Medical Sociology- Exam 1

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9. How are environmental harms socially distributed?

Distribution of Environmental Harms Poorer communities more likely to be victims of corporate pollution. 3 out of 5 African American neighborhoods are located near toxic waste dumps. Childhood cancer rates are double for Latino communities where pesticides are used. Bad air quality in inner city areas lead to young black men dying at 3 times the rate of young white men from asthma. Industrial workers and blue collar workers more exposed to dangerous chemicals

1-2 pages Medical sociologists claim that people's choices are constrained and enabled by their material surroundings and their social standing in society. Consider this notion by exploring specific material and environmental factors which lead to differential outcomes in regard to mortality and morbidity.

high vs low SES -food choice

Morbidity Mortality

the condition of being diseased; the rate of disease in a population. the state of being subject to death

11. What social groups are most at risk from dramaturgical stress?

the elements of human interactions are dependent upon time, place, and audience. In other words, to Goffman, the self is a sense of who one is, a dramatic effect emerging from the immediate scene being presented.[3] Goffman forms a theatrical metaphor in defining the method in which one human being presents itself to another based on cultural values, norms, and beliefs. Performances can have disruptions (actors are aware of such), but most are successful. The goal of this presentation of self is acceptance from the audience through carefully conducted performance. If the actor succeeds, the audience will view the actor as he or she wants to be viewed.[4] ***

Social epidemiology

the study of the distribution of patterns of health and illness in human populations and of the social factors that shape them identify these patterns of morbidity and mortality to identify the social arrangements which cause, or are at least associated, with sickness and death.

7. List three socio-cultural variables which shape how food is used.

-developing countries may be pressured/forced to export large proportions of their food to relieve debts even as their own citz starve -may have symbolic/celebratory/communal value -some religions avoid certain foods (ex pork for Muslims, Jews)

** Epidemiological studies have shown dramatic increases in life span worldwide. List 3 other patterns of morbidity and mortality indicated through epidemiological studies.

-eped shift: people now dying more from not infectious diseases but chronic illnesses -infant mortality decreased -link of smoking to lung cancer has been argued that improved nutrition and population control and improvements in urban dwelling conditions and hygiene have played a greater role in extending life expectancy than medical technology.

Fundamental cause theory

-seeks to outline why the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and health disparities has persisted over time, particularly when diseases and conditions previously thought to cause morbidity and mortality among low SES individuals have resolved -states that an ongoing association exists between SES and health status because SES "embodies an array of resources, such as money, knowledge, prestige, power, and beneficial social connections that protect health no matter what mechanisms are relevant at any given time." -In other words, despite advances in screening techniques, vaccinations, or any other piece of health technology or knowledge, the underlying fact is that those from low SES communities lack resources to protect and/or improve their health.

10. What do placebo studies suggest about the mind/body relationship?

Evidence for the Mind/Body Connection Placebo Studies: suggest the inextricable connection between minds and bodies. Medications and operations have symbolic and metaphorical effects which may account for symptom relief. Some examples of studies?Belief that a TX will be successful. Cultural meaning can influence the placebo effect.Is this mind OVER matter?

8. How have macro political and economic factors shaped transportation in the US?

Lack of transport severely curtails access to medical care, shopping, friends, etc - increasing isolation and social stress. Accidents: 5th cause of death in the US. Socially distributed by age, gender, and class.

12. List and outline/define the three factors which determine how susceptible one is to stress.

Physiological Reactivity: Some biological differences, but also social; I.e the way we learn to deal with stressors permanently affects physiological response. Cognitive-Emotional Appraisal: Our interpretations and emotional reaction to a stressful event. Cultural factors and individuals' place in social structure affects perception. (I.e. learned helplessness). Coping: How we manage the tension a stress produces.

Outline the main difference between reformist and materialist epidemiology.

Reformist -concerned w/ indiv behavior (eat, how they live, etc) -social factors are incorp but emphasis is on behavior, to neglect of SES factors -social/env factors: pollution, lifestyle, income and nutrition, all of which may influence the likelihood of certain diseases -remain w/in the med epidem. paradigm by arguing that the threat to good health is personal behavior - diet, tobacco use, exercise, drugs, etc. Materialist -manifestation of structural issues -more macro sociological approach -examines the forces that shape society: class relations, real income, and working conditions for various social groups -emphasizes factors such as poverty, bad housing, and structural inequalities, which are the result of capitalist, uneven development.

Our social position (within the socially structured hierarchy) affects our access to material resources for health and wellness. How does access to transportation affect our health?

access to food, health care (1.5 hr drive to hospital) isolation

6. What do we mean by the 'feminization of poverty'?

families headed by single mothers are disproportionately poor

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