Mass Comm Final

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an advertising strategy that associates a product with simplicity is called the ____ -hidden fear -bandwagon effect -plain folks pitch -famous person testimonial

-plain folks pitch

What time period is considered the "golden age" of radio? -1920s and 1930s -1960s -1890s -Early 1900s -1990s

1920s and 1930s

What three companies controlled most of RCA when it was first a government-approved commercial monopoly in the early 1920s? -AT&T, GE, Westinghouse -AT&T, Clear Channel, CBS -NBC, GE, United Fruit -ABC, NBC, CBS -GE, AT&T, American Marconi

AT&T, GE, Westinghouse

_________________ is the theory that the mass media determines the majr topics of discussion for individuals snd society. Agenda-setting theory Context analysis Social learning theory Cultivation theory

Agenda-setting theory

According to the textbook, which of the following ideas developed into an underlying, subjective value in the culture of American journalism? Ethnocentrism Responsible capitalism Individualism Small-town pastoralism All of these

All of these

The targeted audience of public relations is ______. company employees shareholders consumers and the general public government agencies All of these

All of these

Which of the following could help a journalist resolve a moral or ethical dilemma? Aristotle's ideal of the golden mean Immanuel Kant's principle that you should at all times stick to universal codes of behavior, such as honesty John Stuart Mill's principle of doing the greatest good for the greatest number All of these The Golden Rule, translated as treating others as you would want to be treated

All of these

Which statement best describes the current state of the public relations industry? All of these Most independent public relations firms operate on a local or regional level. A good deal of the money and power in the PR field flows through a handful of major multinational holding companies that often own several PR agencies. There are thousands of corporate, government, and nonprofit organizations that have their own PR departments. There are over 7,000 public relations firms in the United States alone.

All of these

The trend of downsizing ______. has increased the wage gap between the corporate CEO and the average worker has forced many employees to scramble for jobs All of these options are correct. was spurred by deregulation and a decline in worker protections is supposed to make companies more profitable, competitive, and flexible

All of these options are correct.

Edward Bernays, who authored the first PR textbook, is more generally known for which of the following? Being the first to send exaggerated stories to the press about his clients and to use gossip and rumor as part of his campaigns Arguing that PR is about coercion, not consent Staging the Boston Tea Party as the first PR event, using costumed protesters to add controversy to the political statement Being the first to use social science research and psychology to stage events that associated a product with a particular attitude Being the first to warn the public about the dangers of smoking tobacco

Being the first to use social science research and psychology to stage events that associated a product with a particular attitude

Which is a term that describes what happens when one society exports an overwhelming surge of media images that strongly influence everything from fashion styles to views of morality? Monopoly Consumer choice Oligopoly Cultural imperialism Narrative storytelling

Cultural imperialism

_____________ for television means the type of signals that are transmitted as binary code. -Encoded -Decoded -Analog -none of these -Digital


Which of the following figures did not play a role in the early development of public relations? William "Buffalo Bill" Cody "Poison Ivy" Lee John Burke Edward R. Murrow Pt. T. Barnum

Edward R. Murrow

Which kind of research method employs a control group for comparison? Experiments Political economy Content analysis Survey Focus group interviews


With the Federal Communications Act of 1934, the Federal Radio Commission became the ______. -National Broadcasting Company -Radio Corporation of America -Wireless Communication Commission -Federal Communications Commission

Federal Communications Commission

the web uses ___ so that al computers can read a given webpage -java -HTML -unix -ISP


If the first half of the twentieth century was part of the Industrial Age, the shift away from manufacturing jobs starting in the 1950s led to a period often known as the ______. Cultural Imperialism Age Information Age MTV Age Monopolistic Age

Information Age

Which of the following is not a legitimate technique for gathering quality research data? Content analysis Online question of the day polls Surveys Laboratory experiments

Online question of the day polls

Which of the following is not one of the steps in the scientific method listed in your textbook? Collecting information or relevant data Reviewing existing research or theories related to your problem Identifying the research problem Determining an appropriate research method or design Presenting the proposed research problem to companies for funding

Presenting the proposed research problem to companies for funding

The act that first emphasized that broadcasters did not own their channels but were granted licenses provided they operated in the "public interest, convenience, or necessity" was the ____________. -Radio Act of 1912 -Radio Act of 1927 -Federal Communications Act of 1934 -1932 revocation of RCA's monopoly status

Radio Act of 1927

In experiments, subjects are picked for each group through ______, which simply means that each subject has an equal chance of being placed in either group. Scientific method Surveys Hypotheses Control groups Random assignment

Random assignment

____________ relies on objectivity, reliability, and validity. Scientific method The hypodermic-needle model Survey research Uses and gratification theory

Scientific method

People often choose to expose themselves only to media outlets that express their views. What is this called? The uses and gratifications model Selective exposure and retention The hypodermic-needle model The propaganda analysis model The marketing research model

Selective exposure and retention

The first antitrust law, enacted in 1890, was the ______ Act. Clayton Antitrust Sherman Antitrust Celler-Kefauver Federal Trade Commission

Sherman Antitrust

After years of going back and forth on cable rates and rules, Congress enacted the _______________________ and brought cable fully under the federal rules that had long governed the telephone, radio, and TV industries. -Telecommunications Act of 1996 -The Radio Act of 1927 -Telecommunications Act of 1956 -The Radio Act of 1934

Telecommunications Act of 1996

What established the Federal Radio Commission? -The Radio Act of 1919 -The Radio Act of 1912 -The Radio Act of 1927 -The Radio Act of 1934

The Radio Act of 1927

Why were AT&T and GE able to undercut Marconi's influence with the U.S. Navy, even though Marconi was the best company? -The U.S. Navy was concerned about a foreign-controlled company having so much power over their communications. -The U.S. Navy wanted to use government-owned companies over private companies. -The U.S. Navy was dissatisfied with the way American Marconi was being -The U.S. Navy wished to promote international relations by using foreign companies.

The U.S. Navy was concerned about a foreign-controlled company having so much power over their communications.

The 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds made millions of listeners believe that Martians were invading Earth; however, most listeners didn't believe that the story was real. This outcome ultimately helped lay the groundwork for which research model? The hypodermic-needle model The textual analysis model The uses and gratifications model The minimal-effects model The survey model

The minimal-effects model

Which event led to the Radio Act of 1912 (which required most large ships to carry wireless technology)? -Lee De Forest's Eiffel Tower broadcast -David Sarnoff's wedding -Fessenden's 1906 Christmas Eve transmission -The sinking of the Titanic

The sinking of the Titanic

The question "Why do we use the media?" is often asked under the _________ model. The survey model The textual analysis model The minimal-effects model The hypodermic-needle model The uses and gratifications model

The uses and gratifications model

A mass media effects researcher might choose an experiment approach if (s)he has __________. a desire to study a large population a desire to get results that reflect some truth about a large population a desire to try to show a cause-effect relationship between two variables the ability to study a large population and see how it changes over time

a desire to try to show a cause-effect relationship between two variables

a noob is -a game player who is new and clueless -a rude journalist -the headed of a cable company -none of these

a game player who is new and clueless

yellow journalism is___ -journalism term from he 1950s for small town papers and reporting styles -a journalism term for federally funded newspaper archives in the 1960s and 1970s -a journalism trend that began in the late 1800s stressing profit and featuring human interest stories, crime news, and large headlines -journalism written by journalists afraid to challenge public or political leaders

a journalism trend that began in the late 1800s stressing profit and featuring human interest stories, crime news, and large headlines

a combination of a catalogue used to market goods and a glossy magazine is called -strategic planning -a magazine -a magalog -muckraking

a magalog

From a journalistic viewpoint a conflict of interest is ______________. a moral code that everyone must live by none of these ethical decision makimg on a case-by-case basis a situation in which a journalist may stand to benefit from a story

a situation in which a journalist may stand to benefit from a story

interpretive journalism can be described as -a style wherein the reporter actively promotes a certain viewpoint -using a more scientific approach -a style that seeks to place events within a larger historical or social context -all of these

a style that seeks to place events within a larger historical or social context

In 1972, the FCC required cable systems to provide and fund a tier of ______ dedicated to local education, government, and the public. -access channels -pay-per-view channels -must-carry rules -superstations -DBS services

access channels

Though independently owned, ______________________ are radio or TV stations that sign a contract to carry its programs. -network-owned -O&Os -common carriers -affiliate stations

affiliate stations

in the twentieth century, advertising -stimulated demand for new products -showed how new products improved daily life -influenced the change from a producer driven to a consumer driven economy -spread messages about new products across the country

all of these

the telecommunication act of 1996 was -a sweeping update of telecommunication laws -led to a wave of media consolidation -was the first major change since the radio act of 1927 -all of these

all of these

_____________ in television means the standard broadcast signals are made of radio waves. -Decoded -none of these -Digital -Analog -Encoded


psychographics involves the study of -age -socioeconomic class -sex -attitudes, beliefs, interests, and motivations

attitudes, beliefs, interests, and motivations

a main purpose of split-run and demographic editions of magazines is to -move the magazine industry back to more general-interest publications -make sure that local and regional companies are cut off from advertising in nationally distributed magazines -create fewer places for advertisers to spend their money -attract more targeted advertisers and compete with television advertising

attract more targeted advertisers and compete with television advertising

an advertising strategy that incorporates exaggerated claims that everyone is using a particular product, so you should too -bandwagon effect -hidden fear -snob appeal -famous person testimonial

bandwagon effect

When a media business relies on indirect payments for most of its revenue, consumers tend to ______. have the power to determine the type of advertising used have the ability to communicate their preferences immediately become completely unimportant become commodities to be sold to advertisers, who are the real clients

become commodities to be sold to advertisers, who are the real clients

which medium was the first to be mass marketed -newspapers -magazines -books -pamphlets


In the 1800s, America's largest railroads used press agents to ______. help them drop fares and shipping rates sell shares of stock obtain the right to ship coal drum up passenger business campaign for government funding

campaign for government funding

the process of creating symbol systems that convey information and meaning -editing -communication -encoding -culture


CATV stands for ______________________ antenna television. -community -common carrier -communication -cable


Which of the following is not one of the basic criteria of newsworthiness? timeliness conflict consensus proximity human interest


the technical amalgamation of media content across several platforms is -common carriers -convergence -the minimal effects model -none of these


a profile that is attached to web users and is then used to track their surfing habits is called a ___ -tag -web ID -cookie -none of the above


the people in magazine, newspaper, and book publishing who attend to specific problems in writing such as stye, content, and length are called -the marketing department -copy editors -development experts -administrative departments

copy editors

In media research the _________________ is the idea that heavy television leads individuals to perceive reality in ways that are consistent with the portrayals they see in televisoin. social learning theory agenda-setting theory cultivation theory context analysis

cultivation theory

gathering data about readers that includes where they live and how well educated they are is called -psychographics -demographics -public relations -none of these


The billion-dollar mergers and takeovers that swept the mass media in the 1990s were possible because of ______. tighter legal controls on corporate spending the rise of the World Wide Web the collapse of communism deregulation speculation on Wall Street


images, texts, and sounds that use pulses of electric current or flashes of laser light encoded as varied combinations of binary numbers is -fiber optics -convergence -binary encumbrance -digital communication

digital communication

from the perspective of myth analysis, many advertisements involve all but which of the following elements -conflict -disassociation corollary -a narrative -resolution

disassociation corollary

the ___ testimonial associates a product with the endorsement of a well-known person -bandwagon effect -hidden fear -plain foks pitch -famous person testimonial

famous person testimonial

thin glass bundles capable of transmitting thousands of messages converted into shooting pulses of light carrying digitalized content are -cookies -fiber optics -open source software -noobs

fiber optics

urban myths and other misinformation spread unchecked through the internet because there is no ___ to monitor information


The acceptance of the dominant values in a culture by those who are subordinate to those who hold economic power describes ______. synergy democracy consolidation hegemony specialization


trying to persuade consumers that only a specific product can offer relief, the ___ appeal plays on people's insecurities -plain folks pitch -bandwagon effect -famous person testimonial -hidden fear

hidden fear

a symbolic expression that has come to be associated with good tasted -hegemony -heightened awareness -high culture -low culture

high culture

The _____________, also called magic bullet theory, attributes powerul effects to the mass media due to simple exposure to the media. cultivation theory context analysis hypodermic-needle model social learning theory

hypodermic-needle model

which of the following are the three primary consumer motivations that the VALS strategy considers when grouping consumers into types -achievement, self-expression, morals -ideals, achievers, experiences -achievers, strivers, and survivors -strivers, survivors, and thinkers -ideals, achievement, and self-expression

ideals, achievement, and self-expression

The most prominent value underpinning daily journalism in the United States is _________________________. collectivism hegemony culturalism individualism


a critical process allows a(n)___on media -cynical -informed -biased -complete


Critics of CNN say it too often engages in ethnocentrism because __________. it tells international stories from a largely American point of view it only covers news about European Americans it tells international stories from a variety of global perspectives it centers its news reporting around ethnic issues

it tells international stories from a largely American point of view

under a ____, two competing papers keep separate news divisions while sharing business and production divisions -newspaper chain -joint operating agreement -telecommunications act -all of these

joint operating agreement

Sometimes called monopolistic competition, ___________ is refers to a market with many producers and sellers but only a few products within a particular category. synergistic competition indirect competition direct competition limited competition

limited competition

well before gutenberg's printing press, who brought the chinese technology of block printing to europe? -arab spice traders -immigrants from china -marco polo -genghis khan

marco polo

the process of designing and delivering cultural messages and stories to diverse audience's media channels is -mass media -mass communication -mass media channels -all of these

mass communication

the cultural industries-the channels of communication-that produce and distribute cultural media products to a large number of people are -mass media -mass communication -mass media channels -all of these

mass media

products such as newspaper, books, magazines, radio, movies, television or the internet are considered -mass media -mass communication -mass media channels -all of these

mass media channels

The very earliest uses of Marconi's wireless radio were for ______. -entertainment and ads -advertising and the military -gossip and shipping -playing rock-and-roll records -military and commercial shipping

military and commercial shipping

a slang term changing up game software or hardware is -trolling -magalogs -mukluks -modding


Media that rely primarily on direct payment to collect revenues include ______. consumer magazines movies daily newspapers over-the-air radio stations online search engines


the space left over in a newspaper for news content after all the ads are placed is called a(n) -newshole -JOA -paywall -ad space


Historically, objectivity became valuable for newspapers and journalists because ______. it was highly valued by Joseph Pulitzer reporters had a desire to be fair and balanced for society's sake offending the smallest number of people meant earning the largest profit the general public loved the partisan press

offending the smallest number of people meant earning the largest profit

Programs that are in off-network syndication are ______. -older programs that no longer run during network prime time -programs that were made specifically for syndication -programs that are too risqué for network television -programs that are produced by broadcast networks for cable channels -all of these

older programs that no longer run during network prime time

The book publishing and motion picture industries are both examples of ______. monopolies oligopolies O & Os limited competition


O & Os refer to TV stations that are ______________________ by networks. -officially operated -owned and operated -affiliate owned -none of these

owned and operated

the word paper is derived from -parchment -papyrus -codex -vellum


an online portal that charges consumers a fee for access to news content is -newshole -JOA -paywall -ad space


the use of photos in magazines to document the rhythms of everyday life is also known as -production -muckraking -photojournalism -all of the above


an entry point to the internet, such as a search engine is a -common carrier -network -portal -none of these


Announcements—written in the style of news reports—that give new information about an individual, a company, or an organization and pitch a story idea to the news media. public relations press releases publicity propaganda

press releases

A communication strategy that tries to manipulate public opinion to gain support for a special issue, program, or policy, such as a nation's war effort. propaganda press releases publicity public relations


Circumstances or events created solely for the purpose of obtaining coverage in the media. publicity pseudo-events propaganda public relations


A type of journalism driven by citizen forums, _________________ goes far beyond telling the news to embrace a broader mission of improving the quality of public life. herd journalism situational ethics small town pastoralism public journalism

public journalism

The total communication strategy conducted by a person, a government, or an organization attempting to reach and persuade its audiences to adopt a point of view. pseudo-events public relations propaganda publicity

public relations

The positive and negative messages that spread controlled and uncontrolled information about a person, a corporation, an issue, or a policy in various media. press releases propaganda public relations publicity


The sound bite in a TV news report is the equivalent of a ______ in a newspaper story. byline footnote source quote lead paragraph


Prior to the 1950s and 1960s, most radio listening occurred in the home because ______. -radio programs used to be longer and required people's undivided attention -radio sets before the invention of transistors used bulky and delicate vacuum tubes -automobiles weren't really widespread yet so most people couldn't leave home -people didn't have televisions yet

radio sets before the invention of transistors used bulky and delicate vacuum tubes

In TV audience measurement, a ______________________ is a statistical estimate expressed as a percentage of households tuned to a program in the market being sampled. -programming identity -network area -share -rating


In 1965, the FCC established must-carry rules, which ______. -required cable operators to carry local TV broadcasts -blocked cable operators from carrying local TV broadcasts -blocked cable systems from bringing distant television stations into cities with local stations -established technical standards for cable broadcasts, regulating the signals carried by cable systems

required cable operators to carry local TV broadcasts

___games are typically set in a fantasy or sci-fi world in which each player chooses to play as a character that specializes in a particular skill set -adventure -action -role playing -simulation

role playing

In TV audience measurement, a ____________________ is a statistical estimate of the percentage of homes tuned to a certain program, compared with those simply using their sets at the time of a sample. -share -network area -rating -programming identity


___games like SimCity involve managing resources and planning worlds that are typically based in reality -adventure -action -role playing -simulation


Ethical decisions that are made on a case-by-case basis are called ________________________ ethics. utilitarian moral situational Kantian


A consequence of judging other countries and cultures according to how they live up to or imitate American practices and ideals and favoring small over large and rural over urban is called _____________________. public journalism herd journalism small town pastoralism situational ethics

small town pastoralism

an advertising strategy that attempts to convince consumers that using a product will enable them to maintain or elevate their social station -hidden fear -famous person testimonial -snob appeal -bandwagon effect

snob appeal

editions of national magazines that tailor advertising to different geographic areas are -magalogs -evergreen subscriptions -split-run editions -geo-formatted editions

split run editions

hidden or disguised print or visual messages are called -public service announcements -saturation advertising -spam -subliminal advertising -slogans

subliminal advertising

The promotion and sale of a product (in all of its versions) throughout the various subsidiaries of a media conglomerate is called ___________. direct payment synergy indirect competition limited competition


the fact that access to the internet can be measured based on income and education is called -trending -hegemony -the socioeconomic divide -the digital divide

the digital divide

In the textbook, the term wage gap refers to ______. the shrinking gap in pay between hourly and salaried employees the gap between union salaries in the 1950s and the 2000s the growing difference in pay based on gender the rapidly growing difference in compensation between average wage earners and top corporate executives the downsizing of traditional newsrooms, with fewer reporters earning much higher salaries

the rapidly growing difference in compensation between average wage earners and top corporate executives

The telegraph was useless as a means of communicating between ships at sea or between ships and the shore because ______. -its signal was too weak to travel across bodies of water -telegraph equipment was too cumbersome to be used aboard ship -the telegraph signal was distorted by the electromagnetic spectrum -All of these. -the telegraph required a wire cable connecting the sending and receiving stations

the telegraph required a wire cable connecting the sending and receiving stations

which of the following was a contribution of the telegraph -the transformation of information into a commodity -the concept of nationalism -the rise of the middle class -the development of the pony express

the transformation of information into a commodity

who controls the internet? -government agencies -there is no central control -users -corporations

there is no central control

by the end of the nineteenth century, crusading newspapers like the new york world had what kind of approach to women's rights -they were against them -they championed conservative values and the status quo -they hired mostly women for management positions -they hired one as reporters and crusaded for better conditions for women

they hired women as reporters and crusaded for better conditions for women

the village voice, the berkeley barb, and the los angeles free press are all examples of the -ethnic press -black press -underground press -free press

underground press

a fine parchment made from treated animal skin, ___ was used in the gutenberg bibles -codex -papyrus -parchment -vellum


the term muckraker___ -was coined by president theodore roosevelt because he was angry with negative reporting -described investigative reporters who only wrote about American institutions in a positive light -was seen as an insult by leading investigative reporters -described reporters who wanted to write in the simplistic and conventional style of newspaper journalism

was coined by president theodore roosevelt because he was angry with negative reporting

Ivy Ledbetter Lee believed that facts ______. None of these were elusive and malleable, begging to be forged and shaped should not be manipulated or interpreted in any way were completely uninteresting to a public that just wanted to be entertained should be avoided at all costs and it was better to deceive the public

were elusive and malleable, begging to be forged and shaped

the inverted-pyramid still of reporting begin with the most newsworthy information, or the ___ of a story -key quotes -who, what, when, where, why and how -least important details -opinions

who, what, when, where, why and how

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