Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

6. Could you ______ in the paper and see what's on TV tonight? A . see B. watch C. examine D.look


25. The tabloids completely that story about Bruce Willis. It's not true at all! A.Made up B. filled in C. stood out D. turned over


14. Some drugs produce bad side . A. consequences B. products C. effects D. results


14.The debate will place tonight. A.Be B. have C. take D. make


13. They all sat in the fourth _____ of the cinema. A. Bench B. row C. rank D. line


II.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1. The issue question is more complex than you think. A. from B. at C. on D. in


VII.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1.Tom's been a an ___ golfer for two years ang he's hoping to turn pro-fessional soon. A.Volunteer B. freestyle C. Amateur D.trainee


10. Do you think you could pass that book ____________to me, please? A. over B. through C.under D. in


10. Harry kept us ____ throughout the journey with his non-stop joke? A. Entertained B. Enjoyed C. laughed D. pleasured


10. Rita's very and easily gets upset when people criticize her. A. sensitive B. level- headed C. sensible D. open- minded


11. The __ for this position starts at $30,000 per year. A. salary B. Payment C. wage D. tip


16. Most people seem to agree the newspapers' criticism of the government. A. with B. on C. to D. that


16. The policeman_______my details. A. took down B. made up C. took in D. put up with


17. J.K Rowling has an enormous influence on children's literature. A.Had B. given C. done D. set


7. Stephanie seems to be very with her classmates. A. popular B. famous C. known D. likeable


5. Louis de Bernieres' _______ Captain Corelli's Mandolin, which is set on the Greek island of Cephallomia during the Second World War, was an international bestseller. A. Fiction B. novel C anecdote D. account


8. Most people have no idea what it's like to be famous. A. usual B. ordinary C. typical D. medium


X.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1. Mr Cheater made a living _____ works by famous painters. A. Devising B. faking C. pretending D. shamming


21. We had the volume turned down, so I couldn't make what they were talking about. A.Up B. in C.out D. off


8. If you can _____ the clues to this puzzel, you could win a prize. A. Unbind B. untangle C. unravel D. unwind


3. The boy that he had had anything to do with the break- in. A. refused B. denied C. objected D. rejected


22. Make sure you ___ your make-up with a soft brush, like this one. A. Dress B. construct C. decorate D. apply


23. I was very proud when I was told that I'd been made a____________. A. pupil B. prefect C.student D. classmate


23. When we start work in the morning, I usually _________at the schedules for the wole day. A. glimpse B. glance C. watch D. monitor


2. Our teacher made the whole class_____________ after the lesson because we had been so noisy. A. stay B. to stay C. for staying D. staying


5. We're really looking_______to seeing you both next weekend. A. forward B. in front C. ahead D. in advance


6. Going on this diet has really me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic! A. made B. taken C. had D. done


6. My elder brother is a an ___________ at the University of Essex A undergraduate B. pupil C. apprentice D. beginner


19. Do you think they should ban people smoking in public places? A. that B. from C. in D. of


24. I know we had an argument but now I'd quite like to . A. took down B. fall out C. make up D. bring up


4. Things started to wrong for the robbers when the alarm went off. A. take B. have C. go D. come


4.________the onions in cooking oil until they're golden brown. A. Boil B. Bake C. Fry D. Grill


25. The customer was so annoyed that he _________the receipt in front of the manager! A. wore out B. tried on C. took over D. ripped up


25. What's the entrance ___ for the outdoor music festival? A. ticket B. Price C. fare D. Fee


3. The news caught me completely by_________ A. disbelief B. amazement C. shock D. surprise


3. my dad wears a suit to work, but he changes into __ clothes when he gets home. A, clothe B. informal C. Relaxed C. calm


3.There are no vegetarian dishes on the _________! A. menu B. brochure C. catalogue D. leaflet


4. The play wasn't supposed to be a comedy, but everyone started laughing when some of the _______ fell over and hit one of the actors. A. Scenery B. scenes C. stages D.acts


4.Do you know who the fact that sound travel in waves? A.Discovered B. developed C. invented D. found


19 My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in_ ______but I'm in minds about it A my B. two C.some D.different


19 The audience showed their ___ by giving the orchestra a standing ovation A. Entertainment B. Appreciation C. Review D. audition


20. Grace thinks she's very ,but I don't think many people like her, really. A. famous B. popular C. recognisable D. known


20. Shall we dance? They are playing our favourite _____ A. Aria B. tune C. music D. line


25. Harry and Sam both denied that the fight was their . A. blame B. fault C. criticism D. cause


4. Could you wipe the table with a damp ___, please? A. clothe B. cloth C. clothing D. clothes


7.Ten million text messages are sent on every minute A.Normal B. average C. general D. common


3. Everyone said they had themselves at the wedding. A. pleased B. impressed C. enjoyed D. excited


3. I'1I meet you at the school gates during the lunch___________________ A. interval B. gap C break D. pause


4. As the storm started, we saw a huge flash of_______ A. thunder B. rain C. lightning D. flood


6. More and more people are living into age and it's a serious social problem. A. high B. ancient C. old D. far


10. Dr Parker gave my mum a lovely for spaghetti carbonara. A. paper B. prescription C. receipt D. recipe


10. Slow down ! I can't___with you ! A. get on B. drop out C. put down D. keep up


16. Why don't you _____the queue while I go and get some cash out of the machine ? A. enter B. belong C. stand D. join


18. I could spend hours the Internet! A.Swimming B. driving C. sailing D. surfing


18. Will was made ____ three months ago and is still looking for a job. A. Sacked B. retired C. Fired D. redudant


19. I think she ___________ her fortune in the ahipping industry A. took Bsaved C.won D.


19. Scientists haven't found a_____for that disease yet. A. healing B. therapy C. remedy D. cure


2. A sculputure by Rodin fetched more than two million dollars at the ______ A. Sale B. gallery C. Museum D. auction


2. The prisoner knew he had a mistake and would regret it forever. A. got B. taken C. done D. made


2. Vanilla Sky _____ Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz. A. Acts B. plays C. contains D. stars


20. I still have a lot _____________about the English language. A.learning B. of learning C. for learning D. to learn


9. When my parents got divorced my best friend was very ___ and listened to all my problems. A. likeable B. amusing C. enjoyable D. sympathetic


9.Shannen doesn't dye her hair; it's blonde. A.Physically B. organically C. logically D. naturally


11. There are several TV ____ in Poland, and all of them allow advertising. A. Channels B. canals C. broadcasts D. screens


15. I didn't like this album at first, but it's really starting to ____ on me now. A. Grow B. raise C. Develop D. increase


19. I think some modern designs are more like ___ of art. A. Works B. makes C. Objects D. jobs


20. The mayor was attacked public money. A. for wasting B. to waste C. he waste D. of wasting


22. You may experience some side _______when you take this medicine. A. effects B.consequences C. results D. products


22.Did you read that_____of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it was awful! A.reveiw B.criticism D.summary


8.Once they've finished the extension to the , there'll be room for them to take on a lot more workers. A.Factory B. trade C. industry D. manufacturing


11. I never read ___ of films as I don't trust the critics' opinions. A. Criticisms B. reviews C. articles D. investigations


12. After working at the same factory for thirty years, my grandfather was looking forward to his __ A. overtime B. pension C. Charity D. allowance


12. I've it in at the mains but it still doesn't seem to work. A.Worked B. plugged C. narrowed D. turned


12. My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still . A. hidden B. unknown C. infamous D. unrelated


13. Diana looks terribly . You don't think she's ill, do you? A. slim B. thin C. slender D. slight


13. The man was arrested when his _________passport was spotted at the airport. A. artificial B. fake C. plastic D. unreal


13. They need to put more__________bins in the town centre. A. paper B. litter C. waste D. sewerage


14. Joe told me a joke today but I didn't ___ it at all. A. Bring B. Get C. fetch D. Collect


14. This car is very______________as it goes so far on one tank of petrol. A. financial B. economical C. costly D. endless


15. ''What was Derek's reaction to the aceusation?" "Well, he denied ____________ anywhere near the house at the time" A. to be B. being D of being


15. Certificates provide proof of your_________ A. qualities B. qualifications C. diplomas D. ambitions


15. I believe that judges should be independent the government. A. to B. from C. with D. on


15. I was very sad when the vet said he'd have to Gertie, our labrador. A. pull through B. put down C. feel up to D. wear off


16. I don't like ___ on clothes in shops because I don't want people to see me in something that doesn't suit me. A. Putting B. trying C. wearing D. handing


16. Media mogul Ronald Morduck has control of another tabloid. A.Made B. taken C. given D. found


17. Could you tell me who's in_______here, please? A. responsibility B. charge C.rule D.organisation


17. If you do go to see Alec Smith's new play, then I am sure you will _____________yourself. A. entertain B. enjoy C. cheer D. please


17. Living on a farm in the middle of nowhere, ours is about the most ___ lifestyle you can have! A. urban B. Rural C. suburban D. Municipal


17. The top is your colour, but are you sure it ______? It looks a bit big. A. suits B. fits C. matches D. goes


18. Sarah and Michael's seems to make both of them unhappy. A. connection B. relationship C. bond D. link


18. That picture did not come out because you put your finger in front of the ____ while you were taking it. A. Button B. lens C. shutter D. viewfinder


2. Why can't you __ Edgar's example and wear a tie to work? A. set B. follow C. make D. do


2.My father works at the university, doing research weather control. A.To B. on C. of D. from


20 I didtn 't find s new top, but at________I got some new jeans A.les B.least C.the less D.the least


21.I am not sure Brian _______up to going on a long walk yet. A. touches B. feels C. senses D. experiences


5. Do you have to take that bicycle? A. allowance B. permission C. exception D. willingness


7. It's vey important in today's world to be able to _----------a foreign language. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell


7. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Thief!" and the man quickly on a motorbike. A. made off B. came forward C. took in D. handed in


9.Make sure you______ your homework before you go out. A.make B. do C. write D. solve


V.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1. Please don't forget _________youressays during Friday's lesson. A. handing in B. to hand in C. hand in D. to handing in


VI.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences 1. The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance ____ was a bit expensive. A. Ticket B. fee C. charge D. cost


11. They a description of the robber on Crime Time and it sounded like you! A.Made B. told C. gave D. said


12. I don't know what we're going to __________if I lose this job. A. get by B. give away C. live on D. grow on


14. I really don 't ____________the point of taking the exam when you're not ready for it. A take B have C see D. mind


14. Shelley disagreed with the board's decision and so she ___ and went to work for another company. A. Retired B. Sacked C. resigned D. Fired


15. I hope I can ___________you to be there if I need any help. A. let down B. make out C. count on D. get through


17. The film started with the heroine,s death so most of it was shot in ____ A. Backtrack B. reverse C. flashback D. switchback


18. Local residents object the new power station in their area. A. to have B. having C. to having D. of having


19. Anybody found stealing from this shop will be . A. provoked B. persuaded C. prosecuted D. persecuted


22. Most government tax people on the amount they __ each year A. win B. gain C. Earn D. Benefit


22. The light gradually _____ and shapes and colours grew fainter. A. Died B. disappeared C. faded D. melted


23. The doctor told Bill that he needed on his arm. A. operation B. remedy C. surgery D. cure


24. People can become very ... when they are stuck in traffic for a long time. A.Nervous B. stressful C. bad-tempered D. pressed


3.The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, an attempt to un-derstand the universe. A.On B. for C. in D. with


7. We have five security guards_____________watch every night. A. taking B. holding C. keeping D. making


8. Do you know what CFC______? A. sets in B. does up . C. stands for D. gets down


I.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1.The of the nuclear accident is still unknown. A.Reason B. base C. cause D. motive


IX.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1.Inviting both Doug and Shirley to the party is a_________-for disaster! A. prescription B. receipt C. recipe D. bill


4. Lee didn't do so well in the teet beenune he hadn't_______________ A. written B. lenrned C. read D. studied


4. Mary seems to go out with a different of friends almost every night. A. collection B. band C. company D. group


IV.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1. The actor, Michael Read, was today_______ with robbery A. suspected B. accused C. arrested D. charged


11. Could I___________a suggestion? Why not have piano lessons? A. have B. make C.put


11. If you ask me,___________ waste is a much bigger problem than ordinary household waste. A. business B. working C. industrial D employer


10. David seems to have found a new________of friends. A. group B. company C. audience D. team


10. The judge looked very serious as he read out the __________of the jury. A. verdict B. result C. saying D. sentence


11. I ___________sight of the robber just before he disappeared around the corner. A. caught B. got C. took D. had


12. As towns grow, they tend to destroy the surrounding____________areas A. rural B. commercial C. land D. urban


12. How did your ____ go? D you think you'll be offered the main part? A. Audition B. auditorium C. audience D. audit


13. The government is trying to convince people they need for higher taxes. A. of B. with C. that D. for


14. That necklace is wonderful! It must have __________you a fortune. A. cost B. spent C. charged D. done


14. There is an interesting _____ nowadays to make films portraying love between youngsters. A. Trend B. surge C. tradition D. direction


15. Here at Weatherby's, we provide all our___ membars, from senior management down, with regular training. A. staff B. crew C. crowd D. firm


16. He said it was an accident, but I know he did it on . A. purpose B. aim C. goal D. reason


16. In English yesterday, we had a discuseion ___________ different cultures A about B around C. for for it D. from


18. I'm going to stay in and__________ TV tonight A. watch B.see C. look at D. view see


18. It seems that the thief took__________of the open window and got inside that way. A. advantage B. chance C. opportunity D. occasion


18. When Ed finnaly _________at the age of 65, after 40 years in the same company, they gave him a watch. A. retired B.resigned C. promoted D. fired


19. I used an especially ____ film to take this photo. A. Sensitive B. sensible C. sensual D. sensuous


2. The programme usually on at half past eight. A. comes B. does C. turns D.looks


2.The speaker__________the audience's attention to the numbers on the screen. A.drew B.pulled D.made


20. I'm going to take the car to the garage as the ___ has been making a funny noise A. engine B. machine C. appliance D. Device


20. They were out free tickets to the concert to everyone in the shop-ping centre. A.Handing B. holding C. carrying D. bringing


21. If the examiner can't______________ sense of your writing, you'll get a low mark A. make B. bring C. take D. understand


21. Only & 300 for that laptop? That's a real _____! A. bargain B. contract C. sale D. donation


21. Pop sarts have to get used to people trying to get their _____ A. Autographs B. names C. signatures D. sings


21. Warning! People parking in this area will be ___ A. Prosecuted B.prescribed C.persuaded D.persecuted


22. I saw the interview while I was through a magazine at the hair-dresser's. A.Flicking B. clicking C. picking D. ticking


22. If our flight is delayed, will we our connection in Los Angeles? A. miss B. drop C. lose D. lack


22. The government should do more for people. A. ordinary B. usual C. everyday D. typical


23 When the factory closed, over a hundred people were ___ redundant A, made B. Taken C. Given D. done


24 With a little hard work, I'm sure you'll___________alot this year A achieve B. succeed C. reach D. qualify


24. The judge looked at the and reminded him that he had to tell the whole truth. A. witness B. onlooker C. bystander D. viewer


25. First, _________the onions in a little vegetable oil until crispy brown. A. fry B. bake C. grill D. boil


6. On examination by expets, the picture turned out to be a ______ A. Fake B. sham C. fraud D. fabrication


7. That's the most incredible ____ of art I've ever seen A. work B. creation C. Brand D. Job


7. There's been a____________in Germany and a village was completely de- stroyed A. flood 'B, drizzle C. shower D smog


8. I am in two ____about whether to go to the wedding or not. A. minds B. thoughts C. brains D. heads


8. The sign says that all shoplifters will be . A. persecuted B. prosecuted C. disproved D. prohibited


III.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1. The curtain went up, the grew silent and the actors on stage began to speak. A. audience B. congregation C. jury D. crowd


VIII.Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1.The politician__to admit that he had done anythong wrong. A. refused B. accepted C. denied D. explained


10. Watch for words like "so-called" in articles as they express the writer's bias. A.About B. out C. over D. around


19. They said the news that the price of petrol is going up again. A.From B. on C. in D. at


19. When you ________the interview, remmeber to bring some samples of your work. A. apply B.attend C. join D. make


24. If you wear that shirt with the ___ pattern, you'll took like a chess-board! A. Plain B. checked C . shiny D. striped


24. What is usually called "magic " is really a trick. The quickness of the hand ___ the eye. A. Belies B. deceives C. disguises D. mistakes


24.We really_____ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us! A.entertained B.enjoyed C,had fun D.occupied


25. Don't forget to set the__________alarm when you go to bed tonight. A. criminal B burglar C. thief D. police


4. The country's economy relies heavily on the tourist_____ A. factory B. industry C. company D. firm


4. This self-porttrait did not come to _____ until after the artist's death. A. Range B. light C. sight D. view


5. I think you need to__________ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doeen't get confused . A. dawn on B. set out C, get on with D. give in


5. They mentioned it in the article, but they didn't into detail. A. make B. go C. take D. come


6. It's amazing that we can learn to ___ a foreign language. A.compress B.comprehend D. compact


7. Have you ______ the joke about the guy who fell off a 20-metre-high lad-der? He was fine - he fell off the bottom rung! A. Listened to B. heard C. overheard D. paid attentin to


8. Jeans and T-shirts will never go out of___ A. trend B. fashion C. Image D. tendency


8. There was aterrible oil___when the tanker hit the rocks in a storm. A.drop B. slick C. pool D. spread


9. Hugh was quite worried because he hadn't __________for the test. A. examined B. studied C. read D. learned


9. Violent programs on TV may have a bad _____ on children. A. Control B. influence C. power D. pressure


11. Mrs Ivanovich waited for the class to____before she continued. A. bring up B. pass away C. settle down D. bring on


11. My feet are . I guess my new shoes are a bit tight. A. hurt B. pain C. sore D. ache


12. Mrs Dawson said that we are __________our lesson in the library next Monday. A. reading B. making C. having D. going


15. " Please, put your empty cigarette packets in the ____ bins provided." A. Deposit B. junk C. litter D. scrap


15. I can't believe how cheap these shorts were. They were a real________! A. discount B .sale Cbargain D. offer


16. I want to take these jeans back because they're too small, but I can't find the___ anywhere. A. recipe B. Receiver C. receipt D. Reception


17, I found this great website when I was __________ the Internet last night A. travelling B. driving C. surfing D. riding


17. Nancy and I had both bought exactly the same kind of school bag with-out knowing it. It was a complete ___ A. Luck B. chance C. coincidence D. Fortune


2. I'd like to speak to the person in___, please. A. obligation B. duty C. charge D. resposibility


2. There's pack of ______vegetables in the freezer, I think. A. freezing B. iced C. frozen D icy


20. I think there's a__-in the pipe, maybe we should call a plumber. A. lack B. lock C. leak D. lake


20. I wish people didn't ____ a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what suits them personally. A. Do B. make C. Have D. get


21. I've got a(an)________for the school play tomorrow. I really hope I get a main part A. rehearsal B.practice C.audition D.performance


21. This fascinating book covers some of the most crimes of the twentieth century. A. unknown B. hidden C. infamous D.covered


22. All the members of __________were asked to attend the meeting. A. employees B. company C. staff D. workers


23. I think people who ___ the law should be punished. A. Misbehave B. Commit C. break D. undo


23. I will ask the waiter to bring us the ___________ A. brochure B. catalogue C. menu D.leaflet


24. Ed___ at the clock and realised he was late for the meeting A. Glimpsed B. observed C. glanced D. watched


24. The ________decided to call a strike over pay and the factory was closed for 48 hours. A. charity B. club C. union D. institution


25. I think my favourite is probably table tennis. A. athletics B. exercise C. sport D. gym


25. You always seem to look so formal. If only you would ___ your hair down! A. Get B. set C. let D. put


25.Ellie does a(n) ___each week for the local newspaper. It's usually quite funny. A.comic B.comedian C.cartoon D.animation


3. There was no ______ difference between the original and the copy. A. knowable B. discoverable C. discernible D. understandable


3. When you're learning to play a musical instument, it's important to _______ for an hour or two every day. A. Rehearse B. perform C. practise D. Train


5. Mr Vernix is the greatest _____ expert on techniques of painting. A. Alive B. live C. living D. nowadays


5.I'm thinking of getting a fax . A.Motor B. engine C. machine D. instrument


6.Oh, no! We've got n double maths_____ next! A. subject B.interval C.lesson D.task


6.One of my favourite actors is Jim Carrey, who has _________in some very funny films. A. seen B. gone C. acted D. pretended


8. Being the conductor of large ____ is an extremely demanding job. You have to make sure about a hundred musicians are playing in time. A. Group B. band C. orchestra D. company


8. If you need to ___________the teacher's attention, just put your hand up. A. pull B. capture C. attract D. draw


9. I need a funny ___ for the fancy-dress party. Any ideas? A. dress B. Unifrom D. costume D. suit


9. When they thought they had enough evidence, the police__________the man with murder. A. suspected B. arrested C. charged D. investigated


10. Some people ___ to London every day from as far away as Leeds. A. connect B. correspond D. commence D. commute


10. There are many _____ on television where a team of people have to answer questions. A. Inquiries B. puzzels C. riddles D. quizzes


11. Police were called in when the of people began to get violent. A. audience B. company C. crowd D. herd


12. I was shocked when I crashed the car, but at least I wasn't . A. spoilt B. broken C. damaged D. injured


12. The _____ music for the film has been taken from the works or Chopin. A. Supplementary B. intervening C. passing D. incidental


12. When they were still____, The Beatles used to play in a club called The Cavern, in Liverpool. A. covered B. infamous C. hodden D. unknown


13. I'd love to work in show ___. It's so glagorous! A. Industry B. commerce C. Trade D. Business


13. It's not always easy to the difference between fact and opinion. A.Be B. do C. say D. tell


13. Jill put her Wellington boots on and, as soon as it stopped raining, went out to play in the_____. A. reservoirs B. ponds C. lakes D. puddles


13. Susie and Fran________ in on un last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza A. turned B.went C.came D. dropped


13. Tim forgot to use clothes ___ and all his clean clothes fell off the line into the mud! A. pins B. sacked C. hooks D. pegs


14. I'll pick up a_____on the way home and then we won't have to cook. A. mocrowave B. delivery C. fast food D. takeaway


14. The MP asked the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem. A. that B. him C. what D. if


15. In my ,freedom of the press must be maintained. A.Mind B. thought C. sight D. view


16. The lates video ____ contains details of over one thousand films. A. Brochure B. prospectus C. leaflet D. catalogue


16. What _________of car does your mum drive? A. name B. brand C. form D. make


17. I don't think people should rely the state, even if they are unemployed. A. to B. by C. with D. on


17. I was disappointed that the restaurant had flowers on the table. A. false B. untrue C. forged D. artificial


18. My dad had to go to court because he was a(n) ___ to a crime. A. Spectator B. viewer C. observer D. witness


18. When you_______ the exam tomorrow , try to stay calm and relax A make B. write C. answer D. take


20. Most people who work in the centre of London __________-from the suburbs every morning. A. spread B. connect C. deliver D. commute


21. Can you imagine what it was like to have __ punishment in schools,with teachers hitting pupils? A. painful B. capital C. harmful D. corporal


21. I glanced at the newspaper and saw that the said "President Resigns". A. chapter B. subtitle C. heading D. headline


22. We're going on a______________ to protest about the closure of the park. A. production B. presentation C. construction D. demonstration


23. Ivan tells me he really himself at your barbecue last week. A. pleased B. interested C. played D. enjoyed


23. Journalists are under a lot of pressure to meet ____ everyday. A. Limits B. times C. barriers D. deadlines


23. Why did you have to bring that subject at dinner? A.Off B. out C. over D. up


23.I paid the assistant and took the books, but then stupid left the book-shop without waiting for my_______. B.fee C.refund D.change


24. Three people were _______in the accident. A. damaged B. broken C. spoilt D. injured


25. The children gazed at the magician _____ as he performed his trickes. A. Eagle-eyed B. hawk-eyed C. open-eyed D. wide-eyed


3.All the town's drinking water comes from a ____a few miles away. A. puddle B. pond C. bowl D. reservoir


5. I've decided to ___ my hair green for the party! A. Draw B. Paint C. sketch D. dye


5. Pre-heat the ______ to 200 A. cook B. kitchen C. cuisine D .oven


5. When we______at global poverty it can often feel like we will never solve the problem. A. see B. watch C. observe D. look


6. It's quite___to feel nervous before a job interview. A. physical B. real C. biological D. natural


6.The of the outbreak of the disease is still unknown. A.Aim B. reason C. motive D. cause


7. "Did you go to the casino when you were in Monte Carlo?" "No, I never _____ ." A. Bet B. C. hazard D. gamble


7. The problem with most fizzy drinks is that they're________sugar. A. full up B. filled up with C. filled with D. full of


9. Dinosaurs have been ______ for millions of years. A. endangered B. disappeared C. threatened D. extinct


9. I'm reading a ____ set in Greece during the Second World War. A. Writing B. literature C. fiction D. novel


9. The doctor the cut on my knee and said it had completely healed up. A. examined B. investigated C. researched D. looked into


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