L3 LLS - Vocab
Fishtail (v.) Def: Insurance: refers to a vehicle making a fishtail movement. Ex: The scariest moment was when the car started to fishtail. El momento más espantoso fue cuando el coche empezó a colearse.
Flip over (v.) Def: Insurance: turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse. Ex: I'm calling to report a flipped over vehicle in the middle of the road. Estoy llamando para reportar que un vehículo se volcó en el medio de la carretera.
Fog (n.) Def: Insurance: vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground. Ex: Mi visibilidad estaba limitada por la espesa neblina, no se veía mucho. My visibility was limited by dense fog, I couldn't see much.
4x4 doble tracción tracción en las 4 llantas
Four wheel drive (n.) Def: Insurance: a transmission system that provides power directly to all four wheels of a vehicle. Ex: I'm interested in renting a vehicle with four wheel drive. Estoy interesado en alquilar un vehículo con tracción en las cuatro llantas.
franja central
Median (strip) (n.) Def: Insurance: the strip of land between the lanes of opposing traffic on a divided highway. Ex: The median was under construction. La franja central estaba bajo construcción.
Model (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to a particular brand of vehicle sold by a manufacturer, usually within a range of models, usually of different sizes or capabilities. Ex: What is you car year, make and model? ¿Cuál es el año, marca y modelo de su carro?
frenos de potencia
Power brakes (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to a system of hydraulics used to slow down or stop most motor vehicles. Ex: If the car has power brakes, run the engine while performing this procedure. Si el vehículo tiene frenos de potencia, encienda el motor durante este procedimiento.
cerradura automática cierre automático cerrojoa utomático trabas automáticas
Power locks (n.) Def: Insurance: a.k.a. Power door locks/electric door locks/central locking allow the driver or front passenger to simultaneously lock or unlock all the doors of an automobile or truck, by pressing a button or flipping a switch Ex: All newer models have power locks and mirrors. Todos los modelos nuevos tienen cerraduras y ventanas automáticas.
maletero automático
Power trunk (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to a vehicle's power operated trunk Ex: I wouldn't call it a fender bender, because after the accident the power trunk stopped working. No lo llamaría un choque leve, ya que después del accidente el maletero automático dejó de funcionar.
Estribos escalones (para subirse a vehículos altos)
Running boards (n.) Def: Insurance: a footboard extending along the side of a vehicle, typically found on trucks, SUVs, and some early models of automobiles. Ex: Our auto policy does nto cover running boards and steps. Nuestra póliza no cubre estribos ni escalones.
callejón pasadizo
Alley (n.) Def: Insurance: a narrow passageway between or behind buildings. Ex: I did not see the car exit the alley. No ví el carro salir del el callejón.
Backrest (n.) Def: Insurance: It's a support for a person's back when the person is seated. Ex: I had the backrest upholstered in vinyl. Hice tapizar el respaldo en vinilo.
cruce peatonal cruce de peatones
Crosswalk (n.) Def: Insurance: a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross. Ex: I felt three impacts; and the third impact pushed me into the crosswalk. Sentí tres impactos; y el tercer impacto me empujó hacia el cruce de peatones.
tope annual responsabilidad máxima del paciente
Annual out‐of‐ pocket maximum (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to the most money an insured individual will have to pay during a policy period (usually a year) for health care services. Ex: You have to meet your maximum annual out of pocket amount before the insurance starts paying at 80%. Usted tiene que cumplir con su responsabilidad máxima del paciente antes de que el seguro comience a pagar un 80%.
agente anticongelante
Antifreeze (n.) Def: Insurance: a liquid, typically one based on ethylene glycol, which can be added to water to lower the freezing point, chiefly used in the radiator of a motor vehicle Ex: To prevent the blocking of the liquid streaming valve, use antifreeze once a month in the summer time. Para evitar el bloqueo de la válvula de flujo, utilice un agente anticongelante una vez al mes durante el verano.
dispositivo contra robos dispositivo anti robos
Antitheft device (n.) Def: Insurance: Refers to any device or method used to prevent or deter the unauthorized appropriation of items considered valuable. Ex: Your auto insurance premium will be lower because you have the antitheft device installed. La prima del seguro de autos le saldrá más baja porque tiene instalado el dispositivo antirobos.
explosión del escape
Backfire (n.) Def: Insurance: Refers to an engine that undergoes a mistimed explosion in the cylinder or exhaust. Ex: Backfire occurs when unburned fuel moves back into the intake, and combusts. La explosión o detonación del escape sucede cuando el combustible no quemado se devuelve hacia la toma y agarra fuego.
carril de cambio carril de cruce carril para doblar carril para cruzar
Change lane (noun) (n.) Def: Insurance: reers to an auxiliary lane designed to separate turning vehicles from through vehicles. Ex: Check the change lane for vehicles ahead. Verifique el carril para cruzar por los vehículos adelante.
Punto de inspección
Check‐point (n.) Def: Insurance: a point (place or location) at which a check is performed Ex: The police will have checkpoints throughout the city to help deter drunk driving. La policía tendrá puestos de control en toda la ciudad para ayudar a evitar el conducir ebrio.
Chiropractor (n.) Def: Insurance: a method of treating people who are sick or in pain by pushing and moving bones in the spine and joints Ex: A chiropractor can sometimes help reduce you back pain by stretching your spine. Un quiropráctico pueden ayudarle a reducir el dolor de espalda al elongar o estirar su columna vertebral.
reclamaciones reclamos
Claims (n.) Def: Insurance: a demand for something due or believed to be due Ex: My claims number are 764902 for roof damage and 764909 for flood damage after the hail storm last week. Mis números de reclamos son 764902 por daños en el techo y 764909 por inundación después de la tormenta de granizo la semana pasada.
Clutch (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to a mechanism for connecting and disconnecting an engine and the transmission system in a vehicle Ex: You only need to activate the gas pedal and the clutch pedal to start the engine. Sólo necesita pisar el acelerador y el pedal de embrague para que el motor arranque.
Pararse detenerse
Come to rest (a car after an accident) (v.) Def: Insurance: refers to the state of being motionless or settled. Ex: After the impact where did your vehicle come to rest? Después del impacto, a dónde se paró su vehículo?
Corner (n.) Def: Insurance: the place where two streets or roads meet Ex: El accidente pasó en la esquina de Berry y la 14. The accident happened on the corner of Berry and 14.
porción de pago responsabilidad del paciente
Co‐pay, co‐ payment (n.) Def: Insurance: A co‐pay is a common feature of many health insurance plans, where the insured pays a set out‐of‐pocket amount for health care services. Insurance providers often charge co‐pays for services such as doctor visits or prescriptions drugs. Ex: Your co‐pay for specialist is $45. Su porción de pago por especialista es de $45.
piloto automático
Cruise control (n.) Def: Insurance: an electronic device in a motor vehicle that can be switched on to maintain a selected constant speed without the use of the accelerator. Ex: Cruise control is a nice feature when you drive long distances. El piloto automático es una buena característica cuando se conduce por largas distancias.
Ditch (n.) Def: Insurance: a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field. Ex: My brakes failed and we ended up in the ditch. Mis frenos fallaron y terminamos en la zanja.
estacionarse paralelamente
Double park (n.) Def: Insurance: park (a vehicle) alongside one that is already parked at the side of the road. Ex: The witness statement indicates that you were double parked and opened your door without looking. La declaración del testigo indica que estaba estacionado paralelamente y abrió la puerta sin mirar.
licencia de conducir licencia de manejar
Driver's License (n.) Def: Insurance: an official document or card which shows that you have the legal right to drive a vehicle Ex: We need a valid driver's license. Necesitamos una licencia de conducir válida.
Lluvia fina
Drizzle (Adv.) Def: Insurance: rain that falls lightly in very small drops Ex: It was drizzling, and the pavement was slippery. Estaba lloviznando y el pavimento estaba resbaloso.
en dirección este rumbo al este
Eastbound (n.) Def: Insurance: going toward the east Ex: ¿Usted iba en dirección al este, verdad? You were going eastbound, right?
rampa de salida
Exit (ramp) (n.) Def: Insurance: A highway ramp as in exit ramp which allows vehicles to exit a controlled‐access highway, freeway or motorway. Ex: The road crew didn't close the exit ramp. El equipo de trabajadores de la carretera no cerró la rampa de salida.
tarifa preindicada lista de precios preindicados
Fee schedule (n.) Def: Insurance: A comprehensive listing of fee maximums used to reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee‐for‐service basis. Ex: That's your co‐pay for the visit, it is based on the agreed fee schedule with the facility you went to. Ese es su copago, se basa en la tarifa preindicada del lugar adonde fue.
Guardafango Guardabarro Guardalodo Salpicadera
Fender (n.) Def: Insurance: A guard over each wheel of a motor vehicle, for example, that is shaped and positioned so as to block the splashing of water or mud. Ex: When I left my house in the morning I noticed the damages to the fender. Cuando salí de mi casa en la mañana me di cuenta de los daños en el guardafango.
Choque leve
Fender bender (n.) Def: Insurance: a minor collision between motor vehicles. Ex: I really wouldn't call it an accident because nothing happened; it was more of a fender bender. Realmente no lo llamaría un accidente, porque no pasó nada; fue un choque leve.
Freeway (n.) Def: Insurance: an express highway, especially one with controlled access. Ex: Was traffic heavy on the freeway at that time of day? ¿Estaba el tráfico pesado en la autopista a esa hora de día?
palanca de cambio de velocidades
Gear shift (n.) Def: Insurance: a device used to engage or disengage gears in a transmission or similar mechanism. Ex: The gear shift is stuck and I can't move it. La palanca de cambio de velocidades esta atascada y no puedo moverla.
faros luces delanteras
Headlights (n.) Def: Insurance: a light on the front of a vehicle (such as a car or motorcycle). Ex: The car only had one headlight on, the right one. El carro solo tenía un faro encendido, el derecho.
patrulla de caminos policía vial
Highway patrol (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to a police unit or traffic guard that oversees and enforces traffic safety compliance on roads and highways. Ex: La patrulla de caminos vino al sitio y puso luces rojas para que la gente manejara más despacio. The Highway patrol came to the site and placed red flares for people to slow down.
puerta lateral pivotante
Hinged side door (in a van) (n.) Def: Insurance: a movable door typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates. Ex: They broke the lock on the hinged side door and stole the tools. Rompieron la cerradura de la puerta lateral pivotante y se robaron las herramientas.
bocina pito claxon corneta
Horn (n.) Def: Insurance: a device on an automobile for making a warning noise. Ex: I heard a horn and moved out of the way. Oí una bocina y me quité del camino.
tapa de la llanta tapa de la rueda del carro
Hubcap (n.) Def: Insurance: a metal or plastic cover for the hub of a motor vehicle's wheel. Ex: It's so strange, they didn't steal the tires just the hubcaps. Es tan extraño, no se robaron los llantas sólo los tapas de las llantas.
Ice (n.) Def: Insurance: frozen water Ex: The stairs were covered with ice and I slipped. Las escaleras estaban cubiertas con hielo y me resbalé.
Confiscado incautado
Impounded (Adj.) Def: Insurance: seize and take legal custody of a vehicle (or something, especially goods, or documents) because of an infringement of a law or regulation. Ex: Your vehicle has been impounded because you owe more than $3000 in parking tickets. Su vehículo ha sido confiscado porque usted debe más de $3000 en multas de estacionamiento.
lesionado herido
Injured (Adj.) Def: Insurance: to do or cause physical harm of any kind to people. Ex: Were you injured in this accident? ¿Se lesionó en este accidente?
lesiones, heridas
Injuries (n.) Def: Insurance: harm or damage: an act or event that causes someone or something to no longer be fully healthy or in good condition Ex: Did anyone involved in the accident suffer any injuries? ¿Alguien involucrado en el accidente sufrió lesiones?
Insurance (n.) Def: Insurance: an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal to the value of something (such as a house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or stolen. Ex: Did you and the other the driver exchange insurance information? ¿Usted intercambió información de seguro con el otro conductor?
Insured (n.) Def: Insurance: a person whose life or property is insured Ex: We determined our insured is not at fault for the accident. Determinamos que nuestro asegurado no tiene la culpa del accidente.
Interview (n.) Def: Insurance: a meeting at which information is obtained from a person Ex: Thank you for agreeing to this interview to determine your eligibility for coverage. Gracias por estar de acuerdo en hacer esta entrevista para determinar su elegibilidad para la cobertura.
Lane (n.) Def: Insurance: a division of a road marked off with painted lines and intended to separate single lines of traffic according to speed or direction. Ex: Which lane were you in? ¿En cuál carril iba usted?
License plate (n.) Def: Insurance: a metal plate on a vehicle that shows a series of numbers and letters that are used to identify the vehicle Ex: Was that a License plate from the State of Virginia. ¿Era una placa del estado de Virginia?
Make (n.) Def: Insurance: the make of a car is its manufacturer. Ex: What is you car's make and model? ¿Cuál es la marca y modelo de su carro?
estado civil
Marital Status (n.) Def: Insurance: a person's state of being single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed. Ex: ¿Cuál es su estado civil, es usted soltero, casado, divorciado, separado o viudo? What is your marital status, are you single, married, divorced, separated or widowed?
Número de Expediente Médico MR#
Medical Record number. MR· (n.) Def: Insurance: Number of the chronological written account of a patient's medical examination and treatment history, physician's physical findings, medications and therapeutic procedures etc. Ex: Can you please give me your medical record number to look for your account? ¿Por favor, me puede dar su número de expediente médico para buscar su cuenta?
Member (n.) Def: Insurance: an individual, thing, or organization belonging to a group like belonging to an insurance group for example. Ex: That service is only available to members of our community. Ese servicio sólo esta a la disposición de los miembros de nuestra comunidad.
Infracción de tránsito Citación de transito de vehículo en marcha
Moving violation (n.) Def: Insurance: a moving violation is a breach of state traffic laws, rules, or statutes that occur while a vehicle's in motion. Ex: Is there anything I can do to remove these moving violations from my record? ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer para eliminar estas citaciones de transito de vehículo en marcha de mis registros?
Lodera polveadora
Mud flap (n.) Def: Insurance: a flap that hangs behind the wheel of a vehicle and is designed to prevent water, mud, and stones thrown up from the road from hitting the bodywork of the vehicle or any following vehicles. Ex: Mud flap laws vary from state to state. Las leyes sobre loderas varían de estado a estado.
Guardabarros Guardafangos salpicadera
Mudguard (n.) Def: Insurance: a curved strip or cover over a wheel of a vehicle, especially a bicycle or motorcycle, designed to protect the vehicle and rider from water and dirt thrown up from the road. Ex: After the accident the mudguard was bent and touching the wheel. Después del accidente el guardabarros estaba doblado y tocando la rueda.
colisión múltiple choque múltiple
Multi‐car (n.) Def: Insurance: multi‐car collision, multi‐ vehicle collision, pile‐up, or chain‐ reaction crash) is a road traffic accident involving many vehicles. Ex: Sí, fue un choque múltiple, cuatro carros en total. Yes, it was a multi‐car collision, four cars in total.
Señal de no cruzar/no virar/aviso no se permite cruzar
No (left/right) turn sign (n.) Def: Insurance: This traffic sign indicates that righ or left turns are prohibited. Ex: The other driver ignored the no turn signal. El otro conductor ignoró la señal de no cruzar.
aviso de calle sin salida
No Outlet sign Def: Insurance: The no‐outlet or dead end sign may be used at the entrance of a single road or street that terminates in a dead end or cul‐ de‐sac, to indicate there is no other exit. Ex: The no outlet sign was blocked by a truck. El aviso de calle sin salida estaba bloqueado por un camión.
indicador de millaje odómetro
Odometer (n.) Def: Insurance: an instrument for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle. Ex: Odometer tampering is a serious crime. La manipulación del odómetro es un delito serio.
Rampa de salida carril de salida en pendiente
Off-ramp (n.) Def: Insurance: a highway ramp as in exit ramp / off‐ramp which allows vehicles to exit a controlled‐access highway, freeway or motorway. Ex: The driver did not turn on his turn signal to indicate he was going to take the exit ramp. El chofer no puso sus luces de cruce para indicar que iba a tomar la rampa de salida.
Rampa de entrada carril de entrada en pendiente
On ramp (n.) Def: Insurance: a highway ramp as in entry ramp / on‐ramp which allows vehicles to enter a controlled‐ access highway, freeway or motorway. Ex: The on ramp is closed for repairs. La rampa de entrada está cerrada por reparaciones.
calle de una sola vía
One way street (n.) Def: Insurance: a street or road that only allows traffic movement in one direction only; a one‐way traffic only. Ex: I was given a ticket for driving the wrong way on a one way street. Me dieron una multa por conducir en sentido contrario en una calle de una sola vía.
puente elevado paso elevado
Overpass (n.) Def: Insurance: a traffic pass over or a bridge by which a road or railroad passes over another. Ex: Did you file a police report for the rock throwing incident that occurred on the overpass? ¿Levantó un informe policial por el incidente de lanzamiento de piedras que ocurrió en el paso elevado?
Passengers (n.) Def: Insurance: a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc., and who is not driving or working on it. Ex: ¿Cuantos pasajeros iban en su vehículo? How many passengers were there in your vehicle?
cruce peatonal cruce de peatones
Pedestrian crossing (n.) Def: Insurance: a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross. Synonym of crosswalk. Ex: According to the witness, you blocked the pedestrian crossing with your vehicle. Según el testigo, usted bloqueó el cruce peatonal con su vehículo.
panel frontal o trasero, e izquierdo o derecho; panel posterior o delantero, e izquierdo o derecho; cuarta sección trasera o frontal e izquierda o derecha.
Quarter panel (rear/front/or right/left) (n.) Def: Insurance: a quarter panel refers to any body panel (exterior surface) of an automobile. Ex: He hit the left rear panel on my car with his truck. El golpeó el panel trasero izquierdo de mi carro con su camioneta.
espejo retrovisor
Rear view mirror (n.) Def: Insurance: a small angled mirror fixed inside the windshield of a motor vehicle, enabling the driver to see the vehicle or road behind. Ex: I tried to adjust the rearview mirror and it fell off. Traté de ajustar el espejo retrovisor y se cayó.
Record (n.) Def: Insurance: the sum of past achievements or actions of a person or organization; a person or sum of previous conduct or performance. Ex: Our records show your tax return came in after the deadline. Nuestros registros muestran que su declaración de impuestos llegó después de la fecha límite.
Declaración grabada
Recorded Statement (n.) Def: Insurance: a recorded statement is usually taken within hours or days after the loss, typically by an adjuster. The questions asked are usually standard in nature, and the whole process customarily takes only twenty minutes or so. The statements are audio recorded by the adjuster. Ex: This is a recorded statement with Mr. Luis Diaz a witness to the accident. Esta es una declaración grabada con el Sr. Luis Diaz testigo del accidente.
Derecho de vía/derecho al paso
Right of way (n.) Def: Insurance: the legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route through grounds or property belonging to another. Ex: Who had the right of way, you or the other driver? ¿Quien tenía el derecho al paso, usted o el otro conductor?
condiciones de la carretera/del camino/de la vía
Road Conditions (n.) Def: Insurance: an open way, usually surfaced that provids passage from one place to another, easily passable or driveable or a slippery road surface non‐drivable with puddles of water, mud or ice in each lane. Ex: What were the road conditions at the time of the accident? ¿Cuáles eran las condiciones de la carretera en el momento del accidente?
Raspón raspadura
Scratch (n.) Def: Insurance: score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object. Ex: Como le dije a los policías, mi novia se puso celosa y raspo my carro con su llave. As I told the cops, my girlfriend was very jealous and scratched my car with her key.
cinturón de seguridad
Seatbelt (n.) Def: Insurance: a belt or strap securing a person to prevent injury, especially in a vehicle or aircraft. Ex: Did all your passengers wear the seatbelt at that time? ¿Todos sus pasajeros llevaban puesto el citurón de seguridad en ese momento?
borde del camino orilla franja lateral hombrillo
Shoulder (road) (n.) Def: Insurance: a shoulder on a road is used as an emergency stopping lane, it is kind of a reserved lane by the verge of a road or motorway. Ex: We parked on the shoulder and waited for the police. Nos estacionamos al borde del camino/en la orilla/ en el hombrillo y esperamos a la policía.
espejos laterales retrovisores
Side mirrors (n.) Def: Insurance: a.k.a. side view mirrors, refer to a mirror found on the exterior of motor vehicles for the purposes of helping the driver see areas behind and to the sides of the vehicle, outside of the driver's peripheral vision (in the 'blind spot'). Ex: He got too close to my car and broke the side mirror. Él se acercó demasiado a mi coche y rompió el espejo lateral retrovisor.
acera, banqueta (Mex., may also signify the curb)
Sidewalk (n.) Def: Insurance: a walkway or a paved path for pedestrians at the side of a road. Ex: The old man stepped on the accelerator and ended up on the sidewalk. El viejo pisó el acelerador y terminó en la acera.
Skid , to (v.) Def: Insurance: (of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways or obliquely, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly. Ex: The car began to skid on the wet road. El carro comenzó a patinar sobre la carretera mojada.
Huellas de frenazo marcas de llanta (en la carretera)
Skid marks (n.) Def: Insurance: a long black mark left on a road surface by the tires of a skidding vehicle. Ex: Did you see any skid marks on the road? ¿Vio algunas huellas de frenazo en la carretera?
accidente colisión choque
Accident (n.) Def: Insurance: an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Ex: When did the accident happen? ¿Cuándo ocurrió el accidente?
Se volcó (volcarse)
overturned (v.) Def: Insurance: tip (something) over so that it is on its side or upside down. [Flipped over] Ex: It was slippery, I pushed the breaks but the car overturned. Estaba resbaladizo pisé los frenos pero el carro se volcó
pickup truck (n.) Def: Insurance: a small truck with an enclosed cab and open back. Ex: As I was getting in the pickup truck, the bull hit the rear right side. Cuando me estaba subiendo a la camioneta el toro le pegó por el lado trasero de la derecha.
reporte, informe
report (n.) Def: Insurance: an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body. Ex: Per the police report you were standing on the corner when the fire began. Según el informe de la policía usted estaba parado en la esquina cuando empezó el incendio.
signal (n.) Def: Insurance: a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions. Ex: Did you see the trafic signal? ¿Vió usted la señal de tránsito?
departamento de facturación
Billing department (n.) Def: Insurance: a department that prepares or sends out bills or invoices. Ex: Adjustments to your bill can be made in the billing department. Los ajustes a su factura se pueden hacer en el departamento de facturación.
Curva sin visibilidad Curva ciega
Blind curve (n.) Def: Insurance: Type of bend, curve, curved segment of a road Ex: A vehicle spinning on a slippery road in a blind curve is the most dangerous peril on the road. Un vehículo patinando en una carretera resbaladiza en una curva sin visivilidad es el riesgo más peligroso en una carretera.
Punto ciego zona muerta
Blind spot (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to an area around the vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver while at the controls, under existing circumstances. Ex: She was in my blind spot, that's why I hit her bumper. Ella estaba en mi punto ciego, por eso le golpié en el parachoques.
luces intermitentes señaleros de luz intermitentes
Blinkers (n.) Def: Insurance: a device that blinks, especially a vehicle's turn signal. Ex: DId you notice if the other driver had her blinkers on before changing lanes? ¿Notó si el otro conductor tenía sus luces intermitentes encendidas antes de cambiar de carril?
Blood alcohol level (n.) Def: Insurance: refers t to the concentration of alcohol in one's bloodstream, expressed as a percentage. This percentage is used to determine whether a person is legally intoxicated, especially for DUI law. Ex: Your blood alcohol level exceeds 0.08%. Su alcoholemia excede el 0,08%.
Choque de costado
Broadside collision (n.) Def: Insurance: refers to where the side of one vehicle is impacted by the front or rear of another vehicle, forming a T. Ex: According to the police report this was a broadside collision. De acuerdo con el informe de la policía fue un choque de costado.
Broken down (Adj.) Def: Insurance: not functioning due to a mechanical failure; worn‐out. Ex: My vehicle has broken down on the side of the road and I need a tow truck. Mi vehículo se ha descompuesto al lado de la carretera y necesito una grúa.
defensa parachoques paragolpes
Bumper (n.) Def: Insurance: a bar across the front or back of a motor vehicle intended to lessen shock or damage from collision Ex: Headlamps are set flush with the front bumper. Los faros del carro estan nivelados con el parachoques delantero.
daño(s) pérdida(s)
Damage(s) (n.) Def: Insurance: physical harm that is done to something or to someone's body Ex: Please describe the damage to your vehicle. Por favor describa el daño a su vehículo.
Defroster (n.) Def: Insurance: A defogger or defroster is a system to clear condensation and thaw frost from the windshield, backglass, and/or side windows of a motor vehicle. Ex: I noticed the defroster is still not working even though the vehicle has already been repaired. Observé que el desempañador aún no está funcionando a pesar de que el vehículo ya fue reparado.
Abolladura hendidura
Dent (n.) Def: Insurance: a slight hollow in a hard, even surface made by a blow or by the exertion of pressure. Ex: My vehicle is dented all over because of the hail storm. Mi vehículo está todo abollado a causa de la tormenta de granizo.
abolladuras hendiduras golpes
Dents, bumps, dented (n.) Def: Insurance: having the central part lower than the margin Ex: There are a few rounded dents on the hood. Hay unas cuantas abolladoras redondas/circulares sobre la tapa del motor.
desvío desviación
Detour (n.) Def: Insurance: a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something along the way. Ex: The detour was confusing and I ended up on a one way street. El desvío era confuso y terminé en una calle de un solo sentido.
Dirección Rumbo
Direction (n.) Def: Insurance: the course or path on which something is moving or pointing Ex: What direction were you traveling, north, south, east, or west? ¿En qué dirección iba viajando, norte, sur, este u oeste?