Mastering biology chapter 4/5

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What is the name of the process during which a bond between two monomers is broken?


hydroxl group

Hydroxide bonded to carbon skeleton; OH


The starches and sugars present in foods Some are transport forms Others are structural, providing support to cells or organisms. Also a form of glucose; Monosaccharide = "one sugar"

Hydrogen bounding

occurs between -OH groups on adjacent cellulose molecules, making dense fibers. Cotton Linen Hemp Sisal

primary structure

structure is the sequence of amino acids in a protein. often called polypeptides since they contain multiple peptide bonds. ( N--C)


sugar in DNA


sugar in RNA

teritary structure

the structure is achieved when a protein folds into a compact, three-dimensional shape stabilized by interactions between side-chain R groups of amino acids.

quternary structure

the structure is the result of two or more protein subunits assembling to form a larger, biologically active protein complex.

Lipids cannot be considered polymers because

they are not composed of monomer subunits. all lipids do not dissolve well in water.

If you wanted to show the 3-dimensional shape of a protein by showing the amino acid side chains and their interactions, you should use a

wireframe model

dehydration reaction

•Forms polymers from monomers •Releases a molecule of H20 The remaining oxygen atom now links the two glucose molecules between C1 and C4 on the same side where the -OH groups were.

Sugar monomers are the monosaccharides

•Glucose •Fructose •Galactose Can combine different monosaccharides to make disaccharides, trisaccharides, polysaccharides, etc.


•have a single six-membered ring -Cytosine -Thymine -Uracil


are polymers of amino acid monomers There are 20 different amino acids, each with unique structures and chemical properties. every job in the cell is done by a protein.

A function of cholesterol that does not harm health is its role

as a component of animal cell membranes


glucose + galactose (sugar in milk) it is a disaccharide because it can be split into two monosaccharides.


glucose, fructose, galactose Can not be hydrolyzed any further


has a six-membered ring fused to a five-membered ring Ex: Adenine and Guanine

structural isomers

have different covalent arrangements of their atoms

cis-trans isomers

have the same covalent bonds but differ in spatial arrangements

Most organic compounds contain which atoms?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

carbonly group

-C=O carbon double bonded oxygen

carboxyl group

A -COOH group, found in organic acids.(behaves like a acid)

hydrolysis reaction

A chemical reaction breaks apart a larger molecule by adding a molecule of water. is also a bond that can be broken into two monomers.

saturated fats

A fat that is solid at room temperature and found in animal fats, lards, and dairy products.

phosphate group

A functional group consisting of a phosphorus atom covalently bonded to four oxygen atoms. (PO4) -negative charge to interact with water( transfer energy) - also attached another small monocule

Which statement about a methyl functional group is correct?

A methyl group consists of a carbon bonded to three hydrogen atoms.


A simple sugar that is an important source of energy. A a monosaccharide - is released.


An extensively branched glucose storage polysaccharide found in the liver and muscle of animals; the animal equivalent of starch.

Polymers are made of monomer subunits that are joined by what type of bonds?

Convelent bound

nucleic acids

DNA and RNA polymers are made up of nucleotide monomers.

Glucose + glucose =

Maltose + water

What kind of effect does R-dopa have on Parkinson's disease?

No effect

Sickle-cell disease is caused by a mutation in hemoglobin that changes a charged amino acid to a hydrophobic amino acid. Where in the protein would you expect to find this charged amino acid?

On the exterior surface of the protein

L-dopa is used to treat_______

Parkinson's disease

Which of these is NOT a lipid?

RNA is a nucleic acid

If you wanted to show the general shape of a protein, along with some important functional details such as folds and coils, you should use a

Simplfied diagram

If you wanted to show the 3-dimensional shape of a protein, including all of the atoms composing it, you should use a

Space filling model


Storage polysaccharides of plants.

Amino group

a chemical group consisting of a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms (NH2)- behaves like a base


a lipid-containing phosphate group in its molecule 2 fatty acids in phospholipids hydrophilic and hydrophobic holds phospholipids in a biolayer formation.

amino acids

building blocks of proteins. 20 side chains found in amino acid Include: Alpha carbon, Amino group ,Carboxyl group are joined together by dehydration synthesis between the carboxyl and amino groups

What is another name for a condensation reaction?



enzyme in tears and saliva that inhibits bacterial growth belongs to Enzymatic protein

simple sugars

is composed of equal parts carbon and water, which gave rise to the general name of any sugar as a carbohydrate.

fat molecule

is less souble in water because it has three non-polar fatty acids and no polar


is made from four subunits (2α & 2β), each associated with an iron-containing heme unit Stacked hemoglobin does not carry oxygen efficiently and it distorts the cells so that they clog vessels and break down easily


is the most abundant organic compound on Earth. Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide


isomers that are mirror images of each other


large macromolecule formed from monosaccharides. EX: is cellulose Starch (in plants) and glycogen (in animals) are both long chains of glucose that store energy

Petiode bound

links together two amino acids in a protein. are not broken when a protein denatures, so primary structure is left intact

If you substituted alanine for glycine in a protein, how much change to the protein's structure would you expect

little change, since these are both hydrophobic amino acids

Phosphodiester bonding

phosphates and sugars covalently bonded backbone units with nitrogenous bases as appendages phosphate group that links the sugars of two nucleotides

if you wanted to show the 3-dimensional shape of a protein, including the backbone structure, folds, and coils, you should use a

ribbon model

If you wanted to show a generalized protein in which the focus is on the protein's function rather than its structure, you should use a

simple shape

secondary structure

structure describes the alpha-helices and beta-sheets that are formed by hydrogen bonding between backbone atoms located near each other in the polypeptide chain.

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