MIS 380 - All Quiz Questions

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In a relational database model, an attribute refers to which concept?

A uniquely named tuple position

Which SQL statement deletes the City column from the Supplier table?


A database system has a database called onlineShop. What is the result of a CREATE statement that tries to create onlineShop a second time?

The statement creates a copy of the database onlineShop as onlineShop_1

In a relational database model, which concept refers to a finite sequence of values that are derived from defined domains?


With column-oriented storage, a block stores values for _____.

a single column

Branches that are similar in length in an index hierarchy are _____.


UPDATE, SELECT, and ORDER BY are _____ in an SQL statement.


Paperback and hardcover books are mutually exclusive subsets of books. PaperBackBook and HardCoverBook _____ the supertype entity Book.


A magnetic disk groups data into _____.


In order to locate rows selected by a query, an index scan reads index blocks _____.


Which of the following values violates the CHECK constraint below? (Ch.4)

(456, "Sarah Mcgraw", 61, "12301 270th Pl, Seattle, WA 98126")

Which SQL statement adds a new column Fax to the Supplier table?

Alter TABLE Supplier INSERT Fax VARCHAR(30);

What data type stores binary values?


What is the correct statement for creating a database called reservationDB?


Which data type should a database use to store negative numbers?


What are the performance characteristics of a heap table?

Insert, delete, and update operations are optimized, but not read operations

_______ entities have many common attributes and relationships.


What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Language

The entity Book includes Paperback, Hardcover, and Digital books. The attribute ChapterCount applies to both PaperBack and HardCover but not Digital. Digital has a TextToSpeech attribute. Which entity type is Digital?


During database design, an entity with many optional attributes often becomes a(n) ______ entity.


Refer to the Teacher and Class tables. What is the result of the SET NULL foreign key action when Bryan McNeal's TeacherID is changed to 45672? (Ch.2)

The Web Development TeacherID is set to NULL

When a table is updated and the index block has no free space for a new index entry, what happens

The block splits

When considering an attribute maximum, which term represents when each attribute instance describes at most one entity instance?


Choose the best data types to replace XXX and YYY. (CH.4)


Which two rules apply to primary keys?

Values must be unique and may not be NULL

The time required to read or write the first byte of data is known as _____.

access time

When working with multi-tables, a column that is available in all interleaved tables is known as a _____?

cluster key

A _____ index is an index on a non-unique sort column.


During database design, an ER _____ and _____ are usually developed in parallel.

diagram, glossary

Which of the following is a set of things in entity-relationship modeling?


Refer to the Teacher and Class tables. The TeacherID in the Class table references the TeacherID in the Teacher table. The TeacherID in the Class table is a/an _____.

foreign key

A foreign key in which all columns are NULL is known as a _____ foreign key?

fully NULL

When performing a search, which scan type is fastest?


The bottom level of a multi-level index is a _____index.

sorted single-level

Entities that share common attributes and relationships become part of a new _____ entity.


What is the result of a relational operation?


When an entity-relationship model is implemented in SQL, an entity typically becomes a _____.


A _____ is a type of UNIQUE constraint applied to two or more columns.

table-level contraint

A relational database uses _____ to structure all data.


When an entity-relationship model diagram is implemented within SQL, entities typically become _____, and relationships typically become _____.

tables, foreign keys

Data was not saved before a system was accidentally powered off. This data was located in _____.

volatile memory

In the Reservation table below, a room may be reserved several times, so the RoomNumber column is not unique. To ensure that a room can only be reserved by only one guest for the day, the minimal primary key consists of which columns? (Ch.2)

(RoomNumber, DateOfStay)

A _____ constraint is used to define a column value that is not NULL when no value is provided.

------- NA---------- --insert NOT NULL = incorrect----

Evaluate the given data and determine the correct result from the statement. (Ch.2)


How many columns are created by the SQL statement below? (CH.4)


How are blocks read with a single-level index scan?

A scan reads all index blocks to find table blocks that contain selected rows. The table blocks are then read.

Which of the following is not true about the INSERT statement?

A single INSERT statement can only add one row.

A database team plans the creation of a new database. During which phase does the team capture data requirements?


What is the fan-out for a multi-level index where index entries are 32 bytes and index blocks are 10 kilobytes?

Approximately 300

Refer to the Teacher and Class tables. Which foreign key action updates the TeacherID for the Web Development course when Bryan McNeal's TeacherID is updated to 45672? (Ch.2)


Which of the following is a characteristic of a B-tree index, but not a B+tree index?

Column values do not repeat at lower levels

What is the correct statement for deleting a database?

DROP DATABASE <databaseName>;

What is the correct SQL statement for deleting the table Supplier?


Which language defines statements used for creating and dropping tables?

Data Definition Language

The statement below is an example from which SQL sublanguage? (Ch.4)

Data Query Language

In the Entity-Has-Attribute relationship, what is a required attribute?

Each entity instance has at least one attribute instance

Which statement is not a special case of foreign keys?

Foreign key referring to a foreign key in the same table

Which table type might use the modulo function to scramble row locations?


Refer to the column information produced by SHOW COLUMNS FROM Supplier; statement. CountryId is a foreign key that references the CountryId column in the Country table. Which statement correctly inserts Oshkosh Bgosh? (Ch.4)

INSERT INTO Supplier (CompanyName, ContactName, CountryId)VALUES ('Oshkosh Bgosh', 'Martina Perry', 2);

What is a characteristic of a logical index?

Index does not change when a row moves to a new row

All spare parts belong to a product. A product must exist before spare parts become available and when a product is removed, spare parts are also removed. What type of entity is Product?

Master entity

What is the greatest number of instances of one entity that can relate to a single instance of another entity?


In MySQL, what is the result of TRUE AND NULL?


What foreign key action should be added to ensure that if a supplier is removed from the Supplier table, the products associated with the same supplier are also removed? (Ch.4)


In the SQL code below, which of the following is an identifier? (Ch.4)


Which term describes the meaning of an attribute value?


Refer to the Teacher and Class tables. To maintain referential integrity, which foreign key action rejects the deletion of the row containing Rosa Lopez?


Refer to the Teacher and Class tables. When Bryan McNeal was deleted from the Teacher table, the TeacherID for the Web Development course was automatically changed to 11234. Which foreign key action is the TeacherID likely using? (Ch.2)


A database designer wants to create three tables: Supplier, Product, and Country. The Supplier table has a CountryId column with values that must appear in the Country table's CountryId column. The Product table has an auto-increment column. Which table's CREATE TABLE statement(s) must specify a FOREIGN KEY?


Which column is best to replace XXX in the SQL statement below?


In MySQL, what is the result of TRUE OR NULL?


Which table type interleaves rows of two or more tables in the same storage area?

Table clusters

What are two characteristics of an efficient bitmap index?

The database can quickly determine the block containing a table row from the index row number. Any indexed column contains relatively few distinct values.

Which popular ER model diagramming convention for cardinality depicts "many" in a relationship?

Three lines, called crow's feet, at the end of a relationship

What is the purpose of an entity synonym?

To reflect common name usage of the entity

A database contains several relationships. Which is a valid relationship name?


Refer to the Supplier table. Which statement correctly changes Adan Stevens to Maria Stevens? (ch.4)

UPDATE Supplier SET ContactName = 'Maria Stevens' WHERE SupplierID = 5;

A database administrator creates a new relational database, and a primary key is assigned within a table to assist with governing data. What does the administrator accomplish with this structural rule?

Unique identification of individual rows in the table

What should be added so NULL values are not allowed in ProductName? (Ch.4)


A relational database uses row-oriented storage to store an entire row within one _____.


Hash index entries are assigned to _____.


What is converted into 0, 1, and M specifications during database design?

business rules

A _____ is a collection of values that are of the same type.


A/An _____ is a rule enforced on a table's data.


A column contains grades from 0 to 10, but a WHERE clause specifies values from 0 to 100. A _____ index can be used to modify the column values and process the queries.


In some ER modeling conventions, _____ entities are called strong and _____ entities are called weak.

independent, dependent

Distinguishing independent and dependent entities is a(n) _____ process


When creating an ER diagram, a dependency relationship is drawn with an arrow pointing to a _____ entity.


A NULL value represents _____ data.


When only one value exists in each cell, a table is known to be _____.


A database designer interviews a sales team that will be using a new database. During the interview, the designer documents entities as _____, and relationships as _____.

nouns, verbs

What should be added to the SQL statements to produce the Result table below? (CH.4)

onlineShop, TABLES

A value that is used in a computation is known as a/an _____.


The sort column in a sorted table determines the _____ row order.


A column, or group of columns, that serves as the unique identifier in a relational database table is called a/an _____.

primary key

In a logical index, pointers to table blocks are replaced with _____ values.

primary key

A single-level index is a file that contains column values and pointers to _____ containing the column _____.

rows, value

A _____ is a collection of values with no inherent order. (Ch.2)


How are attributes documented in an entity-relationship diagram?

within an entity rectangle

A relationship minimum is the least number of instances of one entity that relates to a single instance of another entity. On an ER diagram, minima are usually specified as a _____ or _____.

zero, one

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