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10单选(2分) The aqueous humor formed from the ciliary processes B.plays the supporting role for the retina C.fills the space between the lens and the retina D.can alter the curvature of lens


10单选(2分) The branches of the aortic arch don't include A.coronary artery B.left subclavian artery C.some small branche to trachea and bronchus D.brachiocephalic trunk


10单选(2分) The mesencephalic aqueduct communicates directly with A.the third and fourth ventricles B.the lateral and third ventricles C.the fourth ventricle and the central canal D.the lateral ventricles


10单选(2分) The nerve which distributes to the deltoid muscle is A.axillary nerve B.median nerve C.radial nerve D.pudendal nerve


10单选(2分) The thoracic duct ends by opening into the A.left venous angle B.right venous angle C.left jugular vein D.left subclavian vein


10单选(2分) Which one is wrong about the uterine tube? A.It can be divided into three part: isthmus, ampulla, and infundibulum. B.Its medial end opens into the cavity of uterus by uterine orifice. C.It is usually distinguished from the small intestine by fimbriae. D.It is situated on the upper margins of the broad ligament of uterus.


11单选(2分) The deep brach of radial nerve perforates A.supinator B.trilateral foramen C.quadrilateral foramen D.pronator quadratus


11单选(2分) The tonsil of cerebellum A.lies inferior surface of cerebellar hemisphere B.belong to the anterior lobe of cerebellum. C.lies in front of tentorial incisure. D.lies above the tentorium of cerebellum.


12单选(2分) The cerebellar nuclei don't include A.habenular nuclei B.globose nuclei C.fastigial nuclei D.dentate nuclei


12单选(2分) Which one is wrong about the vagina? A.The anterior wall is longer than the posterior one. B.The posterior wall contacts with the anterior wall of rectum. C.The anterior wall contacts with urinary bladder and urethra. D.The posterior fornix of vagina is near the rectouterine pouch.


14单选(2分) Which artery is not derived from the arteries of the celiac trunk? A.inferior pancreaticoduodenal B.gastroduodenal C.superior pancreaticoduodenal D.left gastroepiploic


15单选(2分) A hard mass (a fecalith) in the ostium of a 27-yearold patient's appendix had led to a local infection (appendicitis) with a slightly elevated temperature and a moderate increase in WBC count. The initial pain from the infection was dull and difficult to localize, but the patient placed his hand in the periumbilical area to indicate the general area of discomfort. The region of the umbilicus receives its sensory supply, classically, from which of the following spinal nerves? A.T10 B.T12 C.L1 D.T8


16单选(2分) Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into ________ lobes, ________ of which have the same name as the bone over them. A.five,four B.three,two C.five, three D.five,two


18单选(2分) The bony labyrinth includes A.bony semicircular canal, vestibule, cochlea. B.cochlear duct, saccule, vestibule. C.tympanic cavity, vestibule, cochlea. D.bony semicircular canal, vestibule, cochlear duct.


18单选(2分) The internal pudendal artery the perineum. B.runs below the pudendal nerve in the pudendal canal. C.arises from the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. D.passes through the lesser sciatic foramen to enter the gluteal region.


18单选(2分) When there are parasites in pelvic, abdominal and thoracic cavity, they can intrude into skull through ________. A.vertebral venous plexus B.basilic vein C.superior vena cava D.cephalic vein


19单选(2分) Which artery is palpable deep to the ingunal ligament A.femoral a. B.anterior tibial a. C.profunda femoris a. D.politeal a.


1单选(2分) 1. A newborn girl is noted to have abnormal accommodation of the lens. Further evaluation reveals an abnormal production of aqueous humor. A malformation of the structure responsible for these functions that is continuous posteriorly with the choroid might be due to abnormal development of A.Neuroectoderm of the optic cup B.Choroid fissure of the optic stalk C. Mesoderm surrounding the optic stalk D. Mesoderm surrounding the optic cup


1单选(2分) Millions of sensory receptors detect ________, which come from the inside and outside the body. A.stimuli B.effector C.motor


1单选(2分) The epididymis the storehouse for sperm. B.consists of rete testis. C.secrets male hormone. D.attaches to the anterior surface of the testes.


1单选(2分) The parietal pleura is divided into A.four portions B.three portions C.six portions D.five portions


20单选(2分) Axillary lymph node doesn't include A.parasternal lymph node B.central lymph node C.apical lymph node D.pectoral lymph node


20单选(2分) The Motor speech area is located in A.posterior portion of inferior frontal gyrus B.posterior portion of superior frontal gyrus C.posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus D.calcarine sulcus


23单选(2分) The triceps brachii is mainly supplied by A.deep brachial artery B.circumflex scapular artery C.axillary artery D.posterior circumflex humeral artery


24单选(2分) Which artery doesn't belong to the branches of axillary artery A.deep brachial artery B.lateral thoracic artery C.subscapular artery D.anterior circumflex humeral artery


25单选(2分) A 25-year-old male racing car driver is admitted to the emergency department after a severe car crash. Radiologic studies reveal damage to the tip of the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra, with a significantly large pulsating hematoma. What artery is the most likely to have been damaged? A.Vertebral artery B.Anterior spinal artery C.Posterior spinal arteries D.Deep cervical artery


2单选(2分) A previously 56-year-old woman comes to the emergency department because a "flu-like" illness. She complains of nausea and vomiting, unilateral tingling in the leg, and a headache involving the eye and forehead. She is alert and fully oriented. Motor, sensory, gait and coordination examinations are normal. Cranial nerve examination is normal, aside from the visual field disorder indicated in the polt below. The neurologic examination suggests an occlusion of which of the following vessels? A.Left posterior cerebral artery B. Right middle cerebral artery C. left middle cerebral artery D. Right posterior cerebral artery


2单选(2分) An autopsy is performed on a man who died of an unknown cause. The pathologist discovers that the man has a small atrial septal defect. The defect is seen in the portion of the atrial septum near the upper border of the fossa ovalis. Which of the following was the likely functional manifestation of this defect during life? A. No cyanosis occurred prenatally or postnatally B. Prestnatal cyanosis due to a shunt of blood from the right atrium to the left atrium C. Prestnatal cyanosis due to a shunt of blood from the left atrium to the right atrium D. Postnatal cyanosis due to a shunt of blood from the right atrium to the left atrium


2单选(2分) An elderly patient exhibits oculomotor paralysis of the left eye. External strabismus (lateral direction) of the left eye, ptosis (drooping) of the left eyelid, ptosis (drooping) of the left eyelid, and mydriasis (dilatation) of the left pupil are observed. In addition, there is pseudobulbar palsy with weakness of the muscles of mastication, tongue, and left upper half of the face, and paralysis of the muscles of the left lower half of the face. Alternating hemiplegia of the body on the right side also is present.A lesion that produces alternating oculomotor paralysis of the left eye, as well as pseudobulbar palsy with weakness of muscles of mastication, tongue, and upper half of the face, paralysis of muscles of the lower half of the left side of the face, and alternating hemiplegia of the body on the right side, must be located in the A. basal region of the midbrain B. posterolateral region of the caudal medulla C. medial region of the upper medulla D. posterolateral region of the midpons


2单选(2分) The nerve which supplies the pronator quadratus. is A.median nerve B.ulnar nerve C.axillary nerve D.radial nerve


2单选(2分) The pleural cavity is the potential space between the A.parietal and visceral pleurae B.costal and diaphragmatic pleurae C.costal and cupula pleurae D.diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleurae


2单选(2分) Which structure belongs to renal cortex A.renal column B.renal papillae C.renal pelvis D.renal pyramid


3单选(2分) 3. Retinal detachment most commonly results from which of the following? A. Fluid accumulation between the retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) B. Leakage of blood from the inner retinal capillaries C. Local swelling in specific retinal layers D. Increased phagocytosis of outer segments by the RPE cells


3单选(2分) A 45-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital with severe headaches, dizziness, and vomiting. Radiologic examination reveals an intracranial tumor. Upon physical examination the patient has dryness of the nasal and paranasal sinuses, loss of lacrimation, and loss of taste from the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Which of the following structures is most likely involved with the tumor? A.Facial nerve B.Pterygopalatine ganglion C.Auriculotemporal nerve D.Inferior salivatory nucleus


3单选(2分) Female ureter crosses A.above uterine artery B.inside uterine artery C.lateral to uterine artery D.under uterine artery


3单选(2分) Which structure does belong to the left ventricle? A.aortic orifice B.orifice of the superior vena cava C.orifices of the pulmonary veins D.orifice of the inferior vena cava


4单选(2分) The nerve which controls the m. of anterior group of the arm is A.musculocutaneous n. B.radial n. C.ulnar n. D.axillary n.


4单选(2分) The retina can be divided into the optic part and the blind part B.the blind part lines the internal surface of the choroid C.the optic part lines the internal surface of the ciliary body is completely composed of neurons


4单选(2分) Which part of the ductus deferens can be easy palpated under the skin A.funicular part B.testicular part C.ampulla ductus deferentis D.inguinal part


5单选(2分) 5. Detection of angular acceleration is accomplished by which of the following structures? A. Cristae ampulllaris of the semicircular canals B. Hair cells of the organ of Corti C. Maculae of the utricle and saccule D. Pillar cells


5单选(2分) An arteriogram is performed on a patient with atherosclerosis. Luminal narrowing of which of the following vessels would compromise blood flow through the renal arteries? A. Abdomenal aorta B. Superior menenteric artery C. Celiac trunk D. Common iliac artery


5单选(2分) In spinal anesthesia, the needle is often inserted between the spinous processes of the L4 and L5 vertebrae to ensure that the spinal cord is not injured. This level is safe because in the adult the spinal cord usually terminates at the disc between which of the following vertebral levels? A.L1 and L2 B.L3 and L4 C.T11 and T12 D.L2 and L3


5单选(2分) The azygos vein commences as the continuation of the A.right ascending lumbar vein B.hemiazygos vein C.posterior intercostal veins of the right side D.left ascending lumbar vein


5单选(2分) The internal reproductive organ of the female is A.great vestibular gland. B.mons pubis. C.bulb of vestibule. D.clitoris.


5单选(2分) The optic disc formed by the optic nerve pierces the retina B.fovea centralis is its center C.located in the bland part of the retina sensitive to the light


6单选(2分) Obstruction of the portal vein may result in all of the following, EXCEPT A.varicosities of the great saphenous v. B.bleeding into the rectum or anal canal C.dilation of veins around the umbilicus D.enlargement of veins along the large bowel


6单选(2分) The iris A.divides the chamber of the eye into anterior and posterior parts B.can alter the curvature of lens posterior to the ciliary body D.meets with the sclera to form the angle of anterior chamber


7单选(2分) A 21-year-old football player is admitted to the emergency department with severe back pain. A radiograph reveals a fractured angle of the eleventh rib on the left side. Which of the following organs is most likely at risk for injury? A.Kidney B.Stomach C.Descending colon D.Pancreas


7单选(2分) A 48-year-old male patient is admitted with chronic angina. Coronary angiography reveals nearly total blockage of the circumflex artery near its origin from the left coronary artery. When this artery is exposed to perform a bypass procedure, what accompanying vein must be protected from injury? A.Great cardiac B.Posterior cardiac C.Anterior cardiac D.Small cardiac


7单选(2分) Which nerve injured can lead to "wristdrop"? A.radial nerve B.median nerve C.musculocutaneous nerve D.axillary nerve


8单选(2分) Enlargement of the superficial inguinal lymph nodes may be a sequel to A.a sore on the big toe infected Bartholine's (greater vestibular) gland C.a boil on the buttock D.a sore on the fifth toe


8单选(2分) How many physiological narrows in the whole course of ureter? A.3 B.5 C.1 D.4


8单选(2分) The ligaments that protect the uterus from prolapse is A.cardinal ligament of uterus. B.uterosacral ligament. C.round ligament of uterus. D.suspensory ligament of ovary.


8单选(2分) Which ligament is responsible for fastening flexura coli sinistra and bearing spleen from below? A.phrenicocolic ligament B.phrenicoslpenic ligament C.left triangular ligament D.gastrosplenic ligament


9单选(2分) A 6-year-old boy has a large intraabdominal mass in the midline just above the pubic symphysis. During surgery a cystic mass is found attached to the umbilicus and to the apex of the bladder. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A.Urachal cyst B.Meckel cyst C.Meckel diverticulum D.Omphalocele


9单选(2分) The ovary suspended to the pelvic wall by suspensory ligament of ovary. attached to the front of the broad ligament of uterus by mesoovarium. connected to the uterus by proper ligament of ovary at its superior extremity. a retroperitoneal viscera.


9单选(2分) The right coronary artery arises from A.right aortic sinus B.left aortic sinus C.coronary sinus D.orifice of the pulmonary trunk


3单选(2分) Female ureter crosses A.above uterine artery B.inside uterine artery C.lateral to uterine artery D.under uterine artery


10单选(2分) Benign prostatic hypertrophy results in obstruction of the urinary tract. This specific condition is associated with enlargement of the A.Lateral lobes B.Median lobe C.Lateral lobes and posterior lobes D.Posterior lobes


10单选(2分) What's the approximate level of omental foramen? A.T11-L3 B.T12-L2 C.T11-L1 D.T11-L2


11单选(2分) ________ is palpable by digital rectal examination, and diminishes in the situation of prostatauxe. A.basis prostatae B.prostatic sulcus C.cervix vesicae D.ampullae of ductus deferens


11单选(2分) Which of the following arteries is not a branch of the external carotid artery A.superficial temporal a. B.inferior thyroid a. C.facial a. D.superior thyroid a.


12单选(2分) Which is right about thoracic duct? A.It is the second largest lymphatic duct in human body. B.When ligating injured terminal part in thoracic duct, lymphedema won't happen. C.Its beginning part shrinks, known as cisterna chyli. D.It has no communication with right lymphatic duct.


12单选(2分) Which nerve distributes to the skin of little finger A.radial nerve B.ulnar nerve C.median nerve D.axillary nerve


13单选(2分) In situation of splenomegaly, which is the mark of spleen palpation? A.splenorenal ligament B.splenic notch C.hilum of spleen D.gastrosplenic ligament


13单选(2分) The facial artery comes from A.lingual A. B.external carotid A. C.superficial temporal A. D.angular A.


13单选(2分) The ventral posteromedical nucleus of thalamus receives fibers from A.spinal lemniscus B.trigeminal lemniscus C.medial lemniscus D.lateral lemniscus


14单选(2分) The tympanic cavity a closed cavity in temporal bone B.the auditory tube communicates with the tympanic cavity through the carotid wall C.the fenestra vestibuli and fenestra cochlea located in the mastoid wall D.the tegmental wall is the medial wall


15单选(2分) Compared to veins of upper extremity, veins of lower extremity A.has more valves and less abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins. B.has more valves and more abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins. C.has no obvious difference in valve number and communication between superficial veins and deep veins. D.has less valves and less abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins.


15单选(2分) The first somatic sensory area occupies A.cingulate gyrus B.postcentral gyrus and posterior part of paracentral lobule C.precentral gyrus and anterior part of paracentral lobule D.superior temporal gyrus


16单选(2分) Which is wrong about facial vein? A.Facial vein has no venous valve. B.In situation of facial infection, extrusion is suggested to conduct. C.Facial vein begins from angular vein. D.The triangulation area from nasion to bilateral corners of the mouth is named as dangerous triangle.


17单选(2分) Which is wrong about superficial vein and deep vein? A.Superficial veins form venous rete in hands and feet, while deep veins surround viscera that change volume frequently to form venous plexus. B.Superficial veins accompany arteries, and join deep veins eventually. C.Deep veins accompany arteries. D.Superficial veins are usually used as injection site in clinical application.


19单选(2分) The auditory receptor lies in A.macula sacculi B.spiral organ C.vestibule D.macula utriculi


19单选(2分) Under the circumstance of cirrhosis, which vein is repressed directly, and which venous plexus rupture is responsible for haematemesis and hematochezia respectively? A.Splenic vein, esophageal venous plexus, paraumbilical venous plexus B.Hepatic portal vein, esophageal venous plexus, rectal venous plexus C.Left gastric vein, esophageal venous plexus, paraumbilical venous plexus D.Splenic vein, esophageal venous plexus, rectal venous plexus


1单选(2分) A 36-year-old woman is hospitalized for treatment of a stomach ulcer has been progressively worse over several months. Radiographic studies reveals the site of involvement to be along the greater curvature, approximately 4 cm be away from the pyloric sphincter. That night the ulcer perforates, and there is considerable intra-abdominal bleeding. Surgery reveals that the ulcer has eroded through the stomach wall and has damaged the artery supplying the involved region of the stomach. Which artery was likely involved? A. Right gastric B. Right gastroepiploic C. Left gastric D. Short gastric


1单选(2分) A 45-year-old woman states that she has experienced moderate pain for 2 years over her left lower back; pain that radiates to her left lower limb. She states that after lifting a case of soft drinks, the pain suddenly became intense. She was admitted to the emergency department. Radiologic examination revealed intervertebral disc herniation between vertebral levels L4 and L5. Which of the following nerves was most likely affected by the disc herniation? A.L2 B.L5 C.L1 D.L4


1单选(2分) A 47-yeas-old man presents to his neurologist with an unsteady, broad-based gait and slow, slurred speech. Neurologic examination reveals dysdiadochokinesia,intention tremor, hypotonia, and nystagmus. The patient's lesion is in a brain structure that derives from which of the following embryonic structures? A. Telencephalon B. Metencephalon C. Diencephalon D. Myelencephalon


1单选(2分) Like the brain, the spinal cord is surrounded by bone, meninges, and A.endolymph B.cerebrospinal fluid C.gray matter D.water


1单选(2分) The basilic vein A.rises from the lateral side of dorsal venous rete of hand. B.runs along the medial of biceps brachii. C.accompanies the ulnar artery. D.drains into the azygos vein.


1单选(2分) Which structure does belong to the right atrium? A.aortic orifice B.orifice of the coronary sinus C.trabeculae carneae D.tendinous cords


20单选(2分) The following structure which may be damaged by supracondylar femoral fracture A.posterior tibial a. B.popliteal a. C.common peroneal n. D.anterior tibial a.


2单选(2分) A urologist performs a cystoscopy to examination the bladder and opening of the ureters into the bladder. After distention of the bladder with air, the physician slowly passes the cystoscope up the urethra into the bladder. In which direction should she turn the head of the cystoscope to see the orifices and examination for blockage? A. anterior and superior B. posterior and inferior C. anterior and inferior D. posterior and superior


3单选(2分) 3. Retinal detachment most commonly results from which of the following? A. Leakage of blood from the inner retinal capillaries B.Fluid accumulation between the retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) C.Local swelling in specific retinal layers D. Increased phagocytosis of outer segments by the RPE cells


3单选(2分) A 20-year-old man is stabbed immediately to the left of the body of the sternum at the fifth intercostal space.The knife most likely penetrated the A. Stomach B. Right ventricle C. Right atrium D. left atrium


3单选(2分) A male adult fell on a thick branch when he climbed on the tree. As a result, the scrotum swelled, and urine was obstructed. After examination, we found that the abdominal wall was inflated on the superior aspect of pubic symphysis, and there was a ness region near umbilical part by percussion. The urethral catheterization failed because of the swelling of the private. Where should the puncture be implemented to release urine? A. on the inferior aspect of prostate gland B. on the superior aspect of pubic symphysis C. on the superior aspect of prostate gland D. on the inferior aspect of pubic symphysis


3单选(2分) An elderly patient exhibits oculomotor paralysis of the left eye. External strabismus (lateral direction) of the left eye, ptosis (drooping) of the left eyelid, ptosis (drooping) of the left eyelid, and mydriasis (dilatation) of the left pupil are observed. In addition, there is pseudobulbar palsy with weakness of the muscles of mastication, tongue, and left upper half of the face, and paralysis of the muscles of the left lower half of the face. Alternating hemiplegia of the body on the right side also is present. In the patient described, ptosis of the left eyelid results from involvement of the A. motor division of the facial nerve B. somatic portion of the oculomotor nucleus C. sympathetic nerves arising from the superior cervical ganglion D. accessory oculomotor nucleus (Edinger-Westphal)


3单选(2分) The following structures which contain only afferent fibers, long dendrites of sensory neurons A.Mixed nerves B.Sensory nerves C.Motor nerves D.Cranial nerves


4单选(2分) A 56-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital with rheumatoid arthritis of her temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and severe ear pain. An image from her radiographic examination is shown in Fig. 17-1. Which of the following nerves is most likely responsible for conducting the pain sensation? A.Vestibulocochlear B.Auriculotemporal C.Chorda tympani D.Facial


4单选(2分) A patient compains of numbness on the left side of the face. On examination a corneal blink reflex can not be elicited from the left side, but a normal consensual blink of the left eye is elicited from stimulation of the right cornea. In addition, the patient exhibits deviation of the jaw toward the left during protraction, loss of pain and temperature senses from the contralateral side of the body and ipsilateral side of the face, as well as coarse intention tremor and a tendency to fall toward the left. There is no contralateral hemiplegia. All the following signs are associated with the trigeminal nerve EXCEPT A. deviation of the jaw toward the left during protrusion B. paralysis of the orbicularis oculi muscle on the left C. anesthesia of the left side of the face D. loss of the corneal blink reflex on the left


4单选(2分) The myocardial infarction took place in the lateral wall and posterior wall of the left ventricle. Which branch of the left coronary artery is blocked? A. the right coronary artery B. the circumflex branch C. the posterior interventricular branch D. the right circumflex branch


4单选(2分) The pacemaker for the heart is ordinarily the A.membranous interventricular septum B.sinoatrial node C.atrioventricular node D.subendocardial plexus


5单选(2分) A newborn male is found to have urethral openings along the ventral surface of the pains. The physician explains to the parents that the bilateral structures that should have fused in the midline failed to fuse completely, and this resulted in the defect. The parents are very concerned,but the physician reassures them that this can easily be surgically corrected. Which of the following structures in a female normally develop from the same structure that failed to fuse in this buy? A. Crura of the clitoris B. Labia minora C. Ovarian ligaments D. round ligaments of the uterus


5单选(2分) The penis can be divided into A.head, neck, body and root. B.head, body and root. C.head, body and tail. D.head, neck and body.


6单选(2分) A 42-year-old man was admitted to the hospital after a head-on vehicular collision in which he received severe blunt trauma to his sternum from the steering wheel. What part of the heart would be most likely to be injured by the impact? A.Apex of left ventricle B.Right ventricle C.Anterior margin of the left atrium D.Right atrium


6单选(2分) The pelvic part of ureter A.ends on the inferior of the urinary bladder as the internal urethral orifice. B.passes lateral to the fornex of the vagina and is crossed by uterine artery. C.descends immediately behind the internal iliac artery. D.crosses lateral to the external vessels, umbilical artery, obturator nerve and vessels.


7单选(2分) A 55-year-old man with a history of portal hypertension is brought to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain. A CT scan of his chest, at the vertebra level T7, reveals a circular grey structure immediately anterior to the vertebral bodies and just to the right of midline. The structure appears to be much larger than usual. Given the location and the patient's history what is this structure? A.Esophagus B.Azygos vein C.Pulmonary vein D.Superior vena cava


7单选(2分) In erect, sitting and semireclining position, the lowest parts of male and female are ________ respectively. A.rectovesical pouch and vesicouterine pouch B.rectovesical pouch and rectouterine pouch C.inferior duodenal recess and vesicouterine pouch D.rectovesical pouch and inferior duodenal recess


7单选(2分) Which one is wrong about the position of the uterus? A.Its lower part penetrates the urogenital diaphragm. B.It is behind the rectum. C.The uterine tube, ovaries, broad ligament are on both sides of it. D.The urinary bladder is in front of it.


8单选(2分) The sac which surrounds the heart is known as the A.cardiac base B.pericardium C.myocardium D.cardiac apex


8单选(2分) Which cranial nerve nucleus lies in the medulla oblongata A.abducens nucleus B.inferior salivatory nucleus C.nucleus of facial nerve D.vestibular nuclei


9单选(2分) The thoracic duct begins at the A.left bronchomediastinal trunk B.cisterna chyli C.left lumbar trunk D.intestinal trunk


11单选(2分) Fertilization usually occures in A.isthmus of uterine tube. B.cavity of uterus. C.ampulla of uterine tube. D.infundibulum of uterine tube.


13单选(2分) Regarding the median nerve, which is true A.lies to the lateral side of brachial artery all through B.lies to the medial side of axillaty artery C.arises from brachial plexus with the lateral and medial root D.lies to the lateral side of brachial artery in the cubital fossa


13单选(2分) Which structure does not belong to the middle ear A.auditory ossicles B.auditory tube C.vestibule D.mastoid antrum


14单选(2分) The longest vein is A.femoral vein B.azygos vein C.great saphenous vein D.superior vena cava


15单选(2分) The short gastric arteries come from A.superior mesenteric a. B.right gastric a. C.splenic artery D.celiac trunk


16单选(2分) Deep palmar arch A.lies superficial to the lumbricales. off three common palmar digital ateries. formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the radial artery with deep branch of the ulnar atery. D.lies superficial to the tendons of flexor muscles.


16单选(2分) The following statement was written in an abdominal surgery report: "The patient's abdominal aortic aneurysm was repaired using an endovascular graft where the center of the graft was in-line with the subcostal plane." Based on this information, the center of the graft was most likely anterior to which of the following vertebrae? A.L5 B.L1 C.L3 D.L2


17单选(2分) The auditory speech area is located in A.lingual gyrus B.transvers temporal gyrus C.posterior portion of superior temporal gyrus D.superior parietal lobule


17单选(2分) Which is wrong about the internal iliac artery? A.It is a short trunk descending into the lesser pelvis. B.The internal iliac vein accompanies the artery on its medial side. C.It gives the inferior epigastric a. D.It arises from the common artery.


17单选(2分) Which one communicates with the tympanic cavity A.cochlear duct B.internal acoustic meatus C.auditory tube D.bony semicircular canal


19单选(2分) The internal capsule A.the corticonuclear tract passes through posterior limb a cavity of telencephalon C.lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D.the optic radiation passes the anterior limb


1单选(2分) A 35-year-old woman with severe dysmenorrhea and prolonged menstrual period due to large uterine fibroids undergoes a hysterectomy. Which of the following structure is the gynecologist most likely to inadvertently ligate during surgery? A. Ovarian artery B. Uterine vein C. Ureter D. internal iliac artery


1单选(2分) A 47-year-old woman with a history of rheumatic fever is examined by her physician. Physical examination is significant for a low-pitched, rumbling, diastolic murmur preceded by an opening snap. The affected valve can be best evaluated by auscultation at which of the following locations? A. left second intercostal space B. Right second intercostal space C. Left fifth intercosral space D. Right fifth intercostal space


1单选(2分) A 57-year-old man has hematuria and left-side flank pain. Diagnostic studies show a left-sides renal mass with extersion into the renal vein. A radical nephrectomy is performed, and the specimen is sent for pathologic evaluation. Which of the following structures present in this patient's specimen is lined with epithelium derived from mesoderm of the ureteric bud? A. Loop of Henle B. Distal convoluted tubule C. ureter D. Bowman capsule


1单选(2分) A 70-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with severe headaches. During the physical examination he has difficulty coughing and swallowing. An MRI scan shows a tumor affecting a cranial nerve. Which nerve is most likely affected? A.Mandibular B.Glossopharyngeal C.Vagus D.Hypoglossal


1单选(2分) The superior extremity of kidney is in neighborhood of A.diaphragm B.pylorus C.suprarenal gland D.superior portion of duodenum


21单选(2分) The anterior tibial artery abranch of the femoral a. palpable in the foot. the dorsiflexor muscles. related to the medial malleolus.


22单选(2分) Where does the axillary artery become the brachial artery? A.Lower border of pectoralis major. B.Upper border of subscapularis. C.Lower border of teres mojor. D.Upper border of pectoralis minor.


26单选(2分) A 10-year-old boy is imaged following an injury while camping. A laceration of the body of the pancreas is seen with hemorrhage around the vessel traveling along the superior border of the pancreas. Which vessel is this? A.Portal vein B.Superior mesenteric artery C.Splenic artery D.Left gastro-omental artery


2单选(2分) 2. A 42-year-old woman underwent LASIK for myopia in both her eyes. In LASIK, the shape of the cornea is flattened. This will result in which of the following? A.Maintenance of the lens in a more flattened state B. Focusing of light on the retina at a point other thatn the fovea C.Decreased refraction of light by the cornea D. Coversion of the cornea from a "stationary" to an "adjustable" form of refraction


2单选(2分) A 27-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department after a car crash. Physical examination reveals weakness during medial rotation and adduction of the humerus. Which of the following nerves was most probably injured? A.Spinal accessory B.Dorsal scapular C.Thoracodorsal D.Radial


2单选(2分) Concerning the basilic vein, which is true? A.end in the subclavian vein B.ascends along the lateral part of the arm C.begins at the ulnar side of the dorsal venous network of hand D.pass through the groove between the pectoralis major and deltoid


2单选(2分) Concerning the spinal cord, which is false? located in the vertebral canal B.extends from the foramen magnum C.its diameters are equal at various levels D.continues with the medulla oblongata


2单选(2分) One of the three basic parts of a neuron is the A.pons B.dura mater C.axon D.myelin


4单选(2分) 4. During a boxing match, a 23-year-old boxer sustains a direct blow to his right ear. He presents with dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and fullness in the ears. His vertigo increases with activity and is relieved by rest. He has some hearing loss. The symptoms worsen with coughing, sneezing, or blowing his nose, as well as with exertion and activity. He is diagnosed with a perilymphatic fistula. The fistula allows leakage of perilymph. In which of the following structures is perilymph normally found? A. Saccule B.A Utricle C. Scala tympani D. Semicircular canals


4单选(2分) 4. During a boxing match, a 23-year-old boxer sustains a direct blow to his right ear. He presents with dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and fullness in the ears. His vertigo increases with activity and is relieved by rest. He has some hearing loss. The symptoms worsen with coughing, sneezing, or blowing his nose, as well as with exertion and activity. He is diagnosed with a perilymphatic fistula. The fistula allows leakage of perilymph. In which of the following structures is perilymph normally found? A. Scala media B. Semicircular canals C. Scala tympani D. Saccule


4单选(2分) A male patient, 50 years old, go to clinic for paroxysmal gross hematuria. Body examination found that a lump can be palpated on the left abdomen and had light tenderness. The pyelography found that the left kidney is lengthened, narrow and deformed. the most probable disease is A. renal pelvic carcinoma B. nephrohydrosis C. renal carcinoma D. renal cyst


4单选(2分) Concerning the basilic vein, which is true? A.passes through the groove between the pectoralis major and deltoid B.ascends along the lateral part of the arm C.begins at the ulnar side of the dorsal venous network of hand D.begins at the radial part of the dorsal venous network of hand


4单选(2分) Regarding the anterior horn of the spinal cord A.the medial nuclear group supplies the muscles of the limbs B.the medial nuclear group is prominent in the segments of the cervical and lumbosacral enlargments C.there are two kinds of motor neurons D.the lateral nuclear group is almost present in most segments of the spinal cord


5单选(2分) A 70-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with chronic headache and enlarged lymph nodes. A CT scan shows a tumor at the jugular foramen. Which of the following would be the most likely neurologic deficit? A.Loss of hearing B.Loss of sensation from the face and the scalp C.Loss of gag reflex D.Loss of tongue movements


5单选(2分) A 75-year-old man with a 40-pack-year history of smoking and hypercholesterolemia is diagnosed with severe atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic occlusion of which the following arteries would result in insufficient perfusion of the urinary bladder? A. Lateral sacral B. External iliac C. Internal iliac D. Internal pudendal


6单选(2分) The greatest fold of peritoneum is A.superior duodenal fold B.median umbilical fold C.greater omentum D.medial umbilical fold


6单选(2分) Which nerve is attached to the sulcus between the pyramid and olive A.facial nerves B.oculomotor nerves C.hypoglossal nerves D.vagus nerves


6单选(2分) Which one is wrong about the uterus? A.It can be divided into three parts: fundus, body and neck. B.The lower part of the neck can insert into the vagina. C.The cavity in the uterus is called cavity of uterus. D.The body is bent forward at the junction with the neck (anteflection).


7单选(2分) The visual acuity is highest at A.optic disc ciliaris C.fovea centralis D.macula lutea


8单选(2分) The ciliary body colourless and transparent. B.divides the chamber of eye into anterior and posterior parts. C.contains smooth muscle fibers called ciliary muscle. D.has a anterior portion called the ciliary ring.


9单选(2分) Peritoneum doesn't form ________. A.mesoappendix B.mesentery C.costodiaphragmatic recess D.falciform ligament


11单选(2分) A 34-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital due to severe lower abdominal pain. Radiographic examination reveals an ovarian tumor. Which of the following lymph nodes will most likely become invaded by cancerous cells? A.External iliac B.Deep inguinal C.Superficial inguinal D.Lumbar/lateral aortic


11单选(2分) The conjunctiva A.lines the anterior part of sclera (called palpebral conjunctiva). a nonvascular structure. not transparent. D.encircles a closed capsule (called conjunctival sac).


12单选(2分) Concerning the carotid sinus, the right description is A.It is a chemoreceptor. B.It is a dilatation at the posterior wall of the common carotid artery. C.All above are wrong. D.It is a dilatation at the point of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.


12单选(2分) Which muscle turns the anterior pole of the eye superomedially A.rectus lateralis B.rectus inferior C.rectus medialis D.rectus superior


13单选(2分) A 16-year-old woman is visiting her gynecologist for her first checkup. On ultrasound examination it is noted that the woman has a double uterus. Failure of which of the following processes is responsible for the double uterus? A.Development of the sinovaginal bulbs B.Fusion of the inferior parts of the mesonephric ducts C.Fusion of the superior parts of the mesonephric ducts D.Fusion of the inferior parts of the paramesonephric ducts


14单选(2分) A 55-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department because of chills followed by a painful dry cough and fever for the past 3 days. The patient complains of painful breathing and upon auscultation, a pleural rub is heard when the patient breathes. A radiograph shows signs of pleurisy. The physician decides to administer lidocaine (a local anesthetic agent) to which of the following nerves? A.Phrenic nerve B.Recurrent laryngeal nerve C.Vagus nerve D.Intercostal nerves


14单选(2分) Which structure does not belong to the hypothalamus A.paraventricular nucleus B.tuber cinereum C.mamillary body D.pineal body


15单选(2分) Which structure belongs to the bony labyrinth A.Corti's aparatus B.the semicircular ducts C.cochlear duct D.the cochlea


16单选(2分) Which structure does not belong to the membranous labyrinth A.cochlear duct B.Corti's aparatus C.the utricle and saccule D.the cochlea


17单选(2分) An 18-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after an injury while playing rugby. Imaging reveals a transverse fracture of the humerus about 1 inch proximal to the epicondyles. Which nerve is most frequently injured by the jagged edges of the broken bone at this location? A.Musculocutaneous B.Radial C.Ulnar D.Median


18单选(2分) The visual speech area is located in A.posterior portion of superior frontal gyrus B.calcarine sulcus C.posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus D.angular gyrus


1单选(2分) 1. A newborn girl is noted to have abnormal accommodation of the lens. Further evaluation reveals an abnormal production of aqueous humor. A malformation of the structure responsible for these functions that is continuous posteriorly with the choroid might be due to abnormal development of A. Choroid fissure of the optic stalk B. Mesoderm surrounding the optic cup C. Mesoderm surrounding the optic stalk D. Neuroectoderm of the optic cup


20单选(2分) Approximately how many times per minute does an average human blink? A.25 times B.35 times C.45 times D.15 times


27单选(2分) If laid end-to-end, the total length of all the blood vessels in a typical adult human would measure approximately A.77,000 kilometres (47,846 miles) B.47,000 kilometres (29,204 miles) C.67,000 kilometres (41,632 miles) D.97,000 kilometres (54,059 miles)


2单选(2分) 2. A 42-year-old woman underwent LASIK for myopia in both her eyes. In LASIK, the shape of the cornea is flattened. This will result in which of the following? A. Coversion of the cornea from a "stationary" to an "adjustable" form of refraction B. Maintenance of the lens in a more flattened state C. Focusing of light on the retina at a point other thatn the fovea D. Decreased refraction of light by the cornea


2单选(2分) Concerning the epididymis, all the following are correct, EXCEPT is enclosed within the tunica vaginalis is vascularized by the testicular artery C.sperm enter the head via the straight tubules and efferent ducts produces sperm


2单选(2分) Which structure does belong to the right ventricle? A.orifice of the coronary sinus B.orifice of the inferior vena cava C.orifices of the pulmonary veins D.orifice of the pumonary trunk


3单选(2分) A 54-year-old man has cirrhosis, with obstruction of the portal circulation within the liver. Portal blood could still be conveyed to within caval system via which of the following ? A. Gonadal veins B. Vesical venous plexus C. External iliac veins D. azygos and hemiazygos veins


3单选(2分) In adult, T4 spinal segment is located at the level of vertebra A.T1 B.C7 C.T2 D.T3


3单选(2分) The cephalic vein A.drain into the brachial v. B.receives the superficial veins of the hand and the medial side of the forearm C.accompany the radial artery D.runs along the lateral side of the biceps brachii.


3单选(2分) The costodiaphragmatic recess is between the A.costal and cupula pleurae B.costal and mediastinal pleurae C.parietal and visceral pleurae D.costal and diaphragmatic pleurae


3单选(2分) Which one is wrong about the prostate? A.There is prostatic sulcus along the middle line on the posterior surface. B.It may be divided into anterior, middle, posterior and two lateral lobes. C.The ejaculatory duct penetrates the base and opens on seminal colliculus. D.The urethra passes through the middle lobe of the gland.


4单选(2分) A surgeon tells a medical student to tap the side of the face of a patient who just had thyroid surgery. The surgeon is most worried about damage to which of the following vessels? A. Internal jugular vein B. Facial vein C. External carotid artery D. Superior and inferior thyroid arteries


4单选(2分) The inferior margins of the pleurae are correspondence with which rib at scapular line A.10th rib B.7th rib C.8th rib D.11h rib


4单选(2分) The trigone of bladder lies A.below apex of urinary bladder base of prostate C.below neck of bladder internal surface of fundus of bladder


5单选(2分) 5. Detection of angular acceleration is accomplished by which of the following structures? A.Interdental cells B.Hair cells of the organ of Corti C.Maculae of the utricle and saccule D.Cristae ampulllaris of the semicircular canals


5单选(2分) A 2-day-old newborn male is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with cyanosis and tachypnea. Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations reveal totally anomalous pulmonary connections. Which of the following embryologic events is responsible for this malformation? A.Abnormal development of the coronary sinus B.Abnormal development of common cardinal vein C.Abnormal development of the septum secundum D.Abnormal septation of the sinus venosus


5单选(2分) Second constriction of male urethra lies in A.external orifice of urethra B.internal urethral orifice C.cavernous part D.membranous part


6单选(2分) Which nerve injured can lead to "Ape-like"hand (猿掌)? A.axillary nerve and radial nerve B.radial nerve C.musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve D.median nerve and ulnar nerve


7单选(2分) The decussation of medial lemniscus A.represents the crossing of motor tract B.lies at the level of the facial colliculus C.formed by the crossing fibers of spinal lemniscus D.formed by the crossing fibers which arise from the gracile and cuneate nuclei


8单选(2分) The radial nerve supplies A.the extenser muscles of arm only B.the muscles of the hand C.all of the flexor muscles of upper limb D.all of the extensor muscles of upper limb


9单选(2分) Concerning the musculocutaneous nerve, which is true A.innervates triceps brachii B.arises from medial cord of brachial plexus posterior group of muscles of arm D.perforates the coracobrachialis


9单选(2分) The fibers from the nucleus ambiguus join in A.facial nerve and vagus nerve B.glossopharyngeal nerve and hypoglossal nerve C.glossopharyngeal nerve and facial nerve D.vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve and accessory nerve


9单选(2分) The refractive media of eyeball does not include A.vitreous body B.aqueous humor C.lens D.sclera


3单选(2分) The nerve distributing to the adductor pollicis is A.median N. B.musculocutaneous N. C.ulnar N. D.radial N.

答案:D(拇收肌 正确答案尺神经)

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