lecture 1-7

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Which root word means "bud?"


What is ossification?

Formation of bone

What is the term for the molecules or atoms that result from a chemical reaction?


What passes through the vertebral canal?

Spinal cord

_____ cells are currently under investigation as a form of therapy for almost every degenerative disease and for replacement of damaged organs because they can differentiate into replacements for what is lost.


epithelial tissue that: Mechanical protection of a moist surface?

Stratified Epithelium

How does the endocrine system interact with the skeletal system?

The endocrine system produces hormones that stimulate and inhibit osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Moving down a concentration gradient is the movement from ____.

an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

What type of synovial joint is a multiaxial joint, permitting movements in all planes of motion?

ball-and-socket joint

Some hormones, such as parathyroid hormone, act on bones to help regulate blood ______ levels.


The membranous organelle that is the site of synthesis of proteins and lipids is the:

endoplasmic reticulum

Hair grows within tube-like structures called hair _____.


The group of organic substances that are insoluble in water.


Specialized epidermal cells called _____ produce the pigment melanin.


The formation of bone is called _____.


Which bones form the pelvis?

sacrum, two hip bones, coccyx

The root word _____ means to break.


four of the functions of proteins in the body. Multiple select question.

1-form enzymes 2-detect and destroy foreign substances 3-function as receptors on cell surfaces 4-provide structure

The innermost electron shell (closest to the nucleus) can hold a maximum of _____ electrons. The second shell can hold up to _____ electrons.


What conditions are necessary for diffusion of a substance to occur across a membrane?

A concentration gradient Membrane permeability

What occurs during a decomposition reaction?

A reactant molecule breaks apart so that a simpler molecule, atom or ion forms

In order for a molecule to move from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration using an active transport mechanism, energy is require. The common molecule for that energy called


What are the forces that drive active transport?

ATP Cellular energy

Simple Columnar Epithelium(function)


Simple Squamous Epithelium(function)

Allows for filtration, as well as diffusion of gases and nutrients

What is a base?

An electrolyte that releases ions which, in turn, bind H+

The bones of the lower limb include the phalanges, metatarsals, tarsals, _____, _____, and _____.

Blank 1: femur Blank 2: tibia Blank 3: fibula

The steps of bone remodeling are as follows: _____ fibrocartilage formation, bony callus formation, and finally bone remodeling by _____(cells).

Blank 1: hematoma Blank 2: osteoclasts

The steps of bone remodeling are as follows: _____ formation, fibrocartilage formation, bony callus formation, and finally bone remodeling by _____ (cells).

Blank 1: hematoma Blank 2: osteoclasts

The bones in the upper limb include the hand bones (carpals, metacarpals, phalanges) and the _____, _____, and _____.

Blank 1: humerus Blank 2: radius Blank 3: ulna

The bones that form the pelvis are the _____, _____ and _____.

Blank 1: sacrum Blank 2: coccyx Blank 3: hip, pelvic,

The _____ _____ is protected by the vertebral column

Blank 1: spinal Blank 2: cord

The tissue of the epidermis is _____ _____ _____ which lacks blood vessels and must get nutrients from the underlying dermis.

Blank 1: stratified Blank 2: squamous Blank 3: epithelium

simple squamous epithelium(locations)

Bowman's capsules (in the kidney), Alveoli (in the lungs), and capillary walls

Lack of a blood supply within the epidermis is the cause for what characteristic of epidermal cells?

Cells near the skin surface are dead

What events occur during the keratinization of epidermal cells?

Cells slowly die Cells fill with keratin

List components of the cell membrane.

Cholesterol Carbohydrates Proteins Phospholipids

Which bones compose a pectoral girdle?

Clavicle Scapula

Indicate characteristics of vesicles.

Contain substances that have just entered the cell Contain substances that have been produced by other organelles Are membranous sacs

What term refers to a change in a protein's three-dimensional shape and, therefore, its function due to exposure to factors such as excessive heat or a change in pH?


When heat, pH or radiation alters the unique shape of a protein, the term for the change in structure is


transitional epithelium

Dome-Shaped Umbrella Cells - are rounded and bulge from the surface of the epithelium

The type of transport mechanism in which large molecules, small particles or liquid are conveyed by a vesicle into the cell is called.


What layer of the skin lacks blood vessels?

Epidermal layer

Which of the following describes the tertiary structure of a protein?

Folds form as amino acids that are far apart on the polypeptide chain interact

Solutions A and B are separated by a semipermeable membrane. Solution A has more solutes than solution B. In what direction will osmosis occur?

From B to A

The active period of the cell cycle, during which a cell grows, DNA replicates, and new organelles form, is called cell _____ It terminates when the cell begins mitosis.


What is the name for the DNA sequences that determine the amino acid sequences of proteins?


_____ are critical as both cell adhesion molecules but also to identify cells as "self" to the immune system.


The _____ is a stack of five to eight flattened membranous sacs that resemble pancakes.

Golgi apparatus

The organelle that acts like "FedEx" for the cell by handling the packaging and shipping of proteins is the _____.

Golgi apparatus

What is the term given to the difference in concentration of particles from one area to another?


These weak bonds may provide substantial strength in proteins, and occur between polar regions of a single molecule.


Where can bone marrow be found within a bone?

In the medullary cavity

In a bone, where can bone marrow be found?

Irregular spaces in spongy bone Medullary cavity Central canals of compact bone

Identify the characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

It provides attachment for ribosomes. It is composed of membranous sacs. It functions in the synthesis of lipids. It functions in the synthesis of proteins.

epithelial tissue that: Mechanical protection & waterproofing?

Keratinized Epithelia

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium(location)

Kidney tubules, glands, and outer coverings of ovaries

What are the four main groups of organic chemicals in the body?

Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids

What is meant by the term denaturation of a protein?

Loss of three-dimensional shape and, therefore, function

Simple Columnar Epithelium

Made up of a single layer of tall cells that fit closely together

List two major characteristics of elements.

Make up all matter and Composed of atoms

Particle formed by the chemical union of two or more atoms


What houses the genetic material of a cell and directs all cell activity?


What is the definition of the atomic weight of an atom?

Number of protons plus number of neutrons

What is the classification of a compound containing both carbon and hydrogen?

Organic compound

_____ is a passive mechanism of transport that allows for the movement of water across the membrane to areas of impermeable


a value called _____ measures the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.


What type of lipid has both a region that dissolves in water (hydrophilic) and a region that does not dissolve in water (hydrophobic) within its structure?


Some molecules have an uneven distribution of charges within the molecule due to the unequal sharing of electrons between its atoms. What is the classification of this molecule?

Polar molecule

What level of protein structure is due to the sequence of amino acids along a polypeptide chain?

Primary structure

How might the functions of the epidermis be summarized?

Protection of underlying tissue

What class of organic molecule serves a major structural function in the body as well as functioning as catalysts, cellular receptors, and hormones?


Indicate the four types of organic compounds important in cell structure and function.

Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids Carbohydrates

Describe the structure of an atom.

Protons and neutrons within a nucleus, encircled by electrons

Connective tissue

Provides support for your body and connects all its parts

What bones are found in the upper limb?

Radius Phalanges Ulna Metacarpals Humerus Carpals

Which of the following are the results of apoptotic cell death?

Removal of extra brain cells. Carving away webbing between developing fingers and toes. Sculpting of organs from overgrown tissues.

epithelial tissue that: Secretion, absorption & chemical protection?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Which is a description of a monosaccharide?

Single sugar unit

The production of new skin cells in what layer typically keeps pace with the loss of cells from the stratum corneum?

Stratum basale

Tissue (histology)

Study of tissue

Which are functions of the vertebral column?

Support the head and trunk of the body Protect the spinal cord

What type of exocrine gland consists of coiled tubes that originate in the deeper dermis or superficial subcutaneous layer?

Sweat glands

Comparing the dermis to the epidermis, indicate the true statements.

The dermis is composed of several types of tissue, but the epidermis is composed of one type. The dermis is vascular, but the epidermis lacks blood vessels.

Which of the following is an example of simple diffusion?

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the lungs and the blood.

What does the pH indicate about a solution?

The hydrogen ion concentration of the solution

What is cytosol?

The liquid part of the cytoplasm.

What is represented in a molecular formula?

The numbers and types of atoms in a molecule

Which cell structure acts as a selectively permeable barrier, controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell?

The plasma membrane

Which of the following describes the primary structure of a protein?

The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain

How would the phospholipids orient themselves if the cytosol and extracellular fluid were made of oil instead of water?

The tails would face outward, toward the cytosol and ECF, and the heads would face inward, toward each other

Which of these situations displays a concentration gradient?

There are higher concentrations of sodium on the outside of the cell than on the inside

Why do the cells of the epidermis die as they are pushed towards the surface of the skin?

They are too far from their nutrient supply

Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium

This tissue is known for having more than one layer of flat looking cells, as well as a layer of keratin (a protein) sitting on top of the cells. The keratin provides a barrier for moisture.

Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium

This tissue is known for having more than one layer of flat looking cells, but is missing the layer of keratin

What is a function of glycoproteins?

To identify the cell as being "self" or foreign

What is the function of a keratinocyte?

To produce a waterproofing protein

What is the major function of carbohydrates in the cells of the body?

To provide a source of energy

epithelial tissue that: Stretchy quality that allows expansion as the lumen is filled?

Transitional epithelium

Three fatty acids bonded to a glycerol molecule forms what type of organic molecule?


How many electrons are shared in a double covalent bond?

Two pairs of electrons

What is the definition of a disaccharide?

Two sugar units bonded together

Membranous sacs, called _____ are essential to store or transport material into or out of a cell.


Organelles called transport _____ are membranous sacs containing substances that were produced in the cell like neurotransmitters or hormones.


_____ are membranous sacs containing substances that recently entered or were produced in the cell.


In an aqueous solution (water-based) if the phospholipids were unable to form a bilayer they would form _____.

a single layered ring structure with tails in and heads out

Compounds that release hydrogen ions (H+) when they dissociate in water are classified as


Microfilaments are tiny rods of the protein _____.


In _____ transport, substances are moved across a membrane against the concentration gradient.


In ______ transport, a carrier molecule (sometimes called a pump) transports substances from regions of lower concentration to regions of higher concentration.


The source of energy for _____ transport mechanisms is cellular energy.


The building blocks of proteins are _____

amino acids

Cartilaginous joints allow limited movement and therefore are classified as _____ joints.


There are two types of cell death, necrosis which happens as a result of external damage and _____ which is a controlled programmed cell death.


A functional junction between bones is called a(n) _____.


Smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element


The skeleton can be divided into two major portions: the _____ skeleton that includes the head, neck, and trunk, and the _____ skeleton that includes the limbs.

axial and appendicular

Which are the two major portions of the skeleton?

axial and appendicular

Cell division by cells of the stratum _____ replaces the shedding skin cells of the stratum corneum.


The _____ membrane anchors the epidermis to the dermis.


Compounds called _____ bind hydrogen ions (H+), or release ions (such as OH-) that combine with H+.


The branch of science called _____ deals with the composition of matter and how this composition changes


transitional epithelium(location)


Hematopoiesis is the process of _____.

blood formation

The extracellular matrix of bone tissue is largely made of _____ phosphate.


Which component, stored in bone, is vital for metabolic processes including blood clotting and muscle contraction?


The primary function of the class of organic compounds called _____ is to provide fuel for cellular functions. These molecules are stored as large polymers in liver and muscle cells.


Indicate the characteristics of the cell membrane.

carries out important metabolic reactions functions as a boundary for the cell enables communication and interaction

Bones held together by hyaline or fibrocartilage are classified as _____ joints.


The prefix _____ means "cell."


The smallest unit of life is a


The smallest unit of organisms like humans that is considered to be alive is a(n)


Which of the following is the correct meaning of the prefix "cyt-"?"


The integral proteins in the cell membrane can be receptors which are involved in _____.

cell adhesion cell communication signal transduction

The series of changes that a cell undergoes from the time it forms until the time it finishes dividing is called ______.

cell cycle

The term that describes the series of changes that a cell undergoes, including its growth and division is.

cell cycle

Components of the cellular structure called the _____ include phospholipids, carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol.

cell membrane

This is the science concerning the properties and composition of substances.


The _____ molecules in the cell membrane, which have a relatively rigid structure, help to stabilize the cell membrane.


Which bone is part of the pectoral girdle?


With a(n) _____ fracture, the skin remains intact. With a(n) _____ fracture, the skin is damaged and the bone is exposed with an increased risk of infection.

closed; open

In which type of fracture would you find a complete break and fragmentation of the bone?


Most bones have both types of bone tissue. The more superficial one is _____ bone which overlies _____ bone.


A chemical bond between atoms that share electrons is called a(n) _____ bond


What type of bond is formed when two atoms share electrons?


In Anaphase and Telophase, the process that results in the division of the cytoplasm is called _____.


Cytokinesis is the process by which the _____ of a cell divides. Multiple choice question.


The liquid portion of cytoplasm is called?


A burn involving the epidermis and some underlying dermis is called a _____ burn.

deep partial-thickness (second-degree)

The prefix _____ means skin.


The deepest level of the epidermis is the stratum basale and it is nourished by the nutrients in the _____ blood vessels.


Nutrient and oxygen supply for the epidermis comes from blood vessels located in the _____ layer of the skin.


The layer of skin which is deep to the epidermis is the _____.


The layer of the skin which is vascularized and superior to the subcutaneous layer is the _____.


A long bone has an expanded portion at each end called an epiphysis and a shaft called the _____.


If a solute can cross a cell membrane, and the solute has a concentration gradient, _____ will occur.


Simple _____ occurs due to the random movement of atoms, molecules, or ions in air or liquid, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration


Facilitated diffusion _____ use energy.

does not

In the kidney, solute is concentrated in the parts not permeable to water. When that very concentrated solution reaches the collecting ducts, which are permeable to water, the water will move _____ its concentration gradient into the collection ducts.


List the following from smallest to largest in size. Place the smallest at the top of the list. (Note: several items are Sub-atomic, meaning that they are part of an atom.)

electron, neutron, atomic nucleus, atom, molecule

Isotopes have the same number of _____ as their atomic number, and therefore they react chemically in the same manner to form compounds and participate in reactions.


Within an atom, particles called _____ constantly move around the central nucleus.


All matter is composed of fundamental substances called


Most bones of the skeleton are _____ bones, which develop from a hyaline cartilage model.


Bones that develop from a model of hyaline cartilage and are called _____ bones. Bones that develop within sheetlike layers of connective tissue are called _____ bones.

endochondral, intramembranous

The process of _____ utilizes a vesicle to move substances into the cell.


Preventing the entry of disease-causing microorganisms is the function of what skin layer?


Within the skin, _____ the is the layer that is composed of stratified squamous epithelium.


Long bones have enlarged ends called _____ that are covered with _____.

epiphyses; articular cartilage

Diffusional _____ occurs when the concentration of a given substance becomes uniform throughout a solution.


When there is no further net movement of molecules throughout the solution and the substance is uniform in its distribution throughout the solution then diffusional _____occurs.


The functions of skin include acting as a protective covering, regulating body fluids and body temperature, synthesizing chemicals and _____ wastes.


During the process of _____ vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the contents outside the cell.


Ions that use specific protein channels in the membrane use a process called _____ to move down their concentration gradient across the plasma membrane.

facilitated diffusion

The passive transport mechanism in which molecules or ions move via carrier proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called _____.

facilitated diffusion

What is the transport mechanism in which molecules, that are not able to pass through the cell membrane, move via membrane proteins from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration?

facilitated diffusion

When molecules move down a concentration gradient it means that there is a net movement of particles from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration.


In _____ joints, bones are held tightly together by a thin layer of dense connective tissue.


What holds fibrous joints together?

fibrous connective tissue

What transport mechanism moves smaller molecules through a porous membrane from regions of higher pressure to regions of lower pressure?


The _____ electron shell can hold up to two electrons, while the _____ electron shell can hold up to eight.

first; second

The ability of red blood cells to bend and fit through tight spots without breaking is due the plasma membrane being soft and _____.


Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium(location)

found in the linging of the vagina, esophagus, and oral cavity/mouth

Simple Columnar Epithelium(location)

found in the linings of hollow organs of the digestive tract

keratinized stratified squamous epithelium(location)

found in the skin, which includes the scalp

The clinical term for a broken bone is a(n) _____.


The order of amino acids within a protein is determined by the base order found in segments of DNA called _____ located in the genetic material of a cell.


What is the name of the polysaccharide synthesized by human cells that consists of many simple sugar units bonded together?


The molecules within the cell membrane that function in cell recognition are the _____.


The term concentration _____ refers to the difference in concentration between two regions.


In which type of fracture would you find an incomplete break that occurs on the convex surface of the bend in the bone?


What is present on all skin surfaces EXCEPT on the palms, soles, lips, and parts of the external genitalia?


The water-soluble of phospholipids form the intracellular and extracellular surfaces of the membrane. Listen to the complete question


Cellular metabolism results in the production of _____ as energy is lost.


The process of blood cell formation is called _____.


Simple diffusion is a passive process that requires no input of energy, and is the movement of molecules from areas of _____ concentration to areas of _____ concentration.

high; low

In large molecules such as nucleic acids (DNA), polar regions located in different parts of these molecules can be attracted to each other, forming _____ bonds.


Organic compounds, by definition containing both carbon and _____, are often built of long carbon chains or ring structures.


Compounds are classified as acids if they release _____ when they dissociate in water.

hydrogen ions

The relatively weak attraction between the positive hydrogen end of one polar molecule to the negative nitrogen or oxygen end of another polar molecule is called a(n) _____ bond.

hydrogen or H

The largest organ in the body is part of the _____ system.


Some bones develop within sheetlike layers of connective tissue and they are called _____ bones. Other bones develop from a model of hyaline cartilage and are called _____ bones.

intramembranous; endochondral

Atoms that become electrically charged due to the gain or loss of electrons are called


Particle that is electrically charged because it has gained or lost electrons


What is an atom called that has become electrically charged?


What type of bond is formed when oppositely charged ions, such as sodium and chloride ions, are attracted to one another?


a(n) _____ bond is formed between oppositely charged ions.


The components of substances that are _____ separate when the substance is placed in water.

ionically bound

NaCl forms _____ when placed in water.


Bones that do not fit in the categories of long, short or flat, are placed in the category termed _____.


general characteristics/roles of the cell membrane.

is only visible with an electron microscope facilitates signal transduction is selectively permeable

Which two of the following are general characteristics of the cell membrane?

it is thin and flexible it is selectively permeable

Nail plates consist of scales formed of epithelial cells containing a stronger version of _____ than that found in the stratum corneum of the epidermis.


The process by which keratinocytes of the epidermis begin to harden due to accumulation of keratin is called _____.


The higher the concentration of solute in a solution the _____ (less or more) water is present in the solution.


Cholesterol molecules must be _____-soluble in order to be embedded in the phospholipid bilayer.


What term describes anything that has weight and takes up space?


is defined as anything that has weight or mass and takes up space.


The type of cell division that results in the new cells having 23 chromosomes, half of the original cell, is called


The pigment melanin is produced by _____ and contributes to the color that is observed in the skin.


All human cells have a phospholipid bilayer that makes up the cell _____.


In muscle cells _____ aggregate forming myofibrils.


Somatic cells divide by the 4-stage process of ______ which produces two daughter cells from an original cell. The new cells are genetically identical, each with a full complement of 46 chromosomes.


Two or more atoms that bond together form a(n) _____.


the chemical term for a single sugar unit.


What is the shape of the joint surfaces and motion allowed in a ball-and-socket joint?

multiaxial movement globular shaped head fits in a cup-shaped cavity

The name of the structure that protects the end of fingers is the _____.


Relatively large, uncharged sub-atomic particle


Which of these affects the atomic weight without changing the properties of the atom?


All cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a _____.


The _____ is a relatively large, usually spherical, structure that contains the genetic material which directs the activities of the cell.


In what process does water molecules move through a selectively permeable membrane toward the solution with more impermeant solute?


Cells that deposit and form bone are called _____.


The cells that deposit new bone tissue are the _____.


Diffusion is a _____ process which depends on concentration gradients.


Both simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are _____ transport mechanisms that move molecules _____ a concentration gradient.

passive; down

The _____ is a tough connective tissue that covers the outer portion of the bone, including the diaphysis.


A value called _____ measures the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.


A molecule derived from a triglyceride but with a phosphate group in place of one fatty acid chain is a(n)


A molecule derived from a triglyceride but with a phosphate group in place of one fatty acid chain is a(n) _____.


a _____ is a lipid that consists of a phosphate "head" that dissolves in water (is hydrophilic) and two fatty acid "tails" that don't dissolve in water (are hydrophobic).


The cell membrane is composed mostly of a bilayer of _____.


A(n) _____ molecule has covalent bonds between atoms, but the electrons within those bonds are unequally shared.


A chain of more than two simple sugars bound together is called a


Glycogen is what type of carbohydrate?


What is the name of the class of organic molecules consisting of a complex chain of many simple sugars joined together?



process in which cells become specialized in structure and function

By definition, the molecules or atoms that are made during a chemical reaction are called?



programmed cell death

Genes, comprising DNA, carry information about the structure of _____.


The number of _____ in an atom determines the atomic number for that element.


Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium(function)

provides protection

Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium(function)

provides protection and a waterproof barrier

The molecules about to be changed by a chemical reaction are called?


During a chemical reaction, the molecules that enter the reaction are called the _____. The molecules that result from the reaction are called the _____.

reactants; products

Active mechanisms of transport _____ energy


Organelles called _____ are the site of protein synthesis.


During ______ phase of Interphase the genetic material is replicated.


The pectoral girdle consists of two _____ and two _____.

scapula, clavicle

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium(function)


The cell membrane is _____ permeable.


The term used to describe the cell membrane because only certain substances can enter or leave the cell is _____.


Bones are categorized by _____ as being long, short, flat, or irregular.


The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs is an example of what process?

simple diffusion

epithelial tissue that: Diffusion of gases across lung air sacs?

simple squamous epithelium

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

single layer of cube shaped cells

Simple Squamous Epithelium

single layer of flattened cells

What is the function of ribosomes?

site of protein synthesis

In a closed bone fracture, the _____ is unbroken. In a compound fracture, it is broken.


The _____ is the largest organ of the body by weight.


The _____ is the site of activation of vitamin D.


What is the definition of the prefix derm-?


Which organ protects, regulates body temperature, and excretes wastes?


The type of bone tissue shown at the end of arrow A is _____ bone. The type of bone shown at the end of arrow B is _____ bone.

spongy, compact

epithelial tissue that: Secretion of mucus & movement of mucus?

stratified squamous and simple columnar epithelial

What class of tissue forms the epidermis of the skin?

stratified squamous epithelium

Consider the tissues that make up the skin. The epidermis is composed of _____, while the dermis is made up mostly of _____.

stratified squamous epithelium; connective tissue

transitional epithelium(function)

stretches readily and permits distension of urinary organ by contained urine

Within the skin, the epidermis is _____ to the dermis.


The _____ glands consist of coiled tubes in the deep dermis or superficial subcutaneous layer. They secrete their product onto the surface of the skin or into the hair follicles.


A freely movable joint enclosed in a joint capsule is classified as a _____ joint.


Most joints in the skeletal system are _____ joints, which are freely moveable.


The type of chemical reaction that occurs when two or more reactants bond to form a more complex product is called a _____ reaction.


Which is the highest level of structure in the depicted protein?


the _____ structure is the level of protein conformation that confers the shape and folding of the amino acid sequence.


examination of epithelial cells from the nonkeratinized stratified epithelium of the vagina & cervix. Which surface of the cells is the sample scraped from?

the apical layer

Within the structure of a cell membrane, the phospholipid heads face _____, while the tails face _____.

the cytosol and extracellular fluid; each other


the transport mechanism in which water molecules move through a selectively permeable membrane toward the solution with more impermeant solute (one that cannot cross the membrane).

A complete bone fracture where the break occurs at a right angle to the axis of the bone is called a _____ fracture.


a(n) _____ is a specific type of fat (lipid) molecule composed of three fatty acids bound to one glycerol molecule.


The cell membrane is not simply a boundary, but an actively functioning part of the cell. It is the site of important metabolic reactions and it also enables communication and interaction with other cells.


What is the meaning of the word element "di-"?


A single covalent bond occurs when _____ is/are shared by two atoms.

two electrons (one pair)

A lipid molecule consisting of _____ fatty acid(s) and _____ phosphate group(s) bonded to glycerol is called a phospholipid.

two; one

Exocytosis uses _____ to move substances _____ the cell.

vesicles; out of

Osmosis is the diffusion of _____.


The combined number of protons and neutrons within an atom is the atomic _____ for that element.

weight or mass

What is the definition of a compound?

when atoms of different elements bond together

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