midterm 1 psych 7a

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which of the following correlations has the strongest predictive value? 0.50, 0.30, 0, -0.75


recessive allele

An allele that is masked when a dominant allele is present

dominant allele

An allele whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present.

the molecules present in the chromosomes that codes hereditary info is called


what is a mainstream psychologist most likely to think about Sigmund freud

Freudian theory is untestable and not grounded in science


Fusion of an egg and sperm cell

what refers to specific lengths of DNA that carry info needed to make the proteins that are required for proper bodily function


who is often credited with establishing the first psychological laboratory, thus establishing psychology as an experimental science

Wilhelm Wundt

your psychology professor tells the class "experience cannot be analyzed successfully into its elements" your professor is most likely

a Gestalt psychologist

a meta analysis is

a combination of results from many related studies

What is a confounding variable?

a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment

what is an empirical statement

a statement that relies on experience or observation alone

a hypothesis is

a testable predication about the relationship between variable

based on the conclusions from the walker and Levine study of home movies what signs might one look for in an infant who may eventually develop schizo

abnormal crawling behavior

myelinated axons are useful because they

allow action potentials to travel more quickly

the key role of the cns is to

analyze sensory information and control behavior

which of the following would be most likely to argue that an individual regularly drinks to excess because she grew up in an environment where the adults were heavy drinkers


a what would be most likely to argue that a 13 year old boy took up smoking because his father, older brothers, and friends were smokers


which function is most directly controlled by the brainstem


the institutional animal care and use committee is responsible for all of the following except: evaluating the rationale for a proposed study ensuring researchers have minimized animal stress and pain inspecting animal care facilities collecting blood and tissue samples from research animals

collecting blood and tissue samples from research animals

The key purpose of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to

determine whether a proposed study is ethical

Brad and George are twins whose parents both have blue eyes. Brad and George also have blue eyes, meaning that the twins are _______ for that trait.


which neurotransmitter plays an important role in signaling pleasure


schizophrenia often presents itself at what stage

early adulthood when people begin to fact the world on their own

the technique that detects voltage changes in the brain is

electrocephalography (EEG)

The thyroid and the pituitary gland are part of the

endocrine system

the goal of psychology is to

explain human thought and behavior

Parents who agree with John Locke's notion of tabula rasa would most likely

expose their children to a rich variety of sensory experiences

psychologist Kenneth and Mamie Phipps Clark found that doll tests

exposed internalized racism in African American children particularly among children attending segregated schools

Behaviorism examines _______, whereas cognitive psychology examines _______.

external behavior, internal mental processes

a research psychologist is most interested in discovering the answers to questions like "why is empathy helpful to people" and "how does education contribute to social stability?" this approach is most consistent with what perspective


The belief that genes determine everything about us, including our behavior, is referred to as

genetic determinism

in the homunculus that corresponds to the mapping of the somatosensory cortex, which body party occupies the largest area


according to Rene Descartes the very fact that he is thinking proves that

he exists

which of the following samples would produce a nearly normal distribution

heights of all adult men in America

the endocrine system controls

hormone production and release

what is the key difference between twin studies and adoption studies

identical twins are separated at birth and raised apart

in experimental research what variable is controlled by the researcher


research participants in early psychology studies might have been given a stimulus such as ticking metronome and would reflect on the experience, reporting what the stimulus made them think and feel. these individuals would have been using a process called


A heritable trait is one that

is influenced by genes inherited from one's parents

a researcher is interested in understanding how the physical structure of the corpus callous changes from childhood to adulthood. what is the most useful brain imaging technique

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Colorblindness is more common in males than in females because

males receive only one allele on the X chromosome for that gene for color vision

Cooper and zubek showed that gene environment interactions were at play in a study by illustrating that

maze-dull rats raised in enriched environment eventually learned to navigate mazes as well as maze-bright rats raised in enriched environments

messages from the cns are carried to muscles by

motor neurons

which statement about information transmission between neurons is correct

neurons send electrical messages across the synaptic cleft

scientific investigation has revealed that the "Mozart effect" (the notion that children become smarter from listening to the music of Mozart) is

not substantiated through research

To demonstrate that brain stimulation can create visual illusions, a doctor would stimulate his patient's

occipital lobe

when psychologists use the term nature to refer to causes of behavior they mean

our genes and strictly biological influences

your brain's _____________ lobe is most involved in allowing you to feel an annoying pebble in your shoe


white matter refers to

parts of the brain filled with myelinated axons

an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence indicates that

people are born with specific sexual orientations

the social brain hypothesis states that

people can keep close tabs on only about 150 different personal relationships

the foundations of psychology are most closely related to which of the following disciplines


foods contained phenylalanine are problematic for people with


correlations are most useful for

predicting behavior

the key purpose of myelin is to

provide electrical insulation

ethical principles require researchers to

provide information about potential risks to participants before they begin a study

treatment outcome researchers attempt to prevent initial differences between treatment and control groups by using


In Plato's cave allegory, a prisoner was temporarily unchained and allowed to see the fire at the mouth of the cave. When he returned to the chains, the other prisoners

refused to believe him

in a behaviorist approach to treatment for a patient with a fear of rats the patient is

repeatedly exposed to stimuli that are gradually more and more like rats

The presence of adoring groupies at a small local club make a rock band confident they will become world famous. They should probably pay more attention to the importance of

representative samples

the Tuskegee syphillis study is famous because

researchers failed to inform participant that they had a treatable disease

a friend is concerned because her brother has started to tell the family that he believes he talks directly to god he is also becoming emotionally withdrawn he is showing signs of


to allow communication neurons

send chemical messages across small gaps between neurons

what are the two components of the somatic nervous system

sensory and motor

When you scrape your knee, pain is relayed from your knee to your central nervous system by

sensory neurons

If you and your sibling share a trait, then by definition you

share a particular genotype

which is the most likely reason that Hester was the first of the genain quadruplets to develop schizophrenic symptoms

she had the lowest birth weight of the quadruplets

which is true for a twenty year old woman with a gene for Huntington's disease

she is most likely to develop symptoms of Huntington's disease by middle age

results from a recent experiment are consistent with a researcher's expectation that exposing people to unfamiliar groups reduces prejudice. this means that the researcher

should retain her hypothesis for now

computed tomography scans

show brain structures but not areas of brain activity

gene-environment interaction

situation in which the effects of genes depend on the environment in which they are expressed

which statement reflects a reasonable attitude for a good student of psychology to have toward any claim about human behavior

skepticism is advisable until an idea is proven right

Genes regulate protein synthesis by

specifying which amino acids will be joined together, and in what order

as the number of pirates in the world has decreased, the mean global team has increased. this is an example of a

spurious correlation

whether depression levels are truly lower in a treatment group than in a control group is assessed by determining the what of the difference in scores between groups

statistical significance

a meta analysis most typically focuses on a multitude of


psychologists now believe that subliminal advertising

succeeds because the messages register unconsciously

which of the following research methods would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between political orientation and belief in climate change

survey research

kobe, a native English speaker, has moved to Germany and is learning to speak German. which brain region is likely to show the greatest plasticity

temporal lobe

scientists use laboratory experiments primarily to

test cause and effect relationships

an important principle to remember when studying psychology is that

the act of learning changes the physical structure of the brain

Harmful dominant alleles, like those for the huntingtin gene, are not common because in most cases

the carrier does not survive long enough to pass on the allele via reproduction

which of the following is true about the strength of a correlation

the closer a correlation is to 0.00, the weaker the relationship

Variations in eye color are the result of alleles that differ in terms of

the pigment they make

why is it difficult for psychologists to define the specific genes involved in disorders like depression and schizo

there are likely numerous genes that influence the various symptoms of each disorder

PET scans ...

track radioactive markers in the blood.

which technology enables researchers to temporarily inhibit a localized brain region like a reversible brain lesion

transcranial magnetic stimulation

______ temporarily disrupts brain activity

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

the corpus callous is directly responsible for

transferring information between the left and right hemispheres

Although very few people would admit to a belief that men make better hires than women, several experiments show that men are more likely to be hired than women with identical résumés. This is an example of

unconscious bias

As you and your roommate watch a news report about a big fight that broke out at a local club, he turns to you and says, "I'm not surprised. It's a full moon, after all. People always go crazy around the full moon." As a student of psychology, your response should be:

when you look at police records, the actual data does not really support that idea

according to the process of natural selection, a mutation

will accumulate in the genomes of future generations if it improves survival and reproduction

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