Modern Italy

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Nazi Fascime

1937-1943 Mussolini comes under Hitler's influence after the failed international reaction to the invasion of Ethiopia 1937 hitler mussolini alliance- pact of steel if there is a war they will fight together 1938 mussolini introduces racist laws

Salò Fascism

1943-1945 Mussolini runs a german puppet state in northern Italy 1943 allied troops land in Sicily- two weeks later the regime collapsed and Mussolini was arrested, Hitler breaks him out of prison to lead the puppet state Salò Fascists fight till the end based on the premise they will be martyrs they know they will loose first fascists were the last ones fighting - many small villages got caught in the middle of this aka Republic Sociale Italiana (RSI Fascism)

democratic republic

1945- presnet

population impact

30-35% of the male population of a single generation was wiped out regional and class biases- no or low skill workers, upper middle class who were the commissioned officers

New Technology

Airplanes, Gas, Machine Guns, Submarines

main figure of the fascists, granddaughter of Mussolini, former model, aggressive fascist

Alessandra Mussolini

leader of the 5 Star movement- was a comedian, wont run for office because he has a criminal record and thinks no one should serve who has a criminal record kicked off of the air as a comedian over a joke about the socialists then became a blogger

Beppe Grillo

1921 elections

Mussolini only gets 35 reps. in the parliament- 5% of the seats then decides to make a show of force to show the strength of his party- the march on rome Mussolini is then declared the parliamentary ryler

Entente Cordial

UK, France, Italy, Russia, US

Who enters last?

US 1917

founder of Lega Nord, radical, racists, independence driven

Umberto Bossi

Germany after the war

Weimar Republic, weak democracy, no economic security, inflation, ruse of communism and nazism


World War I ends the war ends badly (mutilated victory). on the wining side Italy gains the most land out of any country yet they spoil it for themselves saying the got short changed. the US screws up their demands at the treaty of London- denies areas of Europe to them- their anger leads to fascisim


World War II Fascist Italy joins World War II on the side of Germany as they seemed to be winning. Entered thinking it would be a short war and that this would give them a seat at the table at the end. lost horribly- had more man power yet always lost.

President of the Consiglio

actual power, Matteo Renzi


authoritarian and egalitarian


authoritarian and nationalist


authoritarian and racist


bell towerism, your city is the best and you will fight for it no matter what

education reforms

brought in Gentile to reform the system the system is still used today

Papal states

central Italy, creation of papal dynasty in the late renaissance, ruled by the Pope (bishop of rome), different cities were run by strong oligarchs- power was limited from rome, government was corrupt, latin was the official language, very reactionary


city in modern day Slovenia, was called Rijeka, on the coast with a large Italian population in the city but not the rural areas, was not promised in the treaty of London but there was an argument for self-determination

Who had the most deaths


Partito Democratico

coalition of left parties- republicans, radical, socialist, communist, green, christian democrats, consumers


cover much of Italy, split in half

Forza Italia

cult of personality around Silvio Berlusconi, created in the 2nd republic to save Italy from the communists


economic capital, richest city


founded in 1919, mainly ex-soldiers and Fiume veterans


french "stole it"

Parlamentary Fascism

from 1921-1926 Mussolini woks with the parliament- ignored them, physical threats on his enemies, fixed elections small democratic opposition when one insulted him in parliament said on the record that he would be dead in two days- Matteotti was found dead two weeks later

Bella Figuria

good image, always make sure that you are putting off the best image

President of the Republic

head of state, figure head, Giorgio Napolitano (just resigned)

northern italy

horizontal line where the Apennines go diagonal as you get south it gets poorer

Austria-Hungary after the war

implodes, is divided into lots of smaller nations


important figure is Alessandra Mussolini, more accurately called Post Fascists, party's roots are in Italian fascism, most prominent party is Fratelli gel Italia, many parties which combine in a coalition

Lega Nord

important figure is Umberto Bossi- founder, now it is Matteo Salvini wants independence for the north of Italy (includes Perugia and the alps) call the nation Padania

Austrian ruled Italy

in the northeast, ruled by Austria-Hungary, official language was german, empire was reactionary, did not give up the land because of the value of the coast


key- roman called them the wall of Italy, protected, view as northern natural barrier

Archduke Ferninand

killed in Serbia, heir to throne, the spark that ignites WWI, Kaiser gives a blank check to Austria-Hungary


largest middle class is 20-25% in Milan and Torin, everyone is lower and rural, north is modern cities with substantial middle classes, southern feudal life with peasants, aristocracy, or the church

5 star movement

led by Beppe Grillo anti-politics party, politics is corrupt and the only way to make it work is to start over began with a political blog got 1/4 of the votes in the last election- first time anti-establishment party won this big



Partitio Democratico

left block, led by the Christian democrats

Italy after the war

low key civil war, communists and nationalists, mutilated victory

Genova and Venice

middle age enemies, important northern cities


only important southern city


openness to foreign influence and all outsides

Chamber of Deputies

part of the legislature


part of the legislature

components to make a nation

politics, language, religion, social structure, desire for a nation


population of 40 million, new country


population of 60 million, new country


population of 60 million, old country

United Kingdom

population of 60 million, old country


population of 80 million, new country


right for conservative social reasons


right parties for economic reasons, economically strong

Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia

ruled by the savoy dynasty, northwest Italy, efficient well administered kingdom, small and compact, strong middle class, unfired and organized, some small french pockets, Italian was the language of government and day to day life

Woodrow Wilson's principle


England and France after the war

shake up of the political spectrum- rise of leftist parties

Kingdom of Two Sicily's

southern Italy including Naples, close ally of Austria, traditional monarchy, reactionary, government used Italian and Neapolitan latin


split in 1815 between Austrian ruled Italy, kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinea, the papal states, the kingdom of two sicilies

souther italy

starts south of rome

Brava Gente

the brave people, nobel, kind compassionate, used to describe how they handled the jewish population during the war

desire for a nation

the desire was with the middle class, no middle class= no desire, the word Italy did not exist in some dialects

Biennio rosso

the red two years socialists take to the streets to push for change, the communists come out to fight them they will win because they were better equipped being ex-military there were more blackshirts than there were those who actually voted for the Fascist party

Fascist Grand COuncil

theoretically it would select the leader rarely met and always listened to mussolini in the end they stripped him of power in 1943 only real rival to power was the king and the pope

Schlifen Plan

to avoid a 2 front war attack France first then focus on Russia since it is larger initial success turns to a stalemate


two clear blocks emerge with the triple alliance and the entante cordiale, originally formed to prevent war- did not stop it only made it bigger


very untied religious country, very few catholics, intollerant of other religions, Judaism was the 2nd largest now its islam, pope is the "royal family" historically unifying figure

Germany and France

wanted war- dates back to 1871 during German unification, revenge for the Rhine land

Italy's price to enter

wants to get Trento, Triste and the Adriatic coast line- the US wont agree to this


was a positive the states was the master not the other way around

Power in Fascist Italy

was embodied in Mussolini he portrayed Niezche's concept of the superman- he could do everything education, after school activities everything was to benefit the state- only exception was if it was church related

pre WWI

was one of the most peaceful times in history, few deaths, few casualties


was originally on Austria-Hungry's side backs out saying they didn't honor the treaty then goes to the allies


year of revolutions, first wide spread revolts in favor of a united Italy, tipping point where the public would shift in favor of a united Italy

Origins of Fascism

Mussolini mixes the authoritarian, militarist, anti-communist ideas with past socialists ideas like statist, non-conservative, corporatists




1848- 105 spoke Italian as their first language, everyone else speaks local dialects some close to Italian others very far apart several independent languages are spokes- French, German, Slavic Languages, Catalan, Greek, Albanian, Laddino

constitutional monarchy


Years of World War I


When does Russia leave?

1917- Russian Revolution

Gabriele D'Annuzio

1919 arrived with a militia and took control of the city, declared independence, considered a founding father of fascism, not interested in power in the party, just wanted to control the city, first of several acts to show the anger from the war

fascist dicatorship


High Fascism

1926-1937 not a democracy but the public did support it still Mussolini is a dictator until 1935 the people are not struggle there is food, this is when world leaders saw some attractive elements the left was hostile


Constitutional Monarchy the unity of Italy is finalized. Victor Emanuel II is the king, General Garibaldi- sword, Mazzini- the thinker, Cavor- politician/ diplomat. 1860- Cavor sets up an alliance with France, Garibaldi and 1,250 soldiers sent to Sicily (was a suicide mission) succeeds and unites Italy conquering the south Cavor dies soon after miracle of 1860- when Garibaldi and Emanuel meet


Democratic Republic after a close referendum and constitutional assembly the Christian Democrats are victorious CD- right of center party, defeated the Communist and socialists in the elections, would dominate the power structure for the next 40 years despite being corrupt no one knew who would win- communists were backed by Soviets and the US would do anything to stop their victory Garibaldi- was a socialists and was adopted by the communist party as a propaganda symbol communists consistently got 1/3 of the vote so everyone felt it was better to vote corrupt than communist


Democratic Republic political terrorism threatens Italian democracy Italy's most important politician Aldo Moro (CD) is kidnapped and killed by red brigade on his way to parliament. kept in rome for 2 months while the government refused to negotiate. event that everyone will remember. had been a past president, big figure. Italy is one of the few states to defeat terrorism like this he was left leaning and was pushing reconciliation of the christian democrats and the communists- theory that he was killed to stop this


Democratic Republic the "first" republic collapses: corruption trials, mafia attacks, disgust of voters. with the end of the cold war in 1990 and the soviet union in 1991 there was no need to vote christian democrat. mafia declares war on the state. corruption trials in Milan take down the Christian democrats and socialists. now its the second republic- some parties change, while others die from 1992-1994 Silvio Berlusconi- dominates the second republic- people either love or hate him.


End of World War II Italy is "liberated" by the allies. end of fascism. they land in Sicily- once they land the government collapses even thought it was far away form the landing point. 2 groups did not feel liberated: fascists- resented the american invasion communists- wanted to be liberated by Soviets, will act as if they were the ones who liberated Italy


First World War with the Treaty of London Italy joins one year in on the side of the allies- France and Britain- had made agreements in the past but thought this was the better decision 1915- both sides were even, bringing in Italy could have been the tipping point to end the war Italy could not get the job done- it was not a military power, did not have the social structure needed to win

two front war

France and Russian fronts at the same time- Germany did not want this the plan was to attack France first then focus on Russia

The Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire


March on Rome a new political group Fascists (ex-military men) takes control of Italy. Victor Emanuel III said he would use the army against the fascist, the liberal government brings him the authorization for martial law that afternoon, he changed his mind. Mussolini was in hiding in Milan, now he can come out of hiding. At first Mussolini was praised and admired by world leaders, soon they distance themselves

very young charismatic leader, effective communicator, now is the President of the Consiligio, was the Mayor of Florence

Matteo Ranzi

new leader of Lega Nord, charismatic, moved away from independence to autonomy, most racist party

Matteo Salvini

Russia after the war

Russian revolution- change to the Soviet Union

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