Microbiology Study Questions - CH 1

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Describe the unique characteristics of Bacteria, Archaea & Eucarya.

Bacteria are single celled prokaryotes, they have no membrane bound organelles, have a nucleoid region, and their cell walls contain peptidoglycan. Archaea are prokaryotic, just like Bacteria but their walls do not contains peptidoglycan. In addition they are known as extremophiles because they can be found in extreme environments. Eucarya have a membrane bound a nucleus and organelles They are usually more complex than prokaryotes.

Why did it take over 200 years to disprove the theory of Spontaneous generation following the 2 findings from Francesco Redi's experiment? (Pg. 2)

Because they're still needed to be additional experiments to disprove "spontaneous Generation". So it wasn't until the experiments of pasteur and tyndall were published that people began to believe their findings

1.During John Needham's time, what type of boiling was thought to kill animalcules?

Brief boiling was used during Needham's time until Spallanzani proved that microorganisms have different boiling points.

What is the ratio of human to bacterial cells? (Pg. 12)

By a factor of 10 million

True or False -Viruses simultaneously contain DNA, RNA and protein.

False, viruses lack ribosomes so do not have protein.

What percent of microbial species can be grown in the laboratory?

Less than 1% which is 6,000

What is the difference between Nomenclature and binomial?

Nomenclature is the naming of an object. The first name indicates the genus with the first letter always be capitalized and the second indicates a specific epithet for species name and is not capitalized. Binomial nomenclature is the two-part naming process that consists of "genus" and "species" names.

What are normal microbiotas (flora) and how do they contribute to keep us healthy? ( Pg. 5)

Normal microbiotas are microorganisms that live on the surface of the human body and what they do is help our body be healthy. What they do is fend off pathogens from our body, helping our immune system and break down what our own body cannot digest.

Give synonym for Cell wall as well as disease causing organisms? (Pg. 11 & 7)

Peptidoglycan is the synonym for cell wall and Pathogen is the synonym for disease causing organisms

Algae and Protozoa combined are called?


What was the prevailing argument following Father Spallanzani's experiment to end the controversy of Spontaneous generation? (Pg. 2)

That by boiling the broths he was destroying a "vital force".

What is the Bubonic plague & smallpox virus; what is their impact on human history.

The bubonic plague is when a person characteristically develops significantly enlarged and tender lymph nodes called buboes in the region that receives lymph drainage from the area of the flea bite. high fever, shock, delirium, and patchy bleeding under the skin quickly develop. Smallpox virus was one of the most devastating diseases the world has ever known, killing approximately 10 million people over four thousand years. It wiped out native inhabitants when Europeans. worldwide eradication attempts eliminated disease and the last reported case was in 1977.

Bacteria present on our skin, mouth, digestive tract & urinary tract are vital for what reasons?

The microbiota or the normal flora Have many important functions to our bodies like early exposure to certain common microorganisms appears to lessen the likelihood that an individual will develop allergies, asthma and some other diseases. It helps immune system learn to distinguish friendly microbes from those that can cause severe disease. normal microbiota can also affect brain chemistry and behavior as well as a tendency to gain weight. Our own cells function as a Cooperative unit with the microbes that make up the normal microbiota. They share a symbiotic relationship with the human body. Meaning they assist in bodily functions will also benefiting.

3.What was the theory of Spontaneous Generation?

The spontaneous generation theory was the theory brought up by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. This theory stated that "life arises spontaneously from non-living material". Many around that time strongly believed this theory, but there were some detractors. These detractors were Francesco Redi, Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall.

Worldwide vaccination has almost eliminated which disease?

The vaccination for smallpox. There have been no reported cases of smallpox since 1977.

True or False -Viruses, viroids, and prions are obligate intracellular agents.


True or False -Viroid's are naked pieces of DNA that infect plants.


Cell types that have membrane bound organelles belong to which group or domain?

Cell types that have membrane bound organelles belong to the domain Eucarya. They tend to have membrane bound organelles, a membrane bound nucleus, and they tend to be more complex.

All living organisms can be classified into what? Give examples. Pg. 10)

Living organisms are classified into three domains, those being Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya in order to be considered living it has to be able to reproduce, grow, adapt etc. Some examples for these living organisms are plants (mushroom), animals (tiger) that fall under Eukarya. Whereas examples for Bacteria would be staphylococcus since it is able to grow.

Which are the microbial members of the domain Eukarya? (Pg. 13)

Microbial members for the domain Eukarya are fungi, algae, protozoa, and helminths.

What led to the outbreak of measles, mumps and whooping cough within the last few years?

Misinformation about vaccines (irrational fears towards vaccines that they are more harmful that the actual disease) which results in parents not vaccinating their kids.

Which group or domain has cells that lack membrane bound organelles?

Not only do they not have a membrane bound nucleus but,Archaea and Bacteria lack membrane bound organelles; Because of this, they tend to be smaller than Eukaryotes and less complex.

What is the "old Friends" hypothesis? (Pg. 5)

Old friends hypothesis basically says that early exposure helios the immune system learn and distinguish "friendly microbes from those that can cause severe disease. The "old friend" hypothesis is that being exposed to certain microorganisms will strengthen our immune system. By being exposed to us then our body will recognize this microorganism and treat it as a "friendly organism" which then will result in building a tolerance and know for it and also not getting certain diseases.

What is Rubeola, Epidemic parotitis and Pertussis; to what disease condition do they belong?

Rubeola is a virus which leads to measles. Epidemic Parotitis is a virus which leads to mumps. Pertussis is a bacteria that leads to the whooping cough.

What is the quote of Dr. Jacques Monod and why is it significant?

The quote is,"What is true of elephants is also true of bacteria, and bacteria are much easier to study." This is significant because it shows us that microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as higher life forms.

What is important about the period 1875 to 1918 in terms of infections and treatment of infections?

This period was considered to be "The Golden Age of Microbiology". The reasoning behind this statement was when most pathogenic organisms were identified. Following these identifications, were also the development of antibiotics and vaccines. This time period allowed people to recognize that some microorganisms caused certain diseases, which is now a principle called the Germ theory of disease.

4. What is the Germ Theory of disease and who formulated it?

After spontaneous generation was proven to be false the golden age of microbiology occurred. During this time The Germ Theory of Disease was accepted; this theory states that microorganisms are able to cause certain diseases. This was postulated by Dr. Robert Koch.

What are: biogenesis, genetic engineering, biotechnology and bioremediation and vital force?

Biogenesis is the production of living things from other living things. Genetic engineering is the process of altering an organism's genetic information by changing the nucleic acid sequences. Biotechnology is the use of microbiological and biochemical techniques to solve practical problems, and produce valuable products. Bioremediation is the process of using microorganisms to degrade harmful chemicals. Vital force is a force that is necessary for spontaneous generations to occur.

5.Explain the work of John Tyndall, Ferdinand Cohn & Robert Koch in relationship to endospores?

Both John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn discovered that different kinds of broths need different boiling times in order for them to be sterilized. John Tyndall discovered that bacteria exists in two forms, which are ones that are killed by heat, and heat-resistant bacteria. Ferdinand Cohn discovered endospores. Rober Koch discovered anthrax. These significance are important because they showed scientists at the time that if you conduct experiments as close as possible to the original, you will create "trival" to review if there are any differences.

How are the names of organism's written base on the Binomial System? (Pg. 12)

By referring to their Genus, which is always supposed to have a capitalize better in the beginning and and Species which does not have to be capitalized.

True or False - Domain Bacteria and Eucarya both contain membrane-bound organelles.


True or False -The human body only contains bacteria during illness.


True or False -Archaea are very similar to Bacteria and have rigid cell walls made of peptidoglycan.

False, only Bacteria contains peptidoglycan not Archaea.

7.Why was Pasteur's work important in ending the controversy over Spontaneous Generation?

First, he demonstrated the air is contaminated with microorganisms by trapping these microorganisms in a cotton plug. In addition, he also used swan- necked flasks which allowed broths to remain sterile, because bacteria would get stuck on the bends of the flask necks. Because of the unique design of the flask, the broth was able to stay sterile even though they were left open to air. These experiments that Pasteur performed, ended the arguments that unheated air or broths contained a "vital force" necessary for spontaneous generation to occur. The theory of biogenesis was then formed; this theory states that the production of living things come from other living things.

What are the hypotheses of Francesco Redi & John Tyndall; what makes each significant?

Francesco Redi's hypothesis involved flies laying eggs on a piece of meat. What made this significant was that it disproved spontaneous generation. John Tyndall's hypothesis involved showing that food did not decay in germ-free air. This also affirmed the "germ theory" which disproved spontaneous generation. Fancesco redi: no fly= no worms John tyndall: different broths required different amounts of time to steralize through boiling. He Supported Louis Pasteur's Theory.

Why were some scientists not successful in duplicating Pasteur's work?

John Tyndall supported pasteur's work and found out that broths require different boiling times to be sterilized. Tyndall finally realized that hay contained heat resistant forms of microorganisms. When hay was brought into a laboratory, dust particles must have transferred these heat-resistant forms to broths. Extreme heat resistance of endospores explains the differences between past Year's results and those of other investigators. Organisms that produce endospores are commonly found in the soil and we're likely present and broths made from hay. Pausteur used only broth made with sugar or yeast extract so his experiments probably did not have endospores.

How are the activities of microorganisms vital to all life forms on planet earth?

Microorganisms basically recycle vital nutrients like oxygen and nitrogen in order to prevent them from running out. Oxygen fixation and nitrogen fixation is necessary in order to prevent these things from running out because we all need them.In addition they live in our bodies in order to keep us healthy. We depend on certain microbes that convert N 2 into a form other organisms can use, a process called nitrogen fixation. Without nitrogen-fixing microbes, life as we know it would not exist.

Recently, chronic conditions like ulcers & cardiovascular disease are caused by what microbes?

This is caused by a bacteria called helicobacter pylori. These germs can enter your body and live in your digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. In some cases, this infection can lead to cancer.

6.What were the contributions of the following: Francesco Redi, Rev. John Needham, Louis Pasteur, 1.Father Spallanzani, & John Tyndall in ending the theory of spontaneous generation of microbes?

Francesco Redi- Proved that worms found in rotting meat originated from the eggs of flies. John Needham- Showed that flasks containing various broths gave rise to microorganisms even when the flasks were boiled and sealed with a cork. Louis Pasteur- Demonstrated that air contains microorganisms, he did this by filtering air through a cotton plug, trapping microorganisms. In 1861, He demonstrated that air contains microorganisms by filtering the air through a cotton plug, which trapped microorganisms. Then he examined the trapped organisms with a microscope and saw that they were identical to those described by others who were studying broths. When he dropped the cotton ball in a sterilized broth it became cloudy due to the growth of these organisms. He developed a swan neck flask ehyc trapped bacteria at the neck of the flask and kept the broth sterilized unless tilted over. This stopped the arguments about not having a "vital force" Father Spallanzani- He found a error in Needham's method which still allowed for microorganisms to enter the broth, Spallanzani boiled the broths for longer periods and sealed the flasks by melting their glass necks closed as opposed to Needham's and other investigators did. This still caused controversy because people believed that the vital force necessary for spontaneous generation was destroyed by the heat. John Tyndall- Showed that Pasteur was correct and found that various types of broths require different times to be sterilized and discovered that microorganisms exist in two forms; a cell killed by boiling and one that is heat resistant (endospores).

What is important about the period 1918 to 1919 in relation to a viral infection? (Pg. 7)

From 1918-1919 people died from the infectious disease called the influenza. The deaths that occured from the time period of 1918-1919 can equal to the deaths of WW1/2, Koren, Vietnam, and Iraq War. That comes to prove how bad a viral infection can be, that merely in one year more people died than in 5 wars combined.

2.What are viruses, viroids, prions; their compositions & what diseases do they cause?

Virus- Non-living infectious agent consisting of nucleic acid ( RNA & DNA) surrounded by a protein membrane. Intracellular (cannot replicate outside of host). Viroid- viroids consist of only a single, short piece of ribonucleic acid.can cause a number of plant diseases. They are simpler than viruses.Intracellular, non-living infectious agents consisting of only RNA, plant diseases. Prions- Consists of only proteins, misfolded versions of normal cellular proteins that cause the normal versions to misfold, spongiform encephalopathies, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Which are the non-living members of the microbial world?

Viruses, viroids, prions are the non- living members of the microbial world. They usually cause diseases in organisms.

12.What are emerging, re-emerging diseases; give examples & factors contributing to these phenomenons?

Emerging diseases: Infectious diseases that have become more common In the past 35 years ,such as measles and mumps. Re-emerging diseases Are basically diseases that have been controlled or defeated before but occur again. Some factors contributing to this phenomenons are: - Changing lifestyles have increased opportunities for spreading of diseases because you can have closer contact to new things - evolution of infectious agents so basically agents that were unable to infect humans before can infect them now - pathogens can become resistant to antimicrobial medications - increase in travel and immigration - changes in population

8.How have microorganisms made the lives of humans comfortable?

We all have bacteria that lives in our bodies that is called the normal microbiota of the normal flora. This bacteria helps us fight off pathogens and keep our bodily function. In addition, microorganisms help us with our environment by recycling vital nutrients such as oxygen and nitrogen which is super important for nucleic acids and proteins. Microorganisms also help with degrading certain materials other organisms cannot. Microorganisms also help with food production; we use yeast to make bread, fermenting cereal grains to produce beer, and help us ferment milk in order to make things like yogurts, and cheese, and buttermilk. Microorganisms also help with degrading a wide variety of environmental pollutants, Things like materials in sewage, polychlorinated biphenyls, dichlorodiphenyl tricho ethane, trichloroethylene, and other chemicals in contaminated water, they can also lessen damage from oil spills. Another thing is bioremediation which is where the microorganisms are added to pollutants to hasten their decay. They help us make commercially valuable products. Bio technology is when we use microbiological and biochemical techniques to solve practical problems. They can also act as research tools in order to come up with stuff like meds. The existence of microorganisms have helped with the production of food contents such as milk, yogurt, cheeses, buttermilk and beer. It also helped adding probiotics to food. Another benefit to the existence of microorganism would be that scientists were able to synthesize insulin, ethanol and antibiotics.

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