MIS Midterm

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why is successful collaboration more important today than ever

-Changing scope of the firm -Changing culture of work and business -Changing organization of the firm -Emphasis on innovation

outsourcing benefits

-Increased quality and efficiency of business processes -Reduced operating expenses for head count and exposure to risk for large capital investments -Access to outsourcing service provider's expertise, economies of scale, best practices, and advanced technologies -Increased flexibility for faster response to market changes and less time to market for new products or services

Effects of globalization on organizations

-New organizational structures -Different forms of communication -More diverse workforce -More competition, mergers, work intensification and demands for work flexibility


-Setting strict standards for products, services, or activities and measuring organizational performance against those standards. -involves comparing the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes against strict standards and then measuring performance against those standards


-can lead to dramatic gains in productivity and efficiency, even changing the way the business is run. In some instances, it drives a paradigm shift that transforms the nature of the business itself. -BPM poses challenges. Executives report that the most significant barrier to successful business process change is organizational culture. Employees do not like unfamiliar routines and often resist change. This is especially true of business process reengineering projects because the organizational changes are so far-reaching. Managing change is neither simple nor intuitive, and companies committed to extensive process improvement need a good change management strategy

4 Steps of the Problem Solving Model

1, Problem Identification 2. Solution Design 3. solution evaluation and choice 4. Implementation

BPM process

1. Identify processes for change 2. Analyze existing processes 3. Design the new process 4. Implement the new process 5. Continuous measurement

6 business objective

1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3. Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival

Total Quality Management (TQM)

A concept that makes quality control a responsibility to be shared by all people in an organization.


A form of spoofing involving setting up fake websites or sending email messages that look like those of legitimate businesses to ask users for confidential personal data.

Which of the following is NOT an application of social​ business?

A. Crowdsourcing B. Blogs and wikis C. Communities D. General ledgers E. Social networks answ: General Ledgers

Know what the experts have said about the use of computers and technology (the extremes)

Although the Internet has made it much easier for people to access, create, and use information, some experts believe that it is also preventing people from focusing and thinking clearly on their own. They argue that exposure to computers reduces intelligence. One MIT scholar believes exposure to computers encourages looking up answers rather than engaging in real problem solving. Students, in this view, don't learn much surfing the web or answering email when compared to listening, drawing, arguing, looking, and exploring

During which step of the BPM process are existing business processes modeled and documented, noting inputs, outputs, resources, and the sequence of activities, and then redundant steps, paper-intensive tasks, bottlenecks, and other inefficiencies identified?

Analyze existing processes

Which of the following attempts to improve business processes to enhance​ competitiveness?



BPM is an approach to business that aims to continuously improve business processes. BPM is never concluded because continuous improvement requires continual change. BPM needs to analyze existing processes to design new processes. BPM requires the identification of processes to change. BPM attempts to improve business processes to enhance competitiveness FALSE: BPM works on increasing process throughput and quality

Companies often use information systems to improve quality by​ ______________ as a way to set standards for products and services against predefined standards.


examples of implementation

Building or purchasing solution, testing solution, employee training, change management, measurement of outcomes, feedback, evaluation of solution

____________ is a business process improvement model which is most known and used when dramatic change is needed to gain improvements in productivity and efficiency.

Business process reengineering

Identifying the Problem

- Agreement that problem exists. Definition of problem. Causes of problem. What can be done given resources of firm. There must be agreement in a business that a problem exists, about what the problem is, about its causes, and about what can be done about it, given the limited resources of the organization. Problems have to be properly defined by people in an organization before they can be solved.

A​ ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. Senior manager in charge of the information systems function in the firm.

CIO chief information officer


Chief Data Officer


Chief Knowledge Officer


Chief Privacy Officer


Chief Security Officer

New trends relating to new technology

Cloud computing platform, Big data and the internet of things, a mobile digital platform emerges to compete with the PC as a business system

Which of the following is NOT a way that information systems provide a competitive​ advantage?

Collecting and storing large amounts of data

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

Computerized systems that perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct the business; they serve the organization's operational level. -they service the organizations operational level such as sales order entry, hotel reservations, payroll, employee record keeping, and shipping

What is the final and ongoing step of the business process management​ model?

Continuous Measurement

An automobile rental company interested in learning and adapting to the needs of its clients is focusing on which business​ driver?

Customer Intimacy

Big Data

Data sets with volumes so huge that they are beyond the ability of typical relational DBMS to capture, store, and analyze. The data are often unstructured or semi-structured.

Know the impact of "Big Data" (the negatives)

Data sets with volumes so huge that they are beyond the ability of typical relational DBMS to capture, store, and analyze. The data are often unstructured or semi-structured.

Koa Puppy Food Corporation maintains a highly centralized operation with all corporate operations taking place in its home country. What type of global strategy does Koa use?

Domestic Exporter

Sanofi Pasteur implemented​ a(n) __________ system to help staff have​ dialogues, share​ ideas, and work with other company members.

Enterprise social networking


Executive Support System - Executive support systems (ESS) help senior management make these decisions. They address nonroutine decisions requiring judgment, evaluation, and insight because there is no agreed-on procedure for arriving at a solution. ESS present graphs and data from many sources through an interface that is easy for senior managers to use. Often the information is delivered to senior executives through a portal, which uses a web interface to present integrated personalized business content.

Know who franchisers are and what they do

Franchisers typically develop a single system, usually at the home base, and then replicate it around the world. Each unit, no matter where it is located, has identical applications.

Change Management

Giving proper consideration to the impact of organizational change associated with a new system or alteration of an existing system.

what is involved with outsourcing

Has accelerated the development of new systems in the United States and worldwide by reducing the cost of building and maintaining them.

Friedman's Flat World

He meant that the Internet and global communications had greatly expanded the opportunities for people to communicate with one another and reduced the economic and cultural advantages of developed countries.

senior management

Highest level of management People occupying the topmost hierarchy, who are responsible for making long-range decisions, in an organization decisions about products and services and ensures financial performance of the firm;

During which step of the BPM process do managers need to determine what business processes are the most important and how improving these processes will help business performance?

Identify processes for change

Know what the European stance is for unsolicited ads popping up on social media

In Europe, privacy protection is much more stringent than in the United States. Unlike the United States, European countries do not allow businesses to use personally identifiable information without consumer's prior consent. -European Commission's Directive on Data Protection -states that requiring companies in European Union (EU) nations to inform people when they collect information about them and disclose how it will be stored and used. Customers must provide their informed consent before any company can legally use data about them, and they have the right to access that information, correct it, and request that no further data be collected.

Decision Support System (DSS)

Information systems at the organization's management level that combine data and sophisticated analytical models or data analysis tools to support semi-structured and unstructured decision making

Supply Chain Management Systems

Information systems that automate the flow of information between a firm and its suppliers in order to optimize the planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery of products and services. -These systems help suppliers, purchasing firms, distributors, and logistics companies share information about orders, production, inventory levels, and delivery of products and services so that they can source, produce, and deliver goods and services efficiently. The ultimate objective is to get the right number of their products from their source to their point of consumption in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.

A key benefit of collaboration is​ _______________, which focuses on deriving better and more unique ideas for products and services.


what type of data/transactions that enterprise systems work with

Integrated, enterprise-wide information systems that coordinate key internal processes of the firm. Also known as enterprise resource planning (ERP).

implementation phase

Involves placing the system into production so users can begin to perform actual business operations with it.


Management Information System also designates a specific category of information systems serving middle management. MIS provide middle managers with reports about the organization's current performance. Managers use this information to monitor and control the business and predict future performance.

Which is an example of a business using information systems for customer​ intimacy?

Mandarin Oriental​ Hotel's customer-preference tracking system

If Koa's Puppy Food Corporation maintains a highly centralized operation with financial management, but decentralizes production and marketing to other countries, the firm uses a ___________ global strategy


A networked system configuration supports which of the following international business​ strategies?

Multinational and transnational

Be able to identify the barriers of successful business process change

Organizational change because of resistance to change, unknown current state, integration, competitive forces, and complexity

How do new entrants in an industry affect established organizations?

Organizations' profits are affected as they lower prices to compete against new entrants.

middle management

People in the middle of the organizational hierarchy who are responsible for carrying out the plans and goals of senior management.

Factors in change management and why its difficult

People resist change because they believe they will lose something of value, or fear they will not be able to adapt to the new ways. When organizational change goes wrong it's often because it's being treated purely as an implementation of a new process

Operational Management

People who monitor the day-to-day activities of the organization.


Private intranets that are accessible to authorized outsiders. A private electronic network that links a company with its suppliers and customers.

From a customer​ perspective, which term involves demanding​ durability, safety, ease of​ use, service​ effectiveness, and​ responsiveness?


According to Porter's competitive forces model, the intensity of the competitive forces determines all of the following EXCEPT industry


Which force in Porter's competitive forces model would describe an organization that loses customers due to its product prices being too high?


three primary levels of hierarchy within any organization (top to bottom)

Senior Management (CIO) Middle management Operational Management

___________ is a way for individuals to provide feedback and reviews about products and services.

Social Commerce

________________ commonly involves sites like Twitter and Facebook to collaborate with customers.

Social business

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Specific category of information system providing reports on organizational performance to help middle management monitor and control the business -MIS provide middle managers with reports about the organization's current performance. Managers use this information to monitor and control the business and predict future performance.

_________________ are information systems professionals who help bridge the relationships between technical specialists and end users to identify requirements for improved systems.

System analysts

Knowledge Management Systems definition

Systems that support the creation, capture, storage, and dissemination of firm expertise and knowledge.


TQM makes quality the responsibility of all people and functions within an organization. TQM holds that the achievement of quality control is an end in itself. Everyone is expected to contribute to the overall improvement of quality—the engineer who avoids design errors, the production worker who spots defects, the sales representative who presents the product properly to potential customers, and even the secretary who avoids typing mistakes. TQM derives from quality management concepts that American quality experts such as W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran developed, but the Japanese popularized it.


Technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge.

Outsourcing Definition

The practice of contracting computer center operations, telecommunications networks, or applications development to external vendors.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

The radical redesign of business processes to maximize the benefits of information technology.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

The top financial manager within a firm

Porter's Five Forces

Threats of entrants Power of buyer, Power of suppliers Direct competition Threat of substitute

The acronym related to organizational​ improvements, TQM, stands for​ ____________________.

Total quality management

____________ focus on​ day-to-day operations of a business including managing​ sales, payroll, and receipts.

Transaction processing systems

If Koa's Puppy Food Corporation maintains a strategy to take advantage of local competitive advantages and avoids the notion of national boarders, the firm uses a ________ global strategy


Friedman, The World is Flat

U.S. and European countries were in a fight for their economic lives, according to Friedman, competing for jobs, markets, resources, and even ideas with highly educated, motivated populations in low-wage areas in the less developed world (Friedman, 2007). In 2017 a new globalization driven largely by information technology has radically reduced the cost of moving goods and ideas to low-wage countries, leading to the de-industrialization of wealthy developed countries

Primary goal of social business

Use of social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and internal corporate social tools, to engage employees, customers, and suppliers.

social commerce

a subset of e-commerce that involves the interaction and user contribution aspects of social online media to assist online buying and selling of products and services

Knowledge Management Systems used for

are designed to capture critical processes, procedures, and experience to ensure this critical content isn't lost when someone leaves the organization enable organizations to manage processes better for capturing and applying knowledge and expertise. These systems collect all relevant knowledge and experience in the firm and make it available wherever and whenever it is needed to improve business processes and management decisions.

How the role of end users shift (Evolution of it)

are representatives of departments outside of the information systems group for whom applications are developed. These users are playing an increasingly large role in the design and development of information systems.


combines and streamlines the steps in a business process to eliminate repetitive and redundant work and to achieve dramatic improvements in quality, service, and speed.

multinational strategy

concentrates financial management and control out of a central home base while decentralizing production, sales, and marketing operations to units in other countries.

Systems analyst job duties and responsibilities

constitute the principal liaisons between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization. It is the systems analyst's job to translate business problems and requirements into information requirements and systems.

Customer's Definition of Quality

customers are concerned with the quality of the physical product—its durability, safety, ease of use, installation. Second, customers are concerned with the quality of service, by which they mean the accuracy and truthfulness of advertising, responsiveness to warranties, and ongoing product support. Finally, customer concepts of quality include psychological aspects: the company's knowledge of its products, the courtesy and sensitivity of sales and support staff, and the reputation of the product.


decision support system

Principles of right and wrong that you use to make choices are called​ _____________.


DSS (decision support system)

focus on problems that are unique and rapidly changing, for which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully predefined in advance. They try to answer questions such as these: What would be the impact on production schedules if we were to double sales in the month of December? What would happen to our return on investment if a factory schedule were delayed for six months? DSS uses internal information from TPS and MIS

Franchiser Strategy

have the product created, designed, financed, and initially produced in the home country but rely heavily on foreign personnel for further production, marketing, and human resources. Nonetheless, local production of some items, local marketing, and local recruitment of personnel are required. Such as McDonald's, includes creation of a product in the home country, but then relies on foreign personnel to assist with remote marketing and sales.

Identify what computer abuse is

is the commission of acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical. for example spamming

Transitional Strategy

nearly all the value-adding activities are managed from a global perspective without reference to national borders, optimizing sources of supply and demand wherever they appear and taking advantage of any local competitive advantage.

Customer Intimacy

refers to a company providing superior value by segmenting markets and tailoring products or services to match the needs of the targeted customers

Know when BPM ends (Business process management

step 5. Continuous measurement -After a process has been implemented and optimized, it needs to be measured continually. Why? Processes may deteriorate over time as employees fall back on old methods, or they may lose their effectiveness if the business experiences other changes.

domestic exporter strategy

tends to focus core business activities such as production, sales, and human resources in the home country of an organization, characterized by heavy centralization of corporate activities in the country of origin.

Know psychological aspects of quality

the company's knowledge of its products, the courtesy and sensitivity of sales and support staff, and the reputation of the product

When talking about changes related to information​ technology, the text identifies three interrelated changes that are responsible for the bulk of innovations. These include the mobile digital​ platform, the growth of cloud​ computing, and​ ________.

the growing use of big data


the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.


transaction processing system computerized systems that perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct the business; they service the organizations operational level such as sales order entry, hotel reservations, payroll, employee record keeping, and shipping

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