midterm 1

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Nucleotides contain ___________ sugars. a. three-carbon b. four-carbon c. five-carbon d. six-carbon

c. five-carbon

Benzene repels water, therefore benzene is considered to be a. amphipathic b. hydrophilic c. hydrophobic d. acidic

c. hydrophobic

What type of LIPIDS are found in ALL biological MEMBRANES? a. triglycerides b. waxes c. phospholipids d. diglycerides

c. phospholipids

Nuculeolus are regions in the nucleus that synthesis a. proteins b. lipids c. rRNA d. DNA

c. rRNA

Enzymes have active sites that bind with the a. cofactor b. apoenzyme c. substrate d. holoenzyme

c. substrate

Similar to the system in bacterial membranes, mitochondria are able to produce energy via the electron transport system, located a. within the cell cytoplasm b. on the outer membrane of the mitochondrion c. within the intermembrane space d. on the inner membrane

c. within the intermembrane space

Since mycoplasma organisms lack a _________, they will not stain with Gram stain a. Vacuole b. Granules c. Cytoplasm d. Cell wall

d. Cell wall

Capillary action involves the following THREE properties of water: adhesion, _____________, and surface tension. a. density b. polarity c. Non-polarity d. Cohesion

d. Cohesion

What organelle is responsible for packaging and labeling and shipping of proteins in vesicles? a. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum b. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum c. Nucleolus d. Golgi Apparatus

d. Golgi Apparatus

What powers ATP synthase rotary motor? a. cAMP b. Coenzyme motive force c. GTP hydrolysis d. H+ gradient

d. H+ gradient

What is fermentation? a. A process where a sugar is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide b. A process where a sugar is broken down into yeast and carbon dioxide c. A process where a yeast is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide d. A process where a sugar is broken down into water and oxygen

a. A process where a sugar is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide

Which of the following is NOT true about bacterial endospores? a. All bacteria can sporulate b. Endospores can resist bad environments c. Endospores germinate in favorable environments d. Clostridium species can form endospores

a. All bacteria can sporulate

Credit for the first vaccine for the prevention of human disease is. generally given to: a. Edward Jenner for the prevention of small pox b. Louis Pasteur for the prevention of rabies c. Louis Pasteur for the prevention of anthrax d. Robert Kuch for the prevention of Tuberculosis

a. Edward Jenner for the prevention of small pox

____________ are forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons a. Isotopes b. isomeres c. compounds d. molecules

a. Isotopes

Eukaryotes flagella whip back and forth rather than rotating. This is because within a eukaryotic flagellum we typically find a. a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules which slide past each other during movement b. a 7+2 arrangement of microfilament which slide along the external filaments c. a 5+4 arrangement of cellulose fiber which twist back and forth d. 9 pairs of microtubules which surround the interior of the cell

a. a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules which slide past each other during movement

Binomial nomenclature refers to the a. genus and species b. species and order c. genus and division d. kingdom genus

a. genus and species

In aerobic respiration, the terminal electron acceptor is a. oxygen b nitrogen c. hydration d. nitrate

a. oxygen

Cell walls, when they exist, usually contain peptidoglycan in a. procaryotes only b. eucaryotes only c. both procaryotes and eucaryotes d. fungi

a. procaryotes only

What is a plasmid? a. self-replicating segment of double stranded DNA that is extra chromosomal b. self-replicating segment of single stranded RNA c. A bacterial chromosome d. protein

a. self-replicating segment of double stranded DNA that is extra chromosomal

What will happen to an animal cell placed in a salt water solution? a. the cell will shrink b. the cell will expand c. the cell will burst d. the cell will shrink and then expand and then shrink again

a. the cell will shrink

bacterial ribosomes are a. 80s b. 70s c. 40s d. 60s

b. 70s

Which of the following is the defining characteristic of acid fast bacteria? a. A thin cell membrane made of phospholipids b. A thick layer of mycolic acids c. A thin layer of peptidoglycan d. A polypeptide layer surrounding the cell membrane

b. A thick layer of mycolic acids

The organism which obtain their energy from chemicals are designed as a. phototrophs b. chemotrophs c. organotrophs d. autotrophs

b. chemotrophs

Flagella with a single flagellum at one end are said to be a. lophotrichous b. monotrichous c. peritrichous d. amphitrichous

b. monotrichous

Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics due to the presence of? a. thin peptidoglycan wall b. outer lipopolysaccharide layer c. porin proteins d. teichoic acid

b. outer lipopolysaccharide layer

An allosteric inhibitor of an enzyme usually a. binds to an active site b. participates in feedback regulation c. denatures the enzymes d. causes the enzyme to work faster

b. participates in feedback regulation

Which of the following is true about the theory if spontaneous generation? a. state that cells come from pre-existing cells b. states that life arises from non living matter c. is believed to be true today d. Hereditary disease

b. states that life arises from non living matter

The graph shows the enzymes affect reactions in cells. Which statement best summarizes the information shown in the graph? a. Enzymes increase the energy of reactants b. Enzymes decrease the free energy change in the reaction c. Enzyme decrease the activation energy of the reaction d. Enzymes reverse the direction of the reaction

c. Enzyme decrease the activation energy of the reaction

protein portion of an enzyme when it is combined with organic molecule is termed as a. apoenzyme b. co-enzyme c. Holoenzyme d. co-factors

c. Holoenzyme

what organelles in eukaryotic cells are thought to have originated from prokaryotic cells according to the Endosymbiotic Theory? a. nucleus and centrioles b. Vacuole and plastids c. Mitochondria and chloroplasts d. plastids and lysosomes

c. Mitochondria and chloroplasts

"prokaryotes" includes a. protista & archaea b. algae & bacteria c. bacteria & archaea d. protista & algae

c. bacteria & archaea

The flagellum is attached to the cell body by a a. filament b. cillium c. basal body d. pilus

c. basal body

Recently, microorganisms have been used to clean up oil spills in the oceans of the world. This is an example of a. agricultural microbiology b. food microbiology c. bioremediation d. epidemiology

c. bioremediation

Bacteria do not always swim aimlessly but are attracted by such nutrients such as sugar and amino acids, and are repelled by harmful substances and bacterial waste products. Movement toward chemical attractants and away from repellents is called a. gliding motility b. tumbling c. chemotaxis d. affinity

c. chemotaxis

Lysosomes of the cell are where a. lysozyme is synthesized b. secretory proteins are transported to the surface c. endocytosed material is degraded by digestive enzyme d. glycogen is stored as an energy source

c. endocytosed material is degraded by digestive enzyme

Active transport requires: a. a concentration gradient b. osmosis c. energy d. a hypertonic solution

c. energy

The mitochondria is the of a. protein synthesis b. lipid synthesis c. energy production d. endocytosis

c. energy production

Which of the following is a function of the glycocalyx? a. to aid in adhering to the cell's environment b. to aid in preventing phagocytosis from cells that might engulf the bacterium c. formation of biofilms d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Most ATP produced in aerobic respiration occurs in the process of: a. glycolysis b. the formation of acetyl- CoA c. the Krebs cycle d. chemiosmosis

d. chemiosmosis

What initiates the formation of an endospore? a. stimulus to reproduce b. transfer of genetic material c. injury to the cell d. depletion of nutrients

d. depletion of nutrients

According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes, which type of molecule spans the membrane, from it inner to outer surface? a. carbohydrate b. cholesterol c. phospholipid d. protein

d. protein

At the end of glycolysis, each molecule of glucose has yielded 2 molecules of_______, 2 molecules of________, and a net of 2 molecules of _______. a. FAD; NAD+; ADP b. CO2;NAD+; ADP c. lactic acid; ethanol; CO2 d. pyruvate, NADH, ATP

d. pyruvate, NADH, ATP

_____________ are corkscrew-shaped bacteria with wriggly movement caused by the activity of axial filaments. a. bacilli b. cocci c. spirilla d. spirochetes

d. spirochetes

the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is: a. pyruvate b. carbon dioxide c. oxygen d. water

d. water

How many molecules of acetyl CoA, an acetyl group attached to 'coenzyme A', are produced from a single molecule of glucose for participation in the Krebs cycle? a. 1 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2


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