Malnutrition, Overnutrition, Undernutrition and Unbalanced diet.
How can you tell a person is malnourished?
1. They eat too much off all the food groups, so they are having a balanced diet but consuming more than they need to. 2. They have too little food 3. They are eating their food in the wrong proportions.
What is Overnutrition?
A state in which nutritional intake greatly exceeds the body's needs
What does kwashiorkor do to a child?
A swollen abdomen, thin arms and legs and orange hair, irritability.
Name the major causes of obesity.
High intake in fatty foods and refined foods containing a lot of added sugar. too little excersise Social and emotional stress leads to comfort eating.
What is undernutrition?
Lack of calories, not eating enough food to meet one's energy needs.
What can undernutrition lead to?
Marasmus where a person shows symptoms of general starvation.
what are they more prone to?
They are prone to disease like kwashiorkor or marasmus.
What can overnutrition cause and how?
This can cause obesity, because your body is storing extra glycogen and fat.
What can an unbalanced diet lead to?
This can lead to deficiency diseases like anaemia
What problems can occur in developed countries
Too much salt, leads to high blood pressure. too much acidic, sugary foods causing tooth decay too much saturated fat and cholesterol can lead to blood clot and not enough blood goes to the heart causing heart attacks or coronary heart disease. too little fibre faeces are not being passed as regulaly as it should causing constipation, bacteria can work on some trapped faeces causing colon cancer.
What cause Kwashiorkor?
too little protein.