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Vivat Bacchus!

(Long) live Bacchus!

Abstine manum a me!

Keep your hand off me!

crux crucis (f)

a cross

mūnus muneris (n)

a favor, a gift, a prize, a service

supplicium -ī

a kneeling down (for punishment or as supplication)

lēx legis (f)

a law, a statute

poena -ae

a penalty, punishment

praemium -ī

a reward, a prize

ius iuris (n)

a right; that which is binding; a law

iniuria -ae

a violation of a right, something contrary to justice

mōs moris (m)

a way (of doing things), a custom

ab + duco ducere =

abduco abducere abduxi abductus/a/um

vinum vetus

aged wine

scelus sceleris (n)

an evil deed, a crime; wickedness

simul atque

at the same time as

poto potāre potavi

bibo bibere bibi


brought up, reared

morēs urbanī

city ways, nice manners


cruel, bloody


cupidus pecuniae; desirous of gain, greedy


donkey-like (>asinus)


even though

ex + pono ponere =

expono exponere exposui expositus/a/um

fidēs fidei (f)

faith, loyalty


faithful, loyal, trustworthy



ei suasit

he/she persuades him/her

in quādam urbe

in a (certain but unnamed) city

nugae -ārum

jokes, nonsense, idle speeches


just, in accordance with the law


merciful, forgiving


non validus sed debilis

morēs antiquī

old customs, ancient ways of doing things

vetus/veteris (adj)

old, former, ancient, experienced


qui nimium vinī bibit

nuntius -ī

qui nuntiat; a messenger

potio potionis (f)

quod potatur; a beverage

iuvenis ≠

senex (vir multōrum annōrum)

aliquod nomen Graecum

some (a) Greek name

deōs veterēs

the long-standing gods, the gods of our forefathers

fabulor fabularī

to chat, converse

crucio cruciāre

to crucify; to torture

veto vetāre vetui vetitus/a/um

to forbid, prohibit

odi odisse (perfect forms only)

to hate

lateo latēre

to lurk, lie hidden, lay in wait

fido fidere

to trust, confide (in), rely (on)

nimium vinī

too much wine


unfaithful, faithless, not trustworthy


vir qui multos annos habet

debilis/e (de + abilis)

weak, powerless, unable


whatever, anything


whoever, whosoever, anyone


why? for what reason?

dignus poenā

worthy of punishment

dignus fide

worthy of trust

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