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Which of the following is an example of debasement?

A manager pretending to be incapable of doing a task so that he gets help from his subordinates

Which of the following suggestions is least likely to improve cross-cultural communication

Emphasize racial or ethnic identification to give people full credit.

Which of the following examples illustrates practices that enhance creativity

Eric, a team manager, encourages his team members to determine the best possible method for reaching a particular target.

A barrier buster is a manager who

Removes obstacles that hinder work accomplishment

Mindi has a learning goal orientation. While she is competing in a national sales contest, she is strongly motivated to:

develop new skills during the process of competing.

In cross-cultural relations, an attitude of highest respect is to communicate the belief that another person's culture is:

different from but not inferior to yours.

The sets of goal characteristics that will probably lead to higher levels of performance are:

difficult and specific

Feeling competent to complete group tasks is known as group _____


An important implication of expectancy theory for leaders is that:

he link between rewards and performance should be made explicit.

An important part of open-book management is to:

help all employees understand the company's business goals.

Team members should use collaborative technologies like groupware, which:

help groups collaborate better.

A major role of an executive coach is to:

help uncover strengths of the person being coached.

The term engagement refers to

high levels of personal investment in the tasks performed on a job.

Estelle plans to present the science project assigned to her in a creative manner.​ She concentrates on finding ways to present her project. She comes up with possible solutions without evaluating them. Which step of the creative process is illustrated in the given scenario?


Anecdotes are particularly useful in persuading group members about the

importance of organizational values.

Emotional intelligence tends to:

improve with experience.

An individual who has strong personal magnetism

influences others by being captivating and charming

Charismatic leaders use metaphors and analogies primarily to:

inspire team members to higher performance.

The question, "If I get the job done, will I really get my reward?" illustrates the _____ aspect of expectancy theory


The feeling of being proud is essentially a(n)

internal motivator

An inspirational appeal is more likely to be effective when the influence agent:

involves the workers in the change process

Jodie has high self-efficacy, meaning that she:

is highly confident that she can perform a particular task

A person's linguistic style:

is his or her characteristic speaking pattern.

An advantage of a goal related to a noble cause is that it:

is likely to inspire workers.

A communication strategy that can make people appear powerful is:

knowing exactly what they want.

With respect to safety, positive leader-member exchange

lead to greater commitment and fewer accidents.

In Fiedler's contingency theory, an important dimension for rating situation favorability is:

leader-member relations

Which of the following influence tactics requires that the leader serve as a model for the desired behavior?

leading by example

A rationale for empowerment is that the most successful organizations:

effectively use the talents of all players on the team.

The consideration dimension of leadership behavior includes how well the leader creates an environment of _____.

emotional support, friendliness, and trust

A transactional leader in contrast to a transformational one is more likely to

emphasize rewards for meeting standards

A leader who scored high on initiating structure would _____.

emphasize work scheduling and assigning tasks

A leader engages in management openness when he _____.

encourages subordinates to voice their opinion

An effective way for a leader to collaborate with group members is to

solicit input from the right group members.

Rita is a leader of high integrity. According to the technical meaning of integrity, Rita will

stick to the principles she thinks are right.

The purpose of a tough question by a leader is to help the person or group _____.

stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something

Kiev, the manager of an accounting department, helps his CFO in framing the financial policies of his company. In this scenario, Kiev is carrying out the leadership role of a(n) _____

strategy developer

The ______ leader enhances morale when group members work on stressful or frustrating tasks by displaying concern for group members' well-being.


To apply "management by storytelling," the leader should

tell fascinating stories about the company to employees.

With respect to heredity and environment, leadership effectiveness appears to be

the combined influence of heredity and environment

According to the normative decision model, group support refers to:

the degree to which the team supports the organization's objectives at stake in the problem

A consultative or collaborative decision-making style is likely to bring about the best results when:

the leader needs information from team members to solve a problem in hand.

Leaders who have the "right stuff" have:

the necessary traits and characteristics to lead effectively

The general point of Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership is that the best style of leadership is determined by:

the situation in which a leader works.

A study of firefighters and the emotional component of their leaders' charisma showed that:

those under the command of a charismatic leader were happier that those who were not.

A key part of evidence-based leadership or management is to:

translate principles into practice.

Finance manager Sharon has the reputation of "walking the talk," so she most likely scores high on the trait of:


Ethics deals mostly with

Separating right from wrong

Marcie is a charismatic leader. When she encounters Salvatore, a work associate she met once two years ago, Marcie is likely to say,

"Hello Salvatore, good to see you again."

Susan, a telemarketing executive of a company producing household appliances, receives a complaint from one of the customers for a week's delay in delivery. In order to pacify the customer, Susan offers to deduct delivery charges. Susan takes this decision because the customer happensto be a regular user of the company's products and she does not want the company to lose a valuable customer. Which style of conflict management is Susan using in the given example?

Accommodative style

Which of the following is true of the motivational use of recognition and praise?

An individual's preference for the type of praise should be taken into account.

Which of the following examples illustrates selective listening

As the director of a company, Adolf is extremely busy and listens only to information on the company's position in the stock market.

Which of the following statements is true of coaching skills and techniques?

Build personal relationships with team members

Which of the following is a key leadership role in a team-based organization?

Building trust and inspiring teamwork

An active listener attempts to

Grasp both facts and feelings

Which of the following examples shows the use of a power-oriented linguistic style

Janet speaks in a loud and clear voice during team meetings so that everyone can hear her.

Which of the following is a key practice that leaders in virtual teams should practice?

Maintaining frequent communication with the team

Which one of the following is considered an important coaching technique?

Model desired performance and behavior

Mark, the manager of the marketing team of a company, often contacts the members of the finance team for budget-related details. Mark needs this information to design marketing strategies that fall within the allocated budget. Which kind of leadership network is Mark using for performing his tasks efficiently?

Operational network

Which of the following is a personality trait of a creative person?


Which of the following communication approaches is the most likely to be helpful in overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers?

Speaking slowly and clearly to people

Implicit leadership theories deal mostly with personal assumptions:

about the attributes of an ideal organizational leader.

Sprinkling business talk with jargon can be useful in:

adding to a person's popularity.

A useful variation of the collaborative style of conflict management is to:

agree with the person criticizing you

A recommended tactic for developing teamwork is to explain to a team that it has:

an urgent, constructive purpose.

In an attempt to convince her team members about the merits of a proposed business plan, Margaret adapts the influence tactic of explaining the percentage increase in salary that each of her team member will enjoy if the plan is successful. In this case, Margaret's attempt is an example of _____.


A major listening problem many leaders face is that they:

are overloaded with responsibilities.

Chief operations officer Joan has an ethical mind, so she has a point of view that helps workers:

aspire to do good work that matters to many people.

When a top-level executive wants to influence a large number of employees, her or she will most likely:

attempt to change the organization culture.

Sending thank-you notes to large numbers of people is regarded as a:

basic, but effective, political technique.

A rule of thumb offered for the sequencing of influence tactics is to:

begin with the most positive, or least abrasive, tactic

The approaches to negotiation that emphasize collaboration focus on

beginning with a plausible offer.

Middle manager Bob establishes idea quotas for his organizational unit, meaning that workers will be asked to:

bring in one fresh idea each meeting

A leader would be engaging in micromanagement if he or she:

closely monitors a group member's activities.

Steven, the legal representative of a company entering into a joint venture with another firm, formulates an agreement after discussions with his counterparts. The agreement is such that both companies are satisfied and stand to gain from the joint venture. The given example shows the _____ style of conflict management.


The purpose of forming a coalition is to:

combine your power with that of others.

_____ is the most successful influence outcome


A major characteristic of a team is

common commitment

In the context of outcomes of influence tactics, _____ means that the influence agent has changed the person's behavior but not his attitude.


A goal contained within a team mission statement should be:

congruent with organizational objectives.

In the context of teamwork, _____ directly states that collaboration is better than competition.

cooperation theory

​Anthony works in the design team of a publishing company. He is not particular about obtaining approval from his team members for his creative design ideas. Hence, it can be observed from the given scenario that _____.

creative people are generally nonconformists

A major moderating variable in the use of rational persuasion is the:

credibility of the influence agent

Attempts at persuasion, including inspirational speaking and writing, begin with the:

credibility of the message sender.

The employees of an organization are told that if they don't work for a minimum of three extra hours every week, they will not be considered for promotions. This is most likely an example of _____.

deliberate Machiavellianism

A recommended method of selecting team members is to:

emphasize self-selection when possible.

Glow Inc., a company producing personal care products, plans to launch new skin care products for middle-aged men and women. The company is looking at unique and innovative products. The top management decides to collect ideas from all the employees. In order to encourage its employees to think creatively, the company should _____.

establish idea quotas to generate new ideas

Rohan, the production manager of a firm, is asked to provide a one-to-one developmental program to Milan, who is an assistant production manager. The program covers aspects like total sales revenue to be achieved for the month, and the individual numbers that Milan will have to contribute. This program is an example of a(n) _____.

executive training program

The question, "If I work hard, what will I get in return?" illustrates the _____ aspect of expectancy theory.


In outdoor training, an important purpose of debriefing is to:

explain how the training can be applied to the workplace.

Abraham, the manager of the development team in a software firm, is entrusted with the task of coming up with a creative idea for the company's next new product. Abraham consults people from other teams such as marketing, testing, and customer support for inputs and suggestions that could result in a unique and creative idea. In order to improve his creative thinking, Abraham is playing the role of a(n) _____.


A common thread to creativity-enhancing exercises is that they require:

flexible thinking.

Derek is a hands-on leader, so he is likely to

get involved directly in solving customer problems

A method of managing creative workers is to _____.

give them flexibility

Loose-tight leadership in relation to creativity refers to:

granting space for exploring creative ideas, then finally choosing one idea.

Research suggests workers are more likely to have a breakthrough idea when they are:

happy the day before

"I won't pressure you to meet the sales target, but think of your family, and how they might be affected if you fail to meet the target." This speech is made by Gregory, a line manager, to one of his subordinates. In the context of influence tactics, Gregory is attempting _____.

manipulation of his subordinate

For e-leadership to take place, work must be:

mediated by information technology.

Ashley is the leader of a virtual team. To increase the effectiveness of her team, Ashley should:

monitor progress through the use of information technology

Recognition is an effective motivator is because:

most employees feel they do not receive enough recognition.

The teamwork tactic of "emphasizing pride in being outstanding" is based on the premise that:

most groups are especially good at some tasks.

A finding about the insight step of creative thinking is that the flash of insight:

often arrives after hours of thought and study.

Feedback in coaching should be:

on specific areas which need improvement

A principle of ethical and moral leadership is to:

pay attention to all stakeholders.

A basic principle of persuasion is:

people like those who like them.

Financial manager Josie needs a creative idea. She might try jogging because:

physical exercise pumps more blood and oxygen into the brain.

Corporate social responsibility centers on a firm's:

positive contribution to society.

A study of leader-member exchanges and creativity among research and development specialists indicated that leader-member exchanges were:

positively associated with creativity

An authentic leader would most likely:

practice his or her values consistently.

A good example of ingratiation when dealing with a person you are trying to influence would be for you to:

praise that person lavishly.

A key part of a leader having humility is to:

put group members in the limelight, rather than oneself.

A recommended way of giving advice to an employee is to:

put your advice in the form of a question

the purpose of collaboration is to

search for win win solutions to conflicts

To bring about organization change effectively, an executive is best advised to:

serve as a role model for the desired attitudes and behaviors.

A recommended way of being a model of teamwork is to:

share power with team members.

An example of a physical structure to facilitate communication among team members is a:

shared physical facility such as a beverage lounge

The _____ style of conflict management is halfway between domination and appeasement.


Multiunit organizations sometimes enhance creativity by

sharing ideas across divisions.

A challenge for the manager of multiple teams is that these teams might have cultures of their own, known as a _____.


Brainstorming is often condemned as being _____.


Crystal is an external leader of a team, so she:

supervises a team without being a member of the team.

A dominant characteristic of creative workers is a passion for:

their work

You and the other members of your business unit are participating in the pet-peeve technique. Therefore, you would:

think up complaints that others might have about your unit.

Of the following leadership practices, the least likely to enhance innovation is

to encourage innovation for its own sake.

According to implicit leadership theories, one example of a leadership antiprototype would be _____


Jonathan, the human resource manager of an organization, requests the help of his boss, the managing director, to communicate on incentive cuts, which will be allocated to employees who perform below the organizational standard. In the context of influence tactics, this is most likely an example of _____.

upward appeal

An example of an executive leader helping sustain the environment would be to

use as much renewable energy as possible at the company.

When attempting to resolve conflict between two group members, leaders are advised to:

use confrontation and problem solving.

A major concern about using goals to boost performance is that some workers, including leaders, will:

use dysfunctional methods to attain goals.

Co-opting antagonists is defined as:

winning over opponents by making them part of your team.

Stuart, the director of a company producing electrical appliances, is preparing to address the sales team to appreciate their performance. When preparing his message for the speech, Stuart should ensure that _____.​

​the message is geared to the listeners

Which of the following is recommended as an effective empowering practice?

Providing ample information to workers

Which of the following factors is least likely to contribute to political behavior in the workplace

Rejecting unwarranted compliments from subordinates

A charismatic leader will often:

challenge, prod, and poke other people.

According to a consultant cited in the leadership text, after the group is empowered, the leader

should still provide guidance.

In path-goal theory, the participative leader is best suited for improving the morale of:

well-motivated employees who perform nonrepetitive tasks.

The major thrust of the servant leader is to _____.

work on behalf of group members to help them achieve their goals

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to _____.​

​disclose whether they have adopted a code of ethics for senior financial officers

A leader at the postconventional level of moral development is likely to:

attempt to do the most good for the most people.

Courtney is the finance head of a tourism company. Recognizing that the company is hard-pressed financially, she decides to cancel the projects that are riskier in nature, and concentrate more on developing its reliable projects. Which of the following strategies has been adopted by Courtney?

Concentrating resources on areas that need the most change

Adapting to changing times is most important for which approach to leadership?

Contingency approach

Jason takes great care to cultivate close, positive, working relationships with influential higher-ups at his organization. This tactic is referred to as:

Developing power contacts

Elaine, a project manager, often seeks feedback from her team members as well as her supervisors on how she is doing.​ Which of the following methods of skill development in leadership does Elaine use in this scenario?

Feedback on skill utilization, or performance, from others

_____ is not a contingency factor that affects the decision-making style chosen in the normative decision model.

Financial feasibility

Peter, the team leader of IntraCall Inc, is not satisfied with the performance of his team due to the negative feedback and innumerous complaints received by dissatisfied callers. Which of the following measures can Peter adopt to build the reputation of his team and be considered an effective leader?

He should concentrate on honing the strengths of his employees and putting them to best practice.

Which one of the following is the most recommended approach to leadership during a crisis?

Lead with compassion.

_____ authorizes people at the highest levels in an organization to make a decision and expect compliance.

Legitimate power

_____ power stems from a leader's authority to respond to the consequences of people's actions.


_____ refers to the idea that all organizational members are capable of leading themselves at least to some extent.


Wanda, a team leader, is managing the critical role of selling company assets to raise cash and has, therefore, gained prominence. Which of the following is the explanation for the source of power Wanda is exercising?

Strategic contingency theory

One technique a leader uses to bring about transformations is to get people:

To look beyond self-interest.

Davis is the CEO of a group of luxury hotels. As a committed and authentic leader, he has brought major changes in the company to attract new customers and ensure quality services. In addition, he has also executed major changes in employee relations and satisfaction, causing an increase in employee productivity. Which of the following best describes Davis' leadership style?


Blue Inc., a highly profitable consumer goods manufacturing company, invests in a number of social responsibility initiatives that in turn generate profit for the company. Which feature of corporate and social performance is illustrated in the given scenario?​

Virtuous circle

Which one of the following questions in an ethical screen deals with the philosophical principle of reversibility?

What would you tell your child to do?

Which of the following is not an accepted substitute for leadership in the modern work environment?

Work that has heavy deadline pressure

According to the dependence perspective, Alex has power over Ziggy when:

Ziggy is dependent on Alex

A major source of satisfaction from being a leader is

a chance to help others grow and develop

Edwards is the head of the procurement department at FreshDelights, a frozen yogurt chain. Anticipating a reduction in the demand for frozen yogurt in the upcoming winter season, Edwards decides to reduce the dairy procurement. Edwards is:

a conceptual thinker.

Middle manager Barney practices favoritism when he recommends for promotion:

a golfing buddy who is a poor performer

A recent development in corporate philanthropy is for corporate leaders to demand:

a good return on investment, in terms of social impact.

A pronounced characteristic of an entrepreneurial leader is _____.

a sensible risk taking approach

The general thrust of path-goal theory is to specify what a leader must do to:

achieve high productivity and morale in a given situation.

Charismatic leaders are often characterized as:

being willing to use unconventional strategies.

An example of a whistleblower (in relation to ethics) would be a(n):

bookkeeper who tells a journalist about fraudulent accounting in the company.

After creating a false catastrophe, a particularly devious political player:

claims to have resolved the problem.

Clara is the CEO of an online retail store. Her business saw a 40 percent increase in profits in the current year owing to her instant adaptation to current and upcoming trends. This shows that

clara is flexible leader

During a crisis, it is recommended that the leader

communicate widely about the problem.

Two components of empowerment revealed by research are:

competence and self-determination

Participative management is likely to work the best with

competent and intelligent people.

During delegation, if responsibilities are not clearly defined by the delegator, the result can be:

conflict between the delegator and the one delegated to.

An effective vision should

connect with the goals and dreams of constituents

Emily, the product development manager of JuzTel, seeks suggestions from her team members for improvising on the company's existing range of cell phones. The team members pour in their suggestions and Emily takes the final call on the inputs received by them. In this scenario, Emily is portrayed as a(n) _____.

consultative leader

Leadership takes into account factors related to the leader, the persons being led, and

context, or the internal and external environment

A top leader is supposed to help promote values and principles that _____.

contribute to the welfare of individuals and the organization

During a team meeting, the team manager expresses disappointment in his team's productivity rate. Svetalana, a team member, speaks up and says that their current project is particularly taxing on the team members and they have not compromised on the quality of their work. Which of the following qualities of a good follower is Svetlana displaying in this scenario?


Simon, the CEO of a consumer electronics firm, receives a huge positive response from the industry experts and consumers for introducing breakthrough technologies in the company's products. Simon is a _____ leader.


Kevin announces that starting next financial year, 25% of his team members' salaries will depend on their performance. His team members had no say in this process. In the context of the normative decision model, Kevin demonstrates _____.


When Carlos, the manager of a coffee shop, speaks to customers in order to find out trends in their preferences and their changing requirements, he is performing the leadership role of a(n) _____.​


According to the Law of Reciprocity (as it relates to organizational politics),:

everybody expects to be paid back.

Walker is a supervisor at an exporting unit. He has a cheerful disposition, and encourages and appreciates his team members who suggest ideas or accomplish tasks. Which of the following traits best describes Walker's behavior?


A company president attends a groundbreaking ceremony for a new children's hospital located near company headquarters. The president's role is best classified as that of


A major concern about charismatic leadership is that

group members sometimes follow a charismatic leader down an unethical path.

Lindsey, a market research analyst, is known for her almost always accurate predictions regarding the market trends in the medium to long term. This depicts that Lindsey

has an insightful mind.

Jonathan, the head of a technology firm, is known for his authentic leadership practices. He created a unique identity for himself in the world of successful business leaders. In this scenario, Jonathan:

has developed a personal brand.​

A potential disadvantage of being a leader is

having fewer people to confide in about work-related issues

In a research and development firm, the _____ has the most legitimate power.

head of research and development

The most effective type of humor for an organizational leader to use is directed at:

himself or herself

Self-confidence is an important leadership characteristic found:

in almost every leadership setting.

Charismatic leaders use visions for the important purpose of:

inspiring group members

Tenacity is considered to be an important leadership characteristic because:

it often takes a long time to implement a new program.

Chief financial officer Barry submits travel and expense reports that are completely genuine and encourages employees in his division to always give accurate and correct information. Barry is using the ethical initiative called:

leading by example.

In the Pygmalion effect, group members _____

live up to expectations set for them

A consequence of the dependence perspective is that when leaders start losing their ability to control resources, they:

lose power.

Which one of the following is the least typical characteristic of a transformational leader?

low standing on moral reasoning

The higher a unit reports in a firm's hierarchy, the:

more power it acquires.

A key part of 360-degree feedback is for leaders to _____.

receive feedback from those who work with and for them

One suggestion to the leader based on path-goal theory is for the leader to:

reduce frustrating barriers to reaching goals

A recommended approach for promoting ethical behavior throughout an organization is to:

reward people who have performed well and behaved ethically.

Narcissistic CEOs tend to make

riskier decisions, often to attain dramatic results that enhance their image.

Gus has been empowered by his manager to develop a new workflow design for the office. After completing the task successfully, Gus believes that he has the ability to perform another important task. The characteristic of empowerment just described is:


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