Java Programming - Chapter 1 - Creating Java Programs

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A name of a program component such as a class, object, or variable.

Pascal casing

A naming convention in which identifiers start with an uppercase letter and use an uppercase letter to start each new word.

At run time

A phrase that describes the period of time during which a program executes.

Java Interpreter

A program that checks bytecode and communicates with the operating system, executing the bytecode instructions line by line within the Java Virtual Machine.


A program that translates language statements into machine code; it translates an entire program at once before any part of the program can execute.


A program that translates language statements into machine code; it translates one statement at a time, allowing a program to execute partially.

Syntax error

A programming error that occurs when you introduce typing errors into your program or use the programming language incorrectly. A program containing syntax errors will not compile.


A self-contained block of program code, similar to a procedure.

Literal string

A series of characters that appear exactly as entered. Any literal string in Java appears between double quotation marks.

Computer program

A set of instructions that you write to tell a computer what to do.

Development environment

A set of tools that help you write programs by providing such features as displaying a language's keywords in color.

"Write once, run anywhere" (WORA)

A slogan developed by Sun Microsystems to describe the ability of one Java program version to work correctly on multiple platforms.


A software development kit, or a set of tools useful to programmers.

Procedural programming

A style of programming in which sets of operations are executed one after another in sequence.

Dialog box

A GUI object resembling a window in which you can place messages you want to display.

Machine language

A circuitry-level language that represents a series of on and off switches.


A development environment and source code editor.


A group or collection of objects with common properties.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

A hypothetical (software-based) computer on which Java runs.

Compile-time error

An error in which the compiler detects a violation of language syntax rules and is unable to translate the source code to machine code.

Run-time error

An error that occurs when a program compiles successfully but does not execute.

Logic error

An error that occurs when a program compiles successfully but produces an error during execution.


An instance of a class is an object.


An instance of a class.


An international system of character representation.

Machine code

Another term for machine language.


Attributes of a class.

Documentation comments

Comments that automatically generate nicely formatted program documentation.

Architecturally neutral

Describes the feature of Java that allows you to write programs that run on any platform (operating system).


Describes the feature of languages that allows the same word to be interpreted correctly in different situations based on the context.

Class definition

Describes what attributes its objects will have and what those objects will be able to do.

Semantic errors

Errors that occur when you use a correct word in the wrong context in program code.

System software

Manages the computer.


Information passed to a method so it can perform its task.


Named computer memory locations that hold values that might vary.

Program comments

Nonexecuting statements that you add to a Java file for the purpose of documentation

Computer simulations

Programs that attempt to mimic real-world activities so that their processes can be improved or so that users can better understand how the real-world processes operate.

Graphical users interfaces (GUIs)

Pronounced "gooey." These interfaces allow users to interact with a program in a graphical environment.


Refers to the enclosure of data and methods within an object.


Refers to the rules of a language.

Program statements

Similar to English sentences; they carry out the tasks that programs perform.

Block comments

Start with a forward slash and an asterisk ( /* ) and end with an asterisk and a forward slash ( */ ). Block comments can appear on a line by themselves, on a line before executable code, or on a line after executable code. Block comments also can extend across as many lines as needed.

Line comments

Start with two forward slashes ( // ) and continue to the end of the current line. Line comments can appear on a line by themselves or at the end of a line following executable code.


The characteristics that define an object as part of a class.

Call a procedure

To temporarily abandon the current logic so that the procedure's commands can execute.

Comment out

To turn a statement into a comment so the compiler will not execute its command.

Object-oriented programs

Writing these programs involves creating classes, creating objects from those classes, and creating applications that use those objects. Thinking in an object-oriented manner involves envisioning program components as objects that are similar to concrete objects in the real world; then, you can manipulate the objects to achieve a desired result.

Low-level programming language

Written to correspond closely to a computer processor's circuitry.

import statement

Accesses a built-in Java class that is contained in a package.

High-level programming language

Allows you to use an English-like vocabulary to write programs.

Clean build

Created when you delete all previously compiled versions of a class before compiling again.


Any combination of nonprinting characters, such as spaces, tabs, and carriage returns (blank lines).

Windowed applications

Applications that create a graphical user interface (GUI) with elements such as menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes.

Console applications

Applications that support character output to a computer screen in a DOS windows.


Are program statements.

Javadoc comments

Block comments that generate documentation. They begin with a forward slash and two asterisks ( /** ) and end with an asterisk and a forward slash ( */ ).


Consists of programming statements that have been compiled into binary format.

Source code

Consists of programming statements written in a high-level programming language.


Contains a group of built-in Java classes.

Access specifier

Define the circumstances under which a class can be accessed and the other classes that have the right to use a class.


Frequently asked questions.


General term for computer equipment.


General term for computer programs.


Java Development Kit.


Java programs that are embedded in a Web page.

Upper camel casing

Pascal casing.

Application software

Performs tasks for users.


Sets of operations performed by a computer program.

Java applications

Stand-alone Java programs.


The ability to create classes that share the attributes and methods of existing classes but with more specific features.

Passing arguments

The act of sending them to a method.

Java API

The application programming interface, a collection of information about how to use every prewritten Java class.

Allman style

The indent style in which curly braces are aligned and each occupies its own line; it is named for Eric Allman, a programmer who popularized the style.

K&R style

The indent style in which the opening brace follows the header on the same line; it is named for Kernighan and Ritchie, who wrote the first book on the C programming language.


The process o freeing all the errors of a program.


The process the compiler uses to divide source code into meaningful portions for analysis.


To create an instance.

Class body

The set of data items and methods between the curly braces that follow the class header.


The state of an object is the set of values for its attributes.


The words that are part of a programming language.


This exists behind any program and involves executing the various statements and procedures in the correct order to produce the desired results.

Standard output device

This is normally the monitor.

static (keyword)

This keyword means that a method is accessible and usable even though no objects of the class exist.

void (keyword)

This keyword, when used in a method header, indicates that the method does not return any value when it is called.


This means to carry out a statement or program.


Was developed by Sun Microsystems as an object-oriented language used both for general-purpose business applications and for interactive, World Wide Web-based Internet applications.

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