lives in 🏠 Lasciamo/lascia/lasio— departs/leaves Lei e— she's from Loro (sono) —they (are) Lui/lei ha un— does he/she have a Lungo— long Macchina— car 🚙🚗 Mangiare— to eat Mentra— while Metto— put Mi manca— I'm missing Mie— my/me Mentre— lose Molto— very (old/antique) Nei— on the (E) nel— (it is) in the No— no Non— not Non e— it is not Non proprio— not exactly Noi siamo— we're from Non sono— they are not Nostri— our Nostra— ours O/oppure— or Paio— pair Parla— talks Per favore— please Perché— both because AND why Perdi— lose Perdo— that Per fare— to make Piacerè— pleased to meet you Piace— like Pochi— few Portano/porto/etc— take Potete— we can't Prendere— to take Propria/propri/proprio— (personal pronoun) own Proprio— really Può— can Qui— here Quanta/Quanto— how much Quando— when Quante— how many Queste— these Resta— He remains Rimango— remain Rivolge— talks Sa/Sai— know Salato— salty Sale— salt Sappiamo/etc— know Se— if Sei— you are Secondo— according to Segue— follows Sei- are (tu [you]) Sente/o— hear(s) Sentiamo— feel Serve/servano— need Si— yes Sia— both/is Sie (pr say) di— are you from Siamo— are plural (noi [we]) Silenziosa— silent Sola— only one Soldi— money Sono - am Sono— they are (plural) are they Spaventare— scare Specialita— speciality Spiacente- sorry Sta— is/stays Stanno— are (how are you) Stamattina— this morning Stanza— room Stavolta— this time Sto bene— I'm well Sulla— on Taglio/a— cut Tantissimo/a— I'm/he's-she's so sorry Tavolo— table Tengono/tengo/tenete— keep Tesoro— sweetheart Ti presento mia— this is my Tieni— here you go Tra— between Tranne— except Triste— sad Troviamo/etc— Tu (singular) sei— you from Le tue (pr lay too ee)— your (belonging to you) Tuoi— yours Tutto bene— very well (everything good) Un- a Una- an Un'altra— another Un'idea— an idea Vacanze/vacanza— vacation Vado— go Vede/Vedo/vediamo/etc— see(s) Vedere— to watch Venire— to come Venite/viene/vengo/veniamo— come Verso— to Viaggio di nozze— honeymoon trip Viene/vieni— come/coming Viene dagli— comes from Voi (informal)— you Voi (plural) siete— (you all) Volete— want Vuole/vogliono (they)— wants/want Vuoi— you want Zuccherata— with sugar Zucchero— sugar




Ai/Al/allo/all'— at the/to the Come— as a Fra— in a — for the O— or Ma— but Nè— neither/nor Se— if So— know Ed/Sia/E— and Bensì— but (I don't drink this, BUT that), rather Oppure— or/o Fino— as far as Sul— on the Che— that (you know that) — both Nel mio— on my Perché— because/why Sei— are you Non so sei— don't know if Sulla/sulle/sull'— on Su— up D'— of Dal— from the Sui— in the Su di— about Tra— between Sullo/sulle/sui/nei— on the — are you Sta— is Fa/fai— ago/makes Dello/della/del/degli— (want some?) of the Allo— to the Vuoi dello— do you want Per la— for the Voi siete— you are Nè— neither/nor Finché non— until Viene/vengono— comes from Dall'/dallo/dagli/da— to/from the D'— of Sull'/Su— on Con/col— with Fra— in Tra— between Senza— without Da/ad— to Dopo— after Va verso— goes towards Tranne— except for Nonostante— despite Entro— before/by Durante— during Finisco— I finish A— at Viene tra— comes between Alle— to the (fem) Degli— any (do you have ___) Caspita— wow Anch'io— I also Serve— I need Viene— is coming Voglio— I want Sola— only Sullo/sui— on the Andare— to go Vedere— to watch Va bene- okay O— or Sui— in the Lo stesso— the same Sinistra— left Ai/Al— to the Se sei— if you are Non so sei— don't know if Trovate/troviamo— found/we find Allo— at the Negli— in the Va nell'— goes in the Ai/Al— to the Sul/sullo/sul'/nei— on the Sui— in the Nel/nello— on or in the Tenete— you keep Per un ora— for an hour Non— do not Ha il— has the Dai— from the Ed— is from Di suo— of her/his Fa la— makes (the) Oppure— or Sappiamo— we know Finché— until Se— if Bensì— but/rather a Sia— both/and (as in "both {sia} the boy and {sia} the girl) Vogliono— (they) want Mentre— while I Nè— neither/nor Io uso— I use Dei/Delle— some Dei/Dell'— of the (depends on if the word starts with a vowel) Fino a quando— until when Farti— ask you Ti va— you'd like Di venire— to come


Ai/Al/allo/all'— at the/to the Come— as a Fra— in a — for the O— or Ma— but Nè— neither/nor Se— if So— know Ed/Sia/E— and Bensì— but (I don't drink this, BUT that), rather Oppure— or/o Fino— as far as Sul— on the Che— that (you know that) — both Nel mio— on my Perché— because/why Sei— are you Non so sei— don't know if Sulla/sulle/sull'— on Su— up D'— of Dal— from the Sui— in the Su di— about Tra— between Sullo/sulle/sui/nei— on the — are you Sta— is Fa/fai— ago/makes Dello/della/del/degli— (want some?) of the Allo— to the Vuoi dello— do you want Per la— for the Voi siete— you are Nè— neither/nor Finché non— until Viene/vengono— comes from Dall'/dallo/dagli/da— to/from the D'— of Sull'/Su— on Con/col— with Fra— in Tra— between Senza— without Da/ad— to Dopo— after Va verso— goes towards Tranne— except for Nonostante— despite Entro— before/by Durante— during Finisco— I finish A— at Viene tra— comes between Alle— to the (fem) Degli— any (do you have ___) Caspita— wow Anch'io— I also Serve— I need Viene— is coming Voglio— I want Sola— only Sullo/sui— on the Andare— to go Vedere— to watch Va bene- okay O— or Sui— in the Lo stesso— the same Sinistra— left Ai/Al— to the Se sei— if you are Non so sei— don't know if Trovate/troviamo— found/we find Allo— at the Va nell'— goes in the Ai/Al— to the Sul— on the Nel/nello/Negli— on or in the Tenete— you keep Per un ora— for an hour Non— do not Ha il— has the Dai— from the Ed— is from Di suo— of her/his Fa la— makes (the) Oppure— or Sappiamo— we know Finché— until Se— if Bensì— but/rather a Sia— both/and (as in "both {sia} the boy and {sia} the girl) Vogliono— (they) want Mentre— while I Nè— neither/nor Io uso— I use Dei/Delle— some Dei/Dell'— of the (depends on if the word starts with a vowel) Fino a quando— until when


Al/Ai— at/to the Sul/Nel— on the Nello— in the In— on the?


Appartamento— apartment Apro— I open Asciugamani— towels (gli) Bagno— bathroom (il) Balcone— balcony Cancelli/o— gate(s) (i) Casa— house (la) Chiava/i— (la) key (le) keys Coperta— blanket Cortile— (court) yard Cuscini— pillows Dentifricio— toothpaste (il) Divano— sofa Doccia— shower Entrata— entrance Finestra— window (la) Forno— oven (il) Frigorifero— refrigerator Giocattolo— toy (il) Lampada— lamp (la) Lenzuola— bed sheets (le) Letto— bed (il) Limpida— clear Luce— light (la) Mobili— furniture Muri— walls (i) Pavimento— floor (il) Porta— door (la) Qui— here Rasoio— razor Riscaldamento— warming up, heating Sapone— soap Scala— ladder Scale— stairs (sulle-on the) Sciampo— shampoo (lo) Scrivania— desk (la) Sedia/seggiola— chair (la), my chair Sofà— couch Spazzolini— toothbrushes Specchio— mirror (lo) Stanza— room (la) Tappeto— rug (il) Tavolo— table (il) Telefono— phone (il) Tenda— curtain or tent Tetto— roof (il) Vasca— bath Vasca da bagno— bath (la)


As far as


A— ah B— bē C— chē D— dē E— eh F— eff- ā G— gē I— ē or L— el-uh M— em-ā N— en-ā O— ō & as in or P— pē Q— as in coo R— air-ā S— es-ā T— tē U— oo V— vū Z— sss (like hissing) Missing are H (no sound) while J,K,W,X & Y are considered foreign letters. C's & G's are hard in front of vowels except for E and I, where they have a soft sound. As Giulia (soft g, j sound), Liguria (hard G), Sicilia (Sicily, soft c with ch sound), Marche (hard c, pr mar-k) Next to last syllables tend to be where the words are stressed. But some are stressed on the 3rd to last. Accents may either go up or down, depending on the word. As in "perchè", pronounced pair-KAY with accent at end. Essere— to be GN— is pronounced nya (as in lasagna. G is silent) CH— k GL—







Sentences, cont

Chi vuole un panino— who wants a sandwich Quali sono— which ones are they Quanto pane mangi— how much bread do you eat Quanti caffè bevi— how much coffee do you drink Quanta acqua bevi— how much water do you drink Decidiamo entro pranzo— we decide by lunch Il cane va verso il gatto— The dog goes towards the cat Quali uomini leggono il giornale— which man read the newspaper Quanti panini mangiate— how many sandwiches are you eating La tigre e la tua— The tiger is yours Chi legge— Who reads Quante donne mangiano nel ristorante— how many women eat in the restaurant È il nostro— it is ours Non sappiamo se hanno cibo vegetariano— We do not know if they have vegetarian food Troviamo una calza fra le scarpa— we find a sock among the shoes Vanno allo zoo dopo pranzo— they go to the zoo after lunch A chi piace il gusto del pesce— Who likes the flavor of fish Sono contro di loro— I am against them Andiamo fino al ristorante— we go as far as the restaurant Fino a quando— until when Il cameriere aspetta fino a cena— The waiter waits until dinner Mangio una delle tue mele— I eat one of your apples Il gatto della ragazza è bianco— The girls cat is white Loro danno l'acqua all'animale— they give water to the animal A loro non piacciono i cavalli— they do not like horses La limonata è nelle bottiglie— The lemonade is in the bottles Tu sai che non posso— you know that I can't Voglio che tu mangi— I want you to eat No mi dispiace— no sorry Lei non sa se viene o va— she doesn't know if she's coming or going

Say something Italian

Ciao! Come stai?! (Vuoi sente l'italiano?) Noi ceniamo di la mia fratello, mia sorella e il mio marito, perché senza i figli. Finiamo prima di mezzanotte. Grazie! A presto, ciao! Ciao, Susan! Come stai?! Vuoi sente l'italiano? È il compleanno di mia sorella. È per lei ceniamo insieme nel ristorante, perché senza il mio marito. Lui lavore. Ma finiamo prima di mezzanotte! Evan ha la scuola nella mattina. Felice compleanno Kristen!


Contadino— farmer Fattoria— farm Guardia/e— guard/s Pagliaccio— clown Architetto— architect Pescatore— fisherman Conduttore— presenter Ingegnere— engineer Conduttrice— anchorwoman Avvocato— attorney Meccanici— mechanic Poliziotti— policemen Direttrice— manager Postino— mailman Idraulico— plumber Capitano— captain Dottore— doctor Ricercatori— researchers Scrittrice— writer Operai— workers Segretaria— secretary Specialità— specialty

Sentences, cont

Cosa vuoi mangiare— what you want to eat Anch'io— so am I Ho un'idea— I have an idea Mi servono dei soldi— I need some money Ecco qua— here you go Di più— more Macchina- car Metto ghiaccio nei bicchieri— I put ice in the glasses Gli insetti entrano negli stivali— The insects enter the boots Perché non chiedi al cameriere una pasta in bianco— why don't you ask the waiter for plain pasta Noi non possiamo— we cannot Andiamo fino al ristorante— we go as far as the restaurant I minuti e le ore passano— The minutes and the hours pass La limonata è nelle bottiglie— the lemonade is in the bottle (Fai come) vuoi— (do as) you please È un splendida giornata— it is a beautiful day Non ce la passo fare— I can't do it


Danno— they give


Dei— of Come— how Ghiaccio— ice Famè— hungry Compriamo— buy Gioielleria — jewelry Sua— his Tue— your Suo — its (as in 'the cow eats it's grass) Nostri— our Al— at the Cucciao (chew-cho-oh)— idiot Sono— I am Hanno— have Teneva— holding Così— like this Migliore— best Cittadino— citizen Della— of Entrambe— both Devo— I must Prendo— I take Dagli uomini— from the men L'insegnante— the teacher Perdo— lose Senź— without Fai come vuoi— do as you please

They Ends in —no or —i or —te

Dicono— they say Chiamano— they call Pensano— they think Arrivano/arrivi— they arrive Prendono— they take Vogliono— they want Credono— they believe Tengono— they keep Vivono/Vivano— they live Lavorano— they work Muoiono— they die Danno— they give Hanno— they have Possono— they can't Segue— follows Seguono— they follow Credono— they believe Scrivono— they write Vogliono— they want Piacciono— (the boy) likes A loro non piacciono i cavalli— they don't like horses


Durante— during Sulla— on Tranne— except Alcune— some Pensa— thinks Come— like Chiedo— I ask Tranne— except Entro— by Da— since Conosco— know Divento— become Porto— port Diventa— becomes Dice— says Sento— hear


Faccio cose— I do things Vedo gente— I see people Non se ne va mai— he never goes away Fai come dico non come faccio— do as I say not as I do Non sappiamo perchè— we do not know why Fai come vuoi— do as you please Cos'è fai— what do you do Nessuno mi capiva— nobody understood me Sono una nonna fortunata— I am a lucky grandmother Fa caldo al sud— it's hot in the south Chiama le tue sorelle— call you Fai come vuoi— Do as you please Sono al verde— I am broke Come stai— how are you Lei non sa se viene o va- she does not know if she's coming or going Ma perché— but why Dove stanno— where are they Non parlò mentre mangio— I do not talk while I eat Non puoi finché non finisci la cena— You cannot until you finish your dinner Lui dice che può— he says that he can Sei mio finché non muoio— you are mine until I die I pesci vivono nell'acqua— Fish live in water Hai un minuto — do you have a minute La tua bevanda non ha ghiaccio— your drink has no ice I miei gatti bevono il latte— my cats drink milk Lei non è mia— she's not mine Il caffè è tuo— the coffee is yours I cani sono i miei— the dogs are mine Il gatto non è mio— the cats not mine Compriamo i pantaloni neri— we buy the black pants Il cameriere ha una camicia grigia— The waiter has a gray shirt Lui dice che può— he says that he can Dove siete— where are you Cosa sono— what am I Chi sei— who are you Sei vegetariano oppure no— are you a vegetarian or not Cucino sia la carne sia la verdura— I cook both the meat and the vegetables Loro vogliono che tu mangi pesce— they want you to eat fish Lui vuole che tu mangi una mela— he wants you to eat an apple Voi entrate— you enter Quanti siete— how many of you are there Quanti panini mangiate— how many sandwiches are you eating Scrivo l'ingrediente sulle bottiglie— I write the ingredient on the bottles Cos'è— what is it Chi è lei— who is she Chi beve— who drinks Mangio una delle tue mele— I eat one of your apples Della/delle/etc— of the Ho il piatto dell'uomo— I have the man's plate Mi hai fatto odiare me stessa— you made me hate myself Due mesi fa sono andate in— two months ago I went to Ho due libri per questo corso— I have two books for this course La strada più sicura è quella sulla sinistra— The safest road is that one on the left Quanti siete— how many of you are there La donna vive lungo l'acqua— The woman lives along the water Se sei un ragazzo non sei un uomo— if you are a boy you are not a man Andiamo fino al ristorante— we go as far as the restaurant Non vado se lui va— I don't go if he goes

Months, Time

Gennaio— January Febbraio— February Marzo— March Aprile— April Maggio— May Giugno— June Luglio— July Agosto— August Settembre— September Ottobre— October Novembre— November Dicembre— December Domenica— Sunday Lunedì- Monday Martedì— Tuesday Mercoledi— Wednesday Giovedì— Thursday Venerdì— Friday Sabato— Saturday Entro— before Ieri— yesterday Mattina— morning Mezzogiorno — noon Notte— night Stanotte/stasera— tonight/evening La sera— in the evening Mezzanotte— midnight Domani— tomorrow Secondi— seconds Ora/ore— hour(s) or now Giorni/giorno — days/day Ogni giorno— every day Settimana/settimanalmente— week/weekly Prossimo/a— next week Mese/mesi— month/months Anni— years Decennio/decenni— decade Secoli— centuries Inverno— winter Primavera— spring Estate— summer Autunno— autumn Data— date Compleanno— birthday Festa/feste— party/parties Tempo— time Calendario— calendar Ritardo/tardi/ritardi— late/delays Fa— ago A presto— see you soon Tempo— time Calendario— calendar (Il mio numero è— my number is) Zero (zed-ō)— 0 Uno— 1 Due (do-ā)— 2 Tre (tray)— 3 Quattro— 4 Cinque (cheen-quay)— 5 Sei (say)— 6 Sette (set-ā)— 7 Otto— 8 Nove (no-vay)— 9 Dieci (dee-etch-ee)— 10 Undici (oon-dee-chee)— 11 Dodici (doe-dee-chi)— 12 Tredici (tray-dee-chi)— 13 Quattordici (quat-or-dee-chi)— 14 Quindici (quin-dee-chi)— 15 Sedici (say-dee-chi)— 16 Diciassette (dee-chah-set-ā)— 17 Diciotto (deech-otto)— 18 Diciannove (deech-ah-no-vay)— 19 The tens Dieci— 10 Venti— 20's Trenta (trin-trah)— 30's Quaranta (quar-ant-uh)— 40's Cinquanta(cheen-quanta)— 50's Sessanta (say-sahn-tuh)— 60's Settanta (set-ahn-tuh)— 70's Ottanta (oh-ahn-tah)— 80's Novanta (no-vahn-tah)— 90's Cento (chin-toe)— 100 **Numbers from 11-16 are the actual numbers adding -dici (10) at the end. From 17-19, it's reversed with dici- at the beginning. From the 20's-100, simply add the '10' number followed by the single digit. For example, 99 is noventa(90) nove(9) or novantanove(99) and 56 is cinquanta (50) sei (6), or 56 (cinquantasei). The final vowel may be dropped if it starts with a vowel, for example 21 is ventuno (or venti [20] minus the i and add uno [the 1], or 38 is trentotto [or trenta [30] minus the a and add zero [0]. Tomebowluh(sp) game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter help— Cosa fai— what are you doing Faccio/facciamo— I/we make In— in La/le— the (spring, summer, etc) Metto— I wear/put on Aspetto/aspettano— (I, they) wait Di— at — for Hai— do you have Quanti— how many Abbiamo— we have Divent/o/a/ano/iamo— become/s Cosa fai— what are you doing


How do


How many


How many


How much

Non ce la posso fare

I can't do it

Non so

I don't know


Io cucino👩‍🍳 👨‍🍳 Io taglio (cut) Io chiamo— I call Abito— I live Mettevo— I was putting Aspetto— I wait Prendo— I take Posso— I can Anch'io— me too/I also Io ho— I have Porta— wears my Aspetto— I wait


La propria— theirs/their own Il loro— their È tuo/tuoi— yours Loro— they Le nostre/Il nostro/la nostra— our Vostre/il tuo/le tue/i vostri/la tua— your/yours Il suo— his Le sue— hers La loro/il loro— their I propri/Il suo— his/her own Il proprio— it's/his/her own I miei/la mia— my Noi— we La mia— my (fem) Il mio— my (mas)/mine Quali— which Sono vostre— are they yours La loro— their Le mie— my _____ Mangiate— You eat Your— i tuoi I suoi— her/his ***on my, on your etc is nel/nello + tuoi, miei, etc*** Nel tuo= in my***il tuo (yours), suo (gender), mio (my, mine), etc*** Loro— their ***subject ending determines verb & personal ending***(mele=mie; Proprio/propri, etc— expresses ownership of as his ____. I miei— my _____ Chi sei— who are you

Sentences, cont

La tua torta non ha zucchero— your cake doesn't have sugar Vuoi dello zucchero— do you want sugar Il tuo ristorante ha una griglia— your restaurant has a grill Le tue mucche bevono l'acqua— your cows drink the water I tuoi insetti sono nel mio piatto— your insects are on my plate Il piatto è il tuo piatto— The plate is your plate Voi non venite— you don't come Il cibo è il suo non il mio— The food is his not mine I suoi gatti mangiano il topo— his cats eat the mouse I suoi cani non mangiano il cioccolato— his dogs do not eat chocolate La sua bistecca non ha sale— his steak doesn't have salt L'animale mangia il suo cibo— the animal eats its food Donne mangiano— the women eat Non vado se lui va— I don't go if he goes La formica e sullo zucchero— The ant is on the sugar Loro scrivono su di lei— they write about her Metti dello zucchero nel caffè— do you put some sugar in the coffee Ho i libri degli uomini— I have the men's books Alla donna non piace il colore del vestito— The woman doesn't like the color of the dress È per lei— it's for her È la prima della classe— she is at the top of her class No non potete— no you can't Cosa fai— what do you do L'inverno è da novembre a febbraio— winter is from November to February Settimanalmente— weekly Autunno— autumn Pomeriggio— afternoons Di anni fa— from years ago Quando finisce il periodo— when does the period end Non sappiamo se hanno— we do not know if they have ____ Se sei— if you are Tieni— here you go Bisogno— I need Anch'io— me too Hai degli— have you (any _____) Ti va— do you feel like having Voglio che tu— I want you to Sente un rumore— he hears a noise


Loro mangiano (eat) Loro bevono (drink) Non sono— they are not Abitano— they live Vengono verso— they come toward Noi sono— they are Gli— the (plural) Loro sono— they are Vogliono— they want Prendono— they take Voi aprite— you open Prendiamo— we get


Maglione/maglia— sweater Portafoglia— wallet Abito— suit Divisa— uniform (La) Lana— (the) wool Orologio— clock ⏰ Ombrello— umbrella ☂ Cappello/cappelli— hat/hats Camicie— shirts 👕 👚 Maglia— shirt 👚 Scarpa— shoe 👠 Vestiti— clothes Borsa— bag 💼 Guanti— gloves Cintura— belt Gonna— skirt Abigliamento— clothes Pantaloni— pants 👖 Cappotto— coat Gioielleria— jewelry Cuoio— leather Stivali— boots 👢 Calze— stockings/socks Sandali— sandals Jiacca— jacket Vestito— dress 👗

You, cont

Mettete— you put Tenete— you keep Finisci— you finish Andate— you do go Devi andare— you have to go Chiedi— you ask — if you Cosa fai— what do you do Quanti— how many of you Non vedo se lui va— I don't go if he goes Cosa fai— what do you want


Noi beviamo acqua— we drink water (Voi) bevete l'acqua— (you all) drink water *** (Voi) beviamo acqua— (we all) drink water *** ***bevete/beviamo depends on if you are included but still uses voi. It changes only the verb. (Gli) uomini bevono— (the) men drink, making men & drink in its plural form Voi bevete— you drink (Tu) bevi- (you) drink Bevono— drinks (plural) (Lei) ragazze bevono— (the) girls drink Bevo— I drink (Lei) bevi— (she) drinks (Una) bevanda— (a) beverage Loro beveno— they drink 🍹 Le tue mucche bevono l'acqua— your cows drink the water Quanti caffè bevi — how much coffee do you drink




Parigi— Paris


Pollo 🐓 Gatto/Gatte — 🐈 /🐈🐈 Insetto/insetti (insect/s) Serpente 🐍 Delfino 🐬 Cane 🐩 Cani 🐶 🐶 Ucello 🐦 Uccelli 🐦 🐦 Formica 🐜 Orso 🐻 Farfalle (butterfly) Farfalli (butterflies) Topo 🐁 Tigre 🐅 🐯 Cavallo/Cavalli — 🐴 / 🐎 🐎 Pesci 🐠 Lupo 🐺 wolf Ragno 🕷 (spider) Squalo (shark) Anatra (duck) Scimmia (monkey) Balena 🐳 whale Mosca— fly Tartaruga— turtle

General, continued

Prigione— prison Scritorre— writer Ora— hour Dov'— where Gruppo— group Amici— friends La bambina— the girl Parla— speaks Con se stessa— to herself Quante— how many Quanto— how much Quando— when Come— how do/like Domanda— question Risposta— answer Dove— where (Che) cosa— what Quale— which Chi— who Perche— why Quanto è— how much is it Ogni— each Paese— country Costumè— custom Propri— own Perdere— lose Qualcos— something Altro— else Stanza— room Piena— full Gente— people Persona— person Capace— capable Paese— town Normale— normal Guarda— look Navé— ship Capitano— captain Per un ora— for an hour Quanti— how many Chi— who Fai— make So— know Dá— gives Va— the man goes Trovate— find Entrate— enter Ricordo— remember Mettete-- put Chiede-- ask Porta-- wears my Prende-- gets Rimane-- remains Tenete-- you keep Migliore— better Vuole— he/she wants Dice- says Sai— know Va— goes Lavorano— work Sul— on the Portano— take Penso/Pensa- thinks Piace— like Pista— slope Esame— exam Domani— tomorrow Così— like this Stanza— room Chiede— asks Porta— wears Prendi— take Metto— put Compleanno— birthday Interessante— interesting Cortile— courtyard Preferire— prefer Puoi— can Ma— but Col— with — about Senz'— without Dopo— after Stava— was??? Da— since Un'altra— another Stavolta— this time Anch'io— me too/I also Di dove sei— where are you from Genitori— parents Meraviglioso— wonderful Caspita— wow Sullo— on the Vedi— you see Mettiamo— we put Sui— on the Su— up Ai— to the Pensa— thinks Chiede— asks for Piace— likes Vede— sees Tenete— you keep Chiamo— I call Aspetto— wait Finché— until Vogliono— both want Non trovi— you don't find Sentiamo— feel Contro— versus/against

How much/many

Quanta/quanto— how much Quanti— how many

General, continued

Rimango— remain Diventa— becomes Lascia— leaves Luglio— July Parla— talks Chiede— asks Quante— how many Quanto— how much Quando— when Chi— who Che— and Fa— makes Viene— coming Spaventare— scare Silenziosa— silent Stanza— room Fra— in a Tavolo— table Perdi— lose Sai— know Ed— and Volete— want Chiedo— ask Metto— put Finché— until Appure— or not Sia— both Lungo— long Perché— both because AND why Andate— go Vedo— see Piace— like Vado— go Sa— know Tesoro— sweetheart Salato— salty Segue— follows Sì chiama— her name is Conosco— know Andando— going Ancora— still O/oppure— or Sente— hears Perdo— that Che— while Mentre— lose Tra— between Dei— of Quanta carne— how much meat Secondo— according to Finché— until Sia— is Se— if Bensì— rather/but Viene dagli— comes from Dai/dalle— from the Mentre— while Oppure— or Sia— both Che— and Contro— against Bensì— but (I am not a boy BUT a man) Fa— ago Stanotte— tonight Più— more Sinistra— (the) left Spaventare— scare the _____ Gusto— flavor Lungo— long Durante— during Nonostante— despite Lenta— slow Cura— care Apre— opens Hanno/ho— have Stanca— tired Salato— salty Che schifo— is yuck Senza— without Stavolta— this time Un'altra— another Zuccherata/o/e— with sugar Stamattina— this morning Appuntamento— appointment; date Per fare— to make Un'amica— a friend Sorpresa— surprise Ecco— well La moglie— the wife Secondo— according Chiede— asks for Chi vuole— who wants Su di— about Fra— among Tra— between Sul— on the Con— with Col— with the Sul— on the Mezzogiorno— noon Primavera— spring Da— from Credono— believe Sta— is Dice— says Passo— step Pensa— thinks Dà— gives Chiedo— ask Porto— port Divento— become Lascia— she leaves Come vivono— how do they live Lèggevo— WAS reading Lèggevano— WERE reading Voti— grades Sulle— on their Sui— on the Vivete/vivono/vive— lives and interacts with the environment as opposed to being part of it but, locational Abito/abitare— which is to be a part of your environment, your functions there, life going on Intrate— enter Se— if Nè— neither/or/nor Ed— and


Sentiamo— we feel

General, continued

Un'altra— another Stavolta— this time Genitori— parents Meraviglioso— wonderful Caspita— wow Prigione— prison Ora— hour Dov'/dove— where Gruppo— group Amici— friends Parla— speaks Quante— how many Quanto— how much Quando— when Come— how do/like Domanda— question Risposta— answer (Che) cosa— what Quale— which Chi— who Perche— why Ogni— each Paese— country Costumè— custom Propri— own Perdere— lose Qualcos— something Altro— else Stanza— room Piena— full Gente— people Persona— person Capace— capable Paese— town Normale— normal Guarda— look Navé— ship Capitano— captain Quanti— how many Chi— who Fai— make So— know Dá— gives Trovate— find Entrate— enter Ricordo— remember Mettete— put Chiede— ask Prende— gets Rimane— remains Migliore— better Dice- says Sai— know Va— goes Lavorano— work Portano— take Penso/Pensa- thinks Piace— like Pista— slope Esame— exam Domani— tomorrow Così— like this Stanza— room Chiede— asks Porta— wears Prendi— take Metto— put Compleanno— birthday Interessante— interesting Cortile— courtyard Preferire— prefer Puoi— can Ma— but Col— with — about Senz'— without Dopo— after Stava— was??? Da— since Entro— by Tranne— except Su— up/about (?) Teneva— was holding Salve— hello Nonostante— in spite of/despite Contro— against Vado verso— goes towards Divento— become Posso— I can Prende— takes my Passo— step Aspetto— wait Prendiamo— we get Aprite— open Prende— he takes Chiamo— I call Diventa— becomes Stanno— (how) are Sta— (he/she) waits Fai— you make Metto— put Dice— (he) says Lascia— (she) leaves Dicono— they say Tenete— you keep Mettete— you put Chiediamo— we ask Qua— here Intorno— around Versato— spilled Negozio— store Carino— nice Molto— very Costoso— expensive Comprarla— to buy it Che ćè— what's up Non ti servè— you don't need Giusto— right Certo— of course (chair-toe) Permetterti— (you can) afford Preoccupata— worried Non dice— doesn't say Sembra— she/he seems No mi dispiace— no I'm sorry No spiacente— no sorry Passo— step Segue— he/she follows Vede— sees Facciamo/fai— (we/you) make Venite/veni/veniamo— (you/they /we) come Avete/hai— you have Rivolge— talks Va— goes

Go (Vad—/Andi—)

Vado— I go Andiamo— we/let's go Va— she/he/ the___ goes

I —ends in o

Vedo— I see Vi amo— I love you all Vado— I go Uso— I use Lavoro— I work Mettevo/Metto—I was putting/I put Divento-- I become Trovo— I find Vado— I go Voglio— I want Aspetto— I wait Posso— I can Conosco/So— I know (person) Ricordo— I remember Chiamo— call Mentre— while I Lèggevo— I was reading Trovato— I found Vado— I go Stanca— tired Muoio— I die Io mangio i tuoi— I am eating yours Uso— I use Faccio— I make Anch'io— I also Mi dispiace— I'm sorry Mi manca— I'm missing Ho bisogno— I'm tired/I need Se— if I Penso ad— I think about Migliorare— I improve Vengo— I come


Verde— green Colorata— colorful Colori— colors Azzurro— blue Marrone— brown Nera— black Grigio— grey Quanti colori— how many colors Rosse— red Rosa— pink La sua maglia è viola— her shirt is purple Il colore— the color


Verdè— green (without è, verde means broke, in "sono al verde" [I am broke]) Colorata— colorful Colore— color Colori— colors Azzurro— blue Marrone— brown Nera— black Grigio— grey Rosa— pink Viola— purple Arancione— orange Rosse— red Gialli— yellow Bianco— white


Voglio— I want Tenete— you keep Vieni— you come Diventa— becomes Fai— make Lascia— leaves Piacciono— like Portano— take Proprio— really Credo— believe Pensa— thinks Trovo— find Come sta— how are you Facciamo— we make Stanno— (how) are Dove stanno— where are they (Non) potete- (you) can't Tu fai— you make Non so— I don't know Seguiamo— we follow


Voi mangiate— (are) you (plural) eat(ing) (present tense) Piacciono— you like Hai— you have Lavori— you work Trovate— you find Tu fai— you make Porti— you wear Credi— you believe Aprite— you open Mangiate/mangi— you eat Non potete— no you can't Venite/vieni— come Avete— have Il tuo— your Finché— until you Trovi— you find Finisci— you finish Decidi— you decide Aspettate— you wait Tu sai— you know Sai— you are Sei— are you — yours Hai— do you have Vuoi dello— do you want I tuoi— your (as 'your sandwiches') Il caffè è tuo— the coffee is yours Il tuo vino— your wine È tuo— is it yours Non sono le tue— they aren't yours Io mangio i tuoi— I am eating yours Il cane è il tuo— the dog is yours Il tuo sale— your salt Io sono tua— I am yours Bevi— you drink Volete— do you want Abiti— you live Capisce— you understand Chiedi— you ask Siete— are you Voi aspettate il pranzo— you wait for lunch Voi non venite— you don't come Vuoi— you want Vedi— you see Che leggete— what do you read Di dove sei— where are you from Vieni— you come Aprite— you open Sono Passi— (why) are you passing


Voi siete uomini— you all are men Noi siamo donne, loro sono uomini— we are women, they are men Donna— woman Donne— women Uomo— man Uomini— men Ragazza/ragazze— girl/girls Ragazzo/ragazzi— boy/boys Lei/lui ha— she/he has Lui e un- he is a La/IL— the (feminine/masculine) Lei— she (singular and only used in formal situations) I ragazzi— the boys Non e un— he is not a Lei e mia figlia— she's my daughter Suomi— his Decide— decides La sua bistecca non ha sale— his steak doesn't have salt L'animale mangia il suo cibo— the animal eats its food La ragazza chiama— the girl calls Le porta— wears Chiede— asks for Prende— gets Lei/lui lascia— leaves Sente— hears Vuole/Lascia— wants Teneva— holding Sente— she hears Lui da— he gives Dice— he says Decide— he/she decides Guarda— watches Lei donne bevono— the women drink Sa— (does she/he) know Sente— she hears Lui capisce— he understands Entra— enters Guarda— watches Finisce— finishes Chiama— calls Piacciono/Piace— likes Vuole— wants Puó— he can Dice— he says Suo/sue/sua— his, her, it's (as in the cat drinks it's milk) Va— he/she goes Non vado se lui va— I don't know if he goes Rimane— remains Va— he/she goes Vede— sees La bambina— the girl baby Con se stessa— to herself Va— the man goes Vuole— he/she wants Da— gives


Voi— you Io— I Noi— we/our — you all — they —


Vostro vs. loro vs. proprio I vestiti/l'abbigliamento Aprite/Tu apri Abito/vivo Blu/azzurre Porti/indossi Scrittrice/scrittore Stessa/uguale Benissimo/molto bene Le gatte/i gatti Mangi/mangiate Importantissima/molto importante


We get


We have


We put






You are

Non hai di che preoccuparti/stai tranquillo/non ti succederà nulla nothing will happen to you

You don't have anything to worry about/stay calm/


You keep/they keep


You take


You want


~(La) Cena— (the) dinner ~Ceniamo— we have dinner ~Pranzo— lunch ~Pranza— eats lunch ~Pranzano— have lunch ~(Una) colazione— (a)breakfast ~(IL) gusto e' dolce— (the) taste is sweet ~Succo— juice ~(Il) Pesce— (the) fish 🎣 ~Carne— meat 🍖 ~Frutta— fruit 🍉 ~Cucino— I cook 👩‍🍳 ~Uva— grapes 🍇 ~Griglia— grill ~(Il) caffe— (the) coffee ☕️ ~(Il) latte— (the) milk ~(Il)cioccalato-(the)chocolate🍫 ~(La) tazza— (the) cup ~(Il) biscotto— (the) cookie 🍪 ~(I) fagioli— (the) beans ~(Il) cibo— (the) food ~(La/un/una) carota— (the/a) carrot ~(Il/la) caramella— (the) candy 🍭 ~(La) ciotola— (the) bowl 🍲 ~Il manzo— beef ~(Una) bottiglia— (a) bottle ~Loro non mangiano carne— they do not eat meat 🍖 ~Mango la carne— I eat meat 🍖 ~Noi beviamo vino— we drink wine 🍷 ~Io taglio la mela— I cut the apple 🍎 ~Aglio— garlic


~Animali— animal ~Scuzi— excuse me ~Piccolo— small ~Bambino/bambina— baby 👶 ~Bambini— babies 👶 ~corre— runs ~nuota— swims ~Pasto— meal ~Uccelli— birds 🐦 ~Quanto— how much ~Miei (pr me-yay)— me ~Niente— anything ~Nonostante— despite ~Presto— soon ~Chi (pr key)— who ~Che (pr kay)— that

Food/Beverage, CONTINUED

~Dolce— dessert 🍮 ~(L')uovo— (the) egg 🍳 ~Bicchiere— (drinking) glass ~(La) forchetta— (the) fork 🍴 ~Cucchaio (pr kook-yi-oh)— spoon ~Fritto— fried ~Bolle— boils ~Cucina— kitchen ~Tazza— cup ~Lei cucina— she cooks ~(La) torta— (the) cake 🎂 ~Bevanda— a beverage or drink Cucina is both a verb and a location

The, continued

~I panini (sandwiches)


~I ragazzi scrivono— the boys write ~Voi scrivete— you all write ~Loro scrivono— they write ~Lui scrive— he writes ~Noi scriviamo— we write ~Tu scrivi— you write ~Io scrivo— I write ~Gli uomini scrivono— the men write ~Noi scriviamo, voi scrivete— we write, you write ~Lei scrive— she writes ~Scritorre— writer


~Il pollo 🐓 ~I polli 🐓 🐓 ~Lo zucchero (sugar) ~La carota ~Il cioccolato 🍫 ~Il cibo (food) ~La cuoca (cook) ~La mela 🍎 ~La crema (cream) ~Il manzo ~Le gatte 🐈 ~Il gelato 🍨 ~I libri 📚 ~Il libro 📖 ~L'uva 🍇 ~Il professore (professor) ~L'alunno ~Gli animali ~I cavalli 🐎 ~Il latte ~I piatti (plate) ~Il pesci 🐟 ~I giornali 🗞 📰 ~Il burro ~Il gelato 🍨 ~La banana 🍌 ~La colazione (breakfast) ~La bottiglia (bottle) ~La cena (dinner) ~Gli uccelli— 🐦 🐦's ~Il ghiaccio— ice ~I bicchiere (glasses)

Sentences, CONTINUED

~Il vestito costa un occhio della testa— The dress costs an arm and a leg ~Chi mi ama mi segua— if you love me, follow me ~Lui è una biblioteca ambulante— he's a walking encyclopedia ~L'amoure è cieco— love is blind ~Chi non beve in compagnia o è un ladro o è una spia— whoever doesn't drink in company is either a thief or a spy ~Chi non lavora non mangia— who does not work does not eat ~Non piangere sul latte versato— do not cry over spilled milk ~Ho tempo da vendere— I have time to spare ~Sei proprio in gamba— you are really on the ball ~E tu, dove abiti— and you, where do you live ~Dove siete— where are you ~Chi beve— who drinks ~La donna vive lungo l'acqua— The woman lives along the water ~Il cane va verso il gatto— The dog goes towards the cat ~Decidiamo entro pranzo— we decide by lunch ~Qual è il tuo pinguino— which one is your penguin ~No non potete— no you can't ~Fino a quando— until when ~Ho il piatto dell' uomo— I have the mans plate ~Il cameriere aspetta fino a cena— The waiter waits until dinner Fa caldo— it's hot C'è il sole— it's sunny


~In Italian, the c sounds like an English k unless it is before an e or i, then it sounds like an English ch. If there's a double cc, both are pronounced (as in cioccolato—choc-co-lato) ~In Italian, all nouns are either masculine (ending in o & using un) or feminine (ending in a & using una). ~In Italian, all verbs change depending on whether it's I (io sono—I am), you (tu sei—you are), he/she (lui/lea è—he/she is) ~Voi— leggete, scrivete, bevete, etc ~Noi— leggiamo, scriviamo, siamo, etc ~Tu— scrive, legge, etc ~Loro— sono ~Io— leggo, sono, ~Gli _____— mangiano When a preposition and an article appear together, they are formed into one word. For example, nello = in + lo, degli = di + gli and in the case above, a + i = ai. The "a" can mean either "to" or "at". One of the legendary practices in unit one has the phrase "La donna legge ai ragazzi" (the woman reads to the boys/children). i = 'the' for plural masculine things eg i ragazzi (the boys). Ai = 'to the' when talking about plural masculine things (eg 'scrivo ai ragazzi' = I write to the boys) Miei is just when saying 'my ...' for plural masculine things eg my dress = il mio vestito - my dresses = i miei vestiti So 'I write to my cousins' would be 'scrivo ai miei cugini' I miei amici = my friends. Leggo il giornale ai miei amici = I read the newspaper TO my friends.


~In Italian, the pronouns aren't always necessary ~If the verb form makes it obvious who is speaking or being referred to, the personal pronoun is normally left out. If there is a need to clarify or emphasize who is being spoken about, the personal pronoun is included. ~Nel/nello— in the (singular) used when vowel and st or sc : nello ( nell' if vowel). Other consonants nel. Nel is a bit more common. Nello is used when the next word starts with a vowel and is then combined so it's nell'___ but remains nello with words that start with sc or st. ~The subject is followed by description. Where we would say 'fried chicken', their sentence structure states 'chicken fried'. Such as "Io cucino la crema al cioccolato" translated is " I cook the cream of chocolate", but we would say "I cook the chocolate cream". ~I— plural of il ~Le— plural of la ~Gli— plural of l' for masculine, le for feminine ~Lo— used before masculine nouns that begin with z, x, y, ps, gn, or s followed by consonants ~Non è— in English, it's "is not", but Italian is "not is" ~E means 'and' but changes to ed before a vowel. È is a form of the word 'to be'.

Sentences, CONTINUED

~Sei duro come un mulo— you are as stubborn as a mule ~Batti il ferro finché è caldo— strike while the iron is hot ~Sei come un pesce fuori dall' acqua— you are like a fish out of water ~Non vedo l'ora— I cannot wait ~Meno male— thank goodness ~Il gelato non è una colazione— ice cream is not a breakfast ~Lui ha un bicchiere— does he have a glass ~Sono vostre— are they yours ~Ho una cotta per te— I have a crush on you ~Ciao bello— hello handsome ~Sono innamorata di te— I am in love with you ~Posso offrirti da bere— can I buy you a drink ~Posso offrirti un gelato— can I buy you an ice cream ~Dovè abiti — where do you live (informal) ~Comè va— how's it going ~Sono vostri— are they yours ~Le donne pranzano al ristorante— the women have lunch at the restaurant ~Chiama tua mama— call your mama ~Parliamo perché sappiamo— we speak because we know ~Voglio che tu mangi— I want you to eat ~Quali uomini leggono il giornale— Which man read the newspaper ~Sono contro di loro— I am against them ~Marzo viene tra febbraio ed aprile— march comes between February and April Il cane va verso il gatto— The dog goes toward the cat Sono contro di loro— I am against them Io vado verso di lui— I go towards him Decidiamo entro pranzo— we decide by lunch Fai come vuoi— di as you please


~Sono orgoglioso do te— I am proud of you ~Di dove sono loro— where are they from ~Piacere— pleased to meet you ~Come sta— pleased to meet you (formal) ~Come to chiamo— what are you called ~Anche tu stai bene— are you also well ~Come stai— how are you (informal) ~Come sta— how are you (formal) No, non e un ragazzo— No, he is not a kid (boy) Io non sono un ragazzo— I am not a boy Quante donne mangiano nel ristorante— how many women eat in the restaurant Chi siete— Who are you Tu come ti chiama— what's your name Devi andare— you have to go Non vedo se— I don't go


~Tu mangi — you eat ~Io mangio il—I eat ~La ragazza mangia- the girl eats ~Lui mangia— he eats ~Noi mangiamo—we eat ~Voi mangiate— (are) you (plural) eat(ing) (present tense) ~Loro mangiano— they eat ~Loro non mangiano— they do not eat ~ Quante donne mangiano— how many women eat ~Bicchiere— (drinking) glass ~(La) forchetta— (the) 🍴 fork 🍴 ~Fritto— fried ~Bolle— boils ~Tazza— cup ~Noi mangiamo— we eat ~I cuochi mangiano— the cook eats ~Cameriere— waiter ~Quante mangiano— how many eat ~Quanto pane mangi— how much bread do you eat ~Chi mangia i miei biscotti— Who eats my cookies ~Quanta acqua bevi/bevete— how much water do you drink

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