MGMT 473 Exam 2

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belief that one's work is worthwhile or important


3 critical physiological states:

meaningfulness, responsibility, knowledge of results


When highly cohesive teams have norms that conflict with organizational goals, team performance is reduced.


When sender and receiver have shared mental models, more communication is necessary to clarify meaning about that context.

Use the grapevine as a signal of employee anxiety and view it as a valid competitor to the company's formal communication system.

Which of the following should corporate leaders should do with the organizational grapevine?

Power requires interdependence in the relationship.

Which of the following statements about power is true?

Temporary team that investigates a particular problem and typically disbands when the decision is made.

A task force refers to any:


Communication refers to the process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people.


Active listeners constantly cycle through the three components of listening during a conversation and engage in various activities to improve these processes.


Decision making is a nonconscious process of moving toward a desirable state of affairs


E-mail helps organizations to significantly reduce the problem of information overload.


E-mail is a very good medium for communicating emotions.

Which of these is also referred to as participative management?

Employee Involvement


Employee stock ownership plans and stock options tend to create an "ownership culture" in which employees feel aligned with the organization's success.

coercive power

Employees have _____, ranging from sarcasm to ostracism, to ensure that coworkers conform to team norms.


Escalation of commitment occurs when employees increase their support for a decision because most of their colleagues also support that decision.


Job evaluations systematically evaluate the worth of each job within the organization by measuring its required skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.


Flaming refers to the capacity of an organization to transmit information more quickly through computer networks than through traditional paper media.

highly confident in

Groupthink characteristics cause team members to be _____ their decisions.


Identification-based trust is potentially the strongest and most robust form of trust in work relationships.

countervailing power

In order to maintain the exchange relationship, the dependent party has _____ over the dominant party.


In the communication process model, encoding the message refers to selecting the appropriate medium and sending your ideas through that medium.


Informal groups exist primarily to complete tasks for the organization that management doesn't know about.


Intuition allows us to draw on our tacit knowledge to guide our decision preferences


Knowledge-based trust is confidence in one's own ability or knowledge.


Legitimate power is created whenever the organization assigns a supervisor with formal authority over subordinates.


Peer pressure typically represents a form of coercive power.


People might gain power by convincing others that they have something of value.


Networking is a form of influence that tends to increase the individual's expert and referent power.


Norms are the informal rules and shared expectations that groups establish to regulate the behavior of their members.


Power is the act of changing another person's attitudes and behavior.


Referent power is mainly developed through a person's interpersonal skills.

employee privacy and social interaction.

Research suggests that effective workspace design mainly balances the trade-off between:


Reward power is associated with charisma.


Skill-based pay plans give an employee a higher pay rate for those days that he or she performs two or more jobs at the same time.


Teams are groups of two or more people who have equal influence over each other regarding the team's goals and means of achieving those goals.


The first stage of the creative process is:


The last step in the rational decision-making model is to evaluate the decision outcomes.


The norming stage of team development is marked by interpersonal conflict as team members compete for leadership and other positions on the team.


The sensing stage of active listening includes empathizing and organizing information.


The storming stage of team development is marked by interpersonal conflict as team members compete for leadership and other positions on the team.

degree to which a job gives employees the freedom, independence, and discretion to schedule their work and determine the procedures used in completing it


process limited and imperfect info and rarely select the best choice

bounded rationality

ability to apply punishment


process by which info is transmitted and understood between two or more people


development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution


conscious process of making choices among alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired of affairs

decision making

tendency to repeat an apparently bad decision or allocate more resources to a failing course of action

escalation of commitment

component of listening includes understanding the message meaning, evaluating the message, and remembering the message


based upon knowledge, skills, abilities


defining purpose, structure, and leadership


team development stages:

forming, storming, norming, performing

calculates bonuses from the work unit's cost savings and productivity improvement

gainsharing plans

influence of others in a group that causes individual members to change their opinions to conform to that of the group


mutual understanding and an emotional bond among team members

identification-based trust

have little or no interdependence and no organizationally mandated purpose

informal groups

being confronted with a quantity of info that exceeds an individual's capacity to process it

information overload

ability to know when a problem or opportunity exists to select the best course of action without conscious reasoning


job design model that relates the motivational properties of jobs to specific personal and organizational consequences of those properties

job characteristics model

adding tasks to an existing job

job enlargement

practice of giving employees more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating, and planning their work

job enrichment

minimizes health risks from repetitive strain and heavy lifting, supports multi-skilling, potentially reduces the boredom of highly repetitive jobs

job rotation

predictability of another team member's behavior

knowledge-based trust

agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others


sources of power:

legitmate, reward, coercive, expert, referent

communication transmitted without words ex: facial gestures, physical distance, and silence

nonverbal communication

group becomes cohesive and establishes norms


fully functional group structure allows focus on the task at hand


the capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence to others


creative process model:

preparation, incubation, illumination, verication

organizational rewards include:

profit sharing plans and stock purchase plans and stock options

employees receive a percentage of the previous year's company profits

profit-sharing plans

based upon attractiveness, respect, likability, charmisa


providing feedback to the sender, which motivates and directs the speaker's communication


sense of being personally accountable for the work outcomes


awareness of the work outcomes based on info from the job itself


person's ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions


selecting an alternative that is satisfactory or "good enough" rather than the alternative with the highest value


process of recieving signals from the sender and paying attention to them


stages of active listening:

sensing, evaluating, and responding

extent to which employees must use different skills and talents to perform tasks within their jobs

skill variety

5 core job characteristics:

skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy

give employees the right to purchase company stock at a future date at a predetermined price

stock options

conflict as members resist control by group and disagree over leadership


degree to which a job requires completion of a whole or an identifiable piece of work

task identity

degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the organization and/or larger society

task significance

bonus and gainsharing

team rewards include:

groups of two or more people who interact and influence one another; are mutually accountable for achieving common goals associated with organizational objectives


informal communication network active in almost every organization

the grapevine

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