latitude and longitude quiz

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the closer to the equator a place is

the hotter it is

A parallel line of latitude that is a quarter of the way form the equator to the North Pole

tropic of cancer

Latitude is measured from ______ degrees at the equator to ______ degrees at the poles

0 90

there are _____ degrees of longitude each side of the prime meridian


the equator divides the earth into _____ equal parts


Earth is divided into _____ time zones


the are _____ degrees of latitude north and south of the equator


The North pole is numbered ______ degrees North and the south pole is numbered ______ degrees South

90 90

_________ ___________ _________- 180 meridian- the line of longitude on the opposite side of Earth from the prime meridian where east lines of longitude meet west lines of longitude.

International Date line

an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is 180 degrees away from the Prime Meridian. This is where one calendar day ends and other starts.

International date line

This line of latitude is a quarter of the way from the equator to the south pole

Tropic of Capricorn

uses satellites and computers to compute position anywhere on Earth.


Prime Meridian is located at ______ _______

Greenwich England.

The prime meridian runs from the _____ _____ to the ______ _____ and measures in degrees ____ and ______.

north pole to the south pole degrees east and west

The prime meridian does ____ circle the Earth as does the equator


Longitude lines are not ______ like latitude lines


lines of latitude are ______ to the equator


another name for latitude line is ______.


The line of 0 degrees longitude is called the ____ _____.

prime meridian

_______ ________- imaginary line represents 0 longitude

prime meridian

Longitude- located the _____ ______ and know that you will measure _____ or _____.

prime meridian east or west

the relative location of a place describes it in relation to other places.

relative location.

Locations south of the equator are referred to as degrees ______ latitude


how far a location is from the equator affects

the climate of the area

the latitude line at 0 degrees latitude is

the equator

the line at 0 degrees longitude is

the prime meridian

the longitude of a place or how far it is from the prime meridian effects

the time zone a place is in

true or false: lines of latitude are equally spaced.


Points west of the prime meridian have ________ longitude measured from _____ degrees to ______ degrees. Points east of the prime meridian have ______ longitude measured from ____ degrees to ____ degrees.

west 0 to 180 east 0 to 180

what time it is in a particular area depends on

what line of longitude a place is located

an exact position on the Earth's surface

absolute location

Locations north of the equator are referred to as degrees ______ latitude


Longitude lines connect the ______ pole with the ______ pole

north south

the equator is ____ degrees


is one of the five major imaginary circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. It is the parallel latitude of 66 degrees, 33 feet, 38 inches south of the equator. Within this, there is at least one day of the year when there is no sunlight and one day a year when there is no sunset

antarctic circle

is one off the five major imaginary circles of latitude that mark maps of the earth. It is the parallel of latitude 66 degrees 33 feet 38 inches North of the equator. within the antarctic circle there is at least one day of the year when there is no sunlight and one day a year when there is no sunset.

arctic circle

tool that helps the user know what direction one is headed.


3 tools for travel and location

compass, GPS, latitude and longitude

GPS was developed by the U.S. Dept. of ______ as a world wide navigation system


latitude and longitude are measure in


Longitude lines give directions _____ and ______ of the prime meridian

east and west

Latitude- located the ______ and know that you will measure _____ or _____.

equator north or south

______-imaginary line that circles Earth exactly halfway between the _____ and _____ poles

equator north and south

lines of latitude and longitude form an imaginary _____ system that enables _______ on Earth to be located exactly

grid points

measurement of distance in degrees N and S of the equator


the measure f how far n or south a place is from the equator


When writing the coordinates, ______ (N or S) comes first, and then _______(W or E)

latitude longitude

Places that have the same ______ will be in the same time zone


measurement of distance in degrees E or W of the prime meridian


the measure of how far e or w of the prime meridian a place is located is


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