Mass Communication: Chapter 15

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social justice warriors (#sjw)

A negative term used within the #gamergate community and elsewhere to describe people who advocate for socially progressive causes, especially women's equality.


A rational way of deciding what is good for individuals or society. Ethics provide a way to choose between competing moral principles and help people decide in cases where there is not a clear-cut right or wrong answer.


A representative of a publication's readers who takes the point of view of those who purchase or consume the news; also known as a reader's representative or audience advocate.


A series of attacks on women in the video game industry that is framed as a critique of video gaming journalism ethics.


An individual's code of behavior based on religious or philosophical principles. Morals define right and wrong in ways that may or may not be rational.

golden mean

Aristotle's notion that ethical behavior comes from hitting a balance, a "just-right point between excess and defect."

Wemple investigated what the Post's social media guidelines said. This is what he found:

Be informative. Social media encourages sharing of the human experience, but we should balance personal information with useful information. Fact-check. Information on social networks needs to be verified like any other information. Work to verify the authenticity of people and organizations before attributing acts or quotes to them. Take ownership. If you mistakenly retweet or forward erroneous information, correct your mistake in a subsequent tweet/update and make an effort to provide a more accurate link.

Sissela Bok provides a straightforward three-step model for analyzing an ethical situation:

Consult your conscience—How do you feel about the action? What does your conscience tell you is right? Seek alternatives—Is there another way to achieve the same goal that will not raise ethical issues? Is there an expert to whom you can turn for advice? Hold an imaginary ethical dialogue with everyone involved—Ask, "How will my action affect others?" Discuss the issues involved from the point of view of each of the people whom it will affect. Think about who will be involved: the source, the news consumer, the public at large, a special interest group, and so forth.33

Why is a single code of ethics for all news outlets in the United States considered impossible?

Different outlets have very different purposes and audiences.

veil of ignorance

John Rawls's principle of ethics that says that justice comes from making decisions that maximize liberty for all people and without considering which outcome will give us personally the biggest benefit.

principle of unity

John Stuart Mill's principle that ethical behavior arises from that which will provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

catergorical imperative

Kant's idea of a moral obligation that we should act in a way in which we would be willing to have everyone else act; also known as the principle of universality.

To behave ethically, according to Aristotle, individuals must

Know what they are doing Select their action with a moral reason Act out of good character

he Society of Professional Journalists has an extended code of ethics with three main principles:

Seek truth and report it as fully as possible. Act independently. Minimize harm.

The Hutchins Commission listed five requirements for a responsible press:

The media should provide a truthful, comprehensive, and intelligent account of the day's events in a context that gives them meaning. The media should serve as a forum for the exchange of comment and criticism (that is, the press should present the full range of thought and criticism).[Page 379] The media should project a representative picture of the constituent groups within the society. The media should present and clarify the goals and values of the society. The media should provide full access to the day's news.

the government might not be limiting free speech, corporations might do so. The report reached two major conclusions:

The press has a responsibility to give voice to the public and to society. The free press was not living up to that responsibility to the public because of its need to serve its commercial masters.

Which of the following best describes how morals are different than ethics?

They depend on an individual's values.

"How much manipulation is too much?" Keep in mind that there are several issues here:

What is an acceptable level of photo manipulation? Should viewers know to what degree a photo has been altered? Does intentionally making changes in a photo change the viewer's response to the image?

While "clickbait" publications such as the Seattle Tribune have a disclaimer suggesting they are strictly a satirical organization, what quality of an article might indicate an attempt at fake news?

an organization name that closely resembles reputable publications

A major difference between morals and ethics is that morals depend on an individual's values while ethics ______.

depend on a rational comparison of potential outcomes

Severe harassment and attacks against women in the gaming industry became known as ______.

depression quest

What is a unique problem in the literary genre of nonfiction memoirs?

exaggeration or minimization of the truth to make the memoirist more exciting or likeable

A major reason behind the lack of national reporting on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, was that it was being handled locally.


To be effective, a code of ethics should be a static, consistent document.


Stopping the spreading of fake news on social media platforms is the responsibility of ______.

individul users

What oversight allowed Stephen Glass to get away with making up details or major elements of supposedly non-fiction stories?

insufficiently intensive fact-checking of his sources

The Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau both ______.

investigate claims of false or misleading advertising

What is the most effective way for people of color to get adequate representation in the media?

people of color attaining management roles in existing media organizations

A finance magazine giving advertisers advance notice of content to be published can be an ethical issue because ______.

potential pressure from advertisers to change or drop content

The Flint, Michigan water crisis proves that help ultimately comes through ______.

relentless work of local citizens

The film Black Panther's huge box office success, at nearly $700 million in North America alone, is a strong indicator of the power of ______.

representation of different cultures

In Bok's model for ethical decision making, the three key steps are consulting your conscience, considering the problem from all perspectives, and ______.

seeking alternatives

A news ombudsman ______.

serves as an advocate for the audience of a publication

When Washington Post journalist Felicia Sonmez was put on administrative leave for tweeting a link to an article regarding a history of rape allegations against Kobe Bryant right as news was emerging about his death, what did colleague Erik Wemple find with regards to Sonmez and the publication's social media guidelines?

she did not violate any of the guidelines for acceptable use

A good place to start to determine if a website is not credible is ______.

the "about" or home page

The lack of effective response to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is most likely attributed to ______.

the demographics of the community

It is important that media apologies focus on ______ after the mistakes come to light.

the quality of decisions made

A key reason why the publication Inter-Mountain was able to print the truth of the mining disaster was ______.

they have an afternoon deadline

In the Sago Mine Disaster, why were printed news publications so vulnerable to the mistaken reports that nearly all of the thirteen miners had survived?

they have to finalize news on developing events well in advance of distribution

A journalist lying about major parts of their identity can call into question their objectivity and bias.


Lying is possible even if a statement is factually correct.


Publications will often rush to publish unconfirmed breaking news, especially over digital media, in fear of being scooped by other publications.


Social responsibility theory requires that the media provide comprehensive context for events.


The Sago Mine Disaster illustrates the importance of media waiting for official confirmations and updates.


The film Titanic got away with a lower rating because the nudity included was during an artistic and not a romantic sex scene.


The majority of images in the media are persuasive and designed by advertising and public relations professionals.


Determining what choice will bring the most happiness to the greatest number of people, even if it may cause pain to a small number, is the primary hallmark of ______.


Choosing to run into a burning building to save five strangers over one friend illustrates


The Society of Professional Journalists' third principle of ethics, minimize harm, would be best an example of ______.


The Ad Council primarily ______.

works on public service advertisements

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