MGT 3003 Oral Presentation Exam

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True of False: Opening with a joke is the best way of starting a business speech or presentation.


What are most likely results when a business speaker tells the audience that a handout is missing?

It will negatively impact the credibility of the speaker and will sound if the speaker is making excuses.

What are forms of nonverbal communication used by business speaker

S - Smile O - Open Stance F - Forward Lean T - Tone E - Eye Contact N - Nod (Clothing is also one)

Claire is giving a presentation to a group of busy executives. What should she do to ensure a successful presentation?

She should summarize her key takeaway messages at the beginning of the presentation and reemphasize those messages throughout the presentation

What should be done to ensure a cohesive team presentation

Team members should be united in the team's key objectives and messages and communicate with each other about the objectives while preparing.

To minimize the disadvantages of handouts during a business presentation, the best time to give them out is ___________ the presentation.

at the end of

What should the preview of a speech accomplish

attract the attention of the audience and highlight benefits to the audience

When speakers choose not to rehearse before giving a business presentation, audience members will typically perceive is

disorganization, fumbled examples, and the vagueness that comes from not knowing their material (the speaker's imprecision and ineffectiveness)

When describing electronic slides during a business presentation, the speaker's ____________ should be towards the audience.


When Todd gave his presentation about patient care at the clinic where he works, he introduced Ruth, a nurse at the clinic who had recently won an award in a state health care initiative. Which principle for giving a business presentation would this illustrate?

focusing on people

If you want to appeal to a professional with a hub MVS, you should focus on what

option-oriented language and clear business logic

When you lose your train of thought during a business presentation, an effective strategy is

pause until you regain your composure and line of thinking

Making people the subject of sentences with statistical data ___________ the business presentation as a whole.


High-level business casual is a type of attire that is associated most closely with what characteristics?

productivity and trustworthiness

What would be an example of an effective application of visualization for relaxing in a business presentation?

seeing yourself speaking with members of the audience in an informal setting

According to a 2001 survey by Geoffrey Brewer on Gallup Polls online, the only fear that ranks higher than the fear of public speaking for the American public is the fear of


A business speaker appears confident to presentation listeners by doing what

speaking at a normal rate of speed and in a sufficiently projected voice

The overview statement provides a summary of the

takeaway messages

During a business presentation, a speaker might have to incorporate changes quickly if

the audience ask questions or make comments

Ideally, the focal point of a business presentation should be

the speaker

The primary focus of a business presentation with visual aids should be

the speaker

During a business presentation, audience members should be able to understand the information on slides

within a few seconds (10-15 seconds)

What are benefits for a speaker when arriving early to a speech or presentation?

Adjusting the presentation if needed, being able to assess the room and equipment, and seeing who will be attending

Understanding the needs of your _____________ is the first step in the AIM planning process


It is beneficial for a speaker to take questions at a business presentation for what reasons?

Audience members will feel that the speaker cares about addressing their needs. The speaker will have a better chance to explain parts of the message.

What is true about the support audience members show a speaker during a business presentation?

It demonstrates that a presentation is a team effort.

What is true about casual attire in business environments

It is rare in business-related environments

Taking a few deep breaths has which of the following effects before a presentation?

It quells nervousness

Mei wants to include the history of her company in her business presentation. What steps should she take?

Keep the description brief and concise. Relate the history to the audience's needs

What are some recommendations for giving a business presentation that help you cope with a situation in which you unexpectedly need to shorten your presentation?

Know what your key messages are

What commonly indicates that you lack confidence?

Leaning back, slouching, and lowering one's shoulders

What are some ways an audience member can show support to a speaker during a business presentation?

Maintaining eye contact and asking message-focused questions

What is done twice as part of the PREP method for a presentation

P - Position R - Reasons E - Example P - Position

When writing a presentation for clients and customers, you should primarily focus on influencing which groups?

Prospects for future business and key decision makers

When giving a business presentation, your movements can become distracting for what reasons?

Seated members may feel as if you are hovering over them. Pacing around the room may signal to your audience that you are anxious.

What are ways that you can show appreciation for a question posed by a listener during a business presentation?

Show thanks honestly, recognize importance of the question, and validating the question.

What best helps you connect with your audience members and convey enthusiasm for your topic?


When telling an engaging story, the speaker should be aware

The audience expects the speaker to get to the point quickly due to their patience being limited

Why it is important for a speaker to introduce slides before showing them at a business presentation?

The audience's focal point will be on the speaker and the speaker will be able to manage the message better.

These elements of a speech are part of the preview

The overview, the attention-getter, and the position statement

Which criteria are part of the FAIR test

The presentation is factually correct. Your real motives in making the presentation are accessible.

When preparing a speech about a business service, what should you consider in order to gauge the knowledge level of the audience

The source of their information about the service and their preconceived notions about the service

What are some reasons short responses are best when you answer a question during a business presentation?

There may be limited interest in the question by most audience members. A long answer draws focus away from the primary messages of the presentation.

What typically occurs when a speaker greets audience members before a presentation?

They feel more comfortable with each other and the speaker becomes more relaxed

How do listeners respond when a speaker uses stories as part of a business presentation

They gain more knowledge and pay more attention.

True of False: How audience members perceive a business presentation speaker's authority impacts how they regard the speaker's message


True or False: Poorly designed electronic slides can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of business presentations.


What are different learning styles that audience members may have?

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (Hands-on)

What is accomplished by referring to one another throughout a team presentation?

You demonstrate that your team is united and ensure your comments connect with your teammate's contributions.

What is the main rationale for not starting to show slides as soon as you begin a presentation that features slides?

You should first make a connection with your audience

What should you plan to do in the days after you have given a business presentation?

You should take steps to help develop ongoing professional relationships as well as reply to any audience members to whom you made promises about providing additional information. You should also consider sending a brief thank you email.

You should arrange slides that you use in a business presentation to create

a story line

What type of attention-getting device for a business speech makes use of numeric information

an intriguing statistic

If a hypothetical story is used in a business presentation, it should be

applicable and believable

The audience is likely to interpret a business speaker's clutching the podium as a sign of


When creating electronic slides for a business presentation, you should make sure that the data and ideas they present are

as simple and clear as possible

When can a speaker's credibility be advanced when giving an external business presentation?

before, during, and after the presentation

When you speak for a while during a slide presentation without referencing any slides, you should consider displaying a _____________ slide to prevent distractions.


In order to reduce feelings of nervousness, many presenters avoid drinking ___________ before a business presentation.

caffeine beverages

When giving a presentation, nervousness is only dysfunctional when a speaker

cannot deliver the content

In a business presentation, the positioning statement is intended to convince the audience to

concentrate on the whole presentation

Using the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication allows you to project

confidence and strength while also showing warmth and concern. Self-assurance and friendliness.

A fatal error in business presentation is to present __________ but leave out ___________.

evidence; central positions

Compared to written proposals, speeches and presentations are better suited to capitalize on __________ appeal.


When you hold eye contact with audience members, you

establish a link between them and you.

To demonstrate competence when giving a presentation, a younger business professional should dress with greater


For business speakers, attire influences

how others perceive them

In business presentations, the rationale for using stories is to

illustrate a point

What are open-stance gestures for a business speaker?

keeping arms at the sides of the body and using palms-up gestures

In order to match the natural energy levels of most audience members, what time of day would you exhibit the least amount of energy?


Professionals with green MVSs respond best to presentations that

offer all relevant facts and describe conclusions carefully and objectively

What is recommended practice when you are answering a question from a member of the audience that requires you to quickly come up with a response?

pausing before giving the answer

The ideal way to prepare for electronic slide failures during business presentations is to

plan how to speak without them

The best way to rehearse a presentation is by

practicing the presentation out loud

In business presentations, views are the

presenter's key messages

Business casual attire is best described as

professional but relaxed

If during a business presentation a listener asks a question that undermines your objectives as the speaker, you should

refocus the discussion gracefully toward your message

For ideal impact, how should changes to a business speaker's presentation techniques be made?

regularly and a few at a time

The following would generally have low effectiveness in the opening of a business presentation

sharing a large set of statistical data

When showing slides as part of a slide presentation, you should

stand to the side of the slide projection area

If you do not know the answer to a question during a business presentation, the best thing to do is

to offer to find the answer later and contact the questioner

The longest part of a presentation is the


What commonly happens when a speaker mentions an audience member by name in a story during a business presentation?

A connection is formed between the speaker and audience member.

What types of audience members can make a speaker nervous before a business presentation?

A difficult client, a fault-finding boss, or an intimidating colleague

Stories in business presentations generally contain

A plot, setting, resolution, and a moral or lesson

What are some ways your credibility can be improved prior to a business presentation

By making your background information available beforehand and by being introduced in a positive way

If an audience member asks you for more information during a presentation, following up quickly improves your

Reputation and credibility

What are examples of formal business attire

Tailored business suits, dress shirts, neckties, leather shoes, and hosiery or socks

True of False: If adequately rehearsed, business presentations always go according to the speaker's plans.


When writing a speech, what is the most vital question to consider

How will the audience benefit from what I am proposing in the speech?

Recommended relaxation techniques for managing nervousness related to making a presentation include

Stretching, meditating, hiking or exercising, listening to music, seeing a movie, watch a sunset, being grateful, letting your mind go blank, and counting backwards from 100

Sun's team is giving an important presentation on a new heart rate monitor. Pablo is energetic and charming but physically uncoordinated. Jisoo is an experienced yoga instructor who can lower or increase her heart rate by controlling her breath. Thorin is methodical, calm, and introverted. Sun has experience as a math tutor. What roles would be most appropriate?

Sun should explain any numerical information about the heart rate monitor. Jisoo should demonstrate how the heart rate monitor works.

What types of formatting should be used to highlight key information, data, and components?

24-point or larger title font, italics, and bold

To maintain audience interest, stories used in business presentations should typically last

30 - 60 seconds

The review section of a business presentation contains the following

A brief summary of the key messages and a call to action

In general, ____________ learners believe that emotion is best conveyed through voice.


What are characteristics of establishing presence for business presentation speakers?

Commanding attention, garnering respect for your ideas, engaging your audience, and even inspiring your listeners to action.

What are applications of the AIM planning process in presentations and speeches

Conducting an analysis of the presentation's listeners, highlighting topic-related conclusions, and including supporting points to the key ideas

What can help improve the overall design of electronic slides used in business presentations

Developing charts and diagrams, focusing on key information, and using a design expert

Fran is finishing up her portion of the team presentation and passes the speaking role to Maia. She says, "Maia will now discuss the benefits of core strength exercises on running. She'll share her personal story about how strengthening her core resulted in fewer running injuries and how this led to a personal best in the local marathon last year. She'll also demonstrate some of the exercises, such as the side plank and the bridge." What best explains the effect of this transition?

Fran took opportunities from Maia and prevented Maia from being able to showcase her main points.

When showing electric slides in a business presentation, you should do what

Give details about the slides and add to the information on the slides.

Audience members typically decide the following during the preview of a presentation

If they are willing to act on what they hear, if they will pay attention, and if they think they have something to gain from the presentation.

When a business speech is about people, what generally occurs?

Increased credibility for the speaker and any statistics or facts become livelier

What are some benefits of using a remote control to advance slides during a business presentation?

Move around as you talk, engage with your audience, and maintain more eye contact

If all the audience members are sitting in back rows for a speech presentation, what are the recommended steps to take?

Move closer to them or politely ask them to move forward

When faced with audience concerns during a presentation, a speaker should

Offer facts and data. Correct misinformation

What are some recommendations concerning the use of support material for a business presentation

Provide only strong support material, avoid overwhelming listeners with support material, and have additional support material ready in case you need it

What kind of people can help with designing electronic slides used in important business presentations

Public relations experts, in-house specialists, and outside professionals

The following types of supporting material would likely be the most effective for audience members who are professionals with green MVSs

Quantitative information, like statistics

What are some benefits of rehearsing in relation to using notes?

Rehearsing with notes will demonstrate how to manage them and will show what speaking notes are needed

The following are used as support material for business presentations

Specific cases and examples, stories and illustrations, analogies, statistics and facts, quotations, or your own professional experiences

When showing slides for a business presentation in a room that allows you to dim only the lights next to the screen, you should remember to do what?

Stand where you are in full light

Jacob's team is giving a team presentation. Which of the following would be the best choice for presenting a united front?

The team should wear the same formality of attire and stand close to one another on the stage.

The main goals of a business speech attention-getter

To engage audience members emotionally and to get audience members to consider the presented ideas

What can weaken a message presented during a business presentation with slides

Too many images, images not related to the message, and low-resolution images

The communication style of a professional with a red MVS focuses on

ability to stay on point and discuss immediate goals. They are attracted to action-oriented and results-oriented language and logic.

In business communication, professionals with blue MVSs respond to logic that

considers the whole. Focus more than just the bottom-line

What is the most critical factor in a successful presentations

content development

During an internal business presentation, a speaker's credibility can be increased through

demonstrating knowledge about a business issue and explaining how a business idea will improve the company

Using a story line approach in business presentations is effective because

it creates an emotional connection for audience members, audience members are more likely to remember the presented information, and audience members internalize and use stories.

What is an effective use of charts and diagrams on slides during presentations

making complicated data relationships more understandable

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