MKC1 Ch 19 & 24: Organizational Communication

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2. What are the advantages and disadvantages if the different media: b. written

ADVANTAGE Easy to preserve: The documents of written communication are easy to preserve. Oral and non-verbal communication cannot be preserved. If it is needed, important information can be collected from the preserved documents. Easy presentation of complex matter: Written communication is the best way to represent any complex matter easily and attractively. Permanent record: The documents of written communication act as a permanent record. When it is needed, important information can be easily collected from the preserved documents. Prevention of wastage of time and money: Written communication prevents the waste of money and time. Without meeting with each other the communicator and communicate can exchange their views. Accurate presentation: Through the documents of the written communication top executive can present the information more accurately and clearly. As it is a legal document everybody takes much care does draft it. Use as a reference: If it is needed, written communication can be used as future reference. Delegation of authority: Written communication can help the authority to delegate the power and authority to the subordinate. It is quite impossible to delegate power without a written document. Longevity: Written document can be preserved for a long time easily. That is why; all the important issues of an organization should be back and white. Effective communication: Written communication helps to make communication effective. It is more dependable and effective than those of other forms of communication. Maintaining image: Written communication helps to maintain the images of both the person and the organization. It also protects the images of the company or organization. Proper information: It is a proper and complete communication system. There is no opportunity to include any unnecessary information in a written document. Less distortion possibility: In this communication system information is recorded permanently. So, there is less possibility of distortion and alteration of the information. No opportunity to misinterpret: there is any opportunity to misinterpret the information or messages of written communication. Controlling tool: Written communication can help to control the organizational activity. The written document may be used as a tool for controlling. Easy to verify: The information and messages that are preserved can be verified easily. If there arises any misunderstanding any party can easily verify the information. Others: Clear understanding, Legal document, Acceptability, Reduction of risk, Creating confidence, Easy circulation, Wide access or coverage etc. DISADVANTAGE Expensive: Written communication is comparatively expensive. For this communication paper, pen, ink, typewriter, computer and a large number of employees are needed. Time consuming: Written communication takes time to communicate with others. It is a time consuming media. It costs the valuable time of both the writer and the reader. Red-Taoism: Red-Taoism is one of the most disadvantages of written communication. It means to take time for approval of a project. Useless for illiterate person: It messages receiver is illiterate, written communication is quite impossible. This is major disadvantage written communication. Difficult to maintain secrecy: It is an unexpected medium to keep business secrecy. Secrecy is not always possible to maintain through written communication. Because here needs to discuss everything in black and white. Lack of flexibility: Since writing documents cannot be changed easily at any time. Lack of flexibility is one of the most important limitations of written communication. Delay in response: It takes much time to get a response from the message receiver; prompt response is not possible in case of written communication that is possible in oral communication. Delay in decision making: Written communication takes much time to communicate with all the parties concerned. So the decision maker cannot take decisions quickly. Cost in record keeping: It is very difficult and expensive to keep all the records in written communication. Complex words: Sometimes the writer uses complex words in writing a message. It becomes difficult to meaning out to the reader. So the objectives of the communication may lose. Lack of direct relation: If there is no direct relation between the writer and the reader, writer communication cannot help to establish a direct relation between them. Other: Prompt feedback is impossible, Slowness, Bureaucratic attitude, Understanding problem between boos and subordinates, lack in quick clarification and correction, formality problem, lack of personal intimacy, etc.

10. How can knowledge management systems be used as an organizational communication tool?

If my explanation above makes the definition of these systems seem vague, that is because there is no consensus as to what constitutes a knowledge management system, much like there is no consensus regarding KM. Furthermore, since KM is involved in all areas of the firm, drawing a line is very difficult. Building upon all this, and incorporating previously discussed elements, failure factors of knowledge management systems are as follows: Inadequate support: managerial and technical, during both implementation and use. Expecting that the technology is a KM solution in itself. Failure to understand exactly what the firm needs (whether technologically or otherwise). Not understanding the specific function and limitation of each individual system. Lack of organizational acceptance, and assuming that if you build it, they will come - lack of appropriate organizational culture. Inadequate quality measures (e.g. lack of content management). Lack of organizational/departmental/etc fit - does it make working in the organization. easier? Is a system appropriate in one area of the firm but not another? Does it actually disrupt existing processes? Lack of understanding of knowledge dynamics and the inherent difficulty in transferring tacit knowledge with IT based systems (see segment on tacit knowledge under knowledge sharing). Lack of a separate budget.

7. What is the difference between constructive conflict and destructive conflict?

In constructive conflicts, the process becomes as important as the end result. Individuals come together to redefine or strengthen their relationship for the greater good of the parties involved. Destructive conflict often flows from narrowly defined or rigid goals, and most often produces negative results.

4. What kinds of messages would warrant an indirect approach to communication?

In the indirect approach, the evidence is presented first, leading therefore to the main idea. This is an inductive argument. This approach is best if your audience may be displeased about or may resist what you have to say.

9. What is a knowledge management system?

Knowledge management systems refer to any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge, improves collaboration, locates knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden knowledge, captures and uses knowledge, or in some other way enhances the KM process.

1. What are the components of the three-step writing process?

1■ Planning business messages. To plan any message, first analyze the situation by defin- ing your purpose and developing a profile of your audience. With that in mind, you can gather information that will meet your audience's needs. Next, select the right medium (oral, written, or electronic) to deliver your message. With those three factors in place, you're ready to organize the information by defining your main idea, limiting your scope, selecting an approach, and outlining your content. 2■ Writing business messages. Once you've planned your message, adapt to your audience with sensitivity, relationship skills, and style. Then you're ready to compose your message by choosing strong words, creating effective sentences, and developing coherent paragraphs. 3■ Completing business messages. After writing your first draft, revise your message to make sure it is clear, concise, and correct. Next produce your message, giving it an attractive, professional appearance. Proofread the final product for typos, spelling errors, and other mechanical problems. Finally, distribute your message using the best combination of personal and technological tools.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages if the different media: d. electronic

ADVANTAGE Electronic media's chief advantage is its immediacy, as autocratic Middle Eastern rulers learned too late during the "Arab Spring" of 2010. Reports from satellite networks like Al Jazeera made it impossible for authoritarian regimes in Egypt and Tunisia to silence the truth, author-journalist Lawrence Pintak stated in a speech covered by Washington State University's student newspaper "The Columbian." Using mediums beyond government control, like social media networks, the younger, technically literate opposition was able to plot strategy and coordinate mass protests. DISADVANTAGE The relentless stimulation of electronic media has inspired studies to determine how it affects learning. In an article for "Psychology Today," David Walsh cites a British study that found frequent Internet users only needed two seconds to decide on visiting a particular Web site. The most popular sites featured highly relevant search terms, suggesting that our brains can evaluate information at faster and faster speeds, Walsh says. However, developing these rapid fire processing skills may leave fewer resources for comprehension and retention.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages if the different media: c. visual

ADVANTAGE Visual communication involves the use of visual elements, such as drawings, illustrations and electronic images, to convey ideas and information to an audience. During presentations, business managers that properly use visual aids to communicate information will have greater success in maintaining the attention of their staff, and staff is more likely to remember the information. DISADVANTAGE A potential downside of visual communication involves the use of poorly designed visual aids that are difficult to understand or see. If irrelevant information is presented, images can also be distracting and impede the understanding of concepts they should be trying to clarify.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages if the different media: a. oral

ADVANTAGE 1- Time saving: When action is required to be taken immediately it is best to transmit a message orally. If the executives work load is high then they stop writhing and by oral instructions they complete their message transmission and released their work load and also it saves time. 2-Cost savings: Cost is involved in any communication. When the communication is needed within the organization and if it and is completed in orally, it has not needed any paper, pen or stamp or computer. So it saves the money of the organization. More powerful: Speech is a more powerful means of persuasion and control. Therefore, executives often prefer to transmit messages orally. 3-Effectiveness: With the help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey shades of meaning. This factor also contributes to the effectiveness of oral communication. 4-Immediate feedback: The speaker can get immediate feedback on whether it is creating a favorable impression on the receiver or whether the receiver will protest or whether the receiver has receiver has clearly understood his meaning or is feeling perplexed or baffled and he can mold and adjust his message accordingly. More suitable: The employees felt more suitable when the message transmits in orally. They get an opportunity for feedback and clarification. 5-A relationship develops: Oral communication is mostly carried out helps to promote friendly relations between the parties communicating with each other. 6-Flexibility: By the demand of the situations, oral instructions can be changed easily and for these cases maintain the formalities are not necessary. So it is very much flexible and effective. 7-Easiness: It is so easy method of communication. It needs little preparation to send a message. No need of pens, pencils and other writing equipment's which are needed in written communication. 8-Correction of errors: If any error is expressed at the time of oral communication. It was possible to rectify at that time or within a very short time. Informal communication: In oral communication, no need to maintain such formalities which are needed in written communication. So it is easy and helpful to any organization. 9-Motivation: In oral communication system, top executives and sub ordinates staff can sit face-to-face and exchange their views directly, so sub-ordinates are motivated day by day. 10-Special applications: Oral communication is more helpful in communicating messages to groups of people at assembly meetings etc. 11-Maintaining secrecy: Interested parties of oral communication can maintain the secrecy of messages easily. DISADVANTAGE 1-No record: In oral communication, messages are difficult to record. So it is impossible to preserve the message for future. 2-Expensive: It is also expensive media of communication. Sometimes the audience can be managed by paying T. A and D. A. On the other hand Technological devices that are used in this system are costly. 3-Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication, then main goals of the organization may be filed. Inaccuracy: There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination. So, the reverse result of expected plan may be occurred. 4-Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy messages. It should be sued for short message. Probability of omitting main subject: Sometimes, main subject may be omitted to express a word for communicating. So, expected result may not be achieved. 5-Confused speech: Sometimes the receiver fails to understand the meaning of a message due to habitual productions of the speaker. 6-No legal validity: there is any legal validity of the oral message. As, the oral messages are not taped and kept records, so it can be denied easily if the situation goes against the speaker. 7-Late decision: It takes time to reach a decision. At the beginning stage, sometime is killed in the discussion of any personal matters. Besides some time is also wasted for irrelevant discussion. In this way decision making is delayed. 8-Less important: In oral communication, meaningless speech can mislead the main effects of the communication. But when the information comes out in written, we take it seriously. 9-Lack of secrecy: In oral communication, the important and secret information may be disclosed. 10-Defective: Oral communication is defective for company's policy, procedure, programs, law and other important information. 11-Creates misunderstanding: The speaker often gives message without having properly organized it earlier. So, it is possible that he may not be able to make himself properly to communicate with the receiver. As a result, misunderstanding May develops.

8. What strategies can a leader use to resolve conflict?

Acknowledge the problem. Be patient and take your time. Avoid using coercion and intimidation. Focus on the problem, not the individual. Establish guidelines. Keep the communication open. Act decisively.

6. What are the disadvantages of teams?

Some individuals are not compatible with team work. Workers must be selected to fit the team as well as requisite job skills. Some members may experience less motivating jobs as part of a team. Organization may resist change. Conflict may develop between team members or other teams. Teams may be time-consuming due to need for coordination and consensus. Teams can stymie creativity and inhibit good decision-making if "group think" becomes prevalent. Evaluation and rewards may be perceived as less powerful; "Free-riding" within the team may occur. Less flexibility may be experienced in personnel replacement or transfer.

5. What are the advantages of teams?

Team members have the opportunity to learn from each other. Potential exists for greater work force flexibility with cross-training. Opportunity provided for synergistic combinations of ideas and abilities. New approaches to tasks may be discovered. Teams membership can provide social facilitation and support for difficult tasks and situations. Communication and information exchange may be facilitated and increased. Teams can foster greater cooperation among team members Interdependent work flow can be enhanced. Potential exists for greater acceptance and understanding of team-made decisions. Greater autonomy, variety, identity, significance, and feedback for workers can occur. Team commitment may stimulate performance and attendance.

3. When would you use a direct approach to communication?

When you use the direct approach, the main idea (such as a recommendation, conclusion, or request) comes in the "top" of the document, followed by the evidence. This is a deductive argument. This approach is used when your audience will be neutral or positive about your message. In the formal report, the direct approach usually mandates that you lead off with a summary of your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations. This "up-front" arrangement is by far the most popular and convenient for business reports. It saves time and makes the rest of the report easier to follow. For those who have questions or want more information, later parts of the report provide complete findings and supporting details. The direct approach also produces a more forceful report. You sound sure of yourself when you state your conclusions confidently at the outset.

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