lab 3 hw

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Which of the following correctly differentiates endolymph and perilymph?

- Endolymph has a high concentration of potassium and a low concentration of sodium compared to perilymph - Endolymph is within the membranous labyrinth, and perilymph is between the membranous labyrinth and the bony labyrinth

Which of the following statements is true regarding the visual projection pathway? Check all that apply

- Light striking the medial retina of the right eye is perceived by the left visual cortex - Light striking the medial retina of the right eye is perceived by the left visual cortex. Correct Light striking the lateral retina of the left eye is perceived by the left visual cortex - The left optic tract consists of nerve fibers from both eyes

Arrange the following structures in the order in which they vibrate when a sound wave enters the ear. (1) eardrum (2) endolymph (3) ossicles (4) oval window (5) perilymph

1, 3, 4, 5, 2

Match each structure with the appropriate function. 1. Auricle ________ 2. External acoustic meatus ________ 3. Ceruminous gland ________ 4. Tympanic membrane ________ 5. Auditory ossicle ________ 6. Auditory (pharyngotympanic/eustachian) tube ________

1. Collects and directs sound waves toward ear canal 2. Transmits sound waves to the tympanic membrane 3. Produces earwax 4. Vibrates and amplifies soundwaves 5. Transmits vibrations to the oval window 6. Enables air pressure to be equalized between the outside air and the middle ear cavity

Match the accessory structure of the eye with the correct function or description. 1. Eyebrows ____________ 2. Eyelids ____________ 3. Conjunctiva Thin ____________ 4. Lacrimal apparatus ____________ 5. Extrinsic eye muscles ____________

1. Help shade the eyes from direct sunlight 2. Helps keep eye lubricated by spreading tears over the surface 3. Thin transparent mucous membrane on the surface of the eye 4. Production of tears 5. Movement of the eye

Match the structure with the correct tunic of the eye. 1. Ciliary body: 2. Retina: 3. Cornea: 4. Sclera: 5. Choroid: 6. Iris:

1. Vascular tunic 2. Nervous tunic 3. Fibrous tunic 4. Fibrous tunic 5. Vascular tunic 6. Vascular tunic

Match each definition to their specific vision disorder. 1. Cornea or lens is not uniformly curved, and the image is not sharply focused 2. Clouding of the lens resulting from a buildup of proteins 3. Defective circulation to the eye may result in retinal degeneration or detachment 4. Excessive pressure buildup in the aqueous humor Glaucoma

1. astigmatism 2. cataract 3. diabetic retinopathy 4. glaucoma

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct. Not all terms will be used 1. Frequency discrimination is based on a structural gradient in the ___________ membrane 2. The proximal end of the membrane is attached __________, and the distal end is not 3. This arrangement causes a standing wave with some regions more ________ than others 4. __________ information changes depending on which end it is received 5. This change means the difference in __________ in sound

1. basilar 2. attached 3. displaced 4. sensory 5. pitch

Select the correct word from the list to complete each sentence. 1. The center of the retina is a pit called the __________________ 2. The cells that are photoreceptors (detect color) are __________________ 3. In low light conditions, only rods are activated, and visual acuity is best in the __________________ of the eye. 4. In bright light conditions, visual acuity is best when light is focused on the __________________ of the eye. 5. A single ganglion cell outside of the fovea receives input from __________________ rod(s). 6. Each cone synapses with __________________ ganglion cell(s).

1. fovea centralis 2. cones 3. corners 4. center 5. multiple 6. one

Match the ear component with the correct area of the ear. 1. Semicircular canals Inner ear ___________ 2.Auricle ___________ 3. Chorda tympani ___________ 4. Tympanic membrane ___________ 5. Ossicles ___________ 6. Auditory tube ___________ 7. Cochlear ___________ 8. Auditory canal ___________ 9. Vestibule ___________

1. inner ear 2. external ear 3. middle ear 4. external ear 5. middle ear 6. middle ear 7. inner ear 8. external ear 9. inner ear

Match the taste sensation to the chemical trigger. Some choices may be used more than once or not at all. 1. Na+ _________________ 2. Acidic compounds _________________ 3. Sugars, some other carbohydrates, and some proteins _________________ 4. Alkaloids/base compounds _________________ 5. Amino acid glutamate and related compounds _________________ 6. Artificial sweeteners _________________ 7. Beef _________________

1. salty 2. sour 3. sweet 4. bitter 5. umami 6. sweet 7. umami

Arrange the following structures in the order in which they would vibrate as a result of the tympanic membrane vibrating. (1) oval window (2) vestibular membrane and endolymph (3) ossicles (4) basilar membrane (5) perilymph

3, 1, 5, 2, 4

Arrange the following in correct sequence: (1) gustatory cell depolarizes (2) action potential stimulated in gustatory neurons (3) food substance dissolves in saliva (4) neurotransmitter released by gustatory cell (5) food substance enters taste pore and attaches to receptor on gustatory hair

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

Auditory tube

Which nerve fibers cross in the optic chiasma?

Axons of ganglion cells from nasal halves of both retinas

The optic nerves are composed of

Axons of retinal ganglion cells

Which tastant is not correctly matched with the ion or molecule assisting with receptor depolarization?

Bitter - K+

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


High spatial resolution in vision is a function of

Cone cells

Which of the following would most severely damage the sense of taste?

Damage to the tractus solitarius

The function of the round window is to

Dampen vibrations in the perilymph

hair cells detect

Displacement of the basilar membrane

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

External acoustic meatus

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

External ear

An unlabeled bottle contains a liquid that is very sour. If the chemical composition of this liquid was tested, which of the following will likely be abundant?

Hydrogen ions

Identify the type of hair cells of the spiral organ that are responsible for hearing

Inner hair cells only

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


The scala vestibuli contains


The cornea

Refracts light through the pupil

In the neural retina, action potentials are generated by

Retinal ganglion cells

Light scattering in the eye is prevented by the...

Retinal pigment epithelium

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

Semicircular ducts

Which of the following is part of the spiral organ (organ of Corti)?

Tectorial membrane

What is the near point of vision?

The closest point at which an object can be held and seen without appearing blurred

What is the function of the inner hair cells?

The inner hair cells are responsible for hearing

A young boy has a "stuffy nose" as the result of a cold. He complains that his cookie doesn't taste much different than his cracker. Which of the following explains why a normal, functioning sense of smell is important to experiencing a normal sense of taste?

The perception of taste involves olfactory input to the brain

A student is observing the histology of the tongue. He notices the epithelium and underlying connective tissue is folded into mounds or projections of different shapes. What is he observing?

Tongue papillae

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

Tympanic membrane

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


The transparent mucous membrane that covers the anterior white surface of the eye is the _________blank.

bulbar conjunctiva

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

cochlear duct

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


Which structure is highlighted?


The direction from which a sound is coming can be determined by the

differences in the time that sound waves take to reach each ear.

The pigmented layer of the retina

enhances visual acuity by reducing scattering of light

The auditory tube

equalizes air pressure between the middle ear and outside air

Which structure is highlighted?


You taste a sauce with the tip of your tongue. These taste sensations would be carried via the _________blank cranial nerve.

facial (VII)

High-pitched sounds with short wavelengths displace the basilar membrane far from the oval window.


The point where light rays cross after passing through a concave lens is referred to as the _________blank.

focal point

the lens

focuses light on the retina

During the process of hearing, the _________blank the last structure(s) to vibrate. Multiple Choice

hair cells are

Which is not a bone of the middle ear?


Rods respond to light by


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

inferior oblique

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

inferior rectus

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

inner ear

The _________ is part of the vascular tunic.


The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are separated by the _________.


Which structure is highlighted?


Depth perception

is the ability to distinguish between near and far objects and judge their distance

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

lateral rectus

The _________ separates the posterior chamber from the vitreous chamber.


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

middle ear

In normal near vision light is refracted _________ than in distant vision; thus the lens is _________blank

more; rounded

Which structure is highlighted?

olfactory bulb

Which structure is highlighted?

olfactory mucosa

Which of the following is not a feature of the retina?

optic chiasm

Which structure is highlighted?

optic chiasm

Which structure is highlighted?

optic disc

A person loses all vision in their left eye. One possible cause could be damage to the

optic nerve in the left eye

Which structure is highlighted?

optic tract

Which structure is highlighted?

outer hair cells

The attenuation reflex

prevents damage to delicate ear structures

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


Rhodopsin is found in the _________.


Which structure is highlighted?

scala tympani

Which structure is highlighted?

scala vestibuli

The outermost tunic of the eyeball is the _________.


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

semicircular ducts

The sense of _________ is the only major sense where sensory signals do not pass through the thalamus before being relayed to the cerebral cortex.


If a drug inhibited adenylate cyclase activity in the olfactory epithelium

sodium and calcium channels would remain closed when an odorant bound its receptor

The foot plate is part of the _________.


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

superior rectus

Which structure is highlighted?

taste bud

Which structure is highlighted?

taste pore

Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?

temporal bone

To focus on objects closer than 20 feet,

the ciliary muscles must contract

During the process of hearing, the _________blank is the first structure to vibrate.

tympanic membrane

The external ear terminates at the _________blank.

tympanic membrane

Check all of the major tastants

umami sour sweet bitter salty

The _________blank is/are part of the bony labyrinth


Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?


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