LCSW Study Group

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The following is NOT an MAO inhibitor: (A.) Elavil (B.) Parnate (C.) Nardil (D.) Marplan

(A.) Elavil Elavil (amitriptyline) belongs to a class of similar drugs called tricyclic antidepressants. Elavil is prescribed to treat depression, Bulimia Nervosa (an eating disorder characterized by binging and purging), chronic pain from a variety of conditions including fibro myalgia, chronic headaches or migraines, ulcers, uncontrollable hiccups and primary (childhood onset) insomnia, and to control the involuntary crying and laughing experienced by individuals with Multiple Sclerosis.

The following antidepressants should be prescribed with extreme caution to patients with history of seizures: (A.) Sinequan and Prozac (B.) Bupropion and Ludiomil (C.) Imipramine and Nardil (D.) Bupropion and Doxepin

(B.) Bupropion and Ludiomil Bupropion has a stimulant-type effect and is used primarily for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Bupropion can also be used to treat ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to reduce cocaine craving, to help kick smoking and to reduce lower back pain. Since about 0. 4% of people taking this drug will experience seizures, it should be prescribed to people with seizures with extreme caution. Ludiomil is used to treat depression, including the depressed phase of manic-depressive illness (Bipolar Disorder), psychotic depression (Unipolar Depression) and involutional melancholia. It should not be used in patients with known or suspected convulsive disorders. Maprotiline lowers the seizure threshold.

Formative and summative evaluations can be differentiated by explaining that: (a) Formative evaluations review existing programs after a change has occurred, and summative evaluations review programs prior to change. (b) Formative evaluations assess a program as it is being developed, and summative evaluations review existing programs and compare them to other existing programs. (c) Formative evaluations assess a program in development, and summative evaluations are used when terminating a program. (d) Formative evaluations are the preexisting, summative the later.

(b) Formative evaluations assess a program as it is being developed, and summative evaluations review existing programs and compare them to other existing programs.

Which of the following divides a group of scores in half? (a) average (b) mean (c) mode (d) median

(d) median

You have begun working with a family in which there is a verified history of incestuous relationships. Of the following characteristics, which one is MOST often found in families in which incestuous relationships have occurred? A) Enmeshment of family members B) Relaxed attitude toward sexuality C) Symbiotic mother-child relationships D) Distorted communication patterns

A) Enmeshment of family members

You have just reviewed a case brought to you by a younger and less experienced social worker. It is clear that you are dealing with a Mood Disorder. The current diagnosis is Bipolar I Disorder. It is also clear that the diagnosis is incomplete because the most current episode needs to have a specifier attached. You ask several questions of the social worker and you get the following answers. The patient is extremely sensitive to feelings of rejection, they often feel as if there body is "leaden" (so heavy they cannot do anything) and they tend to overeat and are obese. You tell the social worker they need to add WHICH of the following specifiers: A) With Atypical Features B) With Melancholic Features C) With Catatonic Features D) With Postpartum Onset

A) With Atypical Features All of these features are part of the ATYPICAL Features specifier.

A 30-year-old female client is referred to you by her uncle. During your initial evaluation the client relates a history of drug use since age 15, and states that she is currently using cocaine several times a week and marijuana daily, but does not feel this is a major problem because she has held her same job for 4 years without problems. She denies a history of arrest or legal involvement. Your first action should be to: A) talk with the client about a referral for substance abuse treatment and assist them in scheduling and arranging the assessment. B) complete the assessment, create a treatment plan and enter into an agreement with the client to NOT use drugs during her time in therapy. C) Bring in the client's family for the next session and complete a family interview and assessment to determine intergenerational issues. D) determine the client's motivation for change and discuss different treatment options.

A) talk with the client about a referral for substance abuse treatment and assist them in scheduling and arranging the assessment. Client's with a long history of substance abuse are generally very good at using the ego defense mechanisms of rationalization and denial. They often engage in a circuitous pattern of self-talk that allows them to continue their drug use even in the face of serious consequences. They are also excellent manipulators and should be assessed and treated by someone trained to deal with their issues. It is generally accepted that psychotherapy is ineffective with clients until they are "Clean and sober."

The following is NOT an MAO inhibitor: (A.) Elavil (B.) Parnate (C.) Nardil (D.) Marplan

A. Elavil (amitriptyline) - belongs to a class of similar drugs called tricyclic antidepressants. Elavil is prescribed to treat depression, Bulimia Nervosa (an eating disorder characterized by binging and purging), chronic pain from a variety of conditions including fibro myalgia, chronic headaches or migraines, ulcers, uncontrollable hiccups and primary (childhood onset) insomnia, and to control the involuntary crying and laughing experienced by individuals with Multiple Sclerosis.

Marlott and Gordon's (1985) relapse prevention model focuses on: A. Situations antecedent in relapse. B. The perceived consequences of relapse. C. Controlled drinking D. Contingency management.

A. Situations antecedent in relapse.

LCSW - In the functional model: A. The social agency's purpose in emphasized. B. The environment is emphasized. C. Problem-solving skills are emphasized. D. Diagnosis is emphasized.

A. The social agency's purpose in emphasized.

For the past year a 25-year-old social worker has developed a pattern of increased absences and incomplete work assignments. Additionally, during staff meetings and in supervisory conferences the social worker frequently makes comments such as "most people know that psychiatric patients never improve, and no one should expect us to help people who are this sick." The supervisor should FIRST: A. discuss with the social worker how these behaviors interfere with job performance B. advise the social worker of the necessity to change this attitude C. reflect the social worker's job performance behavior in an annual performance evaluation D. develop a plan with the social worker to improve performance

A. discuss with the social worker how these behaviors interfere with job performance

"Grandma's rule" - i.e., "you must eat your string beans before you can go outside to play" - is MOST similar to which of the following techniques. A. Premack Principle. B. Negative Reinforcement C. Response cost. D. Extinction.

ANSWER: A. (Premack's principle, or the relativity theory of reinforcement, states that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors.)

A creative computer programmer was turned down for a promotion by his supervisor. In his evaluation the supervisor noted that he did not complete some of his work on time, was not working to his full potential, and did not seem to be totally committed to doing his best work. The supervisor said that he needed more experience before giving him a promotion but shared that she would reevaluate his work in a few months. The client tells his social worker he believes that he did not get the promotion because he is gay. He has no evidence to support his idea. The social worker's best response is: a. "yes, you should discuss this with the company's affirmative action officer." b. "It may be true that the supervisor is prejudiced, but before you come to that conclusion, we should think about the substance of the evaluation." c. "Gay people often have a hard time succeeding because of prejudice." d. "Perhaps the supervisor's perception is correct."

ANSWER: B Rationale: Answer A is incorrect because it is premature to make a discrimination charge and there is no evidence to support the allegation. Answer B does not invalidate the client's perception and invites consideration of the objective facts. The negative evaluation may provide an opportunity for self-exploration and growth. Answer C merely expresses sympathy without offering any help, while answer D is likely to arouse a defensive reaction.

After several months of weekly therapy sessions, a client tells her social worker that she believes she can drink responsibly and intends to do so on an upcoming vacation. The client has recently been discharged from a rehabilitation facility and has been diagnosed with alcohol dependence. The client admits that she has not attended AA nor talked with a sponsor. What should the social worker do NEXT? a. Insist that the client join Alcoholics Anonymous b. Confront the client's denial c. Provide information on the relapse process d. Contract with the client to abstain from alcohol

ANSWER: B Rationale: In working with this population it is imperative to confront the client's denial immediately. Other options may be helpful at some point but at this stage to confront the client with her behavior is the next thing that must happen.

Substance intoxication differs from substance withdrawal in terms of A.) The timing of symptoms B.) The amount of alcohol in the system C.) The individual's tolerance level D.) They are synonymous

ANSWER: B. The correct answer is B. - The amount of alcohol in the system. The symptoms of substance withdrawal are associated with a decrease in the amount of alcohol in the system from the intoxication stage. The timing of symptoms (answer "A.") and individual's tolerance levels (answer "C.") are not correct answers because these are not criteria which differentiate substance intoxication from substance withdrawal. They are synonymous (answer "D.") is incorrect as the two terms are not synonymous.

A social worker in a detoxification facility discovers that a new patient told her former social worker that she brought prescription drugs in her lipstick case to the detox facility. Agency policy calls for the patient to start detoxification over from the beginning if drugs are found. However, the client states she has not taken any drugs since being admitted. The social worker should: A.) Ignore the drugs and continue treatment. B.) Ask the patient to leave. C.) Start detoxification over again since that is the policy. D.) Meet with other members of the facility to make a decision.

Answer "C." - Start detoxification over since that is the policy. A policy of this type ha been put in place to deal with this very kind of occurrence. Ignoring the drugs and continuing treatment (answer a.) is not correct because ignoring the drugs would never be an appropriate response. Asking the patient to leave ("b.") is not correct because this would be an extreme course of action to take in this situation. Meeting with other members of the facility to make a decision (answer d.) is not correct because this action would not be appropriate as the policy is already in place to deal with this kind of situation, so a decision would not be necessary unless the policy were inappropriate.

A Caucasian social worker is conducting an intake interview with the parents of a ten year-old black child. The family was referred for services by a school social worker following teacher reports of classroom disruptiveness. Both parents are guarded and the father appears angry and comments, "Why are you people always picking on black kids?" What should the social worker do FIRST? A. Refer the parents to a black social worker B. Recommend that the child be seen individually C. Clarify the parents' understanding of the reasons for the referral D. Explore the parents' perception of their child's disruptive behavior

Answer C Rationale: When clients are accusatory and negative, social workers must FIRST attempt to defuse the situation by clarifying roles and enhancing understanding, therefore (key C) is the best option. There is nothing that would indicate at this time that (angel) would be necessary and that the social worker could not work effectively with this family.

An eight year old is hospitalized and in need of a blood transfusion, however, the client's parents are refusing to get medical treatment for their child. The parents state the reason for this refusal is related to their own religious beliefs. What should the social worker do? A. Respect client right to self-determination B. Report it as a potential case of child abuse C. Further explore options with family members D. Contact hospital administration and let them decide

Answer is C. Explore options with family first. If this does not work you would probably need to report the case if it is considered life threatening and the parents refuse. This will open it up for possible legal intervention

Your client, a 29-year-old male, is arrested for drunk driving and indecent exposure. Although he has a previous arrest record for indecent exposure, he tells you that he was not exposing himself at the time. He explains that he was at a party and that he had too much beer to drink. He needed to go to the bathroom, which he did outside on the street. He says that as he was driving back to the party, the police arrested him. What is the most likely diagnosis for this client? A.) exhibitionism B.) substance abuse disorder C.) paraphilia D.) not enough information on which to make a diagnosis

Answer: A . - Assessing all of the symptoms, which indicate substance abuse and indecent exposure, will help you decide which of these symptoms is most significant. Given the client's history, this is the most likely diagnosis. B is incorrect because you only know that the client was driving drunk at the time that he was arrested. You have no previous history of substance abuse, but you do know about his history of indecent exposure. You would, since the client was arrested for drunk driving, check out the possibility that he has a substance abuse problem. Given the information in this question, however, you should not assume that he does. C is incorrect. While exhibitionism is a paraphilia, the response is less specific. This would be a second-best answer. D is incorrect because the question did not ask for a specific diagnosis (and you certainly could not make a specific diagnosis if this were a real client), it asked for a likely diagnosis based on the information provided.

Two males on your unit are having sex. As the Social Worker, you know that one of the males is HIV POSITIVE. The policy on the unit is that no one is allowed to disclose anything about another patient's medical history. What is the first thing the social worker should do? A) advise all clients of the importance of using safe sex measures. B) discuss case with another worker. C) talk to HIV+ male about his actions. D) ignore the policy and tell the non-HIV+ male about the HIV+ status of the other male on the unit with whom he is having sex.

Answer: A. C. seems incomplete as it singles out one client not both. From these choices, A is better. It is between A and C, get it down to 50% chance of being correct.

Richard is a 50-year-old male who was referred to a social worker for individual treatment. Stan has a history of drug use. He is bright, engaging, and well-educated. In the first interview, Stan says that he is having difficulty with interpersonal relationships. He also tells the social worker that he is using barbiturates daily. The social worker should: A.) evaluate Stan's motivation for change B.) initiate psychotherapy with Stan with an emphasis on the reasons underlying drug abuse C.) refer Stan to a substance abuse treatment as a prerequisite for individual therapy D.) initiate psychotherapy with Stan with emphasis on his difficulty with interpersonal relationships

Answer: C . - Referral for treatment of substance abuse is the best first action by the social worker because it is the action that addresses the possibility that drug abuse is impairing the client's psychosocial functioning. When substance abuse is present, it should be the first target of therapy. A comprehensive treatment plan will include individual therapy as well, but generally, it would come after substance abuse has been addressed. There are three steps to treatment when substance abuse is involved.

Mr. and Mrs. Beech continuously ague and bicker, though they agree in one area: Mr. Beech's beginning career as a college teacher. Both are pleased with his chosen profession, the salary and the university that hired Mr. Beech. Mr. Beech is on the verge of an emotional collapse due to his fears of starting a career and the stress involved in completing his dissertation and his work as an instructor. Mrs. Beech demands constant attention and interferes with his work. The social workers primary focus in treatment would be to Modify the attitudes that created the marital crisis A. Modify the attitudes that created the marital crisis B.Give support to Mr. Beech and help him work through the stresses involved in pursing his academic career. C. Examine and interpret the underlying causes of their marital conflict D. Help Mrs Beech minimize her destructive attacks on her husband

B The key phrase " on the verge" In this case the worker should pay attention to the most critical issue first, and that is Mr. Beech's precarious psychological state. The remaining issues can be addressed when he is more stable.

here are three primary classes of medications prescribed for the relief of depressive symptoms. They are MAOI's (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors), Tricyclics, and SSRI's (Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors). Each answer contains the names of 5-6 common antidepressants. Choose the answer where all of the antidepressants named belong to the class known as SSRI's. A) Procarbazine (Matulane), Safrazine (Safra), Phenelzine (Nardil, Nardelzine), Pheniprazine (Catron), Iproniazid (Iprozid) B) Citalopram (Celexa), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluvoxamine (Luvox),Paroxetine (Paxil), Sertraline (Zoloft) C) Citalopram (Celexa), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Nortriptyline (Pamelor), Phenelzine (Nardil, Nardelzine), Amitriptyline (Elavil) D) Amitriptyline (Elavil), Clomipramine (Anafranil), Desipramine (Norpramin), Doxepin (Sinequan), Imipramine (Tofranil), Nortriptyline (Pamelor)

B) Citalopram (Celexa), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluvoxamine (Luvox),Paroxetine (Paxil), Sertraline (Zoloft)

There are three primary classes of medications prescribed for the relief of depressive symptoms. They are MAOI's (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors), Tricyclics, and SSRI's (Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors). Chose the answer that lists them in length of time they have been available to clients (from oldest to newest). A) First Tricyclics, then MAOI's then SSRI's B) First MOAI's then Tricyclics then SSRI's C) First MAOI's then SSRI's then Tricyclics D) First SSRI's then MAOI's then Tricyclics

B) First MOAI's then Tricyclics then SSRI's

You have begun seeing a child for issues relating to an ADHD diagnosis. They parents inform you that they have just seen a psychiatrist and he has prescribed Adderral for the child. After several weeks the parents report that the child seems more hyperactive and more impulsive after beginning his medication than before. They want to know "how long" the child will have to remain on medications before they will begin to work. You realize your FIRST task is to... A) review all the medications the child is currently taking B) Have the parents notify the psychiatrist and have them make an follow-up with the psychiatrist to evaluate the medication. C) Tell the parent that it may take a while before the medication takes effect and they should keep giving it to him and tell them to wait three more weeks. D) Tell the parents to discontinue the child's medication and seek a new referral from a different psychiatrist.

B) Have the parents notify the psychiatrist and have them make an follow-up with the psychiatrist to evaluate the medication. The first piece of information you need to know is Adderral is used to treat ADHD and it is an "amphetamine salt". It is a fast acting drug, which should change the ADHD symptoms the child presents, almost immediately. The delay between ingestion and effect is less than 30 minutes usually. If the child is still hyperactive then there is either a problems with his reaction to the medication or he is not truly ADHD. Either way, a psychiatrist has diagnosed him, and is responsible for the medication. He needs new medications or a more detailed work-up for an alternative diagnosis. Today there are many medications, some stimulant and some non-stimulant, that can be used to treat ADHD. Assist the parents with a follow-up as soon as possible.

Of the following drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist, which would be most likely prescribed for a diagnosis which included psychosis? A) Wellbutrin (Bupropion) B) Risperdol (Risperidone). C) Prozac (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride) D) Lithobid (Lithium Carbonate)

B) Risperdol (Risperidone).

Intervention in the problem-solving model focuses on: A. Changing behaviors B. Releasing ego functions C. Changing the environment D. Modifying cognitions.

B. Releasing ego functions

In narrative therapy, "reauthoring" refers to which of the following? A.) Modifying client cognitions that distort reality and perpetuate problems B.) Evaluating alternative outcomes with the client C.) Helping the client recognize and correct inconsistencies in his life story D.) Helping the client adopt an objective, rather than subjective, understanding of his life experiences.

B. is correct - Narrative therapy focuses on understanding how experience produces experience and how expectations the influence experience through the creation of "organizing stories."

In a family therapy setting, a family is referred in which a child is living with his mother and stepfather. The child has expressed a desire to live with his biological father. In this situation, the social worker should hold the first interview with A. the mother and stepfather. B. the mother, stepfather, and child. C. the mother and natural father. D. the mother and child.

B. the mother, stepfather, and child. (The choice reflects the fact that the boy is currently living with the mother and stepfather. They constitute a family unit that should be involved initially in establishing a relationship with the therapist and defining the purpose of the treatment. At a later point, different family configurations including the biological father may be brought together.)

What are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and a range of other conditions. Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs that act as central nervous system depressants. Because death from from benzodiazepine overdose is rare, these are the CNS depressants most prescribed and have largely replaced barbiturates for use as hypnotics, anesthetics and sedatives.

Libido, is defined, as the force or psychic energy behind human action. It plays a large role in several theories of understanding human behavior. Which theorist believed that libido was general psychic energy? A) Carl Rogers B) Sigmund Freud C) Carl Gustav Jung D) Aaron Beck

C) Carl Gustav Jung Jung conceptualized libido as a free, creative, psychic—energy, that a person uses to energize personal development or individuation. Libido, may contain sexual energy, but is not constrained by sexual energy, as postulated by Freud.

A six-year-old child lives with a foster family. His father is in prison and his mother is in residential treatment for alcohol dependence. The child is small for his age, often has temper outbursts, and has difficulty completing schoolwork. The social worker notes that his speech is immature. What should the social worker do FIRST? A) Work with the foster parents on a behavior modification plan B) Suggest that the child's teacher refer him for special education placement C) Refer the child for assessment for fetal alcohol syndrome D) Work with the child's biological mother toward reunification

C) Refer the child for assessment for fetal alcohol syndrome

You are working with a 51 year old father with three children ages 12, 10 and 6. He has been diagnoses with Major Depressive Disorder, NOS and has had problems with his employer due to excessive absences when he is in a depressive cycle. After several session, you secure a referral to a psychiatrist and he is placed on a Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI). After being on the drug for 45 days, he relates a lessening of the depression he also has experienced a downturn in his marriage, and after several minutes of dodging questions, he admits the problem centers around sexual intimacy. The next BEST response is to... A) Arrange for a couples session B) Reassess the patient to determine if anything was missed in the primary session. C) Request a consult for a review of his medications. D) Begin questioning the client about sexual abuse survivor issues.

C) Request a consult for a review of his medications. One of the side-effects of SSRI's reported by men is difficulty with erection and sexual responsiveness. Males also begin having problems with sexual performance in their late forties to early fifties. Either situation can be overcome, but the combination of both may be overwhelming. If sexual contact is the primary means of showing affection in the marriage, this can cause serious problems with marital cohesion. Talking with the psychiatrist about alternatives would be your quickest path to success.

You are asked to assess a 15-year old female client who has recently arrived at a mental health center with the following complaints: For the past 4 weeks she has been uncharacteristically angry and irritable. She states she has difficulty concentrating on her schoolwork and her after-school activities. When asked how she feels she says she feels " YUCK". She relates she has been eating less, skipping breakfast and has lost 9 pounds in the last 4 weeks. She relates a serious decrease in appetite. She relates she has difficulty sleeping and has dropped out of several school activities she was very involved with. During your assessment her hands are in constant nervous motion and she gets up from her seat several times and restlessly paces the room. Your BEST diagnosis would be: A) a drug induced depression B) a somatoform disorder C) a depressive episode D) an anxiety disorder

C) a depressive episode

According to Adlerian Psychology, Alfred Adler would have defined the primary problem associated with criminals and addicts as having A) no personal responsibility B) poorly developed social interest C) a failure identity D) incongruence between experience and self-concept

C) a failure identity A is INCORRECT Personal responsibility is not a primary concept in Adlerian Psychology. Someone could create a "fiction" where they were personally responsible, but it would not been seen as a psychopathic issue, simply a mis-created fiction.. B is INCORRECT Adler would have felt social interest was a product that everyone had in the same quantity, but their view of how it pertained to them would be determined by Birth Order. D is INCORRECT Adler would probably not have differentiated between experience and self-concept outside of birth order. (This answer is sure to cause me trouble with Adlerian Therapists)

As a new clinical social worker you find yourself being told by your supervisor you need to be more confrontational. This seems at odds with the social work mission, until you supervisor explains the primary purpose of confrontation is to: A) demonstrate accurate understanding B) help a client change their view of a problem C) make a client aware of inconsistencies D) help the client identify alternatives to her present behavior

C) make a client aware of inconsistencies Rational: Clients often have inconsistent views and values concerning a specific problem. This is a HUMAN problem we all fight with. Conflicts between what a client 'thinks' should be the solution and what the actual solution will be is the bread and butter of therapy. Just because we know we should do something does not mean we will act in the appropriate manner. (Think about cigarette smoking as an example)

You are counseling a 42 year old married man with three young children. His presentation includes problems associated with obsessive compulsive disorder. He has been referred to you after the initial psychiatric social worker had him seen by a psychiatrist and he has been started on an anti-anxiety medication regimen. Since starting his medication, he reports having better sleeping patterns and feeling more "refreshed" in the morning. He also reports that his compulsive behaviors continue. He reports that the strained family relationships, his inability to work, and his problems disciplining his children are still a large part of his life. Your assessment of his compulsive behaviors are BEST described as his ... A) presenting problem B) Axis III Problem C) primary problem D) Axis IV problem

C) primary problem The compulsive behaviors are the driving force behind his presenting problems, such as inability to work, inability to parent, etc. If you tried to work on the presenting problems without addressing the primary problem, you would probably not be successful.

A social worker using Beck's cognitive therapy is likely to use all of the following EXCEPT: A. Socratic questioning B. Reframing C. Distress-tolerance skills training D. Activity scheduling

C. Distress-tolerance skills training This is part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Distress tolerance skills training is a core feature of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for borderline personality disorder (BPD). The distress tolerance skills are meant to reduce impulsive behavior which can often result from an inability to tolerate strong emotions.

Treatment progress seems to occur quite rapidly when working with a client in crisis because the client is best able to develop self direction a. In a state of equilibrium B. Free of expectations C. More receptive to accepting help of a greater state of vulnerability D. Free if expectations

C. More receptive to accepting help of a greater state of vulnerability

You are working at an emergency neighborhood walk-in mental health center and a client drops in. They appear to be homeless, as they have an unpleasant body odor and while they seem sober, they have a heavy alcohol smell on their breath. They have been sitting in the lobby for about half-an-hour when they begin exhibiting the following symptoms: 1) uncontrollable eye movements, 2) slow and/or slurred speech, 3) uncontrollable shaking of the upper body and 4) vomiting. You look in their chart as the receptionist calls 911 and you see a list of medications including fluoxetine, Catapres, Phenytoin, and ibuprofen PRN. Which of these medications should be of greatest concern to you at that moment and when the EMT's arrive to take the client to the hospital? A) Fluoxetine B) Catapres C) Phenytoin D) ibuprofen

C. Phenytoin is an anti-convulsant used in the treatment of seizure disorders and does not mix well with alcohol and many other drugs. Use of simple over the counter (OTC) medications can also have a serious affect on how much the body can absorb (Maalox, Mylanta, Tums can adversely affect how it operates in the body.) All of the behaviors are classic symptoms of a Dilantin (Phenytoin) overdose and should be reported to the EMT's as such.

Corprolalia refers to: A.) Impulsive stealing B.) Impulsive crying C.) Impulsive use of obscene language D.) Fear of birds

C.) Impulsive use of obscene language

A supevisee is having difficulty relating to , understanding and helping an adult client. Both the client and the social worker were adopted as children after having been abandoned by their families. This factor may be influencing the workers relationship with the client. The supervisor might A.suggest the worker seek therapy since the issue is unresolved. B.Remove the worker from the case C.Focus on possible counter-transference and help the worker with concrete client treatment issues D.Help the worker resolve the counter-transference problem.

C.Focus on possible counter-transference and help the worker with concrete client treatment issues

Committing an ethical violation in Social Work can occur very quickly if you are not clear on the NASW Code. Which of the following situations create the greatest opportunity for a breach of ethics? A) Using the client's first name during therapy without asking permission. B) Giving the client several personal books you have for pleasure reading. C) Discussing the progress of the local or college sports team with the client D) Exchanging lawn care services at your home for therapy time instead of cash.

D) Exchanging lawn care services at your home for therapy time instead of cash.

You are working with a 23 year-old client who has admitted to smoking marijuana daily since age 14. They state they have never felt withdrawal issues and really enjoy the drug. Given the research on marijuana, you know the issue MOST correlated with cannabis dependence is... A) Psychological adaptation B) Physiological adaptation C) Existence of drug withdrawal D) Frequency of use

D) Frequency of use According to a case-control study of 108 long-term heavy cannabis users published in 2003 in Psychological Medicine (Vol. 33, No. 8) found that when compared with people who smoked marijuana briefly, matched by age and similar family backgrounds, heavy users reported lower income and lower educational achievement. Heavy users — who reported smoking marijuana an average of 18,000 times in their lives — also rated their own quality of life much more negatively than study participants who used marijuana for only a short period of time and stopped. They had lower ratings across 10 measures, including quality of diet, overall satisfaction with self and life, and general happiness.

You are reviewing a record of a patient and find out they are being treated for a current diagnosis of Bipolar disorder. The medication you would MOST LIKELY find prescribed would be... A) Prolixin (fluphenazine) B) Stelazine (trifluoperazine) C) Tricyclics D) Lithium Bicarbonate

D) Lithium Bicarbonate Lithium Carbonate is often considered the "gold standard" for the treatment of Bipolar. It comes in may doses and under many different trade names.

Your supervisor at a local mental health center asks a question during the staff meeting. "What is the permanent, debilitating medical condition which can occur with the long-term use of anti-psychotic and neuroleptic medications? You know the BEST answer is... A) Epilepsy B) Cirrhosis C) Meige's syndrome D) Tardive Dyskinesia

D) Tardive Dyskinesia - Tardive dyskinesias (TDs) are involuntary movements of the tongue, lips, face, trunk, and extremities that occur in patients treated with long-term dopaminergic antagonist medications. Although they are associated with the use of neuroleptics, TDs apparently existed before the development of neuroleptics. People with schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders are especially vulnerable to developing TDs after exposure to conventional neuroleptics, anticholinergics, toxins, substances of abuse, and other agents. TDs are most common in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder who have been treated with antipsychotic medication for long periods, but TDs occasionally occur in other patients as well. For example, people with fetal alcohol syndrome, other developmental disabilities, and other brain disorders are vulnerable to the development of tardive dyskinesias, even after receiving a single dose of the causative agent

As you are beginning your second session with a client, she asks for advice on a specific area of her current situation. The time to give advice, which would be MOST appropriate, would be: A) When she is clearly resistant to making her own decision B) When she needs additional information regarding her options C) when she states she is not able to figure out the problem on her own D) when she is clearly too overwhelmed to be able to chose her own direction.

D) when she is clearly too overwhelmed to be able to chose her own direction. One of the hallmarks of psychological distress is the overwhelming of an individual's coping strategies and tools. During a crisis, we tend to use "tools" and "skills" we have learned before. If these work, the crisis lessens. Often they do not work and the crisis deepens. It is easy to go through your entire "toolbox" and run out of options. At this crucial point, giving advice may be appropriate, however, you should limit your advice to as small an area as possible. For example, you might give someone advice to take several days off work and visit a supportive family member, but it would not be prudent to advise them to quit their job and move to Taos, New Mexico.

Rogerian views dysfunctional behavior as the result of: A. A lack of awareness. B. Irresponsibility. C. Boundary disturbances. D. Incongruence between self and experience.

D. Incongruence between self and experience.

SSRI meds treat?


A supervisor works with a social worker whose learning pattern is that of an experimental-empathic learner. The worker is intuitive and uses self -appraisals quite well. To enhance the workers learning, the supervisor might A. Offer repetitive experience with different cases B. State concrete and specific expectations C. Help the worker conceptualize and critically evaluate the issues D. Make associations between theory and practice

The correct answer is A The key term is "experimental". This type of learner is prepared to learn empirically, from demonstration-effect- observation. Learning from observation and testing is quite common and suggests a supervisor permit some latitude to the supervisee to allow him or her to test hypotheses.

Lloyd has been recently diagnosed with schizophrenia, undifferentiated type and with alcohol dependence. He has been stabilized on medications and has been referred to you for follow-up. Of the following treatments, which would be BEST to use FIRST... A) substance abuse treatment B) insight oriented therapy C) medication monitoring. D) family of origin work

The correct answer is A His mental health condition has been stabilized on medications. Next you must treat his substance abuse and dependence issues. These are issues which effect the core of his personality and will block you from being able to do better work with him. B IS INCORRECT Insight oriented therapy does not work well with major mental health disorders until they have passed the point of complete crisis. Usually this takes several years, at a minimum, post diagnosis and may never occur. C IS INCORRECT This has already been done. D IS INCORRECT Family of origin work often requires great insight into personal history and personality issues. It is not acceptable for use on patients still in recovery or just having been diagnosed with a major mental illness.

A new social worker is discussing a case with you in which they have seen the grandmother say "you must eat your string beans before you can go watch TV". They think this is a great behavioral technique. You realize this is a variation of the ... A) punishment B) Premack Principle C) extinction D) response cost

The correct answer is B Premack's Principle suggests that if a person wants to perform a given activity, the person will perform a less desirable activity to get at the more desirable activity.

You have accepted a job working with habitual sex offenders who seek out young children. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE type of therapy for you to use? A) Psychotropic Drugs B) Long-term treatment groups. C) Individual treatment. D) Family therapy.

The correct answer is B Research has shown that long-term treatment groups are a very effective method for treating habitual sex offenders. The group allows the treatment to be supported by the other offenders and keeps the offenders from denying their role in their offenses.

You are working the night shift in an indigent care psychiatric receiving hospital and the sheriff shows up with a 27-year-old male. The client is disheveled, with bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Multiple attempts to question the client have been met with rambling statements and an inability to stay focused. The Sheriff gives you the following information. The client has been stopping every hundred miles or so and has been calling the highway patrol to state that the "truckers" are spying on him and he can hear them talking to each other as they pass his car. He also related to the sheriff that when he stops at Truck Refilling Stations, the "prostitutes talk about him and tell lies about him to each other. He is from San Diego and is Active Duty Navy and has driven all the way to Florida in 37 hours. An empty bottle of NO-DOZ was found on the floor of his car. You realize that he is suffering from caffeine overdose. His "paranoid-like" statements are a manifestation of.... A) Depersonalization B) ideas of reference C) conversion symptoms D) Delusions of reference

The correct answer is B The feeling that casual incidents and external events have a particular and unusual meaning that is specific to the person. In this mindset, the incidents revolve around the person perceiving them. They are translated as having special significance to the individual. Indeed, they might appear very paranoid and bizarre, but they are not fully formed beliefs. Upon confrontation, the individual is able to distinguish these beliefs as unlikely or improbable.

You accept a referral from an agency on 65-year old male client. During the initial interview you learn he has been physically abusive to his wife of 40 years and he appears very depressed. He relates that two of his children will not talk to him and did not call him for his birthday this year. You quickly find you dislike this client intensely and have difficulty feeling any empathy for this client and his situation. That evening after the session you realize he reminds you of your spouse's step-father who was abusive to your spouse during their childhood. You should... A) Share your feelings with the client B) Talk to your supervisor about your reactions toward this client C) Accept your feelings as part of the therapeutic process when working with abusers D) Continue your sessions with the client and ignore your feelings

The correct answer is B Let your supervisor know how you feel, why you feel the way you do and how it might affect your interactions. Then, work with your supervisor on how you can either use this awareness to help the interactions with your client or whether you need to be replaced by another social worker. There will be clients you can work with and clients that 'trigger you' in ways that make therapeutic interactions impossible. This type of a reaction is due to the human condition. Don't run from it.

As a social worker in a clinic, you are studying with a clinician to learn Rational Emotive Therapy. When interacting with a client, as a RET Therapist you would be MOST interested in therapeutic techniques, which help to modify which of the following: A) behaviors B) emotions C) beliefs D) events

The correct answer is C Albert Ellis' approach to cognitive therapy, which sees emotional disturbances as the result of irrational beliefs that guide people's interpretation of events. Clients are helped to appraise their situations realistically and develop new ways of interpreting experience. REBT has a simple exercise to help us make this adjustment, called "the ABCs". It is used to analyze the situation and change our thinking about it so that without trying to change external reality, we can feel better about it. This doesn't mean that we should never try to change external reality- sometimes it is appropriate- it's when it isn't an appropriate or effective response that we can choose to have a different response instead in order to feel better. While the ABCs are for use to help with any emotional upset, anger is the example we'll use here.

A client with narcissistic personality disorder feels that her advice is extraordinary helpful to others in making major life decisions. She tells her therapist that she was vey hurt recently when her son's fiancé said that the client should mind her own business and not try to guide her about her career and how their getting married could hurt her professional future. To be the most helpful to the client, the therapist must achieve a balance between A. Support and neutrality B. Sympathy and empathy C. Empathic mirroring and helping the client to see the fiancee's point of view D. The client understanding her own behavior and the therapist telling her how she comes across

The correct answer is C In working with a client with narcissistic personality disorder, the client can be expected to have an exaggerated sense of her own importance that contributes to relationship difficulties and a lack of empathy for others feelings. It is very difficult for such a client to be self-observing or self-evaluative, or to tolerate criticism. For this client to make a personal change, the worker must carefully maintain a therapeutic alliance and empathic attainment to support the client seeing the impact of her behavior on others, and that to recognize that others feelings are as important and real as her own.

You meet a new client. He is 38-years-old, a white-collar professional and has stated that he is seeking help because he has intense anxiety and panic attacks. He states he has never seen a mental health professional. He said, "I was given the diagnosis of panic disorder by my neighbor, a schoolteacher." He describes the following symptoms: nausea, waves of dizziness and intense feelings of fear with no recognizable source of a threat. Your FIRST step in the therapeutic process would be to: A) Arrange for a psychiatric consultation B) Recommend books and reading material on relaxation techniques C) Assess the client's current situation and environment. D) Develop specific goals for managing anxiety and panic

The correct answer is C Always assess and gather information. You need to have an understanding of the issues and concerns in the client's life. What environmental impacts they are coping with and what support resources they have at their disposal.

You have been approached by your director and asked to plan a program to be presented to your client base. First thing to do is to clearly define the problem you are seeking to resolve, the next step would be... A) review all available resources and existing programs B) order resources that are available for a similar issue. C) detail the goals of your program and determine the action steps needed. D) deciding who will be eligible for your program.

The correct answer is C Before you start anything, you should always define your goals. Otherwise, you will tend to wander. A lot of people get discouraged with goal planning because after putting effort into it, you find the goals you have created do not clearly fit your idea. It is important to understand that goal setting is a process and your goals will be fluid and flexible until you achieve the perfect mix. Also, when working in an agency, your supervisor and director may have to approve your goals. Don't get to emotionally attached to them, as they may not make it into the final cut. Once you determine your goals, the writing of action steps (What will I specifically need to do in order to achieve each goal) comes next.

Ethics are beliefs about what constitutes correct or proper behavior. The principles of "right conduct" and "how to live as a good person" are Basic elements in the Ethical principles of our profession. Our ethical code reflect's one's obligations or duties. These basic elements are principles common to the helping professions. When one talks about "The Duty to Keep A Promise"... they are referring to the concept of... A) Autonomy B) Confidentiality C) Fidelity D) Beneficence

The correct answer is C Fidelity: The duty to keep one's promise or word

A new social worker on your staff has been discussing a client in terms of unconditional positive regard. You know they are a Rogerian, person-centered, therapist. They then start talking about "incongruence" and the client's need to overcome this. What specific aspect of person-centered therapy coincides with incongruence? A) Conflict perspective B) Factor analysis C) Oedipus complex D) conditions of worth

The correct answer is D Conditions of worth refer to conditions after which affection is given. It is a term used by Carl Rogers to describe social influences on the self-concept; for example, a child might not include anger in her self-concept because her parents' scolding has established a condition of worth such that anger is inappropriate.

You receive a client whose life has been turned upside down due to Agoraphobia. She relates that it is affecting her relationship with her husband and her ability to lead a normal life. Agoraphobia is ... A) Fear of heights B) Fear of snakes C) Fear of closed places D) Fear of open spaces

The correct answer is D Fear of open spaces. This comes from the Greek word for open marketplace, agora. People with agoraphobia can end up "trapped" in their house, unable to go to the store, or even go to the mailbox. It is a very serious and crippling phobia.

In rational behavior therapy, the difference between the "normal" adolescent and the adolescent who acts out is that the latter A. Is less intelligent and more aggressive B. Needs less structure and more interpretation C. Has more anxiety and an unloving family D. Needs more structure and resolves conflict with activity as opposed to thinking

The correct answer is D In this theory, behavioral change can be promoted by changing thinking styles. It is thought that adolescents who act out do not have the orderly thinking skills necessary to make rational choices about their behavior.

Of the following medications, which one is MOST LIKELY to be used for the treatment of bipolar disorder. A) Haloperidol B) Valium C) Luvox D) Abilify

The correct answer is D Abilify is also known as Aripiprazole. It is a partial dopamine agonist of the second generation class of atypical antipsychotics with additional antidepressant properties that is used in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. A IS INCORRECT Haloperidol (also called Haldol) is an older antipsychotic used in the treatment of schizophrenia and acute psychotic states and delirium. A long-acting decanoate ester is used as an injection given every four weeks to people with schizophrenia or related illnesses who have poor adherence to medication regimens and suffer frequent relapses of illness. B IS INCORRECT Diazepam, first marketed as Valium, is a benzodiazepine drug. It is commonly used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures (including status epilepticus), muscle spasms (such as in tetanus cases), restless legs syndrome, alcohol withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal, opiate withdrawal syndrome and Ménière's disease. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative, skeletal muscle relaxant, and amnestic properties and the pharmacological action of diazepam enhances the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA. C IS INCORRECT Fluvoxamine (Luvox) is an antidepressant which functions as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ethical codes are based on the ethical principles of a profession. These codes outline the values of the profession. They also create a guide to steer the behaviors of the profession. Of the four overall ethical domains below, which one DOES NOT apply to the social work profession... A) The professional's qualities and characteristics B) Behaviors toward other professionals and colleagues C) Behaviors of professionals in a range of situations D) Behaviors of the client to the professional.

The correct answer is D This is not an ethical concern of the social worker.

You have been assigned a gay teen-age client. Of the many roles you play as a therapist, which one is the MOST important role for you in this situation? A) helping the client prepare to tell his or her family that he or she is gay B) helping the client unlearn maladaptive self-protective behaviors C) exposing the client to gay role models D) providing the client with relevant information and resources

The correct answer is D This is one of those questions where several of the answers appear to be very good, and in fact are good depending in the amount of information you are given. In this case the only information you are given is that the client is a teenager and gay. There is no listing of problems and we have no way of knowing what this client needs. However, referrals and education are always an essential to therapy and a great place to start. Depending on the feedback you can learn a great deal about how a person perceives their current environment.

A young woman was in a house fire in which she had to save herself by jumping from a second floor window. She is fully conscious of the events of the incident and recalls full details, but does not retain any associative affect regarding the incident. The defense mechanism in operation is a. suppression. b. denial. c. conversion. d. isolation of affect.

The correct answer is D. Suppression involves voluntary setting aside of affect and memory, which can also be voluntarily retrieved. Denial, although also involved in isolation of affect, isn't as accurate a label for this symptom expression. Conversion involves changing the affect into another symptom, such as a physical disorder or problem.

A client is admitted to the emergency room after being found incoherent and muttering to himself. The social worker attempts to interview the client, but the client is delusional and appears to be responding to internal stimuli. What medication will most likely be used to treat the client's symptoms? A. Lithium B. Haldol C. Xanax D. Zyprexa

This is a factual recall item. B is the correct answer because Haldol is used to treat psychotic symptoms.

Which of the following medications is used primarily for the treatment of psychosis? a. Haldol b. Xanax c. Wellbutrin d. Prozac

a. Haldol

A 15 y/o was admitted to an inpatient adolescent unit following a suicide attempt. In an interview with the parents, the social worker noticed that the father talked for his wife and did the same for the adolescent. The dynamic issue that need to be addressed in the family therapy session is: a. Individuation b. Anxiety c. Suicide d. Depression

a. Individuation

The psychosexual stage of development during which sexual energy is sublimated is which of the following: a. Latency b. Oral c. Sensory motor d. Preoperational

a. Latency

Currently, which medication is most often used in the treatment of schizophrenia a. Navane b. Prozac c. Lithium d. Klonipin

a. Navane - The correct answer is A-Navane, with is an anti-psychotic medication. Prozac (answer B) is not correct, as this medication is used in the tx of depression. Lithium (answer C) is not correct, as it's used to treat bipolar dis. Klonipin (answer D) is incorrect, as this medication is used in the treatment of Psychoses.

Which of the following medications is classified as a benzodiazepine? a. Xanax b. Geodon c. Risperdal d. Abilify

a. Xanax

9. When conducting an assessment of the risk factors of child abuse for a child of a different ethnic background, a social worker must FIRST: a. be aware of how personal cultural biases affect the social worker's ability to deal with issues of diversity b. realize that assessment models are not a substitute for clinical judgment or experience c. use a strengths' perspective rather than a deficit model to form a partnership with the child's family d. understand the need for appropriate eye contact, tone of voice and question techniques during the assessment

a. be aware of how personal cultural biases affect the social worker's ability to deal with issues of diversity

The statistical test known as ANOVA is most frequently used: a.) To examine the differences between two or more means. b.) To determine the correlation between two-factors c.) To determine the predictive ability of one factor in relation to another d.) To examine the differences between two or more means while also accounting for confounding variables.

a.) To examine the differences between two or more means.

A person manifesting an excessive reaction of sadness due to some external circumstance of recent loss experience is suffering from: a. Endogenous depression b. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood c. Bipolar disorder, depressed type d. Schizophrenia

b. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood

7. After several months of weekly therapy sessions, a client tells her social worker that she believes she can drink responsibly and intends to do so on an upcoming vacation. The client has recently been discharged from a rehabilitation facility and has been diagnosed with alcohol dependence. The client admits that she has not attended AA nor talked with a sponsor. What should the social worker do NEXT? a. Insist that the client join Alcoholics Anonymous b. Confront the client's denial c. Provide information on the relapse process d. Contract with the client to abstain from alcohol

b. Confront the client's denial Rationale: In working with this population it is imperative to confront the client's denial immediately. Other options may be helpful at some point but at this stage to confront the client with her behavior is the next thing that must happen.

A 40 y/o ct. feels compelled, against their judgment, to engage in behaviors that are distressing in an effort to ease anxiety and tension. These behaviors include: placing items in his bedroom in a certain order and checking repeatedly to ensure that he turned off appliances in his home. Which term BEST explains the client's behavior? a. Countertransference b. Ego dystonic c. Ego syntonic d. Primary gain

b. Ego dystonic Egosyntonic is a psychological term referring to behaviors, values, feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one's ideal self-image. Egodystonic and refers to thoughts and behaviors (e.g., dreams, impulses, compulsions, desires, etc.) that are in conflict, or dissonant, with the needs and goals of the ego, or, further, in conflict with a person's ideal self-image.

What are the typical side-effects of methylphenidate (Ritalin) include all of the following except: a. Growth suppression b. Seizures c. Dysphoria d. Decrease appetite

b. Seizures

Compared to the traditional antipsychotic drugs, atypical antipsychotics are LESS likely to produce: a. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome b. Serious extrapyramidal side-effects c. Blood dyscrasias d. Sedation

b. Serious extrapyramidal side-effects

You're a social worker employed as a therapist for an Employer Assistance Program, when an assembly line worker's manager refers this employee for a session. Later on that week, the manager inquires whether the employee attended the therapy session or blew it off. In this situation, you might: a) Contact the patient and get his permission before you answer the question b) Indicate to the manager that you cannot say whether the patient attended or not c) Tell the manager whether the patient attended, but nothing else d) Since the manager referred the patient, let him know if the patient attended and how he is doing in session, but no specifics

c) Tell the manager whether the patient attended, but nothing else

Jimmy, a social worker, accepts the referral of a competent patient in the hospital who wants to establish a living will. The social worker should a. Check with the nursing staff to see whether they would honor the will or not b. Speak with the family first c. Assist the patient with his wishes for his own medical treatment d. Call an attorney

c. Assist the patient with his wishes for his own medical treatment

Ability to understand and react realistically to the world: a. Coping b. Stress c. Ego strength d. Solution

c. Ego strength

Florence is in her first semester of her second year of a MSW program, interning at a state-agency policy department. She has gone to her supervisor for help. She is questioning her choice of social work as a career and doesn't feel that she can follow all of the policy and standards of the NASW Code of Ethics because she has experienced so many violations of them as an intern. She also feels that she is not dependable enough to be a social worker. The least appropriate response by her supervisor would be to a. Refer her to a peer support group. b. Refer her to the director of her MSW program. c. Problem-solve for her. d. Help her identify her specific concerns.

c. Problem-solve for her.

All of the following medications are benzodiazepines EXCEPT: a. Xanax b. Valium c. Risperdal d. Klonopin

c. Risperdal

A client admitted in Jackson Manor Hospital has a right to all the following, except: a. To participate in planning her treatment. b. Give her consent when she is mentally and physically capable. c. Under any circumstances refuse treatment. d. To communicate with and have visits from whomever they want.

c. Under any circumstances refuse treatment.

A social worker sees a family for family therapy. During one session, the youngest family member tells the social worker, "I need to share something with you." Another family member responds by saying "Don't talk about it." The social worker makes several unsuccessful attempts to assist family members in more open discussion. To increase open communication, what should the social worker do NEXT? a. Clarify the initial symptoms presented by the family b. Talk with the youngest family member individually c. Use circular questioning with all family members d. Take a one-down position with the family

c. Use circular questioning with all family members

A client in therapy with a social worker exhibits disorganized thinking, labile affect, incoherence, and paranoid delusions. The client has discontinued prescribed medication because of reported "stiffness" and "swollen tongue." The social worker should FIRST: a. question the client as to other reasons for discontinuing the medication b. instruct the client to resume medication c. refer the client for psychiatric evaluation d. refer the client for drug and alcohol screening

c. refer the client for psychiatric evaluation This is a medication issue. It is beyond the scope of your practice. The client is experiencing physical symptoms. He needs a medical doctor.

Patrice has given her three-year old daughter, Aretha, and seven-year-old son, Franklin, to her neighbor Stephanie to take care of while she is in an inpatient mental-health treatment program for depression due to a recent divorce. Stephanie is your identical twin's best friend and has been to your home for holiday parties and your children's birthday parties. You work for the Child Protective Services (CPS) in your county and are aware of past allegations of Stephanie abusing her own children. An anonymous report has been received that Patrice's children are being neglected and abused by Stephanie. You, the Child Protective Services worker, should first a.Remove the children from Stephanie's home b. Inform Patrice about the situation c.Investigate the allegation d.Speak with Stephanie who is taking care of Patrice's children

c.Investigate the allegation

A soldier with combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder desires to return to combat. What is the FIRST thing you should do? a. Allow the soldier full self-determination, returning when she deems appropriate b. Inform the client that return will likely cause an increase in symptoms and is not advised c. Contact the commanding officer to determine if this is an option d. Assess progress in treatment and current level of functioning

d. Assess progress in treatment and current level of functioning

A patient has been in a psychiatric hospital for three weeks. His diagnoses are schizophrenia and alcohol abuse. He is on psychotropic medication and an anticonvulsant for his seizure disorder. For several days he has been drowsy, stumbling, and slurring his speech. What should the social worker do FIRST? a. Consult with a behavior therapist for a behavior management plan b. Review the patient's discharge plan c. Evaluate the patient for surreptitious alcohol use d. Consult with the psychiatrist for a medication evaluation

d. Consult with the psychiatrist for a medication evaluation Rationale: Evaluate the patient for surreptitious alcohol use may be an acceptable action in the case outlined, but only after a medication evaluation has been conducted. Since the question asks for the FIRST action to be taken, © is incorrect.

A social worker is receiving a client with long-standing depression. It becomes known that the client has racist beliefs. The social worker should: a. respectfully confront the client's prejudiced beliefs b. educate the client about the negative effects of racism c. refer the client to another therapist who might have similar belief d. respect the client's beliefs and focus on the presenting problem

d. respect the client's beliefs and focus on the presenting problem

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