medical term chapter 6
miosis mai OH sis
abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasia mi DRAI ah sis
abnormal dilation of pupil
phacosclerosis FAH koh skleh ROH sis
abnormal hardening of the lens
kertaomalacia ker AH toh mah LAY shah
abnormal softening of the cornea
phacomalacia FAH koh mah LAY shah
abnormal softening of the lens
scerlomalacia SKLEH roh mah LAY shah
abnormal softening of the sclera
root for sound and hearing
acous/o, audi/o
scotopia skaw TOH pee ah
adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness
root for ear
aur/o, ot/o
eyelid roots
hemianopsia HEH mee an OP see ah
blindness in half the visual field
dacryohemorrhea DAK ree oh HIM oh REE ah
blood in the tears
root for ear wax
root for cochlea
strabismus struh BIZ mus
condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
root for conjunctiva
roots for cornea
corne/o, kerat/o
root for cillary body
scotoma skaw TOH mah
dark spot in the visual field
presbyopia PREZ bee OH pee ah
decreased vision caused by old age
amblyopia AM blih OH pee ah
decreased vision; when it occurs in one eye, it is referred to as lazy eye
optomyometer AWP toh MAI oh MEE tir
device used to determine the strength of eye muscles
otorrhea OH toh REE ah
discharge from the ear
blepharopyorrhea BLEF ah roh PAI oh REE ah
discharge of pus from the eyelid
dacryopyorrhea DAK ree oh pai REE ah
discharge of pus in tears
ambiopia AM bee OH pee ah
double vision
diplopia dih PLOH pee ah
double vision
blepharoptosis BLEF ar awp TOH sis
drooping eyelid
xerophthalmia ZEH roff THAL mee ah
dry eyes
corneal xerosis KOR nee al ZER oh sis
dryness of the cornea
otalgia oh TAL jah
ear pain
otodynia OH toh DIH nee ah
ear pain
dacryorrhea DAK ree oh REE ah
excessive tearing
hypoacusis HAI poh ah KOO sis
excessively insensitive hearing
hyperacusis HAI per ah KOO sis
excessively sensitive hearing
ophthalmalgia awf thal MAL jah
eye pain
ophthalmoplegia awf THAL moh PLEE jah
eye paralysis
ophthalmologist AWF thal MAW loh jist
eye specialist
blepharedema BLEF at eh DEE mah
eye swelling
hyperopia HAI per OH pee ah
lacrimation LAH krih MAY shun
formation of tears (i.e, crying)
dacryolith DAK ree oh lith
hard formation (stone) in the tear system
osteoacusis AW stee oh ah KOO sis
hearing through bone
akinetopsia uh KEE nah TOP see ah
inability to see objects in motion
salpingscope sal PING goh skohp
instrument for examining the Eustachian tubes
ophthalmoscope awf THAL mah SKOHP
instrument for looking at the eye
phacoscope FAY koh SKOHP
instrument for looking at the lens
retinoscope RET in aw SKOP
instrument for looking at the retina
otoscope OH toh SKOPH
instrument for looking in the ear
audiometer aw dee AW meh tree
instrument for measuring hearing
tonometer TOH naw MEE tir
instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye ( intraocular pressure)
nystagmus nih STAG mus
involuntary back and forth movement of the eyes
blepharospasm BLEF ah roh SPAZ um
involuntary contraction of an eyelid
esotropia AY soh TROH pee ah
inward turning of the eye, toward the nose
entropion en TROH pee on
inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye
root for iris
ir/o, irdi/o
root for labyrinth
tear roots
lacrim/o, dacry/o
presbycusis PREZ bih KOO sis
loss of hearing in old age
root for mastoid process
myopia mai OH pee ah
eye root mean
ocul/o, opthalm/o, and opt/o
exotropia EK soh TROH pee ah
outward turning of the eye, away from the nose
ectropion ek TROH pee on
outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye
keratalgia KEH rah TAL jah
pain in the cornea
iridalgia IH rid AL jah
pain in the iris
mastoidalgia MAS toid AL jah
pain in the mastoid
dacryoadenalgia DAK ree oh AD en AL jah
pain in the tear gland
dacryocystalgia DAK ree oh sis TAL jah
pain in the tear sac
cycloplegia SAI kloh PLEE jah
paralysis of the cillary body
blepharoplegia BLEF ah roh PLEE jah
paralysis of the eyelid
binocular bai NAW kyoo lar
pertaining to both eyes
optokinetic AWP toh kih NEH tik
pertaining to eye movement
ophthalmic awf THAL mik
pertaining to the eye
optic AWP tik
pertaining to the eye
nasolacrimal NAY zoh LAH krih mal
pertaining to the nose and tear system
retinal REH tih nal
pertaining to the retina
root for lens
phac/o, phak/o
otoscopy oh TAW skoh pee
procedure for examining the ear
pneumatic otoscopy noo MA tik oh TAW skoh pee
procedure for examining the ear using air
retinoscopy RET in AWS koh pee
procedure for looking at the retina
audiometry aw dee AW meh tree
procedure for measuring hearing
exophthalmus EKS of THAL mus
protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket
audiogram AW dee oh GRAM
record produced by an audiometer
root for retina
tinnitus tih NAI tis
ringing in the ears
root for Eustachian tube
root for sclera (the white of the eye)
vertigo VER tih goh
sensation of moving through space (while stationary )
optometrist awp TAW meh trist
specialist in measuring the eye
papilledema PAH pil ah DEE mah
swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina
suffix for hearing condition
vision condition suffixes
-opia, -opsia
iridokinesis IR ih doh kin EE sis
the movement of the iris
root for ear drum
tympan/o, myring/o
root for vestibule
astigmatism ah STIG mah TIZ um
vision problem caused by the fact that light rays entering the eye aren't focused on a single point in the back of the eye
root for vitreous liquid ( also called vitreous humor)
asthenopia AS then OH pee ah
weak vision ( I.e, eye strain)
pterygium ter IH jee um
winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea