Male Reproductive system

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benign prostatic hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

2 Types of prostate enlargements are called

Root (attaches to body wall) Body/Shaft (contains erectile/spongy tissue) Glans Penis (tip of penis, where external urethral orifice is located)

3 Parts to the penis

Head-contains nucleus&acrosome Midpiece- contains mitochondria Tail- Flagellum (used for swimming)

3 parts of spermatids (mature sperm)

parasympathetic control

Arrousal is controlled by

increase, begins spermatogenesis.

At puberty, testosterone levels _______ which begins ____________ and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.


Bulbourethral glands (pre-cum) make up ____% of total semen volume

half from ovum, half from sperm

During fertilization, a zygote must contain correct number of chromosones which is

Considered the switch. Turns OFF PSN, Turns ON SNS

During the male sexual response the orgasm is considered the _________. What does it do the PSN & SNS?

a spongy network of connective tissue and smooth muscle with vascular spaces

Each erectile body is defined as

Lobules, contain highly coiled loops called seminiferous tubules where sperm is produced

Each testis is divided into ____ which contain

Gametes, meiosis

Gonads produce ______ by _______

From the pituitary gland, triggers sperm production and triggers susentacular cells to take care of sperm.

Hormone FSH (location & Function)

From the hypothalamus, triggers pituitary gland to release FSH & LH

Hormone GnRH (location & function)

From the pituitary gland, stimulates interstitial cells to produce/release testosterone

Hormone LH (location & function)

From interstitial cells, main hormone involved in regulation of spermatogenesis and male reproductive anatomy. (Testosterone --> matures sperm)

Hormone Testosterone (location & function)

abdominal cavity

Inguinal canal leads into

Male-sperm Female-ova/egg cells

Male gametes are called _____ Female gametes are called _______

Male- testes Female- ovaries

Male gonads are called are called ____ Female gonads are called_____

produces sperm and ova for reproduction, cells need to have half chromosome number of original cell

Meiosis occurs because

new cells are needed for tissue growth or repair, new cells must be genetically identical to original

Mitosis occurs because

Seminiferous tubles (sperm is made) Straight tubule Rete Testis Efferent Ductules Epididymis (site of sperm maturation, organ) Vas Deferens Ejaculatory Duct Urethra in prostate gland (prostatic urethra) Urethra out

Pathway of sperm out of the body

what determines the identification of male or female

Primary sex characteristics


Prostatic secretions make up _____% of total semen volume


Responsible for secreting sex hormones including testosterone and estrogen

Happens at puberty. Growth of pubic, axillary, chest and facial hair Larynx enlarges Skin thickens, sebaceous glands increase secretion Bone Density & muscle mass increase (Body conformation) Erythrocyte production increase as testosterone increases erythropoietin secretion. Testosterone influences behavior; basis for male libido(sex drive)

Secondary sex characteristics (and examples for men)


Seminal vesicles/seminal fluid make up _____% of semen volume

Spermatagonia & sustentacular cells

Seminiferous tubules contain 2 cells types called


Sperm cells make up ___% of total semen volume

sperm can be stored for months here and any sperm that has not been ejaculated is reabsorbed.

Sperm in the Vas deferens

Inhibin, which help regulate spermatogenesis

Susentacular cells are responsible for producing which hormone, which functions in

located outside abdominopelvic cavity in the SCROTUM Sperm production and secretion of testosterone (sex hormone)

Testes are located and perform 2 important functions which are

surrounds urethra, 30% of semen volume

The prostate surrounds the ______ and makes up ____% of total semen volume

Scrotum and spermatic cord

What are the 2 support structures in the male reproductive system

corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum

What are the two names of erectile tissue in the penis?

Epididymis, Vast Deferens, Spermatic cord, Ejaculatory Duct, Urethra

What does the duct system of male reproductive system consist of

Causes negative feedback loop to CLOSE. LH & FSH & GnRH are no longer being secreted to slow down spermatogenesis (stop producing sperm)

When Elevated testosterone and inhibin levels are sensed by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, what happens

in the seminiferous tubules

Where does spermatogenesis occur

Internal Penis

______ includes three cylindrical erectile bodies (corpora)

46 chromosomes, 23 pairs

all human somatic cells have a nucleus with

Epididymis, complete its maturation process. Cells will remain viable for months.

as sperm leaves the seminiferous tubules it migrates to the _______ where it will _______

vas deferens

begins at the end of the epididymis, travels with testicular arteries, veins, and nerves within spermatic cord through the inguinal canal into pelvic cavity.


cell that divides to produce all of cells in a new individual via mitosis

Interstitial cells

cells found between seminiferous tubules that produce testosterone

susentacular cells

cells that take care of sperm cells by providing nutrients for dividing cells and also phagocytize damaged spermatogenic cells


condition when testis do not descend into scrotum during the 8th month of fetal development. Results in sperm cells not being able to be produced

midline septum

divides the scrotum into two compartments, one for each testis

receives sperm from vas deferens at the seminal vesicle

ejaculatory duct recieves sperm from _____ at the _______

seminal vesicles

gland found on posterior surface of urinary bladder and meets with vas deferens to form ejaculatory duct, contributes to 60-70% of semen volume

erectile dysfunction

inability of an adult male to achieve an erection

prepuce (foreskin)

loose skin of penis that forms a circular fold called

Male infertility

low sperm count (less than 15 million sperm cells)

Myoid cells of seminiferous tubules

muscle like cells that surround seminferous tubules, contract to push sperm and testicular fluid through tubules via peristalsis


non- aroused state penis is called

40-750 million sperm cells

normal ejaculate contains _____ million sperm cells


organ in the male reproductive system in which sperm mature and are stored , filled with ductules


process by which a sperm and egg cell fuse to form a new cell called a zygote

Ejaculation, sympathetic control. Emmision- movement semen into urethra Expulsion- semen pushes from urethra

process during sexual response in which semen is expelled from penis under _______ control. Occurs in 2 phases called


process during which a cell divides to form daughter cells with half number of chromosomes; ensures correct number in gametes and eventually zygote.


production of sperm

sustentacular cells

provide nourishment for development of sperm

dartos muscle

scrotum wall contains a layer of smooth muscle called

seminiferous tubules

site of sperm production

cremaster muscle

smooth muscle that controls height of testis

diploid (2n)

somatic cells are ______ because they have full paired set of chromosomes


sperm forming cells

Prostate gland

the vas deferens and urethra join in the


transports both urine and semen in the male reproductive system

Spermatic cord, contains vas deferens, blood and lymph vessels, and leads to pelvic cavity.

tube extending from scrotum and contains

Erection, parasympathetic control

when blood fills the penis this is called_______ and it is controlled by

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