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What are the 4 stages of readiness?

1. unable and unwilling to do a job 2. unable but willing 3. able but unwilling 4. able and willing to do the job.

Democratic leaders can be classified in which two ways?

A democratic-consultative leader seeks input from employees but makes the final decision himself: A democratic-participative leader often allows employees to have a say in the final decision.

What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

A leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. Leading is one of the four managerial functions.

What is a participative leader according to PG theory?

A leader sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest levels.

What is a participative leader according to PG theory?

A leader that consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision).

What is a supportive leader according to PG theory?

A leader that is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees.

What is a directive leader according to PG theory?

A leader that lets employees know what is expected of them, schedules work, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks.

What is an autocratic leader?

A leader who centralizes authority, dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation.

What does it mean to be an employee oriented leader?

A leader who emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes a personal interest in the needs of employees, and accepts individual differences.

What does it mean to be a product oriented leader?

A leader who emphasizes technical or task aspects of a job, is concerned mainly with accomplishing tasks, and regards group members as a means to accomplishing goals.

What is a laissez-faire leader?

A leader who gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and to decide on work methods

What is a democratic leader?

A leader who involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation in deciding work methods and goals, and uses feedback to coach employees.

What is the LPC questionnaire?

A questionnaire that measures whether a leader was task or relationship oriented.

What is a servant leader?

A servant first and leader second. They usually want to serve others, are Non-materialistic, are Not focused on power and control, but Focused on growing people, and have a Desire to give the underprivileged a voice and help them succeed

What is a Transformer?

An individual personality set apart from ordinary people and endowed with supernatural, superhuman powers and heroic charismatic

If Patrick chooses the first option in which he centralizes authority and dictates work methods, which leadership style will he be using?


What are the basic leadership styles?

Autocratic, democratic, laissez faire.

What are the two transformational approaches to leadership?

Charismatic and visionary

Unable and willing followers should be matched with_______.

Coaching/selling leadership

What two things did the Ohio State Study entail?

Consideration and Initiation structure.

If Patrick chooses to ask his employees their opinion as a group and then make the decision for his group he is demonstrating Vroom's _________ style of decision making.


If Patrick delineates which "what, how, and why" work should be performed, he would be focusing mainly on

Creating task structure

Able and willing followers should be matched with_______.

Delegating Leadership

If Patrick decides to ask one of the members of the group to make the decision for the group based on the facts presented to the group, he will using the Vroom ___________ decision making style.


Most effective style of leadership according to Lewis?


If Patrick uses his preferred style, which leadership style will be chosen?


If Patrick decides to involve employees in decision-making and allows the group to make the decision, he will use the _____ style.


Unable and unwilling followers should be matched with_______.

Directing/Telling Leadership

Which leadership style will work for Patrick in either very favorable or very unfavorable situations?


Tannenbaum and Schmidt would advise Patrick to move toward more _____ centered styles.


What two leadership behaviors did University of Michigan Study explore?

Employee orientation and product orientation

What were the findings of the University of Michigan Study?

Employee oriented leaders were found to be associated with higher group productivity and higher job satisfaction.

What is the focus of situational leadership theory?


How is favorability determined by the Fiedler Model?

Favorability is determined by (1) the respect and trust that followers have for the leader; (2) the extent to which subordinates' responsibilities can be structured and performance measured; and (3) the control the leader has over subordinates' rewards.

What was the first contingency model?

Fiedler Contingency Model

Appropriate leadership behavior depends on what?

Forces within the leader, such as comfort level with the chosen leadership style) Forces within the employees (such as readiness to assume responsibility) Forces within the situation (such as time pressures).

What are the 4 elements of transformational leadership?

Individualized consideration, Intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, idealized influence.

What was the major criticism of Fiedler's Theory?

It's unrealistic to assume that a person can't change his or her leadership style to fit the situation; The LPC wasn't very practical; and The situation variables were difficult to assess.

What are the 3 most popular studies of behavior?

Kurt Lewin's studies at the University of Iowa, the Ohio State studies, and the University of Michigan studies

Which leadership style are the employees accustomed to?

Laissez faire

Least effective style of leadership according to Lewis?


How do Hersey and Blanchard define acceptance?

Leader effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leader.

What are the 3 dimensions in Fiedler's theory?

Leader-member relations: The degree of confidence, trust, and respect employees had for their leader; rated as either good or poor; Task structure: The degree to which job assignments were formalized and structured; rated as either high or low; and Position power: The degree of influence a leader had over activities such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases; rated as either strong or weak.

What is the situational leadership theory?

Leaders should adjust their leadership styles in accordance with the readiness (maturity) of their followers.

What does LPC questionnaire stand for?

Least-Preferred Co-Worker

Name 5 famous service leaders:

Lincoln Harriet Tubman Susan B. Anthony Clara Barton Martin Luther King Mother Teresa Truit Cathy Herb Kelleher Dalai Lama Nelson Mandela

What are the key ENVIRONMENTAL characteristics identified by the path-goal theory?

Nature of the task, the formal authority system, and the nature of the work group

What was the finding of the Ohio state study?

No consistent relationship between initiating structure and leader effectiveness (effectiveness was group dependent). Leaders that scored high on consideration tend to have more satisfied subordinates, but there was no consistent relationship between consideration and effectiveness (group dependent).

Difference between Fiedler's theory and Path Goal Theory?

PG theory assumes that leaders are flexible and can display any or all of these leadership styles depending on the situation.

Which form of leadership did Likert believe was most effective?


What does Path-Goal Theory assume?

Path-Goal Theory assumes that the leader can adjust the leader's style to adapt to the situation at hand.

What is idealized influence?

Provides a role model for high ethical behavior, instills pride, gains respect and trust.

What is consideration?

Showing concern for individual group member and satisfying their needs (considerate of the followers ideas and feelings.

What is initiation structure?

Structuring the work of group members and directing the group towards attainment of group goals.

Able and unwilling followers should be matched with_______.

Supporting/Participating Leadership

What are the 4 leadership styles to counteract readiness stages?

Telling (high task-low relationship), in which the leader defines roles and tells people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks; Selling (high task-high relationship), in which the leader provides both directive and supportive behavior; Participating (low task-high relationship), in which the leader and followers share in decision making and the main role of the leader is facilitating and communicating; Delegating (low task-low relationship), in which the leader provides little direction or support.

What does path-goal theory propose?

That subordinates' characteristics and characteristics of the work environment determine which leader behaviors will be more effective.

What is the managerial Grid?

The managerial grid depicts a manager's "concern for people" and "concern for production.

What is trait theory?

Theory stresses what a leader is like rather than what the leader did.

What 5 characteristics do charismatic leaders share?

They have a vision; The have the ability to articulate that vision They are willing to take risks to achieve that vision; They are sensitive to both environmental constraints and follower needs; and They demonstrate behaviors that are out of the ordinary.

What did the conclusions of Tannenbaum and Schmidt reveal? (Continuum)

They suggested that managers should move toward more employee-centered styles in the long run because such behavior would increase employees' motivation, decision quality, teamwork, morale, and development.

What is a transactional leader?

Those leaders that guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals. Leaders engage in a "bargaining relationship" with their followers (Behavioral Theories)

Enthusiasm for bargaining and negotiating means _______.

To attain higher efficiency.

Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful and followers aren't sure what to do.


Servant leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, ethics, and influence


Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with a participative style of leadership.


Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks; and


The situation is most favorable when followers respect and trust the leader, the task is highly structured, and the leader has control over rewards and punishments.


What is Consultative leadership?

Where Motivation of workers is gained through rewards, occasional punishments, and very little involvement in making decisions and goals.

What is exploitative authoritative leadership?

Where managers tend to use threats, fear, and punishment to motivate their workers. (Large divide between upper and lower levels)

What is Benevolent Authoritative leadership?

Where motivation is based on the potential for punishment and partially on rewards.

What is Participative leadership?

Where system promotes genuine participation in making decisions and setting goals through free-flowing horizontal communication and tapping into the creativity and skills of workers.

How do Hersey and Blanchard define readiness?

a follower's ability and willingness to perform. At higher levels of readiness, leaders respond by reducing control over and involvement with employees.

After reading about Blake and Mouton's theory, Patrick scored 5,5 on the managerial grid. This would indicate that Patrick's style was

a middle of the road manager.

What makes a charismatic leader?

an enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways.

What do transformational theories focus on?

attempting to explain how leaders can accomplish extraordinary things against the odds, such as turning around a failing company, founding a successful company, or achieving great military success against incredible odds.

The path theory includes 4 different types of leadership which are:

directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership, and achievement-oriented leadership.

What are the seven traits associated with leadership?

drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, job-relevant knowledge, and extraversion.

What are the key characteristics of subordinates identified by the Path-goal theory?

locus of control, work experience, ability, and the need for affiliation

What is flaw or downfall of trait theory?

researchers weren't able to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate a leader from a nonleader—that is, a set of consistent and unique traits that would apply universally to all effective leaders, no matter what organization they led.

According to the grid, which management was the best approach?

team management was the best leadership approach

What did the Fiedler Contingency Model propose?

that effective group performance depends on the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence

What makes a visionary leader?

the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation. 'Jump starts the future'

What is inspirational motivation?

the degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers.

What is intellectual stimulation?

the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions, takes risks and solicits followers' ideas. Leaders with this style stimulate and encourage creativity in their followers.

What is Bureaucracy?

the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge"; the rational legal hierarchical power, the Bureaucratic Leader

What was the focus of University of Michigan study?

the focus of the Michigan studies was to determine the principles and methods of leadership that led to productivity and job satisfaction.

What is a transformational leader?

those leaders that inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests (short term interest) for the good of the organization (long-term goals) and is capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect (encourages growth) on his or her followers. Leaders cultivate follower acceptance.

What is individualized consideration?

-the degree to which the leader attends to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the follower and listens to the follower's concerns and needs.

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